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Isometric muscle contraction, where force is generated without muscle shortening, is a molecular traffic jam in which the number of actin-attached motors is maximized and all states of motor action are trapped with consequently high heterogeneity. This heterogeneity is a major limitation to deciphering myosin conformational changes in situ.


We used multivariate data analysis to group repeat segments in electron tomograms of isometrically contracting insect flight muscle, mechanically monitored, rapidly frozen, freeze substituted, and thin sectioned. Improved resolution reveals the helical arrangement of F-actin subunits in the thin filament enabling an atomic model to be built into the thin filament density independent of the myosin. Actin-myosin attachments can now be assigned as weak or strong by their motor domain orientation relative to actin. Myosin attachments were quantified everywhere along the thin filament including troponin. Strong binding myosin attachments are found on only four F-actin subunits, the “target zone”, situated exactly midway between successive troponin complexes. They show an axial lever arm range of 77°/12.9 nm. The lever arm azimuthal range of strong binding attachments has a highly skewed, 127° range compared with X-ray crystallographic structures. Two types of weak actin attachments are described. One type, found exclusively in the target zone, appears to represent pre-working-stroke intermediates. The other, which contacts tropomyosin rather than actin, is positioned M-ward of the target zone, i.e. the position toward which thin filaments slide during shortening.


We present a model for the weak to strong transition in the myosin ATPase cycle that incorporates azimuthal movements of the motor domain on actin. Stress/strain in the S2 domain may explain azimuthal lever arm changes in the strong binding attachments. The results support previous conclusions that the weak attachments preceding force generation are very different from strong binding attachments.  相似文献   

Insect indirect flight muscle is activated by sinusoidal length change, which enables the muscle to work at high frequencies, and contracts isometrically in response to Ca2+. Indirect flight muscle has two TnC isoforms: F1 binding a single Ca2+ in the C-domain, and F2 binding Ca2+ in the N- and C-domains. Fibres substituted with F1 produce delayed force in response to a single rapid stretch, and those with F2 produce isometric force in response to Ca2+. We have studied the effect of TnC isoforms on oscillatory work. In native Lethocerus indicus fibres, oscillatory work was superimposed on a level of isometric force that depended on Ca2+ concentration. Maximum work was produced at pCa 6.1; at higher concentrations, work decreased as isometric force increased. In fibres substituted with F1 alone, work continued to rise as Ca2+ was increased up to pCa 4.7. Fibres substituted with various F1:F2 ratios produced maximal work at a ratio of 100:1 or 50:1; a higher proportion of F2 increased isometric force at the expense of oscillatory work. The F1:F2 ratio was 9.8:1 in native fibres, as measured by immunofluorescence, using isoform-specific antibodies. The small amount of F2 needed to restore work to levels obtained for the native fibre is likely to be due to the relative affinity of F1 and F2 for TnH, the Lethocerus homologue of TnI. Affinity of TnC isoforms for a TnI fragment of TnH was measured by isothermal titration calorimetry. The Kd was 1.01 μM for F1 binding and 22.7 nM for F2. The higher affinity of F2 can be attributed to two TnH binding sites on F2 and a single site on F1. Stretch may be sensed by an extended C-terminal domain of TnH, resulting in reversible dissociation of the inhibitory sequence from actin during the oscillatory cycle.  相似文献   

The Control of Mechanical Power in Insect Flight   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. The cost of locomotion is rarely constant, but rathervaries as an animal changes speed and direction. Ultimately,the locomotory muscles of an animal must compensate for thesechanging requirements by varying the amount of mechanical powerthat they produce. In this paper, we consider the mechanismsby which the mechanical power generated by the asynchronousflight muscles of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, isregulated to match the changing requirements during flight controlbehaviors. Our data come from individual flies flown in a flightarena under conditions in which stroke kinematics, total metaboliccost, and flight force are simultaneously measured. In orderto increase force production, flies must increase wing beatfrequency and wing stroke amplitude. Theory predicts that thesekinematics changes should result in a roughly cubic increasein the mechanical power requirements for flight. However, themechanical energy generated by muscle should increase only linearlywith stroke amplitude and frequency. This discrepancy impliesthat flight muscles must either recruit myofibrils or increaseactivation in order to generate sufficient mechanical powerto sustain elevated force production. By comparing respirometricallymeasured total metabolic power with kinematically estimatedmechanical power, we have calculated that the stress in theflight muscles of Drosophila must increase by 50% to accommodatea doubling of flight force. Electrophysiological evidence suggeststhat this change in stress may be accomplished by an increasedneural drive to the asynchronous muscles, which in turn mayact to recruit additional cross bridges through an increasein cytosolic calcium.  相似文献   

Upon activation of living or skinned vertebrate skeletal muscle fibers, the sixth X-ray layer-line reflection from actin (6th ALL) is known to intensify, without a shift of its peak position along the layer line. Since myosin attachment to actin is expected to shift the peak towards the meridian, this intensification is considered to reflect the structural change of individual actin monomers in the thin filament. Here, we show that the 6th ALL of skinned insect flight muscles (IFMs) is rather weakened upon isometric calcium activation, and its peak shifts away from the meridian. This suggests that the actin monomers in the two types of muscles change their structures in substantially different manners. The changes that occurred in the 6th ALL of IFM were not diminished by lowering the temperature from 20 to 5 °C, while active force was greatly reduced. The inclusion of 100 μM blebbistatin (a myosin inhibitor) did not affect the changes either. This suggests that calcium binding to troponin C, rather than myosin binding to actin, causes the structural change of IFM actin.  相似文献   

A sliding filament model for muscle contraction is extended by including an activation mechanism based on the hypothesis that the binding of calcium by a regulating protein in the myofibrils must occur before the rate constant governing the making of interactions between cross-bridges and thin filament sites can take on nonzero values. The magnitude of the rate constant is proportional to the amount of bound calcium. The model's isometric twitch and rise of force in an isometric tetanus are similar to the curves produced by real muscles. It redevelops force after a quick release in an isometric tetanus faster than the initial rise. Quick release experiments on the model during an isometric twitch show that the “active state” curve produced is different from the postulated calcium binding curve. The force developed by the model can be increased by a small quick stretch delivered soon after activation to values near the maximum generated in an isometric tetanus. Following the quick stretch, the force remains near the tetanic maximum for a long time even though the calcium binding curve rises to a peak and subsequently decays by about 50%. The model satisfies the constraint of shortening with a constant velocity under a constant load. Modifications can be made in the model so that it produces the delayed force changes following step length changes characteristic of insect fibrillar muscle.  相似文献   

The ATPase activity of single fibers of small fiber bundles (one to three fibers) of insect flight muscle was measured when fibers were repetitively released and restretched by 1.5% of their initial length. The ATPase activity increased with increasing duration of release-restretch pulses applied at a constant repetition frequency, reaching a maximum at a duration of ~20 ms. For a given duration, the average ATPase activity also increased with increasing frequency of applied length changes and reached a maximum (200% of the isometric ATPase) at a frequency of ~50 Hz. The data could be fitted to a two-state model in which the apparent rate of crossbridge detachment is enhanced when the crossbridges are mechanically released. Estimates of the apparent rates of attachment and detachment in the isometrically contracting state and of the enhanced detachment rate of unloaded crossbridges were derived from fits to the two-state model. After short pulses of releasing and restretching the fiber the force was low and increased after the restretch in a roughly exponential manner to the initial level. The rate at which force increased after a release-restretch pulse was similar to the sum of the apparent attachment and detachment rates for the isometrically contracting muscle derived from the ATPase activity measurements.  相似文献   

To assess the ability of the thin-filament regulatory system to control each stretch-activation (SA) event in the fast beating of asynchronous insect flight muscle (IFM), we obtained fast (3.4 ms/frame) and semistatic (≥ 50 ms) x-ray diffraction recordings for IFM fibers from bumblebees (beating at 170 Hz) and compared the results with those acquired in giant waterbugs (20-30 Hz) and crane flies (40 Hz, semistatic only). In contrast to the well-documented large SA force of waterbug IFMs, the SA force of bumblebee and crane fly IFMs was small compared to their large isometric force. In semistatic recordings, step-stretched bumblebee and crane fly IFMs showed smaller net SA-associated intensity changes in reflections that report myosin attachment to actin and tropomyosin movement toward its activating position. However, fast recordings on bumblebee IFMs showed a fast and large temporary reversal of intensities in these reflections, suggesting that the myosin heads supporting isometric force are dynamically replaced by SA-supporting heads, and that tropomyosin moves to and back from its inactivating position in milliseconds. In waterbug IFMs, the fast temporary reversal of intensities was not obvious. The observed rates of the attachment/detachment of myosin heads and the motion of tropomyosin are fast enough for the thin-filament regulatory system to control each SA event in fast-beating insects.  相似文献   

Despite the fundamental role of thick filaments in muscle contraction, little is known about the mechanical behavior of these filaments and how myosin-associated proteins dictate differences between muscle types. In this study, we used atomic force microscopy to study the morphological and mechanical properties of fully hydrated native thick filaments isolated from indirect flight muscle (IFM) of normal and mutant Drosophila lacking flightin (fln0). IFM thick filaments from newly eclosed (0-1 h old) wild-type flies have a mean length of 3.04 ± 0.05 μm. In contrast, IFM thick filaments from newly eclosed fln0 flies are more variable in length and, on average, are significantly longer (3.90 ± 1.33 μm) than wild-type filaments from flies of the same age. In the absence of flightin, thick filaments can attain lengths > 300% of wild-type filaments, indicating that flightin is required for setting the proper filament length in vivo. Filaments lacking flightin are structurally compromised, and filament preparations from fully matured 3- to 5-day-old adult fln0 IFM yielded fragments of variable length much shorter than 3.20 ± 0.04 μm, the length obtained from wild-type flies of similar age. The persistence length, an index of bending stiffness, was calculated from measurements of filament end-to-end length and contour length. We show that the presence of flightin increases persistence length by more than 40% and that wild-type filaments increase in stiffness with age. These results indicate that flightin fulfills an essential role in defining the structural and mechanical properties of IFM thick filaments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in a muscle contraction phase dependence between ipsilateral (ipsi)- and contralateral (contra)-primary motor cortex (M1) excitability during repetitive isometric contractions of unilateral index finger abduction using a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technique. Ten healthy right-handed subjects participated in this study. We instructed them to perform repetitive isometric contractions of the left index finger abduction following auditory cues at 1 Hz. The force outputs were set at 10, 30, and 50% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Motor evoked potentials (MEP) were obtained from the right and left first dorsal interosseous muscles (FDI). To examine the muscle contraction phase dependence, TMS of ipsi-M1 or contra-M1 was triggered at eight different intervals (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 300, or 500 ms) after electromyogram (EMG) onset when each interval had reached the setup triggering level. Furthermore, to demonstrate the relationships between the integrated EMG (iEMG) in the active left FDI and the ipsi-M1 excitability, we assessed the correlation between the iEMG in the left FDI for the 100 ms preceding TMS onset and the MEP amplitude in the resting/active FDI for each force output condition. Although contra-M1 excitability was significantly changed after the EMG onset that depends on the muscle contraction phase, the modulation of ipsi-M1 excitability did not differ in response to any muscle contraction phase at the 10% of MVC condition. Also, we found that contra-M1 excitability was significantly correlated with iEMG in all force output conditions, but ipsi-M1 excitability was not at force output levels of below 30% of MVC. Consequently, the modulation of ipsi-M1 excitability was independent from the contraction phase of unilateral repetitive isometric contractions at least low force output.  相似文献   

Factor analysis of the motor profile parameters demonstrated that the so-called instrumental tests became a separate factor only in athletes, and the features of carrying out these tests correlated with the wrestlers' stances. Apart from this, different indices of the athletes' hand preference were divided into many factors. The data of dichotic and dichoptic tests showed that, firstly, the athletes demonstrated a preponderance of the right hemisphere in processing verbal and visual–spatial information; secondly, the wrestlers' athletic results correlated with the preponderance of the left hemisphere in speech perception. The controversial character of the data obtained is explained by the bilateral organization of motor control in wrestlers and the involvement of the regulatory mechanisms of the interhemispheric interaction.  相似文献   

A computer-controlled video system for real-time recording of insect flight in three dimensions is described. The flight paths of moths were recorded in a flight tunnel using two CCD cameras placed adjacent to each other at angles of 45 and 135° to the flight tunnel axis and separated by a distance of 120 cm. They were connected to two 28-level gray-scale frame grabbers via two external synchronizers. The two-dimensional coordinates of the flying insect were obtained from the two cameras at 40-ms intervals and transferred to host computer for processing and monitor for real-time display. Due to speed limitation in the image acquisition hardware, construction of the three-dimensional file was carried off-line. The flying insect was rendered as a dark spot in a bright background using a homogeneous light source. As the insect enters into the field of view of the two cameras, the light distribution changes, and the frame grabber detects only those variation in the light distribution which results from a flying insect. The target insect can be as small as 3 pixels and can be tracked in a stereoscopic field of view 60 cm long and 50 cm high. A method was developed that allowed for scalar scoring of various pheromone sources to assess their attractiveness using vector flight parameters. This method was applied successfully for optimization of pheromone blend of the grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana.  相似文献   

The flux ratio of potassium ions was measured on frog sartorius muscle under conditions in which a substantial net potassium loss occurs. Muscle fiber membrane potentials were measured under identical conditions. The observed flux ratios were compared with values calculated from a theoretical relation derived on the assumptions that the unidirectional fluxes are both passive and occur independently. The results favor the conclusion that the potassium fluxes across skeletal muscle membrane occur along passive electrochemical gradients and obey the independence principle.  相似文献   

The aerodynamic interactions between the body and the wings of a model insect in forward flight and maneuvers are studied using the method of numerically solving the Navier-Stokes equations over moving overset grids. Three cases are considered, including a complete insect, wing pair only and body only. By comparing the results of these cases, the interaction effect between the body and the wing pair can be identified. The changes in the force and moment coefficients of the wing pair due to the presence of the body are less than 4.5% of the mean vertical force coefficient of the model insect; the changes in the aerodynamic force coefficients of the body due to the presence of the wings are less than 5.0% of the mean vertical force coefficient of the model insect. The results of this paper indicate that in studying the aerodynamics and flight dynamics of a flapping insect in forward flight or maneuver, separately computing (or measuring) the aerodynamic forces and moments on the wing pair and on the body could be a good approximation.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the firing pattern of single motor units in the human brachial biceps muscle is presented. Single motor unit spike trains are recorded and analyzed. The statistical treatment of these spike trains is as stochastic point processes, the theory of which is briefly discussed. Evidence is presented that motor unit spike trains may be modelled by a renewal process with an underlying gaussian probability density. Statistical independence of successive interspike intervals is shown using scatter diagrams; the hypothesis of a gaussian distribution is accepted at the 99th percentile confidence limit, chi-square test, in 90% of the units tested. A functional relationship between the mean and standard deviation is shown and discussed; its implications in obtaining sample size are presented in an appendix.The results of higher order analysis in the form of autocorrelograms and grouped interval histograms are presented. Grouped interval histograms are discussed in the context of motor unit data, and used to confirm the hypothesis that a stable probability density function does not represent a good model of the data at this level of analysis.  相似文献   

昆虫抗菌肽是由昆虫细胞特定基因编码、由细胞核糖体合成的,具有体液免疫功能的一类碱性多肽,对细菌、真菌、病毒和原虫,甚至癌细胞都具有杀伤作用,有望开发成为新一代的抗菌药物。随着抗菌肽家族的不断扩大,其各方面的研究也日益深入。简要综述了昆虫抗菌肽的种类及结构特点、作用机制、生物活性、构效关系、药物开发情况。  相似文献   

Complex animals display bilaterally asymmetric motor behavior, or “motor handedness,” often revealed by preferential use of limbs on one side. For example, use of right limbs is dominant in a strong majority of humans. While the mechanisms that establish bilateral asymmetry in motor function are unknown in humans, they appear to be distinct from those for other handedness asymmetries, including bilateral visceral organ asymmetry, brain laterality, and ocular dominance. We report here that a simple, genetically homogeneous animal comprised of only ∼1000 somatic cells, the nematode C. elegans, also shows a distinct motor handedness preference: on a population basis, males show a pronounced right-hand turning bias during mating. The handedness bias persists through much of adult lifespan, suggesting that, as in more complex animals, it is an intrinsic trait of each individual, which can differ from the population mean. Our observations imply that the laterality of motor handedness preference in C. elegans is driven by epigenetic factors rather than by genetic variation. The preference for right-hand turns is also seen in animals with mirror-reversed anatomical handedness and is not attributable to stochastic asymmetric loss of male sensory rays that occurs by programmed cell death. As with C. elegans, we also observed a substantial handedness bias, though not necessarily the same preference in direction, in several gonochoristic Caenorhabditis species. These findings indicate that the independence of bilaterally asymmetric motor dominance from overall anatomical asymmetry, and a population-level tendency away from ambidexterity, occur even in simple invertebrates, suggesting that these may be common features of bilaterian metazoans.  相似文献   

Abstract: Where closely related plant species with basic and derived characters can be crossed and produce fertile offspring, the genetics of character evolution can be inferred from the segregation patterns in hybrid offspring. Three species of Micro-seris (Compositae) share a reduction from the usual 4 to 2 pollen sacs per anther by the suppression of the adaxial rnicrosporan-gia (MS), as a common derived character. These species can be crossed with a species with 4 MS. The segregation of MS numbers from such a hybrid was analysed by co-segregation with genetically mapped molecular markers (AFLPs). Five loci specifically affecting the MS number were found. The homozygous recessive genotype for a main gene is necessary but not sufficient to reduce MS numbers. Three of the four modifiers interact only in this homozygous recessive background to reduce the number to 2. This suggests that mutation of the main gene was followed by selection of the modifiers to stabilize the new phenotype. Since the plants are nearly completely self-fertilisirig in nature, the loss of two MS will not reduce reproductive success. The selection pressure needed to assemble such a complicated system for the complete absence of the two adaxial MS needs to be explained.  相似文献   

On Earth, when landing from a counter-movement jump, muscles contract before touchdown to anticipate imminent collision with the ground and place the limbs in a proper position. This study assesses how the control of landing is modified when gravity is increased above 1 g. Hypergravity was simulated in two different ways: (1) by generating centrifugal forces during turns of an aircraft (A300) and (2) by pulling the subject downwards in the laboratory with a Subject Loading System (SLS). Eight subjects were asked to perform counter-movement jumps at 1 g on Earth and at 3 hypergravity levels (1.2, 1.4 and 1.6 g) both in A300 and with SLS. External forces applied to the body, movements of the lower limb segments and muscular activity of 6 lower limb muscles were recorded. Our results show that both in A300 and with SLS, as in 1 g: (1) the anticipation phase is present; (2) during the loading phase (from touchdown until the peak of vertical ground reaction force), lower limb muscles act like a stiff spring, whereas during the second part (from the peak of vertical ground reaction force until the return to the standing position), they act like a compliant spring associated with a damper. (3) With increasing gravity, the preparatory adjustments and the loading phase are modified whereas the second part does not change drastically. (4) The modifications are similar in A300 and with SLS, however the effect of hypergravity is accentuated in A300, probably due to altered sensory inputs. This observation suggests that otolithic information plays an important role in the control of the landing from a jump.  相似文献   

The Eph receptor tyrosine kinase/ephrin ligand system regulates a wide spectrum of physiological processes, while its dysregulation has been implicated in cancer progression. The human EphA3 receptor is widely upregulated in the tumor microenvironment and is highly expressed in some types of cancer cells. Furthermore, EphA3 is among the most highly mutated genes in lung cancer and it is also frequently mutated in other cancers. We report the structure of the ligand-binding domain of the EphA3 receptor in complex with its preferred ligand, ephrin-A5. The structure of the complex reveals a pronounced tilt of the ephrin-A5 ligand compared to its orientation when bound to the EphA2 and EphB2 receptors and similar to its orientation when bound to EphA4. This tilt brings an additional area of ephrin-A5 into contact with regions of EphA3 outside the ephrin-binding pocket thereby enlarging the size of the interface, which is consistent with the high binding affinity of ephrin-A5 for EphA3. This large variation in the tilt of ephrin-A5 bound to different Eph receptors has not been previously observed for other ephrins.  相似文献   

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