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Ventricular arrhythmias, a leading cause of sudden cardiac death, can be triggered by cardiomyocyte early afterdepolarizations (EADs). EADs can result from an abnormal late activation of L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs). Current LTCC blockers (class IV antiarrhythmics), while effective at suppressing EADs, block both early and late components of ICa,L, compromising inotropy. However, computational studies have recently demonstrated that selective reduction of late ICa,L (Ca2+ influx during late phases of the action potential) is sufficient to potently suppress EADs, suggesting that effective antiarrhythmic action can be achieved without blocking the early peak ICa,L, which is essential for proper excitation–contraction coupling. We tested this new strategy using a purine analogue, roscovitine, which reduces late ICa,L with minimal effect on peak current. Scaling our investigation from a human CaV1.2 channel clone to rabbit ventricular myocytes and rat and rabbit perfused hearts, we demonstrate that (1) roscovitine selectively reduces ICa,L noninactivating component in a human CaV1.2 channel clone and in ventricular myocytes native current, (2) the pharmacological reduction of late ICa,L suppresses EADs and EATs (early after Ca2+ transients) induced by oxidative stress and hypokalemia in isolated myocytes, largely preserving cell shortening and normal Ca2+ transient, and (3) late ICa,L reduction prevents/suppresses ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation in ex vivo rabbit and rat hearts subjected to hypokalemia and/or oxidative stress. These results support the value of an antiarrhythmic strategy based on the selective reduction of late ICa,L to suppress EAD-mediated arrhythmias. Antiarrhythmic therapies based on this idea would modify the gating properties of CaV1.2 channels rather than blocking their pore, largely preserving contractility.  相似文献   

Ca2+-activated K+ currents (I(K(Ca)) can contribute to action potential repolarization and after-hyperpolarization in GH3 cells. In this study, we examined how the activation of I(K(Ca) at the cellular level could be functionally coupled to Ca2+ influx through L-type Ca2+ channels. A 30-msec Ca2+ influx step to 0 mV was found to exhibit substantial contribution of Ca2+ influx through the activation of I(Ca,L) to the activation of I(K(Ca)). A bell-shaped relationship between the conditioning potentials and the integrated I(K(Ca)) was observed, suggesting that the magnitude of integrated I(Ca,L) correlates well with that of integrated I(K(Ca)) in the same cell. A linear relationship of integrated I(Ca,L) and integrated I(K(Ca)) was found with a coupling ratio of 69+/-7. The value of the coupling ratio was unaffected by the presence of Bay K 8644 or nimodipine, although these compounds could effectively affect the amplitudes of both I(K(Ca)) and I(Ca,L). However, tetrandrine could decrease the coupling ratio. Paxilline or intracellular Ca2+ buffer with EGTA decreased the coupling ratio, while apamin had no effect on it. Interestingly, phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate also reduced the coupling ratio significantly, whereas thapsigargin increased this value. Thus, the present study indicates that the activation of I(K(Ca)) during brief Ca2+ influx, which is inhibited by paxilline, is coupled to Ca2+ influx primarily through the L-type channels. The selective modulation of I(K(Ca)) by second messengers or Ca2+ release from internal stores may affect the coupling efficiency and hence cellular excitability.  相似文献   

Cardiac L-type Ca current (I(Ca,L)) is controlled not only by voltage but also by Ca(2+)-dependent mechanisms. Precise implementation of I(Ca,L) in cardiac action potential models therefore requires thorough understanding of intracellular Ca(2+) dynamics, which is not yet available. Here, we present a novel formulation of I(Ca,L) for action potential models that does not explicitly require the knowledge of local intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). In this model, whereas I(Ca,L) is obtained as the product of voltage-dependent gating parameters (d and f), Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation parameters (f(Ca): f(Ca-entry) and f(Ca-SR)), and Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz current equation as in previous studies, f(Ca) is not a instantaneous function of [Ca(2+)](i) but is determined by two terms: onset of inactivation proportional to the influx of Ca(2+) and time-dependent recovery (dissociation). We evaluated the new I(Ca,L) subsystem in the framework of the standard cardiac action potential model. The new formulation produced a similar temporal profile of I(Ca,L) as the standard, but with different gating mechanisms. Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation gradually proceeded throughout the plateau phase, replacing the voltage-dependent inactivation parameter in the LRd model. In typical computations, f declined to approximately 0.7 and f(Ca-entry) to approximately 0.1, whereas deactivation caused fading of I(Ca,L) during final repolarization. These results support experimental findings that Ca(2+) entering through I(Ca,L) is essential for inactivation. After responses to standard voltage-clamp protocols were examined, the new model was applied to analyze the behavior of I(Ca,L) when action potential was prolonged by several maneuvers. Our study provides a basis for theoretical analysis of I(Ca,L) during action potentials, including the cases encountered in long QT syndromes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the slope of the function relating the action potential duration (APD) and the diastolic interval, known as the APD restitution curve, plays an important role in the initiation and maintenance of ventricular fibrillation. Since the APD restitution slope critically depends on the kinetics of the L-type Ca(2+) current, we hypothesized that manipulation of the subunit composition of these channels may represent a powerful strategy to control cardiac arrhythmias. We studied the kinetic properties of the human L-type Ca(2+) channel (Ca(v)1.2) coexpressed with the alpha(2)delta-subunit alone (alpha(1C) + alpha(2)delta) or in combination with beta(2a), beta(2b), or beta(3) subunits (alpha(1C) + alpha(2)delta + beta), using Ca(2+) as the charge carrier. We then incorporated the kinetic properties observed experimentally into the L-type Ca(2+) current mathematical model of the cardiac action potential to demonstrate that the APD restitution slope can be selectively controlled by altering the subunit composition of the Ca(2+) channel. Assuming that beta(2b) most closely resembles the native cardiac L-type Ca(2+) current, the absence of beta, as well as the coexpression of beta(2a), was found to flatten restitution slope and stabilize spiral waves. These results imply that subunit modification of L-type Ca(2+) channels can potentially be used as an antifibrillatory strategy.  相似文献   

Early afterdepolarizations (EADs) induced by suppression of cardiac delayed rectifier I (Kr) and/or I (Ks) channels cause fatal ventricular tachyarrhythmias. In guinea pig ventricular myocytes, partial block of one of the channels with complete block of the other reproducibly induced EADs. Complete block of both I (Kr) and I (Ks) channels depolarized the take-off potential and reduced the amplitude of EADs, which in some cases were not clearly separated from the preceding action potentials. A selective L-type Ca(2+) (I (Ca,L)) channel blocker, nifedipine, effectively suppressed EADs at submicromolar concentrations. As examined with the action potential-clamp method, I (Ca,L) channels mediated inward currents with a spike and dome shape during action potentials. I (Ca,L) currents decayed mainly due to inactivation in phase 2 and deactivation in phase 3 repolarization. When EADs were induced by complete block of I (Kr) channels with partial block of I (Ks) channels, repolarization of the action potential prior to EAD take-off failed to increase I (K1) currents and thus failed to completely deactivate I (Ca,L) channels, which reactivated and mediated inward currents during EADs. When both I (Kr) and I (Ks) channels were completely blocked, I (Ca,L) channels were not deactivated and mediated sustained inward currents until the end of EADs. Under this condition, the recovery and reactivation of I (Ca,L) channels were absent before EADs. Therefore, an essential mechanism underlying EADs caused by suppression of the delayed rectifiers is the failure to completely deactivate I (Ca,L) channels.  相似文献   

The effect of angiotensin II (Ang II) on the T- and L-type calcium currents (I(Ca)) in single ventricular heart cells of 18-week-old fetal human and 10-day-old chick embryos was studied using the whole-cell voltage clamp technique. Our results showed that in both, human and chick cardiomyocytes, Ang II (10(-7)M) increased the T-type calcium current and decreased the L-type I(Ca). The effect of Ang II on both types of currents was blocked by the AT1 peptidic antagonist, [Sar1, Ala8] Ang II (2 x 10(-7)M). Protein kinase C activator, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, mimicked the effect of Ang II on the T- and L-type calcium currents. These results demonstrate that in fetal human and chick embryo cardiomyocytes Ang II affects the T- and L-type Ca2+ currents differently, and this effect seems to be mediated by the PKC pathway.  相似文献   

Ca2+ sparks are the elementary events of intracellular Ca2+ release from the sar-coplasmic reticulum in cardiac myocytes. In order to investigate whether spontaneous L-type Ca2+ channel activation contributes to the genesis of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks, we used confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluo-4 to visualize local Ca2+ sparks in intact rat ventricular myocytes. In the presence of 0.2 mmol/L CdCI2 which inhibits spontaneous L-type Ca2+ channel activation, the rate of occurrence of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks was halved from 4.20 to 2.04 events/(100 μm·s), with temporal and spatial properties of individual Ca2+ sparks unchanged. Analysis of the Cd2+-sensitive spark production revealed an open probability of-10-5 for L-type channels at the rest membrane potentials (-80 mV). Thus, infrequent and stochastic openings of sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels in resting heart cells contribute significantly to the production of spontaneous Ca2+ sparks.  相似文献   

L-type Ca2+ current (I(Ca)) is reduced in myocytes from cardiac-specific Na+-Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) knockout (KO) mice. This is an important adaptation to prevent Ca2+ overload in the absence of NCX. However, Ca2+ channel expression is unchanged, suggesting that regulatory processes reduce I(Ca). We tested the hypothesis that an elevation in local Ca2+ reduces I(Ca) in KO myocytes. In patch-clamped myocytes from NCX KO mice, peak I(Ca) was reduced by 50%, and inactivation kinetics were accelerated as compared to wild-type (WT) myocytes. To assess the effects of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration on I(Ca), we used Ba2+ instead of Ca2+ as the charge carrier and simultaneously depleted sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+ with thapsigargin and ryanodine. Under these conditions, we observed no significant difference in Ba2+ current between WT and KO myocytes. Also, dialysis with the fast Ca2+ chelator BAPTA eliminated differences in both I(Ca) amplitude and decay kinetics between KO and WT myocytes. We conclude that, in NCX KO myocytes, Ca2+-dependent inactivation of I(Ca) reduces I(Ca) amplitude and accelerates current decay kinetics. We hypothesize that the elevated subsarcolemmal Ca2+ that results from the absence of NCX activity inactivates some L-type Ca2+ channels. Modulation of subsarcolemmal Ca2+ by the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger may be an important regulator of excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

L-type Ca2+ channels in Ca2+ channelopathies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) mediate depolarization-induced Ca2+ entry in electrically excitable cells, including muscle cells, neurons, and endocrine and sensory cells. In this review we summarize the role of LTCCs for human diseases caused by genetic Ca2+ channel defects (channelopathies). LTCC dysfunction can result from structural aberrations within pore-forming alpha1 subunits causing incomplete congenital stationary night blindness, malignant hyperthermia sensitivity or hypokalemic periodic paralysis. However, studies in mice revealed that LTCC dysfunction also contributes to neurological symptoms in Ca2+ channelopathies affecting non-LTCCs, such as Ca(v)2.1 alpha1 in tottering mice. Ca2+ channelopathies provide exciting molecular tools to elucidate the contribution of different LTCC isoforms to human diseases.  相似文献   

Regulation of ionic channels plays a pivotal role in controlling cardiac function. Here we show that the Rho family of small G proteins regulates L-type Ca2+ currents in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Ventricular myocytes isolated from transgenic (TG) mice that overexpress the specific GDP dissociation inhibitor Rho GDI-alpha exhibited significantly decreased basal L-type Ca2+ current density (approximately 40%) compared with myocytes from nontransgenic (NTG) mice. The Ca2+ channel agonist BAY K 8644 and the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol increased Ca2+ currents in both NTG and TG myocytes to a similar maximal level, and no changes in mRNA or protein levels were observed in the Ca2+ channel alpha1-subunits. These results suggest that the channel activity but not the expression level was altered in TG myocytes. In addition, the densities of inward rectifier and transient outward K+ currents were unchanged in TG myocytes. The amplitudes and rates of basal twitches and Ca2+ transients were also similar between the two groups. When the protein was delivered directly into adult ventricular myocytes via TAT-mediated protein transduction, Rho GDI-alpha significantly decreased Ca2+ current density, which supports the idea that the defective Ca2+ channel activity in TG myocytes was a primary effect of the transgene. In addition, expression of a dominant-negative RhoA but not a dominant-negative Rac-1 or Cdc42 also significantly decreased Ca2+ current density, which indicates that inhibition of Ca2+ channel activity by overexpression of Rho GDI-alpha is mediated by inhibition of RhoA. This study points to the L-type Ca2+ channel activity as a novel downstream target of the RhoA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Certain signaling events that promote L-type Ca2+ channel (LCC) phosphorylation, such as beta-adrenergic stimulation or an increased expression of Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, promote mode 2 gating of LCCs. Experimental data suggest the hypothesis that these events increase the likelihood of early after-depolarizations (EADs). We test this hypothesis using an ionic model of the canine ventricular myocyte incorporating stochastic gating of LCCs and ryanodine-sensitive calcium release channels. The model is extended to describe myocyte responses to the beta-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol. Results demonstrate that in the presence of isoproterenol the random opening of a small number of LCCs gating in mode 2 during the plateau phase of the action potential (AP) can trigger EADs. EADs occur randomly, where the likelihood of these events increases as a function of the fraction of LCCs gating in mode 2. Fluctuations of the L-type Ca2+ current during the AP plateau lead to variability in AP duration. Consequently, prolonged APs are occasionally observed and exhibit an increased likelihood of EAD formation. These results suggest a novel stochastic mechanism, whereby phosphorylation-induced changes in LCC gating properties contribute to EAD generation.  相似文献   

We examined the concentration-dependent blocking effects of intracellular Mg2+ on L-type Ca2+ channels in cardiac myocytes using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. The increase of L-type Ca2+ channel current (I(Ca)) (due to relief of Mg2+ block) occurred in two temporal phases. The rapid phase (runup) transiently appeared early (<5 min) in dialysis of the low-Mg2+ solution; the slow phase began later in dialysis (>10 min). Runup was not blocked by intracellular GTP (GTP(i)). The late phase of the I(Ca) increase (late I(Ca)) was suppressed by GTP(i) (0.4 mM) and was observed in myocytes of the guinea pig or frog at higher (32 or 24 degrees C, respectively) rather than lower temperatures (24 or 17.5 degrees C, respectively). At pMg = 6.0, raising the temperature from 24 to 32 degrees C evoked late I(Ca) with a Q10 of 14.5. Restoring the temperature to 24 degrees C decreased I(Ca) with a Q10 of only 2.4. The marked difference in the Q10 values indicated that late I(Ca) (pMg = 5-6) is an irreversible phenomenon. Phosphorylation suppressed the intracellular [Mg2+] dependency of late I(Ca). This effect of phosphorylation together with the inhibitory action of GTP(i) on Mg2+-dependent blocking of I(Ca) are common properties of mammalian and amphibian cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

S H DeVries 《Neuron》2001,32(6):1107-1117
A proton pump acidifies synaptic vesicles and provides the electrochemical gradient for transmitter uptake. Although external protons can modulate membrane voltage- and ligand-gated conductances, the fate of the protons released when vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane is unclear. In the dark, the glutamate-laden vesicles of cone photoreceptors fuse continuously with the plasma membrane. I now show that vesicular protons feed back to block the nearby calcium channels that mediate release. This local proton-mediated feedback is a novel mechanism through which neurons may regulate the release of transmitter.  相似文献   

The regulation of L-type Ca2+ current in isolated rat cardiac cells was studied using the perforated patch-clamp technique. A dual effect of the cAMP-dependent phosphorylation activator, isoproterenol, at different holding potentials (V(h)) was shown. The currents increased at V(h) = -50 mV and decreased at V(h) = -30 mV. A dihydropyridine agonist, BAY K 8644, and isoproterenol had an additive effect on the activation of Ca2+ channels at holding potentials close to the resting potential. The additivity was disturbed at more positive V(h). The activating effect of BAY K 8644 did not virtually change in the presence of a protein kinase blocker, H8, and a phosphatase activator, acetylcholine. The results were interpreted within the framework of a two-site phosphorylation model with two independent pathways of Ca2+ current regulation.  相似文献   

Modulation of the L-type current by sarcoplasmicreticulum (SR) Ca2+ release hasbeen examined in patch-clamped mouse myotubes. Inhibition of SRCa2+ release by inclusion ofryanodine in the internal solution shifted the half-activating voltage(V0.5) of theL-type current from 1.1 ± 2.1 to 7.7 ± 1.7 mV. Rutheniumred in the internal solution shiftedV0.5 from 5.4 ± 1.9 to 3.2 ± 4.1 mV. Chelation of myoplasmic Ca2+ with1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraaceticacid perfusion shiftedV0.5 from 4.4 ± 1.7 to 3.5 ± 3.3 mV and increased the peak current.Extracellular caffeine (1 mM), which should enhance SRCa2+ release, significantlydecreased the peak Ca2+ current.In low (0.1 mM) internal EGTA, myotube contraction was abolished byinternal perfusion with ryanodine or ruthenium red, whereas addition ofcaffeine to the extracellular solution lowered the contractilethreshold, indicating that these modulators of SRCa2+ release had the expectedeffects on contraction. Therefore, SR Ca2+ release appears to modulatethe sarcolemmal L-type current, suggesting a retrograde communicationfrom the SR to the sarcolemmal L-type channels inexcitation-contraction coupling.


We investigatedthe relationship between voltage-operatedCa2+ channel current and thecorresponding intracellular Ca2+concentration([Ca2+]i)change (Ca2+ transient) in guineapig gastric myocytes. Fluorescence microspectroscopy was combined withconventional whole cell patch-clamp technique, and fura 2 (80 µM) wasadded to CsCl-rich pipette solution. Step depolarization to 0 mVinduced inward Ca2+ current(ICa) andconcomitantly raised[Ca2+]i.Both responses were suppressed by nicardipine, an L-typeCa2+ channel blocker, and thevoltage dependence of Ca2+transient was similar to the current-voltage relation ofICa. When pulseduration was increased by up to 900 ms, peakCa2+ transient increased andreached a steady state when stimulation was for longer. The calculatedfast Ca2+ buffering capacity(B value), determined as the ratio ofthe time integral ofICa divided bythe amplitude of Ca2+ transient,was not significantly increased after depletion of Ca2+ stores by the cyclicapplication of caffeine (10 mM) in the presence of ryanodine (4 µM).The addition of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA, 10 µM), a sarco(endo)plasmicreticulum Ca2+-ATPase inhibitor,decreased B value by ~20% in areversible manner. When KCl pipette solution was used,Ca2+-activatedK+ current[IK(Ca)]was also recorded during step depolarization. CPA sensitivelysuppressed the initial peak and oscillations of IK(Ca) withirregular effects on Ca2+transients. The above results suggest that, in guinea pig gastric myocyte, Ca2+ transient is tightlycoupled to ICaduring depolarization, and global[Ca2+]iis not significantly affected byCa2+-inducedCa2+ release from sarcoplasmicreticulum during depolarization.


L-type and T-type Ca2+ current in cultured ventricular guinea pig myocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this investigation was to study L-type and T-type Ca(2+) current (I(CaL) and I(CaT)) in short-term cultured adult guinea pig ventricular myocytes. The isolated myocytes were suspended in serum-supplemented medium up to 5 days. Using whole-cell patch clamp techniques ICaL and ICaT were studied by applying voltage protocols from different holding potentials (-40 and -90 mV). After 5 days in culture the myocytes still showed their typical rod shaped morphology but a decline in cell membrane capacitance (26 %). The peak density of ICaT was reduced significantly between day 0 (-1.6+/-0.37 pA/pF, n=9) and day 5 (-0.4+/-0.13 pA/pF, n=11), whereas peak ICaL density revealed no significant differences during culturing. The I(CaT)/I(CaL) ratio dropped from 0.13 at day 0 to 0.05 at day 5. Compared with day 0 I(CaL) the steady state inactivation curve of day 1, day 3 and day 5 myocytes was slightly shifted to more negative potentials. Our data indicate that guinea pig ventricular L-type and T-type Ca(2+) channels are differently regulated in culture.  相似文献   

Y You  D J Pelzer    S Pelzer 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(1):175-187
Free Ca2+ near Ca2+ channel pores is expected to be lower in cardiomyocytes dialyzed with bis-(o-amino-phenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) than with ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethyl)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) because BAPTA chelates incoming Ca2+ more rapidly. The consequences of intracellular Ca2+ buffering by BAPTA (0.2-60 mM) and by EGTA (0.2-67 mM) on whole-cell L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) were investigated in voltage-clamped guinea pig ventricular cardiomyocytes; bulk cytoplasmic free Ca2+ (Cac2+) was monitored using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator indo-1. ICa,L was augmented by approximately 12-fold when BAPTA in the cell dialysate was increased from 0.2 to 50 mM (half-maximal stimulation at 31 mM), whereas elevating internal EGTA from 0.2 to 67 mM increased ICa,L only by approximately 2-fold. Cac2+ was < 20 nM with internal BAPTA or EGTA > or = 20 mM. While EGTA up to 67 mM had only an insignificant inhibitory effect on the stimulation of ICa,L by 3 microM forskolin, ICa,L in 50 mM BAPTA-dialyzed myocytes was insensitive to forskolin-induced elevation of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP); conversely, ICa,L in cAMP-loaded cells was unresponsive to BAPTA dialysis. Cell dialysis with BAPTA, but not with EGTA, accelerated the slow component of ICa,L inactivation (tau S) without affecting its fast component (tau F), resembling the effects of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. BAPTA-stimulated ICa,L was inhibited by acetylcholine and by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) blocker H-89. These results suggest that BAPTA-induced lowering of peri-channel Ca2+ stimulates cAMP synthesis and channel phosphorylation by disinhibiting Ca(2+)-sensitive adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

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