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The gobiid fishes of temperate Macaronesia (eastern Atlantic)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The comparative phylogeographic study of the maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus) and the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) was performed using a segment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region. We examined 19 B. torquatus from two regions and 47 B. variegatus from three distant regions of Atlantic forest. This first characterization of molecular diversity indicates a great diversity (B. torquatus: h = 0.901 ± 0.039 and π = 0.012 ± 0.007; B. variegatus: h = 0.699 ± 0.039 and π = 0.010 ± 0.006) and very divergent mitochondrial lineages within each sloth species. The different sampled regions carry distinct and non-overlapping sets of mtDNA haplotypes and are genetically divergent. This phylogeographic pattern may be characteristic of sloth species. In addition, we infer that two main phylogeographic groups exist in the Atlantic forest representing a north and south distinct divergence.  相似文献   

Potamolithus Pilsbry &; Rush, 1896 is a species-rich genus, endemic to South America, with many of its species considered Vulnerable due to a restricted distribution; half of them are called into question, since they are known only from their shells. The purpose of this article is to describe the anatomy of P. paranensis (Pilsbry, 1911 Pilsbry, H.A. (1911) Non-marine Mollusca of Patagonia. In: Scott, W.B. (Ed.), Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899, Vol 3, Zoology, Part V. The University, USA, Princeton, NJ, pp. 513633. [Google Scholar]) and P. simplex (Pilsbry, 1911 Pilsbry, H.A. (1911) Non-marine Mollusca of Patagonia. In: Scott, W.B. (Ed.), Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899, Vol 3, Zoology, Part V. The University, USA, Princeton, NJ, pp. 513633. [Google Scholar]) from the Argentinean Misiones province, and to evaluate the value of anatomical features in this genus. These two species differ in penis morphology and pigmentation, ctenidium length, and relative position of the opening of the pallial oviduct, seminal receptacle and bursa copulatrix. Consequently, it appears that anatomical data could help solve taxonomic conflicts that are currently unresolved by shell morphology alone.  相似文献   

The rocky intertidal gastropods Agathistoma viridulum and Ahotessierianum occur from the Caribbean to southern Brazil, with a gap in the equatorial region, giving them an anti-tropical distribution. We used sequences from mitochondrial genes to elucidate the phylogeography of Aviridulum and Ahotessierianum and to infer their relationships to other species of Agathistoma. For Ahotessierianum, haplotype networks and phylogenetic analyses split samples into two distinct groups: one (Ahotessierianum) in the Caribbean region (Greater and Lesser Antilles; Venezuela: Sucre and Isla Margarita) and a new species that we describe from northeastern Brazil. For Aviridulum, genetic analyses split the samples into three groups (Caribbean, northeastern Brazil and southeastern Brazil), but genetic divergence among these was too low for them to be considered species, and morphological differences were not significant. The mtDNA tree identified two clades of eastern Pacific Agathistoma, but many lower-level relationships within Agathistoma were not well resolved, suggesting that more complete taxon sampling and additional genetic data will be needed to establish more robust relationships among Tegulinae.  相似文献   

The uptake of natural living resources for human consumption has triggered serious changes in the balance of ecosystems. In the archipelagos of Macaronesia (NE Atlantic), limpets have been extensively exploited probably since islands were first colonized. This has led to profound consequences in the dynamics of rocky shore communities. The Patella candei complex includes various subspecies of limpets that are ascribed to a particular archipelago and has been the focus of several taxonomic surveys without much agreement. Under a conservational perspective, we apply morphometric and genetic analyses to test subspecies boundaries in P. candei and to evaluate its current population connectivity throughout Macaronesia (Azores, Madeira, and Canaries). A highly significant genetic break between archipelagos following isolation by distance was detected (FST = 0.369, p < .001). Contrastingly, significant genetic differentiation among islands (i.e., Azores) was absent possibly indicating ongoing gene flow via larval exchange between populations. Significant shell‐shape differences among archipelagos were also detected using both distance‐based and geometric morphometric analyses. Adaptive processes associated with niche differentiation and strong barriers to gene flow among archipelagos may be the mechanisms underlying P. candei diversification in Macaronesia. Under the very probable assumption that populations of P. candei from each archipelago are geographically and/or ecologically isolated populations, the various subspecies within the P. candei complex may be best thought of as true species using the denomination: P. candei in Selvagens, Patella gomesii in Azores, Patella ordinaria in Madeira, and Patella crenata for Canaries. This would be in agreement with stock delimitation and units of conservation of P. candei sensu latu along Macaronesia.  相似文献   

The evolutionary effects of glacial periods are poorly understood for Southern Hemisphere marine intertidal species, particularly obligatory sessile organisms. We examined this by assessing the phylogeographic patterns of the southern African volcano barnacle, Tetraclita serrata, a dominant species on rocky intertidal shores. Restricted gene flow in some geographical areas was hypothesized based on oceanic circulation patterns and known biogeographic regions. Barnacle population genetic structure was investigated using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) region for 410 individuals sampled from 20 localities spanning the South African coast. The mtDNA data were augmented by generating nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences from a subset of samples. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA data reveal two distinct clades with mostly sympatric distributions, whereas nuclear analyses reveal only a single lineage. Shallow, but significant structure (0.0041–0.0065, P<0.01) was detected for the mtDNA data set, with the south-west African region identified as harbouring the highest levels of genetic diversity. Gene flow analyses on the mtDNA data show that individuals sampled in south-western localities experience gene flow primarily in the direction of the Benguela Current, while south and eastern localities experience bi-directional gene flow, suggesting an influence of both the inshore currents and the offshore Agulhas Current in the larval distribution of T. serrata. The mtDNA haplotype network, Bayesian Skyline Plots, mismatch distributions and time since expansion indicate that T. serrata population numbers were not severely affected by the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), unlike other southern African marine species. The processes resulting in the two morphologically cryptic mtDNA lineages may be the result of a recent historical allopatric event followed by secondary contact or could reflect selective pressures due to differing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Elaphoglossum section Lepidoglossa in Africa, Macaronesia (Azores and Madeira), the mid‐Atlantic Ocean Islands (St Helena, Gough and Tristan da Cunha Island groups) and the southern Indian Ocean Islands (Marion and Prince Edward Islands) is reviewed. Fifteen Elaphoglossum species from this region are ascribed to the section. A new species, Elaphoglossum rivularum , confined to the Chimanimani Mountains in eastern Zimbabwe and formerly ascribed to E. kuhnii from West Africa, is described. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 20–63.  相似文献   

The Santana Archipelago (22°23′S, 41°42′W) is located at the northern limit of the South Brazil Bight in Southeastern Brazil, a major topographic feature of the South American continental shelf relevant in terms of fisheries, biogeography and conservation. Herein, the first inventory of the ichthyofauna of the Santana Archipelago is presented, with information on the distribution and conservation status of 147 species of the Teleostei and Elasmobranchii. Sampling was performed during 15 field expeditions between March 2013 and November 2015. A total of 6931 specimens were collected using bottom trawl, beach seine, hand net and scuba diving. Records of 28 species were based on photographs, and five species were recorded through underwater sighting. The Elasmobranchii was represented by nine species in eight families and six orders, and the Teleostei by 138 species in 54 families and 26 orders. Previous records of fishes from the Archipelago consist of 18 species deposited in fish collections; therefore, 129 species are reported herein for the first time. Most (114, 77.5%) species have large geographic distributions (western Atlantic: 81 species, 55.1%; eastern and western Atlantic: 33 species, 22.4%), but seven recorded species (4.8%) are endemic to the Brazilian Province. At the Global (IUCN) level, 12 species (8.1%) are threatened with extinction. Thirteen (8.8%) species are also considered as threatened at the Regional (Brazilian) level. These results highlight the relevance of the Santana Archipelago in the Brazilian conservationist context. Possible threats to the ichtyofauna of the Archipelago are discussed, and effective measures of conservation are presented.  相似文献   

RAPD variation was examined in nine populations of Campanulamicrodonta Koidz., endemic to the Izu Islands, Japan. Ninety-eightbands were obtained for all populations, 94% of which were polymorphicat least within a population. Shannon's H values were calculated;these have frequently been used in RAPD studies to estimategenetic diversity. The values within populations did not correlatewith the allozyme gene diversity estimated by a previous studyor with distance from the Japanese mainland. The possible reasonsfor this discrepancy are different selection regimes betweenthe two markers, higher RAPD mutation rates, and each marker'sdifferent coverage of genomes. Cluster analysis of genetic similaritiessuggested that colonization of each island probably occurredonce, except for Miyake Island, where immigration has occurredat least twice. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company AMOVA, Campanula microdonta Koidz., insular endemic plant, genetic diversity, population genetic structure, RAPD  相似文献   

Many benthic marine invertebrates show striking range disjunctions across broad spatial scales. Without direct evidence for endemism or introduction, these species remain cryptogenic. The common ragworm Hediste diversicolor plays a pivotal role in sedimentary littoral ecosystems of the North Atlantic as an abundant prey item and ecosystem engineer, but exhibits a restricted dispersal capacity that may limit connectivity at both evolutionary and ecological time scales. In Europe, H. diversicolor is subdivided into cryptic taxa and genetic lineages whose distributions have been modified by recent invasions. Its origin in the northwest Atlantic has not been adequately addressed. To trace the age and origin of North American ragworm populations, we analyzed mtDNA sequence data (COI) from the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy (n=73 individuals) and compared our findings with published data from the northeast Atlantic. Our results together with previous data indicate that two species of the H. diversicolor complex have independently colonized the northwest Atlantic at least three different times, resulting in two distinct conspecific assemblages in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine (respectively) that are different from the species found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. North American populations had significantly lower genetic diversity compared with populations in the northeast Atlantic, and based on patterns of shared identity, populations in the Bay of Fundy originated from the Baltic Sea and North Sea. Populations from the Gulf of Maine were phylogenetically distinct and most likely originated from unsampled European populations. Analyses of the North American populations revealed patterns of post‐colonization gene flow among populations within the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy. However, we failed to detect shared haplotypes between the two regions, and this pattern of complete isolation corroborates a strong phylogeographic break observed in other species.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the evolutionary processes that shaped a biota is important for both academic and conservation purposes. The objective of the present study is to analyse the mitochondrial genetic variation of Xiphorhynchus fuscus (Aves: Dendrocolaptidae) from the southern Atlantic forest in Brazil and Argentina, and to discuss whether the results support different hypotheses regarding the local intraspecific diversification of this species . We sequenced 575 bp of the control region of 114 specimens collected in the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina, and in the province of Misiones in Argentina. We studied the population genetic structure with analysis of molecular variance and the demographic history with multiple regression analysis, coalescence simulations, and demographic tests. Xiphorhynchus fuscus presented a significant population genetic structure (Φst = 0.57). Three mitochondrial lineages were described, one associated with Xiphorhynchus fuscus tenuirostris and the others with Xiphorhynchus fuscus fuscus. The data did not support the primary influence of geographical barriers or rivers in the intraspecific diversification of X. fuscus in the southern Atlantic forest. Instead, the data supported the influence of isolation by geographical distance, recent vicariance events, and demographic expansions apparently related to Pleistocene and Holocene forest dynamics.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 73–84.  相似文献   

Studies conducted on volcanic islands have greatly contributed to our current understanding of how organisms diversify. The Canary Islands archipelago, located northwest of the coast of northern Africa, harbours a large number of endemic taxa. Because of their low vagility, mygalomorph spiders are usually absent from oceanic islands. The spider Titanidiops canariensis, which inhabits the easternmost islands of the archipelago, constitutes an exception to this rule. Here, we use a multi-locus approach that combines three mitochondrial and four nuclear genes to investigate the origins and phylogeography of this remarkable trap-door spider. We provide a timeframe for the colonisation of the Canary Islands using two alternative approaches: concatenation and species tree inference in a Bayesian relaxed clock framework. Additionally, we investigate the existence of cryptic species on the islands by means of a Bayesian multi-locus species delimitation method. Our results indicate that T. canariensis colonised the Canary Islands once, most likely during the Miocene, although discrepancies between the timeframes from different approaches make the exact timing uncertain. A complex evolutionary history for the species in the archipelago is revealed, which involves two independent colonisations of Fuerteventura from the ancestral range of T. canariensis in northern Lanzarote and a possible back colonisation of southern Lanzarote. The data further corroborate a previously proposed volcanic refugium, highlighting the impact of the dynamic volcanic history of the island on the phylogeographic patterns of the endemic taxa. T. canariensis includes at least two different species, one inhabiting the Jandia peninsula and central Fuerteventura and one spanning from central Fuerteventura to Lanzarote. Our data suggest that the extant northern African Titanidiops lineages may have expanded to the region after the islands were colonised and, hence, are not the source of colonisation. In addition, T. maroccanus may harbour several cryptic species.  相似文献   

Highly mobile species in the marine environment may be expected to show little differentiation at the population level, but this is often not the case. Instead cryptic population structure is common, and effective conservation will require an understanding of how these patterns evolve. Here we present an assessment from both sides of the North Atlantic of differentiation among populations of a dolphin species that inhabits mainly pelagic waters, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin. We compare eleven putative populations in the western and eastern North Atlantic at mtDNA and microsatellite DNA loci and find reduced nucleotide diversity and signals for historical bottlenecks and post-bottleneck expansions in all regions. We calculate expansion times to have occurred during the early Holocene, following the last glacial maximum (LGM). We find evidence for connectivity among populations from either side of the North Atlantic, and differentiation between putative populations in the far northeast compared with all other areas sampled. Some data suggest the possibility of separate refugia during the LGM explaining this pattern, although ongoing ecological processes may also be a factor. We discuss the implications for developing effective programs of conservation and management in the context of ongoing anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

On the basis of morphological and genetic studies (rDNA ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, and a 18S rDNA intron), we confirm here that Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman et Boudouresque, a southwestern Australian taxon recently introduced into the Mediterranean Sea also occurs in the Canary Islands. This is the first report of C. racemosa var. cylindracea in the Atlantic. It was observed for the first time in the Canary Archipelago in 1997–1998. The speed and regional scale of expansion (north Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea) of this invasive species appear to be among the most dramatic ever recorded. The possible outcome of this introduction in the Atlantic is discussed.  相似文献   

Carine & Schaefer (Journal of Biogeography, 2010, 37 , 77–89) suggest that the lack of past climate oscillations in the Azores may have contributed to the low plant endemism in this archipelago compared to that of the Canary Islands, a pattern they term the Azorean diversity enigma. Here we challenge their hypothesis, and discuss how the particular characteristics of the Azores may have driven current diversification patterns in this archipelago. We argue that the restricted number of Azorean endemic species and their wide distribution is explicable by the geological, geographical and ecological attributes of the archipelago. That is, the Azores are too young, too small, and too environmentally homogeneous to have hosted many in situ diversification events, so they do not host as many endemic species as other Macaronesian archipelagos, such as Madeira and especially the Canary Islands.  相似文献   



Sleeping sickness is spread over 36 Sub-Saharan African countries. In West and Central Africa, the disease is caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, which produces a chronic clinical manifestation. The Luba focus (Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea) has not reported autochthonous sleeping sickness cases since 1995, but given the complexity of the epidemiological cycle, the elimination of the parasite in the environment is difficult to categorically ensure.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The aim of this work is to assess, by a molecular approach (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR), the possible permanence of T. b. gambiense in the vector (Glossina spp.) and domestic fauna in order to improve our understanding of the epidemiological situation of the disease in an isolated focus considered to be under control.The results obtained show the absence of the parasite in peridomestic livestock but its presence, although at very low rate, in the vector. On the other hand, interesting entomological data highlight that an elevated concentration of tsetse flies was observed in two out of the ten villages considered to be in the focus.


These findings demonstrate that even in conditions of apparent control, a complete parasite clearance is difficult to achieve. Further investigations must be focused on animal reservoirs which could allow the parasites to persist without leading to human cases. In Luba, where domestic livestock are scarcer than other foci in mainland Equatorial Guinea, the epidemiological significance of wild fauna should be assessed to establish their role in the maintenance of the infection.  相似文献   

王菊生 《昆虫学报》1959,(5):490-490
白蛉在我国的分布,多在长江以北诸省,长江以南并不常见。就贵州省而言,仅毕节曾记载有中华白蛉(王、吴,1956,黑热病学536页),其余各地均从未有发现。1957年8月12日下午7时半和同年10月16日下午8时半,金大雄教授,前后在其室内发现白蛉2只,经鉴定结果都为中华白  相似文献   

The effects of Pleistocene glaciations and geographical barriers on the phylogeographic patterns of lowland plant species in Mediterranean-climate areas of Central Chile are poorly understood. We used Dioscorea humilis (Dioscoreaceae), a dioecious geophyte extending 530 km from the Valparaíso to the Bío-Bío Regions, as a case study to disentangle the spatio-temporal evolution of populations in conjunction with latitudinal environmental changes since the Last Inter-Glacial (LIG) to the present. We used nuclear microsatellite loci, chloroplast (cpDNA) sequences and environmental niche modelling (ENM) to construct current and past scenarios from bioclimatic and geographical variables and to infer the evolutionary history of the taxa. We found strong genetic differentiation at nuclear microsatellite loci between the two subspecies of D. humilis, probably predating the LIG. Bayesian analyses of population structure revealed strong genetic differentiation of the widespread D. humilis subsp. humilis into northern and southern population groups, separated by the Maipo river. ENM revealed that the ecological niche differentiation of both groups have been maintained up to present times although their respective geographical distributions apparently fluctuated in concert with the climatic oscillations of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. Genetic data revealed signatures of eastern and western postglacial expansion of the northern populations from the central Chilean depression, whereas the southern ones experienced a rapid southward expansion after the LGM. This study describes the complex evolutionary histories of lowland Mediterranean Chilean plants mediated by the summed effects of spatial isolation caused by riverine geographical barriers and the climatic changes of the Quaternary.  相似文献   

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