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The question of what controls animal abundance has always been fundamental to ecology, but given rapid environmental change, understanding the drivers and mechanisms governing abundance is more important than ever. Here, we determine how multidimensional environments and niches interact to determine population abundance along a tropical habitat gradient. Focusing on the endemic lizard Anolis bicaorum on the island of Utila (Honduras), we evaluate direct and indirect effects of three interacting niche axes on abundance: thermal habitat quality, structural habitat quality, and prey availability. We measured A. bicaorum abundance across a series of thirteen plots and used N‐mixture models and path analysis to disentangle direct and indirect effects of these factors. Results showed that thermal habitat quality and prey biomass both had positive direct effects on anole abundance. However, thermal habitat quality also influenced prey biomass, leading to a strong indirect effect on abundance. Thermal habitat quality was primarily a function of canopy density, measured as leaf area index (LAI). Despite having little direct effect on abundance, LAI had a strong overall effect mediated by thermal quality and prey biomass. Our results demonstrate the role of multidimensional environments and niche interactions in determining animal abundance and highlight the need to consider interactions between thermal niches and trophic interactions to understand variation in abundance, rather than focusing solely on changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Summary I begin by reviewing the derivation of continuous logistic growth and dynamic consumer—resource interaction equations in terms of specific resource extraction and biomass conversion functions that are considered to hold at a population level. Evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) methods are discussed for analysing populations modelled by these equations. The question of selection trade-offs is then considered, particularly in the context of populations being efficient at extracting resources versus converting resources to their own biomass. Questions relating to single populations with high versus low conversion rates and interacting populations with high versus low self-interference rates are also considered. The models discussed here demonstrate conclusively that self-interference is an essential part of any consumption process: without it population growth and interaction processes do not make any sense. The analysis clarifies concepts relating to the somewhat discredited notion ofr—K selection.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of two grasshoppers (Melanoplus femurrubrum and M. sanguinipes) were studied using experimental microcosms over 8 years at a Palouse prairie site in Montana. Grasshopper density, survival and reproduction in the experimental populations responded in a density-dependent fashion to natural and experimental changes in food availability for all grasshopper developmental stages, both within and between all years. We observed that field populations of the grasshoppers at the site exhibited density, survival and reproductive responses similar to the experimental populations over the period of the study. Because we could not identify any differences between the field and microcosm environments or the grasshopper individuals in them, we contend that field populations were ultimately limited by food within and between years. Density-dependent food limitation occurred for all age categories over the entire summer, because food abundance declined relative to grasshopper food requirements over the summer. Food limitation occurred between years, because in years with the lowest food abundance, the populations produced more hatchlings for the next year than could be supported by the highest observed food abundance. Finally, the observed annual changes in food abundance were correlated with the annual variation in weather (rainfall and temperature), which indicated that the long established relationship between grasshopper densities and weather conditions does not imply population limitation by density-independent processes.  相似文献   

Social groupings, population dynamics and population movements of animals all give rise to spatio-temporal variations in population levels. These variations may be of crucial importance when considering the spread of infectious diseases since infection levels do not increase unless there is a sufficient pool of susceptible individuals. This paper explores the impact of social groupings on the potential for an endemic disease to develop in a spatially explicit model system. Analysis of the model demonstrates that the explicit inclusion of space allows asymmetry between groups to arise when this was not possible in the equivalent spatially homogeneous system. Moreover, differences in movement behaviours for susceptible and infected individuals gives rise to different spatial profiles for the populations. These profiles were not observed in previous work on an epidemic system. The results are discussed in an ecological context with reference to furious and dumb strains of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

1. The seasonal dynamics of body condition (BC), circulating corticosterone levels (baseline, BL) and the adrenocortical response to acute stress (SR) were examined in long-lived Black-legged Kittiwakes, Rissa tridactyla , breeding at Duck (food-poor colony) and Gull (food-rich colony) Islands in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. It was tested whether the dynamics of corticosterone levels reflect a seasonal change in bird physiological condition due to reproduction and/or variation in foraging conditions.
2. BC declined seasonally, and the decline was more pronounced in birds at the food-poor colony. BL and SR levels of corticosterone rose steadily through the reproductive season, and BL levels were significantly higher in birds on Duck Island compared with those on Gull Island. During the egg-laying and chick-rearing stages, birds had lower SR on Duck Island than on Gull Island.
3. The results suggest that, in addition to a seasonal change in bird physiology during reproduction, local ecological factors such as food availability affect circulating levels of corticosterone and adrenal response to acute stress.  相似文献   

1. Food resources for rearing young may influence insect populations. This is particularly true for insects that breed obligately on rare, ephemeral resources such as dung, fungi, or carrion. 2. Beetles in the genus Nicrophorus bury small vertebrate carcasses for rearing their young. Studies reviewed by Scott (1998) have found a positive relationship between carcass mass and total brood size. It is likely that access to carcasses suitable for breeding, and not food or mates, limits reproduction in both male and female Nicrophorus. Thus, small mammal densities could determine Nicrophorus population sizes. 3. The work reported here examined the relationship between Nicrophorus investigator (Coleoptera: Silphidae) population size and small mammal abundance at two sites over a 4‐year period. 4. Nicrophorus investigator buried and reared young on all the native small rodent species trapped at two sites in south‐western Colorado, U.S.A. (Peromyscus maniculatus, Microtus montanus, Zapus princeps, Tamias minimus, Thomomys talpoides). They preferred to bury and reproduce on rodent carcasses weighing between 16 and 48 g; rodents of this size represented 82% of captures. 5. Population sizes of N. investigator and small rodents were estimated simultaneously using mark‐recapture censuses over a 4‐year period. Considering only rodents within the size range used by N. investigator, the estimated small mammal biomass per hectare in one year and the beetle population size in the following year were correlated significantly.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the consequences of forest fragmentation for the dynamics of bird populations. Owing to high mobility and large home ranges, birds usually perceive fragmented forests in a finegrained manner, i.e. embrace several forest fragments in functional home ranges. On a regional scale, however, coarse-grained clusters of fine-grained fragments (hierarchical fragmentation may sub-divide bird populations into isolated demes, which enter a domain of metapopulation dynamics. Distinctions are made between pure distance-area or population-level effects and more indirect community-level effects due to changes in landscape composition. Distance-area effects, such as insularization and decreasing fragment size, directly prevent dispersal and reduce population size. Landscape effects, such as reduced fragment-matrix and interior-edge ratios, increase the pressure from surrounding predators, competitors, parasites and disease. In short, forest fragmentation can be viewed as a two-step process. Initially, fine-grained fragmentation triggers distance-area and landscape effects on a local scale, which in turn, results in a range retraction of a population to non-fragmented or less fragmented parts of a region. At a certain point, non-fragmented areas become so widely spaced out that regional distance-area effects come into operation, giving rise to metapopulation dynamics. Although few bird metapopulations have yet been documented, metapopulation dynamics probably is a common characteristic of bird populations confined to 'hierarchical' fragmented forests.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to investigate the influence of apple pollen, plant diet, and relative humidity on the individual life‐history traits and on the population growth of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). In experiments with individual thrips, availability of bean pods plus a mixture of apple pollen and lycopodium shortened larval development time, and hence time from egg to adult, compared to bean pods alone. Similarly, the total number of eggs laid and the mean number of eggs laid per female per day were greater in the presence of pollen plus bean pods than on bean pods alone. Diet did not affect survival or length of the pre‐oviposition and oviposition periods. A diet including bean pods plus pollen shortened the generation time and population‐doubling time, and increased the net reproductive rate and the intrinsic rate of increase, compared to bean pods alone. In experiments on populations, growth was measured with different amounts of pollen on bean pods under two relative humidities, ca. 38% and 66%, and separately on two bean substrates, pods or leaves, at ca. 45% r.h. The presence or amount of pollen had no effect on population growth regardless of the other variables. Greater population growth occurred under the higher relative humidity regardless of substrate. Population growth was greater on bean pods than on bean leaves. Despite reports on the nutritional benefit of pollen for F. occidentalis, this benefit may be affected by pollen type, host plant, and other factors. In situations in which pollen has little influence on the growth of F. occidentalis populations, pollen that benefits a thrips predator could be used in an integrated management plan for controlling thrips.  相似文献   

Linking environmental conditions to the modulators of individual fitness is necessary to predict long‐term population dynamics, viability, and resilience. Functional physiological, behavioral, and reproductive markers can provide this mechanistic insight into how individuals perceive physiological, psychological, chemical, and physical environmental challenges through physiological and behavioral responses that are fitness proxies. We propose a Functional Marginality framework where relative changes in allostatic load, reproductive health, and behavior can be scaled up to evidence and establish causation of macroecological processes such as local extirpation, colonization, population dynamics, and range dynamics. To fully exploit functional traits, we need to move beyond single biomarker studies to develop an integrative approach that models the interactions between extrinsic challenges, physiological, and behavioral pathways and their modulators. In addition to providing mechanistic markers of range dynamics, this approach can also serve as a valuable conservation tool for evaluating individual‐ and population‐level health, predicting responses to future environmental change and measuring the impact of interventions. We highlight specific studies that have used complementary biomarkers to link extrinsic challenges to population performance. These frameworks of integrated biomarkers have untapped potential to identify causes of decline, predict future changes, and mitigate against future biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is developed that there are causal linkages in evolved insect herbivore life histories and behaviors from phylogenetic constraints to adaptive syndromes to the emergent properties involving ecological interactions and population dynamics. Thus the argument is developed that the evolutionary biology of a species predetermines its current ecology.Phylogenetic Constraints refer to old characters in the phylogeny of a species and a group of species which set limits on the range of life history patterns and behaviors that can evolve. For example, a sawfly is commonly limited to oviposition in soft plant tissue, while plants are growing rapidly.Adaptive Syndromes are evolutionary responses to the phylogenetic constraints that minimize the limitations and maximize larval performance. Such syndromes commonly involve details of female ovipositional behavior and how individuals make choices for oviposition sites relative to plant quality variation which maximize larval survival. Syndromes also involve larval adaptations to the kinds of choices females make in oviposition. The evolutionary biology involved with phylogenetic constraints and adaptive syndromes commonly predetermines the ecological interactions of a species and its population dynamics. Therefore, these ecological interactions are calledEmergent Properties because they are natural consequences of evolved morphology, behavior, and physiology. They commonly strongly influence the three-trophic-level interactions among host plants, insect herbivores, and carnivores, and the relative forces of bottom-up and top-down influences in food webs. The arguments are supported using such examples as galling sawflies and other gallers, shoot-boring moths and beetles, budworms, and forest Macrolepidoptera. The contrasts between outbreak or eruptive species and uncommon and rare species with latent population dynamics are emphasized.  相似文献   

选用8对多态的微卫星引物, 研究了毛红椿(Toona ciliata var. pubescens)核心居群和边缘居群的遗传多样性。研究结果显示, 边缘居群的观察等位基因数和有效等位基因数并不比核心居群低, 甚至更高。普通广布和稀有地方等位基因在所有居群中均有分布, 而普通地方和稀有广布等位基因分别仅在5个和3个居群中有分布。从4种类型等位基因总数上看, 边缘居群高于核心居群, 特别是边缘居群的稀有地方等位基因数量明显多于核心居群。边缘居群的平均期望杂合度和观察杂合度都高于核心居群。核心居群间的基因分化系数为0.1520, 边缘居群间为0.3045, 边缘居群与核心居群的遗传分化差异达到显著水平。核心居群间基因流大于1, 而边缘居群间基因流小于1, 说明核心居群间基因交流频繁, 边缘居群由于片段化和地形影响, 基因流较小。Mantel检验结果显示, 居群间遗传距离与地理距离的相关性不显著, 说明地理距离对毛红椿居群遗传分化的影响不显著。  相似文献   

A group of Colobus polykomosat Tiwai, Sierra Leone, demonstrated seasonal flexibility in its diet, with seeds, young leaves, and mature leaves each dominating the diet at different times. Comparison of food consumption with phenological data indicates that seeds are eaten whenever available and are preferred to other foods, while young leaves are preferred to mature leaves. Colobus polykomosalso prefer liane to tree leaves, despite the relatively high quality of mature tree foliage at the Tiwai site. Analysis of protein, fiber, and energy values of foods selected and items available, but not eaten, suggests that preference is related to protein and energy maximization. Leguminous plants, especially Papilionaceae and Mimosaceae, are highlighted as important food sources for C. polykomos;seeds and leaves from these families have a high nitrogen content, and the protein content of leguminous seeds often equals or exceeds that found in leaves. It is predicted, therefore, that colobines living in habitats with a high density of legumes will feed heavily on seeds, subject to constraints such as seasonal availability. Where suitable leguminous species are less common, a mixture of fruits, seeds, and young or mature leaves or both is likely to be selected. The results of this and other recent studies of colobines do not support the notion that colobines are specialist folivores.  相似文献   

Testing ecological or socioecological models in primatology often requires estimates of individual energy intake. It is a well established fact that the nutrient content (and hence the energy content) of primate food items is highly variable. The second variable in determining primate energy intake, i.e., the ingestion rate, has often been ignored, and few studies have attempted to estimate the relative importance of the two predictors. In the present study individual ingestion rates were measured in two ecologically very different populations of Hanuman langurs (Semnopithecus entellus) at Jodhpur, India, and Ramnagar, Nepal. Protein and soluble sugar concentrations in 50 and 100 food items. respectively, were measured using standardized methods. Variation in ingestion rates (gram of dry matter per minute) was markedly greater among food items than among langur individuals in both populations, but did not differ systematically among food item categories defined according to plant part and age. General linear models (GLMs) with ingestion rate, protein, and soluble sugar content explained 40-80% of the variation in energy intake rates (kJ/min). The relative importance of ingestion rates was either similar (Ramnagar) or much greater (Jodhpur) than the role of sugar and/or protein content in determining the energy intake rates of different items. These results may impact socioecological studies of variation in individual energy budgets, investigations of food choice in relation to chemical composition or sensory characteristics, and research into habitat preferences that measures habitat quality in terms of abundance of important food sources. We suggest a definition of food quality that includes not only the amount of valuable food contents (energy, vitamins, and minerals) and the digestibility of different foods, but also the rate at which the food can be harvested and processed. Such an extended definition seems necessary because time may constrain primates when feeding competition is intense and foraging is risk-prone.  相似文献   

Decomposing variation in population growth into contributions from both ecological and evolutionary processes is of fundamental concern, particularly in a world characterized by rapid responses to anthropogenic threats. Although the impact of ecological change on evolutionary response has long been acknowledged, the converse has predominantly been neglected, especially empirically. By applying a recently published conceptual framework, we assess and contrast the relative importance of phenotypic and environmental variability on annual population growth in five ungulate populations. In four of the five populations, the contribution of phenotypic variability was greater than the contribution of environmental variability, although not significantly so. The similarity in the contributions of environment and phenotype suggests that neither is worthy of neglect. Population growth is a consequence of multiple processes, which strengthens arguments advocating integrated approaches to assess how populations respond to their environments.  相似文献   

This article explores factors that shape population structure in novel environments that have received scant theoretical attention: cities. Urban bird populations exhibit higher densities and lower diversity. Some work suggests this may result from lower predation pressure and more predictable and abundant resources. These factors may lead to populations with few winners and many losers regarding access to food, body condition, and reproductive success. We explore these hypotheses with an individual-energy-based competition model with two phenotypes of differing foraging ability. We show that low frequency resource fluctuations favor strong competitors and vice versa. We show that low predation skews equilibrium populations in favor of weak competitors and vice versa. Increasing the time between resource pulses can thus shift population structure from weak to strong competitor dominance. Given recent evidence for more constant resource input and lower predation in urban areas, the model helps understand observed urban bird population structure.  相似文献   

Most tropical insectivorous birds, unlike their temperate counterparts, hold and defend a feeding and breeding territory year-around. However, our understanding of ecological factors influencing territory selection and size in tropical insectivores is limited. Here we examine three prominent hypotheses relating food abundance, food dispersion (spatial arrangement of food items), and habitat structure to territoriality in the Usambara Thrush Turdus roehli. We first compared leaf-litter macro-invertebrate abundance and dispersion, and habitat structure between territories and random sites. We then examined the relation between these same ecological factors and territory size. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion were sparsely and evenly distributed across our study system and did not vary between territories and random sites. In contrast, habitat structure did vary between territories and random sites indicating the Usambara Thrush selects territories with open understorey and closed overstorey habitat. Invertebrate abundance and dispersion within territories of the Usambara Thrush were not associated with habitat structure. We believe the most likely explanation for the Usambara Thrush’s preference for open understorey and closed overstorey habitat relates to foraging behavior. Using information-theoretic model selection we found that invertebrate abundance was the highest-ranked predictor of territory size and was inversely related, consistent with food value theory of territoriality.  相似文献   

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