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Human-health relevant impacts on marine ecosystems are increasing on both spatial and temporal scales. Traditional indicators for environmental health monitoring and microbial risk assessment have relied primarily on single species analyses and have provided only limited spatial and temporal information. More high-throughput, broad-scale approaches to evaluate these impacts are therefore needed to provide a platform for informing public health. This study uses shotgun metagenomics to survey the taxonomic composition and antibiotic resistance determinant content of surface water bacterial communities in the Puget Sound estuary. Metagenomic DNA was collected at six sites in Puget Sound in addition to one wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) that discharges into the Sound and pyrosequenced. A total of ∼550 Mbp (1.4 million reads) were obtained, 22 Mbp of which could be assembled into contigs. While the taxonomic and resistance determinant profiles across the open Sound samples were similar, unique signatures were identified when comparing these profiles across the open Sound, a nearshore marina and WWTP effluent. The open Sound was dominated by α-Proteobacteria (in particular Rhodobacterales sp.), γ-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes while the marina and effluent had increased abundances of Actinobacteria, β-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. There was a significant increase in the antibiotic resistance gene signal from the open Sound to marina to WWTP effluent, suggestive of a potential link to human impacts. Mobile genetic elements associated with environmental and pathogenic bacteria were also differentially abundant across the samples. This study is the first comparative metagenomic survey of Puget Sound and provides baseline data for further assessments of community composition and antibiotic resistance determinants in the environment using next generation sequencing technologies. In addition, these genomic signals of potential human impact can be used to guide initial public health monitoring as well as more targeted and functionally-based investigations.  相似文献   

The Elwha River estuary has been significantly influenced by anthropogenic changes to the river, including two large dams upriver and rock dikes installed in the estuary. Together these have disrupted hydrodynamic processes and subsequent sediment delivery throughout the watershed. This article defines the functional response of fish distribution within the estuary as a result of these changes. We assessed fish distribution of three main areas of the Elwha estuary using standard beach seining techniques from March to August 2007. Species composition, ecological indices, and relative proportion of all salmonids, and in particular Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), were consistently significantly different across the estuary. Differences corresponded to a rock dike installed 30 years ago, and a sediment lens that was observed to form at the entrance to the east estuary. Sediment lenses are documented to be a common occurrence in the Elwha nearshore, and symptomatic of documented, severely disrupted sediment processes of the Elwha River. Combining the fish distribution documented in this study with the rock dike and observed sediment lens and the sediment processes documented by other researchers we, therefore, conclude: (1) Fish use within the Elwha River estuary is complex, and even fragments of connected estuary are critically important for migrating salmon; (2) Anthropogenic effects, including in river damming and diking of the estuary, can be an important ecological driver in nearshore habitat function that should be appropriately considered in estuary habitat research, management, and restoration; and (3) Juvenile salmonids appear to be able to respond to dynamic sediment environments if there are habitat options available.  相似文献   

Estuaries provide crucial foraging resources and nursery habitat for threatened populations of anadromous salmon. As such, there has been a global undertaking to restore habitat and tidal processes in modified estuaries. The foraging capacity of these ecosystems to support various species of out‐migrating juvenile salmon can be quantified by monitoring benthic, terrestrial, and pelagic invertebrate prey communities. Here, we present notable trends in the availability of invertebrate prey at several sites within a restoring large river delta in Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A. Three years after the system was returned to tidal influence, we observed substantial additions to amphipod, copepod, and cumacean abundances in newly accessible marsh channels (from 0 to roughly 5,000–75,000 individuals/m2). In the restoration area, terrestrial invertebrate colonization was dependent upon vegetative cover, with dipteran and hymenopteran biomass increasing 3‐fold between 1 and 3 years post‐restoration. While the overall biodiversity within the restoration area was lower than in the reference marsh, estimated biomass was comparable to or greater than that found within the other study sites. This additional prey biomass likely provided foraging benefits for juvenile Chinook, chum, and coho salmon. Primary physical drivers differed for benthic, terrestrial, and pelagic invertebrates, and these invertebrate communities are expected to respond differentially depending on organic matter exchange and vegetative colonization. Restoring estuaries may take decades to meet certain success criteria, but our study demonstrates rapid enhancements in foraging resources understood to be used for estuary‐dependent wildlife.  相似文献   

The non-native tunicates Didemnum vexillum, Ciona savignyi, and Styela clava are of concern to resource managers of Puget Sound, Washington, USA because they have been shown to threaten native species diversity and shellfish aquaculture in other regions. Invasive tunicates in Puget Sound occur mainly on man-made structures such as floating docks and aquaculture facilities. We conducted studies of the three species of concern and a fourth introduced tunicate, Botrylloides violaceus, that occur on these structures to evaluate their effects on mussels and native invertebrate communities. Because most studies of community effects of tunicates have dealt with sessile fouling organisms, we focused instead on epibenthic organisms such as meiofaunal harpacticoid copepods and macrofaunal polychaetes and amphipods that are known to be important prey for juvenile salmon and other small fish. Similar studies have shown mixed results, with negative, positive, or no effects depending on the species. We also found few community-level effects. Abundances of several species were lower when tunicates were present, but only at some of the sites. Several other species, including a non-native isopod, were significantly more abundant in the presence of tunicates. However, in most cases results were not statistically significant and more intensive, controlled sampling or experiments may be needed to demonstrate any consistent tunicate effects. Although invasive tunicates cause problems for mussel growers elsewhere, we did not find negative effects on mussels at four sites in Puget Sound. Given the large impacts known to accompany tunicate invasions elsewhere and their relatively recent invasions into Puget Sound, monitoring of their populations and effects should continue in the region.  相似文献   

The restoration of the Nisqually River Delta (Washington, U.S.A.) represents one of the largest efforts toward reestablishing the ecosystem function and resilience of modified habitat in the Puget Sound, particularly for anadromous salmonid species. The opportunity for outmigrating salmon to access and benefit from the expansion of available tidal habitat can be quantified by several physical attributes, which are related to the ecological and physiological responses of juvenile salmon. We monitored a variety of physical parameters to measure changes in opportunity potential from historic, pre‐restoration, and post‐restoration habitat conditions at several sites across the delta. These parameters included channel morphology, water quality, tidal elevation, and landscape connectivity. We conducted fish catch surveys across the delta to determine if salmon was utilizing restored estuary habitat. Overall major channel area increased 42% and major channel length increased 131% from pre‐ to post‐restoration conditions. Furthermore, the results of our tidal inundation model indicated that major channels were accessible up to 75% of the time, as opposed to 30% pre‐restoration. Outmigrating salmon utilized this newly accessible habitat as quickly as 1 year post‐restoration. The presence of salmon in restored tidal channels confirmed rapid post‐restoration increases in opportunity potential on the delta despite habitat quality differences between restored and reference sites.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of connectivity among marine fish populations with demersal adults and pelagic larvae is critical for effective conservation of west coast rockfishes. The brown rockfish (Sebastes auriculatus) occurs in nearshore habitat and is common from northern Baja California, Mexico to northern California, rare off the outer coast of Oregon and Washington and again common in the inland waters of Puget Sound, Washington. Here we examine patterns of microsatellite DNA diversity from throughout the species’ range as an indirect measure of long-term trends in larval dispersal. Genetic divergence was large and highly significant over all populations (F ST=0.056, P<0.0001), and was significantly correlated with geographic distance when considering coastal populations. The best estimates of mean coastal dispersal distance were on the order of 10 km or less per generation. Diversity was relatively low in the Puget Sound, suggesting that Puget Sound rockfish populations experienced a post-glacial founder effect followed by genetic isolation and low effective population size. Puget Sound individuals appeared to have recent mixed ancestry as a result of introgression with S. maliger and S. caurinus. Genetic isolation of Puget Sound fish provides a basis for consideration as a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act. We recommend that coastal brown rockfish fisheries be managed at regional rather than coast-wide scales, and that design of marine reserve networks considers the surprisingly low realized dispersal distance of some species with high dispersal potential.  相似文献   

Because anthropogenic influences threaten the degradation of many ecosystems, determining where organisms live during early life-history stages and the extent to which different areas contribute individuals to adult populations is critical for the management and conservation of a species. Working in Puget Sound, Washington State in the United States, and using a common flatfish (English sole, Parophrys vetulus), we sought to establish (using otolith chemistry) which areas contribute age-0 fish to age-1 population(s), the extent to which this pattern was consistent between two years, and whether this spatial pattern of contribution coincides with surveys of age-0 fish and/or the available area of nearshore habitat. Our study indicated completely different spatial patterns of fish nursery use between the two years of sampling. We highlight that the contribution of individuals from nursery areas is not related to density of recently settled English sole or the available area of nearshore habitat (depth <10 m) in Puget Sound, nor can we draw conclusions based on environmental data (precipitation, water salinity, light transmission, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature). The results of this study highlight (1) the need for assessing the temporal patterns of nursery habitat use, and (2) that, in order to conservatively manage a species and its population(s), it may be necessary to protect several areas that are used intermittently by that species.  相似文献   



Understanding movement patterns is fundamental to population and conservation biology. The way an animal moves through its environment influences the dynamics of local populations and will determine how susceptible it is to natural or anthropogenic perturbations. It is of particular interest to understand the patterns of movement for species which are susceptible to human activities (e.g. fishing), or that exert a large influence on community structure, such as sharks.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We monitored the patterns of movement of 34 sixgill sharks Hexanchus griseus using two large-scale acoustic arrays inside and outside Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Sixgill sharks were residents in Puget Sound for up to at least four years before making large movements out of the estuary. Within Puget Sound, sixgills inhabited sites for several weeks at a time and returned to the same sites annually. Across four years, sixgills had consistent seasonal movements in which they moved to the north from winter to spring and moved to the south from summer to fall. Just prior to leaving Puget Sound, sixgills altered their behavior and moved twice as fast among sites. Nineteen of the thirty-four sixgills were detected leaving Puget Sound for the outer coast. Three of these sharks returned to Puget Sound.


For most large marine predators, we have a limited understanding of how they move through their environment, and this clouds our ability to successfully manage their populations and their communities. With detailed movement information, such as that being uncovered with acoustic monitoring, we can begin to quantify the spatial and temporal impacts of large predators within the framework of their ecosystems.  相似文献   

Using acoustic telemetry methods on large numbers of tagged fish, we studied how the holding behavior of Chinook salmon and steelhead smolts could be related to habitat features and spatial and temporal variables on a highly altered section of the Sacramento River. We viewed downstream migration as a process in which fish transition between moving and holding states, and used a binomial and negative binomial Generalized Linear Model to analyze two aspects of holding: 1) probability of holding, and 2) holding time. For Chinook salmon, the probability of holding increased as wood size and fine substrates increased; holding time increased as overhead shade increased. For steelhead, holding behavior was only weakly related to habitat variables, in contrast to the strong relationships with spatial and temporal variables. For both species, the probability of holding increased when distance from the release location decreased and instream flows decreased. We found support for three main findings: 1) spatial and temporal factors have considerably greater influence on Chinook salmon and steelhead smolt holding behavior than nearshore habitat features; 2) holding behaviors of Chinook salmon smolts are influenced more strongly by habitat features than steelhead smolts; and 3) incorporation of habitat features such as large woody material and overhead shade should be considered when conducting nearshore bank rehabilitation projects to increase cover from predators and provide velocity refuge, improving holding habitat during downstream migration.  相似文献   

Benthic communities in tributary–mainstem networks might interact via downstream drift of invertebrates or material from tributaries and adult dispersal from the mainstem. Depending on the strength of these interactions, mainstem downstream communities are expected to be more similar to tributary communities due to drift or habitat alteration. Communities not connected by flow are expected to be similar due to adult dispersal but decreasing in similarity with distance from the mainstem. We investigated interactions between invertebrate communities of a 7th order river and 5th order tributary by comparing benthic community structure in the river upstream and downstream of the tributary confluence and upstream in the tributary. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed invertebrate communities and habitat traits from river locations directly downstream of the tributary clustered tightly, intermediate between tributary and mid-channel river locations. In addition, Bray–Curtis dissimilarity increased between the mainstem and tributary with distance upstream in the tributary. Our results indicate that similarities between mainstem and tributary communities are potentially caused by direct mass effects from tributary to downstream mainstem communities by invertebrate drift and indirect mass effects by habitat restructuring via material delivery from the tributary, as well as potential effects of adult dispersal from the river on proximal tributary communities.  相似文献   

In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) returning from the ocean to spawn in urban basins of the Puget Sound region have been prematurely dying at high rates (up to 90% of the total runs) for more than a decade. The current weight of evidence indicates that coho deaths are caused by toxic chemical contaminants in land-based runoff to urban streams during the fall spawning season. Non-point source pollution in urban landscapes typically originates from discrete urban and residential land use activities. In the present study we conducted a series of spatial analyses to identify correlations between land use and land cover (roadways, impervious surfaces, forests, etc.) and the magnitude of coho mortality in six streams with different drainage basin characteristics. We found that spawner mortality was most closely and positively correlated with the relative proportion of local roads, impervious surfaces, and commercial property within a basin. These and other correlated variables were used to identify unmonitored basins in the greater Seattle metropolitan area where recurrent coho spawner die-offs may be likely. This predictive map indicates a substantial geographic area of vulnerability for the Puget Sound coho population segment, a species of concern under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Our spatial risk representation has numerous applications for urban growth management, coho conservation, and basin restoration (e.g., avoiding the unintentional creation of ecological traps). Moreover, the approach and tools are transferable to areas supporting coho throughout western North America.  相似文献   

Landsat TM scenes for 1985 and 1991 are used to produce a georeferenced map of land cover and land use for an area of the Amazon estuary inhabited by three populations of caboclos with distinct patterns of land use. This information is combined in a geographic information system with ethnographic and survey research carried out over the past 5 years to develop representative spectral signatures which permit measurement and differentiation of land uses and the detection of change even between small areas of managed floodplain forest and unmanaged forest, and between three distinct age/growth classes of secondary succession following deforestation. Implementation of these procedures permit the scaling up or down of research at different resolutions. Three distinct patterns of land use are examined with differential impact on the environment. Mechanized agriculture at one site has eliminated virtually all the mature upland forest and is now dominated by secondary successional vegetation. The more traditional system of diversified land use at the next site shows a subtle cycling of flooded forest to managed palm forest through time in response to the price of palm fruit and cycling in the use of fallow land. A third site, based on palm fruit extractivism, shows minimal changes in land cover due to persistent specialization on management of flooded forest extraction. There is little evidence that the community with the greatest impact on forest cover is any better off economically than the two communities which have minimal impact on the landscape. This study suggests how a balance between use and conservation in Amazonia may be achieved in floodplain and estuarine areas, and the effectiveness of monitoring these types of land cover from satellite platforms.  相似文献   

In the context of delta restoration and its impact on salmonid rearing, success is best evaluated based on whether out‐migrating juvenile salmon can access and benefit from suitable estuarine habitat. Here, we integrated 3 years of post‐restoration monitoring data including habitat availability, invertebrate prey biomass, and juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) physiological condition to determine whether individuals profited from the addition of 364 ha of delta habitat in South Puget Sound, Washington, United States. Productivity in the restored mudflat was comparable to reference sites 3 years after dike removal, surpassing a mean total of 6 million kJ energy from invertebrate prey. This resulted from the development of a complex network of tidal channels and a resurgence in dipteran biomass that was unique to the restoration area. Consequently, a notable shift in invertebrate consumption occurred between 2010 and 2011, whereby individuals switched from eating primarily amphipods to dipteran flies; however, dietary similarity to the surrounding habitat did not change from year to year, suggesting that this shift was a result of a change in the surrounding prey communities. Growth rates did not differ between restored and reference sites, but catch weight was positively correlated with prey biomass, where greater prey productivity appeared to offset potential density‐dependent effects. These results demonstrate how the realized function of restoring estuarine habitat is functionally dependent. High prey productivity in areas with greater connectivity may support healthy juvenile salmon that are more likely to reach the critical size class for offshore survival.  相似文献   

Wild Pacific salmon populations are in serious decline, and as a result, a number of salmon stocks are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Our research identifies and supports the possibility that certain environmental contaminants can alter salmon survival, and as a result may contribute to these species being at risk. We have shown that juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are exposed to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as they migrate through a contaminated urban estuary in Puget Sound WA (the Duwamish Waterway estuary). Immune function was analyzed in these fish by examining the ability of their anterior kidney and splenic leukocytes to produce a primary and secondary in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to the hapten, trinitrophenyl (TNP), and by determining their susceptibility to a marine pathogen, Vibrio anguillarum. We found that fish outmigrating from the urban estuary produced a significantly lower PFC response to TNP and were more susceptible to the pathogen, compared to juvenile salmon collected from a rural estuary during their outmigration. In the laboratory, we exposed juvenile chinook salmon collected from a hatchery to either a PCB technical mixture or a PAH compound to determine if these contaminants have the potential to alter immune function in salmon. Indeed, we found that salmon exposed in the laboratory to either the PCB mixture or the PAH also produced lower PFC responses and were more susceptible to disease compared to animals treated with the solvent vehicle. In summary, contaminants such as PAHs and PCBs are demonstrated to influence salmon health, and thus have the potential to adversely impact salmon populations.  相似文献   

Eelgrass beds provide valuable refuge, foraging, and spawning habitat for many marine species, including valued species such as Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), and Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister). We used dynamic simulations in a food web model of central Puget Sound, Washington, USA developed in the Ecopath with Ecosim software, to examine how the marine community may respond to changes in coverage of native eelgrass (Zostera marina), and how these modeled responses can be assessed using an ecosystem services framework, expressing these services with economic currencies in some cases and biological proxies in others. Increased eelgrass coverage was most associated with increases in commercial and recreational fishing with some small decreases in one non-market activity, bird watching. When we considered ecosystem service categories that are aggregations of individual groups of species, we saw little evidence of strong tradeoffs among marine resources; that is, increasing eelgrass coverage was essentially either positive or neutral for all services we examined, although we did not examine terrestrial activities (for example, land use) that affect eelgrass coverage. Within particular service categories, however, we found cases where the responses to changes in eelgrass of individual groups of species that provide the same type of ecosystem service differed both in the magnitude and in the direction of change. This emphasizes the care that should be taken in combining multiple examples of a particular type of ecosystem service into an aggregate measure of that service.  相似文献   

Phenanthrene- and naphthalene-degrading bacteria were isolated from four offshore and nearshore locations in the Gulf of Mexico by using a modified most-probable-number technique. The concentrations of these bacteria ranged from 102 to 106 cells per ml of wet surficial sediment in mildly contaminated and noncontaminated sediments. A total of 23 strains of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)-degrading bacteria were obtained. Based on partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequences and phenotypic characteristics, these 23 strains are members of the genus Cycloclasticus. Three representatives were chosen for a complete phylogenetic analysis, which confirmed the close relationship of these isolates to type strain Cycloclasticus pugetii PS-1, which was isolated from Puget Sound. PAH substrate utilization tests which included high-molecular-weight PAHs revealed that these isolates had similar, broad substrate ranges which included naphthalene, substituted naphthalenes, phenanthrene, biphenyl, anthracene, acenaphthene, and fluorene. Degradation of pyrene and fluoranthene occurred only when the strains were incubated with phenanthrene. Two distinct partial PAH dioxygenase iron sulfur protein (ISP) gene sequences were PCR amplified from Puget Sound and Gulf of Mexico Cycloclasticus strains. Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences revealed that one ISP type is related to the bph type of ISP sequences, while the other ISP type is related to the nah type of ISP sequences. The predicted ISP amino acid sequences for the Gulf of Mexico and Puget Sound strains are identical, which supports the hypothesis that these geographically separated isolates are closely related phylogentically. Cycloclasticus species appear to be numerically important and widespread PAH-degrading bacteria in both Puget Sound and the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis was used to determine the relative proportions of terrestrial and marine subsidies of carbon to invertebrates along a tidal gradient (low-intertidal, mid-intertidal, high-intertidal, supralittoral) and to determine the relative importance of terrestrial carbon in food web pathways leading to chum salmon fry Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) in Howe Sound, British Columbia. We found a clear gradient in the proportion of terrestrially derived carbon along the tidal gradient ranging from 68% across all invertebrate taxa in the supralittoral to 25% in the high-intertidal, 20% in the mid-intertidal, and 12% in the low-intertidal. Stable isotope values of chum salmon fry indicated carbon contributions from both terrestrial and marine sources, with terrestrially derived carbon ranging from 12.8 to 61.5% in the muscle tissue of chum salmon fry (mean 30%). Our results provide evidence for reciprocal subsidies of marine and terrestrially derived carbon on beaches in the estuary and suggest that the vegetated supralittoral is an important trophic link in supplying terrestrial carbon to nearshore food webs.  相似文献   

An immature chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) that had spent two winters at sea was found in a Puget Sound beach zone. Necropsy indicated the fish was infected with bacterial kidney disease (KD). This is the first report of KD from a wild fish in the marine environment.  相似文献   

While individual growth ultimately reflects the quality and quantity of food resources, intra and interspecific interactions for these resources, as well as individual size, may have dramatic impacts on growth opportunity. Out‐migrating anadromous salmonids make rapid transitions between habitat types resulting in large pulses of individuals into a given location over a short period, which may have significant impact on demand for local resources. We evaluated the spatial and temporal variation in IGF‐1 concentrations (a proxy for growth rate) and the relationship between size and concentration for juvenile Chinook salmon in Puget Sound, WA, USA, as a function of the relative size and abundance of both Chinook salmon and Pacific herring, a species which commonly co‐occurs with salmonids in nearshore marine habitats. The abundance of Chinook salmon and Pacific herring varied substantially among the sub‐basins as function of outmigration timing and spawn timing, respectively, while size varied systematically and consistently for both species. Mean IGF‐1 concentrations were different among sub‐basins, although patterns were not consistent through time. In general, size was positively correlated with IGF‐1 concentration, although the slope of the relationship was considerably higher where Pacific herring were more abundant than Chinook salmon; specifically where smaller individual herring, relative to Chinook salmon, were more abundant. Where Pacific herring were less abundant than Chinook salmon, IGF‐1 concentrations among small and large Chinook salmon were more variable and showed no consistent increase for larger individuals. The noticeable positive effect of relative Pacific herring abundance on the relationship between size and individual growth rates likely represents a shift to predation based on increased IGF‐1 concentrations for individual Chinook salmon that are large enough to incorporate fish into their diet and co‐occur with the highest abundances of Pacific herring.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in food resources strongly influences many aspects of aquatic consumer ecology. Although large-scale controls over spatial variation in many aspects of food resources are well known, others have received little study. Here we investigated variation in the fatty acid (FA) composition of seston and primary consumers within (i.e., among habitats) and among tributary systems of Lake Michigan, USA. FA composition of food is important because all metazoans require certain FAs for proper growth and development that cannot be produced de novo, including many polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Here we sampled three habitat types (river, rivermouth and nearshore zone) in 11 tributaries of Lake Michigan to assess the amount of FA in seston and primary consumers of seston. We hypothesize that among-system and among-habitat variation in FAs at the base of food webs would be related to algal production, which in turn is influenced by three land cover characteristics: 1) combined agriculture and urban lands (an indication of anthropogenic nutrient inputs that fuel algal production), 2) the proportion of surface waters (an indication of water residence times that allow algal producers to accumulate) and 3) the extent of riparian forested buffers (an indication of stream shading that reduces algal production). Of these three land cover characteristics, only intense land use appeared to strongly related to seston and consumer FA and this effect was only strong in rivermouth and nearshore lake sites. River seston and consumer FA composition was highly variable, but that variation does not appear to be driven by the watershed land cover characteristics investigated here. Whether the spatial variation in FA content at the base of these food webs significantly influences the production of economically important species higher in the food web should be a focus of future research.  相似文献   

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