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Salinity stress is one of the most serious factors limiting the productivity of agricultural crops. A possible survival strategy of plants under saline conditions is to sequester excess Na+ in the vacuole by vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport using a pH gradient generated by H+-ATPasc (EC and H+-Pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase; EC to maintain a higher K+/Na+ ratio in cytoplasm. The effect of exogenously applied polyamines (PAs) in stabilizing root tonoplast integrity and function against salt stress in the barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings was investigated. The NaCl-induced reductions in the contents of phospholipids and PAs in tonoplast vesicles isolated from barely seedling roots, as well as the activities of H+-ATPase, H+-PPase and vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport were all partially restored by the application of 0.5 mM putrescine and 0.5 mM spermidine, especially the former. The above results indicated that one of the mechanisms involved in attenuating salt injury in barley seedlings by exogenous PAs application was to maintain tonoplast integrity and function under saline conditions. Moreover, the possible mechanism involved in counteracting detrimental effects of salt on the barley seedlings by the application of exogenous PAs was discussed.  相似文献   

High Na+ and Cl- concentrations in soil cause hyperionic and hyperosmotic stress effects, the consequence of which can be plant demise. Ion-specific stress effects of Na+ and Cl- on seedlings of cultivated (Glycine max (L.) Merr) and wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. Et Zucc.) were evaluated and compared in isoosmotic solutions of Cl-, Na+ and NaCl. Results showed that under NaCl stress, Cl- was more toxic than Na+ to seedlings of G. max. Injury of six G. max cultivars, including 'Jackson' (salt sensitive) and 'Lee 68' (salt tolerant), was positively correlated with the content of Cl- in the leaves, and negatively with that in the roots. In subsequent research, seedlings of two G. max cultivars (salt-tolerant Nannong 1138-2, and salt-sensitive Zhongzihuangdou-yi) and two G. soja populations (BB52 and N23232) were subjected to isoosmotic solutions of 150mM Na+, Cl- and NaCl, respectively. G. max cv. Nannong 1138-2 and Zhongzihuangdou-yi were damaged much more heavily in the solution of Cl- than in that of Na+. Their Leaves were found to be more sensitive to Cl- than to Na+, and salt tolerance of these two G. max cultivars was mainly due to successful withholding of Cl- in the roots and stems to decrease its content in the leaves. The reverse response to isoosmotic stress of 150 mM Na+ and Cl- was shown in G. soja populations of BB52 and N23232; their leaves were not as susceptible to toxicity of Cl- as that of Na+. Salt tolerance of BB52 and N23232 was mainly due to successful withholding of Na+ in the roots and stems to decrease its content in the leaves. These results indicate that G. soja have advantages over G. max in those traits associated with the mechanism of Cl-tolerance, such as its withholding in roots and vacuoles of leaves. It is possible to use G. soja to improve the salt tolerance of G. max.  相似文献   

It was shown that callus established from Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. (Malvaceae) can grow in salinities higher than 200 mM NaCl if previously accomodated stepwise. Callus lines developed from seedlings of different harvests or of the same harvest at different times, all showed the same pattern of growth and sensitiviy to salinity. The absorption of Na+ into the callus increased with increasing external NaCl concentration. In the callus, Na+ was apparently distributed outside and inside a cellular membrane (possibly the plasmalemma). This membrane was, apparently, capable of regulating the Na+ concentration in the protoplast. Outside this membrane Na+ accumulated to concentrations higher than in the external growth medium. Exogenously supplied proline or glycine-betaine did not affect the growth of the callus. Externally applied ABA stimulated growth under saline conditions and increased the accumulation of proline. Growth and proline content were positively correlated in callus exposed to salinity, but in the presence of ABA they were negatively correlated. ABA was involved in both growth and proline accumulation, but there was no clear relationship between these two effects. Both ABA and proline, if added to the growth medium, improved the appearence of the callus.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - B5 Gamborg's medium - BA benzylalanine - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - FW fresh weight - G B5 medium without growth regulators - GH B5 medium supplemented with growth regulators - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - PGR plant growth regulators - Q T total amount of a certain ion in the tissue - Q s amount of the ion that has leaked out - QAC Quaternarty Ammonium Compounds - RGR mean relative growth rate - W1 and W2 fresh weight at times t1 and t2  相似文献   

The effects of three rhizobacterial isolates namely Pseudomonas fluorescens (M1), Pseudomonas putida (M2) and Bacillus subtilis (M3) were examined to enhance growth and chemical components such as chlorophyll and proline of three cultivars of soybean (Glycine max L.) under two levels of salinity stress (S1 = 200 mM and S2 = 400 mM of NaCl salt). Several morphological and physiological parameters were investigated. The highest mean values of final germination percent (FGP) were registered in cultivar Crawford (95%) followed by Giza111 cultivar (93%) in the presence of P. fluorescens, while, FGP of Clark was 85%. Mean germination time was decreased by the application of P. fluorescens or P. putida in both salt stressed and unstressed traits. All growth parameters were significantly decreased by salinity treatments, particularly at S2. A significant increase in stem length and shoot fresh weight was recorded in plants treated with P. fluorescens. This enhancing trend was followed by the application of P. putida then B. subtilis. Chlorophyll contents and plant soluble proteins were decreased, while proline content was increased as compared with control treatment. Results showed that the salt tolerant cultivar, Crawford, may have a better tolerance strategy against oxidative damages by increasing antioxidant enzymes activities under high salinity stress. These results suggest that salt induced oxidative stress in soybean is generally counteracted by enzymatic defense systems stimulated under harsh conditions. Our results showed that inoculation with plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial (PGPR) alleviated the harmful effects of salinity stress on soybean cultivars. The diversity in the phylogenetic relationship and in the level of genetic among cultivars was assessed by SDS-PAGE and RAPD markers. Among the polymorphism bands, only few were found to be useful as positive or negative markers associated with salt stress. The maximum number of bands (17) was recorded in Crawford, while the minimum number of bands (11) was recorded in Clark. Therefore, the ISSR can be used to identify alleles associated with the salt stress in soybean germplasm.  相似文献   

Michele Cope  Lee H. Pratt 《Planta》1992,188(1):115-122
The intracellular distribution of phytochrome in hypocotyl hooks of etiolated soybean (Glycine max L.) has been examined by immunofluorescence using a newly produced monoclonal antibody (Soy-1) directed to phytochrome purified from etiolated soybean shoots. Cortical cells in the hook region exhibit the strongest phytochrome-associated fluorescence, which is diffusely distributed throughout the cytosol in unirradiated, etiolated seedlings. A redistribution of immunocytochemically detectable hytochrome to discrete areas (sequestering) following irradiation with red light requires a few minutes at room temperature in soybean, whereas this redistribution is reversed rapidly following irradiation with far-red light. In contrast, sequestering in oat (Avena sativa L.) occurs within a few seconds (D. McCurdy and L. Pratt, 1986, Planta 167, 330–336) while its reversal by far-red light requires hours (J. M. Mackenzie Jr. et al., 1975, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 72, 799–803). The time courses, however, of red-light-enhanced phytochrome pelletability and sequestering are similar for soybean as they are for oat. Thus, while these observations made with a dicotyledon are consistent with the previous conclusion derived from work with oat, namely that sequestering and enhanced pelletability are different manifestations of the same intracellular event, they are inconsistent with the hypothesis that either is a primary step in the mode of action of phytochrome.Abbreviations DIC differential interference contrast - FR far-red light - Ig immunoglobulin - Pfr, P far-red- and red-absorbing form of phytochrome, respectively - R red light This work was supported by National Science Foundation grant No. DCB-8703057.  相似文献   

Durum wheat, Triticum turgidum L. (2n= 4x=28, genome formula AABB) is inferior to bread wheat, T. aestivum L. (2n=6x=42, genome formula AABBDD), in the ability to exclude Na+ under salt strees, in the ratio of the accumulated K+ to Na+ in the leaves under salt stress, and in tolerance of salt stress. Previous work showed that chromosome 4D has a major effect on Na+ and K+ accumulation in the leaves of bread wheat. The 4D chromosome was recombined with chromosome 4B in the genetic background of durum wheat. The recombinants showed that Na+ exclusion and enhanced K+/Na+ ratio in the shoots were controlled by a single locus, Kna1, in the long arm of chromosome 4D. The recombinant families were grown in the field under non-saline conditions and two levels of salinity to determine whether Kna1 confers salt tolerance. Under salt stress, the Kna1 families had higher K+/Na+ ratios in the flag leaves and higher yields of grain and biomass than the Kna1 - families and the parental cultivars. Kna1 is, therefore, one of the factors responsible for the higher salt tolerance of bread wheat relative to durum wheat. The present work provides conceptual evidence that tolerance of salt stress can be transferred between species in the tribe Triticeae.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake and distribution of iron and manganese were studied in a manganese-sensitive soybean cultivar (‘Bragg’) grown over a range of supply levels of these nutrients in solution culture. At high (90 and 275 μM) manganese levels, increasing the iron concentration in solution from 2 to 100 μM partially overcame the effects of manganese toxicity. Interactions between manganese and iron occurred for dry matter yields, rate of Mn absorption by the roots, and the proportions of manganese and iron transported to the tops. No interaction was observed for the rate of root absorption of iron. The percentage distribution of manganese in the plant top increased with increasing iron, despite a reduced rate of Mn uptake. On the other hand, iron uptake was independent of solution Mn concentration and increased with increasing solution Fe. Also more iron was retained in the roots at high Mn and/or Fe levels in solution. Concentrations of manganese and iron in roots, stems and individual leaves were affected independently by the manganese and iron supplyi.e. without any interaction occurring between the two elements. In general, the concentration in a plant part was related directly to the solution concentration. Symptoms resembling iron deficiency correlated poorly with leaf Fe concentrations whereas high levels of manganese were found in leaves displaying Mn toxicity symptoms.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to discover how leucoplasts from suspension cultures of soybean (Glycine max L.) oxidize hexose monophosphates. Leucoplasts were isolated from protoplast lysates on a continuous gradient of Nycodenz with a yield of 28% and an intactness of 80%. Incubation of the leucoplasts with 14C-labelled substrates led to 14CO2 production, that was dependent upon leucoplast intactness, from [U-14C]glucose 6-phosphate, [U-14C]glucose 1-phosphate, [U-14C] fructose 6-phosphate and [U-14C]glucose+ATP, but not from [U-14C]fructose-1,6-bisphosphate or [U-14C]triose phosphate. The yield from [U-14C]glucose 6-phosphate was at least four times greater than that from any of the other substrates. When [1-14C]-, [2-14C]-, [3,4-14C]-, and [6-14C]glucose 6-phosphate were supplied to leucoplasts significant 14CO2 production that was dependent upon leucoplast intactness was found only for [1-14C]glucose 6-phosphate. It is argued that soybean cell leucoplasts oxidize glucose 6-phosphate via the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway with very little recycling, and that in these plastids glycolysis to acetyl CoA is negligible.S.A.C. thanks the Science and Engineering Research Council for a research studentship.  相似文献   

A novel Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation method using a primary-node explant from Dairyland cultivar 93061 was developed for soybean using the disarmed Agrobacterium strain SHA17. Transformed plants regenerated from explants inoculated with SHA17 were fertile and phenotypically normal. In a comparative experiment, regeneration frequencies were not significantly different between explants inoculated with A. rhizogenes strain SHA17 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1; however, a 3.5-fold increase in transformation efficiency [(number of Southern or TaqMan-positive independent events/total number of explants inoculated) × 100] was found for explants cocultured with SHA17 compared to AGL1 (6.6 and 1.64%, respectively). Southern analysis of 48 T0 plants suggested that 37.5, 23, and 39.6% of the T0 plants contained 1, 2, and 3 or more T-DNA fragments integrated into the genome, respectively. Additionally, T1 progeny analysis of 8 independent events resulted in typical Mendelian inheritance of T-DNA genes. Of seven T0 plants that had two or more T-DNA fragments, six contained multiple loci segregating in T1 progenies. Further analysis of four lines confirmed the presence of PAT, GUS, and/or DsRED2 proteins in transgenic plants that were encoded on the T-DNA into the T2 generation.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis for germination percentage was carried out in the F3 and F4 generations of a diallel cross involving six promising genotypes of soybean. Results indicated a high amount of genetic variability and a moderately high heritability together with genetic advance, suggesting a possible improvement for this character through hybridization and selection. Correlations at different levels revealed a strong negative association of germination with only one seed character: seed weight. This observation was further confirmed from path coefficient analysis. These findings strongly suggest that to base selection on seed weight which may not influence the seed quality of soybean.  相似文献   

The salt-induced accumulation of some nitrogen compounds (free amino acids, ammonium and urea) in shoots of eight rice cultivars differing in salt tolerance was investigated. Salt treatment (100 mM, 6 days) significantly increased the proline content of shoots but this appeared to be a reaction to stress damage and not associated with salt tolerance, because proline contents were higher in the more sensitive cultivars. Besides proline, some other free amino acids also accumulated leading to a significant increase in the total amino acid content of the stressed seedlings. High levels of free ammonium also accumulated under conditions of stress; this was highly correlated with the accumulation of Na+ in the shoots and negatively correlated with salt tolerance. The accumulation of ammonium was positively correlated with the accumulation of many free amino acids, and also associated with the production of urea in the stressed seedlings. Results from the present investigations suggest that an increase in the concentration of some free amino acids including proline, may be a result of the reassimilation of the stress-induced ammonium. A high capacity to assimilate ammonium may be an important factor in alleviating the consequence of stress because ammonium can be toxic at high concentrations.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下不同基因型冬小麦渗透及离子的毒害效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以4种不同基因型冬小麦为试验材料,利用分根法研究了盐胁迫对小麦的渗透胁迫和离子毒害的效应。结果表明,在盐胁迫下,小麦既受渗透胁迫,也受盐离子胁迫。渗透胁迫效应比较快,大约在处理后1-2d内发生;离子毒害效应比较缓慢,大约需3-4d时间。在一半盐胁迫(200mmol/L NaCl)和一半非盐胁迫的分根条件下,小麦没有明显的渗透胁迫效应,小麦植株地上部Na+ 累积到毒性水平之前盐处理对小麦生长无抑制效应。小麦具有将Na+ 从盐胁迫一侧转移非盐一侧的能力,说明小麦吸收的Na+ 有一部分可以从地上部回流到根系中,回流率可达76%-89%。无水分胁迫(不加入PEG)的回流率大于水分胁迫(加入PEG)的回流率。不同基因型小麦在盐分吸收累积和回流,及渗透和离子胁迫的速度和程度等方面具有明显差异。NR 9405和小偃6号的Na+ 累积速度要少于陕229和RB 6;NR 9405根系排Na+ 能力强于陕229和RB 6。因此,NR 9405和小偃6号的耐盐性高于陕229和RB 6。  相似文献   

In vitro responses of embryogenic sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.; cv. CoC-671) calli stressed with different levels of NaCl (0.0, 42.8, 85.6, 128.3, 171.1, 213.9 or 256.7 mM) were studied. The results showed that a significant decrease in callus growth and cell viability occurred with ≥85.6 mM NaCl. Higher amounts of free proline and glycine betaine were accumulated in NaCl-stressed calli. Although the leached and retained Na+ contents increased, the retained K+ content decreased with increasing levels of NaCl. Such a mechanism implies that sugarcane can be considered as a Na+-excluder. The accumulation of salt ions and osmolytes could play an important role in osmotic adjustment in sugarcane cells under salt stress.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度(0-200μg.g^-1)菲胁迫和恢复培养后大豆幼苗生长、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化.结果表明,200μg.g^-1菲处理5d后大豆幼苗生长受到抑制,但幼苗恢复培养后经短暂停滞期后仍可恢复生长.菲污染对大豆幼苗SOD活性变化的剂量—效应关系的作用形式比较复杂,胁迫2d时为线性关系,胁迫5d和8d时为抛物线型.在菲处理前期(2d),幼苗SOD活性被100和200μg.g^-1菲显著诱导[分别为对照的1.15倍(P<0.05)和1.26倍(P<0.01)].菲暴露8d时,SOD活性显著降低,200μg.g^-1菲处理组SOD活性为对照的88%(P<0.05).菲处理5d后恢复培养2d和4d,50和100μg.g^-1菲处理组幼苗SOD活性得到恢复,而200μg.g^-1菲处理组幼苗SOD活性仍明显高于对照(P<0.05).试验亦反映出,100和200μg.g^-1菲处理5d和8d,幼苗MDA含量均比对照显著增加(P<0.05和P<0.01).可以认为,SOD活性可作为大豆幼苗遭受短期菲胁迫的生物标记物.  相似文献   

Gulden  Robert H.  Vessey  J. Kevin 《Plant and Soil》1998,198(2):127-136
Experiments on peas (Gulden and Vessey, 1997) have indicated that NH 4 + stimulates both whole plant (nodules plant-1) and specific nodulation (nodules g-1 root DW). The effect of low concentrations of NH 4 + on the soybean/Bradyrhizobium symbiosis is unknown. The objectives of the current study were to determine the immediate and residual effects of NH 4 + on nodulation and N2 fixation in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) in sand culture. Soybean (cv. Maple Ridge) were exposed to 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mM of 15N-labelled (NH4)2SO4 for 28 days after inoculation (DAI). From 29 to 56 DAI the plants were grown on NH 4 + -free nutrient solution. Plants were harvested at 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 DAI for root, shoot and nodule dry weight (DW), total N content, nodule counts and 15N enrichment of plant composites. Nitrogenase activity was measured by gas exchange at 28 DAI. The plants in the control (0.0 mM NH 4 + ) treatment had consistently lower relative growth rates than the plants in the NH 4 + treatments during the first 28 DAI. Plant growth was also less at 2.0 mM NH 4 + compared to growth at 0.5 and 1.0 mM NH 4 + . At 28 DAI, plants exposed to 0.5 and 1.0 mM NH 4 + had significantly more nodules per plant and larger individual nodules than either the NH 4 + -free controls or the 2.0 mM NH 4 + -supplied plants. However, specific nodulation (nodule number g-1 root DW) and specific nitrogenase activity (nitrogenase activity g-1 nodule DW) were on average approximately 286% and 60% higher in the control plants, respectively, than for plants in the NH 4 + treatments at 28 DAI. Also at 28 DAI, specific nodule DW (nodule DW g-1 root DW) were 17, 44 and 53% higher in control plants than plants that had been exposed to 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mM NH 4 + . At 56 DAI, after an additional 4 weeks of NH 4 + -free nutrition, the plants which had previously received 0.5 and 1.0 mM NH 4 + still maintained the highest plant DW and N contents, however, specific nodule DW had become similar at 600 mg nodule DW g-1 root DW among all treatments. It is concluded that NH 4 + has a negative effect on the nodulation process in the soybean/Bradyrhizobium symbiosis (as best indicated by the negative effect of NH 4 + on specific nodulation). Despite this negative effect on specific nodulation, 0.5 and 1.0 mM NH 4 + resulted in higher whole plant nodulation and N2 fixation due to a compensating, positive effect on overall plant growth (i.e. fewer nodules g-1 root DW, but much larger roots). Once NH 4 + was removed from all treatments, the soybean plants appeared to move toward a consistent level of nodule DW relative to root DW.  相似文献   

An osmotically (mannitol) tolerant callus line of Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek has been isolated from callus cultures grown on modified PC-L2 medium supplemented with increasing concentrations of mannitol. The tolerance was stable and retained after growth in the absence of mannitol selection for 2 months. The growth of the tolerant line, in the presence of mannitol (540 mol m-3) was comparable to that of a sensitive callus line growing in the absence of mannitol. This line not only grew well on media containing up to 720 mol m-3 mannitol, but also required 450 mol m-3 mannitol for its optimal growth. Osmotically tolerant callus also showed increased tolerance to NaCl (0–250 mol m-3) stress as compared to sensitive callus. Accumulation of Na+ was lower, and the level of K+ was more stable in osmotically tolerant than in sensitive calli, when both were exposed to salt. The free proline content of both tolerant and sensitive calli increased on media supplemented with mannitol or NaCl. However, the proline content of sensitive callus was higher than in tolerant callus in the presence of same concentrations of mannitol or NaCl.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine  相似文献   

Genes controlling nitrogen-fixing symbioses of legumes with specialized bacteria known as rhizobia are presumably the products of many millions of years of evolution. Different adaptative solutions evolved in response to the challenge of survival in highly divergent complexes of symbionts. Whereas efficiency of nitrogen fixation appears to be controlled by quantitative inheritance, genes controlling nodulation are qualitatively inherited. Genes controlling nodulation include those for non-nodulation, those that restrict certain microsymbionts, and those conditioning hypernodulation, or supernodulation. Some genes are naturally occurring polymorphisms, while others were induced or were the result of spontaneous mutations. The geographic patterns of particular alleles indicate the role of coevolution in determining symbiont specificites and compatibilities. For example, the Rj4 allele occurs with higher frequency (over 50%) among the soybean (G. max) from Southeast Asia. DNA homology studies of strains of Bradyrhizobium that nodulate soybean indicated two groups so distinct as to warrant classification as two species. Strains producing rhizobitoxine-induced chlorosis occur only in Group II, now classified as B. elkanii. Unlike B. japonicum, B. elkanii strains are characterized by (1) the ability to nodulate the rj1 genotype, (2) the formation of nodule-like structures on peanut, (3) a relatively high degree of ex planta nitrogenase activity, (4) distinct extracellular polysaccharide composition, (5) distinct fatty acid composition, (6) distinct antibiotic resistance profiles, and (7) low DNA homology with B. japonicum. Analysis with soybean lines near isogenic for the Rj4 versus rj4 alleles indicated that the Rj4 allele excludes a high proportion of B. elkanii strains and certain strains of B. japonicum such as strain USDA62 and three serogroup 123 strains. These groups, relatively inefficient in nitrogen fixation with soybean, tend to predominate in soybean nodules from many US soils. The Rj4 allele, the most common allelic form in the wild species, has a positive value for the host plants in protecting them from nodulation by rhizobia poorly adapted for symbiosis.  相似文献   

Summary From one plant of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) with only two one-seeded pods, found in an F4 population maintained by single-seed descent procedure, two fully fertile plants were obtained which, in turn, produced two progeny segregating for male sterility. Segregation ratios, observed on progeny from fertile plants in three successive generations, indicated that the male-sterility trait was under the control of a single recessive gene. Cytological observations made on malesterile, female-fertile plants showed the occurrence of a complete and properly timed cytokinesis with the formation of tetrad cells whose size was very variable, one of which sometimes had two nuclei. During pollen maturation binucleate microspores and grains with reduced size (micropollens) were frequently observed. Massive pollen degeneration occurred at a rather later stage. Structural evidence points to a normally functioning tapetum.On the basis of these cytological observations we conclude that the abnormalities observed in the mutant we studied have to be considered to be different from those caused by any other known ms allele. Tests of allelism with other sources of male sterility are in progress.  相似文献   

Soybeans (Glycine max L.) are being introduced as a cash crop to small scale farmers in Zambia for rotation in their farming systems. The objectives of this study were to compare and select the most approriate non-fixing reference crop for estimating N2 fixation by soybeans and assess yields and N2 fixation of soybeans in Zambia. Nitrogen isotope dilution techniques using15N-labelled organic or inorganic materials were utilized. Two nonnodulating soybean cultivars, Clark RJ1 and N77 or in their absence Pearl millet (Panicum glaucum L.) were judged to be appropriate reference crops. A local soybean fixing cultivar (Glycine max L. cv. Magoye) rated highest among three cultivars tested for its ability to support symbiotic N2 fixation byB. japonicum under the experimental conditions. Values of percent N derived from atomosphere for this cultivar were in the order of 65 to 70%.deceased.Contribution no R531 of the Saskatchewan Institute of Pedology. Present address (REK): Esso Chemical Canada, P.O. Box 3010, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada T1J 4A9.  相似文献   

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