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This study observed the behavioral characteristics of 122 steers in eight pens and 1,136 steers at six pastures. Nonhuman animals kept in pens performed less nutritive oral behaviors and more nonnutritive oral behaviors than animals kept at pasture. Although these could not be described as stereotypies, they did represent a replacement of nutritive oral behaviors by nonnutritive oral behaviors, rather than simply an increase in resting time. This could be indicative of a level of oral frustration. At pasture, there was a greater proportion of oral behaviors in animals with low pasture availability as compared to high availability, but this was an increase in nutritive oral behaviors rather than nonnutritive oral behaviors. Factors other than oral frustration—for example, rumen fill—probably drove this increase.  相似文献   

目的 探讨职场正念对护士工作使命感的影响并检验组织认同的中介效应。方法 通过一个横断面式的网络问卷调查收集资料,采用阶层线性回归法验证变量间的作用关系。结果 职场正念能够显著正向预测组织认同(β=0.348,P<0.01)和工作使命感(β=0.281,P<0.01);组织认同能够显著正向预测工作使命感(β=0.534,P<0.01);组织认同在职场正念与工作使命感的关系中扮演部分中介角色。结论 职场正念可以提升护士组织认同与依附,进而间接促进工作使命感。同时,职场正念可以通过提升核心自我评价提高职业生涯韧性和维护护士职业适应进而直接提高她们的工作使命感。  相似文献   

短尾猴的社会行为与社会关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
群体生活的动物通过社会行为相联系,社会行为的类别和发生的频率决定了动物社会关系的性质,进而决定了社会结构的类型。本文根据作者在安徽黄山对短尾猴16年的观察研究,描述和分析了一些重要的社会行为,探讨了短尾猴社会中各种社会关系的特点和性质。雌性短尾猴之间的行为比较简单,缺乏多样性,主要通过近距及理毛等状态性行为建立和维持,是长久和稳固的关系;雄性短尾猴之间具有丰富的行为,事件性行为(如拥抱、爬跨等)占主要部分,易发生冲突但也易于和解;雄性和雌性关系与繁殖季节有关,交配期主要是性关系,产仔期主要是友好关系;成体和幼体的关系主要是照料与被照料的关系。  相似文献   

目的 将工作场所无礼行为量表引入新入职护士群体,并探究新入职护士经历工作场所无礼行为对其离职意愿的影响。方法 通过问卷调查法,调查了新参加工作三年内的护士696人。采用探索性因子分析法和阶层回归分析进行数据分析。结果 工作场所无礼行为量表包含2个维度下的12个测量条目,问卷的格朗巴赫一致性系数为0.893,量表具有良好的结构效度和预测效度, 新入职护士经历工作场所无礼行为对离职意愿具有显著的正向预测作用(β= 0.352,P<0.01)。结论 新入职护士经历工作场所无礼行为量表具有良好的信效度,同时,经历高水平的工作场所无礼行为的新入职护士心理压力增强及工作嵌入度降低,进而她们的离职意愿增高。  相似文献   

We compare and contrast the signalling systems and social behaviorsof Alligator mississippiensis, Crocodylus aculus, and Crocodylusmloticus. Our qualitative analysis focuses primarily on thebehaviors of adults during three phases of reproduction: I.Defense of Territory and Courtship, II. Nesting and Incubation,and III. Hatching and Post Hatching. Signals and signal elementsare very similar among the three species. For example, all havevocal, non-vocal acoustic, and visual signals, some transmittedthrough air or water and others through both media. In addition,each species' repertoire is composed of discrete, graded andcomplex signals. A few signals are unique to each species. However,their signalling systems differ in the temporal organizationof the behaviors, and in the relative frequency in which certainfunctional groups of signals occuror in which signals occurin a particular sensory mode. Apparently, the signalling systemsof C. acutus and C. niloticus are more similar to each otherthan either is to the signalling system of A. mississippiensis.The signalling systems of the crocodile species appear to beadapted to open water habitats in which visual signals are advantageousand to high density breeding groups and post-copulatory intersexualcontact. In contrast, the Alligatorsignalling system appearsadapted to a marsh habitat in which vocal signals are likelyfavored and to low density breeding groups.  相似文献   

Why are some behaviors governed by strong social conventions while others are not? We experimentally investigate two factors contributing to the formation of conventions in a game of impure coordination: the continuity of interaction within each round of play (simultaneous vs. real-time) and the stakes of the interaction (high vs. low differences between payoffs). To maximize efficiency and fairness in this game, players must coordinate on one of two equally advantageous equilibria. In agreement with other studies manipulating continuity of interaction, we find that players who were allowed to interact continuously within rounds achieved outcomes with greater efficiency and fairness than players who were forced to make simultaneous decisions. However, the stability of equilibria in the real-time condition varied systematically and dramatically with stakes: players converged on more stable patterns of behavior when stakes are high. To account for this result, we present a novel analysis of the dynamics of continuous interaction and signaling within rounds. We discuss this previously unconsidered interaction between within-trial and across-trial dynamics as a form of social canalization. When stakes are low in a real-time environment, players can satisfactorily coordinate ‘on the fly’, but when stakes are high there is increased pressure to establish and adhere to shared expectations that persist across rounds.  相似文献   

Long before the origins of agriculture human ancestors had expanded across the globe into an immense variety of environments, from Australian deserts to Siberian tundra. Survival in these environments did not principally depend on genetic adaptations, but instead on evolved learning strategies that permitted the assembly of locally adaptive behavioral repertoires. To develop hypotheses about these learning strategies, we have modeled the evolution of learning strategies to assess what conditions and constraints favor which kinds of strategies. To build on prior work, we focus on clarifying how spatial variability, temporal variability, and the number of cultural traits influence the evolution of four types of strategies: (1) individual learning, (2) unbiased social learning, (3) payoff-biased social learning, and (4) conformist transmission. Using a combination of analytic and simulation methods, we show that spatial??but not temporal??variation strongly favors the emergence of conformist transmission. This effect intensifies when migration rates are relatively high and individual learning is costly. We also show that increasing the number of cultural traits above two favors the evolution of conformist transmission, which suggests that the assumption of only two traits in many models has been conservative. We close by discussing how (1) spatial variability represents only one way of introducing the low-level, nonadaptive phenotypic trait variation that so favors conformist transmission, the other obvious way being learning errors, and (2) our findings apply to the evolution of conformist transmission in social interactions. Throughout we emphasize how our models generate empirical predictions suitable for laboratory testing.  相似文献   

There are many situations where relatives interact while at the same time there is genetic polymorphism in traits influencing survival and reproduction. Examples include cheater-cooperator polymorphism and polymorphic microbial pathogens. Environmental heterogeneity, favoring different traits in nearby habitats, with dispersal between them, is one general reason to expect polymorphism. Currently, there is no formal framework of social evolution that encompasses genetic polymorphism. We develop such a framework, thus integrating theories of social evolution into the evolutionary ecology of heterogeneous environments. We allow for adaptively maintained genetic polymorphism by applying the concept of genetic cues. We analyze a model of social evolution in a two-habitat situation with limited dispersal between habitats, in which the average relatedness at the time of helping and other benefits of helping can differ between habitats. An important result from the analysis is that alleles at a polymorphic locus play the role of genetic cues, in the sense that the presence of a cue allele contains statistical information for an organism about its current environment, including information about relatedness. We show that epistatic modifiers of the cue polymorphism can evolve to make optimal use of the information in the genetic cue, in analogy with a Bayesian decision maker. Another important result is that the genetic linkage between a cue locus and modifier loci influences the evolutionary interest of modifiers, with tighter linkage leading to greater divergence between social traits induced by different cue alleles, and this can be understood in terms of genetic conflict.  相似文献   

Semantic priming tasks are classically used to influence and implicitly promote target behaviors. Recently, several studies have demonstrated that prosocial semantic priming modulated feelings of social affiliation. The main aim of this study was to determine whether inducing feelings of social affiliation using priming tasks could modulate nonverbal social behaviors in schizophrenia. We used the Scrambled Sentence Task to prime schizophrenia patients according to three priming group conditions: pro-social, non-social or anti-social. Forty-five schizophrenia patients, diagnosed according to DSM-IV-TR, were randomly assigned to one of the three priming groups of 15 participants. We evaluated nonverbal social behaviors using the Motor-Affective subscale of the Motor-Affective-Social-Scale. Results showed that schizophrenia patients with pro-social priming had significantly more nonverbal behaviors than schizophrenia patients with anti-social and non-social priming conditions. Schizophrenia patient behaviors are affected by social priming. Our results have several clinical implications for the rehabilitation of social skills impairments frequently encountered among individuals with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

It has been implied that primates have an ability to categorize social behaviors between other individuals for the execution of adequate social-interactions. Since the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) is involved in both the categorization and the processing of social information, the primate LPFC may be involved in the categorization of social behaviors. To test this hypothesis, we examined neuronal activity in the LPFC of monkeys during presentations of two types of movies of social behaviors (grooming, mounting) and movies of plural monkeys without any eye- or body-contacts between them (no-contacts movies). Although the monkeys were not required to categorize and discriminate the movies in this task, a subset of neurons sampled from the LPFC showed a significantly different activity during the presentation of a specific type of social behaviors in comparison with the others. These neurons categorized social behaviors at the population level and, at the individual neuron level, the majority of the neurons discriminated each movie within the same category of social behaviors. Our findings suggest that a fraction of LPFC neurons process categorical and discriminative information of social behaviors, thereby contributing to the adaptation to social environments.  相似文献   



Whereas the majority of previous research on social capital and health has been on residential neighborhoods and communities, the evidence remains sparse on workplace social capital. To address this gap in the literature, we examined the association between workplace social capital and health status among Chinese employees in a large, multi-level, cross-sectional study.


By employing a two-stage stratified random sampling procedure, 2,796 employees were identified from 35 workplaces in Shanghai during March to November 2012. Workplace social capital was assessed using a validated and psychometrically tested eight-item measure, and the Chinese language version of the WHO-Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) was used to assess mental health. Control variables included sex, age, marital status, education level, occupation status, smoking status, physical activity, and job stress. Multilevel logistic regression analysis was conducted to explore whether individual- and workplace-level social capital was associated with mental health status.


In total, 34.9% of workers reported poor mental health (WHO-5<13). After controlling for individual-level socio-demographic and lifestyle variables, compared to workers with the highest quartile of personal social capital, workers with the third, second, and lowest quartiles exhibited 1.39 to 3.54 times greater odds of poor mental health, 1.39 (95% CI: 1.10–1.75), 1.85 (95% CI: 1.38–2.46) and 3.54 (95% CI: 2.73–4.59), respectively. Corresponding odds ratios for workplace-level social capital were 0.95 (95% CI: 0.61–1.49), 1.14 (95% CI: 0.72–1.81) and 1.63 (95% CI: 1.05–2.53) for the third, second, and lowest quartiles, respectively.


Higher workplace social capital is associated with lower odds of poor mental health among Chinese employees. Promoting social capital at the workplace may contribute to enhancing employees’ mental health in China.  相似文献   

阿片肽在调控社会性和非社会性天然奖赏中具有重要作用。寻求天然奖赏的动机与动物的情绪状态有关。吗啡注射和戒断会引起动物不同的情绪状态。本研究探讨了吗啡处理期和戒断期是否会影响动物对2种类型天然奖赏(社会新颖性和食物)的寻求行为。雄性小鼠连续注射14 d的吗啡(10 mg·kg~(-1),生理盐水作对照组),在最后一次注射20 min后,依次检测了小鼠的运动性及对熟悉个体、陌生个体和食物的接近时间。戒断7 d后,以上行为变量(除运动性)被再次检测。结果表明,盐水处理及戒断的小鼠对陌生个体的接近时间明显多于熟悉个体,且表现出对食物的偏好。吗啡处理的小鼠运动性增加,接近陌生个体和熟悉个体的时间差异无统计学意义,但仍表现出对食物的偏好。与盐水组相比,吗啡戒断降低了小鼠对食物的偏好,但不影响对陌生个体的接近时间。这些结果表明,吗啡会损害寻求社会新颖性和食物的动机;慢性吗啡处理和戒断对这2种天然奖赏的寻求行为有不同的影响,这种差异可能与吗啡经验诱导的不同神经适应有关。  相似文献   

医务社会工作是医院与社会工作机构跨越组织边界的合作。通过对深圳医务社会工作的个案分析,揭示了医院与社会工作机构之间存在制度边界、物理边界、认同边界,具体表现为业务流程与管理规范的隔离、服务空间与信息流通的壁垒、主体间的认同困境,阻碍了医务社会工作的开展。医院主动开放边界的举措与社会工作机构主动渗透的策略促进了组织合作,重塑了组织边界,但也存在一定的不足。  相似文献   

许多证据表明早期生活应激会影响动物成年后的行为和神经化学改变,然而该过程的机制还不完全清楚。脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)、催产素(OT)和糖皮质激素受体(GR)参与对应激的神经适应性反应。本实验将出生3 d后的雌性ICR小鼠幼仔每日隔离3 h直至出生21 d,在60日龄时检测其焦虑水平、社会行为及血清中皮质酮(CORT)和OT的水平,同时检测了中枢BDNF、OT和GR的阳性神经元表达。结果表明,与对照组相比,早期隔离组小鼠的焦虑水平增加,运动性和社会行为减少,同时血清中CORT水平上升、海马CA1和CA2/3区的BDNF及GR的阳性神经元表达下降,下丘脑室旁核和视上核的OT阳性神经元表达减少。这些结果表明,早期社会隔离下调了BDNF、OT和GR的水平,并通过调制应激系统影响雌性ICR小鼠的情绪与社会行为。  相似文献   



Nearly 1% of children in the United States exhibit autism spectrum disorders, but causes and treatments remain to be identified. Mice with deletion of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (Fmr1) gene are used to model autism because loss of Fmr1 gene function causes Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and many people with FXS exhibit autistic-like behaviors. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) is hyperactive in brains of Fmr1 knockout mice, and inhibition of GSK3 by lithium administration ameliorates some behavioral impairment in these mice. We extended our studies of this association by testing whether GSK3 contributes to socialization behaviors. This used two mouse models with disrupted regulation of GSK3, Fmr1 knockout mice and GSK3 knockin mice, in which inhibitory serines of the two isoforms of GSK3, GSK3α and GSK3β, are mutated to alanines, leaving GSK3 fully active.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To assess sociability, test mice were introduced to a restrained stimulus mouse (S1) for 10 min, followed by introduction of a second restrained stimulus mouse (S2) for 10 min, which assesses social preference. Fmr1 knockout and GSK3 knockin mice displayed no deficit in sociability with the S1 mouse, but unlike wild-type mice neither demonstrated social preference for the novel S2 mouse. Fmr1 knockout mice displayed more anxiety-related behaviors during social interaction (grooming, rearing, and digging) than wild-type mice, which was ameliorated by inhibition of GSK3 with chronic lithium treatment.


These results indicate that impaired inhibitory regulation of GSK3 in Fmr1 knockout mice may contribute to some socialization deficits and that lithium treatment can ameliorate certain socialization impairments. As discussed in the present work, these results suggest a role for GSK3 in social behaviors and implicate inhibition of GSK3 as a potential therapeutic.  相似文献   

Many diurnal anthropoid species direct social behaviors toward their own mirror-image as though viewing a conspecific. To determine whether a nocturnal prosimian species would behave similarly, we videotaped social responses of 45 Garnett's greater bush babies (Otolemur garnettii) observing mirror-images for the first time, scored them for frequency and duration, and compared them with the same behaviors directed elsewhere in the test apparatus. Males scentmarked more than females did, principally with the hindfoot, and most when in immediate proximity to the mirror. Bush babies displayed bipedal posture and threat gestures when oriented directly toward a mirror from a near position. Orientation toward the mirror also increased the frequency of arched-back postures; however, this behavior was not contingent on proximity to the mirror or visibility of the mirror-image. The differential expression of specific behaviors toward mirror-images by male and female bush babies supports the view that this nocturnal prosimian, thought to be dependent on olfaction and audition for communication, is capable of specific recognition by visual cues alone.  相似文献   

The social environment of an animal is an especially interesting component of its environment because it can be shaped by both genetic and non‐genetic variation among social partners. Indirect genetic effects (IGEs) are those created when genetic variation in social partners contributes to variation in an individual's phenotype; a potentially common form of IGE occurs when the expression of a behavioral phenotype depends on the particular genotypic combination of interacting individuals. Although IGEs can profoundly affect individual‐ and group‐level fitness, population dynamics, and even community structure, understanding their importance is complicated by two inherent challenges: (1) identifying individuals with genetic differences in social interactions that can contribute to IGEs and (2) characterizing natural social interactions that potentially involve IGEs. As a first step toward addressing both these challenges in the same system, we investigated social interactions involving genetically distinct male color morphs in the poeciliid fish Gambusia holbrooki under natural and laboratory conditions. Previous work indicates that melanic (M) and silver (S) males differ in social behavior and in how conspecifics respond to them, suggesting the potential for IGEs. We used a combination of live and video recording of social groups in two natural populations and in the laboratory to determine the potential for IGEs to contribute to behavioral variation in this species. We found that M males had more social partners, and especially more female social partners than did S males, in nature and in the laboratory. These results suggest that both direct and indirect genetic effects have the potential to play a role in the expression and evolution of social behavior in G. holbrooki.  相似文献   

Alan Cassels 《CMAJ》2015,187(11):E359-E360

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