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The resistance of bacteria occurring in activated sludge purifying refining-petrochemical wastewaters to phenol, cresol and pirocatechin as well as the possibility of the purification of synthetic wastewaters carrying high concentrations of these compounds by sludge composed of resistant strains was studied. The most toxic of the studied compounds was phenol. Six out of 29 strains were resistant to high concentration of phenol (1000 mg/l). Activated sludge synthesized from strains resistant to phenol, cresol and pyrocatechin was tolerant to high concentrations of these compounds. Worsening of the work of the sludge, expressed by decrease of GOD, was observed at the concentrations of phenol, cresol and pyrocatechin of 2000, 400 and 300 mg/l, respectively.  相似文献   

Assessment of denitrifying bacterial composition in activated sludge   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The abundance and structure of denitrifying bacterial community in different activated sludge samples were assessed, where the abundance of denitrifying functional genes showed nirS in the range of 10(4)-10(5), nosZ with 10(4)-10(6) and 16S rRNA gene in the range 10(9)-10(10) copy number per ml of sludge. The culturable approach revealed Pseudomonas sp. and Alcaligenes sp. to be numerically high, whereas culture independent method showed betaproteobacteria to dominate the sludge samples. Comamonas sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates showed efficient denitrification, while Pseudomonas mendocina, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Brevundimonas diminuta accumulated nitrite during denitrification. Numerically dominant RFLP OTUs of the nosZ gene from the fertilizer factory sludge samples clustered with the known isolates of betaproteobacteria. The data also suggests the presence of different truncated denitrifiers with high numbers in sludge habitat.  相似文献   

The in vitro study of the influence of photodynamic action (with the use of photosensitizer "Photosens", laser and non-laser irradiation) on the strains of the main representatives purulent wound microflora was carried out. Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis cultures have been isolated from wound secretions and identified. The photosensitizer was shown to produce no bactericidal effect by itself. Irradiation with laser and non-laser light sources induced a sharp decrease in the number of viable cells in the cultures under study. The irradiation of the photosensitizer led to its activation, manifested in bactericidal action. The results thus obtained confirm good prospect of using photodynamic therapy for the treatment of purulent wounds.  相似文献   

活性污泥微生物菌群研究方法进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
活性污泥是活性污泥法处理污水系统的功能主体。人类对活性污泥微生物菌群的认识随着其研究方法的发展而逐步深入。传统培养方法只能检测到活性污泥中1%~15%的微生物。随着一系列基于免培养的分子生物学技术的出现,活性污泥中菌群的复杂性和多样性以惊人的速度被人们认识,大量依靠传统检测方法未能发现却在活性污泥中起关键作用的微生物逐渐被发现。许多模拟活性污泥菌群生存环境条件的现代培养技术开始发展,且已成功培养了一部分传统培养方法不能培养的细菌类群,这为研究基于免培养方法发现的大量新的微生物菌群的生理特性和作用机制提供了可能,也无疑将把人们对活性污泥菌群的认识推向一个新的层次.主要介绍活性污泥微生物菌群研究的一系列方法,从传统培养方法到基于免培养的现代分子生物学技术,再到现代培养技术,着重论述了现代分子生物学技术及其在活性污泥微生物菌群研究中的进展。  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal from wastewater is often limited by the availability of reducing power to perform denitrification, especially when treating wastewaters with a low carbon:nitrogen ratio. In the increasingly popular sequencing batch reactor (SBR), bacteria have the opportunity to preserve reducing power from incoming chemical oxygen demand (COD) as poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB). The current study uses laboratory experiments and mathematical modeling in an attempt to generate a better understanding of the effect of oxygen on microbial conversion of COD into PHB. Results from a laboratory SBR with acetate as the organic carbon source showed that the aerobic acetate uptake process was oxygen-dependent, producing higher uptake rates at higher dissolved oxygen (DO) supply rates. However, at the lower DO supply rates (k(L)a 6 to 16 h(-1), 0 mg L(-1) DO), a higher proportion of the substrate was preserved as PHB than at higher DO supply rates (k(L)a 30, 51 h(-1), DO >0.9 mg L(-1)). Up to 77% of the reducing equivalents available from acetate were converted to PHB under oxygen limitation (Y(PHB/Ac) 0.68 Cmol/Cmol), as opposed to only 54% under oxygen-excess conditions (Y(PHB/Ac) 0.48 Cmol/Cmol), where a higher fraction of acetate was used for biomass growth. It was calculated that, by oxygen management during the feast phase, the amount of PHB preserved (1.4 Cmmol L(-1) PHB) accounted for an additional denitrification potential of up to 18 mg L(-1) nitrate-nitrogen. The trends of the effect of oxygen (and hence ATP availability) on PHB accumulation could be reproduced by the simulation model, which was based on biochemical stoichiometry and maximum rates obtained from experiments. Simulated data showed that, at low DO concentrations, the limited availability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) prevented significant biomass growth and most ATP was used for acetate transport into the cell. In contrast, high DO supply rates provided surplus ATP and hence higher growth rates, resulting in decreased PHB yields. The results suggest that oxygen management is crucial to conserving reducing power during the feast phase of SBR operation, as excessive aeration rates decrease the PHB yield and allow higher biomass growth.  相似文献   

活性污泥是污水处理厂生物处理工艺的功能主体,活性污泥中菌群的种类、数量及活性是提高污水处理能力与效果的重要基础。本文综述了活性污泥处理工艺中的主要功能细菌(絮凝菌、脱氮菌、除磷菌等)生物群落的多样性与生态特征,并对目前主流的菌群鉴定方式进行总结,最后从运行条件、定向驯化及生物强化3个方面对菌群调控进行论述,以期为活性污泥法污水处理工艺提供一些理论指导。  相似文献   

目的 对丢糟窖窖泥细菌多样性进行评价。方法 选取3个丢糟窖窖池为研究对象,每个窖池分别从上、中和下部取样,采用MiSeq高通量测序技术以16S rRNA为靶点,从分类操作单元(operational taxonomic units,OTU)分布、菌群分类学地位、核心OTU、菌群α和β多样性等维度对其细菌多样性进行研究。结果 在门水平上,Firmicutes和Actinobacteria的平均含量分别为93.89%和4.73%。在属水平上,Lactobacillus、Clostridium、Bacillus、Paenibacillus和Thermoactinomyces的平均相对含量分别为59.67%、8.28%、5.73%、4.97%和1.29%。发现7个平均相对含量大于1.0%的核心OTU,累计相对含量为63.30%。结论 丢糟窖窖泥中的细菌主要由隶属于Firmicutes的5个属构成,不同样品间共有大量的核心菌群。  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to examine the N2O emission during the denitrification process. For each of the 6 runs carried out, synthetic effluent was fed in a 10 l batch mixed liquor to investigate the effect of nitrite on N2O emission and Helium was continuously bubbled through the reactor at constant rate (0.12 l/min) to favour N2O transfer and detection. An increasing COD/NO3-N influent ratio from 3 to 7 was firstly applied (runs 1–3). Secondly, NO2 pulse additions were performed during run 4 and 5 (10 and 20 mg N/l, respectively). Finally, the reactor was fed with influent containing both NO2 and NO3. We showed that N2O emission was detected shortly after NO2 accumulation, few minutes after the substrate feeding. The highest emission occurred at the lower COD/NO3-N ratio (=3) and at the higher NO2 addition (20 mg N/l). In addition, the higher nitrogen conversion to N2O gas (14.4%) was obtained with an influent containing initially both NO2 and NO3. Our results suggest a direct effect of the NO2 concentration on the N2O emission. We have also confirmed the inhibitory effect of NO2 concentration on N2O reduction.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the chronic impact of erythromycin, a macrolide antibiotic, on microbial activities, mainly focusing on changes in process kinetics induced on substrate biodegradation and all related biochemical processes of microbial metabolism. Experiments involved two fill/draw reactors sustained at steady state at two different sludge ages of 10 and 2.0 days, fed with peptone mixture and continuous erythromycin dosing of 50 mg/L. Oxygen uptake rate profiles were generated in a series of parallel batch reactors seeded with biomass from fill/draw systems at selected periods of steady-state operation. Experimental data were evaluated by model calibration reflecting inhibitory effect on process kinetics: continuous erythromycin dosing inhibited microbial growth, reduced the rate of hydrolysis, blocked substrate storage and accelerated endogenous respiration. Adverse impact was mainly due to changes inflicted on the composition of microbial community. Interruption of erythromycin feeding resulted in partial recovery of microbial response. Sludge age affected the nature of inhibition, indicating different process kinetics for faster growing microbial community. Kinetic evaluation additionally revealed the toxic effect of erythromycin, which inactivated a fraction of biomass. Mass balance using oxygen uptake rate data also identified a stoichiometric impact, where a fraction of available substrate, although completely removed, could not be utilized in metabolic activities.  相似文献   

The digestibility of iron-dosed activated sludge   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The impact of chemical phosphorus (P) removal on anaerobic digestion (AD) has long been debated, possibly because there is no general consensus of the definition of impaired AD, but also because of the different assessment methods used. This research surveyed 12 wastewater treatment plants to compare the relative digestibility of iron-dosed with undosed activated sludge during two batch test trials. Results showed that iron-dosed sludge negatively impacted AD by reducing the volume of biogas (12%) and methane (5.5%) produced from the same amount of volatile solids fed. Possible reasons for reduced biogas production include lower levels of bioavailable P and iron in iron-dosed sludge, which may hinder the ability of micro-organisms to metabolise organic substrate.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study was to develop a simple and reliable method for quantifying Microthrix parvicella 16S rRNA gene copies and its application to activated sludge samples collected from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) with and without foaming problems. METHODS AND RESULTS: The relative frequency of M. parvicella was determined by combining real-time PCR assays for quantification of total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies and M. parvicella 16S rRNA gene copies. The developed method was applied to analyse 32 activated sludge samples obtained from German WWTP. The level of M. parvicella 16S rRNA gene copies in the 18 nonfoaming samples was below 3% of the total number of 16S rRNA gene copies and in the range of 0-18% for the 14 foaming samples. CONCLUSIONS: The described method allows reliable monitoring of the amount of M. parvicella in activated sludge samples. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The described method may become an important component of a warning system for forthcoming bulking and foaming episodes.  相似文献   

Under alternating aerobic/anaerobic conditions and without additional carbon sources, a bacterial consortium consisting initially of 18 bacterial strains was obtained in a sequence batch reactor. The phosphorus removal capability could only be maintained using sterile filtrate of activated sludge as medium. The addition of calcium and magnesium salts, as well as vitamins and trace elements, to autoclaved sterile filtrate of activated sludge was not sufficient to achieve stable phosphorus removal. A further enrichment by subcultivation on solid, agar, freezing, and shortening of the aerobic and anaerobic phases led to a defined bacterial consortium consisting of four strains. On the basis of physiological and chemotaxonomic characterization, and partial 16S rRNA sequencing, one of the organisms was identified as Delftia acidovorans. A further isolate belonged to the Bacillus cereus group, and the third isolate was identified as Microbacterium sp.. The remaining strain seems to represent a new genus within the Flavobacteriaceae. Under continuous chemostat conditions, this consortium was able to remove up to 9.6 mg P/l phosphate in the aerobic phase and released up to 8.5 mg/l in the anaerobic phase. Up to 25 mg P-polyphosphate/g dry mass was stored under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Procedures for the extraction of bacterial exopolymers from activated sludge biomass are compared with respect to yields, reproducibility, and the extent of polymer modification.  相似文献   

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