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Population structure and patterns of habitat use among ringed seals (Phoca hispida) are poorly known, in part because seasonal movements have not been adequately documented. We monitored the movements of 98 ringed seals in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas between 1990 and 2006 using three forms of telemetry. In the winter—spring period (when the seals were occupying shorefast ice), we used radio and ultra-sonic tags to track movements above and below the ice, respectively. We used satellite-linked transmitters in summer and fall (when the seals ranged away from their winter sites) to track at-sea movements. In the shorefast ice habitat, the home ranges of 27 adult males ranged from <1 to 13.9 km2 (median = 0.628) while the home ranges of 28 adult females ranged from <1 to 27.9 km2 (median = 0.652). The 3-dimensional volumes used by 9 seals tracked acoustically under the ice averaged 0.07 (SD = 0.04) km3 for subadults and adult males and 0.13 (SD = 0.04) km3 for adult females. Three of the radio-tracked seals and 9 tracked by satellite ranged up to 1,800 km from their winter/spring home ranges in summer but returned to the same small (1–2 km2) sites during the ice-bound months in the following year. The restricted movements of ringed seals during the ice-bound season—including the breeding season—limits their foraging activities for most of the year and may minimize gene flow within the species.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to estimate the densities of ringed (Phoca hispida) and bearded (Erignathus barbatus) seals in the eastern Chukchi Sea. Survey lines were focused mainly on the coastal zone within 37 km of the shoreline, with additional lines flown 148–185 km offshore to assess how densities of seals changed as a function of distance from shore. Satellite-linked time-depth recorders were attached to ringed seals in both years to evaluate the time spent basking on the ice surface. Haulout patterns indicated that ringed seals transitioned to basking behavior in late May and early June, and that the largest proportion of seals (60–68%) was hauled out between 0830 and 1530 local solar time. Ringed seals were relatively common in nearshore fast ice and pack ice, with lower densities in offshore pack ice. The average density of ringed seals was 1.91 seals km−2 in 1999 (range 0.37–16.32) and 1.62 seals km−2 in 2000 (range 0.42–19.4), with the highest densities of ringed seals found in coastal waters south of Kivalina and near Kotzebue Sound. The estimated abundance of ringed seals for the entire study area was similar in 1999 (252,488 seals, SE=47,204) and 2000 (208,857 seals, SE=25,502). Bearded seals were generally more common in offshore pack ice, with the exception of high bearded seal numbers observed near the shore south of Kivalina. Bearded seal densities were not adjusted for haulout behavior, and therefore, abundance was not estimated. Unadjusted average bearded seal density was 0.07 seals km−2 in 1999 (range 0.011–0.393) and 0.14 seals km−2 in 2000 (range 0.009–0.652). Levels of primary productivity, benthic biomass, and fast ice distribution may influence the distributions of ringed and bearded seals in the Chukchi Sea. Information on movement and haulout behavior of ringed and bearded seals would be very useful for designing future surveys.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked tags were attached to 12 spotted seals (Phoca largha) captured at a coastal lagoon in the eastern Chukchi Sea during August 1991–1993. Movements of seals were tracked for 32–298 days using the Argos system. Of 9,651 total location records obtained, 7,268 were usable. Individual seals were located on 41–96% of the days that tags were operational. During August–November, tagged seals alternated haul-outs at coastal sites lasting 1–304 h with trips to sea of 14–901 h. Coastal haul-outs occurred at 14 sites in western Alaska and eastern Russia. On several trips to sea, seals covered distances of more than 1,000 km. Movement southward from the Chukchi Sea generally began in October, with most of the seals passing through the Bering Strait during November. Seals first hauled out on sea ice in October (Chukchi Sea) or November (Bering Sea), and generally moved southward during October–December as sea-ice coverage increased. Seven seals, whose transmitters were still operating, spent December to June in the Bering Sea region between Kuskokwim Bay and Anadyr Gulf, which corresponded to the location of the ice front. The seals made active east-west movements within the ice front. Spotted seals are unlike other ice-breeding seals in that they regularly use coastal haul-outs during summer and autumn. Compared to the closely related Pacific harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi), spotted seals make much longer trips to sea and spend longer continuous periods at their haul-outs during summer and autumn. Received: 9 April 1997 / Accepted: 30 September 1997  相似文献   

Domoic acid (DA) and saxitoxin (STX)-producing algae are present in Alaskan seas, presenting exposure risks to marine mammals that may be increasing due to climate change. To investigate potential increases in exposure risks to four pagophilic ice seal species (Erignathus barbatus, bearded seals; Pusa hispida, ringed seals; Phoca largha, spotted seals; and Histriophoca fasciata, ribbon seals), this study analyzed samples from 998 seals harvested for subsistence purposes in western and northern Alaska during 2005–2019 for DA and STX. Both toxins were detected in bearded, ringed, and spotted seals, though no clinical signs of acute neurotoxicity were reported in harvested seals. Bearded seals had the highest prevalence of each toxin, followed by ringed seals. Bearded seal stomach content samples from the Bering Sea showed a significant increase in DA prevalence with time (logistic regression, p = .004). These findings are consistent with predicted northward expansion of DA-producing algae. A comparison of paired samples taken from the stomachs and colons of 15 seals found that colon content consistently had higher concentrations of both toxins. Collectively, these results suggest that ice seals, particularly bearded seals (benthic foraging specialists), are suitable sentinels for monitoring HAB prevalence in the Pacific Arctic and subarctic.  相似文献   

Feeding habits of ringed (Phoca hispida), bearded (Erignathus barbatus), spotted (Phoca largha) and ribbon (Phoca fasciata) seals and walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) were studied using stomach contents and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Bearded seals fed benthically, primarily crustaceans and mollusks. Both zooplankton and fish were significant prey for ringed seals, while fish was principal spotted seal prey. Few gastric contents were available from ribbon seals. δ15N was positively correlated with age in ribbon seals and δ13C was positively correlated with age in ringed and ribbon seals. δ15N was highest in spotted seals, in agreement with their fish-dominated diet. δ15N was not different between Alaskan-harvested ringed and bearded seals, while δ15N was lowest in ribbon seals and walrus. Carbon-13 was most enriched in bearded seals and walrus reflecting benthic ecosystem use. Canadian ringed seals were depleted in 13C compared to Alaskan pinnipeds, likely because of Beaufort Sea versus Chukchi and Bering seas influence.  相似文献   

Continued Arctic warming and sea‐ice loss will have important implications for the conservation of ringed seals, a highly ice‐dependent species. A better understanding of their spatial ecology will help characterize emerging ecological trends and inform management decisions. We deployed satellite transmitters on ringed seals in the summers of 2011, 2014, and 2016 near Utqia?vik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, to monitor their movements, diving, and haul‐out behavior. We present analyses of tracking and dive data provided by 17 seals that were tracked until at least January of the following year. Seals mostly ranged north of Utqia?vik in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas during summer before moving into the southern Chukchi and Bering Seas during winter. In all seasons, ringed seals occupied a diversity of habitats and spatial distributions, from near shore and localized, to far offshore and wide‐ranging in drifting sea ice. Continental shelf waters were occupied for >96% of tracking days, during which repetitive diving (suggestive of foraging) primarily to the seafloor was the most frequent activity. From mid‐summer to early fall, 12 seals made ~1‐week forays off‐shelf to the deep Arctic Basin, most reaching the retreating pack‐ice, where they spent most of their time hauled out. Diel activity patterns suggested greater allocation of foraging efforts to midday hours. Haul‐out patterns were complementary, occurring mostly at night until April‐May when midday hours were preferred. Ringed seals captured in 2011—concurrent with an unusual mortality event that affected all ice‐seal species—differed morphologically and behaviorally from seals captured in other years. Speculations about the physiology of molting and its role in energetics, habitat use, and behavior are discussed; along with possible evidence of purported ringed seal ecotypes.  相似文献   

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted a survey of the walruses in the pack ice of the Chukchi Sea between 16 September and 2 October 1985, as part of a joint effort with the Soviet Union to estimate the size of the Pacific walrus population. American observers conducted censuses from two aircraft along randomly selected north–south lines over the pack ice. The observers counted walruses within a constant viewing angle that corresponded to a total strip width of 1.38 km at an altitude of 152 m.
In nine days of flying, 15,312 walruses were observed, of which 10,140 were on 5,764 km2 of census strips. Few walruses were observed east of 161°W longitude or west of 170°W longitude, hence the census effort was stratified. Walrus concentrations between 161° and 170° shifted slightly westward during the 2-wk duration of the censuses. The differences among days in observed walrus density were due to changes in the numbers of walruses on the ice within 37 km of the ice edge. The number of observable walruses in pack ice of the eastern Chukchi Sea was estimated to be 62,177 (SD = 19,480), based on censuses conducted on 29 and 30 September and 1 October. At that time there were also at least 15,238 in Bristol Bay, Bering Sea. The Soviets counted 39,572 on the shores of the western Chukchi and Bering seas and estimated 115,531 in pack ice of the western Chukchi Sea. Summing U.S. and Soviet estimates, the total population of Pacific walruses in 1985 was 232,518. This number was comparable with earlier estimates from censuses conducted jointly by the U.S. and the Soviets. However, information on fraction hauled out, segregation, and movements is needed for more precise estimates.  相似文献   

The effects of declining Arctic sea ice on local ecosystem productivity are not well understood but have been shown to vary inter‐specifically, spatially, and temporally. Because marine mammals occupy upper trophic levels in Arctic food webs, they may be useful indicators for understanding variation in ecosystem productivity. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are apex predators that primarily consume benthic and pelagic‐feeding ice‐associated seals. As such, their productivity integrates sea ice conditions and the ecosystem supporting them. Declining sea ice availability has been linked to negative population effects for polar bears but does not fully explain observed population changes. We examined relationships between spring foraging success of polar bears and sea ice conditions, prey productivity, and general patterns of ecosystem productivity in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas (CSs). Fasting status (≥7 days) was estimated using serum urea and creatinine levels of 1,448 samples collected from 1,177 adult and subadult bears across three subpopulations. Fasting increased in the Beaufort Sea between 1983–1999 and 2000–2016 and was related to an index of ringed seal body condition. This change was concurrent with declines in body condition of polar bears and observed changes in the diet, condition and/or reproduction of four other vertebrate consumers within the food chain. In contrast, fasting declined in CS polar bears between periods and was less common than in the two Beaufort Sea subpopulations consistent with studies demonstrating higher primary productivity and maintenance or improved body condition in polar bears, ringed seals, and bearded seals despite recent sea ice loss in this region. Consistency between regional and temporal variation in spring polar bear fasting and food web productivity suggests that polar bears may be a useful indicator species. Furthermore, our results suggest that spatial and temporal ecological variation is important in affecting upper trophic‐level productivity in these marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Migrations are often influenced by seasonal environmental gradients that are increasingly being altered by climate change. The consequences of rapid changes in Arctic sea ice have the potential to affect migrations of a number of marine species whose timing is temporally matched to seasonal sea ice cover. This topic has not been investigated for Pacific Arctic beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) that follow matrilineally maintained autumn migrations in the waters around Alaska and Russia. For the sympatric Eastern Chukchi Sea (‘Chukchi’) and Eastern Beaufort Sea (‘Beaufort’) beluga populations, we examined changes in autumn migration timing as related to delayed regional sea ice freeze‐up since the 1990s, using two independent data sources (satellite telemetry data and passive acoustics) for both populations. We compared dates of migration between ‘early’ (1993–2002) and ‘late’ (2004–2012) tagging periods. During the late tagging period, Chukchi belugas had significantly delayed migrations (by 2 to >4 weeks, depending on location) from the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. Spatial analyses also revealed that departure from Beaufort Sea foraging regions by Chukchi whales was postponed in the late period. Chukchi beluga autumn migration timing occurred significantly later as regional sea ice freeze‐up timing became later in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering seas. In contrast, Beaufort belugas did not shift migration timing between periods, nor was migration timing related to freeze‐up timing, other than for southward migration at the Bering Strait. Passive acoustic data from 2008 to 2014 provided independent and supplementary support for delayed migration from the Beaufort Sea (4 day yr?1) by Chukchi belugas. Here, we report the first phenological study examining beluga whale migrations within the context of their rapidly transforming Pacific Arctic ecosystem, suggesting flexible responses that may enable their persistence yet also complicate predictions of how belugas may fare in the future.  相似文献   

The breeding habitat and lair structures of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida ladogensis) were studied by snowmobile expeditions in northern Lake Ladoga, Russia, during 1996 to 1999. Mostly flat ice and no large pack ice existed in northern Lake Ladoga during this study. All birth lairs and 88% of haul-out lairs were located in snowdrifts in the shorelines of islands or islets and 12% of the haul-out lairs occurred in pressured ice ridges. Some large haul-out lairs had been used communally by the seals. A total of 15% of the lairs observed had been attacked or marked by red fox (Vulpes vulpes), wolf (Canis lupus) or unidentified canines. The colour of the lanugo fur of the Ladoga ringed seal pup appeared to be dark grey. We conclude that the northern part of Lake Ladoga is an active breeding area for the ringed seal, which attests conservation needs for this area. Accepted: 18 September 2000  相似文献   

Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from the southern Beaufort Sea (SB) subpopulation have traditionally fed predominantly upon ice‐seals; however, as the proportion of the subpopulation using onshore habitat has recently increased, foraging on land‐based resources, including remains of subsistence‐harvested bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) and colonial nesting seabirds has been observed. Adipose tissue samples were collected from this subpopulation during the springs of 2013–2016 and analyzed for fatty acid signatures. Diet estimates were generated for the proportional consumption of ringed seal (Pusa hispida), bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus), and beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), relative to onshore foods, including bowhead whale remains and seabird, as represented by black guillemot (Cepphus grylle mandtii) nestlings and eggs. Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) estimated that the ice‐obligate prey, ringed seal, remained the predominant prey species of SB polar bears (46.4 ± 1.8%), with much lower consumption of bearded seal (19.6 ± 2.0%), seabird (17.0 ± 1.2%), bowhead whale (15.0 ± 1.4%), and hardly any beluga whale (2.0 ± 0.5%). Adult and subadult females appeared to depend more on the traditional ringed seal prey than adult and subadult males. Diet estimates of SB polar bears showed significant interannual variability for all prey (F12, 456 = 3.17, p < .001). Longer‐term estimates suggested that both types of onshore prey, bowhead whale remains and seabird, have represented a moderate proportion of the food resources used by SB polar bears since at least the start of the 21st Century.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys of ice-associated pinnipeds were conducted south of St. Lawrence Island in March 2001. The observed distributions of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), ribbon seals (Phoca fasciata), ringed seals (P. hispida), spotted seals (P. largha), and walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) were compared to the distributions of ice habitat types and benthic communities. Randomization tests were used to investigate habitat selection for each species. Both ringed seals and walruses preferred large ice floes (>48 m in diameter) that were common in the interior ice pack. Spotted seals favored smaller ice floes (<20 m in diameter) common near the ice edge, and bearded seals avoided large floes and preferred transitional habitat between small and large floes. Ringed seals also seemed to prefer areas with greater than 90% sea ice coverage, and bearded seals preferred 70–90% sea ice coverage while avoiding areas with greater than 90% coverage. All species, except spotted seals, were seen most frequently in a region of high benthic biomass, and randomization tests suggested that bearded seals actively selected that region.  相似文献   

Two adult female leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) were tagged with satellite-linked dive recorders off Queen Maud Land, Antarctica, just after moulting in mid-February. The transmitters transmitted for 80 and 220 days, respectively. Both seals remained within the pack ice relatively close to the Antarctic Continent until early May, when contact was lost with one seal. The one remaining seal then migrated north, to the east side of the South Sandwich Islands in 3 weeks, whereafter it headed east, until contact was lost at 55°S in early September. From mid-May to late September this animal always stayed close to the edge of the pack ice. Both seals made mostly short (<5 min) dives to depths of 10–50 m and only occasionally dove deeper than 200 m, the deepest dive recorded being 304 m. A nocturnal diving pattern was evident in autumn and early winter, while day-time diving prevailed in mid-winter. Haul out probability was highest at mid-day (about 40% in late February and more than 80% in March and April). From May till September the remaining animal mainly stayed at sea, in the vicinity of the pack ice, with only occasional haul outs. These data suggest that a portion of the adult leopard seals may spend the winter mainly in open water, off the edge of the pack ice, where they primarily hunt near the surface. In that case, it is likely that krill (Euphausia superba), as well as penguins, young crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophaga) and a variety of fish are important prey items.  相似文献   

Seven post-moulting adult ringed seals (Phoca hispida) were equipped with Satellite Linked Dive Recorders in Svalbard in July 1996 to determine if ringed seals conduct long-distance post-moulting feeding excursions, and to obtain details of their diving behaviour. The mean duration of tags was 206 days (range 103–325). Two seals swam 400 km north to the drifting pack ice (82°N). The rest undertook more local movements. Forty-eight percent of all dives were shallower than 20 m and 90% were shallower than 100 m. Ninety-five percent of all dive durations were shorter than 10 min, and 99.5% were shorter than 15 min. This study has shown that adult ringed seals undertake varying patterns of post-moulting excursions. Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) calls were recorded using autonomous passive acoustic recorders deployed in the northeastern Chukchi Sea between October 2007 and October 2010. Continuous acoustic data were acquired during summer (August to mid‐October), and overwinter data (mid‐October through July) were acquired on a duty cycle of 40/48 min every 4 h. We investigated the spatio‐temporal distribution and acoustic behavior of vocalizing bearded seals in this multiyear data set. Peaks in calling occurred in spring, coinciding with the mating period, and calls stopped abruptly in late June/early July. Fewer calls were detected in summer, and the vocal presence of seals increased with the formation of pack ice in winter. Vocal activity was higher at night than during the day, with a peak around 0400 (AKST). Monthly patterns in proportional use of each call type and call duration were examined for the first time. The proportion and duration of AL1(T) and AL2(T) call types increased during the mating period, suggesting that males advertise their breeding condition by producing those specific longer trills. The observed seasonal and diel trends were consistent between years. These results improve our understanding of occurrence and acoustic behavior of bearded seals across the northeastern Chukchi Sea.  相似文献   

A high abundance of resting cysts of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense was recently reported in the vast continental shelf of the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean, suggesting that the species is widespread in the shelf. Nevertheless, little is known about the occurrence of A. tamarense vegetative cells in the water column of the arctic. Sea ice reduction and the inflow of Pacific summer water (PSW) through the Bering Strait have recently increased owing to warming in the shelf. To determine the spatial and temporal distributions of A. tamarense in the Chukchi Sea shelf and their relationship to the inflow of PSW, field samplings were conducted in the Chukchi Sea and north Bering Sea shelves three times during the summer of 2013 from July to October. Vegetative cells of A. tamarense was detected in both shelves at all sampling periods with a maximum density of 3.55 × 103 cells L−1. This species was also observed at the station at 73°N, indicating the northernmost record of this species to date. The center of the A. tamarense distribution was between the north Bering and south Chukchi Sea shelf during the first collection period, and spread to the north Chukchi Sea shelf during the second and third collection periods. The species occurrences were mainly observed at stations affected by the PSW, especially Bering shelf water. Water structure of PSW was characterized by warmer surface and bottom water temperatures, and increased temperatures may have promoted the cell growth and cyst germination of A. tamarense. Therefore, it is suggested that an increase in the PSW inflow owing to warming promotes toxic A. tamarense occurrences on the Chukchi Sea shelf.  相似文献   

Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) breeding distribution has been extensively studied across near-shore habitats, but has received limited attention at a seascape scale due to the difficulty in accessing offshore sea ice environments. Employing highly visible predation attempts by polar bears (Ursus maritimus) on ringed seals in subnivean lairs observed by helicopter, the spatial relationship between predatory behaviour and ringed seal breeding habitat was examined. Resource selection functions were used to determine the relative probability of predation attempts on ringed seals in lairs as a function of habitat during a period of low ringed seal natality (2004–2006). Ringed seal pup kill locations were compared between years of low (2003–2006) and high (2007–2011) natality to assess the effect of reproductive output on habitat use. During years of low natality, polar bear hunting attempts were more likely in near-shore fast ice, and pup kills were observed predominately in fast ice (fast = 65 %, pack = 29 %, P = 0.002) at a median distance of 36 km from shore. In years of high natality, pup kills were observed farther from shore (median = 46 km, P = 0.03), and there was no difference in the proportion of observations in fast ice and pack ice (fast = 43 %, pack = 52 %, P = 0.29). These results suggest that the facultative use of adjacent offshore pack ice by breeding ringed seals may be influenced by natality. This study illustrates how documenting the behaviour of a predator can facilitate insight into the distribution of a cryptic prey.  相似文献   

Ice seals overwintering in the Bering Sea are challenged with foraging, finding mates, and maintaining breathing holes in a dark and ice covered environment. Due to the difficulty of studying these species in their natural environment, very little is known about how the seals navigate under ice. Here we identify specific environmental parameters, including components of the ambient background sound, that are predictive of ice seal presence in the Bering Sea. Multi-year mooring deployments provided synoptic time series of acoustic and oceanographic parameters from which environmental parameters predictive of species presence were identified through a series of mixed models. Ice cover and 10 kHz sound level were significant predictors of seal presence, with 40 kHz sound and prey presence (combined with ice cover) as potential predictors as well. Ice seal presence showed a strong positive correlation with ice cover and a negative association with 10 kHz environmental sound. On average, there was a 20–30 dB difference between sound levels during solid ice conditions compared to open water or melting conditions, providing a salient acoustic gradient between open water and solid ice conditions by which ice seals could orient. By constantly assessing the acoustic environment associated with the seasonal ice movement in the Bering Sea, it is possible that ice seals could utilize aspects of the soundscape to gauge their safe distance to open water or the ice edge by orienting in the direction of higher sound levels indicative of open water, especially in the frequency range above 1 kHz. In rapidly changing Arctic and sub-Arctic environments, the seasonal ice conditions and soundscapes are likely to change which may impact the ability of animals using ice presence and cues to successfully function during the winter breeding season.  相似文献   

The Pacific Arctic marine ecosystem has undergone rapid changes in recent years due to ocean warming, sea ice loss, and increased northward transport of Pacific-origin waters into the Arctic. These climate-mediated changes have been linked to range shifts of juvenile and adult subarctic (boreal) and Arctic fish populations, though it is unclear whether distributional changes are also occurring during the early life stages. We analyzed larval fish abundance and distribution data sampled in late summer from 2010 to 2019 in two interconnected Pacific Arctic ecosystems: the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea, to determine whether recent warming and loss of sea ice has restricted habitat for Arctic species and altered larval fish assemblage composition from Arctic- to boreal-associated taxa. Multivariate analyses revealed the presence of three distinct multi-species assemblages across all years: (1) a boreal assemblage dominated by yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera), capelin (Mallotus catervarius), and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus); (2) an Arctic assemblage composed of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and other common Arctic species; and (3) a mixed assemblage composed of the dominant species from the other two assemblages. We found that the wind- and current-driven northward advection of warmer, subarctic waters and the unprecedented low-ice conditions observed in the northern Bering and Chukchi seas beginning in 2017 and persisting into 2018 and 2019 have precipitated community-wide shifts, with the boreal larval fish assemblage expanding northward and offshore and the Arctic assemblage retreating poleward. We conclude that Arctic warming is most significantly driving changes in abundance at the leading and trailing edges of the Chukchi Sea larval fish community as boreal species increase in abundance and Arctic species decline. Our analyses document how quickly larval fish assemblages respond to environmental change and reveal that the impacts of Arctic borealization on fish community composition spans multiple life stages over large spatial scales.  相似文献   

The Western Arctic bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is highly adapted to sea ice and annually migrates through the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas. While the overall distribution and seasonal movements of bowhead whales are mostly understood, information about their distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in early to mid-summer has not been well documented. In July 2011, we conducted an exploratory flight in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, north of Camden Bay (71°N 144°W), near the location of a single satellite-tagged bowhead whale. Eighteen bowhead whales were observed, and behavior consistent with feeding was documented. To our knowledge, this is the first documentation of behavior consistent with feeding north of Camden Bay in mid-July. Few studies have focused on bowhead whale distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in early to mid-summer, and no long-term, region-wide surveys have been conducted during summer. Bowhead whales are already exposed to anthropogenic disturbance in the Canadian Beaufort Sea in summer, the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in fall, and the Chukchi and Bering seas from fall through spring. The presence of bowhead whale aggregations in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in summer should be considered when assessing the cumulative effects of human-related activities.  相似文献   

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