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Spectral and coherent analysis of biolectrical brain activity was performed in 560 pregnant women in gestational dynamics and in the early post-natal period. According to the theory and the experiments, it can be concluded that the occurrence of one-fetus pregnancy is accompanied by formation of gestational dominanta (constellation of nervous centers) with its central units in the limbicodiencephalic and neocortical structures. Neocortical representation is formed within the frontal and central areas of the hemisphere contralateral to location of the placenta. Electrographic evidence in support of these ideas was found.  相似文献   

Specific changes of bioelectrical brain activity was found in 27 patients with different level of posttraumatic consciousness depression by the methods of crosscorrelation, coherence and factor analysis of EEG. The changes of activity of morphofunctional systems of intracerebral integrations were revealed partially by decreasing of unspecific activity from brainstem structures reflected with increasing of slow wave activity and decreasing of EEG coherence in alpha- and beta-range. Depression of system organization of interconnections of bioelectrical brain activity in frontal and occipital regions of both hemispheres was also detected, and testified about decreasing of intercortical and thalamocortical brain system action under brain dislocation. The changes of integrative brain system activity, provides interhemispheric interaction, had the specific characted. Our results propose a "facilitation" of activity of system, providing "direct" interhemispheric connections through corpus callosum and other commissural tracts of telencephalon as a sequel of mesodiencephalon structures depression with steady reciprocal, antiphase relations of slow weve activity in symmetrical areas of hemispheres in coma II patients. The data of our research had shown no complete disintegration of system brain activity in coma II patients in spite of consciousness and brainstem reflexes depression.  相似文献   

In order to study systemic brain reactions on transcranial electrical or electromagnetic medical stimulation and specify the neurophysiological criteria of its efficiency, comparative clinical and experimental examination was performed with the analysis of spontaneous bioelectric activity and behavioral or clinical parameters. We examined 6 patients with prolonged posttraumatic unconsciousness states treated with electrical stimulation and 17 intact Wistar rats subjected to electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. The effect of the transcranial stimulation was shown to depend on the initial level of the intercentral interactions of brain bioelectrical activity, estimated by the EEG coherence. Hypersynchronization of biopotentials as the main element of the brain reactivity can be the most useful for the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral pathology in cases of initially lowered level of the intercentral interactions in the absence of pathologically strengthened functional connections.  相似文献   

Electropoligraphical study of the natural night sleep in 16 adults with the use of correlation, coherent, cluster and factor analysis were used to obtain new data describing the active nature of sleep, which is expressed especially in periods of falling asleep and the transition from one stage to another. It is shown that the process of falling asleep and deeper sleep is accompanied by intense reorganization of cortico-subcortical relations, which is reflected in the dynamics ofcrosscorrelation and coherent estimates of interrelations of biopotentials of the brain. The results of factor analysis of multichannel EEG heterogeneity of the transition process from wakefulness to sleep is manifested in significant changes of I, II and III factors weight during I(B) stage of sleep, which may reflect changes in the degree of contribution of the main integrative brain systems in the reorganization of its integral activity. A considerable increase in the I factor weight (reflecting the generalized modulatory brainstem effect on the cortex), along with a decrease in the balance of factors II and III (associated with organization of fronto-occipital and interhemispheric interactions) clearly indicates a special role of sleep synchronizing influences from the brain stem in the development of this initial stage. Reduction of EEG interhemispheric interrelations in the anterior and inferior frontal areas with the deepening of sleep may be indication of the reorganization of the frontal areas activity associated with the coordinated increasing of inactivation process in the cortex of both hemispheres. Degree of stability of the spatial structure of interregional interactions of different brain cortex areas (according to the analysis of average dispersion of crosscorrelation EEG relations) increases on falling asleep with the onset of stage I(A), but with the transition to the stage I(B) there is a significant increase of instability of values EEG crosscorrelation. With the deepening of sleep the subsequent decrease of the dispersion of EEG crosscorrelations in frontal cortex is revealed. During REM sleep the dispersion levels of inter-regional interactions increases as much as possible, especially for EEG crosscorrelations of posterotemporal and inferiofrontal parts of both hemispheres.  相似文献   

Computer analysis has been made of the diurnal rhythm of the brain activity in the ground squirrel Citellus parryi during hibernation (body temperature 7-8 degrees C). The data obtained are presented in the form of graphical plots with two-dimensional density of probability of distribution of intermittent bursts of spindles and isoelectric EEG.  相似文献   

Asymmetry of different human EEG indices was studied at different levels of consciousness. Subjects' self-reported changes in the content of consciousness: the intensity and quality of involuntary mental processes served as indicator of the level of consciousness. It was shown that a certain profile of EEG asymmetry corresponded to each the observed level of consciousness. In active state of consciousness, the connections in the high-frequency bands: beta-2 and gamma, were more pronounced in the left hemisphere of the brain. At the same time, transition of the focus of coherent connections to the right hemisphere was characteristic of the state of inhibition of "internal speech". The interhemisphere dynamics of autospectra amplitude and foci of coherent connections supports the notion that the character of interhemisphere asymmetry of the brain bioelectrical activity depends on its functional state.  相似文献   

We present the results of investigation of visual perception (VP) and oculomotor activity during reading texts of various difficulties from the monitor screen in children 7–8 years of age. It has been shown that, at the initial stage of the development of the reading skill, morphological and psycholinguistic parameters of the text have no significant effect on the oculomotor activity. The degree of formation of VPand its structural components more clearly manifested in the first-graders in reading plain text and is not sufficient for a successful reading of the increased complexity of the text.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography measure local changes in brain hemodynamics induced by cognitive or perceptual tasks. These measures have a uniformly high spatial resolution of millimeters or less, but poor temporal resolution (about 1s). Conversely, electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) measure instantaneously the current flows induced by synaptic activity, but the accurate localization of these current flows based on EEG and MEG data alone remains an unsolved problem. Recently, techniques have been developed that, in the context of brain anatomy visualized with structural MRI, use both hemodynamic and electromagnetic measures to arrive at estimates of brain activation with high spatial and temporal resolution. These methods range from simple juxtaposition to simultaneous integrated techniques. Their application has already led to advances in our understanding of the neural bases of perception, attention, memory and language. Further advances in multi-modality integration will require an improved understanding of the coupling between the physiological phenomena underlying the different signal modalities.  相似文献   

Pestriaev VA 《Biofizika》2003,48(4):733-739
It was shown that short (10 s) exposures of white rats being at rest to impulse (1 ms) electromagnetic fields (170 A/m) at a fixed frequency of pulse sequence in the range of the theta-rhythm do not change the contribution to the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of the harmonic whose frequency corresponds to the frequency of pulse sequence. By contrast, treatments with a frequency-pulse modulation at which the interpulse intervals corresponding to the frequency of the harmonic being studied were not observed throughout the range of exposure but at which their high correlation was provided, assisted in decreasing the contribution of the harmonic to the ECoG spectrum. If the functional state of the central nervous system was changed by drugs leading to the predominance of the short-wavelength activity in the ECoG, both regimes of exposure significantly affected the contribution of the harmonic in the ECoG, whose direction and dynamics depended on the excitability of neurons.  相似文献   

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