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Echinoderms are a major group of invertebrate deuterostomes that have been an important component of marine ecosystems throughout the Phanerozoic. Their fossil record extends back to the Cambrian, when several disparate groups appear in different palaeocontinents at about the same time. Many of these early forms exhibit character combinations that differ radically from extant taxa, and thus their anatomy and phylogeny have long been controversial. Deciphering the earliest evolution of echinoderms therefore requires a detailed understanding of the morphology of Cambrian fossils, as well as the selection of an appropriate root and the identification of homologies for use in phylogenetic analysis. Based on the sister‐group relationships and ontogeny of modern species and new fossil discoveries, we now know that the first echinoderms were bilaterally symmetrical, represented in the fossil record by Ctenoimbricata and some early ctenocystoids. The next branch in echinoderm phylogeny is represented by the asymmetrical cinctans and solutes, with an echinoderm‐type ambulacral system originating in the more crownward of these groups (solutes). The first radial echinoderms are the helicoplacoids, which possess a triradial body plan with three ambulacra radiating from a lateral mouth. Helicocystoids represent the first pentaradial echinoderms and have the mouth facing upwards with five radiating recumbent ambulacra. Pentaradial echinoderms diversified rapidly from the beginning of their history, and the most significant differences between groups are recorded in the construction of the oral area and ambulacra, as well as the nature of their feeding appendages. Taken together, this provides a clear narrative of the early evolution of the echinoderm body plan.  相似文献   

The echinoderms are deuterostomes that superimpose radial symmetry upon bilateral larval morphology. Consequently, they are not the first animals that come to mind when the concepts of segmentation and terminal addition are being discussed. However, it has long been recognized that echinoderms have serial elements along their radii formed in accordance with the ocular plate rule (OPR). The OPR is a special case of terminal growth, forming elements of the ambulacra that define the rays in echinoderms. New elements are added at the terminus of the ray, which may or may not be marked by a calcified element called the terminal plate (the "ocular" of sea urchins). The OPR operates in every echinoderm, from the occasionally bizarre fossils of the Cambrian to the most familiar extant taxa. Using the OPR and other criteria of recognition, echinoderm body wall can be divided into two main regions: extraxial components are associated with the somatocoels, axial components (formed in accordance with the OPR) with the hydrocoel. We compare patterns of development in axial regions of echinoderms with those found in the anterior-posterior axes of the earliest echinoderms as well as other invertebrates. Although axial and extraxial skeletons appear to be composed of the same biomineral matrix, the genes involved in patterning these two skeletal components are likely distinct. During development of the axial skeleton, for instance, the genes engrailed and orthodenticle are expressed in spatial and temporal patterns consistent with the OPR. Other genes such as distal-less seem to demarcate early ontogenetic boundaries between the axial rudiment and the extraxial larval body. There is a complex and pervasive reorganization of gene expression domains to produce the highly divergent morphologies seen in the Echinodermata. We integrate morphological and genetic information, particularly with respect to the origins of radial symmetry in the rudiment, and the concomitant development of the rays.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Even though echinoderms are members of the Bilateria, the location of their anterior/posterior axis has remained enigmatic. Here we propose a novel solution to the problem employing three lines of evidence: the expression of a posterior class Hox gene in the coeloms of the nascent adult body plan within the larva; the anatomy of certain early fossil echinoderms; and finally the relation between endoskeletal plate morphology and the associated coelomic tissues. All three lines of evidence converge on the same answer, namely that the location of the adult mouth is anterior, and the anterior/posterior axis runs from the mouth through the adult coelomic compartments. This axis then orients the animal such that there is but a single plane of symmetry dividing the animal into left and right halves. We tentatively hypothesize that this plane of symmetry is positioned along the dorsal/ventral axis. These axis identifications lead to the conclusion that the five ambulacra are not primary body axes, but instead are outgrowths from the central anterior/posterior axis. These identifications also shed insight into several other evolutionary mysteries of various echinoderm clades such as the independent evolution of bilateral symmetry in irregular echinoids, but do not elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the adult coelomic architecture.  相似文献   

1. Living echinoderms are characterized by an extensive water vascular system developed from the larval left hydrocoel, a complex, multi-plated endoskeleton with stereom structure, and pentamery. Fossil evidence shows that stereom evolved before pentamery, but both were acquired during the Lower Cambrian. 2. Cladistic analysis of Lower Cambrian genera reveals very few characters in common between carpoids and true echinoderms, and that the split between them was the first fundamental evolutionary dichotomy within the Dexiothetica. 3. Helicoplacoids are stem group echinoderms with spiral plating and three ambulacra arranged radially around a lateral mouth. They are the most primitive echinoderms and the first to show a radial arrangement of the water vascular and ambulacral systems. Unlike later echinoderms, their skeleton shows no dorsal/ventral (aboral/oral) differentiation. They were probably sedentary suspension feeders. 4. Camptostroma is the most primitive known pentaradiate echinoderm and, in our view, possibly a common ancestor of all living groups. It had a short conical dorsal (aboral) surface with imbricate plating, a ridged lateral wall and a slightly domed ventral (oral) surface with five curved ambulacra in a 2-1-2 arrangement inherited from the triradiate pattern of the helicoplacoids. Interambulacral areas bore epispires and the CD interambulacrum contained the anus, hydropore and/or gonopore. All parts of the theca had plates in at least two layers. 5. All other echinoderms belong to one of two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa. 6. Stromatocystites is the earliest known eleutherozoan and differs from Camptostroma in having a test with only one layer of plates and having lost the dorsal elongation. In Stromatocystites the dorsal surface is flat and the plating tesselate. Stromatocystites was an unattached, low-level suspension feeder. 7. The lepidocystoids are the earliest known pelmatozoans. They differ from Camptostroma in having an attached dorsal stalk which retained the primitive imbricate plating, and by developing erect feeding structures along the ambulacra. In Kinzercystis, the ambulacra are confined to the thecal surface and erect, biserial brachioles arise alternately on either side. Lepidocystis has a similar arrangement except that, the distal part of each ambulacrum extends beyond the edge of the theca as a free arm. 8. Pelmatozoans diverged more or less immediately into crinoids, with multiple free arms composed of uniserial plates, and cystoids sensu lato, which retained brachioles. Gogia (Lower to Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known cystoid and differs from Kinzercystis principally in having all plating tesselate, while Echmatocrinus (Middle Cambrian) is the most primitive known crinoid and differs from Lepidocystis in lacking brachioles and in having more than five free arms with uniserial plates. 9. Post Lower Cambrian differentiation of pelmatozoan groups proceeded rapidly, exploiting the primitive suspension-feeding mode of life. Maximum morphological diversity was reached in the Ordovician, but thereafter crinoids progressively displaced cystoid groups and reached their peak diversity during the Carboniferous. The eleutherozoans were slower to diversify, but by the Arenig the earliest ‘sea-stars’ (in reality, advanced members of the eleutherozoan stem group) had reversed their living orientation and had begun to exploit a deposit-feeding mode of life. These in turn led to the ophiuroids, echinoids and holothuroids. 10. The basic echinoderm ambulacrum was already present in the helicoplacoids. It had biserial, alternate flooring plates and complexly plated sheets of cover plates on either side. The radial water vessel lay in the floor of the ambulacrum, external to the body cavity, and gave rise ventrally to short, lateral branches (fore-runners of tube feet) that were used to open the cover plate sheets, and dorsally was connected to internal compensation sacs which acted as fluid reservoirs (and were preadapted for a role in gaseous exchange). Plating on the cover plate sheets was organized and reflected the positions of the lateral branches from the radial water vessel. In Camptostroma, the cover plate sheets had biserially aligned rows of cover plates associated with the lateral branches. 11. Brachioles arose by extension of the lateral branches of the radial water vessel and associated serially aligned cover plates found in Camptostroma. They bear a single alternate series of cover plates. In Lepidocystis the ambulacra extended beyond the edge of the oral surface as true arms. Brachial plates of arms are homologues of primary ambulacral flooring plates, and arms bear multiple series of cover plates. Uniserial ambulacral plating is a derived condition and evolved independently in crinoids, paracrinoids and isorophid edrioasteroids. Pinnules in crinoids arose independently in inadunates and camerates by a progressively more unequal branching of the arms. Thus all parts of the subvective system in crinoids are internally homologous, whereas in cystoids, brachioles and arms (or ambulacra) are not homologous structures. 12. The position of the hydropore is the best reference point in orientating echinoderms. Carpenter's system of identifying ambulacra by letters, arranged clock-wise in oral view with the A ambulacrum opposite the hydropore, is consistent in all echinoderm classes. In all Lower Cambrian pentaradiate echinoderms the anus, gonopore and hydropore lie in the CD interambulacrum and this is accepted as the primitive arrangement. In helicoplacoids we tentatively suggest that the A ambulacrum spiralled down from the mouth while the two ambulacra that spiralled up represent the B + C and D + E ambulacra combined. 13. The pelmatozoan stem arose from a polyplated stalk, via a meric stem to a true column with holomeric (single piece) columnals. This happened independently in the crinoids and the cystoids. 14. Our analysis of echinoderm phylogeny leads us to recommend the following changes to the higher level classification of echinoderms: The phylum Echinodermata includes only those groups with radial symmetry superimposed upon a fundamental larval asymmetry. It has a stem group that contains the triradiate helicoplacoids and a crown group to which all other (pentaradiate) echinoderms belong. The crown group contains two monophyletic subphyla, the Pelmatozoa and the Eleutherozoa, and the Pelmatozoa contains two superclasses, the Crinoidea which are extant and the Cystoidea, which are extinct.  相似文献   

The analysis based on paleontological data shows that the body plans of higher echinoderm taxa were established through the combination of previously developed characters. These combinations appeared due to various heterochronies and resulted in more or less complete filling of the morphological space of logical capabilities. The maximum rank of new taxa decreased with time. New body plans of higher taxa did not replace the old plans but rather overlay them, extending the hierarchy of body plans and the respective hierarchy of taxa. The macroevolution of echinoderms and other metazoans progressed from the formation of an archetype (a general body plan) to individual details, the development of structural plans of lower levels. Heterochrony resulted in mosaic evolution and obscurity of intermediate forms.  相似文献   

The similarity in the skeleton model of the brachiolar food-gathering system of Blastozoa and the arm system of Crinozoa, including the apical growth with enantomorphous displacement of skeletal ele-ments, is explained by the primary organizing role of the radial ambulacral canals, which have the same branching model for ambulacral tentacles. The difference in the positions of brachioles and arms relative to the theca (exothecal and endothecal) is associated with the formation of the primary ambulacral tentacles directly on the body surface of the majority of Blastozoa, particularly, the closed vestibular cavity of crinoids. The supporting skeleton of brachioles arose as a branch of the plates covering the floor of the ambulacrum, if they were present, or formed similarly as a new formation outside the theca. The supporting skeleton of arms, brachials, developed as a result of the serial growth of plates positioned radially at the boundary of the aboral skeleton and tegmen formed due to the appearance of the vestibulum. The hypothesis of the inductive role of hydrocoel and its radial ambulacral appendages, which organize the arrangement of skeletal elements in the morphogenesis of echinoderms, enables the refinement of the principle of skeleton division into the axial and extraxial parts. The axial skeleton has a developmental model formed under the control of the radial ambu-lacral canals. Remaining skeleton is extraxial, subdivided into the symmetrized part arranged under direct or indirect organizing effect of the hydrocoel and unregulated, nonsymmetrized part, which is not connected initially with the influence of the hydrocoel.  相似文献   

Of the major deuterostome groups, the echinoderms with their multiple forms and complex development are arguably the most mysterious. Although larval echinoderms are bilaterally symmetric, the adult body seems to abandon the larval body plan and to develop independently a new structure with different symmetries. The prevalent pentamer structure, the asymmetry of Lovén's rule and the variable location of the periproct and madrepore present enormous difficulties in homologizing structures across the major clades, despite the excellent fossil record. This irregularity in body forms seems to place echinoderms outside the other deuterostomes. Here I propose that the predominant five-ray structure is derived from a hexamer structure that is grounded directly in the structure of the bilaterally symmetric larva. This hypothesis implies that the adult echinoderm body can be derived directly from the larval bilateral symmetry and thus firmly ranks even the adult echinoderms among the bilaterians. In order to test the hypothesis rigorously, a model is developed in which one ray is missing between rays IV-V (Lovén's schema) or rays C-D (Carpenter's schema). The model is used to make predictions, which are tested and verified for the process of metamorphosis and for the morphology of recent and fossil forms. The theory provides fundamental insight into the M-plane and the Ubisch', Lovén's, and Carpenter's planes and generalizes them for all echinoderms. The theory also makes robust predictions about the evolution of the pentamer structure and its developmental basis.  相似文献   

One of the earliest isorophid edrioasteroids from the upper Middle Cambrian-lower Upper Cambrian (upper part of Series 3-lower part of the Furongian Series) of northern Iran is described. It has unusual branched ambulacra, which extend beyond the theca almost to the marginal rim. These unusual features reflect the latent possibility of appearance of separated from the theca and even branching food-gathering appendages, such as arms in crinoids and brachials in blastozoans, in common ancestor of all radially symmetrical echinoderms.  相似文献   

How the radial body plan of echinoderms is related to the bilateral body plan of their deuterostome relatives, the hemichordates and the chordates, has been a long-standing problem. Now, using direct development in a sea urchin, I show that the first radially arranged structures, the five primary podia, form from a dorsal and a ventral hydrocoele at the oral end of the archenteron. There is a bilateral plane of symmetry through the podia, the mouth, the archenteron and the blastopore. This adult bilateral plane is thus homologous with the bilateral plane of bilateral metazoans and a relationship between the radial and bilateral body plans is identified. I conclude that echinoderms retain and use the bilateral patterning genes of the common deuterostome ancestor. Homologies with the early echinoderms of the Cambrian era and between the dorsal hydrocoele, the chordate notochord and the proboscis coelom of hemichordates become evident.  相似文献   

All living echinoderms have a pentaradial symmetry that is unique within the Bilateria. However, the Cambrian origin of echinoderm radial/pentaradiate symmetry is a long-standing problem. During the Cambrian (542–488 Ma), gogiids were the most common stalked echinoderm characterized by an “irregularly” plated body. Based on recently discovered material from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Series 2), eastern Guizhou, China, three unusual, partially disarticulated specimens of Guizhoueocrinus have clear evidence for a helical body plan. This helical plating is only evident in partially disarticulated specimens, thus a crypto-helical body construction is present. Crypto-helical construction in a gogiid raises the possibility of a phylogenetic connection among helicoplacoids, gogiids, and Helicocystis. The crypto-helical body construction may be an important evolutionary innovation among pre-radiate echinoderms.  相似文献   

The role of paedomorphosis as a particular case of heterochrony in the origin and evolution of the class Holothuroidea is analyzed. It is shown that holothurians are characterized by the presence of some paedomorphic characters (reduced skeleton, absence of an axial complex in the shape of a morphologically integrated structure, single gonad with one gonopore). In many members of the subclass Holothuriacea, sclerites of the body wall are arranged in two layers. Sclerites of the deeper layer develop as a perforated plate and correspond to the skeletal elements forming in other echinoderms the body skeleton, for example, the test of sea urchins. Sclerites of the superficial layer frequently look like various tables, develop like spines of other echinoderm classes, in particular, juvenile tetraradiate spines of sea urchins, and correspond to spines of other classes of Echinodermata. Ontogenetic changes at the stage of five first tentacles resulted in interruption at an early stage of the development with the catastrophic metamorphosis, which is typical for other Eleutherozoa. The ontogeny of holothurians acquired the evolutive (gradual) character; the adult body began to develop on the basis of the larval body and larval tissues were partially included in the body of adult holothurians. As a result, the place and developmental pattern of the radial complex of organs changed and heterochrony in the development of characters concerned with different coordination chains intensified; therefore, the modern body plan of holothurians was formed. The processes of paedomorphosis and heterochrony played an important role not only in the origin and formation of the class Holothuroidea, but also during its evolution. Paedomorphic processes became rather important in the evolution of the order Synaptida. Paedomorphic features are particularly prominent in the structure of small interstitial forms. In some holothurians, the paedomorphosis resulted in the change in relationships between symmetry planes. The bilateral plane of symmetry of these holothurians coincide with the plane of symmetry 2–1–2, which is positioned in the majority of holothurians at about 72° to the bilateral plane. Independently, but frequently in parallel, the intestinal loop disappeared, so that the gut became straight and suspended on mediodorsal mesentery almost throughout its extent. The combination of these processes in holothurians of the order Synaptida resulted in the formation of almost complete pentaradially bilateral symmetry.  相似文献   

The body plans of higher metazoan taxa were formed during a short time (on the geological time scale) by combination of the previously developed characters. The combinations were realized as a result of manifestation of latent characters in adults through various heterochronies. This resulted in mosaic evolution and concealment of intermediate forms. Many characters of new body plans appeared in the ancestral taxon and their various combinations in the newly established taxa formed the archaic diversity. The maximum rank of newly appearing higher taxa decreased with geological time. The evolution of metazoans passed from the development of the general body plan to less significant details and appearance of body plans describing taxa of lower ranks. New body plans of higher taxa were superposed on the old body plan rather than replaced it, extending with time the subordination of body plans and respective hierarchy of taxa. Aromorphoses are always connected with the appearance of a new body plan. The appearance of new taxa and an increase in morphological diversity mostly occurred at certain boundaries in the development of the biota, which were connected with a sharp increase in the previously limited resources.  相似文献   

Eublastoids are a large clade of blastoids; stemmed blastozoan echinoderms diagnosed by their conservative body plan (three basals, four deltoid plates and five radial plates), lancet plate supporting the ambulacra, and hydrospire respiratory structures. Although Eublastoidea was a highly successful clade in the middle and late Palaeozoic it is absent from early echinoderm radiations seen in the Cambrian and Ordovician record. Here we provide a re‐evaluation of Macurdablastus uniplicatus Broadhead from the Ordovician, using detailed morphological assessment based on advanced synchrotron tomography and phylogenetic analysis. Macurdablastus uniplicatus falls outside Eublastoidea because of the morphological differences in lancet plate and respiratory structures. The oldest recorded eublastoid is thus middle Silurian in age. The re‐evaluation of the morphology of Macurdablastus provides a basis for revising blastoid phylogeny and classification.  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in how the different body plans of extant phyla are related. This question has traditionally been addressed by comparisons between vertebrates and Drosophila. Fortunately, there is now increasing emphasis on animals representing other phyla. Pentamerally symmetric echinoderms are a bilaterian metazoan phylum whose members exhibit secondarily derived radial symmetry. Precisely how their radially symmetric body plan originated from a bilaterally symmetric ancestor is unknown, however, two recent papers address this subject. Peterson et al. propose a hypothesis on evolution of the anteroposterior axis in echinoderms, and Arenas-Mena et al. examine expression of five posterior Hox genes during development of the adult sea urchin.  相似文献   

The high diversity of spatial organization of shoots in colonies of thecate hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydroidomedusa, Leptomedusae) is determined by their modular organization, which is characterized by the cyclic morphogenesis in the colony. It is attempted to show that evolutionary and ontogenetic changes in the spatial organization of hydroids of this group are based on the allometric growth of modules of colony shoots. An increase in size of a developing module provides prerequisites for earlier initiation of the growing tips of succeeding moduls (heterochrony). In some cases, heterochronies determined transition from cyclic to acyclic morphogenesis. The earlier emergence of new growing tips allowed integration of several primary modules into secondary modules, resulting among other things in changes in relative positions of primary modules (heterotopy). In complex colonies, these changes are traced in the ontogeny of a single colony.  相似文献   

Swalla BJ 《Heredity》2006,97(3):235-243
Deuterostome animals exhibit widely divergent body plans. Echinoderms have either radial or bilateral symmetry, hemichordates include bilateral enteropneust worms and colonial pterobranchs, and chordates possess a defined dorsal-ventral axis imposed on their anterior-posterior axis. Tunicates are chordates only as larvae, following metamorphosis the adults acquire a body plan unique for the deuterostomes. This paper examines larval and adult body plans in the deuterostomes and discusses two distinct ways of evolving divergent body plans. First, echinoderms and hemichordates have similar feeding larvae, but build a new adult body within or around their larvae. In hemichordates and many direct-developing echinoderms, the adult is built onto the larva, with the larval axes becoming the adult axes and the larval mouth becoming the adult mouth. In contrast, indirect-developing echinoderms undergo radical metamorphosis where adult axes are not the same as larval axes. A second way of evolving a divergent body plan is to become colonial, as seen in hemichordates and tunicates. Early embryonic development and gastrulation are similar in all deuterostomes, but, in chordates, the anterior-posterior axis is established at right angles to the animal-vegetal axis, in contrast to hemichordates and indirect-developing echinoderms. Hox gene sequences and anterior-posterior expression patterns illuminate deuterostome phylogenetic relationships and the evolution of unique adult body plans within monophyletic groups. Many genes that are considered vertebrate 'mesodermal' genes, such as nodal and brachyury T, are likely to ancestrally have been involved in the formation of the mouth and anus, and later were evolutionarily co-opted into mesoderm during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Every aspect of biological orderliness is a result of evolution, which expresses the systemic reorganization of organismal body plan, along with the way of its ontogenetic formation. Phyletic changes in the developmental rates (heterochronies) experienced by the organism or its structures exemplify just a kind of such consequences. The current belief that heterochronies are the causes of evolutionary events is based on the assumption that evolution of ontogeny proceeds in the same way as the ontogeny itself, i.e., from a germ cell to adult state. This premise (termed here “the central dogma”) is the cornerstone of traditional ideas of the evolutionary mechanism, regardless of whether it is perceived in terms of gene mutations or “embryonic modes.” In fact, the directions of two transformations compared are opposite each other. An evolutionary change in the body plan results from reorganization of the developmental system, which comes in response to disturbance of stability of the system’s terminal (adult) state. Realized by selection, this change starts immediately from the terminal state and then spreads in generations towards early ontogenetic stages. Heterochronies show just the same dynamics of events irrespective of whether they reflect the acceleration or delay of development. Empirically, such course of evolutionary changes was grounded most evidently by Severtsov in the early version of his concept of the phylembryogenesis. The theoretical basis of the same regularity is provided by the Schmalhausen–Waddington’s theory.  相似文献   

The external features of a shortened, apluteal development (lacking a pluteus larva) are described. Some features are unusual for echinoids. The large egg is distinctively marked by dark and pale coloured yolk. The sperm entry point is marked by a dark yolk spot and the first cleavage plane in most embryos is through the meridian on which the sperm entry point lies. Dark yolk in the animal hemisphere segregates largely to one blastomere in the two-cell embryo and pale yolk segregates to the other as a result of yolk movements during the first cell cycle. Progeny of the pale-yolk blastomere form adult oral structures and progeny of the dark-yolk blastomere form adult aboral structures. There is no feeding planktonic pluteus larva. The gastrula develops into a demersal vestibula larva with bilateral symmetry. The plane of symmetry is coincident with the Carpenter axis that defines a plane of symmetry through the madreporite in adult echinoderms. The coincidence shows that the anterior ambulacrum is vegetal with respect to egg polarity and the interradius originating at the madreporite is animal. The bilateral symmetry of the vestibula offers insight into the origin of radial symmetry in echinoderms and the body plan of an echinoderm ancestor.  相似文献   

Gudo M 《Acta biotheoretica》2005,53(3):191-216
The early evolutionary history of echinoderms was reconstructed on the basis of structural-functional considerations and application of the quasi-engineering approach of ‘Konstruktions-Morphologie’. According to the presented evolutionary scenario, a bilaterally symmetrical ancestor, such as an enteropneust-like organism, became gradually modified into a pentaradial echinoderm by passing through an intermediate pterobranch-like stage. The arms of a pentaradial echinoderm are identified as hydraulic outgrowths from the central coelomic cavity of the bilateral ancestor which developed due to a shortening of the body in length but widening in the diameter. The resulting pentaradial symmetry is a consequence of mechanical laws that dictate minimal contact surface areas among hydraulic pneumatic entities. These developed in the coelomic cavity (metacoel) in the bilaterally symmetrical ancestor, when from the already U-shaped mesentery with the intestinal tract two additional U-shaped bows developed directly or subsequently. During the subsequent development tensile chords of the mesentery ‘sewed’ the gut with the body wall first in three and secondly in five ‘seams’. During the direct development five ‘seams’ between tensile chords and body wall developed straightly. These internal tensile chords subdivide the body coelom into five hydraulic subsystems (‘pneus’), which eventually arrange in a pentaradial pattern. The body could then enlarge only between the tensile chords, which means that five hydraulic bulges developed. These bulges initially supported the tentacles and finally each of them enclosed the tentacle until only the feather-like appendages of the tentacles projected over the surface. The tentacles with their feathers were transformedinto the ambulacral system, and the bulges become the arms. These morphological transformations were accompanied and partly determined by specific histological modifications, such as the development of mutable connective tissues and skeletal elements that fused to ossicles and provided shape stabilization in form of a calcareous skeleton in the body wall. The organism resulted was an ancestral echinoderm (‘Ur-Echinoderm’) with an enlarged metacoel, stabilized by hydraulic pressure working againsta capsule of mutable connective tissue, skeletal elements and longitudinal muscles. In regard to these reconstructions, the body structure of echinoderms can be understood as a hydraulic skeletal capsule.  相似文献   

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