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Eighty-three cases having a cervical smear result showing abnormal glandular cells were identified and matched up with the diagnostic histology result. Thirty-four (41.0%) were associated with malignancy and 26 (31.3%) with a cervical intraepithelial lesion without invasion. Thirty-eight (45.8%) had conditions of the cervix as follows: 12 cases had invasive disease of the cervix; nine (10.8%) adenocarcinoma of cervix and three (3.6%) squamous carcinoma of cervix. Nineteen (22.9%) had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN/SIL) alone and seven (8.4%) had cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN) +/- CIN. There were 16 (19.3%) cases with malignancies of the uterine corpus and six (7.2%) had a malignancy arising from another primary site. Twenty-three (27.7%) had no malignant or pre-malignant condition. The risk of malignancy was related to age and ranged from 18.2% in those under 35 years to 67.9% in those 55 years and over. A protocol for the management of these cases is described.  相似文献   

Objective:  To analyse the correlation between cytomorphological criteria in smears with atypical glandular cells (AGC) or adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) and human papillomavirus (HPV) reflex test results with different neoplastic histological diagnoses, particularly to distinguish between glandular and squamous neoplasia.
Methods:  A series of 155 women with glandular abnormalities in their conventional cervical smears was included: 106 with AGC, 35 with AGC associated with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and 14 with AIS. Two reviewers evaluated 35 cytomorphological criteria and hybrid capture II (HCII) was performed in all cases. Colposcopy was carried out in all cases and biopsy in 126/155. For statistical purposes, predictive values and odds ratio (OR) were calculated, followed by chi-square automatic interaction detection.
Results:  Histology detected 56 cases of squamous and 17 of glandular intraepithelial or invasive neoplasia. Predictive values of the papillary groups and feathering criteria for glandular neoplasia were, respectively, 80.0% and 73.3%. Feathering was the criterion with the highest OR for distinguishing glandular from squamous neoplasia and also for distinguishing between glandular and non-neoplastic diagnosis. Rosettes and pseudostratified strips did not perform as well. Multivariant Classification and Regression Trees analysis identified feathering as the best criterion for distinguishing between glandular, squamous and non-neoplastic diagnoses regardless of HPV status.
Conclusions:  Feathering was the best criterion for predicting glandular neoplasia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence of some criteria in cervical smears with atypical glandular cells and their correlation with histological patterns to identify pre-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. METHODS: Seventy-three women referred with an atypical glandular cell smear, who had undergone conization or hysterectomy, were included in this study. Referral Pap smears were reviewed using the set of 27 cyto-morphological criteria that was correlated with the histological diagnosis. RESULTS: Histological results showed intraepithelial or invasive neoplasia in 35 (48%) cases and benign lesions in 38 (52%) cases. After logistic regression and decision tree analysis an increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio and the presence of dyskeratotic cells were strongly associated with intraepithelial or invasive neoplasia and the differential cyto-morphological criteria for glandular lesions were decreased cytoplasm, irregular nuclear membranes and the presence of nucleoli. CONCLUSION: The analysis of individual cyto-morphological criteria can better predict intraepithelial or invasive neoplasia and differentiate glandular from squamous lesions.  相似文献   

Objective: To identify in cytology, high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesions with endocervical glandular extension in cases previously diagnosed as atypical glandular cells (AGC), analyse possible reasons for the diagnostic pitfall and document the frequency of glandular pathology coexisting with high‐grade cervical intraepithelial lesion in histology. Methods: Thirty‐nine ThinPrep® cervical smear (Pap) tests reported as AGC of undetermined significance and showing high‐grade lesions on histology [cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3, endometrial or extrauterine adenocarcinoma] were reviewed retrospectively to identify the cases of high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion with endocervical glandular extension, using the Bethesda 2001 system. Cyto‐histological correlation was performed. Results: A high frequency of diverse glandular pathologies coexisted with high‐grade cervical intraepithelial lesions on histology. This included endocervical glandular extension in 63%, benign glandular pathology in 33% and pre‐neoplastic or malignant glandular pathology (endocervical glandular dysplasia, adenocarcinoma in situ and metastatic breast carcinoma) in 17% cases. On cytology, the sensitivity was 40%, specificity was 80% and positive predictive value was 86% for endocervical gland extension in high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. Conclusions: Special efforts to recognize endocervical glandular extension in high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesions and glandular neoplasia coexisting with squamous intraepithelial lesions from the heterogeneous category of AGC can contribute to increasing the diagnostic accuracy. The identification of endocervical glandular extension on cervical cytology would alert the gynaecologist to perform a thorough assessment of the endocervix during colposcopy. This could also help to decide on the need to perform deeper conization rather than loop electrosurgical excision procedure to ensure negative margins when colposcopic biopsy shows CIN 2 or 3.  相似文献   

Objective:  To determine the role of cervical cytology and colposcopy in the management of endocervical neoplasia.
Setting:  Colposcopy unit and cytology laboratory in a teaching hospital.
Sample:  Group 1 included 184 smears showing endocervical glandular neoplasia from 129 patients and group 2 included 101 patients with histology showing endocervical abnormalities in a 6-year period (1993–1998). Follow-up of 6–11 years to 2004 was available.
Methods:  Group 1 were identified from the cytology computer records. Group 2 were identified from histology records on the cytology database and a record of histology cases kept for audit purposes. The clinical records were examined retrospectively.
Results:  The positive predictive value (PPV) of abnormal endocervical cells in smears was 81.1% for significant glandular/squamous [cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN)/cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade2 (CIN2 or worse)] lesions. The PPV of colposcopy was 93.5% for significant glandular/squamous lesions of the cervix. The postcolposcopy probability of a significant lesion when colposcopy was normal was 87.5%. The sensitivity of colposcopy in detecting endocervical lesions was 9.8%. The sensitivity of cervical smears in detecting a significant endocervical abnormality (CGIN or worse) was 66.3%. The false negative rate for cytology of endocervical glandular lesions was 4.0%.
Conclusions:  Endocervical glandular neoplasia detected on cytology is predictive of significant cervical pathology even when colposcopy is normal, which supports excisional biopsy in the primary assessment of these smears. The high concomitant squamous abnormality rate justifies the use of colposcopy to direct biopsies from the ectocervix. Cervical cytology is the only current screening method for cervical glandular abnormalities but sensitivity is poor.  相似文献   

K. Chummun, M. Fitzpatrick, P. Lenehan, P. Boylan, E. Mooney and G. Flannelly
Diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma associated with atypical glandular cells on liquid‐based cervical cytology Background: In 2008, the management of women in Ireland with atypical glandular cells changed to immediate referral to colposcopy. The optimal management of these women is unclear. A balance between the detection of occult disease and overtreatment is required. Methods: Our study aim was to document the experience of this policy at the National Maternity Hospital, Dublin. Information from the computerized data management system was analysed with the statistical package SPSS. Results: In 2009, 156 women attended colposcopy following a single atypical glandular cell diagnosis on liquid‐based cytology. The mean age was 41 years. Thirty (19.2%) women had abnormal vaginal bleeding, 31 (19.9%) were smokers and 34 (21.8%) had received previous treatment. The colposcopy was satisfactory in 125 (80.1%) and unsatisfactory in 31 (19.9%). Cervical histology was available for 146 (93.6%) women: 57 excisional procedures and 89 diagnostic biopsies. Abnormal histology was detected in 46 women (31.5%). Four women (2.7%) had invasive cancer, five (3.4%) had adenocarcinoma in situ, 21 (14.4%) had cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or 3 and 16 (11.0%) had CIN1. No abnormality was detected in 100 women (68.5%), including 35 (61.4%) of those who had undergone excisional procedures. The colposcopic impression in this group was unsatisfactory in 10 women (28.6%), glandular abnormalities in six (17.1%), high‐ and low‐grade changes in 12 (34.2%) and six (17.1%) women, respectively, and normal in one (2.9%). The findings were essentially negative in the remaining 10 women: overall, 30 (19.2%) of the 156 women referred to colposcopy had at least CIN2. Conclusion: This study confirmed significant levels of high‐grade disease in women referred to colposcopy with atypical glandular cells on cytology. Concerns about undetected endocervical disease resulted in high levels of negative excisional biopsies. Alternative strategies, including endometrial sampling, human papillomavirus testing and discussion at clinicopathological meeting, should be considered.  相似文献   

S. A. Thiryayi, J. Marshall and D. N. Rana
An audit of liquid‐based cervical cytology screening samples (ThinPrep and SurePath) reported as glandular neoplasia Objectives: The aims of this study were to assess the number of cases diagnosed as glandular neoplasia (national report code 6) of cervical (6A) and non‐cervical (6B) types on ThinPrep (TP) and SurePath (SP) liquid‐based cytology (LBC) samples and to calculate the positive predictive value (PPV) of these diagnoses for significant glandular and/or squamous pathology for local audit and as a contribution to national data on glandular neoplasia. Methods: A computerized search identified all screening LBC samples reported as glandular neoplasia during the 24‐month period from January 2006 to December 2007. Corresponding histology samples were identified, with a minimum follow‐up period of 6 months for each case. Results: A total of 70 samples, representing 70 patients, were reported as glandular neoplasia, 39 TP (55.7%) and 31 SP (44.3%), with 46 samples (31 TP, 15 SP) reported as 6A and 24 samples (eight TP, 16 SP) as 6B. PPV of glandular neoplasia was calculated for a biopsy diagnosis of cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia/adenocarcinoma and/or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2 or worse. The PPV of 6A was 100% for both TP and SP. The PPV of 6B for adenocarcinoma was 62.5% for TP and 66.7% for SP. The combined PPV for 6A + 6B was 92.3% for TP, 83.3% for SP and 88.4% combined. The overall pick‐up rates for the two methods were significantly different (TP 0.031%, SP 0.052%; P = 0.014). Histology showed only CIN3 with endocervical crypt involvement in nine TP cases and one SP case.  相似文献   

J. Slama, P. Freitag, P. Dundr, J. Duskova, D. Fischerova, M. Zikan, I. Pinkavova and D. Cibula
Outcomes of pregnant patients with Pap smears classified as atypical glandular cells Objectives: The incidence of cervical cancers increases with age. Due to the trend of increasing age of first pregnancy, abnormal Pap smears including those classified as atypical glandular cells (AGC) are being found more often in early pregnancy. Once invasive cancer is excluded, conservative management of squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL) in pregnancy is considered safe; however, optimal management of AGC is not well established. The aim of our study was to evaluate the outcome of patients with AGC diagnosed from smears during pregnancy. Methods: The study included 17 patients referred to us in early pregnancy with Pap smears reported as AGC: 11 not otherwise specified (AGC‐NOS), five favour neoplasia (AGC‐FN) and one adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). Thirty‐one with high‐grade SIL (HSIL) Pap smears confirmed on punch biopsy in early pregnancy comprised a control group. Human papillomavirus (HPV) positivity was found in seven patients with persistent AGC‐NOS (including all four who had CIN3 postpartum). All the women were initially examined by expert colposcopy and those with AGC‐FN or AIS smears also by transrectal ultrasound to exclude invasive endocervical cancer. Follow‐up controls were carried out every 8–12 weeks and, if there were no signs of progression, revaluation was scheduled 6–8 weeks after delivery. Results: The mean age of the women was 31.4 years. Conization in one patient in the study group was performed in the 16th week of pregnancy due to colposcopic signs of microinvasive squamous cell cancer confirmed on histology. Progression to invasive cancer was not found in any of the other 16 patients in the study group or in the control group. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or AIS was confirmed postpartum by conization or punch biopsy in 47.1% (8/17) of patients in the study group and, in 77.4% (24/31) of patients in the control group. Conclusions: Conservative management of women with AGC in pregnancy is safe where invasive cancer is excluded. As histological verification of glandular pre‐cancerous lesions by punch biopsy is not reliable and the postpartum regression rate cannot be determined precisely, conization should be performed in all cases with AGC‐FN or AIS. Triage of persistent AGC‐NOS with HPV testing is useful in distinguishing significant underlying lesions.  相似文献   

The current paper presents the first part of Chapter 6 of the second edition of the European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Cervical Cancer Screening. It provides guidance on how to manage women with abnormal cervical cytology. Throughout this article the Bethesda system is used for cervical cytology terminology, as the European guidelines have recommended that all systems should at least be translated into that terminology while cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is used for histological biopsies (Cytopathology 2007; 18 :213–9). A woman with a high‐grade cytological lesion, a repeated low‐grade lesion or with an equivocal cytology result and a positive human papillomavirus (HPV) test should be referred for colposcopy. The role of the colposcopist is to identify the source of the abnormal cells and to make an informed decision as to whether or not any treatment is required. If a patient requires treatment the colposcopist will decide which is the most appropriate method of treatment for each individual woman. The colposcopist should also organize appropriate follow‐up for each woman seen. Reflex testing for high‐risk HPV types of women with atypical squamous cells (ASC) of undetermined significance with referral for colposcopy of women who test positive is a first option. Repeat cytology is a second possibility. Direct referral to a gynaecologist should be restricted to special circumstances. Follow‐up of low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion is more difficult because currently there is no evidence to support any method of management as being optimal; repeat cytology and colposcopy are options, but HPV testing is not sufficiently selective, unless for older women. Women with high‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) or atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude HSIL (ASC‐H) should be referred without triage. Women with glandular lesions require particular attention. In a subsequent issue of Cytopathology, the second part of Chapter 6 will be presented, with recommendations for management and treatment of histologically confirmed intraepithelial neoplasia and guidance for follow‐up of special cases such as women who are pregnant, postmenopausal or immunocompromised.  相似文献   

N. Gupta, R. Srinivasan, R. Nijhawan, A. Rajwanshi, P. Dey, V. Suri and L. Dhaliwal Atypical squamous cells and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion in cervical cytology: cytohistological correlation and implication for management in a low‐resource setting Objectives: To perform an audit of all cervical smears reported as atypical squamous cells (ASC) and low‐grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) as in the Bethesda system (TBS) 2001, and determine their histological follow‐up and outcome when available, in order to define the threshold for colposcopic referral. Material and methods: A total of 25 203 cervical smears were screened over a period of 3 years (January 2006 – December 2008) and all ASC and LSIL smears were reviewed with the corresponding histological follow‐up. All cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 lesions and above (CIN2+) were considered as clinically significant lesions for analysis. Results: Out of 25 203 cervical smears, 424 (1.7%) were reported as ASC and 113 (0.4%) as LSIL. Additionally, three were reported as atypical cells, not otherwise specified. The ASC : SIL ratio was 2.18 : 1. Follow‐up histology was available in 153 (36.8%) of the ASC cases and revealed CIN2+ lesions in 22 (14.4%). Follow‐up histology was available in 50 (44.2%) of LSIL cases and revealed clinically significant abnormalities in five (10%), all of which were CIN2. CIN3 and invasive squamous carcinomas were seen in 5.9% and 1.4%, respectively, of cases of ASC, and not seen in LSIL. Reclassification of ASC smears into ASC‐US (ASC‐undetermined significance) and ASC‐H (ASC‐ high grade SIL not excluded) revealed ASC‐H in 2.6% of all ASC smears, with a clinically significant outcome in 45.4%. Conclusion: In a low‐resource setting where human papillomavirus testing is unaffordable, the threshold for colposcopic referral and follow‐up histology should be ASC rather than SIL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the inter-laboratory reproducibility for atypical glandular cells (AGC) (The Bethesda System (TBS) 2001) of the laboratories involved in the screening programmes in Italy. METHODS: A set of 35 selected slides were circulated among 167 laboratories involved in local population-based cervical screening programmes. Each laboratory provided one single diagnosis per smear. The smears were read blind to the original diagnosis and to the diagnoses provided by other laboratories. A 'majority' diagnosis was defined for each case and assumed as the reference standard. The diagnosis provided from each laboratory was compared with the majority diagnosis. RESULTS: According to the majority report the 35 slides in the set were classified as negative in nine cases, AGC in eight, adenocarcinoma in eight, and squamous lesion or squamous + glandular lesion in 10. The crude agreement between all pairs of laboratories was 49.43%. K-values were 0.46, 0.21, 0.34, 0.36 and 0.32 for negative, AGC/AIS (adenocarcinoma in situ of endocervix), AdenoCa, Sq/Sq + Gl and all reporting categories respectively. Concordance according to overall K was moderate to substantial in 77% of the participating laboratories. CONCLUSIONS: The present study shows that the AGC category is not easily reproducible. The data confirmed the importance, in a screening scenario, of AGC/AIS diagnoses, but also presented difficulties in differentiating between the two diagnoses. In addition to the results obtained from the circulation of the slides, laboratories which had annually a low number of cervical smears were able to gain experience focused on particular morphological pictures.  相似文献   

In a 3-year study of the population of Southampton and south-west Hampshire there were 10 times as many cases of CIN III compared with invasive squamous carcinoma (700 compared with 70). The peak incidence of CIN III per 1000 screened women years was in those aged 25-29 years, which was 20 years earlier than the peak incidence of invasive cervical cancer per 1000 women years at risk. Ninety percent of CIN III was diagnosed in women under 50 years. There were 14 cases of cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (CGIN III), three coexisting with CIN III, all in women aged under 50 years: the gap between intraepithelial and invasive lesions was not seen for glandular neoplasia. Although referral was for at least moderate dyskaryosis in 86.8% of women with CIN III or CGIN III, most had been screened previously, either having had mild abnormalities requiring repeat cytology (39.8%) or negative cytology (34.5%). Only 12 women aged > or = 50 years had previous negative cytology: 21.4% compared with 35.6% of women aged < 50 years (P = 0.034). The results of this study suggest that the best opportunity for preventing invasive squamous cell carcinoma lies in screening women aged 20-39 years when the incidence of CIN III in the screened population is highest and before the peak incidence of invasive disease. The results also indicate the importance of repeated screening and follow up of minor cytological abnormalities in the detection of CIN III. The benefit of screening must be regarded as a treatment of risk, since it is almost certain that a high proportion of CIN III regresses or persists unchanged.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme monitors the quality of colposcopy services through the annual KC65 returns. The 2002 returns demonstrated that Standard 7c, which specifies a biopsy rate > or = 90% at first colposcopy visit for high-grade referrals, was not met in the assessed 3-month period. This was investigated along with the other standards. METHODS: Retrospective colposcopy records were accessed for the 597 new referrals, excluding 10 pregnant patients, seen at the colposcopy clinic at the Royal Victoria Infirmary between 1 July 2001 and 31 December 2002, following an abnormal high-grade smear. Cytology and histopathology computer records were checked for confirmation. The results were assessed against the colposcopy standards applicable at that time and the revised standards (2004). RESULTS: Biopsies were taken from 94.47% (Standard > or = 90%) of women at index colposcopy visit including wire loop excision biopsies from 66.16% (87.97% of high-grade colposcopic appearances). Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) on histology was found in 91.79% in the study group (Standard > or = 85%) and in 96.71% of index visit biopsies (Standard > or = 90%), meeting the applicable colposcopy standards. The revised 2004 standards specify a biopsy in > or = 95% of high-grade referrals and excision biopsies in 95% if colposcopic appearances are also high-grade, if colposcopy is low grade but the smear is severely dyskaryotic, or when the lesion extends into the canal. The positive predictive value of high-grade cytology for this entire group was 75.54% with CIN present in 90.95%. CONCLUSION: From this study it appears that high-grade cytology in this centre reliably indicates high-grade CIN. Therefore, in women referred for colposcopy following a high-grade smear, excision biopsies should be performed in a higher proportion at the first visit to comply with the revised standards.  相似文献   

E. K. J. Risse, J. P. Holierhoek, E. M. Meijer‐Marres, E. Ouwerkerk‐Noordam and M. E. Boon Increased diagnostic accuracy of atypical glandular cells in cervical liquid‐based cytology using cell blocks Objective: The purpose of this study was to reduce the number of diagnoses of atypical glandular cells (AGC). Residual material from the cervical ThinPrep® samples (Hologic, Marlboruogh, MA, USA) was used for cell blocks (CB) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Methods: In 2007 there were 87 patients (0.12% of tests) with AGC on liquid‐based cytology (LBC) in the Leiden Cytology and Pathology Laboratory (LCPL) using the Bethesda System 2001 (TBS). CB with IHC was used for 26 of these cases. The vials still containing the brush (Cervex‐Brush® Combi) were placed in a shaker for 10 minutes to dislodge the material trapped between the bristles. The residual sampling fluid was used to prepare paraffin sections (Shandon Cytoblock®) stained with Papanicolaou and immunostaining. Results: Four of five cases with AGC not otherwise specified (NOS) were diagnosed with CB/IHC as benign mimics (endometrium, tubal metaplasia, follicular cervicitis, microglandular hyperplasia) and one of four with AGC‐favour neoplasia (FN) (endocervical polyp). In one of five cases with AGC‐NOS and in two of seven with AGC‐FN, CIN3 was found on subsequent histological biopsy. Of six cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) on LBC with CB/IHC the diagnosis was confirmed in four; one was adenocarcinoma and one glandular atypia. Of eight cases diagnosed as adenocarcinoma on cytology and CB/IHC, the diagnosis was confirmed in three. The other five cases were found to be one each of AIS, squamous cell carcinoma, CIN3, CIN2 with glandular atypia, and cervical endometriosis. Conclusions: By reducing the number of benign mimics of AGC, we achieved a high proportion (16/26; 61.5%) of neoplastic or preneoplastic lesions (glandular or squamous) on histological outcome potentially avoiding colposcopy. Histological biopsy verification by the gynaecologist is needed for final diagnosis of AGC‐FN, AIS and adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

A major cause of false‐negative cervical smears is sampling error. We examined the results obtained with three different instruments in 126 608 smears from general practitioners. The spatula/brush combination yielded the highest proportion of smears showing cytological abnormalities, and the Cervex brush the lowest. Although not a randomized study, this paper highlights the shortcomings of the Cervex brush. We postulate a mechanical deficiency. Diagnostic accuracy rather than a high proportion of good quality smears should dictate the choice of instrument.  相似文献   

E. Duvall 《Cytopathology》2008,19(3):167-171
Objective: To determine how the ‘borderline’ category was used by cytopathologists in the UK when reporting cervical smears. Methods: A questionnaire was sent by email to members of the British Society for Clinical Cytology. Results: There is wide variation in the use of the ‘borderline’ category in the UK but the majority of respondents (77.6%) used it when reporting smears that were either on the borderline between negative and low grade squamous dyskaryosis (‘borderline ?low grade’), or on the borderline between negative and high grade squamous dyskaryosis (‘borderline ?high grade’), or on the borderline between negative and glandular dyskaryosis ‘borderline ?glandular dyskaryosis’). A significant minority (15.7%), however, did not use ‘borderline’ when reporting smears that showed an abnormality that was possibly high grade squamous dyskaryosis. A majority (79.1%) of respondents thought that it would be useful to have separate reporting categories for ‘borderline ?low grade’ and ‘borderline ?high grade’. Conclusions: There is diversity in the use of the category ‘borderline’ in the UK. The proposed revised BSCC terminology with separate categories for borderline ?low grade, borderline ?high grades and borderline ? glandular dyskaryosis reflects the opinion of the majority of respondents to the questionnaire.  相似文献   

Introduction:  The Department of Clinical Chemistry of the General Hospital of Móstoles (Madrid, Spain) has for many years diagnosed the presence of atypical cells in the urinary sediment (ACUS), but this finding only led to a comment in the final report of the urinalysis, informing the clinician of this fact in case he/she decided to perform further studies in these patients.
Methods:  Since 2004, the Clinical Chemistry Department has implemented a new protocol together with the Department of Surgical Pathology of the Hospital, according to which all the urinary sediment samples with ACUS are sent for cytological analysis. In this report, we comment on the results corresponding to 99 samples.
Results:  With this new strategy, we can directly diagnose if the ACUS correspond to a carcinoma or to another process, and this has allowed us to reduce time until diagnosis in our patients and also to avoid unnecessary studies in negative cases. We comment on our results with this new management strategy.  相似文献   

The positive predictive value (PPV) of high-grade dyskaryosis for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2) or worse on histology is published annually for the laboratories in the UK National Health Service Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP). The PPV fell in 2001 compared with 2000 for four of the five consultants reporting cervical smears in our laboratory, the greatest fall being from 91.6% to 77.9%. Investigation of the possible reasons for the fall suggested the main cause lay outside the laboratory in the type of biopsy taken at colposcopy. We conclude that biopsy type affects accuracy of PPV calculations. There is variation in collection and submission of KC61 data including PPV across laboratories. This factor needs to be taken into account when publishing and comparing laboratory data for the NHSCSP.  相似文献   

宫颈微生态是一个复杂的生态系统,可随年龄、月经周期、妊娠、外源性因素等原因而发生动态变化,这种平衡对于机体健康至关重要。宫颈微生态包括菌群、局部pH、内分泌调节和免疫系统等,其中大量定植的宫颈菌群是微生态体系的核心组成部分。当发生感染、局部pH改变、雌激素减退等情况时,菌群生态平衡可被破坏,致病菌可过量繁殖成为优势菌,同时提升人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染风险,引起宫颈炎、宫颈鳞状上皮化生、宫颈癌等等。研究认为,宫颈微生态的改变与HPV感染、宫颈疾病的发生具有密切的相关性。然而国内关于宫颈微生态与宫颈疾病的直接关系的报道尚不多见,本文就宫颈微生态失衡与其引起的常见宫颈疾病,如宫颈炎、宫颈上皮内瘤变、宫颈癌等之间的相关性进行探讨。  相似文献   

P. K. Wright, J. Marshall and M. Desai Comparison of SurePath ® and ThinPrep ® liquid‐based cervical cytology using positive predictive value, atypical predictive value and total predictive value as performance indicators Objective: Two liquid‐based cytology (LBC) systems are in widespread use in the UK: ThinPrep® and SurePath®. A number of studies have now compared LBC with conventional cytology in cervical screening. However, to date, we are aware of no studies that have compared ThinPrep® with SurePath® LBC. As the selection and use of specific diagnostic systems in a laboratory has significant clinical and economic implications, there is a clear need to compare directly existing LBC technology. The objective of this study was to compare ThinPrep® with SurePath® LBC in a single cytology laboratory using performance indicators. Methods: Data were collected for all cervical cytology samples processed at Manchester Cytology Centre over a 1‐year period. ThinPrep® LBC was compared with SurePath® LBC using positive predictive value (PPV), atypical predictive value (APV) and total predictive value (TPV), reflecting outcome of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 2 or worse for high‐grade dyskaryosis (PPV), low‐grade dyskaryosis or borderline (atypical) cytology (APV) and all (total) abnormal cytology (TPV). Results: 2287 (out of 56 467) (ThinPrep®) and 586 (out of 22 824) (SurePath®) samples showed borderline or worse cytology after exclusion criteria. PPV, APV and TPV were within acceptable ranges for both ThinPrep® and SurePath®. Conclusions: ThinPrep® and SurePath® were equivalent based on three performance indicators. We suggest that APV and TPV should be used as an adjunct to PPV and other methods of quality assurance for cervical screening.  相似文献   

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