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广西热带稀有濒危植物迁地保护地域探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对广西热带稀有濒危植物在广西及邻近省份植物园的引种保育进行对比研究。结果表明:大部分树种在热带和南亚热带可以正常生长,通过适当的保护措施,部分树种在中亚热带的桂林可以保存。低温和霜冻是广西热带稀有濒危树种能否成功保存的主要限制因素,因此,在引种保存过程中要注意防寒和树种的选择,以提高迁地保护的有效性。 相似文献
稀有濒危植物在温州植物园的保护现状 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
经过三十多年的引种驯化工作,目前已有44种国家稀有濒危植物成功迁地保护在温州植物园,大部分生长良好。可结合实际情况,选择适应性强、具开发价值的部分植物进行推广。 相似文献
木兰科植物及其珍稀濒危种类的迁地保护 总被引:38,自引:2,他引:38
应用迁地保护的原理和方法,在华南植物园引种保存木兰植物11属125种,其中中国113种,国外12种,属哗啦诉珍稀濒危植物有29种,从而建立了具有相当规模的木兰物种质基因库。 相似文献
濒危植物的区系性质与迁地保护 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对昆明植物园迁地保护的濒危植物的适应性进行了观察总结,并讨论了濒危植物的区系性质与其对迁地保护区适应性的关系。原产云南中部和东南部的濒危植物对迁地保护区的环境有较强的适应性。大部分种类都能正常生长、开花和结果。广布种一般比分布区狭窄种有更强的适应能力。冬季低温制约着一些濒危植物在迁地保护区的生存。而冬春季节干旱制约高山种类的生存。一些种类虽生长、开花正常,但因其传粉媒介的缺乏而不结实。因物种的生理生态特性的差异,即使具有相同区系性质的不同种类也具有不同的适应性。 相似文献
稀有濒危植物坡垒的迁地保护 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
国家二级保护树种坡垒(HopeahainanensisMerr.etChun)原产海南岛。在西双版纳勐仑热带植物园迁地栽培,年平均增高0.44~0.9m,胸径加粗0.54~1.31cm,比原产地野生或其他迁地保护地区的植株生长快。花期8~10月,果熟期翌年3~5月。种子发芽率达96.7%。经多年观察,未见寒害和严重的病虫害。已繁衍了3代并扩大种植284株,说明坡垒在西双版纳热带植物园迁地保护获得成功。 相似文献
江西稀有濒危植物资源及其保护 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
谢国文 《植物资源与环境学报》1994,(1)
据调查统计,江西自然分布有国家稀有濒危植物74种,比《中国珍稀濒危植物》记载本省的种类(48种)增加了26种,是华东濒危植物资源丰富的省份之一。本文论述了江西稀有濒危植物的地理分布、区系特征及保护现状,它们具有组成丰富、区系复杂、起源古老、成分多特有、分布局限和生态脆弱等特点。在分析稀有植物濒危原因和本省保护区建设情况的基础上,提出了保护稀有濒危植物资源的建议。 相似文献
滇南热带植物物种多样性的迁地保护 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文论述了滇南热带植物多样性迁地保护区的建设与稀有濒危植物的保护。进行了种子贮藏与萌发、幼苗生长条件和不同栽培条件等试验以及生物学特性观察等。雨季成熟的大粒型种子一般不耐贮藏,中、小粒型种子较耐贮藏,细小种子耐贮藏。育苗中幼苗除强阳性树种不需遮荫外,大多数热带雨林树种幼苗和幼树期都需要一定的荫蔽条件才能生长良好。西双版纳热带植物的发芽、抽梢、开花高峰期都集中在日平均温达20℃左右的3月。大量开始落叶是在1~2月,3月为多数植物的落叶盛期。果实在干凉季(11~2月)成熟的占23.9%,干热季(3~5月)成熟的占36.4%,湿热季(6~10月)成熟的占40%。 相似文献
中国龙脑香科植物受胁状况及迁地群落保护探讨 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
广义的龙脑香科植物是泛热带分布,中国有5属13种,其中1种为引种栽培,仅分布于云南、广西、海南和西藏。许多龙脑香科植物具有很高的经济价值。由于近年来各地森林遭受强度破坏,加之其自身特殊的生物生态学特征和种子生物学特性,大多数种类的生存受到严重威胁。该文主要介绍中国龙脑香科植物目前的受威胁状况、具体保护研究工作及其不足,并提出了进行迁地群落建设的保护策略。 相似文献
Bekim Gashi Kasamedin Abdullai Valbona Sota Efigjeni Kongjika 《Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants》2015,21(1):123-136
Ramonda serbica and Ramonda nathaliae are rare and endemo relict plant species from Balkan Peninsula. An efficient micro propagation and in vitro conservation method via direct and indirect organogenesis from seed and leaf explants, respectively, was established in this study. The seed of both Ramonda species were collected from different populations in Kosovo, and were germinated in nutrient media JG-B without any phytohormone. The highest number of shoots and multiplication rate was observed on JG-B medium supplemented with BAP and IAA (0.5 mg l−1 each), whereas the highest number of leaves per plantlets was found on WPM and RA medium supplemented with BAP and IAA (0.1 mg l−1 each). During this stage of micro propagation some significant differences were observed in plantlets from different populations. The indirect organogenesis from parts of leaves of natural plants was not successful due to unavailability of established protocol for disinfections of the plant material. On other hand, parts of leaves from micro propagated plantlets, cultured on MS medium supplemented with different ratio of BAP and NAA, resulted in the highest efficiency for shoot regeneration. In vitro conservation of micro propagated plants at the lower temperature (4 °C) had a significantly positive effect for storage of more than 12 months. 相似文献
P. H. Skelton 《Journal of fish biology》1990,37(SA):87-95
The conservation status of 24 threatened freshwater fishes and seven estuarine fishes from southern Africa is discussed against the background of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors. The majority of threatened species are endemic temperate forms with restricted ranges. Major threats include introduced alien fishes and a wide spectrum of environmentally destructive causes. Research on threatened species includes distribution surveys, biological and ecological studies and methods of artificial propagation. Long-term remedies based on ecosystem conservation are also being promoted. The perceptions and attitudes of nature conservation authorities are adjusting to the new challenges offish conservation. The number of threatened fishes in Africa is likely to increase in the face of escalating problems of habitat destruction and degradation. 相似文献
Hongray Howrelia Patnaik Jie Eun Park Min Kyu Sang Dae Kwon Song Jun Yang Jeong Chan Eui Hong Yong Tae Kim Hyeon Jun Shin Liu Ziwei Hee Ju Hwang So Young Park Se Won Kang Jung Ho Ko Heon Cheon Jeong Hong Seog Park Yong Hun Jo Yeon Soo Han Bharat Bhusan Patnaik Yong Seok Lee 《Entomological Research》2023,53(12):525-538
优先保护区识别对受威胁物种的多样性保护具有重要价值。基于GIS空间分析、管理及预测能力,以中国受威胁陆栖哺乳动物为对象,建立受威胁物种的分布二值网格系统;利用Dobson算法对研究区3810个网格单元进行筛除,确定全国范围下受威胁物种的优先保护区域;结合中国主要的自然保护地分布数据(国家公园和自然保护区),采用保护空缺方法分析优先保护区内受威胁动物的保护现状。研究发现,29个50km×50km的网格单元就包含了全部的受威胁陆栖哺乳物种,其中位于喜马拉雅山东南区等地的10个网格区域覆盖有80%以上的物种,其所处的10组县级行政区内被主要自然保护地保护的土地面积占25.9%,物种数占83.6%,存在一定的保护空缺。本文采用Dobson排除算法,以小面积规则网格为基本单元,顾及到了实验结果的客观性,有助于提高优先保护区的识别效率。 相似文献
基于文献和标本信息以及专家提供的数据, 依据中国大型真菌评估的标准和程序, 对中国范围内已知大型担子菌进行了受威胁状态评估。结果显示, 在评估的6,268种担子菌中, 受威胁(疑似灭绝、极危、濒危、易危)的物种有45种, 受威胁比例为0.72%。受威胁的大型担子菌物种中食药用菌比例达1/3以上, 且大部分物种仍无法人工栽培, 主要依赖野生资源。我国受威胁担子菌主要集中分布在西南和东北地区。人类活动导致的物种栖息地萎缩和破坏是我国大型担子菌受威胁的首要因子, 过度采挖是食药用菌受威胁的重要原因。此外, 数据不足的大型担子菌共4,251种, 占被评估大型担子菌总数的67.82%, 表明我国大型担子菌物种多样性及相关研究还存在不足。 相似文献
Tian-Tian Xue Xu-Dong Yang Qin Liu Fei Qin Wen-Di Zhang Steven B. Janssens Sheng-Xiang Yu 《植物分类学报:英文版》2023,61(4):682-697
A significant fraction of higher plants in China are threatened due to dramatic landscape transformation and increasing climate change. However, the conservation effectiveness of threatened higher plants (THPs) and their response to climate change are still underexplored to date. Based on the latest list of THPs in China, we obtained 102 593 occurrence records with latitude and longitude for 3858 THPs. By integrating the distribution patterns of three biodiversity indexes (i.e., species richness, species complementarity, and weighted endemism) and 10 plant categories, we identified hotspots for THPs and calculated the conservation effectiveness of nature reserves. We then selected 1959 THPs to project the shift of species richness and range sizes under climate change (representative concentration pathway [RCP] 2.6 and RCP 8.5). In total, 16 hotspot areas covering 7.38% of Chinese land area and containing 91.73% of THPs were identified. Current nature reserves protected 35.05% of hotspots, 73.07% of all THPs, and 56.64% of narrow-ranged species. By the 2070s, the species richness of THPs were predicted to decrease in Southeast and Central China, and 42.42% (RCP 2.6) and 51.40% (RCP 8.5) of the 1959 THPs would confront habitat contraction. Future conservation efforts should focus on the conservation gaps and carry out targeted conservation for THPs with narrow distribution range. In order to cope with climate change, the hotspots with relatively low species loss can serve as important areas to contain current species diversity and the areas with high species gain offer opportunities for ex-situ conservation of THPs. 相似文献