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The thymus exports a selected subset of virgin T lymphocytes to the peripheral lymphoid organs. The mature phenotype of these thymus emigrants is similar to that of medullary thymocytes and has been cited as supporting a medullary rather than cortical exit site. Using the monoclonal antibody MEL-14, we identify a 1%-3% subpopulation of thymocytes that expresses high levels of a receptor molecule involved in lymphocyte homing to peripheral lymph nodes. We present evidence that these rare MEL-14hi thymocytes are predominantly of mature phenotype and represent the major source of thymus emigrants. Surprisingly, MEL-14hi thymocytes are exclusively cortical in location, although their mature phenotype may allow them to masquerade as medullary cells in conventional studies. We also demonstrate that unlike medullary thymocytes, many cortisone-resistant thymocytes (CRT) are MEL-14hi. Thus, in contrast to current dogma, CRT do not represent a sample of medullary thymocytes as they are found in situ and their level of immunocompetence does not necessarily reflect that of the medullary population. Our findings refute the hypothesis that phenotypically and functionally mature cells are restricted to the medulla, and support our proposition that most thymus emigrants are derived from the MEL-14hi cortical subset.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are an important class of cellular regulators that modulate gene expression and thereby influence cell fate and function. In the immune system, miRNAs act at checkpoints during hematopoietic development and cell subset differentiation, they modulate effector cell function, and they are implicated in the maintenance of homeostasis. Dendritic cells (DCs), the professional APCs involved in the coordination of adaptive immune responses, are also regulated by miRNAs. Some DC-relevant miRNAs, including miR-155 and miR-146a, are shared with other immune cells, whereas others have been newly identified. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of where miRNAs are active during DC development from myeloid precursors and differentiation into specialized subsets, and which miRNAs play roles in DC function.  相似文献   

Multivectorial abnormal cell migration in the NOD mouse thymus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We previously described a fibronectin/VLA-5-dependent impairment of NOD thymocyte migration, correlated with partial thymocyte arrest within thymic perivascular spaces. Yet, NOD thymocytes still emigrate, suggesting the involvement of other cell migration-related alterations. In this context, the aim of this work was to study the role of extracellular matrix ligands, alone or in combination with the chemokine CXCL12, in NOD thymocyte migration. Intrathymic contents of CXCL12, fibronectin, and laminin were evaluated by immunohistochemistry while the expression of corresponding receptors was ascertained by flow cytometry. Thymocyte migration was measured using Transwell chambers and transendothelial migration was evaluated in the same system, but using an endothelial cell monolayer within the chambers. NOD thymocytes express much lower VLA-5 than C57BL/6 thymocytes. This defect was particularly severe in CD4(+) thymocytes expressing Foxp3, thus in keeping with the arrest of Foxp3(+) cells within the NOD giant perivascular spaces. We observed an enhancement in CXCL12, laminin, and fibronectin deposition and colocalization in the NOD thymus. Furthermore, we detected altered expression of the CXCL12 receptor CXCR4 and the laminin receptor VLA-6, as well as enhanced migratory capacity of NOD thymocytes toward these molecules, combined or alone. Moreover, transendothelial migration of NOD thymocytes was diminished in the presence of exogenous fibronectin. Our data unravel the existence of multiple cell migration-related abnormalities in NOD thymocytes, comprising both down- and up-regulation of specific responses. Although remaining to be experimentally demonstrated, these events may have consequences on the appearance of autoimmunity in NOD mice.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) within the skin are a heterogeneous population of cells, including Langerhans cells of the epidermis and at least three subsets of dermal DCs. Collectively, these DCs play important roles in the initiation of adaptive immune responses following antigen challenge of the skin as well as being mediators of tolerance to self-antigen. A key functional aspect of cutaneous DCs is their migration both within the skin and into lymphatic vessels, resulting in their emigration to draining lymph nodes. Here, we discuss our current understanding of the requirements for successful DC migration in and from the skin, and introduce some of the microscopic techniques developed in our laboratory to facilitate a better understanding of this process. In particular, we detail our current use of multi-photon excitation (MPE) microscopy of murine skin to dissect the migratory behavior of DCs in vivo. B. Roediger and L. G. Ng contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The thymus plays a crucial role in the development of T lymphocytes by providing an inductive microenvironment in which committed progenitors undergo proliferation, T-cell receptor gene rearrangements and thymocyte differentiate into mature T cells. The thymus microenvironment forms a complex network of interaction that comprises non lymphoid cells (e.g., thymic epithelial cells, TEC), cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrix elements (ECM), matrix metalloproteinases and other soluble proteins. The thymic epithelial meshwork is the major component of the thymic microenvironment, both morphologically and phenotypically limiting heterogeneous regions in thymic lobules and fulfilling an important role during specific stages of T-cell maturation. The process starts when bone marrow-derived lymphocyte precursors arrive at the outer cortical region of the thymic gland and begin to mature into functional T lymphocytes that will finally exit the thymus and populate the peripheral lymphoid organs. During their journey inside the thymus, thymocytes must interact with stromal cells (and their soluble products) and extracellular matrix proteins to receive appropriate signals for survival, proliferation and differentiation. The crucial components of the thymus microenvironment, and their complex interactions during the T-cell maturation process are summarized here with the objective of contributing to a better understanding of the function of the thymus, as well as assisting in the search for new therapeutic approaches to improve the immune response in various pathological conditions.Key words: thymus, T-cell maturation, thymic microenvironment, thymocyte differantiation, chemokines, extracellular matrix, thymic nurse cells, metalloproteinases  相似文献   

The thymus plays a crucial role in the development of T lymphocytes providing an inductive microenvironment in which committed progenitors undergo proliferation, T-cell receptor gene rearrangements and thymocyte differentiation into mature T-cells. The thymus microenvironment forms a complex network of interaction that comprises non lymphoid cells (e.g., thymic epithelial cells, TEC), cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrix elements (ECM), matrix metalloproteinases and other soluble proteins. The thymic epithelial meshwork is the major component of thymic microenvironment, both morphologically and phenotypically limiting heterogeneous regions in thymic lobules and fulfilling an important role during specific stages of T-cell maturation. The process starts when bone marrow–derived lymphocyte precursors arrive at the outer cortical region of the thymic gland and begin to mature into functional T lymphocytes that will finally exit the thymus and populate the peripheral lymphoid organs. During their journey inside the thymus, thymocytes must interact with stromal cells (and their soluble products) and extracellular matrix proteins to receive appropriate signals for survival, proliferation and differentiation. The crucial components of the thymus microenvironment and their complex interactions during the T-cell maturation process with the objective of contributing to a better understanding of the function of the thymus as well as assist in the search for new therapeutic approaches to improve the immune response in various pathological conditions are summarized here.  相似文献   

The presence of characteristic epithelial swirls called Hassall bodies within the human thymic medulla has been used as an indicator of ongoing or recent thymopoiesis. We present a case where Hassall bodies were present in the absence of current or past thymopoiesis. The patient had been treated with corticosteroids for presumed asthma before his diagnosis of X-linked SCID. Two other cases of nonimmunodeficient patients treated with high-dose corticosteroids had markedly increased numbers of thymic Hassall bodies. To determine whether corticosteroid treatment induces thymic epithelial (TE) differentiation to form Hassall bodies, mAbs reactive with specific cytokeratins (CKs), filaggrin, and involucrin were used to define distinct stages of TE cell differentiation. Treatment of primary TE monolayers with hydrocortisone in vitro induced expression of involucrin and high-molecular-mass CKs that are characteristic of TE differentiation. Treatment of thymic organ cultures with hydrocortisone induced both medullary and subcapsular cortical TE cells to express CK6, a differentiation marker that is normally expressed only by Hassall bodies in vivo. These experimental studies combined with the case observations indicate that exogenous corticosteroids can regulate terminal differentiation of TE cells both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, the presence of Hassall bodies in thymus from corticosteroid-treated patients cannot be taken as an absolute indication of previous thymopoiesis. Because corticosteroids are also made within the thymus under normal physiologic conditions, these studies support the hypothesis that endogenous corticosteroids may play a role in normal TE differentiation and Hassall body formation in vivo.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes are generated throughout life, arising from bone marrow-derived progenitors that complete an essential developmental process in the thymus. Thymic T cell education leads to the generation of a self-restricted and largely self-tolerant peripheral T-cell pool and is facilitated by interactions with thymic stromal cells residing in distinct supportive niches. The signals governing thymocyte precursor migration into the thymus, directing thymocyte navigation through thymic microenvironments and mature T-cell egress into circulation were, until recently, largely unknown, but presumed to be mediated to a large extent by chemokine signalling. Recent studies have now uncovered various specific functions for members of the chemokine superfamily in the thymus. These studies have not only revealed distinct but also in some cases overlapping roles for several chemokine family members in various thymocyte migration events and have also shown that homing and positioning of other cells in the thymus, such as dendritic cells and natural killer T cells is also chemokine-dependent. Here, we discuss current understanding of the role of chemokines in the thymus and highlight key future avenues for investigation in this field.  相似文献   

Mast cell-associated TNF promotes dendritic cell migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Mast cells represent a potential source of TNF, a mediator which can enhance dendritic cell (DC) migration. Although the importance of mast cell-associated TNF in regulating DC migration in vivo is not clear, mast cells and mast cell-derived TNF can contribute to the expression of certain models of contact hypersensitivity (CHS). We found that CHS to FITC was significantly impaired in mast cell-deficient Kit(W-sh/W-sh) or TNF(-/)(-) mice. The reduced expression of CHS in Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice was fully repaired by local transfer of wild-type bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells (BMCMCs), but was only partially repaired by transfer of TNF(-/)(-) BMCMCs. Thus, mast cells, and mast cell-derived TNF, were required for optimal expression of CHS to FITC. We found that the migration of FITC-bearing skin DCs into draining lymph nodes (LNs) 24 h after epicutaneous administration of FITC in naive mice was significantly reduced in mast cell-deficient or TNF(-/)(-) mice, but levels of DC migration in these mutant mice increased to greater than wild-type levels by 48 h after FITC sensitization. Mast cell-deficient or TNF(-/)(-) mice also exhibited significantly reduced migration of airway DCs to local LNs at 24 h after intranasal challenge with FITC-OVA. Migration of FITC-bearing DCs to LNs draining the skin or airways 24 h after sensitization was repaired in Kit(W-sh/W-sh) mice which had been engrafted with wild-type but not TNF(-/)(-) BMCMCs. Our findings indicate that mast cell-associated TNF can contribute significantly to the initial stages of FITC-induced migration of cutaneous or airway DCs.  相似文献   

Transient physical disruption of cell membranes by electric pulses (or electroporation) has significance in biomedical and biological applications requiring the delivery of exogenous (bio)molecules to living cells. We demonstrate that actin networks regulate the cell membrane permeability during electroporation. Disruption of actin networks increases the uptake of membrane-impermeable molecules such as propidium iodide during electroporation. Our experiments at different temperatures ranging from 11 °C to 37 °C show that molecular uptake during electroporation increases with temperature. Furthermore, by examining the temperature-dependent kinetics of propidium iodide uptake, we infer that the activation energy barrier of electroporation is lowered when the actin networks are disrupted. Our numerical calculations of transmembrane voltage show that the reduced activation energy barrier for the cells with disrupted actin is not a consequence of the changes in transmembrane voltage associated with changes in the cell shape due to the disruption of actin, indicating that this could be due to changes in membrane mechanical properties. Our results suggest that the current theoretical models of electroporation should be advanced further by including the contributions of the cytoskeletal networks on the cell membrane permeability during the delivery of exogenous materials.  相似文献   

One of the fundamental features of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) is that dendrites of individual RGCs are confined to one or a few narrow strata within the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and each RGC synapses only with a small group of presynaptic bipolar and amacrine cells with axons/dendrites ramified in the same strata to process distinct visual features. The underlying mechanisms which control the development of this laminar-restricted distribution pattern of RGC dendrites have been extensively studied, and it is still an open question whether the dendritic pattern of RGCs is determined by molecular cues or by activity-dependent refinement. Accumulating evidence suggests that both molecular cues and activity-dependent refinement might regulate RGC dendrites in a cell subtype-specific manner. However, identification of morphological subtypes of RGCs before they have achieved their mature dendritic pattern is a major challenge in the study of RGC dendritic development. This problem is now being circumvented through the use of molecular markers in genetically engineered mouse lines to identify RGC subsets early during development. Another unanswered fundamental question in the study of activity-dependent refinement of RGC dendrites is how changes in synaptic activity lead to the changes in dendritic morphology. Recent studies have started to shed light on the molecular basis of activity-dependent dendritic refinement of RGCs by showing that some molecular cascades control the cytoskeleton reorganization of RGCs.  相似文献   

The lymphatic system is not only essential for maintenance of normal fluid balance, but also for proper immunologic function by providing an extensive network of vessels, important for cell trafficking and antigen delivery, as well as an exclusive environment, the lymph node (LN), where antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and lymphocytes can encounter and interact. Among APCs, dendritic cells (DCs) have a remarkable capacity to traffic from peripheral tissues to the draining LN, which is critical for execution of their functions. To reach the LN, DCs must migrate towards and enter lymphatic vessels. Here, the authors review what is known about the factors that drive this process. They touch particularly on the topic of how DC migration is affected by inflammation and discuss this in the context of lymphatic function. Traditionally, inflammatory mediators are regarded to support DC migration to LNs because they induce molecules on DCs known to guide them to lymphatics. The authors recently showed that inflammatory signals present in a strong vaccine adjuvant induce swelling in LNs accompanied by lymphangiogenesis in the draining LN and radius of peripheral tissue. These increased lymphatics, at least for several days, lead to a more robust migration of DCs. However, the density of lymphatic vessels can become overly extended and/or their function impaired as observed during lymphedema and various chronic inflammatory reactions. Diseases characterized by chronic inflammation often present with impaired DC migration and adaptive immunity. Gaining a better understanding of how lymphatic vessel function may impact adaptive immunity by, for example, altering DC migration will benefit clinical research aiming to manipulate immune responses and manage chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Cells migrate via diverse pathways and in different modes to reach their final destinations during development. Tangential migration has been shown to contribute significantly to the generation of neuronal diversity in the mammalian telencephalon. GABAergic interneurons are the best-characterized neurons that migrate tangentially, from the ventral telencephalon, dorsally into the cortex. However, the molecular mechanisms and nature of these migratory pathways are only just beginning to be unravelled. In this study we have first identified a novel dorsal-to-ventral migratory route, in which cells migrate from the interganglionic sulcus, located in the basal telencephalon between the lateral and medial ganglionic eminences, towards the pre-optic area and anterior hypothalamus in the diencephalon. Next, with the help of transplantations and gain-of-function studies in organotypic cultures, we have shown that COUP-TFI and COUP-TFII are expressed in distinct and non-overlapping migratory routes. Ectopic expression of COUP-TFs induces an increased rate of cell migration and cell dispersal, suggesting roles in cellular adhesion and migration processes. Moreover, cells follow a distinct migratory path, dorsal versus ventral, which is dependent on the expression of COUP-TFI or COUP-TFII, suggesting an intrinsic role of COUP-TFs in guiding migrating neurons towards their target regions. Therefore, we propose that COUP-TFs are directly involved in tangential cell migration in the developing brain, through the regulation of short- and long-range guidance cues.  相似文献   

Our previous studies using oxygen microelectrodes showed that the thymus is grossly hypoxic under normal physiological conditions. We now have investigated how oxygen tension affects the thymus at the cellular and molecular level. Adducts of the hypoxia marker drug pimonidazole accumulated in foci within the cortex and medulla and at the corticomedullary junction, consistent with the presence of widespread cellular hypoxia in the normal thymus. Hypoxia-associated pimonidazole accumulation was decreased but not abrogated by oxygen administration. Genes previously reported to be induced by hypoxia were expressed at baseline levels in the normal thymus, indicating that physiological adaptation to hypoxia occurred. Despite changes in thymus size and cellularity, thymic PO(2) did not change with age. Combined assays for hypoxia and cell death showed that hypoxia achieved using either hypoxic gas mixtures or high-density culture in normoxia decreased spontaneous thymocyte apoptosis in vitro. Taken together, these data suggest that regulatory mechanisms exist to maintain thymic cellular hypoxia in vivo and that oxygen tension may regulate thymocyte survival both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Migration of dendritic cells (DCs) plays an important role in T‐cell‐mediated adaptive immune responses. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) sensed by Toll‐like receptor 4 (TLR4) serves as a signal for DC migration. We analyzed LPS‐induced DC volume changes preceding the directed movement towards chemoattractants. Treatment with LPS resulted in rapid, prolonged cell swelling in wild‐type (WT), but not in TLR4?/? bone marrow‐derived (BM) DCs indicating that TLR4 signaling is essential for LPS‐induced swelling. As a consequence, LPS‐treatment enhanced the migratory activity along a chemokine (CCL21)‐gradient in WT, but not in TLR4‐deficient BMDCs suggesting that the LPS/TLR4‐induced swelling response facilitates DC migration. Moreover, the role of calcium‐activated potassium channels (KCa3.1) as putative regulators of immune cell volume regulation and migration was analyzed in LPS‐challenged BMDCs. We found that the LPS‐induced swelling of KCa3.1‐deficient DCs was impaired when compared to WT DCs. Accordingly, the LPS‐induced increase in [Ca2+]i detected in WT DCs was reduced in KCa3.1‐deficient DCs. Finally, directed migration of LPS‐challenged KCa3.1‐deficient DCs was low compared to WT DCs indicating that activation of KCa3.1 is involved in LPS‐induced DC migration. These findings suggest that both TLR4 and KCa3.1 contribute to the migration of LPS‐activated DCs as an important feature of the adaptive immune response.

Sympathetic nerves may play a role in vascular disorders of the eye. In the present study, we hypothesized that activation of beta3-adrenergic receptors on retinal endothelial cells would promote migration and proliferation of these cells, two markers of an angiogenic phenotype. We show, for the first time, expression of beta3-adrenergic receptors on cultured retinal endothelial cells. Activation of these receptors with BRL37344, a specific beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist, promoted migration that was blocked by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), the mitogen activated protein kinase component MEK, and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) 2 and 9. BRL37344 stimulated proliferation, which could be blocked by inhibitors of Src, PI3K, and MEK. These cells also express the beta1-adrenergic receptor with no beta2-adrenergic receptor expression observed. Stimulation of the beta1-adrenergic receptor with xamoterol, a specific partial agonist, did not promote proliferation or migration. These results support the hypothesis that beta3-adrenergic receptors play a role in proliferation and migration of cultured human retinal endothelial cells.  相似文献   

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