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To rescue stalled ribosomes, eubacteria employ a molecule, transfer messenger RNA (tmRNA), which functions both as a tRNA and as an mRNA. With the help of small protein B (SmpB), tmRNA restarts protein synthesis and adds by the trans-translation mechanism a peptide tag to the stalled protein to target it for destruction by cellular proteases. Here, the cellular location and expression of endogenous SmpB were monitored in vivo. We report that SmpB is associated with 70S ribosomes and not in the soluble fraction, independently of the presence of tmRNA. In vitro, SmpB that is pre-bound to a stalled ribosome can trigger initiation of trans-translation. Our results demonstrate the existence of a novel pathway for the entry of tmRNA to the ribosome and for the trans-transfer of a nascent peptide chain from peptidyl-tRNA to charged tmRNA.  相似文献   

JGP study describes method to trace the real-time movements of individual membrane proteins in live tissue slices.

Directly observing the movements of single, fluorescently labeled molecules can provide crucial information about a molecule’s interactions in living cells. Plasma membrane proteins, for example, may freely diffuse around the lipid bilayer, pausing only when they collide and interact with other proteins. These movements can be followed relatively easily in single-cell organisms or cultured mammalian cells but are much more challenging to observe in multicellular organisms, where cell–cell interactions can dramatically alter the properties of the plasma membrane. In this issue of JGP, Mashanov et al. describe a new method to image and track individual plasma membrane proteins in living tissue slices (1).Justin Molloy (left), Gregory Mashanov (right), and colleagues describe a method to image single plasma membrane proteins in live tissue slices. By tracking individual M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in cardiac tissue over time, the researchers can construct a super-resolution map of the tissue, encompassing both the round cardiomyocytes and the ultrathin nerve fibers that innervate them.Justin Molloy’s group at The Francis Crick Institute in London are interested in how the M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor regulates the heartbeat. This G protein–coupled receptor diffuses through the plasma membrane and, in response to acetylcholine, alters the resting potential of cardiomyocytes via a Gβγ-mediated interaction with inwardly rectifying potassium GIRK channels (2, 3).“It’s a diffusion-limited signaling cascade, so it’s important to look at the movement of the molecules within the membrane,” Molloy explains. “We’ve tracked the movements of single M2 receptors in cultured cardiomyocytes, but we wanted to do it in tissues where the cells are in their native environment.”Molloy and colleagues, led by Gregory Mashanov, developed a technique to image single M2 receptors in cardiac tissue slices (1). Freshly extracted mouse hearts are quickly placed in a custom-made, 3-D–printed cutting block, then sectioned by a multi-blade assembly into 1-mm-thick slices. These slices are treated with a fluorescently labeled ligand that tightly binds to M2 receptors, before being transferred to coverslips for TIRF video microscopy.Mashanov immediately noticed that cardiomyocytes in living tissue are much more rounded than they are in cell culture. More remarkable still, however, were the differences Mashanov observed when he compared the movements of single M2 receptors in cells and tissues. “The M2 receptors move around the membrane around four times faster in tissue than they do in cultured cells,” Mashanov says.The reason for this increased mobility in tissues remains unclear, but Mashanov et al. saw a similarly rapid movement of M2 receptors in zebrafish hearts, which the researchers were also able to dissect and prepare for TIRF microscopy with their new technique, even though these organs measure just ∼0.5 mm in length.In addition, the researchers discovered that they could use their single-molecule tracking data to create super-resolution images of the cardiac tissue slices. “When we average our tracking data over time, the paths of individual M2 receptors combine to delineate the cellular structure of the tissue,” Molloy explains.Because neurons also express M2 receptors, these super-resolution tissue maps include not only the cardiomyocytes but also the nerve fibers that innervate them. “These nerve fibers are only ∼0.2 μM in diameter and they aren’t really visible by light microscopy,” Mashanov says. “But we could see hundreds of them. Every cardiomyocyte has a nerve fiber associated with it.”Mashanov et al.’s technique should be easily adapted for other tissues and membrane proteins and may even facilitate single-molecule imaging in entire model organisms like zebrafish or fruit flies. For Molloy’s laboratory, though, the next step is to develop dual-color labeling of M2 receptors and the downstream proteins in the pathway, Gβγ and GIRK, so that the kinetics of the molecules’ interactions can be studied in living tissues.  相似文献   

Rhopalosiphum padi virus (RhPV) is an insect virus of the Dicistroviridae family. Recently, the 579-nucleotide-long 5' untranslated region (UTR) of RhPV has been shown to contain an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that functions efficiently in mammalian, plant, and insect in vitro translation systems. Here, the mechanism of action of the RhPV IRES has been characterized by reconstitution of mammalian 48S initiation complexes on the IRES from purified components combined with the toeprint assay. There is an absolute requirement for the initiation factors eIF2 and eIF3 and the scanning factor eIF1 to form 48S complexes on the IRES. In addition, eIF1A, eIF4F (or the C-terminal fragment of eIF4G), and eIF4A strongly stimulated the assembly of this complex, whereas eIF4B had no effect. Although the eIF4-dependent pathway is dominant in the RhPV IRES-directed cell-free translation, omission of either eIF4G or eIF4A or both still allowed the assembly of 48S complexes from purified components with approximately 23% of maximum efficiency. Deletions of up to 100 nucleotides throughout the 5'-UTR sequence produced at most a marginal effect on the IRES activity, suggesting the absence of specific binding sites for initiation factors. Only deletion of the U-rich unstructured 380-nucleotide region proximal to the initiation codon resulted in a complete loss of the IRES activity. We suggest that the single-stranded nature of the RhPV IRES accounts for its strong but less selective potential to bind key mRNA recruiting components of the translation initiation apparatus from diverse origins.  相似文献   

The cricket paralysis virus (CrPV), a member of the CrPV-like virus family, contains a single positive-stranded RNA genome that encodes two non-overlapping open reading frames separated by a short intergenic region (IGR). The CrPV IGR contains an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) that directs the expression of structural proteins. Unlike previously described IRESs, the IGR IRES initiates translation by recruiting 80S ribosomes in the absence of initiator Met-tRNA(i) or any canonical initiation factors, from a GCU alanine codon located in the A-site of the ribosome. Here, we have shown that a variety of mutations, designed to disrupt individually three pseudoknot (PK) structures and alter highly conserved nucleotides among the CrPV-like viruses, inhibit IGR IRES-mediated translation. By separating the steps of translational initiation into ribosomal recruitment, ribosomal positioning and ribosomal translocation, we found that the mutated IRES elements could be grouped into two classes. One class, represented by mutations in PKII and PKIII, bound 40S subunits with significantly reduced affinity, suggesting that PKIII and PKII are involved in the initial recruitment of the ribosome. A second class of mutations, exemplified by alterations in PKI, did not affect 40S binding but altered the positioning of the ribosome on the IRES, indicating that PKI is involved in the correct positioning of IRES-associated ribosomes. These results suggest that the IGR IRES has distinct pseudoknot-like structures that make multiple contacts with the ribosome resulting in initiation factor-independent recruitment and correct positioning of the ribosome on the mRNA.  相似文献   

During trans-translation, stalled bacterial ribosomes are rescued by small protein B (SmpB) and by transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA). Stalled ribosomes switch translation from the defective messages to a short internal reading frame on tmRNA that tags the nascent peptide chain for degradation and recycles the ribosomes. We present evidences that SmpB binds the large and small ribosomal subunits in vivo and in vitro. The binding between SmpB and the ribosomal subunits is very tight, with a dissociation constant of 1.7 × 10−10 M, similar to its KD for the 70S ribosome or for tmRNA. tmRNA displaces SmpB from its 50S binding but not from the 30S. In vivo, SmpB is detected on the 50S when trans-translation is impaired by lacking tmRNA or a functional SmpB. SmpB contacts the large subunit transiently and early during the trans-translational process. The affinity of SmpB for the two ribosomal subunits is modulated by tmRNA in the course of trans-translation. It is the first example of two copies of the same protein interacting with two different functional sites of the ribosomes.  相似文献   

Silica is widely used for chromatography resins due to its high mechanical strength, column efficiency, easy manufacturing (i.e. controlled size and porosity), and low‐cost. Despite these positive attributes to silica, it is currently used as a backbone for chromatographic resins in biotechnological downstream processing. The aim of this study is to show how the octapeptide (RH)4 can be used as peptide tag for high‐purity protein purification on bare silica. The tag possesses a high affinity to deprotonated silanol groups because the tag''s arginine groups interact with the surface via an ion pairing mechanism. A chromatographic workflow to purify GFP fused with (RH)4 could be implemented. Purities were determined by SDS‐PAGE and RP‐HPLC. The equilibrium binding capacity of the fusion protein GFP‐(RH)4 on silica is 450 mg/g and the dynamic binding capacity around 3 mg/mL. One‐step purification from clarified lysate achieved a purity of 93% and a recovery of 94%. Overloading the column enhances the purity to >95%. Static experiments with different buffers showed variability of the method making the system independent from buffer choice. Our designed peptide tag allows bare silica to be utilized in preparative chromatography for downstream bioprocessing; thus, providing a cost saving factor regarding expensive surface functionalization. Underivatized silica in combination with our (RH)4 peptide tag allows the purification of proteins, in all scales, without relying on complex resins.  相似文献   

细胞内部核糖体进入位点研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细胞内部核糖体进入位点(IRES)mRNA5’端非编码区的一段特殊的序列,它允许核糖体不从mRNA的5’到3’端阅读而直接在此序列处结合mRNA并起始翻译。本综述了IRES的发现、IRES的识别及细胞IRES的特征、作用机理、生物学意义及其生物学应用等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

In recent years mechanism of internal initation of translation in eukaryotic cells commands the attention of molecular biologists in increasing frequency. Ten years ago, experiments with picornaviruses demonstrated the ability of 40S ribosomal subunits to bind to nucleotide sequences localized far from the 5′ ends of RNA molecules, and since then numerous viral and even cellular RNAs were shown to be capable of internal initiation of translation. In the present survey, data on the localization, structure, and functional load of these internal ribosome entry sites (IRES elements) of viral and cellular RNAs, as well as on proteins capable of strong and highly specific binding to IRES elements, are discussed. A conclusion is that a unified model of structure and fuctioning of viral and cellular IRES elements cannot be suggested.  相似文献   

We describe the exploration of N1-aryl-substituted benzimidazoles as ligands for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA. The design of the compounds was guided by the co-crystal structure of a benzimidazole viral translation inhibitor in complex with the RNA target. Structure-binding activity relationships of aryl-substituted benzimidazole ligands were established that were consistent with the crystal structure of the translation inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that polypyrimidine tract binding protein 1 (PTB) binds and activates the Apaf-1 internal ribosome entry segment (IRES) when the protein upstream of N-ras (unr) is prebound. Here we show that the Apaf-1 IRES is highly active in neuronal-derived cell lines due to the presence of the neuronal-enhanced version of PTB, nPTB. The unr and PTB/nPTB binding sites have been located on the Apaf-1 IRES RNA, and a structural model for the IRES bound to these proteins has been derived. The ribosome landing site has been located to a single-stranded region, and this is generated by the binding of the nPTB and unr to the RNA. These data suggest that unr and nPTB act as RNA chaperones by changing the structure of the IRES into one that permits translation initiation.  相似文献   

2-Aminobenzoxazoles have been synthesized as ligands for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) RNA. The compounds were designed to explore the less basic benzoxazole system as a replacement for the core scaffold in previously discovered benzimidazole viral translation inhibitors. Structure–activity relationships in the target binding of substituted benzoxazole ligands were investigated.  相似文献   

Ray PS  Grover R  Das S 《EMBO reports》2006,7(4):404-410
The p53 tumour suppressor protein has a crucial role in cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Previous reports show that the p53 messenger RNA is translated to produce an amino-terminal-deleted isoform (DeltaN-p53) from an internal initiation codon, which acts as a dominant-negative inhibitor of full-length p53. Here, we show that two internal ribosome entry sites (IRESs) mediate the translation of both full-length and DeltaN-p53 isoforms. The IRES directing the translation of full-length p53 is in the 5'-untranslated region of the mRNA, whereas the IRES mediating the translation of DeltaN-p53 extends into the protein-coding region. The two IRESs show distinct cell-cycle phase-dependent activity, with the IRES for full-length p53 being active at the G2-M transition and the IRES for DeltaN-p53 showing highest activity at the G1-S transition. These results indicate a novel translational control of p53 gene expression and activity.  相似文献   

The cell nucleus is a highly dynamic organelle whose function and structure during the cell cycle is tightly controlled. A number of signals triggered by external stimuli or intracellular clocks are relayed to the nucleus by protein kinases and phosphatases. Specificity of action of kinases and phosphatases can be achieved by their recruitment into multiprotein complexes targeted to discrete subcellular or subnuclear loci. One class of molecules targeting signalling units within single complexes are A-kinase anchoring proteins or AKAPs. AKAPs not only target enzymes to their substrate but may also regulate enzyme activity. This chapter highlights the role of nuclear AKAPs in relaying and modulating protein kinase and phosphatase signals to the nucleus or chromosomes.  相似文献   

The development of nanomanipulation techniques has given investigators the ability to manipulate single biomolecules and to record mechanical events of biomolecules at the single molecule level. The techniques were developed to elucidate the mechanism of molecular motors. We can directly monitor the unitary process of the mechanical work and the energy conversion processes by combining these techniques with the single molecule imaging techniques. Our results strongly suggest that the sliding movement of the actomyosin motor is driven by Brownian movement. Other groups have reported data that are more consistent with the lever arm model. These methods and imaging techniques enable us to monitor the behavior of biomolecules at work and will be applied to other molecular machines.  相似文献   

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