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One of the first layers of protection that metazoans put in place to defend themselves against viruses rely on the use of proteins containing DExD/H-box helicase domains. These members of the duplex RNA–activated ATPase (DRA) family act as sensors of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules, a universal marker of viral infections. DRAs can be classified into 2 subgroups based on their mode of action: They can either act directly on the dsRNA, or they can trigger a signaling cascade. In the first group, the type III ribonuclease Dicer plays a key role to activate the antiviral RNA interference (RNAi) pathway by cleaving the viral dsRNA into small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). This represents the main innate antiviral immune mechanism in arthropods and nematodes. Even though Dicer is present and functional in mammals, the second group of DRAs, containing the RIG-I-like RNA helicases, appears to have functionally replaced RNAi and activate type I interferon (IFN) response upon dsRNA sensing. However, recent findings tend to blur the frontier between these 2 mechanisms, thereby highlighting the crucial and diverse roles played by RNA helicases in antiviral innate immunity. Here, we will review our current knowledge of the importance of these key proteins in viral infection, with a special focus on the interplay between the 2 main types of response that are activated by dsRNA.  相似文献   

Innate immunity is critical for the control of virus infection and operates to restrict viral susceptibility and direct antiviral immunity for protection from acute or chronic viral-associated diseases including cancer. RIG-I like receptors (RLRs) are cytosolic RNA helicases that function as pathogen recognition receptors to detect RNA pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) of virus infection. The RLRs include RIG-I, MDA5, and LGP2. They function to recognize and bind to PAMP motifs within viral RNA in a process that directs the RLR to trigger downstream signaling cascades that induce innate immunity that controls viral replication and spread. Products of RLR signaling also serve to modulate the adaptive immune response to infection. Recent studies have additionally connected RLRs to signaling cascades that impart inflammatory and apoptotic responses to virus infection. Viral evasion of RLR signaling supports viral outgrowth and pathogenesis, including the onset of viral-associated cancer.  相似文献   

Here we report the cloning of two cDNAs, Snf2h and Snf2l, encoding the murine members of the Imitation Switch (ISWI) family of chromatin remodeling proteins. To gain insight into their function we examined the spatial and temporal expression patterns of Snf2h and Snf2l during development. In the brain, Snf2h is prevalent in proliferating cell populations whereas, Snf2l is predominantly expressed in terminally differentiated neurons after birth and in adult animals, concomitant with the expression of a neural specific isoform. Moreover, a similar proliferation/differentiation relationship of expression for these two genes was observed in the ovaries and testes of adult mice. These results are consistent with a role of Snf2h complexes in replication-associated nucleosome assembly and suggest that Snf2l complexes have distinct functions associated with cell maturation or differentiation.  相似文献   

Species of Aspergillus produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites, and recent genomic analysis has predicted that these species have the capacity to synthesize many more compounds. It has been possible to infer the presence of 55 gene clusters associated with secondary metabolism in Aspergillus flavus ; however, only three metabolic pathways—aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and aflatrem—have been assigned to these clusters. To gain an insight into the regulation of and to infer the ecological significance of the 55 secondary metabolite gene clusters predicted in A. flavus, we examined their expression over 28 diverse conditions. Variables included culture medium and temperature, fungal development, colonization of developing maize seeds and misexpression of laeA , a global regulator of secondary metabolism. Hierarchical clustering analysis of expression profiles allowed us to categorize the gene clusters into four distinct clades. Gene clusters for the production of aflatoxins, CPA and seven other unknown compound(s) were identified as belonging to one clade. To further explore the relationships found by gene expression analysis, aflatoxin and CPA production were quantified under five different cell culture environments known to be conducive or nonconducive for aflatoxin biosynthesis and during the colonization of developing maize seeds. Results from these studies showed that secondary metabolism gene clusters have distinctive gene expression profiles. Aflatoxin and CPA were found to have unique regulation, but are sufficiently similar that they would be expected to co-occur in substrates colonized with A. flavus .  相似文献   

Proteins capable of selective and specific inhibition of cysteine protease have been identified as cystatins and are isolated from a variety of microbes and tissues of animals and plants. The physiological function of these proteins has been proposed to be the regulation of protein turnover and defense against pathogens as well as the balance of the host-parasite immune relationship. Genes encoding cystatins have been found in several species of ticks, but the function of cystatin in ticks is not understood. We cloned a gene encoding cystatin from tick H. longicornis and designated it as Hlcyst-2 (H. longicornis cystatin-2). Its full-length cDNA is 569 bp, and it encodes a putative 133 amino acid protein with an obvious signal peptide. Sequence analysis demonstrated that it has significant homology with the known cystatin. The recombinant protein was expressed in a GST-fused soluble form in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography. The inhibitory activity of the recombinant protein against papain, cathepsin L, and cathepsin B was identified by fluorogenic substrate analysis. Cystatin was mostly expressed in the tick midgut and hemocyte. Blood feeding induced significantly increased expression in the midgut. Real-time PCR confirmed that LPS-injected adult ticks expressed Hlcyst-2 1.6 more times than the PBS-injected control; Babesia gibsoni-infected larvae ticks expressed Hlcyst-2 1.8 more times than normal larvae ticks. The recombinant protein also showed a significant growth-inhibitory effect on Babesia bovis cultured in vitro. These results indicated this cystatin Hlcyst-2 is involved in tick innate immunity.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungal pathogen that is responsible for life-threatening disease, particularly in the context of compromised immunity. This organism makes extensive use of mannose in constructing its cell wall, glycoproteins, and glycolipids. Mannose also comprises up to two-thirds of the main cryptococcal virulence factor, a polysaccharide capsule that surrounds the cell. The glycosyltransfer reactions that generate cellular carbohydrate structures usually require activated donors such as nucleotide sugars. GDP-mannose, the mannose donor, is produced in the cytosol by the sequential actions of phosphomannose isomerase, phosphomannomutase, and GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase. However, most mannose-containing glycoconjugates are synthesized within intracellular organelles. This topological separation necessitates a specific transport mechanism to move this key precursor across biological membranes to the appropriate site for biosynthetic reactions. We have discovered two GDP-mannose transporters in C. neoformans, in contrast to the single such protein reported previously for other fungi. Biochemical studies of each protein expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae show that both are functional, with similar kinetics and substrate specificities. Microarray experiments indicate that the two proteins Gmt1 and Gmt2 are transcribed with distinct patterns of expression in response to variations in growth conditions. Additionally, deletion of the GMT1 gene yields cells with small capsules and a defect in capsule induction, while deletion of GMT2 does not alter the capsule. We suggest that C. neoformans produces two GDP-mannose transporters to satisfy its enormous need for mannose utilization in glycan synthesis. Furthermore, we propose that the two proteins have distinct biological roles. This is supported by the different expression patterns of GMT1 and GMT2 in response to environmental stimuli and the dissimilar phenotypes that result when each gene is deleted.  相似文献   

Responsiveness of mouse strains after phase-specific immunization with Trichinella spiralis is compared. Two strains (NFRN, NFS/N) showed strong overall responsiveness. The response type could be characterized in phase-specific terms as: strongly anti-adult, weakly to moderately anti-preadult, and strongly antifecundity. By comparison, congenic mice of the C57B1 10Sn background (B10·A, B10·D2, B10·S, B10·Q) displayed poor total responses that could be characterized as: weakly anti-adult, very weakly anti-preadult, weakly anti-fecundity after preadult immunization, and mixed (weak and strong) after adult immunization. The C3HHeJ mouse appeared to be intermediate between the B10·BR and the NFRN strains in overall responsiveness. Genetic determinants of anti-preadult or anti-adult responses of NFRN strain mice were dominant over their B10 congenic counterparts as shown in F1, crosses of NFRN × B1O·BR mice. Since the NFRN (predominantly H-2q) and the NFSN (H-2S) are both strong responders, while the B10·Q(H-2q) and B10·S (H-2S) are weak, it is suggested that the major genes controlling anti-preadult and anti-adult responses are not linked to the major histocompatibility complex. However, variations in anti-adult immunity and anti-fecundity in the B10 congenic mice (B10·Q and B10·S are the strongest responders) suggest that minor genes linked to the MHC exert some control over these responses. Some evidence was obtained for gene complementation as the F1 cross of NFRN and NFSN mice responded more vigorously than the parental lines. We conclude that multiple genes determine anti-T. spiralis intestinal responses in mice. The major genes are unlinked to the major histocompatibility complex whereas several minor genes are linked.  相似文献   



Microarray studies in cancer compare expression levels between two or more sample groups on thousands of genes. Data analysis follows a population-level approach (e.g., comparison of sample means) to identify differentially expressed genes. This leads to the discovery of 'population-level' markers, i.e., genes with the expression patterns A > B and B > A. We introduce the PPST test that identifies genes where a significantly large subset of cases exhibit expression values beyond upper and lower thresholds observed in the control samples.  相似文献   

Echolocating bats assess target range by the delay in echo relative to the emitted sonar pulse. Earlier studies in FM bats showed that a population of neurons in auditory centers above the inferior colliculus (IC) is tuned to echo delay, with different neurons tuned to different echo delays. A building block for delay-tuned responses is paradoxical latency shift (PLS), featuring longer response latencies to more intense sounds. PLS is first created in the IC, where neurons exhibit unit-specific quantum increase in response latency with increasing sound level. Other IC neurons display oscillatory discharges whose period is unit-specific and level tolerant, indicating that this is attributable to cell’s intrinsic properties. High-threshold inhibition of oscillatory discharge produces PLS, indicating that oscillatory discharge is a building block for PLS. To investigate the cellular basis of oscillatory discharges, we performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings from IC neurons in leopard frogs (which also exhibit oscillatory discharges and PLS). These recordings show that IC neurons are heterogeneous displaying diverse biophysical phenotypes; each phenotype (and cell) has its own membrane time constant, input resistance, and strengths of I h, I kir, I kv—these intrinsic properties give rise to cell-specific resonance which can be observed through current and afferent stimulations.  相似文献   

Endosperm development in maize (Zea mays L.) and related cereals comprises a cell proliferation stage followed by a period of rapid growth coupled to endoreduplication. Regulation of the cell cycle in developing endosperm is poorly understood. We have characterized various subunits of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes, master cell cycle regulators in all eukaryotes. A-, B-, and D-type cyclins as well as A- and B-type cyclin-dependent kinases were characterized with respect to their RNA and protein expression profiles. Two main patterns were identified: one showing expression throughout endosperm development, and another characterized by a sharp down-regulation with the onset of endoreduplication. Cyclin CYCB1;3 and CYCD2;1 proteins were distributed in the cytoplasm and nucleus of cells throughout the endosperm, while cyclin CYCD5 protein was localized in the cytoplasm of peripheral cells. CDKB1;1 expression was strongly associated with cell proliferation. Expression and cyclin-binding patterns suggested that CDKA;1 and CDKA;3 are at least partially redundant. The kinase activity associated with the cyclin CYCA1 was highest during the mitotic stage of development, while that associated with CYCB1;3, CYCD2;1 and CYCD5 peaked at the mitosis-to-endoreduplication transition. A-, B- and D-type cyclins were more resistant to proteasome-dependent degradation in endoreduplicating than in mitotic endosperm extracts. These results indicated that endosperm development is characterized by differential expression and activity of specific cyclins and CDKs, and suggested that endoreduplication is associated with reduced cyclin proteolysis via the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

Viral infection is detected by cellular sensors as foreign nucleic acid and initiates innate antiviral responses, including the activation of type I interferon (IFN) and proinflammatory cytokines. Recent advances in cytoplasmic virus sensors highlight their essential role in the induction of innate immunity. Moreover, it is intriguing to understand how they can discriminate innate RNA from viral foreign RNA. In this mini-review, we focus on these cytoplasmic virus sensors, termed retinoic acid inducible gene-I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs), and discuss their function in the innate immune system.  相似文献   

The segment-polarity gene engrailed of Drosophila melanogaster and its homologues in other arthropods possess a highly conserved expression domain in the posterior portion of each segment. We report here that the two pan-specific antibodies, Mab4D9 and Mab4F11, reveal strikingly different accumulation patterns in both of the malacostracan crustaceans Porcellio scaber (Isopoda) and Procambarus clarkii (Decapoda), compared with insects. The signal detected with Mab4D9 resides in the posterior part of each segment, including the appendages, the ventral and lateral sides of the trunk and the CNS. However, Mab4F11 reveals a signal only in small groups of neurons in the CNS and PNS, primarily localized in the pereon. We observe similar Mab4D9 and Mab4F11 patterns in the crayfish P. clarkii, except that no Mab4F11 signal is detected in the pleon. To address the possibility of multiple engrailed paralogues, we cloned partial cDNAs of two engrailed genes, Ps-en1 and Ps-en2, from P. scaber, and studied their expression patterns using whole-mount in situ hybridization. Although the Ps-en1 and Ps-en2 patterns are comparable in early development, they become distinct in late embryogenesis. Ps-en1 is expressed in the CNS, where Mab4F11 stains, but also accumulates in the epidermis. In contrast, Ps-en2 is expressed in the lateral aspect and limbs of all segments. Phylogenetic analysis of en sequences from crustaceans and insects suggests that the two en genes from the apterygote insect Thermobia domestica (Thysanura) may be related to en1 and en2 of higher crustaceans. Received: 14 February 2000 / Accepted: 1 June 2000  相似文献   

FRS2alpha and FRS2beta, two members of the FRS2 family of docking proteins, become tyrosine phosphorylated in response to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) or nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation. Tyrosine phosphorylated FRS2alpha serves as a platform for the recruitment of multiple signaling proteins for activation of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signaling cascade. We report that Frs2alpha and Frs2beta have distinct spatio-temporal expression patterns in mouse embryos. We further show that FRS2beta can compensate for the loss of FRS2alpha for activation of MAP kinase when expressed in fibroblasts from Frs2alpha(-/-) mouse embryos. We propose that the FRS2 family proteins have distinct roles in vivo through activation of common signaling proteins including MAP kinase.  相似文献   

We have devised a novel analysis approach, percentile analysis for differential gene expression (PADGE), for identifying genes differentially expressed between two groups of heterogeneous samples. PADGE was designed to compare expression profiles of sample subgroups at a series of percentile cutoffs and to examine the trend of relative expression between sample groups as expression level increases. Simulation studies showed that PADGE has more statistical power than t-statistics, cancer outlier profile analysis (COPA) (Tomlins SA, Rhodes DR, Perner S, Dhanasekaran SM, Mehra R, Sun XW, Varambally S, Cao X, Tchinda J, Kuefer R, Lee C, Montie JE, Shah RB, Pienta KJ, Rubin MA, Chinnaiyan AM. Science 310: 644-648, 2005), and kurtosis (Teschendorff AE, Naderi A, Barbosa-Morais NL, Caldas C. Bioinformatics 22: 2269-2275, 2006). Application of PADGE to microarray data sets in tumor tissues demonstrated its utility in prioritizing cancer genes encoding potential therapeutic targets or diagnostic markers. A web application was developed for researchers to analyze a large gene expression data set from heterogeneous biological samples and identify differentially expressed genes between subsets of sample classes using PADGE and other available approaches. Availability: http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/Research/genentech/padge/.  相似文献   

Rice seed callus expressed and secreted alpha-amylase at high levels. Twenty percent of the protein secreted by the callus was alphaamylase. The callus secreted about 840 mug alpha-amylase with 10.9 x 10(3) units of activity per gram dry weight callus per day. The alpha-amylase from callus exhibited a more complex isoform pattern than the germinating seed alpha-amylase. In addition, the level of mRNA expression by the five alpha-amylase gene groups was markedly different between callus and the germinating seed. The rice callus culture has features which it attractive as a potential system for expression proteins in plant cell fermentation systems.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Ge W 《Biology of reproduction》2004,71(6):2056-2064
Our recent experiments showed that gonadotropin(s) stimulated activin betaA and follistatin expression through the cAMP-PKA pathway but suppressed betaB via a cAMP-dependent but PKA-independent pathway in cultured zebrafish follicle cells. Given that pituitary gonadotropins are the major hormones controlling the development and function of the ovary, the differential expression of activin betaA and betaB as well as follistatin in response to gonadotropin(s) raises an interesting question about the temporal expression patterns of these molecules in vivo during sexual maturation and ovulatory cycle. Three experiments were performed in the present study. In the first experiment using sexually immature zebrafish, we followed the expression of activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin at the whole ovary level during a 10-day period in which the ovary developed from the primary growth stage to the one with nearly full-grown follicles. Activin betaA expression was very low at the primary growth stage but significantly increased with the growth of the ovary, and its rise was accompanied by an increase in follistatin expression. In contrast, the expression of activin betaB could be easily detected in the ovary of all stages; however, it did not exhibit an obvious trend of variation during the development. The second experiment examined the stage-dependent expression of activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin at the follicle level in the adult mature zebrafish. The expression of activin betaA was again low in the follicles during the primary growth stage, but exhibited a phenomenal increase after the follicles entered vitellogenesis with the peak level reached at midvitellogenic stage; in contrast, activin betaB mRNA could be easily detected at all stages with a slight increase during follicle growth. The expression of follistatin, on the other hand, also increased significantly during vitellogenesis; however, its level dropped sharply after reaching the peak at the midvitellogenic stage. In the third experiment, we investigated the dynamic changes of the ovarian activin betaA, betaB, and follistatin expression during the daily ovulatory cycle. The expression of activin betaA and follistatin gradually increased from 1800 h onward and reached the peak level around 0400 h when the germinal vesicles had migrated to the periphery in the full-grown oocytes. In contrast, activin betaB expression steadily declined, although not statistically significant, during the same period, but increased sharply at 0700 h when mature oocytes started to appear in most of the ovaries collected. In conclusion, activin betaA and betaB exhibit distinct expression patterns during the development of the ovary and the daily ovarian cycle of the zebrafish. It seems that activin betaA is involved in promoting ovary and follicle growth, whereas activin betaB may have a tonic role throughout follicle development but becomes critical at the late stage of oocyte maturation and/or ovulation.  相似文献   

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