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Ribosomal antibiotics must discriminate between bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes to various extents. Despite major differences in bacterial and eukaryotic ribosome structure, a single nucleotide or amino acid determines the selectivity of drugs affecting protein synthesis. Analysis of resistance mutations in bacteria allows the prediction of whether cytoplasmic or mitochondrial ribosomes in eukaryotic cells will be sensitive to the drug. This has important implications for drug specificity and toxicity. Together with recent data on the structure of ribosomal subunits these data provide the basis for development of new ribosomal antibiotics by rationale drug design.  相似文献   

The linkage between internal ribosomal symmetry and transfer RNA (tRNA) positioning confirmed positional catalysis of amino-acid polymerization. Peptide bonds are formed concurrently with tRNA-3' end rotatory motion, in conjunction with the overall messenger RNA (mRNA)/tRNA translocation. Accurate substrate alignment, mandatory for the processivity of protein biosynthesis, is governed by remote interactions. Inherent flexibility of a conserved nucleotide, anchoring the rotatory motion, facilitates chirality discrimination and antibiotics synergism. Potential tRNA interactions explain the universality of the tRNA CCA-end and P-site preference of initial tRNA. The interactions of protein L2 tail with the symmetry-related region periphery explain its conservation and its contributions to nascent chain elongation.  相似文献   

Abasic sites represent the most frequent DNA lesions in the genome that have high mutagenic potential and lead to mutations commonly found in human cancers. Although these lesions are devoid of the genetic information, adenine is most efficiently inserted when abasic sites are bypassed by DNA polymerases, a phenomenon termed A‐rule. In this study, we present X‐ray structures of a DNA polymerase caught while incorporating a nucleotide opposite an abasic site. We found that a functionally important tyrosine side chain directs for nucleotide incorporation rather than DNA. It fills the vacant space of the absent template nucleobase and thereby mimics a pyrimidine nucleobase directing for preferential purine incorporation opposite abasic residues because of enhanced geometric fit to the active site. This amino acid templating mechanism was corroborated by switching to pyrimidine specificity because of mutation of the templating tyrosine into tryptophan. The tyrosine is located in motif B and highly conserved throughout evolution from bacteria to humans indicating a general amino acid templating mechanism for bypass of non‐instructive lesions by DNA polymerases at least from this sequence family.  相似文献   

Recent events have created an urgent need for new therapeutic strategies to treat anthrax. We have applied a mixture-based peptide library approach to rapidly determine the optimal peptide substrate for the anthrax lethal factor (LF), a metalloproteinase with an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Using this approach we have identified peptide analogs that inhibit the enzyme in vitro and that protect cultured macrophages from LF-mediated cytolysis. The crystal structures of LF bound to an optimized peptide substrate and to peptide-based inhibitors provide a rationale for the observed selectivity and may be exploited in the design of future generations of LF inhibitors.  相似文献   

Octopine dehydrogenase [N2-(d-1-carboxyethyl)-l-arginine:NAD+ oxidoreductase] (OcDH) from the adductor muscle of the great scallop Pecten maximus catalyzes the reductive condensation of l-arginine and pyruvate to octopine during escape swimming. This enzyme, which is a prototype of opine dehydrogenases (OpDHs), oxidizes glycolytically born NADH to NAD+, thus sustaining anaerobic ATP provision during short periods of strenuous muscular activity. In contrast to some other OpDHs, OcDH uses only l-arginine as the amino acid substrate. Here, we report the crystal structures of OcDH in complex with NADH and the binary complexes NADH/l-arginine and NADH/pyruvate, providing detailed information about the principles of substrate recognition, ligand binding and the reaction mechanism. OcDH binds its substrates through a combination of electrostatic forces and size selection, which guarantees that OcDH catalysis proceeds with substrate selectivity and stereoselectivity, giving rise to a second chiral center and exploiting a “molecular ruler” mechanism.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) has been implicated in the regulation of the insulin signaling pathway and represents an attractive target for the design of inhibitors in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Inspection of the structure of PTP1B indicates that potent PTP1B inhibitors may be obtained by targeting a secondary aryl phosphate-binding site as well as the catalytic site. We report here the crystal structures of PTP1B in complex with first and second generation aryldifluoromethyl-phosphonic acid inhibitors. While all compounds bind in a previously unexploited binding pocket near the primary binding site, the second generation compounds also reach into the secondary binding site, and exhibit moderate selectivity for PTP1B over the closely related T-cell phosphatase. The molecular basis for the selectivity has been confirmed by single point mutation at position 52, where the two phosphatases differ by a phenylalanine-to-tyrosine switch. These compounds present a novel platform for the development of potent and selective PTP1B inhibitors.  相似文献   

The peptidyl transferase center (PTC) is located in a protein free environment, thus confirming that the ribosome is a ribozyme. This arched void has dimensions suitable for accommodating the 3' ends of the A-and the P-site tRNAs, and is situated within a universal sizable symmetry-related region that connects all ribosomal functional centers involved in amino-acid polymerization. The linkage between the elaborate PTC architecture and the A-site tRNA position revealed that the A- to P-site passage of the tRNA 3' end is performed by a rotatory motion, which leads to stereochemistry suitable for peptide bond formation and for substrate mediated catalysis, thus suggesting that the PTC evolved by gene-fusion. Adjacent to the PTC is the entrance of the protein exit tunnel, shown to play active roles in sequence-specific gating of nascent chains and in responding to cellular signals. This tunnel also provides a site that may be exploited for local co-translational folding and seems to assist in nascent chain trafficking into the hydrophobic space formed by the first bacterial chaperone, the trigger factor. Many antibiotics target ribosomes. Although the ribosome is highly conserved, subtle sequence and/or conformational variations enable drug selectivity, thus facilitating clinical usage. Comparisons of high-resolution structures of complexes of antibiotics bound to ribosomes from eubacteria resembling pathogens, to an archaeon that shares properties with eukaryotes and to its mutant that allows antibiotics binding, demonstrated the unambiguous difference between mere binding and therapeutical effectiveness. The observed variability in antibiotics inhibitory modes, accompanied by the elucidation of the structural basis to antibiotics mechanism justifies expectations for structural based improved properties of existing compounds as well as for the development of novel drugs.  相似文献   

Pyocin resistance in a strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae has been found to be associated with structural differences in the oligosaccharide moieties of the gonococcal outer membrane lipooligosaccharides (LOS). N. gonorrhoeae strain 1291 had been treated with several pyocins, usually lethal bacteriocins produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a series of surviving mutants were selected. The LOS of these pyocin-resistant mutants had altered electrophoretic mobilities in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (Dudas, K. C., and Apicella, M. A. (1988) Infect. Immun. 56, 499-504). Structural analyses of the oligosaccharide portions of the wild-type (1291 wt) and five pyocin-resistant strains (1291a-e) by liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry, and methylation analysis revealed that four of the mutant strains make oligosaccharides that differ from the wild-type LOS by successive saccharide deletions (1291a,c-e) and, in the oligosaccharide of 1291b, by the addition of a terminal Gal to the 1291c structure. The composition, sequence, and linkages of the terminal tetrasaccharide of the wild-type LOS are the same as the lacto-N-neotetraose terminus of the human paragloboside (Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----3Gal beta 1----4Glc-ceramide), and both glycolipids bound the same monoclonal antibodies O6B4/3F11 that recognize this terminal epitope. None of the pyocin-resistant mutants bound this antibody. The 1291b LOS bound a monoclonal antibody that is specific for Gal alpha 1----4Gal beta 1----4Glc-ceramide (Pk glycosphingolipid) and shared a common composition, sequence, and linkages with this latter glycosphingolipid. Organisms that bound the anti-Pk monoclone occurred at the rate of approximately 1/750 among the wild-type parent strain. This structural information supports the conclusion that treatment with pyocin selects for mutants with truncated LOS structures and suggests that the oligosaccharides contained in the LOS of the wild-type strain and 1291b mimic those of human glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

The kainoids are a class of excitatory and excitotoxic pyrrolidine dicarboxylates that act at ionotropic glutamate receptors. The kainoids bind kainate receptors with high affinity and, while binding affinity is lower at AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid) receptors, they are active in functional assays at this receptor subtype as well. However, kainoids are only partial agonists at AMPA receptors. Currents evoked by kainoids have been described as either slowly desensitizing, partially desensitizing, or non-desensitizing. Recently acquired X-ray crystal structures of the ligand binding domain of the iGluR2, AMPA sensitive receptor suggest that differences in ligand-receptor interactions may influence functional properties of an agonist. In an effort to identify important ligand-receptor interactions of various kainoids, we have conducted a series of low-mode docking searches of AMPA agonists in the iGluR2 binding domain. Kainic acid exhibited alternate low-lying geometries, with loss of hydrogen bonds to domain 2, which may represent a dissociation route not available to other kainoids. The most potent of the kainoids are capable of forming hydrogen bonding interactions that span the two domains of the receptor. In particular, a hydrogen bond between the domoic acid C6' carboxylic acid and Ser652 may prevent a peptide bond rotation that is associated with the desensitized state of the receptor.  相似文献   

Structural modifications introduced in 6-amino-quinolones to increase antiviral activity can strongly affect cytotoxicity to host cells. By competition to Tat-TAR complex and binding experiments to viral and cellular DNA and RNA structures, we show that the nature of the substituent at position 7 modifies drug affinity and specificity for the nucleic acid. Interestingly, the basicity of the above substituent modulates chelation of the quinolone template to magnesium ions, which, in turn, critically affects the potency and target selectivity in the antiviral quinolone family.  相似文献   

The pikromycin (Pik)/methymycin biosynthetic pathway of Streptomyces venezuelae represents a valuable system for dissecting the fundamental mechanisms of modular polyketide biosynthesis, aminodeoxysugar assembly, glycosyltransfer, and hydroxylation leading to the production of a series of macrolide antibiotics, including the natural ketolides narbomycin and pikromycin. In this study, we describe four x-ray crystal structures and allied functional studies for PikC, the remarkable P450 monooxygenase responsible for production of a number of related macrolide products from the Pik pathway. The results provide important new insights into the structural basis for the C10/C12 and C12/C14 hydroxylation patterns for the 12-(YC-17) and 14-membered ring (narbomycin) macrolides, respectively. This includes two different ligand-free structures in an asymmetric unit (resolution 2.1 A) and two co-crystal structures with bound endogenous substrates YC-17 (resolution 2.35 A)or narbomycin (resolution 1.7 A). A central feature of the enzyme-substrate interaction involves anchoring of the desosamine residue in two alternative binding pockets based on a series of distinct amino acid residues that form a salt bridge and a hydrogen-bonding network with the deoxysugar C3' dimethylamino group. Functional significance of the salt bridge was corroborated by site-directed mutagenesis that revealed a key role for Glu-94 in YC-17 binding and Glu-85 for narbomycin binding. Taken together, the x-ray structure analysis, site-directed mutagenesis, and corresponding product distribution studies reveal that PikC substrate tolerance and product diversity result from a combination of alternative anchoring modes rather than an induced fit mechanism.  相似文献   

An extract of Myrothecium verrucaria, a fungus which produces a range of 12,13-epoxytrichothecene toxins, was found to be resistant to T-2 toxin, one of its products. The epoxytrichothecenes are inhibitors of eukaryotic protein synthesis and normally bind to the 60S ribosomal subunit so as to inhibit peptidyltransferase activity. Ribosomes from M. verrucaria contain 60S subunits which are not subject to inhibition by T-2 toxin and are also resistant to certain other drugs such as anisomycin and homoharringtonine, but not sparsomycin or cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Protein kinases require strict inactivation to prevent spurious cellular signaling; overactivity can cause cancer or other diseases and necessitates selective inhibition for therapy. Rho-kinase is involved in such processes as tumor invasion, cell adhesion, smooth muscle contraction, and formation of focal adhesion fibers, as revealed using inhibitor Y-27632. Another Rho-kinase inhibitor, HA-1077 or Fasudil, is currently used in the treatment of cerebral vasospasm; the related nanomolar inhibitor H-1152P improves on its selectivity and potency. We have determined the crystal structures of HA-1077, H-1152P, and Y-27632 in complexes with protein kinase A (PKA) as a surrogate kinase to analyze Rho-kinase inhibitor binding properties. Features conserved between PKA and Rho-kinase are involved in the key binding interactions, while a combination of residues at the ATP binding pocket that are unique to Rho-kinase may explain the inhibitors' Rho-kinase selectivity. Further, a second H-1152P binding site potentially points toward PKA regulatory domain interaction modulators.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis yumC encodes a novel type of ferredoxin‐NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) with a primary sequence and oligomeric conformation distinct from those of previously known FNRs. In this study, the crystal structure of B. subtilis FNR (BsFNR) complexed with NADP+ has been determined. BsFNR features two distinct binding domains for FAD and NADPH in accordance with its structural similarity to Escherichia coli NADPH‐thioredoxin reductase (TdR) and TdR‐like protein from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (PDB code: 2ZBW). The deduced mode of NADP+ binding to the BsFNR molecule is nonproductive in that the nicotinamide and isoalloxazine rings are over 15 Å apart. A unique C‐terminal extension, not found in E. coli TdR but in TdR‐like protein from T. thermophilus HB8, covers the re‐face of the isoalloxazine moiety of FAD. In particular, Tyr50 in the FAD‐binding region and His324 in the C‐terminal extension stack on the si‐ and re‐faces of the isoalloxazine ring of FAD, respectively. Aromatic residues corresponding to Tyr50 and His324 are also found in the plastid‐type FNR superfamily of enzymes, and the residue corresponding to His324 has been reported to be responsible for nucleotide specificity. In contrast to the plastid‐type FNRs, replacement of His324 with Phe or Ser had little effect on the specificity or reactivity of BsFNR with NAD(P)H, whereas replacement of Arg190, which interacts with the 2′‐phosphate of NADP+, drastically decreased its affinity toward NADPH. This implies that BsFNR adopts the same nucleotide binding mode as the TdR enzyme family and that aromatic residue on the re‐face of FAD is hardly relevant to the nucleotide selectivity.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human collagenase-3 (MMP-13) and collagenase-1 (MMP-1) with bound inhibitors provides a basis for understanding the selectivity profile of a novel series of matrix metalloprotease (MMP) inhibitors. Differences in the relative size and shape of the MMP S1' pockets suggest that this pocket is a critical determinant of MMP inhibitor selectivity. The collagenase-3 S1' pocket is long and open, easily accommodating large P1' groups, such as diphenylether. In contrast, the collagenase-1 S1' pocket must undergo a conformational change to accommodate comparable P1' groups. The selectivity of the diphenylether series of inhibitors for collagenase-3 is largely determined by their affinity for the preformed S1' pocket of collagenase-3, as compared to the induced fit in collagenase-1.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine metabolism is a major route for therapeutic intervention against malaria. Here we report inhibition and structural studies on the deoxyuridine nucleotidohydrolase from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (PfdUTPase). We have identified a series of triphenylmethane derivatives of deoxyuridine with antimalarial activity in vitro which inhibit specifically the Plasmodium dUTPase versus the human enzyme. A 2.4 Angstrom crystal structure of PfdUTPase in complex with one of these inhibitors reveals an atypical trimeric enzyme in which the triphenylmethane derivative can be seen to select for PfdUTPase by way of interactions between the trityl group and the side chains of residues Phe46 and Ile117. Immunofluorescence microscopy studies of parasitized red blood cells reveal that enzyme concentrations are highest during the trophozoite/schizont stages, suggesting that PfdUTPase has a major role in DNA replication. Taken together the data show that PfdUTPase may be considered as an antimalarial drug target.  相似文献   

Enteropeptidase is a key enzyme in the digestion system of higher animals. It initiates enzymatic cascade cleaving trypsinogen activation peptide after a unique sequence DDDDK. Recently, we have found specific activity of human enteropeptidase catalytic subunit (L-HEP) being significantly higher than that of its bovine ortholog (L-BEP). Moreover, we have discovered that L-HEP hydrolyzed several nonspecific peptidic substrates. In this work, we aimed to further characterize species-specific enteropeptidase activities and to reveal their structural basis. First, we compared hydrolysis of peptides and proteins lacking DDDDK sequence by L-HEP and L-BEP. In each case human enzyme was more efficient, with the highest hydrolysis rate observed for substrates with a large hydrophobic residue in P2-position. Computer modeling suggested enzyme exosite residues 96 (Arg in L-HEP, Lys in L-BEP) and 219 (Lys in L-HEP, Gln in L-BEP) to be responsible for these differences in enteropeptidase catalytic activity. Indeed, human-to-bovine mutations Arg96Lys, Lys219Gln shifted catalytic properties of L-HEP toward those of L-BEP. This effect was amplified in case of the double mutation Arg96Lys/Lys219Gln, but still did not cover the full difference in catalytic activities of human and bovine enzymes. To find a missing link, we studied monopeptide benzyl-arginine-β-naphthylamide hydrolysis. L-HEP catalyzed it with an order lower K (m) than L-BEP, suggesting the monopeptide-binding S1 site input into catalytic distinction between two enteropeptidase species. Together, our findings suggest structural basis of the unique catalytic properties of human enteropeptidase and instigate further studies of its tentative physiological and pathological roles.  相似文献   

Enteropeptidase is a key enzyme in the digestion system of higher animals. It initiates enzymatic cascade cleaving trypsinogen activation peptide after a unique sequence DDDDK. Recently, we have found specific activity of human enteropeptidase catalytic subunit (L-HEP) being significantly higher than that of its bovine ortholog (L-BEP). Moreover, we have discovered that L-HEP hydrolyzed several nonspecific peptidic substrates. In this work, we aimed to further characterize species-specific enteropeptidase activities and to reveal their structural basis. First, we compared hydrolysis of peptides and proteins lacking DDDDK sequence by L-HEP and L-BEP. In each case human enzyme was more efficient, with the highest hydrolysis rate observed for substrates with a large hydrophobic residue in P2-position. Computer modeling suggested enzyme exosite residues 96 (Arg in L-HEP, Lys in L-BEP) and 219 (Lys in L-HEP, Gln in L-BEP) to be responsible for these differences in enteropeptidase catalytic activity. Indeed, human-to-bovine mutations Arg96Lys, Lys219Gln shifted catalytic properties of L-HEP toward those of L-BEP. This effect was amplified in case of the double mutation Arg96Lys/Lys219Gln, but still did not cover the full difference in catalytic activities of human and bovine enzymes. To find a missing link, we studied monopeptide benzyl-arginine-β-naphthylamide hydrolysis. L-HEP catalyzed it with an order lower K m than L-BEP, suggesting the monopeptide-binding S1 site input into catalytic distinction between two enteropeptidase species. Together, our findings suggest structural basis of the unique catalytic properties of human enteropeptidase and instigate further studies of its tentative physiological and pathological roles.  相似文献   

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