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We present a robust and computationally inexpensive method to estimate the lengths and three-dimensional moment arms for a large number of musculotendon actuators of the human lower limb. Using a musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity, a set of values was established for the length of each musculotendon actuator for different lower limb generalized coordinates (joint angles). A multidimensional spline function was then used to fit these data. Muscle moment arms were obtained by differentiating the musculotendon length spline function with respect to the generalized coordinate of interest. This new method was then compared to a previously used polynomial regression method. Compared to the polynomial regression method, the multidimensional spline method produced lower errors for estimating musculotendon lengths and moment arms throughout the whole generalized coordinate workspace. The fitting accuracy was also less affected by the number of dependent degrees of freedom and by the amount of experimental data available. The spline method only required information on musculotendon lengths to estimate both musculotendon lengths and moment arms, thus relaxing data input requirements, whereas the polynomial regression requires different equations to be used for both musculotendon lengths and moment arms. Finally, we used the spline method in conjunction with an electromyography driven musculoskeletal model to estimate muscle forces under different contractile conditions, which showed that the method is suitable for the integration into large scale neuromusculoskeletal models.  相似文献   

Computational models of the musculoskeletal system are scientific tools used to study human movement, quantify the effects of injury and disease, plan surgical interventions, or control realistic high-dimensional articulated prosthetic limbs. If the models are sufficiently accurate, they may embed complex relationships within the sensorimotor system. These potential benefits are limited by the challenge of implementing fast and accurate musculoskeletal computations. A typical hand muscle spans over 3 degrees of freedom (DOF), wrapping over complex geometrical constraints that change its moment arms and lead to complex posture-dependent variation in torque generation. Here, we report a method to accurately and efficiently calculate musculotendon length and moment arms across all physiological postures of the forearm muscles that actuate the hand and wrist. Then, we use this model to test the hypothesis that the functional similarities of muscle actions are embedded in muscle structure. The posture dependent muscle geometry, moment arms and lengths of modeled muscles were captured using autogenerating polynomials that expanded their optimal selection of terms using information measurements. The iterative process approximated 33 musculotendon actuators, each spanning up to 6 DOFs in an 18 DOF model of the human arm and hand, defined over the full physiological range of motion. Using these polynomials, the entire forearm anatomy could be computed in <10 μs, which is far better than what is required for real-time performance, and with low errors in moment arms (below 5%) and lengths (below 0.4%). Moreover, we demonstrate that the number of elements in these autogenerating polynomials does not increase exponentially with increasing muscle complexity; complexity increases linearly instead. Dimensionality reduction using the polynomial terms alone resulted in clusters comprised of muscles with similar functions, indicating the high accuracy of approximating models. We propose that this novel method of describing musculoskeletal biomechanics might further improve the applications of detailed and scalable models to describe human movement.  相似文献   

This paper presents a set of polynomial expressions that can be used as regression equations to estimate length and three-dimensional moment arms of 43 lower-limb musculotendon actuators. These equations allow one to find, at a low computational cost, the musculotendon geometric parameters required for numerical simulation of large musculoskeletal models. Nominal values for these biomechanical parameters were established using a public-domain musculoskeletal model of the lower limb (IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 37 (1990) 757). To fit these nominal values, regression equations with different levels of complexity were generated, based on the number of generalized coordinates of the joints spanned by each musculotendon actuator. Least squares fitting was used to identify regression equation coefficients. The goodness of the fit and confidence intervals were assessed, and the best fitting equations selected.  相似文献   

We have developed a musculoskeletal model of the human lower extremity for computer simulation studies of musculotendon function and muscle coordination during movement. This model incorporates the salient features of muscle and tendon, specifies the musculoskeletal geometry and musculotendon parameters of 18 musculotendon actuators, and defines the active isometric moment of these actuators about the hip, knee, and ankle joints in the sagittal plane. We found that tendon slack length, optimal muscle-fiber length, and moment arm are different for each actuator, thus each actuator develops peak isometric moment at a different joint angle. The joint angle where an actuator produces peak moment does not necessarily coincide with the joint angle where: (1) muscle force peaks, (2) moment arm peaks, or (3) the in vivo moment developed by maximum voluntary contractions peaks. We conclude that when tendon is neglected in analyses of musculotendon force or moment about joints, erroneous predictions of human musculotendon function may be stated, not only in static situations as studied here, but during movement as well.  相似文献   

Muscles actuate movement by generating forces. The forces generated by muscles are highly dependent on their fibre lengths, yet it is difficult to measure the lengths over which muscle fibres operate during movement. We combined experimental measurements of joint angles and muscle activation patterns during walking with a musculoskeletal model that captures the relationships between muscle fibre lengths, joint angles and muscle activations for muscles of the lower limb. We used this musculoskeletal model to produce a simulation of muscle-tendon dynamics during walking and calculated fibre operating lengths (i.e. the length of muscle fibres relative to their optimal fibre length) for 17 lower limb muscles. Our results indicate that when musculotendon compliance is low, the muscle fibre operating length is determined predominantly by the joint angles and muscle moment arms. If musculotendon compliance is high, muscle fibre operating length is more dependent on activation level and force-length-velocity effects. We found that muscles operate on multiple limbs of the force-length curve (i.e. ascending, plateau and descending limbs) during the gait cycle, but are active within a smaller portion of their total operating range.  相似文献   

Subject-specific musculoskeletal modeling can be applied to study musculoskeletal disorders, allowing inclusion of personalized anatomy and properties. Independent of the tools used for model creation, there are unavoidable uncertainties associated with parameter identification, whose effect on model predictions is still not fully understood. The aim of the present study was to analyze the sensitivity of subject-specific model predictions (i.e., joint angles, joint moments, muscle and joint contact forces) during walking to the uncertainties in the identification of body landmark positions, maximum muscle tension and musculotendon geometry. To this aim, we created an MRI-based musculoskeletal model of the lower limbs, defined as a 7-segment, 10-degree-of-freedom articulated linkage, actuated by 84 musculotendon units. We then performed a Monte-Carlo probabilistic analysis perturbing model parameters according to their uncertainty, and solving a typical inverse dynamics and static optimization problem using 500 models that included the different sets of perturbed variable values. Model creation and gait simulations were performed by using freely available software that we developed to standardize the process of model creation, integrate with OpenSim and create probabilistic simulations of movement. The uncertainties in input variables had a moderate effect on model predictions, as muscle and joint contact forces showed maximum standard deviation of 0.3 times body-weight and maximum range of 2.1 times body-weight. In addition, the output variables significantly correlated with few input variables (up to 7 out of 312) across the gait cycle, including the geometry definition of larger muscles and the maximum muscle tension in limited gait portions. Although we found subject-specific models not markedly sensitive to parameter identification, researchers should be aware of the model precision in relation to the intended application. In fact, force predictions could be affected by an uncertainty in the same order of magnitude of its value, although this condition has low probability to occur.  相似文献   


Biomechanical investigations examining shoulder function commonly observe a high degree of inter-individual variability in muscle activity and kinematic patterns during static and dynamic upper extremity exertions. Substantial differences in musculoskeletal geometry between individuals can alter muscle moment arms and lines of action that, theoretically, alter muscle activity and shoulder kinematics. The purposes of this research were to: (i) quantify model-predicted functional roles (moment arms, lines of action) of the scapulohumeral muscles, (ii) compare model predictions to experimental data in the literature, and (iii) evaluate sensitivity of muscle functional roles due to changes in muscle attachment locations using probabilistic modeling. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to iteratively adjust muscle attachment locations at the clavicle, scapula, and humerus of the Delft Shoulder and Elbow Model in OpenSim. Muscle moment arms and lines of action were quantified throughout arm elevation in the scapular plane. In general, model-predicted moment arms agreed well with the reviewed literature; however, notable inconsistencies were observed when comparing lines of action. Variability in moment arms and lines of action were muscle-specific, with 2 standard deviations in moment arm and line of actions as high as 25.8?mm and 18.8° for some muscles, respectively. Moment arms were particularly sensitive to changes in attachment site closest to the joint centre. Variations in muscle functional roles due to differences in musculoskeletal geometry are expected to require different muscle activity and movement patterns for upper extremity exertions.  相似文献   

Associating musculoskeletal models to motion analysis data enables the determination of the muscular lengths, lengthening rates and moment arms of the muscles during the studied movement. Therefore, those models must be anatomically personalized and able to identify realistic muscular paths. Different kinds of algorithms exist to achieve this last issue, such as the wired models and the finite elements ones. After having studied the advantages and drawbacks of each one, we present the convex wrapping algorithm. Its purpose is to identify the shortest path from the origin to the insertion of a muscle wrapping over the underlying skeleton mesh while respecting possible non-sliding constraints. After the presentation of the algorithm, the results obtained are compared to a classically used wrapping surface algorithm (obstacle set method) by measuring the length and moment arm of the semitendinosus muscle during an asymptomatic gait. The convex wrapping algorithm gives an efficient and realistic way of identifying the muscular paths with respect to the underlying bones mesh without the need to define simplified geometric forms. It also enables the identification of the centroid path of the muscles if their thickness evolution function is known. All this presents a particular interest when studying populations presenting noticeable bone deformations, such as those observed in cerebral palsy or rheumatic pathologies.  相似文献   

Muscles actuate running by developing forces that propel the body forward while supporting the body’s weight. To understand how muscles contribute to propulsion (i.e., forward acceleration of the mass center) and support (i.e., upward acceleration of the mass center) during running we developed a three-dimensional muscle-actuated simulation of the running gait cycle. The simulation is driven by 92 musculotendon actuators of the lower extremities and torso and includes the dynamics of arm motion. We analyzed the simulation to determine how each muscle contributed to the acceleration of the body mass center. During the early part of the stance phase, the quadriceps muscle group was the largest contributor to braking (i.e., backward acceleration of the mass center) and support. During the second half of the stance phase, the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles were the greatest contributors to propulsion and support. The arms did not contribute substantially to either propulsion or support, generating less than 1% of the peak mass center acceleration. However, the arms effectively counterbalanced the vertical angular momentum of the lower extremities. Our analysis reveals that the quadriceps and plantarflexors are the major contributors to acceleration of the body mass center during running.  相似文献   

By following the common definition of forward-dynamics simulations, i.e. predicting movement based on (neural) muscle activity, this work describes, for the first time, a forward-dynamics simulation framework of a musculoskeletal system, in which all components are represented as continuous, three-dimensional, volumetric objects. Within this framework, the mechanical behaviour of the entire muscle–tendon complex is modelled as a nonlinear hyperelastic material undergoing finite deformations. The feasibility and the full potential of the proposed forward-dynamics simulation framework is demonstrated on a two-muscle, three-dimensional, continuum-mechanical model of the upper limb. The musculoskeletal model consists of three bones, i.e. humerus, ulna, and radius, an one-degree-of-freedom elbow joint, and an antagonistic muscle pair, i.e. the biceps and triceps brachii, and takes into consideration the contact between the skeletal muscles and the humerus. Numerical studies have shown that the proposed upper limb model is capable of predicting realistic moment arms and muscle forces for the entire range of activation and motion. Within the limitations of the model, the presented simulations provide, for the first time, insights into existing contact forces and their influence on the muscle fibre stretch. Based on the presented simulations, the overall change in fibre stretch is typically less than 3%, despite the fact that the contact forces reach up to 71% of the exerted muscle force. Movement-predicting simulations are achieved by minimising a nonlinear moment equilibrium equation. Based on the forward-dynamics simulation approach, an iterative solution procedures for position-driven (inverse dynamics) and force-driven scenarios have been proposed accordingly. Applying these methodologies to time-dependent scenarios demonstrates that the proposed methods can be linked to state-of-the-art control algorithms predicting time-dependent muscle activation levels based on principles of forward dynamics.  相似文献   

We determined muscle attachment points for the index, middle, ring and little fingers in an OpenSim upper-extremity model. Attachment points were selected to match both experimentally measured locations and mechanical function (moment arms). Although experimental measurements of finger muscle attachments have been made, models differ from specimens in many respects such as bone segment ratio, joint kinematics and coordinate system. Likewise, moment arms are not available for all intrinsic finger muscles. Therefore, it was necessary to scale and translate muscle attachments from one experimental or model environment to another while preserving mechanical function. We used a two-step process. First, we estimated muscle function by calculating moment arms for all intrinsic and extrinsic muscles using the partial velocity method. Second, optimization using Simulated Annealing and Hooke-Jeeves algorithms found muscle-tendon paths that minimized root mean square (RMS) differences between experimental and modeled moment arms. The partial velocity method resulted in variance accounted for (VAF) between measured and calculated moment arms of 75.5% on average (range from 48.5% to 99.5%) for intrinsic and extrinsic index finger muscles where measured data were available. RMS error between experimental and optimized values was within one standard deviation (S.D) of measured moment arm (mean RMS error = 1.5 mm < measured S.D = 2.5 mm). Validation of both steps of the technique allowed for estimation of muscle attachment points for muscles whose moment arms have not been measured. Differences between modeled and experimentally measured muscle attachments, averaged over all finger joints, were less than 4.9 mm (within 7.1% of the average length of the muscle-tendon paths). The resulting non-proprietary musculoskeletal model of the human fingers could be useful for many applications, including better understanding of complex multi-touch and gestural movements.  相似文献   

Hill-type muscle models are commonly used in musculoskeletal models to estimate muscle forces during human movement. However, the sensitivity of model predictions of muscle function to changes in muscle moment arms and muscle-tendon properties is not well understood. In the present study, a three-dimensional muscle-actuated model of the body was used to evaluate the sensitivity of the function of the major lower limb muscles in accelerating the whole-body center of mass during gait. Monte-Carlo analyses were used to quantify the effects of entire distributions of perturbations in the moment arms and architectural properties of muscles. In most cases, varying the moment arm and architectural properties of a muscle affected the torque generated by that muscle about the joint(s) it spanned as well as the torques generated by adjacent muscles. Muscle function was most sensitive to changes in tendon slack length and least sensitive to changes in muscle moment arm. However, the sensitivity of muscle function to changes in moment arms and architectural properties was highly muscle-specific; muscle function was most sensitive in the cases of gastrocnemius and rectus femoris and insensitive in the cases of hamstrings and the medial sub-region of gluteus maximus. The sensitivity of a muscle's function was influenced by the magnitude of the muscle's force as well as the operating region of the muscle on its force-length curve. These findings have implications for the development of subject-specific models of the human musculoskeletal system.  相似文献   

Inhaled particles can be either harmful (e.g., smoke, exhaust, viruses) or beneficial (e.g., a therapeutic drug). The accurate and computationally efficient simulation of particle transport and deposition remains a challenge because it requires the simultaneous solution of the Navier-Stokes equations and multiple advection-diffusion mass transport equations when the particles are modeled as multiple mono-dispersed populations. The solution of these equations requires that multiple length scales be resolved since the ratio of advection to diffusion varies among the different equations. Here, the spectral element method is examined because the high-order approximation provides greater flexibility in resolving multiple length scales. The problem geometry is based on the Weibel model A of the human airway for convergence tests and the first three generations of a typical rat airway for experimental validation. Particles in the size range 1 to 100 nm are simulated for deposition results. The particle concentration and flux were determined using meshes of varying coarseness to represent the geometry along with basis polynomials of order 5 to 11. The higher-order elements accurately propagate the short wavelengths contained in the advection-diffusion solution without sacrificing efficiency for the more computationally expensive Navier-Stokes solution. As the diffusion coefficient in the advection-diffusion equation decreases (i.e., particle size increases) the advantages of the spectral elements become apparent for the coupled system.  相似文献   

Moment arms are important for understanding muscular behavior and for calculating internal muscle forces in musculoskeletal simulations. Biarticular muscles cross two joints and have moment arms that depend on the angle of both joints the muscles cross. The tendon excursion method was used to measure the joint angle-dependence of hamstring (biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus) moment arm magnitudes of the feline hindlimb at the knee and hip joints. Knee angle influenced hamstring moment arm magnitudes at the hip joint; compared to a flexed knee joint, the moment arm for semimembranosus posterior at the hip was at most 7.4 mm (25%) larger when the knee was extended. On average, hamstring moment arms at the hip increased by 4.9 mm when the knee was more extended. In contrast, moment arm magnitudes at the knee varied by less than 2.8 mm (mean=1.6 mm) for all hamstring muscles at the two hip joint angles tested. Thus, hamstring moment arms at the hip were dependent on knee position, while hamstring moment arms at the knee were not as strongly associated with relative hip position. Additionally, the feline hamstring muscle group had a larger mechanical advantage at the hip than at the knee joint.  相似文献   

Accurate muscle geometry (muscle length and moment arm) is required to estimate muscle function when using musculoskeletal modelling. In shoulder, muscles are often modelled as a collection of independent line segments, leading to non-physiological muscles trajectory, especially for the rotator cuff muscles. To prevent this, a surface mesh model was developed and validated against 7 MRI positions in one participant. Mean moment arm errors was 11.4% for the line vs. 8.8% for the mesh model. While the model with independent lines led to some non-physiological trajectories, the mesh model gave lower misestimations of muscle lengths and moment arms.  相似文献   

Biomechanical assessments of muscle function are often performed using a generic musculoskeletal model created from anatomical measurements obtained from cadavers. Understanding the validity of using generic models to study movement biomechanics is critical, especially when such models are applied to analyze the walking patterns of persons with impaired mobility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of scaled-generic models in determining the moment arms and functional roles of the lower-limb muscles during gait. The functional role of a muscle was described by its potential to contribute to the acceleration of a joint or the acceleration of the whole-body center of mass. A muscle's potential acceleration was defined as the acceleration induced by a unit of muscle force. Dynamic simulations of walking were generated for four children with cerebral palsy and five age-matched controls. Each subject was represented by a scaled-generic model and a model developed from magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Calculations obtained from the scaled-generic model of each subject were evaluated against those derived from the corresponding MR-based model. Substantial differences were found in the muscle moment arms computed using the two models. These differences propagated to calculations of muscle potential accelerations, but predictions of muscle function (i.e., the direction in which a muscle accelerated a joint or the center of mass and the magnitude of the muscle's potential acceleration relative to that of other muscles) were consistent between the two modeling techniques. Our findings suggest that scaled-generic models and image-based models yield similar assessments of muscle function in both normal and pathological gait.  相似文献   

Representation of realistic muscle geometries is needed for systematic biomechanical simulation of musculoskeletal systems. Most of the previous musculoskeletal models are based on multibody dynamics simulation with muscles simplified as one-dimensional (1D) line-segments without accounting for the large muscle attachment areas, spatial fibre alignment within muscles and contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues. In previous musculoskeletal models with three-dimensional (3D) muscles, contractions of muscles were among the inputs rather than calculated, which hampers the predictive capability of these models. To address these issues, a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of 3D muscles was developed. Muscles with realistic 3D geometry, spatial muscle fibre alignment and muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions were accounted for. Active contractile stresses of the 3D muscles were determined through an efficient optimization approach based on the measured kinematics of the lower extremity and ground force during gait. This model also provided stresses and strains of muscles and contact mechanics of the muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions. The total contact force of the knee predicted by the model corresponded well to the in vivo measurement. Contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues were evident, demonstrating the need to consider 3D contact models of muscles. This modelling framework serves as the methodological basis for developing musculoskeletal modelling systems in finite element method incorporating 3D deformable contact models of muscles, joints, ligaments and bones.  相似文献   

Accurate representation of musculoskeletal geometry is needed to characterise the function of shoulder muscles. Previous models of shoulder muscles have represented muscle geometry as a collection of line segments, making it difficult to account for the large attachment areas, muscle–muscle interactions and complex muscle fibre trajectories typical of shoulder muscles. To better represent shoulder muscle geometry, we developed 3D finite element models of the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles and used the models to examine muscle function. Muscle fibre paths within the muscles were approximated, and moment arms were calculated for two motions: thoracohumeral abduction and internal/external rotation. We found that muscle fibre moment arms varied substantially across each muscle. For example, supraspinatus is considered a weak external rotator, but the 3D model of supraspinatus showed that the anterior fibres provide substantial internal rotation while the posterior fibres act as external rotators. Including the effects of large attachment regions and 3D mechanical interactions of muscle fibres constrains muscle motion, generates more realistic muscle paths and allows deeper analysis of shoulder muscle function.  相似文献   

Muscle paths play an important role in musculoskeletal simulations by determining a muscle’s length and how its force is distributed to joints. Most previous approaches estimate the way in which muscles ‘wrap’ around bones and other structures with smooth analytical wrapping surfaces. In this paper, we employ Newton’s method with discrete differential geometry to permit muscle wrapping over arbitrary polygonal mesh surfaces that represent underlying bones and structures. Precomputing distance fields allows us to speed up computations for the common situation where many paths cross the same wrapping surfaces. We found positive results for the accuracy, robustness, and efficiency of the method. However the method did not exhibit continuous changes in path length for dynamic simulations. Nonetheless this approach provides a valuable step toward fast muscle wrapping on arbitrary meshes.  相似文献   

A biomechanical model of a thumb would be useful for exploring the mechanical loadings in the musculoskeletal system, which cannot be measured in vivo. The purpose of the current study is to develop a practical kinematic thumb model using the commercial software Anybody (Anybody Technology, Aalborg, Denmark), which includes real CT-scans of the bony sections and realistic tendon/muscle attachments on the bones. The thumb model consists of a trapezium, a metacarpal bone, a proximal and a distal phalanx. These four bony sections are linked via three joints, i.e., IP (interphalangeal), MP (metacarpophalangeal) and CMC (carpometacarpal) joints. Nine muscles were included in the proposed model. The theoretically calculated moment arms of the tendons are compared with the corresponding experimental data by Smutz et al. [1998. Mechanical advantage of the thumb muscles. J. Biomech. 31(6), 565–570]. The predicted muscle moment arms of the majority of the muscle/tendon units agree well with the experimental data in the entire range of motion. Close to the end of the motion range, the predicted moment arms of several muscles (i.e., ADPt and ADPo (transverse and oblique heads of the adductor pollicis, respectively) muscles for CMC abduction/adduction and ADPt and FPB (flexor pollicis brevis) muscle for MP extension/flexion) deviate from the experimental data. The predicted moment potentials for all muscles are consistent with the experimental data. The findings thus suggest that, in a biomechanical model of the thumb, the mechanical functions of muscle–tendon units with small physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSAs) can be well represented using single strings, while those with large PCSAs (flat-wide attachments, e.g., ADPt and ADPo) can be represented by the averaged excursions of two strings. Our results show that the tendons with large PCSAs can be well represented biomechanically using the proposed approach in the major range of motion.  相似文献   

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