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Editor's Note     
This issue of Soviet Psychology — Vol. V, No. 1 — marks a new point in the development of English translations of Soviet psychology and psychiatry. Our original journal, published in Volumes I-IV as Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry, has given birth to two new journals: Soviet Psychology and Soviet Psychiatry. This will give International Arts and Sciences Press the opportunity to publish twice as much material from the fund of Soviet theory and research in the study of human behavior. The increased space in this new journal will allow for a broader coverage of Soviet work in psychology, as outlined in our last issue, the special Handbook of Soviet Psychology.  相似文献   

This paper examines the claims of the Gestalt psychologists that there was a crisis in experimental psychology ca. 1900, which arose because the prevailing sensory atomism excluded meaning from among psychological phenomena. The Gestaltists claim that a primary motivation of their movement was to show, against the speculative psychologists and philosophers and Verstehen historians, that natural scientific psychology can handle meaning. Purportedly, they revealed this motivation in their initial German-language presentations but in English emphasized their scientific accomplishments for an American audience. The paper finds that: there was a recognized crisis in the new experimental psychology ca. 1900 pertaining especially to sensory atomism; that the Gestaltists responded to the crisis with new experimental findings and theoretical concepts (Gestalten) that challenged atomism; in both languages, they raised problems of meaning and discussed the contest with speculative psychology and philosophy only after presenting their scientific case; that they introduced phenomenological observations on meaning and perceptual organization into their psychology but did not develop a theory of meaning or solve philosophical problems; that they argued "philosophically," that is, using abstract, conceptual arguments; and that this aspect of their cognitive style was not received well by some prominent members of their American audience.  相似文献   

Editor's Preface     
The occasion of the XVIIIth International Congress of Psychology in Moscow this summer is an event of importance for Soviet psychology and for world psychology. Accordingly, we have prepared this special issue of Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry to serve as a guide to Soviet psychology. I hope that this guide will be especially useful to Western psychologists participating in the Moscow Congress, and that it will be useful to a broader public as well.  相似文献   

In this introductory article, we provide a historical and philosophical framework for studying crisis discussions in psychology. We first trace the various meanings of crisis talk outside and inside of the sciences. We then turn to Kuhn’s concept of crisis, which is mainly an analyst’s category referring to severe clashes between theory and data. His view has also dominated many discussions on the status of psychology: Can it be considered a “mature” science, or are we dealing here with a pre- or multi-paradigmatic discipline? Against these Kuhnian perspectives, we point out that especially, but not only in psychology distinctive crisis declarations and debates have taken place since at least the late 19th century. In these, quite different usages of crisis talk have emerged, which can be determined by looking at (a) the content and (b) the dimensions of the declarations, as well as (c) the functions these declarations had for their authors. Thus, in psychology at least, ‘crisis’ has been a vigorous actor’s category, occasionally having actual effects on the future course of research. While such crisis declarations need not be taken at face value, they nevertheless help to break the spell of Kuhnian analyses of psychology’s history. They should inform ways in which the history and philosophy of psychology is studied further.  相似文献   

For purposes of space, and because the International Congress deals primarily with problems of psychology and psychophysiology, we have not included in this listing scientists engaged in purely psychiatric research. (Such a listing will appear in the next issue of this Journal.) The list includes all authors of relevant articles published in 1964 and 1965 in the journals Voprosy psikhologii (designated as V), Zhurnal vysshey nervnoy deyatel'nosti im. I. P. Pavlova (P), and Zhurnal nevropatologii i psikhiatrii im. S. S. Korsakova (K), and in all past issues of Soviet Psychology and Psychiatry (S) (1962-1965). Also included are authors of relevant books published in the period 1962-1965. The list has been augmented by information provided by members of the Advisory Board of this Journal, and by the trip reports listed in "Reviews in English of Recent Soviet Psychology: A Bibliography" (this issue). As we stated in regard to the Directory of Institutions, above, no doubt this compendium contains gaps and inaccuracies, for which we beg the indulgence of our readers and our Soviet colleagues. We have done the best we could with the material available to us.  相似文献   

I analyze the historical background and philosophical considerations of Karl Bühler and his student Karl Popper regarding the crisis of psychology. They share certain Kantian questions and methods for reflection on the state of the art in psychology. Part 1 outlines Bühler's diagnosis and therapy for the crisis in psychology as he perceived it, leading to his famous theory of language. I also show how the Kantian features of Bühler's approach help to deal with objections to his crisis diagnosis and to aspects of his linguistic theory. Part 2 turns to Popper's dissertation, completed in 1928 under Bühler. I analyze Popper's disapproval of Schlick's physicalism in psychology, as well as Popper's attempt to extend Bühler's Kantian strategy to the domain of the psychology of thinking. In conclusion, I indicate how these approaches to the crisis in psychology differ from Thomas Kuhn's notions of crisis and revolution, which are still all too popular in current philosophical discussions of psychology.  相似文献   

Golubovsiĭ MD 《Genetika》2008,44(7):869-873
Valentin Sergeevich Kirpichnikov is an outstanding Russian biologist, geneticist, and evolutionist. In his work, the true interest to the theory of evolution was harmoniously combined with long-term successful research into fish genetics and breeding. In 1987, Kirpichnikov published a fundamental treatise entitled "Fish Genetics and Breeding," which was immediately translated into English, German, and Japanese and still remains the most comprehensive handbook in this field. The authority of Kirpichnikov was confirmed by his election to the International Association of Aquaculture and an expert of the leading international organization on food and agriculture, FAO, with the United Nations. During the hard years in the history of Soviet biology, the courage and fidelity to the principles in defending the scientific biology and opposing Lysenko's obscurantism won Valentin Sergeevich the deserved name of a "knight of science". His mode of speech at the seminars and in discussions was unhurried, calm, and fitting. Yet especially important moments supplemented his baritone with hard metal modulations, which revealed the concealed passion and conviction in the defended truth.  相似文献   

When reflecting on the history and the present situation of their field, psychologists have often seen their discipline as being in a critical state. The first author to warn of a crisis was, in 1897, the now scarcely known philosopher Rudolf Willy. He saw a crisis in psychology resulting, firstly, from a profuse branching out of psychology. Adopting a radical empiriocriticist point of view, he, secondly, made the metaphysical stance of scholars like Wilhelm Wundt responsible for the crisis. Meanwhile, the priest Constantin Gutberlet responded to the claim of crisis arguing, on the contrary, that the crisis resulted from research that was empirical only. Throughout the discipline psychologists felt troubled by a widespread sense of fragmentation in the field. I will argue that this is due to psychology's early social success and popularization in modern society. Moreover the paper shows that the first declaration of crisis emerged at a time when a discussion of fundamentals was already underway between Wundt and the empiriocriticist Richard Avenarius. The present historical research reveals the depth of the confrontation between Wundt and Willy, entailing a clash of two worldviews that embrace psychological, epistemological, and political aspects.  相似文献   

During World War II in 1941, the psychologist P. R. Hofstätter added an article to the debate on the crisis of psychology in a distinctly Nazi academic journal. After introducing Hofstätter and the journal, the core elements of his diagnosis and therapy recommendation beneath the National-Socialist-verbiage will be expounded. Hofstätter, a student of Karl Bühler’s, ties on to his teacher’s crisis well-known publication, but perceives the crisis in a broader perspective and connects it to the decline of theology and of pastoral guidance. Hofstätter’s central, new aspect is the practice of psychology without which he sees it doomed. A central feature of psychological practice should be secular, non-therapeutic guidance of individuals. Various contextual facets are illuminated, Hofstätter’s thwarted attempts to get a university position, the recent establishment of psychology in Germany as a discipline teaching professionals, the abolition of German military psychology, the battle for the Berlin university chair of Wolfgang Köhler.  相似文献   

At the end of 1965 an event occurred that will significantly affect the development of Soviet psychology: on December 6, 1965, V. N. Stoletov, Minister for Higher and Specialized Secondary Education of the RSFSR, issued a decree changing the Psychology Departments [otdeleniy] of Moscow and Leningrad Universities into separate Schools [fakul'tety] of Psychology, and establishing their structure. Students will be admitted to the Schools of Psychology beginning September 1, 1966.  相似文献   

A hundred years have passed since Driesch performed the classical experiment of separating sea urchin blastomeres from a two-cell-stage embryo, finding that each developed into a complete though smaller larva. The earlier studies of Roux using frogs showed that inactivating one of the two blastomeres by a heated needle resulted, during the early stages of development, in the formation of a half embryo. In this type of experiment, in which the two blastomeres are not separated, the live blastomere continues its development while it is still attached to an inactivated neighbour. In the work reported here, Roux's experimental design was used on two-cell-stage embryos of sea urchins. In contrast to the findings of Roux using amphibians, it was found (as claimed by Driesch) that the living blastomere developed as in the case of separated blastomeres.  相似文献   

The leading Soviet psychology journal, Problems of Psychology, which is a major source of articles for this journal, regularly contains summary articles on research. Sometimes these reviews summarize a particular topic of research (e.g., programmed instruction); sometimes, as in the case of this article on Armenian psychology, the review covers research from a particular locale.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies of 14 different restriction fragment length polymorphisms from 12 DNA markers within the Huntington disease (HD) region were evaluated in the German population. No significant differences from published data of allele frequencies from chromosomes of Caucasian ancestry were found. The analysis of eight DNA polymorphisms in 87 HD families of German origin revealed significant non-random association with the HD locus and the D4S95 locus (p674/AccI/MboI), a result that is consistent with all other published studies. These results are confirmed by the fact that the HD gene maps to this region.  相似文献   

The general psychological theory of activity created by L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontev, A. R. Luria, and their disciples has entered a critical phase in its development. An external sign of the advent of this phase is the increased frequency of discussions of the role of the category of activity in building the conceptual apparatus of psychology. One hears ever more insistently the idea that the category of activity is threatening to become a kind of monster, ready to devour all other psychological concepts [4,14,37,45]A.n internal sign of the advent of this critical phase in the development of the theory of activity is the discrepancy between the tremendous amount of factual material accumulated in the various special areas of psychology in which the theory of activity plays a special role and the initial principles of this theory, formulated very early, when it was just being developed. As a result, a paradox has emerged: a theory engendered by the exigencies of practice is beginning to be perceived as a theory independent of practice. A critical phase in the development of any theory, like a crisis in the development of the life of a child, means the beginning of a new stage in its existence. For such a critical phase to occur, at least the following steps are, I think, necessary. The first step is enumerating the original principles of the theory of activity. The second involves an analysis, through the prism of these original principles, of all the factual material accumulated in the special areas of psychology and in general psychology. This analysis will overcome the discrepancy between the key principles of the theory of activity and the factual material, and will also help to refine and modify those principles. Finally, the third stage is the development of prospects for basic and applied research, i.e., defining the area for the most immediate development of a psychology built on the basis of a general psychological theory of activity.  相似文献   

Study of the role of expectancy in cognitive activity has a long history in experimental psychology, extending back into the 19th century. Among German psychologists the idea of a "determining tendency" or "set" has long been influential. A variation of this same concept forms the foundation of the "Georgian" school of Soviet psychology founded by D. N. Uznadze (see Soviet Psychology, 1968-69, Vol. VII, No. 2 [Winter]).  相似文献   

Forty-four undergraduate students enrolled in a psychology course entitled "Biofeedback and Self-Regulation" over a period of three semesters. Twenty percent of each student's grade in the course was derived from the level of self-regulation skills, as measured in an individual performance examination. Results show students can develop impressive self-regulation skills in a course format. Results also indicate that the performance examination measures abilities which are altogether different from those utilized in written examinations.  相似文献   

In 1886 Charles Darwin's research associate George Romanes published a paper entitled "Physiological Selection: An Additional Suggestion on the Origin of Species". This was criticized by his Victorian contemporaries and largely ignored by those who followed. However, the recent recognition of two levels of information in DNA suggests that Romanes had solved the major problems with Darwin's theory. It was apparent from the outset that the form of reproductive isolation likely to apply most generally to initial species divergence (hybrid sterility), would depend on differences, not in "primary" information ("genic"), but in "secondary" information ("chromosomal"). This viewpoint, further elaborated by Bateson & Saunders (1902), White (1978), and King (1993), is criticized by the genic school (Coyne & Orr, 1998) because it requires visible differences between chromosomes, and appears not to explain Haldane's rule. However, chromosomal differentiation with respect to the species-dependent component of base composition [(C+G)%; Forsdyke, 1996] appears to resolve these problems. Because it explained so much, it was easy to believe that the genic viewpoint explained everything. Romanes and Bateson thought otherwise. We are only just beginning to recognize what they were trying to tell us.  相似文献   

Nikolai Veresov: Tatiana, in this volume of our journal we publish a selection of your articles. Two of your other articles were published in Soviet Psychology in the 1970s. Introducing you to the readers of that journal, James Wertsch (1978) wrote: "The author … is one of the leading young investigators from the Luria school of neurolinguistics. She has studied and conducted extensive research both with Luria and with A. A. Leontiev, a major figure in Soviet psycholinguistics. Her analysis of inner speech as a mechanism in speech production reveals the strong influence that L. S. Vygotsky has had on Soviet psychology."1 But first of all, I suppose our readers would be interested in learning more about your life, about events that preceded your scientific achievements. Could you please tell us briefly about your childhood and your family? How did your parents influence your course of life and your occupational choice? What did they do?  相似文献   

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