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BAY-K-8644, a calcium channel agonist, induces a rise in cytoplasmic free calcium and iodide discharge in cultured porcine thyroid cells. The cytoplasmic free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, was measured using aequorin, a calcium-sensitive photoprotein. BAY-K-8644, a dihydropyridine derivative, acts as a Ca channel agonist and induces a rise in [Ca2+]i and iodide discharge; 0.5 nM BAY-K-8644 is a minimal dose to effect a rise in [Ca2+]i and iodide discharge and 50 nM BAY-K-8644 produces the maximal effect. The data indicate that BAY-K-8644-induced iodide discharge is mediated by a rise in [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

The cdc64-1 mutation causes G(1) arrest in Saccharomyces cerevisiae corresponding to a type II Start phenotype. We report that CDC64 encodes Ala1p, an alanyl-tRNA synthetase. Thus, cdc64-1 might affect charging of tRNA(Ala) and thereby initiation of cell division.  相似文献   

Aggregated alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn) fibrils form Lewy bodies (LBs), the signature lesions of Parkinson's disease (PD) and related synucleinopathies, but the pathogenesis and neurodegenerative effects of LBs remain enigmatic. Recent studies have shown that when overexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, alpha-syn localizes to plasma membranes and forms cytoplasmic accumulations similar to human alpha-syn inclusions. However, the exact nature, composition, temporal evolution, and underlying mechanisms of yeast alpha-syn accumulations and their relevance to human synucleinopathies are unknown. Here we provide ultrastructural evidence that alpha-syn accumulations are not comprised of LB-like fibrils, but are associated with clusters of vesicles. Live-cell imaging showed alpha-syn initially localized to the plasma membrane and subsequently formed accumulations in association with vesicles. Imaging of truncated and mutant forms of alpha-syn revealed the molecular determinants and vesicular trafficking pathways underlying this pathological process. Because vesicular clustering is also found in LB-containing neurons of PD brains, alpha-syn-mediated vesicular accumulation in yeast represents a model system to study specific aspects of neurodegeneration in PD and related synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) stimulates thyroid cell proliferation. Using primary cultured porcine thyroid cells, we studied the intracellular pathways that mediate the action of IGF-I on thyroid cell proliferation. IGF-I stimulates inositol phosphate accumulation, a rise in cytoplasmic free calcium [( Ca2+]i), and cell proliferation. Exposure to IGF-I results in a time- and dose-dependent accumulation of inositol monophosphate, inositol bisphosphate, and inositol trisphosphate. IGF-I also increases [Ca2+]i, measured using fura-2, a fluorescent Ca2+ indicator; the IGF-I-induced [Ca2+]i response occurs immediately, reaches a maximum within 1 min, and then slowly declines. IGF-I stimulates thyroid cell proliferation, stimulates thymidine incorporation, and increases cell numbers. The IGF-I-induced inositol phosphate accumulation and [Ca2+]i response parallel thyroid cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner; the maximal response is observed at a concentration of 100 ng/ml IGF-I, with half-maximal stimulation at approximately 10 ng/ml. Inositol phosphate accumulation and [Ca2+]i response after IGF-I stimulation may function as intracellular messengers for thyroid cell proliferation. This report may constitute the first demonstration of IGF-I-stimulated inositol phosphate accumulation and [Ca2+]i response in the cells.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the lymphocyte stimulatory action of sulfhydryl group-reactive mercuric ions was studied with respect to its potential ability to induce a protein tyrosine phosphorylation-linked signal for mobilization of free Ca2+ into cytoplasm and nucleus of the cell. Exposure of human leukamic T cell line (Jurkat) cells to high (1 mM) and low (0.01 mM) concentrations of HgCl2 induced tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple proteins in a concentration-dependent manner. Confocal microscopy directly visualized the time course localization of Ca2+ inside the cells after exposure to HgCl2. The onset and level of Ca2+ mobilization following HgCl2 exposure were in parallel to those of protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Interestingly, by either concentration of HgCl2, Ca2+ was mobilized in both cytoplasm and nucleus almost simultaneously, and the level of Ca2+ mobilization in the nucleus was more than that in the cytoplasm. All the HgCl2-mediated Ca2+ mobilization was prevented by addition of protein kinase inhibitor staurosporin prior to HgCl2. These results suggest that heavy metal stress triggers a protein tyrosine phosphorylation-linked signal that leads to a nuclear event-dominant Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

By establishing a unique screening method, we have isolated yeast mutants that die only after differentiating into cells with a mating projection, and some of them are also defective in Ca2+ signaling. The mutants were classified into five complementation groups, one of which we studied extensively. This mutation defines a new gene, designated MID1, which encodes an N-glycosylated, integral plasma membrane protein with 548 amino acid residues. The mid1-1 mutant has low Ca2+ uptake activity, loses viability after receiving mating pheromones, and escapes death when incubated with high concentrations of CaCl2. The MID1 gene is nonessential for vegetative growth. The efficiency of mating between MATa mid1-1 and MAT alpha mid1-1 cells is low. These results demonstrate that MID1 is required for Ca2+ influx and mating.  相似文献   

Calcium is an important regulator of cell function, and may be influenced by the intracellular sodium content. In the present study, the Na(+)-ionophore, monensin, was used to investigate the interrelationship between changes in intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) and elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in FRTL-5 thyroid cells. Cytoplasmic Ca2+ levels were measured using the fluorescent dye, indo-1. Monensin induced a dose-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i in FRTL-5 cells. Inhibitors of intracellular Ca2+ release, TMB-8 and ryanodine, were unable to prevent the monensin effect on [Ca2+]i. The alpha 1-receptor antagonist, prazosin, did not block the monensin-stimulated increase in [Ca2+]i. In the absence of extracellular calcium there was a marked diminution in the monensin effect on [Ca2+]i, yet calcium channel antagonists (nifedipine, diltiazem and verapamil) did not inhibit the response. Replacement of Na+ by choline chloride in the medium depressed the monensin-evoked rise in [Ca2+]i by up to 84%. Furthermore, addition of the Na(+)-channel agonist, veratridine, elicited an increase in [Ca2+]i, even though less dramatic than that caused by monensin. Ouabain increased the resting cytosolic Ca2+ concentration as well as the magnitude of the monensin effect on [Ca2+]i. The absence of any effect on the Na(+)-ionophore evoked increase in [Ca2+]i upon addition of tetrodotoxin (TTX) excluded a possible involvement of TTX-sensitive Na+ channels. These data show that the rise in [Ca2+]i induced by increasing [Na+]i is largely dependent on both external Na+ and Ca2+. Calcium entry appears not to involve voltage-dependent or alpha 1-receptor sensitive Ca2+ channels, but may result from activation of an Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange system.  相似文献   

Cunningham KW 《Cell calcium》2011,50(2):129-138
Fungi and animals constitute sister kingdoms in the eukaryotic domain of life. The major classes of transporters, channels, sensors, and effectors that move and respond to calcium ions were already highly networked in the common ancestor of fungi and animals. Since that time, some key components of the network have been moved, altered, relocalized, lost, or duplicated in the fungal and animal lineages and at the same time some of the regulatory circuitry has been dramatically rewired. Today the calcium transport and signaling networks in fungi provide a fresh perspective on the scene that has emerged from studies of the network in animal cells. This review provides an overview of calcium signaling networks in fungi, particularly the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with special attention to the dominant roles of acidic calcium stores in fungal cell physiology.  相似文献   

The FRQ1 gene is essential for growth of budding yeast and encodes a 190-residue, N-myristoylated (myr) calcium-binding protein. Frq1 belongs to the recoverin/frequenin branch of the EF-hand superfamily and regulates a yeast phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase isoform. Conformational changes in Frq1 due to N-myristoylation and Ca(2+) binding were assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), fluorescence, and equilibrium Ca(2+)-binding measurements. For this purpose, Frq1 and myr-Frq1 were expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. At saturation, Frq1 bound three Ca(2+) ions at independent sites, which correspond to the second, third, and fourth EF-hand motifs in the protein. Affinity of the second site (K(d) = 10 microM) was much weaker than that of the third and fourth sites (K(d) = 0.4 microM). Myr-Frq1 bound Ca(2+) with a K(d)app of 3 microM and a positive Hill coefficient (n = 1.25), suggesting that the N-myristoyl group confers some degree of cooperativity in Ca(2+) binding, as seen previously in recoverin. Both the NMR and fluorescence spectra of Frq1 exhibited very large Ca(2+)-dependent differences, indicating major conformational changes induced upon Ca(2+) binding. Nearly complete sequence-specific NMR assignments were obtained for the entire carboxy-terminal domain (residues K100-I190). Assignments were made for 20% of the residues in the amino-terminal domain; unassigned residues exhibited very broad NMR signals, most likely due to Frq1 dimerization. NMR chemical shifts and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) patterns of Ca(2+)-bound Frq1 were very similar to those of Ca(2+)-bound recoverin, suggesting that the overall structure of Frq1 resembles that of recoverin. A model of the three-dimensional structure of Ca(2+)-bound Frq1 is presented based on the NMR data and homology to recoverin. N-myristoylation of Frq1 had little or no effect on its NMR and fluorescence spectra, suggesting that the myristoyl moiety does not significantly alter Frq1 structure. Correspondingly, the NMR chemical shifts for the myristoyl group in both Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound myr-Frq1 were nearly identical to those of free myristate in solution, indicating that the fatty acyl chain is solvent-exposed and not sequestered within the hydrophobic core of the protein, unlike the myristoyl group in Ca(2+)-free recoverin. Subcellular fractionation experiments showed that both the N-myristoyl group and Ca(2+)-binding contribute to the ability of Frq1 to associate with membranes.  相似文献   

TWo molecular forms of casein kinase II (an ATP:protein phosphotransferase, EC from yeast were isolated and characterized. The first form was composed of three polypeptide subunits with molecular weights of 41000, 37000 and 24000. The second form contained two larger polypeptides and lacked an autophosphorylatable 24 kDa subunit. The properties of both enzyme forms were found to be practically the same in respect to the substrate and phosphate donor specificities, kinetics, their sensitivity to heparin etc. The results obtained strongly indicate that isolated yeast casein kinase II does not necessarily require the smallest subunit for the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

This paper examines, in mouse spleen lymphocytes, the effect of anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) on the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, measured with the fluorescent indicator quin2, and the relationship of [Ca2+]i to the capping of surface Ig. Anti-Ig causes a rapid rise of [Ca2+], which precedes capping. Assuming that only those 40-50% of the cells which can bind anti-Ig (the B cells) undergo a [Ca2+]i response, [Ca2+]i in those cells approaches 500 nM. It declines to resting levels over many minutes, roughly paralleling the formation of caps. Part of the [Ca2+]i signal is due to stimulated influx across the plasma membrane, since in Ca2+-free medium, anti-Ig gives a smaller and shorter [Ca2+]i rise. The amplitude of this reduced transient now varies inversely with quin2 content, as if some 0.25 mmol Ca per liter of cells was released into the cytoplasm from internal stores. These stores are probably sequestered in organelles since A23187 in Ca2+-free medium also causes a transient [Ca2+]i rise after which anti-Ig has no effect. These organelles seem not to be mitochondria because uncouplers have hardly any effect on [Ca2+]i. Though anti-Ig normally raises [Ca2+]i before causing capping, there seems to be no causal link between the two events. Cells in Ca2+-free medium whose stores have been emptied by A23187, still cap with anti-Ig even though there is no [Ca2+]i rise. Cells loaded with quin2 in the absence of external Ca2+ still cap anti-Ig normally even though their [Ca2+]i remains steady at below 30 nM, four times lower than normal resting [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Summary Concentrations of the intracellular intermediary metabolites fructose 1,6-diphosphate, pyruvate, citrate, and malate in free and calcium alginate-immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermenting D-glucose anaerobically were determined when the sugar up-take rate and the ethanol production rate were constant No cell growth was observed and the fermentation yields and fermentation rates were the same in both types of cells. The concentrations of intermediary intracellular metabolites were also identical for the two types of fermenting cells.  相似文献   

Kumar  Pavan  Kundu  Debasree  Mondal  Alok K.  Nain  Vikrant  Puria  Rekha 《Annals of microbiology》2019,69(4):341-352
The target of rapamycin, TOR, maintains cell growth and proliferation under vivid environmental conditions by orchestrating wide array of growth-related process. In addition to environmental conditions, e.g., nutrient and stress, TOR also governs cellular response to varied intracellular cues including perturbed intracellular mRNA levels which may arise due to altered regulation of mRNA processing at splicing or turnover levels. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of TOR signalling in growth of cells with accumulated unprocessed RNA. Growth analysis of lea1∆ (splicing deficient) was carried out under varied conditions leading to nitrogen starvation. The expression of TORC1 and TORC2 marker genes was examined in this delete strain. Sensitivity of the lea1∆ towards oxidative agents was observed. Apoptosis was analyzed in caffeine-treated lea1∆ cells. The hypersensitivity of lea1∆ cells towards caffeine is outcome of highly perturbed TOR signalling. The growth defect is independent of PKC pathway. Cells with accumulated unprocessed RNA experience high oxidative stress that induces apoptosis. An inadequate TOR signalling in lea1∆ cells substantiates the effect of oxidative stress induced by accumulated RNA to the extent of inducing cell death via apoptosis.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Yor112wp, which we named Cex1p, was identified using a yeast tRNA three-hybrid interaction approach and an in vivo nuclear tRNA export assay as a cytoplasmic component of the nuclear tRNA export machinery. Cex1p binds tRNA saturably, and associates with the nuclear pore complex by interacting directly with Nup116p. Cex1p co-purifies with the nuclear tRNA export receptors Los1p and Msn5p, the eukaryotic elongation factor eEF-1A, which delivers aminoacylated tRNAs to the ribosome, and the RanGTPase Gsp1p, but not with Cca1p, a tRNA maturation enzyme that facilitates translocation of non-aminoacylated tRNAs across the nuclear pore complex. Depletion of Cex1p and eEF-1A or Los1p significantly reduced the efficiency of nuclear tRNA export. Cex1p interacts with Los1p but not with eEF-1A in vitro. These findings suggest that Cex1p is a component of the nuclear aminoacylation-dependent tRNA export pathway in S. cerevisiae. They also suggest that Cex1p collects aminoacyl-tRNAs from the nuclear export receptors at the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex, and transfers them to eEF-1A using a channelling mechanism.  相似文献   


Hyperglycemia causes abnormal accumulation of methylglyoxal (MGO) and concomitant DNA, protein glycation. These pathophysiological changes further leads to diabetic complications. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the best model to study MGO-induced glycation modifications. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of MGO on protein, DNA glycation, and oxidative stress markers using S. cerevisiae as a system.


Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells were incubated with 8 mM of MGO for 4 h and 24 h. After incubation, protein and DNA samples were isolated from the lysed cells. The samples were analyzed for various glycation (fructosamine, β-amyloid, free amino group, free thiol group, and hyperchromic shift analysis) and oxidative stress markers (total antioxidant potential, catalase, glutathione, and lipid peroxidation).


MGO (8 mM) acted as a potent glycating agent, causing protein and DNA glycation in treated yeast cells. The glycation markers fructosamine and β-amyloid were significantly elevated when incubated for 4 h as compared to 24 h. Oxidative stress in the glycated yeast cells alleviated cellular antioxidant capacity and reduced the cell viability.


MGO caused significant glycation modifications of proteins and DNA in yeast cells. It also triggered increase in intracellular oxidative stress. MGO-induced protein, DNA glycation, and oxidative stress in S. cerevisiae indicate the suitability of the yeast model to study various biochemical pathways involved in diabetic complications and even conformational pathologies.


Du L  Yu Y  Chen J  Liu Y  Xia Y  Chen Q  Liu X 《FEMS yeast research》2007,7(6):860-865
In recent years, it has been shown that yeast, a unicellular organism, undergoes apoptosis in response to various factors. Here we demonstrate that the highly effective anticancer agent arsenic induces apoptotic process in yeast cells. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was observed in the process. Moreover, mitochondrial membrane potential decreased after arsenic treatment. Resistance of the rho(0) mutant strain (lacking mtDNA) to arsenic provides further evidence that this death process involves mitochondria. In addition, hypersensitivity of Deltasod1 to arsenic suggests the critical role of ROS. Cell death and DNA fragmentation decreased in a Deltayca1 deletion mutant, indicating the participation of yeast caspase-1 protein in apoptosis. The implications of these findings for arsenic-induced apoptosis are discussed.  相似文献   

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