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The purposes of this study were to (a) determine whether structural differences in triceps surae muscle-tendon complex and walking economy exist between 14 African American and 19 Caucasian sedentary women and (b) determine whether muscle-tendon parameters are associated with walking economy. African American and Caucasian subjects were matched on body weight, height, and body composition. Muscle-tendon parameters were determined by magnetic resonance imaging and walking economy was evaluated at 4.8 km.h(-1). Medial gastrocnemius and total triceps surae muscle shape were different across ethnicity despite no ethnic differences in plantar flexion strength or in maximal cross-sectional area for any triceps surae muscles. African American women had shorter gastrocnemius muscles and longer tendons and performed walking more economically. Tendon length was the only variable related to walking economy. No ethnic differences were observed in walking economy after adjusting for tendon length. Data show gastrocnemius tendon length is related to level walking and longer gastrocnemius tendons may partly explain more economical walking in African American women. These preliminary findings indicate the structure of the muscle-tendon complex could be a factor partially accounting for reported ethnic differences in certain types of athletic-related performance.  相似文献   

A model of the human triceps surae muscle-tendon complex applied to jumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to gain more insight into the behavior of the muscle-tendon complex of human m. triceps surae in jumping. During one-legged vertical jumps of ten subjects ground reaction forces as well as cinematographic data were registered, and electromyograms were recorded from m. soleus and m. gastrocnemius. A model was developed of m. triceps surae, incorporating assumptions concerning dimensions, architecture, force-length and force-velocity relationships of muscle fibers, as well as assumptions concerning dimensions and elastic behavior of tendinous tissue in series with the muscle fibers. The velocity with which origin approaches insertion (V OI) was calculated for m. soleus and m. gastrocnemius using cine film data, and served as input of the model. During the last part of the push-off phase EMG-levels were found to be more or less constant, V OI of m. soleus and m. gastrocnemius rapidly increased, and the plantar flexing moment obtained by solving equations concerning a free body diagram of the foot rapidly declined. A similar decline was observed in the plantar flexing moment obtained by multiplying force calculated with help of the model by estimated moment arm at the ankle. As a result of the decline of exerted force tendon length decreases. According to the model the shortening velocity of tendon reaches higher values than that of muscle fibers. The results of a kinetic analysis demonstrate that during the last part of the push-off phase a combination of high angular velocities with relatively large plantar flexing moments is required. It is concluded that without a compliant tendon m. triceps surae would not be able to satisfy this requirement.  相似文献   

In explosive movements involving the lower extremity elastic recoil and transportation of power from knee to ankle via m. gastrocnemius allow power output about the ankle to reach values over and above the maximum power output of the plantar flexors. The object of this study was to estimate the relative power and work contributions of these two mechanisms for the push-off phase in one-legged jumping. During jumps of ten subjects ground reaction forces and cinematographic data were recorded. The data were used for a kinematic and kinetic analysis of the jumps yielding, among other variables, the velocity with which origins of m. soleus and m. gastrocnemius approach insertion (V OI), and net power output about the ankle (P A). V OI of m. soleus and m. gastrocnemius were imposed upon a model of the muscle-tendon complex of m. triceps surae, and power contributions of muscle fibers (P fibers), tendinous structures (P tendon), and transportation (P transported) were calculated. During the last 150 ms before toe-off, P A was found to increase rapidly and to attain an average peak value of 1790 W. The curve obtained by summation of P fibers, P tendon and P transported closely resembled that of P A. On the instant that the latter peaked (50 ms before toe-off) P fibers and P tendon of m. triceps surae contributed 27 and 53% respectively, and P transported contributed 20%.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The activation capacities and neuromuscular efficiency (NME) of the triceps surae (TS) of prepubescent children (7–11 years) and adults were evaluated during submaximal and maximal (MVC) isometric plantarflexion to determine whether they varied with age. TS-EMG were obtained by summing-up the rectified electromyograms of the soleus and gastrocnemii muscles; these data were quantified using a sliding average method and normalized with reference to the TS maximal compound action potential (TS-M-wave).

The maximal EMG increased significantly with age in the children, but less than MVC, what led to a significant increase in NMEMax (MVC/TS-EMGmax ratio). The EMG–torque relationship indicated an age-related overactivation of TS at low torque, what led to a lower NMESub-max (inverse of the slope of the EMG–torque relationship) for the youngest children. The overactivation of TS was accompanied by contraction of the TA, which decreased with age. The youngest children were also less able to maintain a target torque and muscle activation. Finally, the twitch interpolated method revealed an age-dependant activation deficit. We conclude that central mechanisms are the main cause of the lower torques developed by children and they appear to vary with age in prepubertal children.  相似文献   

Mechanical efficiency (ME) of jumping exercises was compared between power-trained (n = 11) and endurance-trained athletes (n = 10) using both a biomechanical and a physiological approach. In drop jumps and in stretch-shortening cycle exercise on a special sledge (sledge jumps), the subjects performed 60 muscle actions from a dropping height of optimum minus 40 cm (O – 40), as well as from dropping heights of optimum (O) and optimum plus 40 cm (O + 40). Thus, they were tested in six different tests which lasted for a total of 3 min for each. The mean ME values in the drop jumps from the lowest dropping height upwards were as follows: 23.8 (SD 5.3)%, 35.5 (SD 10.8)% and 39.2 (SD 6.6)% for the power group, and 30.8 (SD 6.5)%, 37.5 (SD 8.7)% and 41.4 (SD 7.0)% for the endurance group. In the sledge jumps the ME values were 37.0 (SD 5.6)%,48.4 (SD 4.0)% and 54.9 (SD 8.5)% for the power group, and 40.2 (SD 5.9)%, 46.9 (SD 5.7)% and 58.5 (SD 5.5)% for the endurance group. As can be seen, the ME values increased with increasing stretch load. However, the groups did not differ from each other except in the drop jump condition of O – 40 (P < 0.05). The higher power (P < 0.001) among the power athletes in every measured condition was associated with a faster rate of electromyogram development during the pre-activity, and smoother muscle activity patterns in the ground contact. On the other hand, the endurance athletes had a lower blood lactate concentration after every test, and in addition a lower heart rate and ventilation during the sledge jumps than their power counterparts. Therefore, it would seem that the similar mean ME values between the subject groups could be explained by improved function of the neuromuscular system among the power group and improved metabolism among the endurance group.  相似文献   

Within a set of repeated measurements, 12 male subjects performed the following types of muscle contraction: (1) running at constant velocity (12 km.h-1); (2) one-leg hopping at the frequency preferred; (3) both-legs hopping at the frequency preferred; (4) drop jumps from a height of 0.40 m. The surface electromyographs (EMG) from the left and right legs were recorded, together with the averaged signals from vertical ground reaction forces and angular displacement of the ankle joint. Reliability coefficients for the day to day and the week to week comparison were calculated. In addition, on any one test day the positions of the electrodes were systematically changed. The analysis of various EMG parameters (integrated-EMG) revealed high coefficients for both comparisons as well as for the total set of measurements. Qualitative comparisons of the EMG showed a high reproducibility of the shape of the patterns. If the relative position of the electrodes with respect to the belly of the muscle is changed, the amplitudes of the EMG recordings are markedly reduced. It is concluded that surface EMG is a reliable method for studies of the neuromuscular system. On the basis of the data presented, it is suggested that the term "reliability" should be replaced by the term "reproducibility" in order to cover both the aspect of the relative stability plus the aspects of linear changes and the scattering of the data in repeated measurements.  相似文献   

In many sports vertical jumping is important. This study compared neuromuscular functioning of the lower extremity muscles together with some kinetic and kinematic parameters before and during ground contact in drop jumps from two heights [0.4 m (DJ40) and 0.8 m (DJ80)] in 7 highly trained triple-jumpers and 11 physically active controls. The triple-jumpers jumped 32% higher in DJ40 and 34% higher in DJ80, had shorter braking and total contact times, and greater average and peak vertical ground reaction forces than the controls. In both drop jumps in the electromyogram pre-activity of the vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius muscles started earlier in the jumpers than in the controls. For the control group the increase in dropping height was associated with a decrease in the propulsion force, and resulted in more extended knee and ankle angles at touch down and more flexed angles at the deepest position than for the jumpers. All angular displacements for DJ80 were larger than for DJ40 in the control group. The triple jumpers and control subjects differed with respect to their neuromuscular functioning in the drop jump exercise and they responded in a different way to the increase in dropping height. Accepted: 2 April 1998  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aging and endurance running on the mechanical and morphological properties of different muscle-tendon units (MTUs) in vivo. The investigation was conducted on 30 elderly and 19 young adult males. For the analysis of possible MTU adaptation in response to endurance running the subjects were divided into two subgroups: non-active vs. endurance-runners. All subjects performed isometric maximal voluntary plantarflexion and knee extension contractions on a dynamometer. The distal aponeurosis of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM) and vastus lateralis (VL) during plantarflexion and knee extensions and the muscle architecture of the GM and VL were visualized by ultrasonography. The maximal knee and ankle joint moment were higher for the young compared to the elderly population (p<0.05). No identifiable differences in muscle architecture between young and elderly subjects were detected in VL and GM. Aging results in a reduced (p<0.05) normalized stiffness of the quadriceps femoris tendon and aponeurosis, which were not identifiable for the triceps surae. In contrast, the properties of both MTUs showed no major differences between endurance-runners and the non-active group (p>0.05). Only pennation angle at the GM were higher for the runners compared to the non-active group (p<0.05). The present results indicate that tendon changes related to aging do not occur proportionally in different MTUs. Furthermore, it seems that the extra stress and load imposed on high-load-bearing MTUs during endurance running may not be sufficient to produce significant adaptative processes in the mechanical parameters analyzed.  相似文献   

The drop vertical jump is a popular plyometric exercise. Two distinct techniques are commonly used to initiate the drop vertical jump. With the ‘step-off’ technique, athletes step off a raised platform with their dominant limb, while their non-dominant limb remains on the platform. In contrast, with the ‘drop-off’ technique, athletes lean forward and drop off the platform, with both feet leaving the platform more simultaneously. The purpose of this study was to compare landing and jumping kinetics, inter-limb kinetic symmetry, and jump performance when individuals used the step-off and drop-off techniques, and to examine whether potential differences between these techniques are affected by platform height. Sixteen subjects completed drop vertical jumps with the drop-off and step-off techniques, from relatively low and high platform heights. Ground reactions forces were recorded for the dominant and non-dominant limbs during the land-and-jump phase of the drop vertical jump. Subjects demonstrated greater inter-limb asymmetry in peak impact forces when using the step-off technique, vs. the drop-off technique. This difference between the techniques was consistent across platform heights. The step-off technique appears to result in greater asymmetry in limb loading, which could contribute to the development of neuromuscular asymmetries between the limbs and/or asymmetric landing patterns.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive examination of caffeine’s effects on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. In this randomized, double-blind, crossover study, twenty-two resistance-trained men (age: 28 ± 5 years; height: 183 ± 5 cm; weight: 79 ± 10 kg; habitual caffeine intake: 127 ± 102 mg/day) performed the CMJ test on two occasions, following the ingestion of capsule containing 3 mg/kg of caffeine or placebo (3 mg/kg of dextrose). Fifteen outcomes derived from the force plate during the CMJ test were analyzed. As compared to placebo, there was a significant ergogenic effect of caffeine for peak force, force at eccentric to concentric action transition, time to peak force, peak power, maximum rate of power development, peak velocity, power at peak force, velocity at peak power, velocity at peak force, and vertical jump height. Effect sizes ranged from 0.11 to 0.38, p-values ranged from 0.048 to 0.002. There were no significant differences between caffeine and placebo for mean force, mean power, time to peak power, impulse at 300 ms, and force at peak power. This study shows that caffeine ingestion impacts a wide array of outcomes derived from the force plate during the CMJ test, not only jump height. From a practical perspective, the findings suggest that: (1) individuals interested in acute increases in CMJ performance may consider caffeine supplementation; and, (2) caffeine intake should be standardized before CMJ testing.  相似文献   

Summary The volume and surface area of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum in fast and slow twitch fibres of the cat triceps surae muscle were determined from thin sections. The width of the Z-line and the array of glycogen granules identified fast and slow twitch fibres.The relative volume occupied by mitochondria was largest in slow twitch gastrocnemius fibres. Fast twitch fibres showed the greatest scatter of mitochondrial content. This corresponds with the fact that motor units of the fast twitch type differ most with respect to resistance to fatigue.The relative volume of the sarcoplasmic reticulum was twice as large in fast as in slow twitch fibres. The volume fraction occupied by longitudinal tubules of the reticulum was the same in fast and slow twitch gastrocnemius fibres but was only half as large in the slow twitch soleus fibres. This difference may be related to post-tetanic potentiation: this property is present in all gastrocnemius fibres but is absent in soleus fibres.The specific tetanic force is 3 to 5 times smaller in slow twitch gastrocnemius than in slow twitch soleus fibres or fast gastrocnemius fibres. There was, however, no detectable morphological difference that might be related to this difference in force.Freeze fractures demonstrated directly that, in soleus fibres, terminal cisternae and longitudinal tubules of the reticulum were scarce as compared to gastrocnemius fibres. The plasma membranes of some gastrocnemius fibres displayed square arrays of 60-nm particles; these arrays were absent in other gastrocnemius fibres and in all soleus fibres. They probably characterize plasma membranes of fast twitch fibres.This study was supported by grants from the Danish Medical Research Council. I wish to thank Mrs. M. Bjærg for valuable technical help  相似文献   

Varying the degree of weight-bearing (WB) and/or knee flexion (KF) angle during a plantar-flexion maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) has been proposed to alter soleus and/or gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis activation. This study compared the surface EMG signals from the triceps surae of 27 men and 27 women during WB and non weight bearing (NWB) plantar-flexion MVICs performed at 0° and 45° of KF. The aim was to determine which condition was most effective at eliciting the greatest EMG signals from soleus, gastrocnemius medialis, and gastrocnemius lateralis, respectively, for subsequent use for the normalization of EMG signals. WB was more effective than NWB at eliciting the greatest signals from soleus (p = 0.0021), but there was no difference with respect to gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis (p ? 0.2482). Although the greatest EMG signals during MVICs were more frequently elicited at 0° of KF from gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis, and at 45° from soleus (p < 0.001); neither angle consistently captured peak gastrocnemius medialis, gastrocnemius lateralis or soleus activity. The present findings encourage more consistent use of WB plantar flexion MVICs for soleus normalization; confirm that both WB and NWB procedures can elicit peak gastrocnemius activity; and emphasize the fact that no single KF angle consistently evokes selective maximal activity of any individual triceps surae muscle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of different shortening velocities preceding the stretch on moment generation of the triceps surae muscles and architecture of the m. gastrocnemius medialis after shortening-stretch cycles of equal magnitude in vivo. Eleven male subjects (31.6+/-5.8 years, 178.4+/-7.3cm, 80.6+/-9.6kg) performed a series of electro-stimulated (85Hz) shortening-stretch plantar flexion contractions. The shortening-stretch cycles were performed at three constant angular velocities (25, 50, 100 degrees /s) in the plantar flexion direction (shortening) and at 50 degrees /s in the dorsiflexion direction (stretching). The resultant ankle joint moments were calculated through inverse dynamics. Pennation angle and fascicle length of the m. gastrocnemius medialis at rest and during contractions were measured using ultrasonography. The corresponding ankle moments, kinematics and changes in muscle architecture were analysed at seven time intervals. An analysis of variance for repeated measurements and post hoc test with Bonferroni correction was used to check the velocity-related effects on moment enhancement (alpha=0.05). The results show an increase in pennation angles and a decrease in fascicle lengths after the shortening-stretch cycle. The ankle joint moment ratio (post to pre) was higher (p<0.01) than 1.0 indicating a moment enhancement after the shortening-stretch cycle. The found ankle joint moment enhancement was 2-5% after the shortening-stretch cycle and was independed of the shortening velocity. Furthermore, the decrease in fascicle length after the shortening-stretch cycle indicates that the moment enhancement found in the present study is underestimated at least by 1-3%. Considering that the experiments have been done at the ascending limb of the force-length curve and that force enhancement is higher at the descending and the plateau region of the force-length curve, we conclude that the moment enhancement after shortening-stretch cycle can have important physiological affects while locomotion.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine (a) whether the morphological properties of the muscle gastrocnemius medialis (GM) contribute to the known enhanced muscle fatigue resistance during submaximal sustained isometric plantar flexion contraction of old compared to young adults and (b) whether a submaximal fatiguing contraction differently affects the mechanical properties of the GM tendon and aponeurosis of old and young adults. Fourteen old and 12 young male subjects performed maximal voluntary isometric plantar flexions (MVC) on a dynamometer before and after a submaximal fatiguing task (40% MVC). Moments and EMG signals from the gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis, soleus and tibialis anterior muscles were measured. The elongation of the GM tendon and aponeurosis and the morphological properties of its contractile element were examined by means of ultrasonography. The old adults showed lower maximal ankle joint moment, stiffness and fascicle length in both tested conditions. The submaximal fatiguing contraction did not affect the force-strain relationship of the GM tendon and aponeurosis of either young or old adults. The time to task failure was longer for the old adults and was strongly correlated with the fascicle length (r(2)=0.50, P<0.001). This provides evidence on that the lower ratio of the active muscle volume to muscle force for the old adults might be an additional mechanism contributing to the known age related increase in muscle fatigue resistance.  相似文献   

This study was to investigate the acute effects of wearing shoes on lower limb kinetics, kinematics and muscle activation during a drop jump. Eighteen healthy men performed a drop jump under barefoot and shod conditions. Vertical ground reaction force (GRF) was measured on a force plate during the contact phase of a drop jump, and GRF valuables were calculated for each condition. The angles of the knee and ankle joints, and the foot strike angle (the angle between the plantar surface of the foot and the ground during ground contact) as well as the electromyography of 7 muscles were measured. The shod condition showed a significant larger first peak GRF, longer time to first peak GRF from the initial ground contact and lower initial loading rate than the barefoot condition. The shod condition showed a significant larger ankle joint angle at initial ground contact, smaller knee joint angle between the second peak GRF and take-off as well as smaller foot strike angle at both initial ground contact and take-off than the barefoot condition. There were significant correlations between relative differences in ankle joint at the initial ground contact and relative differences in the initial loading rate. The muscle activity of all muscles during foot ground contact did not differ between two conditions; however, in the shod condition, muscle activation of 150 ms before foot ground contact was significantly higher in the rectus femoris, whereas it was lower in the biceps femoris and tibialis anterior muscles than the barefoot condition. These results indicate that wearing shoes alternates the GRF variables at initial ground contact, joint kinematics at the ground contact and muscle activation before foot ground contact during a drop jump, suggesting that the effects of wearing shoes on drop jump training differ from being barefoot.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of stretch-shortening-cycle-induced muscle damage on the time course of mechanical behaviour in the drop jump. Ten healthy male subjects performed submaximal stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) exercise on a special sledge apparatus. Exhaustion occurred on average within 3 min. A drop jump (DJ) test from a 50-cm height was performed before and immediately after the sledge exercise as well as 2 h, 2 days and 4 days later. The fatigue exercise showed relatively high blood lactate concentration [12.5 (SD 2.6) mmol x l(-1)] and an increase of serum creatine kinase (CK) activity delayed by 2 days [540 (SD 407) U x l(-1)]. The initial decline in the jump performance (before - immediately after) was related negatively to the early recovery in performance (immediately after 2 h) (P < 0.05). The early recovery of the knee joint moment at the end of stretch showed a negative correlation to the delayed decrease in DJ performance (2 h 2 days) (P < 0.01). Thus, the DJ performance showed an initial decline followed by an early recovery and a secondary decline. Both the initial decline and early recovery in the knee joint moment at the end of stretch were related to the corresponding initial (after 2 h) (P < 0.05) and secondary increases (2 h - 2 days) (P < 0.01) in CK. It is suggested that the early recovery as well as the initial decline in the knee joint function could depend on the degree of muscle damage. Delayed decrease in initial stiffness (2 h - 2 days) was negatively related to the corresponding changes in the knee joint angle at touch down in DJ (P < 0.001). These interactions would imply that the decrease in the stiffness regulation and the modulation of the prelanding motor control might be attributable to secondary muscle damage during 2 days after the SSC exercise. Therefore, it may be suggested that the changes in the DJ performance after the exhausting SSC exercise accompany the progress of muscle damage observed by the corresponding increase in serum CK concentration and the corresponding deterioration of stiffness regulation and motor control in DJ.  相似文献   

Agonist premotor silence (PMS), a brief period of relative quiescence in active skeletal muscle prior to phasic activation, was investigated in subjects performing maximal contractions. The frequency of occurrence and potential function of the silent period were examined for elbow flexions and extensions. PMS was evident for movements in both directions, indicating that the mechanism is not primarily limited to extensors as previously hypothesized. Flexions demonstrating PMS exhibited increased velocity and acceleration; however, kinematic facilitation was only evident on trials exhibiting the muscular stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). The SSC was present on trials lacking PMS, demonstrating that biceps and triceps silence are not the sole determinants of preparatory agonist lengthening for elbow flexions and extensions, respectively. Taken together, the data indicate that agonist PMS is a mechanism under apparent central control that acts concomitantly with mechanical factors to potentiate elbow flexor contractions.  相似文献   

Achilles tendon (AT) compliance can affect the generation and transmission of triceps surae muscle forces, and thus has important biomechanical consequences for walking performance. However, the uniarticular soleus (SOL) and the biarticular (GAS) function differently during walking, with in vivo evidence suggesting that their associated fascicles and tendinous structures exhibit unique kinematics during walking. Given the strong association between muscle fiber length, velocity and force production, we conjectured that SOL and GAS mechanics and energetic behavior would respond differently to altered AT compliance. To test this, we characterized GAS and SOL muscle and tendon mechanics and energetics due to systematic changes in tendon compliance using musculoskeletal simulations of walking. Increased tendon compliance enlarged GAS and SOL tendon excursions, shortened fiber operation lengths and affected muscle excitation patterns. For both muscles, an optimal tendon compliance (tendon strains of approximately 5% with maximum isometric force) existed that minimized metabolic energy consumption. However, GAS muscle-tendon mechanics and energetics were significantly more sensitive to changes in tendon compliance than were those for SOL. In addition, GAS was not able to return stored tendon energy during push-off as effectively as SOL, particularly for larger values of tendon compliance. These fundamental differences between GAS and SOL sensitivity to altered tendon compliance seem to arise from the biarticular nature of GAS. These insights are potentially important for understanding the functional consequences of altered Achilles tendon compliance due to aging, injury, or disease.  相似文献   

Neural, mechanical and muscle factors influence muscle force production. This study was, therefore, designed to compare possible differences in the function of the neuromuscular system among differently adapted subjects. A group of 11 power-trained athletes and 10 endurance-trained athletes volunteered as subjects for this study. Maximal voluntary isometric force and the rate of force production of the knee extensor and the plantar flexor muscles were measured. In addition, basic reflex function was measured in the two experimental conditions. The power athletes produced higher voluntary forces (P<0.01-0.001) with higher rates for force production (P<0.001) by both muscle groups measured. Unexpectedly, however, no differences were noticed in the electromyogram time curves between the groups. During reflex activity, the endurance group demonstrated higher sensitivity to the mechanical stimuli, i.e. the higher reflex amplitude caused a higher rate of reflex force development, and the reflex amplitude correlated with the averaged angular velocity. The differences in the isometric conditions could be explained by obviously different muscle fibre distribution, by different amounts of muscle mass, by possible differences in the force transmission from individual myofibrils to the skeletal muscle and by specificity of training. In addition, differences in nervous system structure and muscle spindle properties could explain the observed differences in reflex activity between the two groups.  相似文献   

Despite differences in the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the medial gastrocnemius (MG), lateral gastrocnemius (LG), and soleus (Sol) muscles, it is common practice to investigate them as single triceps surae H-reflex recordings. The aim of this study was to compare the latencies of H-reflex recordings from the Sol, MG, and LG in patients with explicit magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evidence of unilateral S1 radiculopathy and also compare their diagnostic yield in varied clinical characteristics (i.e., symptom duration and severity of involvement). We found a significant difference between H-reflex latencies of Sol and the two others (p?相似文献   

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