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Summary The gas chromatograph mass spectrometer instrument of the Viking mission has demonstrated the absence of organic compounds in the immediate surface layer of the two landing sites. The demonstration of the successful operation of the instrument (comparison of ground-based test data with those obtained during interplanetary flight and the data from the surface of the planet) and its limitations (e.g., the detection of highly cross-linked polymers or polymeric carbon suboxide) are reviewed. The measurements for bound water are based on indirect data, the detectability of evolved carbon dioxide and ammonia is poor, and oxygen, liberated from the soil samples, can not be detected.  相似文献   

Soil compaction impairs all essential soil functions, which are crucial for the lives of humans, animals, plants and soil organisms. In order to secure the various soil functions, soil compaction must be avoided. One successful method of preventing soil compaction could be based on the precautionary principle, and mathematical modelling might be used to support farmers or consultants when making decisions about husbandry operations. This paper presents a model which calculates an indicator and assesses the risk of soil compaction on arable land based on site-specific data including information on soil, weather and specific husbandry. The first step is to estimate the soil strength in response to soil stress for a topsoil (20 cm) and a subsoil (35 cm) layer. The estimations of these parameters take into account changes in soil moisture throughout the year. Soil strength compared with soil stress is used to calculate the indicator Soil Compaction Index (SCI) for each time the machinery passes over the soil. The results from the separate passes are then integrated for a comprehensive assessment of the risk of soil compaction at farm level. The model was validated in numerous trials. It was found that the calculated SCI was a good reflection of the actual change in soil structure. The model is already being applied on arable farms in Germany. As an example presented in this paper, the calculations for the subsoil at these farms result in low to medium compaction risks.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has been an important environmental parameter during the evolution of life on Earth, both in its role as a mutagen and as a selective agent. This was probably especially true during the time from 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago, when atmospheric ozone levels were less than 1% of present levels. Early Mars may not have had an "ozone shield" either, and it never developed a significant one. Even though Mars is farther away from the Sun than the Earth, a substantial surficial UV flux is present on Mars today. But organisms respond to dose rate, and on Mars, like on Earth, organisms would be exposed to diurnal variations in UV flux. Here we present data on the effect of diurnal patterns of UV flux on microbial ecosystems in nature, with an emphasis on photosynthesis and DNA synthesis effects. These results indicate that diurnal patterns of metabolism occur in nature with a dip in photosynthesis and DNA synthesis in the afternoon, in part regulated by UV flux. Thus, diurnal patterns must be studied in order to understand the effect of UV radiation in nature. The results of this work are significant to the success of human missions to Mars for several reasons. For example, human missions must include photosynthetic organisms for food production and likely oxygen production. An evolutionary approach suggests which organisms might be best suited for high UV fluxes. The diurnal aspect of these studies is critical. Terraforming is a potential goal of Mars exploration, and it will require studies of the effect of Martian UV fluxes, including their diurnal changes, on terrestrial organisms. Such studies may suggest that diurnal changes in UV only require mitigation at some times of day or year.  相似文献   

将耐辐射奇球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)recA基因克隆到表达质粒pET15b中,并在Escherichia coli HMS中高效表达了可溶性的RecA重组蛋白。同时将recA基因通过穿梭质粒pRADZ3导入recA缺损E.coli TG2细胞中,Western印迹实验显示RecA蛋白能够在不需要诱导剂IPTG的条件下稳定表达。辐射抗性实验表明,D.radiodurans的recA基因在E.coli细胞中的表达能够完全补偿recA缺损E.coli辐射抗性能力。  相似文献   

Cohesin, a hetero-tetrameric complex of SMC1, SMC3, Rad21 and Scc3, associates with chromatin after mitosis and holds sister chromatids together following DNA replication. Following DNA damage, cohesin accumulates at and promotes the repair of DNA double-strand breaks. In addition, phosphorylation of the SMC1/3 subunits contributes to DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoint regulation. The aim of this study was to determine the regulation and consequences of SMC1/3 phosphorylation as part of the cohesin complex. We show here that the ATM-dependent phosphorylation of SMC1 and SMC3 is mediated by H2AX, 53BP1 and MDC1. Depletion of RAD21 abolishes these phosphorylations, indicating that only the fully assembled complex is phosphorylated. Comparison of wild type SMC1 and SMC1S966A in fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching experiments shows that phosphorylation of SMC1 is required for an increased mobility after DNA damage in G2-phase cells, suggesting that ATM-dependent phosphorylation facilitates mobilization of the cohesin complex after DNA damage.  相似文献   

The bioluminescence produced by luciferase, a firefly enzyme, requires three substrates: luciferin, ATP and oxygen. We find that ionizing radiation, in the form of a proton beam from a cyclotron, will eliminate dissolved oxygen prior to any damage to other substrates or to the protein. The dose constant for removal of oxygen is 70 ± 20 Gy, a much smaller dose than required to cause damage to protein. Removal of oxygen, which is initially in excess, leads to a sigmoidal response of bioluminescence to radiation dose, consistent with a Michaelis–Menten relationship to substrate concentration. When excess oxygen is exhausted, the response becomes exponential. Following the irradiation, bioluminescence recovers due to a slow leak of oxygen into the solution. This may also explain previous observations on the response of bioluminescent bacteria to radiation. We have studied the dependence of the reaction rate on enzyme and substrate concentration and propose a model for the reaction pathway consistent with this data. The light output from unirradiated samples decreases significantly with time due to product inhibition. We observe that this inhibition rate changes dramatically immediately after a sample is exposed to the beam. This sudden change of the inhibition rate is unexplained but shows that enzyme regulatory function responds to ionizing radiation at a dose level less than 0.6 Gy.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, our understanding of radiation biology has undergone a fundamental shift in paradigms away from deterministic "hit-effect" relationships and towards complex ongoing "cellular responses". These responses include now familiar, but still poorly understood, phenomena associated with radiation exposure such as bystander effects, genomic instability, and adaptive responses. All three have been observed at very low doses, and at time points far removed from the initial radiation exposure, and are extremely relevant for linear extrapolation to low doses; the adaptive response is particularly relevant when exposure is spread over a period of time. These are precisely the circumstances that are most relevant to understanding cancer risk associated with environmental and occupational radiation exposures. This review will provide a synthesis of the known, and proposed, interrelationships amongst low-dose cellular responses to radiation. It also will examine the potential importance of non-targeted cellular responses to ionizing radiation in setting acceptable exposure limits especially to low-LET radiations.  相似文献   

应用SCGE技术研究细胞DNA损伤的原理与方法   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对单细胞微凝胶电泳(SCGE)技术的操作过程,技术原理以及实验操作过程中应注意的事项,进行了详细介绍和讨论;并应用SCGE技术研究了γ射线照射对人血淋巴细胞DNA的损伤效应.结果表明,γ射线照射能引起细胞DNA迁移长度增加,且呈显著地剂量效应关系.  相似文献   

Summary 14C-Formic acid and other14C-organic compounds are formed on surface materials when mixtures of14CO,12CO2 or N2 and water vapor are irradiated with ultraviolet light (UV) of > 250 nm. The rate of organic formation is roughly proportional to the quantity of substratum irradiated. The available evidence suggests that14CO adsorbed to or in contact with the substratum is excited by the long wavelength UV and reacts with adsorbed H2O or surface hydroxyl groups yielding the organic products. Photodestruction of the14C-organics yields14CO2 and14CO. A steady state is attained when organic products reach a concentration such that the rate of photodestruction is equal to the rate of synthesis. The product accumulation is greater and the photodestruction is slower when N2 is used as diluent gas.Differences in the rates of synthesis, rates of photodestruction and amounts of product accumulation are observed with different silica and alumina substrata. The substrata with large surface areas are most effective for synthesis while maximum photoprotection of organics is afforded by substrata containing high concentrations of surface hydroxyl groups.The observation of the synthesis on a variety of substrata using realistic simulations of atmospheres and solar energies strengthens previous proposals that this process may occur on Mars and may have been important on the primitive Earth.  相似文献   

Many semiarid rangelands have recently experienced changes in dominant plant life form. Both woody plant expansion into grasslands and the invasion of annual grasses into shrublands have potential influence on regional carbon cycling. Soil carbon content, chemistry, and distribution may change following shifts in dominant plant life form because plant life forms differ in litter chemistry and patterns of detrital input. This study assesses the amount, quality, and distribution of soil C below woody vegetation and grasses at three rangelands in Texas, New Mexico, and Utah. At each of these sites there has been a well-documented shift in dominant plant life form. In Texas and New Mexico, woody plants have increased in grasslands, while grasses have invaded into former shrublands in Utah. We measured total soil carbon, particulate organic matter (POM) C, and the carbon isotopic composition of soil carbon beneath woody plants and grasses at each of these three sites. At the La Copita Research Area in south-central Texas there was significantly more soil C found beneath Prosopis glandulosa, the dominant woody plant, than was found beneath grasses. Mean soil C content to 1 m was 7.2 kg C m–2 beneath P. glandulosa and 6.0 kg C m–2 beneath grasses. There was also significantly more POM C beneath P. glandulosa than beneath grasses. Stable carbon isotopic composition indicated that the expansion of P. glandulosa in savannas in Texas first influences carbon cycling in surface soils, then deep soil C, and finally throughout the soil profile. At the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico, we found that there was significantly more soil C in the upper 10 cm of the soil profile beneath Larrea tridentata than was found beneath Bouteloua spp. Stable carbon isotopic composition indicated that the expansion of L. tridentata influenced C cycling throughout the soil profile. At Curlew Valley in northern Utah, we found no significant differences in total profile soil C beneath different plant life forms. However, there was significantly more soil C found at the soil surface beneath woody plants than was observed beneath annual grasses. There was significantly less POM C beneath annual grasses than was found beneath woody plants or perennial grasses. Based on stable carbon isotopic analyses, we concluded that the invasion of grasses into shrublands influenced only the upper 30 cm of the soil profile. We determined that following changes in plant life form dominance, the most consistent change in soil C was an alteration in content and distribution of POM C, a slowly cycling pool of soil C. While we failed to find a consistent change in total profile soil C with plant life form across our sites, the change in soil C chemistry may have important implications for long-term soil C storage in semiarid systems where there have been shifts in plant life form. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted: 11 August 1999  相似文献   

Prior studies on Lake Naivasha relevant to understanding sediment dynamics include a bathymetric map, a paleolimnological study of fossil invertebrate assemblages in lake sediment, an overview of lake level fluctuations throughout the 20th century, and identification of a dynamic assemblage of macrophyte zones that has responded both to these changes in lake level and to more recent, alien species. Sediment samples collected from the rivers systems and the lake were examined physically and chemically. River sediment characteristics reflect geology and geomorphological processes in the catchment, whereas lake sediment stratigraphy has responded to past lake level changes. Such changes have caused significant changes in aquatic vegetation assemblages. Present day sediment dynamics in the lake are governed by the presence of river point sources in the north and wave-induced re-suspension, such that sediments introduced by rivers are transported in easterly and southerly directions, and are eventually deposited in the eastern, central and southern parts of the lake. Sedimentary deposition is also occurring in northern areas that once were protected by papyrus swamp vegetation but now only have a narrow fringe, highlighting the important role of swamp vegetation in filtering out suspended particulates and thereby controlling water quality in the lake. Geochemical analyses of river and lake sediments indicate that they represent fairly undisturbed background conditions. Higher-than-expected concentrations of cadmium, iron, nickel and zinc found in both river and lake sediment are likely to derive from volcanic rocks and/or lateritic soils found in the lake catchment.  相似文献   

The physical properties of natural soils have been researched extensively. However, there is a paucity of information on the short and longer term effects on a manufactured soil after the addition of municipal green waste compost as an organic component. Two field trials were set up using different soil forming materials. Trial 1 (Chorley), added compost to degraded subsoil, whilst trial 2 (Bidston) utilised compost added to a mixture of sand and silt. The trials were established to determine what effect the addition of municipal greenwaste compost had on the development of soil physical properties, and the soils subsequent ability to support vegetation establishment. The compost was introduced as a blend and mulch at varying ratios in an attempt to establish the most appropriate mix to support the establishment of grassland vegetation. It was found that the addition of compost reduced the bulk density proportionally across the majority of the blends at both trial sites which in turn had a positive effect on porosity and infiltration rates. At trial 1 there was evidence of a good suite of meadow plants present in many plots with reasonable similarity to the Natural Vegetation Classification MG5/5a except for the treatment with 33% compost mulch. At trial 2 the soil mixture treatments that supported vegetation most similar to the Natural Vegetation Classification MG5 suite of sown species were the mixes with 15% and 30% compost. The compost mulch treatment and the mix with 45% compost content were probably too fertile as they became dominant with ruderal weed species due to natural succession and inhibited the growth of the meadow plants. Overall, the initial findings of the two trials suggest that adding green waste compost at specific rates could be used as a successful strategy in the early stages of establishing and managing controlled vegetation growth on a manufactured soil.  相似文献   

The impact of synonymous nucleotide substitutions on fitness in mammals remains controversial. Despite some indications of selective constraint, synonymous sites are often assumed to be neutral, and the rate of their evolution is used as a proxy for mutation rate. We subdivide all sites into four classes in terms of the mutable CpG context, nonCpG, postC, preG, and postCpreG, and compare four-fold synonymous sites and intron sites residing outside transposable elements. The distribution of the rate of evolution across all synonymous sites is trimodal. Rate of evolution at nonCpG synonymous sites, not preceded by C and not followed by G, is approximately 10% below that at such intron sites. In contrast, rate of evolution at postCpreG synonymous sites is approximately 30% above that at such intron sites. Finally, synonymous and intron postC and preG sites evolve at similar rates. The relationship between the levels of polymorphism at the corresponding synonymous and intron sites is very similar to that between their rates of evolution. Within every class, synonymous sites are occupied by G or C much more often than intron sites, whose nucleotide composition is consistent with neutral mutation-drift equilibrium. These patterns suggest that synonymous sites are under weak selection in favor of G and C, with the average coefficient s approximately 0.25/Ne approximately 10(-5), where Ne is the effective population size. Such selection decelerates evolution and reduces variability at sites with symmetric mutation, but has the opposite effects at sites where the favored nucleotides are more mutable. The amino-acid composition of proteins dictates that many synonymous sites are CpGprone, which causes them, on average, to evolve faster and to be more polymorphic than intron sites. An average genotype carries approximately 10(7) suboptimal nucleotides at synonymous sites, implying synergistic epistasis in selection against them.  相似文献   

De Kovel  C.G. F  Van Mierlo  A..E.M.  Wilms  Y.J.O.  Berendse  F. 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(1):43-50
We studied vegetation and soil development during primary succession in an inland drift sand area in the Netherlands. We compared five sites at which primary succession had started at different moments in the past, respectively 0, 10, 43 and 121 years ago, and a site at which succession had not yet started. In the three younger sites the vegetation was herbaceous, whereas in the two older sites a pine forest had formed. Forest formation was accompanied by the development of an FH-layer in the soil, an increase in the amount of soil organic matter, and an increase in nitrogen mineralisation rate from 1.9 to 18 g N m–2 yr–1. Soil moisture content also increased, whereas pH showed a steady decrease with site age. The vegetation changed from a herbaceous vegetation dominated by mosses and lichens and the grass species Corynephorus canescens and Festuca ovina towards a pine forest with an understorey vegetation dominated by Deschampsia flexuosa and, at the oldest site, with dwarf shrubs Empetrum nigrum and Vaccinium myrtillus. At the same time the total amounts of carbon and nitrogen of the ecosystem increased, with a relatively stronger increase of the carbon pool. The establishment of trees during succession greatly affects the dynamics of the ecosystem, especially its carbon dynamics.  相似文献   

We report that the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium sp. strain NRC-1 is highly resistant to desiccation, high vacuum and 60Co gamma irradiation. Halobacterium sp. was able to repair extensive double strand DNA breaks (DSBs) in its genomic DNA, produced both by desiccation and by gamma irradiation, within hours of damage induction. We propose that resistance to high vacuum and 60Co gamma irradiation is a consequence of its adaptation to desiccating conditions. Gamma resistance in Halobacterium sp. was dependent on growth stage with cultures in earlier stages exhibiting higher resistance. Membrane pigments, specifically bacterioruberin, offered protection against cellular damages induced by high doses (5 kGy) of gamma irradiation. High-salt conditions were found to create a protective environment against gamma irradiation in vivo by comparing the amount of DSBs induced by ionizing radiation in the chromosomal DNA of Halobacterium sp. to that of the more radiation-sensitive Escherichia coli that grows in lower-salt conditions. No inducible response was observed after exposing Halobacterium sp. to a nonlethal dose (0.5 kGy) of gamma ray and subsequently exposing the cells to either a high dose (5 kGy) of gamma ray or desiccating conditions. We find that the hypersaline environment in which Halobacterium sp. flourishes is a fundamental factor for its resistance to desiccation, damaging radiation and high vacuum.  相似文献   

To investigate Nigella sativa oil (NSO) and Thymoquinone (TQ) for their antioxidant effects on the brain tissue of rats exposed to ionizing radiation.Fifty-four male albino Wistar rats, divided into six groups, were designed as group I (normal control group) did not receive NSO, TQ or irradiation; group II (control group of TQ) received dimethyl sulfoxide and sham irradiation; group III (control group of NSO) received saline and sham irradiation; group IV (irradiation plus NSO group) received both 5 Gray of gamma irradiation to total cranium and NSO; group V (irradiation plus TQ group) received both irradiation and TQ; group VI (irradiation alone group) received irradiation plus saline. Alterations in nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite (ONOO) levels, and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) enzyme activity were measured by biochemical methods in homogenized brain tissue of rats.Levels of NO and ONOO, and enzyme activity of NOS in brain tissue of the rats treated with NSO or TQ were found to be lower than in received IR alone (p < 0.002)Nigella sativa oil (NSO) and its active component, TQ, clearly protect brain tissue from radiation-induced nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Eronen et al. (2010; hereafter EEFJ) observe differences in occlusal morphology, tooth crown height, and mesowear pattern between populations of the Miocene tridactyl equid Anchitherium from Spain and Germany, proposing that Spanish Anchitherium underwent adaptive evolution to local or regional arid conditions. However, these authors do not take into account the actual diversity of Iberian representatives of Anchitherium, or the fact that the Spanish fossils cover a wider temporal and geographical range than those from Germany. For these reasons, we suggest that their subsequent statistical work should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The Cu site structure of human serotransferrin and hen ovotransferrin using XANES spectroscopy has been investigated. Although the transferrin family proteins have been extensively studied, the results reported herein are the first concerning the structure of the metal site in C-terminal and N-terminal in the whole protein. Our structural data show that these proteins differ with regard to the independence of the two binding sites and the geometry of copper coordination, ranging from a poorly to a significantly distorted octahedron.  相似文献   

Interstitial Telomeric Repeat Sequence (ITRS) blocks are recognized as hot spots for spontaneous and ionizing radiation-induced chromosome breakage and recombination. Background and ionizing radiation-induced DNA breaks in large blocks of ITRS from Chinese hamster cell lines were analyzed using the DNA Breakage Detection-Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (DBD-FISH) procedure. Our results indicate an extremely alkali-sensitivity of ITRS. Furthermore, it appears that ITRS blocks exhibit a particular chromatin structure, being enriched in short unpaired DNA segments. These segments could be liable to severe topological stress in highly compacted areas of the genome resulting in their spontaneous fragility and thus explaining their alkali-sensitivity. The induction and repair kinetics of DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) and DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) induced by ionizing radiation were assessed by DBD-FISH on neutral comets using Chinese hamster cells deficient in either DNA-PKcs or Rad51C. Our results indicate that the initial rejoining rate of dsb within ITRS is slower than that in the whole genome, in wild-type cells, demonstrating an intragenomic heterogeneity in dsb repair. Interestingly, in the absence of DNA-PKcs activity, the rejoining rate of dsb within ITRS is not modified, unlike in the whole genome. This was also found in the case of Rad51C mutant cells. Our results suggest the possibility that different DNA sequences or chromatin organizations may be targeted by specific dsb repair pathways. Furthermore, it appears that additional unknown dsb repair pathways may be operational in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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