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荸荠营养器官的发育与解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荸荠同化茎起源于肉质主茎倒2或倒3叶的叶腋内。同化茎基部着生二鞘状叶,鞘状叶对早期同化茎穿出土面具保护作用。匍匐茎大多起源于同化茎基部鞘状叶的叶腋内。当植株开始抽生花茎时,地下匍匐茎顶端开始膨大。球茎的膨大是匍匐茎顶端5-6节的基本组织经细胞有丝分裂,增加细胞数目,然后由细胞体积的扩大来实现的。球茎具足够的营养物质供来年顶芽萌发的需要,故属水生植物冬芽的性质。  相似文献   

马尾松雌球果的发生和早期发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规石蜡制片技术对马尾松雌球果的发生和早期发育进行了研究。结果表明:雌球果原基发生时间为10月中旬,不同的树龄和着生部位,其发生时间不同。雌球果原基与营养茎端在外部形态及内部细胞组织学分区结构有明显差异。营养茎端外形扁平,内部顶端分生组织结构有顶端原始细胞区、中央母细胞区、形成层状过渡区、周围分生组织区及肋状分生组织区5个明显的分区;而雌球果原基外形呈圆锥状,内部结构只有套层和髓区。12月初,最初的苞片原基在雌球果原基的鳞片的叶腋处产生,之后其由基部向顶部连续发生。翌年1月初,在苞片原基的叶腋处,珠鳞原基发生,发生方向亦为向顶发育。2月底,苞片体积不再发生变化,珠鳞膨大端的基部的近轴面分化出2个倒生胚珠。从雌球果原基发生到胚珠分化历时4个多月。亚热带的冬季气候对马尾松雌球果的生长发育没有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

油松雌球果的发生和发育研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
运用薄切片技术对油松(Pinus labulaeformis Carr.)雌球果的发生和发育进行了研究。结果表明:8月初,雌球果原基发生,共外部形态发生明显变化,但内部细胞组织学分区结构与营养茎端结构相似;10月中旬,雌球果原基的鳞片叶腋处产生最裨的苞片原基,以后苞片原基由基部向顶端连续发生。此时球果原基的顶端结构姨生变化,顶端分生组织区、中央母细胞区和周围分生组织区衍化为套层,肋状分生组织衍化为  相似文献   

本文采用解剖学方法研究花椰菜、青花菜、结球甘蓝和大白菜在生长发育过程中顶端分生组织结构的变化及之间存在的差异。结果显示它们的顶端分生组织结构都是由最初幼苗的原套-原体结构逐渐发育到过渡型分区结构、典型化五个分区结构,至开始进入生殖生长时期的四个分区结构(形成层状细胞区消失)。四种植物在进入生殖生长后,顶端分生组织细胞行为不同:大白菜和甘蓝顶端亚外套两侧细胞分裂分化形成顶生叶原基,在顶生叶原基内侧的细胞将进行分裂产生花序侧枝原基。花椰菜和青花菜顶端亚外套两侧细胞分裂形成花序分生组织,花序分生组织增生即为花球体;内部解剖结构表现为分生组织不断分裂增多的过程。这些结果为研究花序表型发生的解剖学本质及分子生物学研究分生组织发育方向奠定了基础。  相似文献   

榛属(桦木科)花序及花的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科榛属榛、毛榛和滇榛的花序和花的形态发生过程。榛属雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成二心皮雌蕊;雌蕊基部有2层花被原基,内层花被原基环状,外层花被发生于花原基近轴面和远轴面,近轴面和远轴面的花被不均等分化,外层花被发生早于内层花被。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出2枚次级苞片和4。6个雄蕊原基,形成4—6枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊,在雄蕊原基分化形成4药囊雄蕊过程中.出现雄蕊原基纵裂。并且花丝纵裂至基部。为进一步全面探讨桦木科属间系统演化关系提供了证据。  相似文献   

榛属 (桦木科) 花序及花的形态发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科榛属榛、毛榛和滇榛的花序和花的形态发生过程。榛属雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成二心皮雌蕊;雌蕊基部有2层花被原基,内层花被原基环状,外层花被发生于花原基近轴面和远轴面,近轴面和远轴面的花被不均等分化,外层花被发生早于内层花被。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出2枚次级苞片和4~6个雄蕊原基,形成4~6枚雄蕊,每个雄蕊具4个药囊,在雄蕊原基分化形成4药囊雄蕊过程中,出现雄蕊原基纵裂,并且花丝纵裂至基部。为进一步全面探讨桦木科属间系统演化关系提供了证据。  相似文献   

几种木本植物组织培养的愈伤组织形成和器官再生   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
愈伤组织形成过程中,各个发育时期以细胞形态和代谢状况的变化为其特征。在诱导期或起动期,外植体伤口表面逐步通过回复变化转变为分生组织状态,表现为细胞核和核仁增大以及 RNA 的积累,其结果导致细胞的脱分化。之后,继以分裂期,其特征为 RNA 的大量积累和活跃的细胞分裂。这样,外层组织已完成起动,并已变为分生组织,就不能把分裂期认为回复变化或脱分化的时期。木本植物外植体表面普遍地可发生瘤状愈伤组织,它起源于距外植体切口较远的各个部分,特别包括表皮和下皮。愈伤组织培养中普遍地有分生组织结节的存在,它起源于个别薄壁细胞经脱分化而来。分生组织结节可继续分化为内部是管胞,外围形成层状细胞的维管组织结节。分生组织结节或维管组织结节在具有单向极性生长时形成根原基。不定芽一般从外生或内生的分生细胞团分化而来,但有时芽原基的分化与分生组织结节或维管组织结节相关联。  相似文献   

茴香组织培养中体细胞胚胎发生的组织细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将茴香幼茎或叶柄的愈伤组织转入附加6-BA和低浓度2,4-D的MS培养基以后,愈伤组织逐步由松软状转变成为颗粒状的胚性愈伤组织,胚状体起源于胚性愈伤组织中的单个细胞或胚性细胞团。在含NAA和6-BA的培养基中,胚状体发育成熟,并再生小植株。茴香的胚状体主要以单细胞内起源方式发生。首先由胚状体单个原始细胞分裂形成2-细胞原胚,2-细胞原胚以三种方式进行分裂:1.T- 形分裂;2.直线形分裂;3.田字形分裂。不同的分裂方式决定了胚柄的有无。茴香胚状体的发育过程与合子胚基本相同。由原胚发育成为球形胚,依次经过心形胚和鱼雷胚阶段,形成成熟的子叶胚。在胚状体发育的每一个阶段,都有其分生组织的活动中心。球形胚期,两团分生组织位于胚体中部对应的两点;心形胚期,位于两侧和中部;鱼雷胚期,分生组织的分布在子叶形成区域呈倒“U”形,在下胚轴部位呈中空的梭形。到子叶期,分生组织从两片子叶伸向胚根,呈“Y”形分布。两子叶间产生茎生长点,由生长点分化出叶原基。胚状体最终发育成为完整植株。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

欧美杂种山杨微扦插不定根发生过程的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片技术,以欧美杂种山杨插穗基部茎段为实验材料,连续解剖观察插穗不定根发生发育过程,分析根原基发生部位与扦插生根的关系。结果显示:欧美杂种山杨插穗不定根的发生过程分为4个时期,为根原基诱导期,不定根起始期、表达期和伸长生长期。根原基诱导期维管形成层产生具有分生组织特点的薄壁细胞;不定根起始期,维管形成层及附近的薄壁细胞脱分化,形成不定根原基发端细胞;不定根表达期,根原基发端细胞不断分裂成具有方向性的根原基,根原基穿过韧皮射线和皮层,向皮孔方向发展;不定根伸长生长期,根原基从皮孔伸出,其内部的维管系统开始发育,形成不定根。研究认为,欧美杂种山杨为皮部诱导生根类型,不定根原基起源于维管形成层区,起源部位单一,扦插难生根。  相似文献   

A non-destructive replica method and a 3-D reconstruction algorithm are used to analyse the geometry and expansion of the shoot apex surface. Surface expansion in the central zone of the apex is slow and nearly isotropic while surface expansion in the peripheral zone is more intense and more anisotropic. Within the peripheral zone, the expansion rate, expansion anisotropy, and the direction of maximal expansion vary according to the age of adjacent leaf primordia. For each plastochron, this pattern of expansion is rotated around the apex by the Fibonacci angle. Early leaf primordium development is divided into four stages: bulging, lateral expansion, separation, and bending. These stages differ in their geometry and expansion pattern. At the bulging stage, the site of primordium initiation shows an intensified expansion that is nearly isotropic. The following stages develop sharp meridional gradients of expansion rates and anisotropy. The adaxial primordium boundary inferred from the surface curvature is shifting until the separation stage, when a crease develops between the primordium and the apex dome. The cells forming the crease, i.e. the future leaf axil, expand along the axil and contract across it. Thus they are arrested in this unique position.  相似文献   

By following the movement of carbon particle markers on theexposed surface of a cultured tomato apex it has been shownthat a leaf primordium is formed by growth on the flank of theapex raising the tissue upwards and outwards to form the leafbuttress. The whole of the apical surface is in an active stateof cell division and expansion except in the axillary regionabove the primordium. The data provide direct estimates of therates of division in the outer layer of cells. The distribution of blocked metaphase figures following treatmentwith colchicine, shows that in the early stages of primordiumformation cell divisions are concentrated in what appears tobo a ‘growth centre’ in the corpus to one side ofthe apical dome. As the bulge of the primordium develops, thegrowth centre spreads out and splits into two parts continuingthe growth of the dome (proximal side) and the primordium (distalside). Between these two regions of active division there arisesa small pocket of cells in the axil, whose rate of divisionrapidly declines. Cuts made in the apical surface in the early stages of primordiumformation immediately gape widely, apparently as a result ofpressure exerted on the outer layers from within by divisionsin the corpus. Once the upper surface of the primordium becomesraised above the dome, the axillary cells seem to become compressedbetween the two zones of active division. In the axil at thisstage (a) cuts do not gape but close up after exuding cell sapand (b) the carbon particle markers move slightly together.  相似文献   

Geometry changes, especially surface expansion, accompanying flower primordium formation are investigated at the reproductive shoot apex of Arabidopsis with the aid of a non-invasive replica method and a 3-D reconstruction algorithm. The observed changes are characteristic enough to differentiate the early development of flower primordium in Arabidopsis into distinct stages. Primordium formation starts from the fast and anisotropic growth at the periphery of the shoot apical meristem, with the maximum extension in the meridional direction. Surprisingly, the primordium first becomes a shallow crease, and it is only later that this shape changes into a bulge. The bulge is formed from the shallow crease due to slower and less anisotropic growth than at the onset of primordium formation. It is proposed that the shallow crease is the first axil, i.e. the axil of a putative rudimentary bract subtending the flower primordium proper, while the flower primordium proper is the bulge formed at the bottom of this axil. At the adaxial side of the bulge, the second axil (a narrow and deep crease) is formed setting the boundary between the flower primordium proper and the shoot apical meristem. Surface growth, leading to the formation of the second axil, is slow and anisotropic. This is similar to the previously described growth pattern at the boundary of the leaf primordium in Anagallis.  相似文献   

本文研究了榧树(Torreya grandis)成熟植株在季节生长中营养苗端的超微结构变化。各区域细胞的主要区别特征为:顶端原始细胞与亚顶端细胞相接的细胞壁较厚,液泡多分布于细胞游离面,质体中淀粉粒较小;亚顶端细胞壁较厚,液泡较大,质体中淀粉粒较大而多;周缘区细胞质体多不具淀粉粒,液泡也较小,胞间连丝丰富;肋状区细胞被大量的含淀粉质体及液泡占据了大部分空间,胞间连丝丰富。在季节变化的四个时期中,各区域细胞的亚显微结构特征亦不相同。休眠期各区细胞淀粉质体较发达,细胞壁较厚,液泡大;叶扩展期淀粉质体减少或消失;芽鳞形成期出现大量小液泡;新的顶芽形成期液泡增加,核糖体含量较高。讨论了各区域细胞核形态与其细胞活跃性的关系。  相似文献   

During the growth of a single developing vegetative apex ofVinca major, both the orientation and frequency of cell divisions,and the pattern of cell expansion, were observed using a non-destructivereplica technique. Micrographs taken at daily intervals illustratethat the central region of the apical dome remains relativelyinactive, except for a phase of cell division which occurs after2 d of growth. The majority of growth takes place at the proximalregions of the dome from which develop the successive pairsof leaves. The developing leaf primordia are initiated by aseries of divisions which occur at the periphery of the centraldome and are oriented parallel to the axis of the subsequentleaves. The cells which develop into the outer leaf surfaceof the new leaves undergo expansion and these cells divide allowingfor the formation of the new leaf. This paper describes thefirst high-resolution sequential study of cell patterns in asingle developing plant apex. Sequential development, cell division, expansion patterns, SEM, Vinca major, apical dome, leaf primordium, leaf initiation  相似文献   

The spicate inflorescence of Saururus cernuus L. (Saururaceae) results from the activity of an inflorescence apical meristem which produces 200–300 primordia in acropetal succession. The inflorescence apex arises by conversion of the terminal vegetative apex. During transition the apical meristem increases greatly in height and width and changes its cellular configuration from one of tunica-corpus to one of mantle (with two tunica layers) and core. Primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions in the subsurface layer. These are “common” primordia, each of which subsequently divides to produce a floral apex above and a bract primordium below. The bract later elongates so that the flower appears borne on the bract. All common primordia are formed by the time the inflorescence is about 4.4 mm long; the apical meristem ceases activity at this stage. As cessation approaches, cell divisions become rare in the apical meristem, and height and width of the meristem above the primordia diminish, as primordia continue to be initiated on the flanks. Cell differentiation proceeds acropetally into the apical meristem and reaches the summital tunica layers last of all. Solitary bracts are initiated just before apical cessation, but no imperfect or ebracteate flowers are produced in Saururus. The final event of meristem activity is hair formation by individual cells of the tunica at the summit, a feature not previously reported for apical meristems.  相似文献   

Precise knowledge of spatial and temporal patterns of cell division, including number and orientation of divisions, and knowledge of cell expansion, is central to understanding morphogenesis. Our current knowledge of cell division patterns during plant and animal morphogenesis is largely deduced from analysis of clonal shapes and sizes. But such an analysis can reveal only the number, not the orientation or exact rate, of cell divisions. In this study, we have analyzed growth in real time by monitoring individual cell divisions in the shoot apical meristems (SAMs) of Arabidopsis thaliana. The live imaging technique has led to the development of a spatial and temporal map of cell division patterns. We have integrated cell behavior over time to visualize growth. Our analysis reveals temporal variation in mitotic activity and the cell division is coordinated across clonally distinct layers of cells. Temporal variation in mitotic activity is not correlated to the estimated plastochron length and diurnal rhythms. Cell division rates vary across the SAM surface. Cells in the peripheral zone (PZ) divide at a faster rate than in the central zone (CZ). Cell division rates in the CZ are relatively heterogeneous when compared with PZ cells. We have analyzed the cell behavior associated with flower primordium development starting from a stage at which the future flower comprises four cells in the L1 epidermal layer. Primordium development is a sequential process linked to distinct cellular behavior. Oriented cell divisions, in primordial progenitors and in cells located proximal to them, are associated with initial primordial outgrowth. The oriented cell divisions are followed by a rapid burst of cell expansion and cell division, which transforms a flower primordium into a three-dimensional flower bud. Distinct lack of cell expansion is seen in a narrow band of cells, which forms the boundary region between developing flower bud and the SAM. We discuss these results in the context of SAM morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Foliar ontogeny of Magnolia grandiflora was studied to elucidate possible unique features of evergreen leaves and their development. The apex of Magnolia grandiflora is composed of a biseriate or triseriate tunica overlying a central initial zone, a peripheral zone and a pith rib meristem. Leaf primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions on the apical flank of the tunica in its second layer. This initiation and expansion is seasonal just as in related deciduous magnolias. Following leaf initiation, a foliar buttress is formed and the leaf base gradually extends around the apex. As growth continues, separation of the leaf blade primordium from the stipule proceeds by intensified anticlinal divisions in the surface and subsurface layers near the base. Marginal growth begins in the blade primordium when it reaches approximately 200 μm in height and results in the formation of two wing-like extensions, the lamina. This young blade remains in a conduplicately folded position next to the stipule until bud break.  相似文献   

The morphology, ontogeny, and vascular anatomy of the staminate inflorescences and florets of seven species of Allocasuarina are described. The generally terminal but open-ended inflorescences occur on monoecious or staminate dioecious trees and consist of whorls of bracts, each subtending a sessile axillary floret. Each floret consists of one terminal stamen with a bilobed, tetrasporangiate anther enclosed typically by cuculliform appendages, commonly considered bracteoles, an inner median pair and an outer lateral pair. The mature stamen is exerted, the anther is basifixed and is extrorsely dehiscent. In early development of a male inflorescence very little internodal elongation occurs and enclosing cataphylls appear. The inflorescence apex is a low dome with a uniseriate tunica and a small group of central corpus cells. Bract primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions of C1 followed by further divisions of the corpus and anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The bracts are epinastic and become gamophyllous except apically by cell divisions in both sides of each primordium. Stomata are restricted to the axis furrows and the abaxial tips of the bracts. The axillary florets arise in acropetal succession initiated by periclinal divisions in C1 accompanied by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The lateral floral appendages are also initiated by C1 followed by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. They become adnate basally later with the subtending bract. The median sterile appendages are initiated in a manner similar to the initiation of the outer appendages. The stamen is initiated by divisions in the outer layers of the corpus and in the tunica, and then develops first by apical growth followed by intercalary growth. The vascular system of the inflorescence is identical to that of the vegetative stem. Each floret is supplied by a single bundle that has its source in a branch from each of the two traces supplying a bract. Six bundles arise from the floral bundle; four of these terminate in the base of the stamen and two form an amphicribal bundle that supplies the anther. Pollen is binucleate, 3- to 7-porate. The exine is tegillate.  相似文献   

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