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We have investigated the termination of agonist-stimulated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity in EAhy926 cells by MAP kinase phosphatase-2 (MKP-2). In cells expressing either wild-type (WT) or catalytically inactive (CI)-MKP-2, there was no significant differences in TNFalpha-stimulated JNK or p38 MAP kinase activity, however hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-stimulated JNK activity was substantially reduced in WT-MKP-2 expressing clones and enhanced in cells expressing CI-MKP-2. Consistent with these findings, we observed substantial nuclear translocation of JNK occurred in response to H2O2 but not TNFalpha. Using a phosphospecific anti-JNK antibody, we found that TNFalpha-stimulated JNK activity was associated principally with the cytosol while in response to H2O2, JNK activity was found within the nucleus. These results show that the role of MKP-2 in terminating JNK activity is determined by the translocation of JNK to the nucleus, which is under agonist-specific regulation and not a universal cellular response to stimulation.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a cytokine implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous chronic and acute inflammatory conditions. We have previously shown that mouse Sertoli cells respond to TNF-alpha by increasing interleukin-6 production and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression (1). In this cell type TNF-alpha activates the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways p42/p44 MAPK, JNK/SAPK, and p38, the last of which is responsible for interleukin-6 production (1). To determine which MAPK signaling pathway is required for TNF-alpha induction of ICAM-1 expression, we have utilized the protein kinase inhibitor dimethylaminopurine, demonstrating that treatment of Sertoli cells with such compound significantly reduced ICAM-1 expression and JNK/SAPK activation. Moreover, dimethylaminopurine treatment increased the expression of MAPK phosphatase-2, providing a possible mechanism of action of this compound. By using agonist antibodies to p55 and to p75 TNF-alpha receptors and both human and mouse TNF-alpha, we demonstrate that both TNF receptors are expressed and that only the p55 receptor is involved in ICAM-1 expression. The p55 receptor activates all of the three pathways, whereas p75 failed to activate any of the MAPKs. Altogether our results demonstrate that TNF-alpha up-regulates ICAM-1 expression through the activation of the JNK/SAPK transduction pathway mediated by the p55 receptor.  相似文献   



We examined the expression of the mitochondrial selenoenzyme TrxR2 in the endothelial cell line EAhy926 under conditions known to modify its cytoplasmic counterpart TrxR1.


Cells were cultured with varying concentrations of selenite, sulforaphane or the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 for 72-h, prior to assay of TrxR concentration and activity. Further cultures underwent prolonged (7-day) Se-depletion before selenoprotein measurement.


In Se-deficient cultures, neither Se, A23187 or sulforaphane affected TrxR2 concentration, while these treatments induced TrxR1 concentration (< 0.05). When co-incubated, optimal concentrations of Se (40 nM) and sulforaphane (4 μM) only modestly increased TrxR2 protein (∼ 1.3-fold), compared with TrxR1 (∼ 4-fold). In Se-deficient cells, TrxR activity was unaffected by sulforaphane or A23187. Prolonged Se-depletion caused a comparatively small reduction in TrxR2 (66% TrxR2 retained) against TrxR1 and glutathione peroxidase-1 activity (38% and 17% retained, respectively).


The relative resistance of TrxR2 to Se-deprivation and induction by sulforaphane and A23187 suggests TrxR2 lies near the top of the selenoprotein hierarchy in EAhy926 cells and exhibits near maximum expression under a range of culture conditions. In Se deficiency an inactive (possibly truncated) TrxR1 is produced in response to stimulus by sulforaphane and A23187.

General significance

These observations underpin a likely critical antioxidant role for TrxR2 and TrxR1 in the endothelium.  相似文献   

The stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs) are differentially activated by a variety of cellular stressors in PC12 cells. SAPK activation has been linked to the induction of apoptotic cell death upon serum withdrawal from undifferentiated cells or following nerve growth factor (NGF) withdrawal of neuronally differentiated PC12 cells. However, withdrawal of trophic support from differentiated cells led to only a very modest elevation of SAPK activity and led us to investigate the basis of the relative insensitivity of these enzymes to stressors. NGF-stimulated differentiation of the cells resulted in the elevation of basal SAPK activity to levels four- to sevenfold greater than in untreated cells, which was correlated with an approximate fivefold increase in SAPK protein levels. Paradoxically, in NGF-differentiated PC12 cells, exposure to cellular stressors provoked a proportionately smaller stimulation of SAPK activity than that observed in naive cells, despite the presence of much higher levels of SAPK protein. The insensitivity of SAPK to activation by stressors was reflective of the activity of the SAPK activator SEK, whose activation was also diminished following NGF differentiation of the cells. The data demonstrate that SAPKs are subject to complex controls through both induction of SAPK expression and the regulation mediated by upstream elements within this pathway. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 537–549, 1998  相似文献   

Summary The effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha on vascular endothelial cells was analyzed using a collagen-embedded, three-dimensional culture system, focusing on angiogenesis and expression of cell adhesion molecules. When the endothelial cells were cultured between two layers of type-I collagen gel, they reorganized into a network of branching and anastomosing tubular structures. Once the structure was formed, the cells did not undergo further division. Addition of tumor necrosis factor alpha at 10 to 500 U/ml to the overlaid culture medium inhibited this tube-forming process and enhanced their survival, whereas it suppressed cell growth in monolayer. To test its effect on the expression of cell adhesion molecules, the collagen was digested, and the dispersed cells were stained with anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and endothelial-leukocyte adhesion molecule-1 monoclonal antibodies. Tumor necrosis factor alpha upregulated the expressions of both molecules for an extended period of time. Even in the absence of tumor necrosis factor alpha, the cells embedded in collagen matrices expressed small amounts of these adhesion molecules. These results indicate that endothelial cells display phenotypic changes in collagen matrices and modulatory response to tumor necrosis factor alpha.  相似文献   

Fumonisin B1 (FB1), the most potent of the fumonisin mycotoxins, is a carcinogen and causes a wide range of species-specific toxicoses. FB1 modulates the activity of protein kinase C (PKC), a family of phospholipid-dependent serine/threonine kinases that play important role in modulating a variety of biologic responses ranging from regulation of cell growth to cell death. Although it has been demonstrated that FB1 induces apoptosis in many cell lines, the precise mechanism of apoptosis is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated the membrane localization of various PKC isoforms, PKC enzyme activity, and its downstream targets, namely nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), and caspase 3, in porcine renal epithelial (LLC-PK1) cells. FB1 repressed cytosol to membrane translocation of PKC-alpha, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta isoforms over 24-72 h. The FB1-induced membrane PKC repression was corroborated by a concentration-dependent decrease in total PKC activity. Exposure of cells to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) for this duration also resulted in repressed PKC membrane localization and activity comparable to FB1. Exposure of cells to FB1 (10 microM) was associated with inhibition of cytosol to nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB and NF-kappaB-DNA binding at 72 h. The expression of TNFalpha was significantly inhibited at 24 and 48 h in response to 1 and 10 microM FB1. Increased caspase 3 activity was observed in LLC-PK1 cells exposed to > or =1 microM FB1 at 48 h. PMA also increased the caspase 3 activity at 24 and 48 h. Results suggest that FB1-induced apoptosis involves the activation of caspase 3, which is associated with the repression of PKC and possibly its down-stream effectors, NF-kappaB and TNFalpha.  相似文献   

We examined the tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha)-induced apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells from the standpoint of ion channels. Cultured vascular endothelial cells from bovine carotid artery were used. Apoptosis was determined by a propidium iodide assay. Treatment of the endothelial cells with TNFalpha and cycloheximide for 6 h induced nuclear fragmentation in a TNFalpha dose-dependent manner (1-10 ng/ml). Concomitant treatment of endothelial cells with TNFalpha at a dose of 10 ng/ml and cycloheximide at a dose of 10 microg/ml elicited endothelial cell apoptosis as high as 23.4+/-4.1% at 6 h after administration. However, 10 ng/ml TNFalpha alone elicited a little apoptosis at 6 h after its administration (% apoptosis=4.1+/-0.8%). Cycloheximide (10 microg/ml) did not induce apoptosis at all. Concomitant treatment of endothelial cells with 1 mmol/l of 4,4-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid, which is a chloride bicarbonate exchanger blocker, partially inhibited the TNFalpha and cycloheximide-induced endothelial cell apoptosis. On the other hand, endothelial cell apoptosis due to TNFalpha and cycloheximide was completely inhibited by benzyloxycarbonyl-Asp-CH2OC(O)-2,6-dichlorobenzene (50 micromol/l), an inhibitor of caspase. Moreover, pyrrolidine dithiocarbanate, an inhibitor of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB), also suppressed endothelial cell apoptosis induced by TNFalpha and cycloheximide completely. These findings suggest that the endothelial cell apoptosis induced by TNFalpha and cycloheximide is closely related to not only chloride ions, but also both NF-kappaB and caspase activation. That is to say, there is a possibility that chloride ions or bicarbonate (pH) may play an important role in signal transduction such as NF-kappaB and caspase activation in the apoptosis induced by TNFalpha and cycloheximide.  相似文献   

The cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) stimulates the NF-kappaB, SAPK/JNK, and p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways by recruiting RIP1 and TRAF2 proteins to the tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1). Genetic studies have revealed that RIP1 links the TNFR1 to the IkappaB kinase (IKK) complex, whereas TRAF2 couples the TNFR1 to the SAPK/JNK cascade. In transfection studies, RIP1 and TRAF2 stimulate p38 MAP kinase activation, and dominant-negative forms of RIP1 and TRAF2 inhibit TNF-alpha-induced p38 MAP kinase activation. We found TNF-alpha-induced p38 MAP kinase activation and interleukin-6 (IL-6) production impaired in rip1(-/-) murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) but unaffected in traf2(-/-) MEF. Yet, both rip1(-/-) and traf2(-/-) MEF exhibit a normal p38 MAP kinase response to inducers of osmotic shock or IL-1alpha. Thus, RIP1 is a specific mediator of the p38 MAP kinase response to TNF-alpha. These studies suggest that TNF-alpha-induced activation of p38 MAP kinase and SAPK/JNK pathways bifurcate at the level of RIP1 and TRAF2. Moreover, endogenous RIP1 associates with the MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K) MEKK3 in TNF-alpha-treated cells, and decreased TNF-alpha-induced p38 MAP kinase activation is observed in Mekk3(-/-) cells. Taken together, these studies suggest a mechanism whereby RIP1 may mediate the p38 MAP kinase response to TNF-alpha, by recruiting the MAP3K MEKK3.  相似文献   

Human endothelial cells synthesize large amounts of platelet-activating factor (PAF) after 30-min treatment with recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Synthesis of PAF peaks at 4-6 h, whereas in endothelial cells treated with interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1) it peaks at 8-12 h. More than twice as much PAF is synthesized in response to optimal concentrations of TNF than in response to IL-1. However, PAF synthesis is stimulated by lower molar concentrations of IL-1 than TNF. About 30% of PAF produced in response to either TNF or IL-1 is released into the medium, whereas approximately 70% remains cell-associated. Experiments with labeled precursors show that PAF is synthesized de novo in response to TNF. This activity of TNF is inhibited by treating endothelial cells with the inhibitors of protein or RNA synthesis cycloheximide or actinomycin D. This finding may be explained by the observation that TNF induces in endothelial cells an acetyltransferase required for PAF synthesis. The induction of this enzymatic activity precedes the peak of PAF synthesis in TNF-treated cells. After prolonged incubation with either TNF or IL-1, endothelial cells no longer respond to the same monokine, but are still capable of producing PAF when treated with the other monokine. The finding that these monokines do not show reciprocal tachyphylaxis in endothelial cells may be explained by their binding to different receptors. In cells treated simultaneously with different concentrations of TNF and IL-1, PAF synthesis is stimulated in an additive rather than synergistic way. This suggests that PAF is synthesized by the same pathway in response to TNF or IL-1.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) on production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha was examined in RAW 264.7 murine macrophage cells. H(2)O( 2) led to production of TNF-alpha up to 24 h after the treatment, but not nitric oxide in RAW 264.7 cells. H(2)O(2) induced TNF-alpha production in mouse peritoneal macrophages as well as RAW 264.7 cells. The H(2)O(2)induced TNF-alpha production was prevented by inhibitors of p38 and stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK/JNK), and H(2)O( 2) induced the phosphorylation of p38 and SAPK. Further, H(2)O( 2) significantly augmented the AP-1 activity, but not nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB activity in RAW 264.7 cells. A high level of intracellular reactive oxygen radicals (ROS) was detected in H(2)O(2)-exposed RAW 264.7 cells. Ebselen, a cell permeable antioxidant, prevented the H( 2)O(2)-induced TNFalpha production. H(2)O(2) significantly enhanced lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced TNF-alpha production. Therefore, H( 2) O(2) was suggested to induce TNF-alpha production in macrophages via activating p38 and SAPK/JNK as oxidative stress-related signal pathways.  相似文献   

Dopamine cellular signaling via the D(1) receptor (D(1)R) involves both protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC), but the PKC isoform involved has not been determined. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the D(1)R-mediated inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity involves cross talk between PKA and a specific PKC isoform(s). In HEK-293 cells heterologously expressing human D(1)R (HEK-hD(1)), fenoldopam, a D(1)R agonist, and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a PKC activator, inhibited oxidase activity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The D(1)R-mediated inhibition of oxidase activity (68.1±3.6%) was attenuated by two PKA inhibitors, H89 (10μmol/L; 88±8.1%) and Rp-cAMP (10μmol/L; 97.7±6.7%), and two PKC inhibitors, bisindolylmaleimide I (1μmol/L; 94±6%) and staurosporine (10nmol/L; 93±8%), which by themselves had no effect (n=4-8/group). The inhibitory effect of PMA (1μmol/L) on oxidase activity (73±3.2%) was blocked by H89 (100±7.8%; n=5 or 6/group). The PMA-mediated inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity was accompanied by an increase in PKCθ(S676), an effect that was also blocked by H89. Fenoldopam (1μmol/L) also increased PKCθ(S676) in HEK-hD(1) and human renal proximal tubule (RPT) cells. Knockdown of PKCθ with siRNA in RPT cells prevented the inhibitory effect of fenoldopam on NADPH oxidase activity. Our studies demonstrate for the first time that cross talk between PKA and PKCθ plays an important role in the D(1)R-mediated negative regulation of NADPH oxidase activity in human kidney cells.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) have been shown to synergistically increase tissue factor (TF) expression in endothelial cells; however, the role of the VEGF receptors (KDR, Flt-1, and neuropilin) in this process is unclear. Here we report that VEGF binding to the KDR receptor is necessary and sufficient for the potentiation of TNF-induced TF expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. TF expression was evaluated by Western blot analysis and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. In the absence of TNF-alpha, wild-type VEGF- or KDR receptor-selective variants induced an approximate 7-fold increase in total TF expression. Treatment with TNF alone produced an approximate 110-fold increase in total TF expression, whereas coincubation of TNF-alpha with wild-type VEGF- or KDR-selective variants resulted in an approximate 250-fold increase in TF expression. VEGF lacking the heparin binding domain was also able to potentiate TF expression, indicating that heparin-sulfate proteoglycan or neuropilin binding is not required for TF up-regulation. Neither placental growth factor nor an Flt-1-selective variant was capable of inducing TF expression in the presence or absence of TNF. Inhibition of protein-tyrosine kinase or protein kinase C activity significantly blocked the TNF/VEGF potentiation of TF up-regulation, whereas phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, a protein kinase C activator, increased TF expression. These data demonstrate that KDR receptor signaling governs both VEGF-induced TF expression and the potentiation of TNF-induced up-regulation of TF.  相似文献   

To clarify the interactions between mononuclear cells and polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and to identify the cytokine(s) that mediate the interaction, the effects of a culture supernatant of LPS-stimulated mononuclear cells on production of arachidonic acid metabolites of polymorphonuclear cells were studied. The culture supernatant of LPS-stimulated mononuclear cells increased production of prostaglandin E2 of polymorphonuclear cells. TNF alpha, but not IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, or IFN gamma, enhanced the prostaglandin E2 production when added in vitro. Additionally, an anti-rTNF alpha monoclonal antibody inhibited the stimulating activity of the culture supernatants. TNF alpha, produced by mononuclear cells, appears to play an important role in the development of inflammation, such as rheumatoid arthritis, by enhancing the arachidonic acid metabolism of the polymorphonuclear cells.  相似文献   

The breaching of the blood-brain barrier is an essential aspect in the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases, in which tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) as well as endothelial calcium ions play a key role. We investigated whether TNF-alpha could influence the communication of calcium signals between brain endothelial cells (GP8 and RBE4). Intercellular calcium waves triggered by mechanical stimulation or photoliberation of InsP3 in single cells were significantly reduced in size after TNF-alpha exposure (1000 U/mL, 2 and 24 h). Calcium signals are communicated between cells by means of gap junctional and paracrine purinergic signalling. TNF-alpha significantly inhibited gap junctional coupling, stimulated the basal release of ATP, and dose-dependently blocked the triggered component of ATP release. The cytokine displayed similar effects on the uptake of a fluorescent reporter dye into the cells. Previous work with connexin mimetic peptides demonstrated that the triggered ATP release in these cells is connexin-related; these peptides did, however, not influence the elevated basal ATP release caused by TNF-alpha. We conclude that TNF-alpha depresses calcium signal communication in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells, by reducing gap junctional coupling and by inhibiting triggered ATP release. The cytokine thus inhibits connexin-related communication pathways like gap junctions and connexin hemichannels.  相似文献   

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