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The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of using a positive reinforcement protocol to motivate weight-lifting exercise in rats. Intracranial self-stimulation was used to induce weight-lifting exercise. Bipolar electrodes were implanted in the ventral tegmental area of rats, and the animals were trained to bar press on a continuous reinforcement schedule for electrical brain stimulation. Animals with response rates of 1,200-1,500 presses/h were then trained with a discriminative light stimulus to alternate between a normally positioned bar and an elevated bar that could be reached only by standing on the hindlimbs. The animals were fitted with a weighted jacket at a starting resistance of 5-10% of their body weight. Weight-training sessions were conducted 5 days/wk for 10 wk. Training consisted of 600 presses/session, alternating every 15 presses between the low and high bars. At the beginning of each subsequent week, the resistance was progressively increased, with some animals eventually training at resistances greater than 50% of their body weight. At the end of the training period, the rats were lifting over 550% of the starting weight. Gastrocnemius size and mean fiber diameter were increased in the weight-lifting animals. This model combines exercise with positive incentive and has the advantages of being relatively easy to implement and not producing any apparent physical or mental trauma in the animal.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to compare stress biomarkers (serum ACTH and corticosterone hormones) during known intensity swimming and treadmill running exercises performed by rats. Adult Wistar rats (n=41) weighing 320-400 g at the beginning and 420-500 g at the end of the experiment, previously adapted to exercise and with Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS) already determined were used. The animals were divided into the following subgroups: (1) sacrificed shortly after session of 25 min of exercise (swimming or treadmill) at the MLSS intensity or (2) sacrificed after exhaustive exercise (swimming or treadmill) at intensity 25% higher than MLSS. For comparison, a control group C was sacrificed at rest. Two-way ANOVA was used to identify differences in the stress parameters (P<0.05). At both exercise intensities serum ACTH concentrations were significantly higher for the swimming group compared to running and control groups, while serum corticosterone concentrations in swimming and running groups were significantly higher than in the control group. The differences were more pronounced at the higher intensity (25% higher than MLSS). The swimming group showed higher concentrations for both hormones in relation to the running group. Only acute swimming exercise induced activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses expected to stress: elevations in the serum ACTH and corticosterone concentrations.  相似文献   

Horcajada, M.-N., V. Coxam, M.-J. Davicco, N. Gaumet, P. Pastoureau, C. Leterrier, J. Culioli, and J.-P. Barlet. Influence of treadmill running on femoral bone in young orchidectomized rats.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 129-133, 1997.Forty 6-wk-old male Wistar rats weighing 308 ± 24 g weredivided into two groups. On day 0, the20 animals in one group were surgically castrated and the other groupwas sham operated. Within each group, 10 rats were selected fortreadmill running (60% maximal O2consumption, 1 h/day, 6 days/wk for 15 wk). The 20 sedentary rats wereused as controls. At the time the rats were killed(day 105), running had nosignificant effect on femoral mechanical properties either in castratedor in sham-operated rats. Femoral bone density was lowerin orchidectomized than in sham-operated rats. Nevertheless, it washigher in exercised than in sedentary rats. Femoral Ca contentparalleled changes in bone density. Treadmill running had nosignificant effect on plasma osteocalcin concentration but inhibitedthe increase in urinary deoxypyridinoline excretion observed incastrated rats. Image analysis (measured at the distal femoraldiaphysis) revealed that these effects mainly resulted from decreasedtrabecular bone resorption in castrated exercised rats.


There are currently no models of exercise that recruit and train muscles, such as the rat spinotrapezius, that are suitable for transmission intravital microscopic investigation of the microcirculation. Recent experimental evidence supports the concept that running downhill on a motorized treadmill recruits the spinotrapezius muscle of the rat. Based on these results, we tested the hypothesis that 6 wk of downhill running (-14 degrees grade) for 1 h/day, 5 days/wk, at a speed of up to 35 m/min, would 1) increase whole body peak oxygen uptake (Vo(2 peak)), 2) increase spinotrapezius citrate synthase activity, and 3) reduce the fatigability of the spinotrapezius during electrically induced 1-Hz submaximal tetanic contractions. Trained rats (n = 6) elicited a 24% higher Vo(2 peak) (in ml.min(-1).kg(-1): sedentary 58.5 +/- 2.0, trained 72.7 +/- 2.0; P < 0.001) and a 41% greater spinotrapezius citrate synthase activity (in mumol.min(-1).g(-1): sedentary 14.1 +/- 0.7, trained 19.9 +/- 0.9; P < 0.001) compared with sedentary controls (n = 6). In addition, at the end of 15 min of electrical stimulation, trained rats sustained a greater percentage of the initial tension than their sedentary counterparts (control 34.3 +/- 3.1%, trained 59.0 +/- 7.2%; P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that downhill running is successful in promoting training adaptations in the spinotrapezius muscle, including increased oxidative capacity and resistance to fatigue. Since the spinotrapezius muscle is commonly used in studies using intravital microscopy to examine microcirculatory function at rest and during contractions, our results suggest that downhill running is an effective training paradigm that can be used to investigate the mechanisms for improved microcirculatory function following exercise training in health and disease.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the kinetics of the oxygen uptake (VO(2)) response of boys to men during treadmill running using a three-phase exponential modeling procedure. Eight boys (11-12 yr) and eight men (21-36 yr) completed an incremental treadmill test to determine lactate threshold (LT) and maximum VO(2). Subsequently, the subjects exercised for 6 min at two different running speeds corresponding to 80% of VO(2) at LT (moderate exercise) and 50% of the difference between VO(2) at LT and maximum VO(2) (heavy exercise). For moderate exercise, the time constant for the primary response was not significantly different between boys [10.2 +/- 1.0 (SE) s] and men (14.7 +/- 2.8 s). The gain of the primary response was significantly greater in boys than men (239.1 +/- 7.5 vs. 167.7 +/- 5.4 ml. kg(-1). km(-1); P < 0.05). For heavy exercise, the VO(2) on-kinetics were significantly faster in boys than men (primary response time constant = 14.9 +/- 1.1 vs. 19.0 +/- 1.6 s; P < 0.05), and the primary gain was significantly greater in boys than men (209.8 +/- 4.3 vs. 167.2 +/- 4.6 ml. kg(-1). km(-1); P < 0.05). The amplitude of the VO(2) slow component was significantly smaller in boys than men (19 +/- 19 vs. 289 +/- 40 ml/min; P < 0.05). The VO(2) responses at the onset of moderate and heavy treadmill exercise are different between boys and men, with a tendency for boys to have faster on-kinetics and a greater initial increase in VO(2) for a given increase in running speed.  相似文献   

The influence of treadmill or swimming exercise on resting values of plasma and brain arginine vasopressin (AVP), and plasma sodium, potassium, osmolality and proteins was studied after 5 weeks of training using female Wistar rats. The duration of daily training sessions was progressively increased to reach 6 h/day for swim training (S) and 3 h/day for treadmill running (T). Compared to their untrained controls, treadmill and swim training were respectively associated with: a significant lower body weight; a decreased plasma AVP (36.4% for T and 47.4% for S) and hypothalamic AVP (20% for T and 16% for S); a higher hypophyseal AVP (145% for T and 36.3 for S); a decreased plasma osmolality (6.7% for T and 6.1% for S), sodium (1.2% for both) and potassium (15% for T and 22.4% for S); and no change in protein concentration. For T, rectal temperature increased (38.5 +/- 0.20 to 39.7 +/- 0.5) and for S rectal temperature decreased from 38.6 +/- 0.12 to 37.74 +/- 0.10). The differences observed in AVP contents of the pineal and Harderian glands (enhanced only in the treadmill groups) could be explained by the supposed role of these glands in thermoregulation. Two conclusions could be drawn from this study: there are no parallel changes in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system (where AVP plays its endocrine role) and the brain (where AVP is a neurotransmitter); plasma changes could be explained by an extracellular fluid expansion with Na and K loss leading to a decrease in AVP secretion.  相似文献   

Physiological studies of long-term cardiovascular adaptation to exercise require training regimens that give robust conditioning effects and adequate testing procedures to quantify the outcome. We developed a valid and reproducible protocol for measuring maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2 max)), which was reached at a 25 degrees inclination with a respiratory exchange ratio > 1.05 and blood lactate > 6 mmol/l. The effect of intensity-controlled aerobic endurance training was studied in adult female and male rats that ran 2 h/day, 5 days/wk, in intervals of 8 min at 85-90% of VO(2 max) and 2 min at 50-60% of VO(2 max), with adjustment of exercise level according to VO(2 max) every week. After 7 wk, the increase in VO(2 max) plateaued at 60-70% above sedentary controls. Ventricular weights and myocyte length were up 25-30% and 6-12%, respectively. Work economy, oxygen pulse, and heart rate were sufficiently changed to indicate substantial cardiovascular adaptation. The model mimics important human responses to training and could be used in future studies on cellular, molecular, and integrative mechanisms of improved cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

Success has been demonstrated in rehabilitation from certain injuries while using positive-pressure treadmills. However, certain injuries progress even with the lighter vertical loads. Our purpose was to investigate changes in muscle activation for various lower limb muscles while running on a positive-pressure treadmill at different amounts of body weight support. We hypothesized that some muscles would show decreases in activation with greater body weight support while others would not.Eleven collegiate distance runners were recruited. EMG amplitude was measured over 12 lower limb muscles. After a short warm-up, subjects ran at 100%, 80%, 60%, and 40% of their body weight for two minutes each. EMG amplitudes were recorded during the final 30 s of each stage.Most muscles demonstrated lower amplitudes as body weight was supported. For the hip adductors during the swing phase and the hamstrings during stance, no significant trend appeared.Positive-pressure treadmills may be useful interventions for certain injuries. However, some injuries, such as hip adductor and hamstring tendonitis or strains may require alternative cross-training to relieve stress on those areas. Runners should be careful in determining how much body weight should be supported for various injuries to return to normal activity in the shortest possible time.  相似文献   

Astronauts perform treadmill exercise during long-duration space missions to counter the harmful effects of microgravity exposure upon bone, muscle, and cardiopulmonary health. When exercising in microgravity, astronauts wear a harness and bungee system that provides forces that maintain attachment to the treadmill. Typical applied forces are less than body weight. The decreased gravity-replacement force could result in differences in ground-reaction force at a given running speed when compared to those achieved in normal gravity, which could influence the adaptive response to the performed exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to identify a deep-water running (DWR) style that most closely approximates terrestrial running, particularly relative to the lower extremities. Twenty intercollegiate distance runners (women, N = 12; men, N = 8) were videotaped from the right sagittal view while running on a treadmill (TR) and in deep water at 55-60% of their TR VO(2)max using 2 DWR styles: cross-country (CC) and high-knee (HK). Variables of interest were horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) displacement of the knee and ankle, stride rate (SR), VO(2), heart rate (HR), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Multivariate omnibus tests revealed statistically significant differences for RPE (p < 0.001). The post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed significant differences between TR and both DWR styles (p < 0.001). The kinematic variables multivariate omnibus tests were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001 to p < 0.019). The post hoc pairwise comparisons revealed significant differences in SR (p < 0.001) between TR (1.25 +/- 0.08 Hz) and both DWR styles and also between the CC (0.81 +/- 0.08 Hz) and HK (1.14 +/- 0.10 Hz) styles of DWR. The CC style of DWR was found to be similar to TR with respect to linear ankle displacement, whereas the HK style was significantly different from TR in all comparisons made for ankle and knee displacement. The CC style of DWR is recommended as an adjunct to distance running training if the goal is to mimic the specificity of the ankle linear horizontal displacement of land-based running, but the SR will be slower at a comparable percentage of VO(2)max.  相似文献   

Five species of cockroach were tested on a miniature treadmill at three velocities as O2 consumption (V?O2) was measured: Gromphadorhina chopardi, Blaberus discoidalis, Eublaberus posticus, Byrsotria fumagata and Periplaneta americana. All cockroaches showed a classical aerobic response to running: V?O2 increased rapidly from a resting rate to a steady-state (V?O2ss): t12 on-response varied from under 30 s to 3 min. Recovery after exercise was rapid as well; t12 off-response varied from under 30 s to 6 min. These times are faster or similar to mammalian values. V?O2 varied directly with velocity as in running mammals, birds and reptiles. V?O2 during steady-state running was only 4–12 times higher than at rest. Running is energetically much less costly per unit time than flying, but the cost of transport per unit distance is much more expensive for pedestrians. The minimal cost of transport (Mrun), the lowest V?O2 necessary to transport a given mass a specific distance, is high in cockroaches due to their small size. The new data suggest that insects may be less economical than comparable sized vertebrates.  相似文献   

Whereas novel pathways of pathological heart enlargement have been unveiled by thoracic aorta constriction in genetically modified mice, the molecular mechanisms of adaptive cardiac hypertrophy remain virtually unexplored and call for an effective and well-characterized model of physiological mechanical loading. Experimental procedures of maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2 max)) and intensity-controlled treadmill running were established in 40 female and 36 male C57BL/6J mice. An inclination-dependent VO(2 max) with 0.98 test-retest correlation was found at 25 degrees treadmill grade. Running for 2 h/day, 5 days/wk, in intervals of 8 min at 85-90% of VO(2 max) and 2 min at 50% (adjusted to weekly VO(2 max) testing) increased VO(2 max) to a plateau 49% above sedentary females and 29% in males. Running economy improved in both sexes, and echocardiography indicated significantly increased left ventricle posterior wall thickness. Ventricular weights increased by 19-29 and 12-17% in females and males, respectively, whereas cardiomyocyte dimensions increased by 20-32, and 17-23% in females and males, respectively; skeletal muscle mass increased by 12-18%. Thus the model mimics human responses to exercise and can be used in future studies of molecular mechanisms underlying these adaptations.  相似文献   

The criteria of max VO2 and max O2D which are traditionally used in studying aerobic and anaerobic work capacity, have the different dimensions. While max VO2 is an index of the power of aerobic energy output, max O2D assesses the capacity of anaerobic sources. For a comprehensive assessment of physical working capacity of athletes, both aerobic and anaerobic capabilities should be represented in three dimensions, i.e. in indexes of power, capacity and efficiency. Experimental procedures have been developed for assessing these three parameters in treadmill running tests. It is proposed to assess anaerobic power by measuring excess CO2, concurrently with determination of max VO2. Maximal aerobic capacity is established as the product of max VO2 by the time of max VO2 maintenance determined in a special test with running at critical speed. The erogmetric criteria derived on the basis of the tests proposed, may be used for systematization of various physical work loads.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to comprehensively examine oxygen consumption (VO(2)) kinetics during running and cycling through mathematical modeling of the breath-by-breath gas exchange responses to moderate and heavy exercise. After determination of the lactate threshold (LT) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2 max)) in both cycling and running exercise, seven subjects (age 26.6 +/- 5.1 yr) completed a series of "square-wave" rest-to-exercise transitions at running speeds and cycling power outputs that corresponded to 80% LT and 25, 50, and 75%Delta (Delta being the difference between LT and VO(2 max)). VO(2) responses were fit with either a two- (LT) exponential model. The parameters of the VO(2) kinetic response were similar between exercise modes, except for the VO(2) slow component, which was significantly (P < 0.05) greater for cycling than for running at 50 and 75%Delta (334 +/- 183 and 430 +/- 159 ml/min vs. 205 +/- 84 and 302 +/- 154 ml/min, respectively). We speculate that the differences between the modes are related to the higher intramuscular tension development in heavy cycle exercise and the higher eccentric exercise component in running. This may cause a relatively greater recruitment of the less efficient type II muscle fibers in cycling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of endurance training on oxygen uptake (VO(2)) kinetics during moderate [below the lactate threshold (LT)] and heavy (above LT) treadmill running. Twenty-three healthy physical education students undertook 6 wk of endurance training that involved continuous and interval running training 3-5 days per week for 20-30 min per session. Before and after the training program, the subjects performed an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion for determination of the LT and the VO(2 max) and a series of 6-min square-wave transitions from rest to running speeds calculated to require 80% of the LT and 50% of the difference between LT and maximal VO(2). The training program caused small (3-4%) but significant increases in LT and maximal VO(2) (P<0.05). The VO(2) kinetics for moderate exercise were not significantly affected by training. For heavy exercise, the time constant and amplitude of the fast component were not significantly affected by training, but the amplitude of the VO(2) slow component was significantly reduced from 321+/-32 to 217+/-23 ml/min (P<0.05). The reduction in the slow component was not significantly correlated to the reduction in blood lactate concentration (r = 0. 39). Although the reduction in the slow component was significantly related to the reduction in minute ventilation (r = 0.46; P<0.05), it was calculated that only 9-14% of the slow component could be attributed to the change in minute ventilation. We conclude that the VO(2) slow component during treadmill running can be attenuated with a short-term program of endurance running training.  相似文献   

We have combined kinematic and electromyogram (EMG) analysis of running Blaberus discoidalis to examine how middle and hind leg kinematics vary with running speed and how the fast depressor coxa (Df) and fast extensor tibia (FETi) motor neurons affect kinematic parameters. In the range 2.5–10 Hz, B. discoidalis increases step frequency by altering the joint velocity and by reducing the time required for the transition from flexion to extension. For both Df and FETi the timing of recruitment coincides with the maximal frequency seen for the respective slow motor neurons. Df is first recruited at the beginning of coxa-femur (CF) extension. FETi is recruited in the latter half of femur-tibia (FT) extension during stance. Single muscle potentials produced by these fast motor neurons do not have pronounced effects on joint angular velocity during running. The transition from CF flexion to extension was abbreviated in those cycles with a Df potential occurring during the transition. One effect of Df activity during running may be to phase shift the beginning of joint extension so that the transition is sharpened. FETi is associated with greater FT extension at higher running speeds and may be necessary to overcome high joint torques at extended FT joint angles. Accepted: 24 May 1997  相似文献   

Three groups of male subjects, average fitness (AF, N = 12), high fitness (HF, N = 7) and highly fit competitive race walkers (CRW, N = 3) performed maximal treadmill tests walking at 3.5 and 4.5 mph and running at 4.5, 5.5, 7.0, and 8.5 mph. In addition, the HF group performed a running test at 10.0 mph and the CRW group performed a walking test at 5.5 mph. All maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) tests with the exception of the 3.5 mph walking test (modified Balke test) were discontinuous in nature. VO2 max obtained from walking tests was similar regardless of speed within each group. Walking VO2 max was significantly lower than running VO2 max which was found to be similar over a speed range of 4.5 to 8.5 mph in the AF group. Running at 4.5 mph (HF group) and 4.5 and 5.5 mph (CRW group) resulted in lower VO2 max levels than running at speeds greater than or equal to 7.0 mph. Associated physiological variables (heart rate, ventilation, and respiratory exchange ratio) did not demonstrate a discernable pattern with reference to mode of locomotion (walking versus running) or speed. It was concluded that VO2 max elicited during walking is independent of speed and less than VO2 max obtained during running. Running VO2 max was interrelated with speed of running and state of training.  相似文献   

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