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The nucleotide sequence of an 8 kbp region of pea ( Pisum sativum L.) chloroplast DNA containing the rRNA operon and putative promoter sites has been determined and compared to the corresponding sequences from maize, tobacco and the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha . The chloroplast DNA species of all vascular plants investigated, with the exception of a few legumes including pea, and of Marchantia contain an inverted repeat with an rRNA operon. The pea rRNA operon is the first sequenced rRNA operon from a plant with only one copy of the rRNA genes per molecule of chloroplast DNA. The organization of the operon is the same as for maize, tobacco and Marchantia . i.e. tRNA-Val gene/16S rRNA gene/spacer with intron-containing genes for tRNA-Ile and tRNA-Ala/23S rRNA gene/4.5S rRNA gene/5S rRNA gene. Current evidence suggests that the tRNA-Val gene may not be contranscribed with the other genes. For pea 16S, 23S, 4.5S and 5S rRNA have 1488, 2813, 105 and 121 nucleotides, respectively. The homologies of the entire operon (the tRNA-Val gene - 5S rRNA region) to those from tobacco, maize and Marchantia are 88, 82 and 79%, respectively. The corresponding homologies for tobacco/maize, tobacco/ Marchantia and maize/ Marchantia have similar values. The 16S and 23S rRNA genes from pea are more than 90% homologous to those from the 3 other species. We conclude that the fact that pea only has one set of rRNA genes per molecule of chloroplast DNA is apparently not correlated with any significant difference between the pea operon and the rRNA operons from tobacco, maize and Marchantia .  相似文献   

Summary The gene for the membrane polypeptide D2 has been mapped on the pea (Pisum sativum) chloroplast genome. The nucleotide sequence of the gene and its flanking regions is presented. The only large open reading frame in the sequence codes for a protein of MW 39.5 kD. A potential ribosome binding site is located 6 nucleotides upstream from the initiation codon and there are two sets of putative promotor sequences in the 5 flanking region. The polypeptide has a high content of hydrophobic amino acids, predominatly grouped in clusters of 20 or more residues. The 3 end of the D2 gene is overlapped by 50 nucleotides of a second open reading frame (UORF I) which is at least 369 nucleotides long. Based on current data we suggest the D2 polypeptide to be a constituent of photosystem II (PSII).  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast DNA of higher plants is suitable for restriction endonuclease analysis due to its size and homogeneity. We have analysed 48 different cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum) with EcoRI and HindIII. Of these, only 24 show the standard genotype, the remaining 24 comprise four different classes of short insertions, three of which are found at the same site. Even though this kind of insertion polymorphism has not been detected elsewhere in the plant kingdom, it is consistent with the discovery that the chloroplast DNA of pea is destabilised through the loss of an inverted repeat.  相似文献   

Abstract Sections of the growing root of pea (Pisum sativum) have been microdissected into stele, cortex and epidermis. Using labelled amino acids, two dimensional separations employing non-equilibrium pH gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE) and isoelectric focusing (IEF), and silver staining, the complexity of protein differences between the cortex and the stele has been assessed. Analyses commenced as cells in these two tissues appear in the meristem (0.7—1 mm from the tip) and continued up to 30 mm from the tip as they subsequently mature. From the earliest stages at which the cortex and stele can be distinguished and dissected apart the protein patterns differ substantially. However these tissue differences, involving over one third of the detected protein species, are almost all quantitative. Very few qualitative (i.e. tissue specific) proteins were detected. Many proteins also show quantitative stage-specific variation, detected using successively older root segments. In vitro translation studies involving isolated mRNA showed only a very limited stage-specific variation in translated proteins. This supports the notion that translational controls may contribute significantly to the development of these two tissue types.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitors from winter pea seeds (c.v. Frilene) have been purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and anion and cation exchange chromatography and shown to consist of six protease inhibitors (PSTI I, II, III, IVa, IVb, and V). Their molecular weights were determined by electrospray mass spectrometry as 6916, 6807, 7676, 7944, 7848, and 7844 D, respectively, and the sequences of the first 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of these six inhibitors were found to be identical. The complete amino acid sequence of PSTI IVa was determined. This protein comprises a total of 72 residues and has 14 cysteines, all involved in disulfide bridges. Comparison of the sequence of PSTI IVa with those of other leguminous Bowman-Birk type inhibitors revealed that PSTI could be classified as a group III inhibitor, closely related toVicia faba andVicia angustifolia inhibitors.  相似文献   

Branca, C, De Lorenzo, G. and Cervone, F. 1988. Competitive inhibition of the auxin-induced elongation by α-D-oligogalacturonides in pea stem segments. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 499–504.
α-D-galacturonide oligomers (OG) were prepared by partial hydrolysis of sodium polypectate with an homogeneous Aspergillus niger endopolygalacturonase (EC OG, obtained after digestion for 10, 20, 30, 60, 120 min and 24 h, were assayed for their ability to interfere with the IAA-induced elongation of pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) stems. Maximum inhibiting activity was exhibited by oligomers with an approximate degree of polymerization higher than 8. Inhibition by longer OG was much lower, and the products of the 24 h digestion and the unhydrolysed polypectate were ineffective. The addition of OG to pea stems caused a parallel shift to the right of the IAA dose-effect curve. The shift depended on the amount of OG used, showing that oligogalacturonides behave as competitive antagonists of IAA. The presence of OG caused the disappearance of the second maximum of the elongation rate and reduced the first maximum. OG were also tested for their ability to inhibit IAA-induced ethylene evolution of pea stem segments. Maximal inhibition was obtained with OG of the same size as those that interfered with IAA-induced elongation. Inhibition of the auxin action seemed to be specific as OG did not interfere with the activity of gibberellic acid (GA3) or kinetin. It was concluded that oligogalacturonides strongly interfere with the activity of IAA, although they are by themselves incapable to influence the elongation of pea stem segments directly.  相似文献   

 A linkage map of the pea (Pisum sativum L.) genome is presented which is based on F2 plants produced by crossing the marrowfat cultivar ‘Primo’ and the blue-pea breeding line ‘OSU442-15’. This linkage map consists of 209 markers and covers 1330 cM (Kosambi units) and includes RFLP, RAPD and AFLP markers. By mapping a number of anchor loci, the ‘Primo’בOSU442-15’ map has been related to other pea linkage maps. A feature of the map is the incorporation of 29 loci representing genes of known function, obtained from other laboratories. The map also contains RFLP loci detected using sequence-characterized cDNA clones developed in our laboratory. The putative identities of 38 of these cDNA clones were assigned by examining public-sequence databases for protein or nucleotide-sequence similarities. The conversion of sequence-characterized pea cDNAs into PCR-amplifiable and polymorphic sequence-tagged sites (STSs) was investigated using 18 pairs of primers designed for single-copy sequences. Eleven polymorphic STSs were developed. Received: 18 June 1997 / Accepted: 11 August 1997  相似文献   

Abstract:  The pea moth ( Cydia nigricana ) is a host-specific pest of pea ( Pisum sativum ). In Finland, the combine-harvested field pea is grown on an area totalling 5000 ha. However, the area under pea cropping may increase substantially if pea replaces soya bean as a protein source for animal feed, which may result in pest and disease problems. In this study, the risk of pea moth infestation is evaluated by modelling field survey data. The observations were made in 2002 and 2003 at 93 and 90 pea fields, respectively, in south-western Finland. The choice of the experimental fields was based on pea cropping data from 1997 to 2001 and included regions of both intensive and less intensive pea cultivation. The occurrence of pea moth adults in the fields was assessed with pheromone traps, and the percentage of damaged pods and pea seeds in each field was determined. The number of pea moths in pheromone traps and the percentage of damaged seeds increased linearly when the area under pea cropping during the previous year (within a 4-km distance) increased, and decreased exponentially when the distance to the nearest pea field in the previous year increased. Furthermore, the percentage of damaged pods and seeds was higher in organic than in conventional fields. Expansion of pea cropping would change the spatial distribution of pea fields, thus affecting the risk of pea moth infestation. An increase in the scale and frequency of pea cropping increases the need for plant protection.  相似文献   

In Gracilaria tenuistipitata, a highly differentiated multicellular member of the marine red algae, Rhodophyta, chloroplast (cp) DNA can be separated as a satellite band from the nuclear DNA in a CsCl gradient. Using a heterologous probe from Chlamydomonas, the ribosomal protein-encoding gene, rpl16, was located on a 4.5-kb EcoRI fragment of cp DNA. The fragment was cloned and a 1365-bp region around rpl16 was sequenced. The gene order around rpl16, 5′ rpl22-rps3-rpl16, is identical to that detected in the chloroplast DNA of liverwort, tobacco and maize. Both the nucleotide sequence and the amino-acid sequence of rpl16 are more conserved than that of rps3. The rpl16 gene contains no intron, a feature which shows more similarity to the unicellular green algae, Chlamydomonas, than the other land plants. Sequences that may form a stable stem-loop structure were detected within the coding sequence of rpl16.  相似文献   

Summary We have cloned and sequenced over 9 kb of the mitochondrial genome from the sea starPisaster ochraceus. Within a continuous 8.0-kb fragment are located the genes for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1, 2, 3, and 4L (ND1, ND2, ND3, and ND4L), cytochrome oxidase subunits I, II, and III (COI, COII, and COIII), and adenosine triphosphatase subunits 6 and 8 (ATPase 6 and ATPase 8). This large fragment also contains a cluster of 13 tRNA genes between ND1 and COI as well as the genes for isoleucine tRNA between ND1 and ND2, arginine tRNA between COI and ND4L, lysine tRNA between COII and ATPase 8, and the serine (UCN) tRNA between COIII and ND3. The genes for the other five tRNAs lie outside this fragment. The gene for phenylalanine tRNA is located between cytochrome b and the 12S ribosomal genes. The genes for tRNAglu and tRNAthr are 3 to the 12S ribosomal gene. The tRNAs for histidine and serine (AGN) are adjacent to each other and lie between ND4 and ND5. These data confirm the novel gene order in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of sea stars and delineate additional distinctions between the sea star and other mtDNA molecules.  相似文献   

In a plastid-free assay, Mg-chelatase from pea ( Pisum sativum L. cv. Spring) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Sumter) chloroplasts is inhibited to equal extents by the mercurial reagents. p -chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) and p -chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS). However, in intact chloroplasts PCMB inhibits Mg-chelatase fourfold more strongly than does PCMBS. Since PCMBS cannot penetrate membranes as readily as PCMB, Mg-chelatase may be localized interior to the inner chloroplast envelope. When Mg-chelatase is assayed with photosynthetically generated ATP, the presence of an external ATP trap does not inhibit activity, suggesting that the enzyme is not located in the interenvelope space. None of the components of Mg-chelatase are integral membrane proteins: Mg-chelatase activity is readily solubilized by washing the total chloroplast membranes in buffers of low MgCl2 content. This precludes localization by purifying individual thylakoid and envelope membranes which requires low MgCl2 concentrations.  相似文献   

A thiol-endoprotease induced during the senescence of unpollinated ovaries of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska has been localized at both cellular and subcellular levels using purified antibodies. Immunoblot analysis showed a single band of 30 kDa in extracts from senescent ovaries 3 and 4 days post-anthesis. Immunolocalization showed the accumulation of the protease within the exocarp and in the outer cell layers of the mesocarp of the senescent ovaries, although with an asymmetric distribution as illustrated in transverse sections. Ultrastructural localization indicates that the protease is associated with the tonoplast and with electron dense materials within the vacuole, where lysis of cell components occurs in senescent ovaries.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of a reiterated rat DNA fragment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R C Gupta 《FEBS letters》1983,164(1):175-180
A reiterated component of rat DNA was isolated by restriction with HindIII endonuclease and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Sequence analysis revealed that the fragment was 179 nucleotides long. Unlike the known 370N reiterated rat DNA fragment which contained a high m5C content (2.7 mole%), this repetitive element contained a rather low m5C content (0.5 mole%). The present rat repetitive sequence appeared to be of alpha-type as shown by its significant homologies with alpha DNA sequences of African green monkey and human. The possibility of sequence heterogeneity is discussed.  相似文献   

The pattern of incorporation of label into the nucleotides of axillary bud ribonucleic acid was investigated in Pisum sativum L. cv. Meteor following the application of N 6[8-I4C]furfuryladenine or of [8-14C]adenine to the root system of decapitated plants and to cultured excised buds. When N 6[8-14C]furifaryladenine was applied to the root system label was confined to the guanine nucleotide moiety of the axillary bud ribonucleic acid; label from [8-14C]adenine was incorporated preferentially into adenine nucleotide in the molar ratio adenine nucleotide/guanine nucleotide = 3.23. When isolated buds were incubated in media containing [8-14C]adenine or N 6[8-14C]furfuryladenine, label was incorporated into both purine moieties of the ribonucleic acid. However, the relative incorporation into the guanine nucleotide fraction was considerably greater for N 6[8-I4C]furfuryladenine (adenine nucleotide/guanine nucleotide = 2.23) than for [8-14C]adenine (ratio = 4.67).
It was concluded that the pattern of metabolism of adenine to guanine and its incorporation into the guanine nucleotide moiety of pea axillary bud ribonucleic acid, is influenced by the presence of a substitution in the N 6 position of the adenine base.  相似文献   

Libraries of cosmid and plasmid clones covering the entire region of mtDNA from the liverwortMarchantia polymorpha were constructed. These clones were used for the determination of the complete nucleotide sequence of the liverwort mtDNA totally 186,608 bp (GenBank no. M68929) and including genes for 3 species of ribosomal RNAs, 29 genes for 27 species of transfer RNAs, and 30 genes for functionally known proteins (16 ribosomal proteins, 3 subunits of cytochromec oxidase, apocytochromeb protein, 3 subunits of H+-ATPase, and 7 subunits of NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase). The genome also contains 32 unidentified open reading frames. Thus the complete nucleotide sequences from both chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes have been determined in the same organism. Plasmid clones are available upon the request. Gene names are represented according to Lonsdale and Leaver (1988) with modifications recommended by Lonsdale (personal communication).  相似文献   

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