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千岛湖岛屿化对植物多样性的影响初探   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
选取千岛湖典型破碎化区域,研究了水库形成后引起的岛屿化对植物物种多样性的影响.在18个大中小型岛屿和一处陆地对照中设立了26个样方,调查乔木和灌木的种类和数量.乔木物种丰富度的单因素方差分析显示:F=13.0,P=0.000,说明各类岛屿间乔木物种差异极显著.多重比较发现大岛上乔木物种丰富度显著高于小岛和中岛,与对照陆地差别不大;灌木的分析显示:F=1.31,P=0.29,说明小、中、大岛和对照陆地灌木物种丰富度差异不显著.Spearman相关性分析显示乔木物种与岛屿面积显著相关,随岛屿面积增大而增加,而灌木物种相关性不显著.Shannon多样性指数分析表明,无论乔木还是灌木其多样性都是大岛最大,陆地次之,而小岛上灌木多样性指数大于中岛.Simpson优势度和Pielou均匀度分析显示,乔木样地中大岛的物种分布均匀性最好,优势种的优势度最低,而灌木样地中小岛的均匀度最高,优势种的优势度最不明显.  相似文献   

为了明确岛屿空间特征对植物物种多样性的影响,该研究应用样线法和样方法对福建省平潭主岛周边19座无居民海岛进行植被调查,统计分析每座岛屿的物种丰富度和典型植物群落的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数;采用多种函数对种-面积关系进行拟合,并利用冗余分析影响岛屿典型植物群落物种多样性的空间因素,以探究岛屿植物物种多样性的形成与维持机制。结果表明:(1)平潭主岛周边19座无居民岛屿中有12座岛屿以典型的岛屿森林群落为主,有2座岛屿以灌草丛为主且缺乏乔木层,有5座岛屿只有草丛覆盖。(2)19座岛屿的植物物种丰富度均随岛屿面积的增加而增加,当岛屿面积增加到7.184 hm2时,物种数量增加的速率减慢。(3)岛屿的面积、周长、周长面积比、近岸距离是影响物种多样性的主要空间特征,其中岛屿的面积、周长越大,周长面积比、近岸距离越小,岛屿的物种丰富度越高。(4)在岛屿典型植物群落中,乔木层的物种多样性主要受岛屿面积、周长、周长面积比的影响,而灌、草层的物种多样性主要受近岸距离的影响。研究认为,岛屿面积达...  相似文献   

混沟森林植被物种多样性梯度分析与环境解释   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
借助广义线性模型(generalized linear models,GLM),拟合了混沟森林植被乔、灌、草各层及群落总体的Shannon-Wiener指数与环境因子间的关系,并通过SΦrenson指数研究了海拔梯度上相邻森林群落类型物种组成的相似性,结果显示:(1)土壤pH值和海拔高度是对物种Shannon-Wiener指数影响最广泛的环境因子,湿度指数对混沟地区物种多样性影响不大.坡向对乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数的影响比较大,对灌木层和草本层α多样性无明显作用,在中等pH值和半阴/半阳坡乔木层Shannon-Wiener指数最小;灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数随海拔的升高呈下降趋势;草本层Shannon-Wiener指数没有表现出特定的变化规律;群落总体Shannon-Wiener指数主要受土壤pH值影响,随着pH值的增加呈上升趋势;(2)乔、灌、草各层以及群落总体的SΦrenson指数在海拔梯度上的变化规律大致相同,都是在中等海拔处较低,低海拔和高海拔处各有一个峰值,海拔1 000~1 500 m段可能是混沟主要植被类型的过渡带.  相似文献   

植被状况对乔木幼苗物种多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用灰色关联度分析亚热带常绿阔叶林植被状况对乔木幼苗物种多样性的影响。结果表明,所选取的植被状况参数对乔木幼苗物种多样性有不同的影响,对乔木幼苗物种多样性影响较大的是草本层的Simpson指数、灌木层Simpson指数和灌木层盖度,影响较小的为草本层盖度和灌木层Shannon-Wiener指数。乔木幼苗4个物种多样性指数受植被状况影响的顺序为:Pielou均匀性指数>Shannon-Wiener指数>物种丰富度指数>Simpson指数。草本层、灌木层和乔木层对乔木幼苗的物种多样性有不同的影响,其影响方式也不一样。  相似文献   

岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生群落结构和物种多样性的演替动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪宁  周珠丽  史作民  冯秋红 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3661-3671
为阐明岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生群落的演替过程,采用空间代替时间的方法,在川西米亚罗林区海拔3100—3600 m的阴坡选择岷江冷杉林皆伐后次生演替10、20、30、40和50a阶段的次生群落作为研究对象,对其群落结构和物种多样性的动态进行了研究。不同演替阶段的树木均呈显著聚集分布。按群落中优势种的重要值将该演替序列划分为3个类型:悬钩子-蔷薇灌丛、白桦阔叶林和桦木-岷江冷杉针阔混交林。随次生演替,乔木和灌木种的物种丰富度趋于增加,而草本种的物种丰富度趋于减少;乔木和灌木种的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数趋于增大,而草本的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数趋于减小;乔木、灌木和草本层的Pielou均匀度指数均趋于增大;乔木层的Simpson优势度指数趋于减小,灌木和草本层的Simpson优势度指数在演替0—40年阶段趋于增大,而在演替50a阶段趋于减小。在该演替序列中,乔木、灌木和草本层的物种组成均呈耐荫种替代非耐荫种的趋势。  相似文献   

地形对阔叶红松林物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温佩颖  金光泽 《生态学报》2019,39(3):945-956
为了更好地了解阔叶红松林(Pinus koraiensis)物种多样性的维持机制,对不同地形下的阔叶红松林乔木和灌木种,进行了物种多样性指数比较、物种多度分布模型拟合及物种多样性指数与环境因子的排序分析。结果表明,乔木在阴坡、半阴坡的丰富度显著高于半阳坡;灌木在坡度25°处的均匀度显著高于坡度6°处,在谷地处的4个多样性指数显著低于其他坡位,在阴坡、半阴坡处的4个多样性指数显著高于平地。统计模型、生态位模型、中性模型在不同地形下均能够通过拟合优度检验,物种多度分布在不同地形间差异不明显;地形对乔木的多样性指数的影响:海拔凹凸度坡度坡向坡位,对灌木的多样性指数的影响:坡位海拔坡向坡度凹凸度,土壤对乔木的物种多样性指数的影响:土壤pH土壤容重土壤有效N含量土壤速效K含量,对灌木的物种多样性指数的影响:土壤pH土壤有机质含量土壤速效P含量土壤全N含量土壤全P含量。总体而言,物种多样性随着坡度的增加而增加,阴坡处最高,谷地处最低。  相似文献   

武夷山大安源甜槠常绿阔叶林群落物种组成及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用相邻格子样方法对武夷山大安源甜槠〔Castanopsis eyrei(Champ.ex Benth.)Tutch.〕常绿阔叶林群落的物种组成及物种多样性进行了研究,并分析了群落的种-面积曲线以及样方面积与物种多样性的关系。结果表明:在面积4 800 m2的样方中共记录维管植物31科57属97种,其中乔木78种、灌木8种、草本植物5种、藤本植物6种;乔木主要为常绿树种,落叶树种仅10种;优势科为壳斗科(Fagaceae)、杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)、杜英科(Elaeocarpaceae)和山茶科(Theaceae)等,优势属为栲属〔Castanopsis(D.Don)Spach〕、杜鹃属(Rhododendron Linn.)和杜英属(Elaeocarpus Linn.);优势树种为甜槠、马银花〔Rhododendron ovatum(Lindl.)Planch.〕、鹿角杜鹃(R.latoucheae Franch.)和薯豆(Elaeocarpus japonicus Sieb.et Zucc.)等,其中甜槠的相对胸高断面积达64.93%,重要值也最高(25.70%),在群落中具有明显的优势地位。群落中胸径小于5 cm的乔木个体数量占76.88%,径级越高个体数量越少。南坡样方的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均高于北坡,显示该群落南坡的物种多样性高于北坡。该群落的种-面积曲线拟合方程为y=21.836ln(x)-87.287(R2=0.990 2),且随样方面积的增加,物种数量、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数呈增加且趋于稳定的趋势,总体上调查样方面积应设置在2 000 m2以上。综合分析结果说明:武夷山大安源甜槠常绿阔叶林的物种组成较丰富、物种多样性水平较高;光照条件是导致该群落南坡多样性大于北坡的主要环境因素。  相似文献   

修建大坝形成水库蓄水是造成景观破碎化的原因和形式之一.本研究选取了浙江千岛湖库区景观破碎化的典型区域小金山林场,调查了74个大小不一的岛屿,研究了面积对植物物种分布的影响,并比较了使物种多样性最大化的几种植物物种保护方案:小岛组合、中岛组合、大岛组合、大中小组合岛.调查共记录到乔木物种56种,灌木物种79种.将岛屿按照面积由大到小排序,将相对应分布的乔木、灌木绘制成植物物种分布表.结果显示:乔木中分布不受面积影响的物种有15种,受面积影响的有11种,介于两者之间的有30种;灌木物种中不受面积影响的有24种,受面积影响的有16种,介于两者之间的有39种.将乔木、灌木和总物种数分别累加,同时将相对应的岛屿面积按不同组合累加,绘制累加物种和面积关系图,发现在特定的相同累加面积下,组合岛的累加乔木、灌木、总物种数最多,小岛组合次之,大岛组合最少.因此,建立相同面积的保护区时,组合岛有利于保护更多的物种.  相似文献   

准确理解天然林林分群落特征及其与物种多样性耦合关系是提升天然林管理、达到多样性保护的关键。选择大兴安岭呼中地区典型落叶松林、杂木林、白桦落叶松林为研究对象,分别对乔木层、灌木层和草本层特征(高度、胸径、冠幅、盖度等)进行调查并计算丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数,旨在探究林分间差异及其耦合关系变化。结果表明:(1)乔木层的树高、枝下高表现出杂木林落叶松林白桦落叶松(P0.05);落叶松林的胸径比白桦落叶松林和杂木林的高出6%和11%;灌木层的高度、盖度、地径、冠幅和草本层多度、盖度、高度在森林类型间均未表现出显著差异。(2)3个森林类型的乔、灌、草丰富度指数R、Shannon-Wiener指数及Simpson指数均表现出杂木林最大,乔木层和草本层呈相同规律,即杂木林白桦落叶松林落叶松林,而灌木层表现出杂木林落叶松林白桦落叶松林;白桦落叶松林和杂木林的乔木层均匀度Pielou指数和Alatalo指数约为落叶松林的3倍左右,而在灌木层和草本层在森林类型间差异不显著(P0.05)。(3)典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明林分群落特征和生物多样性关系存在明显森林类型间差异。总体表现为灌木特征(冠幅、地径)、草本层特征(盖度、多度和高度)对多样性均有较大影响;白桦落叶松林和杂木林的胸径对多样性影响明显,而落叶松林的乔木高度(树高、枝下高)对多样性影响较大。杂木林随着灌木盖度、草本高度的增加,草本物种多样性降低、乔木多和灌木物种多样性增加;而落叶松林相同的多样性变化多伴随草本高度增加、多度和盖度变小。灌木层物种多样性增加多与乔木和草本物种多样性降低相伴随,在杂木林中同时伴随着乔木胸径和草本的盖度、多度增大、灌木冠幅变小,而白桦落叶松林则伴随灌木冠幅和草本多度盖度的减小。以上结果表明,林分群落特征与物种多样性存在耦合关系,上述解耦合结果为通过维持良好森林结构、多样性保护具有实践意义。  相似文献   

北京九龙山植物群落物种多样性特征对比分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
根据对北京九龙山植物群落的样地调查数据,采用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、群落均匀度和生态优势度指标研究了九龙山封育植被乔灌草各层的物种多样性,并分别就阳坡和阴坡进行了乔木材、灌价群落的指标对比分析,结果表明,这3种指标能够有效地表征暖温带植物群落的组成结构特征,在九龙山封育植被中,阴阳坡的灌丛群落与乔木材相比,其灌木层的物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数D高于乔木林中乔木层,而低于其灌木层;灌丛群落的草本层Shannon-Wiener指数小于乔木材中草本层;乔木材的草本层的物种多样性Shannon-Wiener指数大于灌木层,灌木层又大于乔木层,而生态优势度系数C在上述3种比较中与Shannon-Wiener指数表现相反,而群落均匀度指数J在比较中阴阳坡的表现不同,最后讨论了九龙坡地区植被演替序列及加速其进展演替的恢复措施。  相似文献   

厦门近岸海域无居民海岛植物区系和物种组成相似性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为摸清厦门近岸无居民海岛的主要植物群落类型, 于2017年10月调查了12个无居民海岛的植物组成, 共记录到维管束植物360种, 其中乔木78种, 小乔木或灌木109种, 藤本23种, 草本150种; 包含外来入侵植物49种, 其中恶性入侵种10种。植物区系分析表明, 厦门周边12个无居民海岛植物主要由泛热带分布种及其变型组成, 以热带、亚热带成分占主导地位, 符合其亚热带地理分布特点。总体上, 维管束植物物种相似性较高, 物种丰富度受海岛面积的影响较大, 与海岛面积存在显著的对数和幂函数关系。此外, 岸线长度、高程、周长/面积比等空间参数也对海岛物种丰富度产生一定的影响。岛屿间维管束植物物种相似性受生境多样性和岛屿边缘效应的影响, 仅吾屿可能存在小岛屿效应。  相似文献   

Aim To explore the variation in species richness along a subtropical elevation gradient, and evaluate how climatic variables explain the richness of the different life forms such as trees, shrubs, climbers, herbs and ferns. Location The study was made in a subtropical to warm temperate region in the south‐eastern part of Nepal, between 100 and 1500 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Methods The number of species was counted in six plots (50 × 20 m) in each of the 15 100 m elevation bands covering the main physiognomic structures along an imaginary transect. Each species recorded was assigned to a life form. Potential evapotranspiration (PET, i.e. energy), mean annual rainfall (MAR), and their ratio (MI = moisture index) were evaluated as explanatory variables by means of generalized linear models (GLM). Each variable was tested individually, and in addition MAR and PET were used to test the water‐energy dynamics model for each life form. Results The richness of herbaceous species, including herbaceous climbers, was unrelated to any of the climate variables. PET was strongly negatively correlated with elevation, and the following relationships were found between increasing PET and richness: (i) shrubs, trees and total species (sum of all life forms) showed unimodal responses (ii) ferns decreased monotonically, and (iii) woody climbers increased monotonically. Richness of all woody groups increased monotonically with MAR and MI. The water‐energy dynamics model explained 63% of the variation in shrubs, 67% for trees and 70% for woody species combined. Main conclusions For the various herbaceous life forms (forbs, grasses, and herbaceous climbers) we found no significant statistical trends, whereas for woody life forms (trees, shrubs, and woody climbers) significant relationships were found with climate. E.M. O’Brien's macro‐scale model based on water‐energy dynamics was found to explain woody species richness at a finer scale along this elevational‐climatic gradient.  相似文献   

The destruction and fragmentation of tropical forests are major sources of global biodiversity loss. A better understanding of anthropogenically altered landscapes and their relationships with species diversity and composition is needed in order to protect biodiversity in these environments. The spatial patterns of a landscape may control the ecological processes that shape species diversity and composition. However, there is little information about how plant diversity varies with the spatial configuration of forest patches especially in fragmented tropical habitats. The northeastern part of Puerto Rico provides the opportunity to study the relationships between species richness and composition of woody plants (shrubs and trees) and spatial variables [i.e., patch area and shape, patch isolation, connectivity, and distance to the Luquillo Experimental Forest (LEF)] in tropical forest patches that have regenerated from pasturelands. The spatial data were obtained from aerial color photographs from year 2000. Each photo interpretation was digitized into a GIS package, and 12 forest patches (24–34 years old) were selected within a study area of 28 km2. The woody plant species composition of the patches was determined by a systematic floristic survey. The species diversity (Shannon index) and species richness of woody plants correlated positively with the area and the shape of the forest patch. Larger patches, and patches with more habitat edge or convolution, provided conditions for a higher diversity of woody plants. Moreover, the distance of the forest patches to the LEF, which is a source of propagules, correlated negatively with species richness. Plant species composition was also related to patch size and shape and distance to the LEF. These results indicate that there is a link between landscape structure and species diversity and composition and that patches that have similar area, shape, and distance to the LEF provide similar conditions for the existence of a particular plant community. In addition, forest patches that were closer together had more similarity in woody plant species composition than patches that were farther apart, suggesting that seed dispersal for some species is limited at the scale of 10 km.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the islands of Lake Ziway located in the main Ethiopian Rift Valley in south-central Ethiopia. Its main objective was to investigate the diversity, regeneration status, socio-economic importance and the factors that cause degradation of the plant resources in the islands. A total of 73 relevés, measuring 20×20 m, were established along line transects laid from the central part of each island to the lake edge in eight aspects. Herbaceous species were sampled by using a 2×2 m sub-relevé laid within each relevé. In each relevé, the cover/abundance of each species was estimated, woody species were counted, diameter at breast height and height of trees and shrubs and the environmental variables altitude, slope, aspect and position were measured. Participatory Rural Appraisal was employed to generate the socio-economic information. A total of 141 species belonging to 113 genera and 55 families were identified, of which 18.4% were trees, 21.3% trees/shrubs, 12.1% shrubs, 3.5% lianas, 4.3% herbaceous climbers and 40.4% herbs. The overall Shannon diversity and evenness of woody species in the islands were 2.60 and 0.62, respectively. The number of species on the islands correlated with island's size, habitat diversity and degree of human disturbance. The similarity in species composition between the islands was low, indicating that each island has its own unique flora. Nine plant communities were recognized and described. The total density and basal area of the vegetation were 2979 individuals ha−1 and 191 m2 ha−1, respectively. The importance value index and the diameter and height class distribution revealed that some species are threatened and need the highest priority for conservation. The socio-economic survey showed that the island communities are highly dependent on the natural vegetation for various purposes. On the other hand, the islanders have maintained the soil and vegetation resources for centuries through their indigenous resource management systems and practices. Human population growth coupled with farmland expansion, soil erosion, free grazing and cutting trees for various purposes are the major threats to the vegetation resources in the islands. The implications of the results are discussed and recommendations are suggested for conservation, management and sustainable utilization of the fragile island ecosystems.  相似文献   

亚高山针叶林人工恢复过程中物种多样性变化   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
吴彦  刘庆  何海  林波 《应用生态学报》2004,15(8):1301-1306
通过样方调查,以空间代替时间的方法,对亚高山人工针叶林恢复过程中,乔木、灌木和草本层物种多样性的变化进行了研究,探讨了不同恢复阶段各层物种的相关系数.结果表明,亚高山人工针叶林恢复过程中物种的丰富度、多样性和均匀性都在波动中逐渐增加,云杉人工林恢复过程中总体上是朝着有利于物种多样性恢复的方向发展.在人工林恢复序列中群落乔木物种的平均相关系数为41.88%。灌木为50.61%,草本为37.22%,说明在70年的人工林恢复过程中,灌木种类具有较高的连续性和稳定性;草本植物则随着人工林环境条件的改变而出现较大的消亡和更新,显示出较大的波动性.乔木层物种的稳定性和连续性介于灌木和草本植物之间.  相似文献   

商洛山区人工油松群落物种多样性与环境因子关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陕西省商洛山区人工油松群落分布集中的地段设置16个样地,对其分布的乔木、灌木和草本植物进行了调查,并对样地附近土壤理化指标进行了测定;采用α多样性指数对研究区域的物种多样性进行测度,并分析了12个环境因子与3个物种多样性指数的关系。结果表明:(1)研究区群落样地共记录植物48科84属95种,油松林下灌草组成丰富,分布较广的物种有木兰科、菊科、蔷薇科、百合科和莎草科,群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数计算结果与Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数的变化趋势基本一致。(2)群落Margalef丰富度指数与年龄的二项式回归达显著水平(P=0.023 7)、与20~40cm土壤速效N含量的二项式回归达极显著水平(P=0.003 3);Pielou均匀度指数与0~20cm土壤pH值二项式回归达显著水平(P=0.014 4);Shannon-Wiener多样性指数与标准化坡向的直线回归达显著水平(P=0.049 6)、与40~60cm土壤pH值的二项式回归达显著水平(P=0.029 0)。研究表明,该群落物种多样性主要受年龄、土壤速效N、坡向、以及土壤pH值影响。  相似文献   

Positive relationships between species richness and sampling area are perhaps the most pervasive patterns in nature. However, the shape of species–area relationships is often highly variable, for reasons that are poorly understood. One such source of variability is the "small-island effect", which refers to a decrease in the capacity of sampling area to predict species richness on small islands. Small-island effects have been attributed to a variety of processes, including spatial subsidies, habitat characteristics and ocean-born disturbances. Here, we show that small-island effects can be generated by logarithmic data transformations, which are commonly applied to both axes of species–area relationships. To overcome this problem, we derive several null models to test for non-random variability in the capacity of island area to predict species richness and apply them to data sets on island plant communities in Canada and New Zealand. Both archipelagos showed evidence for small-island effects using traditional breakpoint regression techniques on log-log axes. However, null model analyses revealed different results. The capacity of sampling area to predict species richness in the Canadian archipelago was actually lowest at intermediate island size classes. In the New Zealand archipelago, island area was similarly capable of predicting species richness across the full range of island sizes, indicating the small-island effect detected by breakpoint regression is an artifact of logarithm data transformation. Overall results show that commonly used regression techniques can generate spurious small-island effects and that alternative analytic procedures are needed to detect non-random patterns in species richness on small islands.  相似文献   

We compared vegetation structure and species richness across a 56‐yr chronosequence of six replicated age classes of dry tropical forest on the island of Providencia, Colombia, in the Southwest Caribbean. Stand age classes were determined using sequential, orthorectified panchromatic aerial photos acquired between 1944 and 1996 and Landsat 7 ETM + satellite imagery from 2000. Along the chronosequence we established 59 plots of 2 × 50 m (0.01 ha) to document changes in species richness, basal area, tree height, stem density, and sprouting ability. All woody trees and shrubs >2.5 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were censused and measured. Although woody species density reached a peak in stands from 32 to 56 yr old, rarefaction analysis showed that species richness increased linearly with stand age and was highest in stands 56 yr old or greater. Nonparametric, abundance‐based estimators of species richness also showed positive and linear associations with age. Basal area and mean tree height were positively associated with age since abandonment, while sprouting ability showed a negative relationship. Our results indicate rapid recovery of woody species richness and structural characteristics along this tropical dry forest chronosequence.  相似文献   

Aim  Relationships between range size and species richness are contentious, yet they are key to testing the various hypotheses that attempt to explain latitudinal diversity gradients. Our goal is to utilize the largest data set yet compiled for New World woody plant biogeography to describe and assess these relationships between species richness and range size.
Location  North and South America.
Methods  We estimated the latitudinal extent of 12,980 species of woody plants (trees, shrubs, lianas). From these estimates we quantified latitudinal patterns of species richness and range size. We compared our observations with expectations derived from two null models.
Results   Peak richness and the smallest- and largest-ranged species are generally found close to the equator. In contrast to prominent diversity hypotheses: (1) mean latitudinal extent of tropical species is greater than expected; (2) latitudinal extent appears to be decoupled from species richness across New World latitudes, with abrupt transitions across subtropical latitudes; and (3) mean latitudinal extents show equatorial and north temperate peaks and subtropical minima. Our results suggest that patterns of range size and richness appear to be influenced by three broadly overlapping biotic domains (biotic provinces) for New World woody plants.
Main conclusions  Hypotheses that assume a direct relationship between range size and species richness may explain richness patterns within these domains, but cannot explain gradients in richness across the New World.  相似文献   

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