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Fibroblastic cell cycling in collagen gels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Quiescent C3H10T1/2 mouse fibroblasts resume DNA synthesis and proliferation following incubation in medium containing fresh serum both when grown in monolayer and when grown in a collagen matrix. We observed that the rate of DNA synthesis is reduced at high initial cell densities and low initial collagen concentrations. In a collagen matrix, fibroblasts contract the matrix causing an increase in cell density and collagen concentration. We studied the chronological relationship between the kinetics of DNA synthesis and the collagen matrix contraction. The rate of collagen collection per cell changes in time, dependent on initial cell and collagen concentration. The kinetics of the collagen collection showed a positive correlation with the kinetics of DNA synthesis, 16 h later.  相似文献   

A prototype of a newly developed apparatus for measuring cell growth characteristics of suspension cells in micro titre plates over a period of time was examined. Fully automated non-invasive cell counts in small volume cultivation vessels, e.g. 96 well plates, were performed with the Cellscreen system by Innovatis AG, Germany. The system automatically generates microscopic images of suspension cells which had sedimented on the base of the well plate. The total cell number and cell geometry was analysed without staining or sampling using the Cedex image recognition technology. Thus, time course studies of cell growth with the identical culture became possible. Basic parameters like the measurement range, the minimum number of images which were required for statistically reliable results, as well as the influence of the measurement itself and the effect of evaporation in 96 well plates on cell proliferation were determined. A comparison with standard methods including the influence of the cultured volume per well (25 l to 200 l) on cell growth was performed. Furthermore, the toxic substances ammonia, lactate and butyrate were used to show that the Cellscreen system is able to detect even the slightest changes in the specific growth rate.  相似文献   

Explants of muscular and adipose tissue embedded in a three-dimensional matrix of fibrin or collagen fibrils give rise to an extensive outgrowth of branching and anastomosing capillary-like tubes. This culture system provides a simple in vitro model for the study of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Human mammary carcinoma cell line MCF-7 cells grown on type I collagen gels floating in a medium occasionally invaginated into the gels as a cell mass and formed cylindrical or domed structures within it. The 0.05% Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton of such cellular structures sedimented as a white flocculent layer at the boundary between 60 and 70% sucrose layers by ultracentrifugation, and consisted of 4 basal components: 54-kD (beta-tubulin), 45-kD, 42-kD (actin), and 39-kD polypeptides. By contrast, the isolated cytoskeleton of MCF-7 cells grown as monolayers on plastic substratum formed a finer cytoskeletal network with a smaller buoyant density and consisted of two distinct polypeptides with apparent molecular sizes of 80-kD and 65-kD in addition to the 4 basal components found in the morphologically developing cells. The present results indicate that the cytoskeleton of MCF-7 cells forming the three-dimensional cellular structures within collagen gels is lacking in these two polypeptides, and that it has a coarser cytoskeletal network with a greater buoyant density than that of the monolayered cells on plastic.  相似文献   

A highly efficient method for cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-mapping of collagen peptides is described. This method was developed based on polypeptide cleavage by CNBr within gel slices according to Barsh et al. [1981) Collagen Relat. Res. 1, 543-548). The proposed method has the following advantages: (i) Analysis of both radiolabeled and unlabeled collagens is possible; (ii) CNBr-cleavage of polypeptides is performed in gel pieces which contain individual bands; (iii) The peptide losses are minimized, offering a more complete analysis of collagens including the low molecular weight CNBr-peptides.  相似文献   

Leukocytes must migrate through tissues to fulfill their role in the immune response, but direct methods for observing and quantifying cell motility have mostly been limited to migration on two-dimensional surfaces. We have now developed methods for examining neutrophil movement in a three-dimensional gel containing 0.1 to 0.7 mg/ml rat tail tendon collagen. Neutrophil-populated collagen gels were formed within flat glass capillary tubes, permitting direct observation with light microscopy. By following the tracks of individual cells over a 13.5-min observation period and comparing them to a stochastic model of cell movement, we quantified cell speed within a given gel by estimating a random motility coefficient (mu) and persistence time (P). The random motility coefficient changed significantly with collagen concentration in the gel, varying from 1.6 to 13.3 x 10(-9) cm2/s, with the maximum occurring at a collagen gel concentration of 0.3 mg/ml. The methods described may be useful for studying tissue dynamics and for evaluating the mechanism of cell movement in three-dimensional gels of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary epithelial cultivated on collagen gels demonstrate active spreading as the cells form monolayers. In this novel system, initiation of cell spreading is preceded by de novo synthesis of type IV collagen. The newly synthesized collagen is partitioned such that after 48 hr, approximately 24% is found in the culture medium, 35% is intracellular, and 41% is deposited in the extracellular matrix of the developing epithelium. Cultures deprived of serum failed to spread and to synthesize collagen. Proline analogues were shown to inhibit cell spreading and to suppress collagen synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. Cytochalasin D inhibition of F-actin elongation was shown to prevent cell spreading but not to suppress total collagen synthesis. During cytochalasin D treatment, inhibition of cell spreading was shown to result from failure to deposit or to maintain deposited collagen in the epithelium extracellular matrix. The data indicate that synthesis and extracellular deposition of a major basal lamina component (viz. type IV collagen) must precede and then accompany epithelial cell spreading in collagen gel culture. It is suggested that the microfilament apparatus, through some hypothetical integral membrane protein, can anchor extracellular type IV collagen, which then provides a necessary condition for cell spreading.  相似文献   

Bone remodeling is a localized process, but regulated by systemic signals such as hormones, cytokines, and mechanical loading. The mechanism by which bone cells convert these systemic signals into local signals is not completely understood. It is broadly accepted that the "prestress" in cytoskeleton of cells affects the magnitude of cellular responses to mechanical stimuli. Prestress derives from stiff cytoskeletal proteins and their connections within the cell and from cell contractility upon attaching to matrix. In an in vitro model of three-dimensional gel compaction, the relative cellular prestress levels in the same matrix environment were determined by matrix compaction rate: a greater compaction rate resulted in a higher level of prestress. In the present study, the effects of ATP on the prestress of osteoblasts were studied using mouse MC3T3-E1 cells grown in three-dimensional bioartificial tissues (BATs). ATP (> or =100 microM) reduced the compaction rate of BATs in a dose-dependent manner. ADP, 2'-(or 3')-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl) ATP, and UTP, but not alpha,beta-methylene ATP, also reduced the compaction rate but to a lesser extent. Pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonic acid tetrasodium did not block the effect of ATP on BAT compaction rate. These results indicate that both P2X and P2Y receptors are involved in ATP-induced reduction of BAT compaction rate. Steady fluid flow and RT-PCR results showed that ATP reduced cell attachment on type I collagen by downregulating the expression of integrin alpha(1). These results suggest a potential role for P2 receptors in matrix remodeling and repair and as a potential drug target in treatment of bone diseases.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional growth in vitro of cloned rat mammary cell lines on floating type I collagen gels has been investigated. Multicellular outgrowths formed by the various cell types show morphological differences on serial histological sectioning and electron microscopy. One cell line, Rama 25, an epithelial cell line derived from a dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary adenocarcinoma can form branched tubules within the matrix. The amount of collagen in the matrix modified the structure of the predominant outgrowths formed by this cell line. High-concentration (0.6% w/v) collagen gels support the growth of tubules up to 0.5 mm in length which have an extensive lumen surrounded by rings of up to 26 cells. Absence of differentiated myoepithelial elements around the ring suggests a resemblence to primitive ducts found in the mammary glands of neonatal rats. The spectrum of cellular polarity toward the lumen seen throughout the tubules and the occasional irregular arrangement of epithelial cells are features of adenocarcinoma. Lumen formation occurs by central cell necrosis and separation of the external layers of initially solid cords. The tubules branch either dichotomously, by bifurcation at the distal ends or monopodially, by budding at the sides of the outgrowths. Rama 25 grown on gels containing lower concentrations of collagen (0.1 or 0.3% w/v) produce narrow branching structures with incomplete lumina and spikes of elongated cells. Tubular structures are not formed by Rama 25 grown on nonfloating gels. At the light microscopic level the layer of spindle cells formed beneath the surface monolayer on nonfloated gels resembles the sarcomatous regions of tumors, however at the ultrastructural level the spindle cells show some evidence of being myoepithelial-like rather than fibroblast-like. Sandwiching the epithelial cell sheet between two layers of collagen gel results in loss of contact with the media and the formation of spindle cells. The myoepithelial-like cell lines Rama 29 and Rama 401 form spiked branches of elongated cells and solid branching cords of cells, respectively. However, no lumen formation is observed. The fibroblast-like cell line Rama 27 shows extensive migration of either single cells or chains of cells into the gel. Thus only one cell type (Rama 25) is necessary to form branched tubules in vitro and the structure of the tubules can be modified by collagen, a component of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

The gonadotropic regulation of granulosa cells steroidogenesis in vitro has been shown to be accompanied by cellular rounding. In this study, the possible relationship between cell shape, microtubules, and granulosa cell steroidogenesis in vitro was further explored by culturing (24 h) granulosa cells obtained from antral follicles of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin-treated rats in either Eagles's Minimum Essential Medium alone (MEM-cells) or in collagen gels (GEL-cells) in the absence or presence of colchicine, a microtubule-depolymerizing agent previously shown to inhibit cell-spreading in vitro. Cellular morphology was assessed by electron microscopy and compared with that seen in vivo. In addition, the influence of the various culture conditions on progesterone and 20 alpha-hydroxy-pregn-4-en-3-one (20 alpha-OH-progesterone) secretion was determined by specific radioimmunoassays. Whereas the majority of granulosa cells in sections of antral follicles appeared rounded in shape, cells cultured in MEM underwent considerable spreading and assumed a variety of shapes at the end of 24 h of culture. GEL-cells, on the other hand, remained rounded and had cellular diameters only slightly larger than those observed in vivo. They also secreted more progesterone (almost 3-fold) and less 20 alpha-OH-progesterone (0.6-fold) than MEM-cells. Colchicine increased the secretion of progesterone (1.6-fold) and 20 alpha-OH-progesterone (1.8-fold) comparably in MEM-cells but had no influence on the secretion of either progestin by GEL-cells. Hence, although colchicine-stimulated progestin secretion by granulosa cell monolayers appeared to reflect increased metabolism of substrate-possibly due to a closer association between lipid droplets and mitochondria, the elevated secretion of progesterone by GEL-cells may have been largely due to a shift in the equilibrium between progesterone and its inactive 20 alpha-reduced metabolite. The high ratio of 20 alpha-OH-progesterone to progesterone secretion seen in MEM-cultured cells may be an adaptation of granulosa cell metabolism to culture as monolayers on plastic or glass surfaces. The morphology of GEL-rather than MEM-cells resembled closely that seen in vivo. This culture method may represent a more physiologic approach to the maintenance of granulosa and other steroidogenic cells in vitro and provide a more appropriate means of assessing cytoskeletal function in the regulation of steroid hormone production.  相似文献   

Summary Three related mouse mammary cell lines were cultured in collagen gels and assayed for growth factor responsiveness and interaction via soluble factors. The CL-S1 cell line is nontumorigenic and grows poorly in collagen gel culture. The +SA and −SA cell lines exhibit different degrees of malignant behavior in vivo and have different growth properties in vitro. In collagen gel culture, +SA growth was stimulated by serum but not by epidermal growth factor (EGF), whereas both serum and EGF were required for optimal growth of −SA cells of early passage number as well as CL-S1 cells. −SA cells of later passage repeatedly exhibited a change so as to no longer require serum while retaining EGF responsiveness. [125I]EGF binding analyses indicated that CL-S1 cells bound EGF with less affinity than did −SA cells whereas +SA cells bound almost to ligand. When cell lines were maintained in separate collagen gels but shared the same culture medium, growth of +SA or −SA cells was slightly enhanced in the presence of CL-S1 cells and −SA cell growth was enhanced by the presence of +SA cells. Using the normal rat kidney fibroblast line NRK (clone 49F) as an indicator, serum-containing conditioned media from each cell line and from each pair of cell lines cultured in collagen gels were tested for transforming growth factor (TGF) activity. Both the −SA and CL-S1 lines tested positive for TGF-α production and possibly released a TGF-β activity. These results suggest mechanisms by which cell populations in and around tumors can modify one another’s growth characteristics. The work was supported by a grant from the American Institute for Cancer Research, by American Cancer Society Institutional grant IN-119, by funds from the Poncin Trust (Seattle-First National Bank), and by grants CA-39611 and CA46885 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Studies performed at tissular (three-dimensional, 3-D) or cellular (two-dimensional, 2-D) levels showed that the loading pattern plays a crucial role in the osteoblastic physiology. In this study, we attempted to investigate the response of a 3-D osteoblastic culture submitted to either no external stress or static or dynamic stresses. Rat osteosarcoma cells (ROS 17/2.8) were embedded within collagen type I lattices and studied for 3 weeks. Entrapment and proliferation of cells within the hydrated collagen gel resulted in the generation of contractile forces, which led to contraction of the collagen gel. We used this ability to evaluate the influence of three modes of mechanical stresses on the cell proliferation and differentiation: (1) the freely retracted gels (FRG) were floating in the medium, (2) the tense gels (TG) were stretched statically and isometrically, with contraction prevented in the longitudinal axis, and (3) the dynamic gels (DG) were floating gels submitted to periodic stresses (50 or 25 rpm frequency). Gels showed maximum contraction at day 12 in 50 rpm DG, followed by 25 rpm DG, then FRG (88%, 81%, 70%, respectively) and at day 16 in TG (33%). The proliferation rate was greater in TG than in FRG (+52%) but remained low in both DGs. Gel dimensions were related to the collagen concentration and on a minor extent to cell number. Cells in DG appeared rounder and larger than in other conditions. In TG, cells were elongated and oriented primarily along the tension axis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that tension exerted by cells in TG led to reorientation of collagen fibers which, in turn, determined the spatial orientation and morphology of the cells. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) performed at maximum proliferation showed a vast majority of cells with a distended well-developed RER filled with granular material and numerous mitochondria. Alkaline phosphatase activity peaked close to the proliferation peak in FRG, whereas in TG, a biphasic curve was observed with a small peak at day 4 and the main peak at day 16. In DG, this activity was lower than in the two other conditions. A similar time course was observed for alkaline phosphatase gene expression as assessed by Northern blots. Regardless of the conditions, osteocalcin level showed a triphasic pattern: a first increase at day 2, followed by a decrease from day 4 to 14, and a second increase above initial values at day 18. Microanalysis-x indicated that mineralization occurred after 14 days and TEM showed crystals within the matrix. We showed that static and dynamic mechanical stresses, in concert with 3-D collagen matrices, played a significant role on the phenotypic modulation of osteoblast-like cells. This experimental model provided a tool to investigate the significance and the mechanisms of mechanical activity of the 3-D cultured osteoblast-like cells.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanism of induction of tubular outgrowths in vitro on floating collagen gels and the influence of extracellular factors on this process have been investigated using the clonal rat mammary epithelial cell line, Rama 25. Growth of Rama 25 on such floating gels causes their contraction. Contraction of the gel is accompanied by a 10-fold increase in the number of cells per unit area, a change in cell shape, and a convolution of the epithelial cell sheet. Gels folded over manually show an 11-times higher incidence of tubules along the folds than on the flat surface. Tubular formation begins when cords of cells develop from local proliferations of the cell sheet and become canalized. Tubules follow wrinkles in the gel and branch to yield monopodial, dichotomous, or lobular architecture. Hydrocortisone and insulin, in the presence of serum, stimulate both narrow and thick tubular structures on folded gels, whereas extra additions of 1 ng/ml cholera toxin or 100 ng/ml epidermal growth factor preferentially stimulate thick tubular structures. Floating glutaraldehyde-fixed gels, very thick collagen gels, and collagen gels prepared on the top of rigid steel grids fail to support the formation of tubules, suggesting that flexibility and access of the medium to basal surfaces are important to their genesis. Incorporation of hyaluronic acid into the gel matrix preferentially inhibits the thick tubular outgrowths. Thus, the branching tubular structures generated by Rama 25 can be influenced in different ways by various extracellular factors in the medium and in the gel. During the course of this work E. J. Ormerod was in receipt of a Ludwig Research Studentship.  相似文献   

Cultured cell extracts support organelle movement on microtubules in vitro   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Directed movements of organelles have been observed in a variety of cultured cells. To study the regulation and molecular basis of intracellular organelle motility, we have prepared extracts from cultured chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF cells) which support the movement of membraneous organelles along microtubules. The velocity, frequency and characteristics of organelle movements in vitro were similar to those within intact cells. Organelles and extract-coated anionic beads moved predominantly (80%) toward the minus ends of microtubules that had been regrown from centrosomes, corresponding to retrograde translocation. Similar microtubule-dependent organelle movements were observed in extracts prepared from other cultured cells (African green monkey kidney and 3T3 cells). Organelle motility was ATP and microtubule dependent. The frequency of organelle movement was inhibited by acidic (pH less than 7) or alkaline (pH greater than 8) solutions, high ionic strength ([ KCl] = 0.1 M), and the chelation of free magnesium ions. Treatment of the extracts with adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP, 7 mM), sodium orthovanadate (vanadate; Na3VO4, 20 microM), or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM, 2 mM) blocked all organelle motility. The decoration of microtubules with organelles was observed in the presence of AMP-PNP or vanadate. Motility was not affected by cytochalasin D (2 microM) or cAMP (1 mM). Kinesin (Mr = 116,000), an anterograde microtubule-based motor, was partially purified from the CEF extract by microtubule affinity purification in the presence of AMP-PNP, and was able to drive the movement of microtubule on glass coverslips. A similar preparation made in the presence of vanadate contained a different subset of proteins and did not support motility. These results demonstrate that intracellular organelle motility can be reproduced in vitro and provide the basis for investigating the roles of individual molecular components involved in the organelle motor complex.  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells were isolated from mouse endometrium and cultured on two types of extracellular matrix, namely, rat-tail collagen (type I) gels and basement membrane extract (BME) derived from the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm murine sarcoma. Cell attachment in serum-free medium during the initial 24 h after seeding was approximately twofold higher on BME compared with collagen type I. Addition of serum to the medium enhanced cell attachment on both matrices. On both collagen and BME, uterine cells grew as smooth-bordered colonies, and within a week of culture the cells became cuboidal to columnar in shape. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of apical microvilli associated with a glycocalyx, junctional complexes, tonofilaments, short strands of undilated endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and lipid droplets. However, cells on BME showed a higher degree of differentiation as assessed by occasional formation of small patches of basement membranelike structure subjacent to the flattened basal surface and formation of glandlike structures within the matrix. Proliferation of these cells as measured by radioactive thymidine incorporation into DNA was increased threefold by addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulin to the medium, but was not changed by 17β-estradiol. The expression of progesterone receptors by uterine epithelial cells grown on both matrices was doubled by addition of EGF and estradiol to the medium. This work was supported in part by a Rockefeller Foundation postdoctoral fellowship (D.G.), and NIh grant 23511.  相似文献   

Crystal growth in native collagen gels has been used to determine the role of extracellular matrix macromolecules in biological calcification phenomena. In this system, type I collagen gels containing sodium phosphate and buffered at pH 7.4 are overlayed with a solution containing CaCl2. Crystals form in the collagen gel adjacent to the gel-solution interface. Conditions were determined which permit the growth of crystals of hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2]. At a Ca/P molar ratio of 2:1, the minimum concentrations of calcium and phosphate necessary for precipitation of hydroxyapatite are 10 mM and 5 mM, respectively. Under these conditions, precipitation is initiated at 18-24h, and is maximal between 24h and 6 days. Addition of high concentrations of chondroitin 4-sulphate inhibits the formation of hydroxyapatite in collagen gels; initiation of precipitation is delayed, and the final (equilibrium) amount of precipitation is decreased. Inhibition of hydroxyapatite formation requires concentrations of chondroitin sulphate higher than those required to inhibit calcium pyrophosphate crystal formation.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made of the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans by human skin fibroblasts cultured on plastic or collagen gel substrata. Confluent cultures were incubated with [3H]glucosamine and Na235SO4 for 48h. Radiolabelled glycosaminoglycans were then analysed in the spent media and trypsin extracts from cells on plastic and in the medium, trypsin and collagenase extracts from cells on collagen gels. All enzyme extracts and spent media contained hyaluronic acid, heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate. Hyaluronic acid was the main 3H-labelled component in media and enzyme extracts from cells on both substrata, although it was distributed mainly to the media fractions. Heparan sulphate was the major [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycan in trypsin extracts of cells on plastic, and dermatan sulphate was the minor component. In contrast, dermatan sulphate was the principal [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycan in trypsin and collagenase extracts of cells on collagen gels. The culture substratum also influenced the amounts of [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans in media and enzyme extracts. With cells on plastic, the medium contained most of the heparan sulphate (75%) and dermatan sulphate (> 90%), whereas the collagenase extract was the main source of heparan sulphate (60%) and dermatan sulphate (80%) from cells on collagen gels; when cells were grown on collagen, the medium contained only 5-20% of the total [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Depletion of the medium pool was probably caused by binding of [35S]sulphated glycosaminoglycans to the network of native collagen fibres that formed the insoluble fraction of the collagen gel. Furthermore, cells on collagen showed a 3-fold increase in dermatan sulphate synthesis, which could be due to a positive-feedback mechanism activated by the accumulation of dermatan sulphate in the microenvironment of the cultured cells. For comparative structural analyses of glycosaminoglycans synthesized on different substrata labelling experiments were carried out by incubating cells on plastic with [3H]glucosamine, and cells on collagen gels with [14C]glucosamine. Co-chromatography on DEAE-cellulose of mixed media and enzyme extracts showed that heparan sulphate from cells on collagen gels eluted at a lower salt concentration than did heparan sulphate from cells on plastic, whereas with dermatan sulphate the opposite result was obtained, with dermatan sulphate from cells on collagen eluting at a higher salt concentration than dermatan sulphate from cells on plastic. These differences did not correspond to changes in the molecular size of the glycosaminoglycan chains, but they may be caused by alterations in polymer sulphation.  相似文献   

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