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Chromatin from duck erythrocytes was modified in vitro by the carcinogen N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-Ac-O-AAF). The distribution of the carcinogen along the DNA molecule was studied using staphylococcal nuclease which allows the fractionation of chromatin DNA into two zones. It was shown that the carcinogen binds preferentially to the regions of chromatin sensitive to the enzyme; however, the regions of DNA tightly bound to histones and resistant to the enzyme react comparatively well. The single-strand specific nuclease S1 which digests DNA modified by the carcinogen in vitro did not digest chromatin under the conditions used. Some possible mechanisms for the interaction of the carcinogen with chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

The 3′ → 5′ exonuclease activity of bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase is found to be blocked in the vicinity of the N-2-acetylaminofluorene (-AAF) adducts to DNA. This observation allowed us to determine the binding spectrum of the -AAF adducts along a given DNA sequence. The mutation spectrum in a forward mutation assay within this same sequence has been established. Comparison between the -AAF binding spectrum and the mutation spectrum shows that there is no direct correlation.  相似文献   

Immunospecificity of nonhistone proteins in chromatin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Fractionation of chromatin nonhistone proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

In vitro reactions of DNA with N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-AAF), N-acetoxy-7-ethyl-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-EtAAF), N-acetoxy-7-n-butyl-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (N-AcO-But-AAF) are compared. C-alkylation of N-AcO-AAF affects the reactivity of the metabolite towards DNA. The electronic effect and the size of alkyl group seem to determine the reactivity of the metabolite. Although the adducts are about the same for the three metabolites, the proportion of guanine-C-8 adducts diminishes with an increase in the size of the alkyl group.  相似文献   

N-(guanosin-8-yl) acetylaminofluorene (Guo-AAF) was prepared by the reaction of N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF) and guanosine. Antibodies to Guo-AAF were elicited in rabbits by immunization with bovine serum albumin-Guo-AAF conjugate. The antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography on a Sepharose-Guo-AAF column. The reactivity of these antibodies towards several ligands was studied by radioimmunoassay. The antibodies have the same affinity for double stranded DNA-AAF and single stranded DNA-AAF. Thus the geometry of the regions of DNA substituted by AAF residues is the same in native and denatured DNA. The affinity of the antibodies is smaller for DNA-AAF than for Guo-AAF. This can be due in part to the stacking of AAF residues with the adjacent bases as shown by the study of the interactions between the antibodies and AAF-oligonucleotides. The circular dichroism spectra of AAF-oligonucleotides bound to the antibodies are reported.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic method on cellogel strips at alkaline pH is used to determine the amount of nonhistone proteins in chromatins in a very reproducible way after isolation of the total chromatin proteins in 2m NaCl or 2m CsCl + 5m urea. The procedure is demonstrated with calf thymus, rat liver, and pig brain chromatin. The influence of the chromatin preparation on the protein composition is discussed.  相似文献   

1. Changes in circular dichroism (CD) spectra and thermal melting profiles of guinea pigliver DNA reassociated with histones and/or nonhistone proteins from the cerebral of liver chromatin are described. 2. In the DNA-histone complex, positive ellipiticity in the CD spectrum at 260-300 nm is progressively lod by a red-shift of the crossover point at around 260 nm. DNA in this complex is thermally stabilised to a considerable extent, but not to such a full extent as is shown with DNA in native chromatin. 3. DNA-nonhistone complex in 0.14 M NaCl is, in contrast to DNA-histone complex, not precipitable by centrifugation at 20 000 X g. DNA in this complex shows only a slight reduction in ellipticity at 260-300 nm, and a very weak thermal stabilisation. 4. Characteristics in the CD spectrum of the native chromatin are most satisfactorily reproduced in the DNA-histone-nonhistone complex. These include a large decrease in ellipticity at 260-300 nm, a red-shift of the crossover point at around 260 nm, and a slight negative band at around 305 nm. Also, DNA in this complex is thermally stabilised to the extent comparable with DNA in the native chromatin. 5. Addition of nonhistone proteins to the preformed DNA-histone complex in 3 M urea renders a half of the complex, named DNA-histone(-nonhistone), unprecipitable upon centrifugation at 20 000 X g in 0.14 M NaCl. CD spectrum and thermal melting profile of the precipitable DNA-histone(-nonhistone) complex are similar to those of the DNA-histone-nonhistone complex, while in the unprecipitable DNA-histone(-nonhistone) comples, the ellipticity at 260-300 nm is significantly elevated and the highest melting transition (at 80 degrees C) is lacking. 6. The CD spectrum of native cerebral chromatin closely resembles that of unprecipitable DNA-histone(-nonhistone) complex, while in liver chromatin, the spec.trum is an intermediate between those of the unprecipitable and pn of chromatin by nonhistone proteins. Cerebral nonhistone proteins bind to DNA and to the DNA-histone complex more extensively than liver nonhistone proteins. 7. It is concluded that, although the basic conformation of DNA in native chromatin is determined largely by histones, nonhistone proteins also play an individual role. There is also an indication that nonhistone proteins exert an organ-specific modification of chromatin superstructure.  相似文献   

Erythroid cell-specific antisera capable of detecting tightly bound nonhistone chromatin protein-DNA complexes were obtained by injecting rabbits with dehistonized chicken reticulocyte chromatin. The antisera showed no crossreactivity with chromatin of thrombocytes which are regarded as cells genealogically closely related with erythrocytes. The lack of thrombocyte chromatin immunoactivity was not caused by conformational constrains. Tightly bound nonhistone protein-DNA complexes isolated from thrombocyte chromatin showed no immunological similarity with these of erythrocyte chromatin.  相似文献   

Linear dichroism (LD) gives useful information on the interaction between DNA and the directly acting carcinogen N-acetoxy-N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAAF). In 50% methanol solvent with low ionic strength only a weak complex (van der Waals) appears. However, above 40° C strand separation takes place and a covalent aminofluorene complex forms. After renaturation a characteristic positive LD.band is observed at 306 nm. The average angular orientation of the longaxis of the fluorene moiety (47° to the local helix axis) is inconsistent with intercalation- It can be explained for instance by a free rotation around a C(DNA)-N (aminofluorene) bond or by a major groove site. The occupation density was 1–2 aminofluorene residues per 100 bases. With native DNA, AAAF slowly forms a covalent complex which has a negative LD at 307 nm. The orientation (70–90° ) is consistent with steric direction by the strand.  相似文献   

Summary Nonhistone proteins were isolated from human placental and tonsillar chromatins. Antiserum was prepared against a complex from some nonhistone proteins and DNA (NP-DNA) from placental chromatin. With the help of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunological methods the tissue specificity of human chromatin nonhistone proteins was established. The described organ immunogenic specificity of the complex of DNA and nonhistone proteins (NP-DNA) from human chromatin is in accordance with data published on similar complexes from different animal organs. Besides, it is shown that shearing of chromatin leads to large chifts in NP-DNA concentrations required for maximum complement fixation in the presence of the prepared antiserum. This may probably be due to a damage of certain chromatin super structures which involve some of the nonhistone proteins and DNA sequences from both the more condensed and less condensed parts of chromatin.  相似文献   

Chromatin high mobility group protein I (HMG-I) is a mammalian nonhistone protein that has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo to preferentially bind to A.T-rich sequences of DNA. Recently the DNA-binding domain peptide that specifically mediates the in vitro interaction of high mobility group protein (HMG)-I with the narrow minor groove of A.T-DNA has been experimentally determined. Because of its predicted secondary structure, the binding domain peptide has been called "the A.T hook" motif. Previously we demonstrated that the A.T hook of murine HMG-I protein is specifically phosphorylated by purified mammalian cdc2 kinase in vitro and that the same site(s) are also phosphorylated in vivo in metaphase-arrested cells. We also found that the DNA binding affinity of short synthetic binding domain peptides phosphorylated in vitro by cdc2 kinase was significantly reduced compared with unphosphorylated peptides. Here we extend these findings to intact natural and recombinant HMG-I proteins. We report that the affinity of binding of full-length HMG-I proteins to A.T-rich sequences is highly dependent on ionic conditions and that phosphorylation of intact proteins by cdc2 kinase reduces their affinity of in vitro binding to A.T-DNA by about 20-fold when assayed near normal mammalian physiological salt concentrations. Furthermore, in cell synchronization studies, we demonstrated that murine HMG-I proteins are phosphorylated in vivo in a cell cycle-dependent manner on the same amino acid residues modified by purified cdc2 kinase in vitro. Together these results strongly support the assertion that HMG-I proteins are natural substrates for mammalian cdc2 kinase in vivo and that their cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation by this enzyme(s) significantly modulates their DNA binding affinity, thereby possibly altering their biological function(s).  相似文献   

We have isolated a nonhistone chromosomal protein fraction from chicken liver chromatin which possesses high affinity and preferential sequence DNA binding. Residually DNA-bound nonhistone chromosomal proteins after 2.0 M NaCl extraction of bulk chromatin are isolated. Bound proteins are released by dissociation of the complexes in 5.0 M urea/3.0 M NaCl. We have investigated the in vitro DNA-binding properties of this class. In contrast to other DNA-binding NHCP whose activities have been studied, direct DNA-binding activity is observed which is not abolished under conditions of high ionic strength (to 3.0 M NaCl). Strong preference in binding fractionated homologous DNA is observed, while binding of heterologous (E. Coli) DNA is negligible. The fractionation of homologous DNA permits the isolation of DNA for which this protein class displays strong binding preference, presumably through a concentration of binding sites. The composite data suggest sequence-specific interaction between this protein class and DNA, which is not abolished by high ionic strength.  相似文献   

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