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An 18-residue peptide (NC-F1) with an amino acid sequence corresponding to the N-terminal zinc finger of human immunodeficiency virus-1 nucleocapsid protein has been shown to bind to nucleic acids by fluorescence and NMR methods. Previously, this peptide has been shown to fold into a defined structure when bound to zinc (Summers et al., 1990). We have used a fluorescent polynucleotide, poly(ethenoadenylic acid), to monitor binding of this peptide to nucleic acids. In the presence of zinc, the peptide had a smaller site size (1.75 nucleotide residues/peptide) than in the absence of the metal ion (2.75). The salt sensitivity of the interaction indicated that two ion pairs are involved in the association of Zn2+ (NC-F1) with polynucleotide, whereas one ion pair is found in the metal-free peptide-nucleic acid complex. Competition experiments with single-stranded DNA (ss DNA) in either the presence or absence of Zn2+ showed that the peptide bound to ss DNA. Using NMR methods, we monitored the binding of a synthetic oligonucleotide, d(TTTGGTTT), to Zn(NC-F1). The hydrophobic residues F2 and I10, which are on the surface of the peptide and have been implicated in viral RNA recognition, were shown to interact with the oligomer. In accord with this observation, analysis of the salt dependence of the polynucleotide-peptide interaction indicates a nonelectrostatic component of about -6 kcal/mol, a value consistent with theoretical estimates of stacking energies of phenylalanine with nucleic acid bases.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and computational methods were employed for the structure determination of an 18-residue peptide with the amino acid sequence of the C-terminal retroviral-type (r.t.) zinc finger domain from the nucleocapsid protein (NCP) of HIV-1 [Zn(HIV1-F2)]. Unlike results obtained for the first retroviral-type zinc finger peptide, Zn(HIV1-F1), [Summers et al. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 329], broad signals indicative of conformational lability were observed in the 1H NMR spectrum of Zn-(HIV1-F2) at 25 degrees C. The NMR signals narrowed upon cooling to -2 degrees C, enabling complete 1H NMR signal assignment via standard two-dimensional (2D) NMR methods. Distance restraints obtained from qualitative analysis of 2D nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data were used to generate 30 distance geometry (DG) structures with penalties (penalty = sum of the squared differences between interatomic distances defined in the restraints file and in the DG structures) in the range 0.02-0.03 A2. All structures were qualitatively consistent with the experimental NOESY spectrum based on comparisons with 2D NOESY back-calculated spectra. Superposition of the backbone atoms (C, C alpha, N) for residues C(1)-C(14) gave pairwise RMSD values in the range 0.16-0.75 A. The folding of Zn(HIV1-F2) is very similar to that observed for Zn(HIV1-F1). Small differences observed between the two finger domains are localized to residues between His(9) and Cys(14), with residues M(11)-C(14) forming a 3(10) helical corner.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV-1 is 55 amino acids in length and possesses two CCHC-type zinc fingers. Finger one (N-terminal) contributes significantly more to helix destabilizing activity than finger two (C-terminal). Five amino acids differ between the two zinc fingers. To determine at the amino acid level the reason for the apparent distinction between the fingers, each different residue in finger one was incrementally replaced by the one at the corresponding location in finger two. Mutants were analyzed in annealing assays with unstructured and structured substrates. Three groupings emerged: (1) those similar to wild-type levels (N17K, A25M), (2) those with diminished activity (I24Q, N27D), and (3) mutant F16W, which had substantially greater helix destabilizing activity than that of the wild type. Unlike I24Q and the other mutants, N27D was defective in DNA binding. Only I24Q and N27D showed reduced strand transfer in in vitro assays. Double and triple mutants F16W/I24Q, F16W/N27D, and F16W/I24Q/N27D all showed defects in DNA binding, strand transfer, and helix destabilization, suggesting that the I24Q and N27D mutations have a dominant negative effect and abolish the positive influence of F16W. Results show that amino acid differences at positions 24 and 27 contribute significantly to finger one's helix destabilizing activity.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleocapsid protein flanked by Gag sequences (r-preNC) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. HIV-1 proteinase cleaved r-preNC to the "mature" NCp7 form, which is comprised of 55 residues. Further incubation resulted in cleavages of NCp7 itself between Phe16 and Asn17 of the proximal zinc finger domain and between Cys49 and Thr50 in the C-terminal part. Kinetic parameters determined for the cleavage of oligopeptides corresponding to the cleavage sites in r-preNC correlated well with the sequential processing of r-preNC. Mutations of Asn17 were introduced to alter the susceptibility of NC protein to HIV-1 proteinase. While mutating Asn17 to Ala resulted in a protein which was processed in a manner similar to that of the wild type, mutating it to Phe or Leu resulted in proteins which were processed at a substantially higher rate at this site than the wild type. Mutation of Asn17 to Lys or Gly resulted in proteins which were very poorly cleaved at this site. Oligopeptides containing the same amino acid substitutions at the cleavage site of the proximal zinc finger domain were also tested as substrates of the proteinase, and the kinetic parameters agreed well with the semiquantitative results obtained with the protein substrates.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid interactive properties of a synthetic peptide with sequence of the N-terminal CCHC zinc finger (CCHC = Cys-X2-Cys-X4-His-X4-Cys; X = variable amino acid) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) nucleocapsid protein, Zn(HIV1-F1), have been studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Titration of Zn(HIV1-F1) with oligodeoxyribonucleic acids containing different nucleotide sequences reveals, for the first time, sequence-dependent binding that requires the presence of at least one guanosine residue for tight complex formation. The dynamics of complex formation are sensitive to the nature of the residues adjacent to guanosine, with residues on the 3' side of guanosine having the largest influence. An oligodeoxyribonucleotide with sequence corresponding to a portion of the HIV-1 psi-packaging signal, d(ACGCC), forms a relatively tight complex with Zn(HIV1-F1) (Kd = 5 x 10(-6) M). Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOESY) data indicate that the bound nucleic acid exists predominantly in a single-stranded, A-helical conformation, and the presence of more than a dozen intermolecular NOE cross peaks enabled three-dimensional modeling of the complex. The nucleic acid binds within a hydrophobic cleft on the peptide surface. This hydrophobic cleft is defined by the side chains of residues Val1, Phe4, Ile12, and Ala13. Backbone amide protons of Phe4 and Ala13 and the backbone carbonyl oxygen of Lys2 that lie within this cleft appear to form hydrogen bonds with the guanosine O6 and N1H atoms, respectively. In addition, the positively charged side chain of Arg14 is ideally positioned for electrostatic interactions with the phosphodiester backbone of the nucleic acid. The structural findings provide a rationalization for the general conservation of these hydrophobic and basic residues in CCHC zinc fingers, and are consistent with site-directed mutagenesis results that implicate these residues as direct participants in viral genome recognition.  相似文献   

D T Poon  J Wu    A Aldovini 《Journal of virology》1996,70(10):6607-6616
Interaction of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag precursor polyprotein (Pr55Gag) with the viral genomic RNA is required for retroviral replication. Mutations that reduce RNA packaging efficiency have been localized to the highly basic nucleocapsid (NC) p7 domain of Pr55Gag, but the importance of the basic amino acid residues in specific viral RNA encapsidation and infectivity has not been thoroughly investigated in vivo. We have systematically substituted the positively charged residues of the NC domain of Pr55Gag in an HIV-1 viral clone by using alanine scanning mutagenesis and have assayed the effects of these mutations on virus replication, particle formation, and RNA packaging in vivo. Analysis of viral clones with single substitutions revealed that certain charged amino acid residues are more critical for RNA packaging efficiency and infectivity than others. Analysis of viral clones with multiple substitutions indicates that the presence of positive charge in each of three independent domains--the zinc-binding domains, the basic region that links them, and the residues that Hank the two zinc-binding domains--is necessary for efficient HIV-1 RNA packaging. Finally, we note that some mutations affect virus replication more drastically than RNA incorporation, providing in vivo evidence for the hypothesis that NC p7 may be involved in aspects of the HIV life cycle in addition to RNA packaging.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid protein of HIV-1 consists of two basic amino acid regions and two zinc fingers. We investigated the requirement of these domains for the structural conversion of a 39mer RNA covering the dimerization initiation site by using three peptides; wild-type NCp7, a mutant in which the two zinc fingers are mutated, and another mutant in which the two zinc fingers are deleted. The two mutants exhibited similar conversion activities to each other, which were lower than that of the wild-type, indicating that the two basic regions exhibit some activity for RNA chaperone, as we suggested before, and the zinc fingers enhance the efficiency of this activity.  相似文献   

REV1 is a member of the Y-family DNA polymerases, but is atypical in utilizing only dCTP with a preference for guanine (G) as the template. Crystallography of the REV1-DNA-dCTP ternary complex has revealed a unique mechanism by which template G is evicted from the DNA helix and incoming dCTP is recognized by an arginine residue in an α-loop, termed the N-digit. To better understand functions of its individual amino acid residues, we made a series of mutant human REV1 proteins. We found that R357 and L358 play vital roles in template binding. Furthermore, extensive mutation analysis revealed a novel function of R357 for substrate discrimination, in addition to previously proposed specific interaction with incoming dCTP. We found that the binding pocket for dCTP of REV1 has also significant but latent affinity for dGTP. The results suggest that the positive charge on R357 could prevent interaction with dGTP. We propose that both direct and indirect mechanisms mediated by R357 ensure specificity for dCTP.  相似文献   

In the context of the Rous sarcoma virus Gag polyprotein, only the nucleocapsid (NC) domain is required to mediate the specificity of genomic RNA packaging. We have previously showed that the Saccharomyces cerevisiae three-hybrid system provides a rapid genetic assay to analyze the RNA and protein components of the avian retroviral RNA-Gag interactions necessary for specific encapsidation. In this study, using both site-directed mutagenesis and in vivo random screening in the yeast three-hybrid binding assay, we have examined the amino acids in NC required for genomic RNA binding. We found that we could delete either of the two Cys-His boxes without greatly abrogating either RNA binding or packaging, although the two Cys-His boxes are likely to be required for efficient viral assembly and release. In contrast, substitutions for the Zn-coordinating residues within the boxes did prevent RNA binding, suggesting changes in the overall conformation of the protein. In the basic region between the two Cys-His boxes, three positively charged residues, as well as basic residues flanking the two boxes, were necessary for both binding and packaging. Our results suggest that the stretches of positively charged residues within NC that need to be in a proper conformation appear to be responsible for selective recognition and binding to the packaging signal (Psi)-containing RNAs.  相似文献   

Specific binding of a basic peptide from HIV-1 Rev.   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) encodes a regulatory protein, Rev, which is required for cytoplasmic expression of incompletely spliced viral mRNA. Rev activity is mediated through specific binding to a cis-acting Rev responsive element (RRE) located within the env region of HIV-1. A monomer Rev binding site corresponding to 37 nucleotides of the RRE (IIB RNA) was studied by RNA footprinting, modification interference experiments and mutational analysis. Surprisingly, a 17 amino acid peptide, corresponding to the basic domain of Rev, binds specifically to this site at essentially identical nucleotides and probably induces additional base pairing. The Rev protein and related peptide interact primarily with two sets of nucleotides located at the junction of single and double stranded regions, and at an additional site located within a helix. This suggests that the domains of proteins responsible for specific RNA binding can be remarkably small and that the interaction between RNA and protein can probably induce structure in both constituents.  相似文献   

Large multigene families of zinc finger proteins are expressed in vertebrates. One way of approaching their function is to characterize their structure, expression and biochemical properties. XFG 5-1 is a Xenopus zinc finger protein which is widely transcribed in oocytes, embryos and adult tissues. It carries a novel, non-finger repeat structure, which is common to a subfamily of Xenopus zinc finger proteins. The bacterially expressed protein exhibits specific RNA homopolymer binding activities with the zinc finger domain being sufficient for this ability. These findings suggest that XFG 5-1 serves a general biological function involving its RNA binding capacity.  相似文献   

A high affinity binding site for the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV-1 is a small zinc finger protein that contributes to multiple steps of the viral life cycle, including the proper encapsidation of HIV RNA. This is accomplished through an interaction between NC and a region at the 5'-end of the RNA, defined as the Psi element. However, the specificity of NC for Psi or for RNA in general is not well understood. To study this problem, we used SELEX to identify high affinity RNA ligands that bind to NC. A 'winner' molecule (SelPsi), as well as a subregion of Psi RNA, were further characterized to understand the interaction between NC and SelPsi and its relationship to the interaction between NC and Psi. The comparison makes predictions about the sequence and structure of a high affinity binding site within the HIV-1 Psi element.  相似文献   

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