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Thiele A  Dobkins KR  Albright TD 《Neuron》2000,26(3):715-724
Human psychophysical studies have demonstrated that, for stimuli near the threshold of visibility, detection of motion in one direction is unaffected by the superimposition of motion in the opposite direction. To investigate the neural basis for this perceptual phenomenon, we recorded from directionally selective neurons in macaque visual area MT (middle temporal visual area). Contrast thresholds obtained for single gratings moving in a neuron's preferred direction were compared with those obtained for motion presented simultaneously in the neuron's preferred and antipreferred directions. A simple model based on probability summation between neurons tuned to opposite directions could sufficiently account for contrast thresholds revealed psychophysically, suggesting that area MT is likely to provide the neural basis for contrast detection of stimuli modulated in time.  相似文献   

We report a case of an allergic reaction after the administration of an echocardiographic contrast agent which resulted in ST-segment elevation. Hypersensitivity and allergic reactions are known causes of acute cardiovascular events. However, only limited reports are available which suggest the exact mechanism of the occurrence of angina or myocardial infarction during severe allergic reactions. In our case, through invasive imaging (coronary angiography and IVUS) we have shown for the first time a transient coronary spasm in the absence of intra-coronary thrombus and only minimal neointimal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

A model for contrast detection of spatiotemporal stimuli is proposed which consists of a spatiotemporal linear filter, an energy device and a threshold device. Assuming the existence of independent intrinsic noise, the probability of stimulus detection was approximated by a Weibull function of the response energy. With this assumption, the stimulus energy is a constant at fixed detection probability. This energy model for contrast detection satisfactorily accounted for the elliptical threshold contours of line pairs at stimulus separations within the range 2–30 min and at stimulus onset asynchronies within the range 20–140 ms. The threshold contour at a large stimulus onset asynchrony (300 ms) was in the form of a rounded square. This finding was explained by assuming that the probability of seeing the line pair was determined by the joint probability that at least one stimulus had been detected. With the energy model, the temporal and spatial autocorrelation functions of the response to a flashed line were evaluated. The autocorrelation functions thus determined were used to predict the temporal contrast sensitivity function to a flickering line stimulus and the spatial contrast sensitivity function to flashed gratings, which were in agreement with the experimental data. The data obtained were fitted adequately by an impulse response approximated by a spatiotemporal Gabor-like function. Received: 08 December 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 26 January 1999  相似文献   

Chronic postnatal stressful handling results in a hyposensitivity to thermal nociceptive stimuli. This phenomenon is strongly affected by manipulations of the opioid system. In the present experiment, we report that chronic treatment with MIF-1 during the neonatal period prevents the behavioral alterations induced by handling while it is completely ineffective if injected acutely before antinociceptive testing by the tail flick test at 45 days of life.  相似文献   

The mouse visual system is immature when the eyes open two weeks after birth. As in other mammals, some of the maturation that occurs in the subsequent weeks is known to depend on visual experience. Development of the retina, which as the first stage of vision provides the visual information to the brain, also depends on light‐driven activity for proper development but has been less well studied than visual cortical development. The critical properties for retinal encoding of images include detection of contrast and responsiveness to the broad range of temporal stimulus frequencies present in natural stimuli. Here we show that contrast detection threshold and temporal frequency response characteristics of ON and OFF retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which are poor at eye opening, subsequently undergo maturation, improving RGC performance. Further, we find that depriving mice of visual experience from before birth by rearing them in the dark causes ON and OFF RGCs to have smaller receptive field centers but does not affect their contrast detection threshold development. The modest developmental increase in temporal frequency responsiveness of RGCs in mice reared on a normal light cycle was inhibited by dark rearing only in ON but not OFF RGCs. Thus, these RGC response characteristics are in many ways unaffected by the experience‐dependent changes to synaptic and spontaneous activity known to occur in the mouse retina in the two weeks after eye opening, but specific differences are apparent in the ON vs. OFF RGC populations. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 692–706, 2014  相似文献   

Thresholds in transmission are responsible for critical changes in infectious disease epidemiology. The epidemic threshold indicates whether infection invades a totally susceptible population. The reinfection threshold indicates whether self-sustained transmission occurs in a population that has developed a degree of partial immunity to the pathogen (by previous infection or vaccination). In models that combine susceptible and partially immune individuals, the reinfection threshold is technically not a bifurcation of equilibria as correctly pointed out by Breban and Blower. However, we show that a branch of equilibria to a reinfection submodel bifurcates from the disease-free equilibrium as transmission crosses this threshold. Consequently, the full model indicates that levels of infection increase by two orders of magnitude and the effect of mass vaccination becomes negligible as transmission increases across the reinfection threshold.  相似文献   

Evidence that the metabolic acidosis threshold is the anaerobic threshold   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We evaluated maximal O2 uptake (VO2max), the metabolic acidosis threshold determined by the V-slope analysis [plot of CO2 output (VCO2) as a function of oxygen uptake (VO2)], the ratio of increase in VO2 to work rate increment (delta VO2/delta WR), the upper slope (S2) of the V-slope analysis, and the VO2 for work below and above the metabolic acidosis threshold to determine whether the changes in O2 transport caused by increased carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) affected these parameters and variables. Ten normal subjects (aged 32.8 +/- 7.1 yr) performed symptom-limited incremental exercise tests in a ramp pattern on a cycle ergometer while breathing air and air with added carbon monoxide to cause HbCO to be approximately 11% and 20%. VO2max decreased by 11.6 and 19.3%, the metabolic acidosis threshold decreased by 11.9 and 19.6%, delta VO2/delta WR decreased by 8.9 and 14.0%, and S2 increased by 13.6 and 21.8% when HbCO was increased to 11 and 20%, respectively. Most importantly, VO2 was unchanged related to work rate below the metabolic acidosis threshold during the tests with increased HbCO but was reduced at the work rates above the metabolic acidosis threshold. These findings are consistent with the concept that the metabolic acidosis threshold is synonymous with an anaerobic threshold, i.e., the latter demarcating the VO2 above which the contracting muscles are not adequately supplied with O2 but below which they are.  相似文献   

Gianola D  Norton HW 《Genetics》1981,99(2):357-364
A simple method of scaling ordered categorical responses having a joint distribution with an underlying normal variable is presented. Scores are developed that maximize heritability of the observed variate and that in the class of scores based on polychotomies: (1) maximize the correlation between score and the underlying genetic value to be predicted, and (2) minimize mean-square prediction error. Several examples suggest little is lost, in terms of heritability, by using equally spaced scores. The proposed scaling method discriminates among candidates for selection that would be tied if equally spaced scores are used and sometimes yields different rankings of candidates.  相似文献   

We present a robust, low-cost single-shot implementation of differential phase microscopy utilising a polarisation-sensitive camera to simultaneously acquire four images from which phase contrast images can be calculated. This polarisation-resolved differential phase contrast (pDPC) microscopy technique can be easily integrated with fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between anaerobic threshold (Th(an)) and muscle fatigue threshold (EMGFT) as estimated from electromyographic (EMG) data taken from the quadriceps muscles (vastus lateralis) during exercise on a cycle ergometer. The subjects in this study were 20 female college students, including highly trained endurance athletes and untrained sedentary individuals, whose fitness levels derived from their maximal oxygen consumption ranged from 24.9 to 62.2 ml.kg-1.min-1. The rate of increase in integrated EMG (iEMG) activity as a function of time (iEMG slope) was calculated at each of four constant power outputs (350, 300, 250, 200 W), sufficiently high to bring about muscle fatigue. The iEMG slopes so obtained were plotted against the exercise intensities imposed, resulting in linear plots which were extrapolated to zero slope to give an intercept on the power axis which was in turn interpreted as the highest exercise intensity sustainable without electromyographic evidence of neuromuscular fatigue (EMGFT). The Th(an) was estimated from gas exchange parameters during an incremental exercise test on the same cycle ergometer. The mean results indicated that oxygen uptake (VO2) at Than was 1.39 l.min-1, SD 0.44 and VO2 at EMGFT was 1.33 l.min-1, SD 0.57. There was no significant difference between these mean values (P greater than 0.05) and there was a highly significant correlation between VO2 at Than and VO2 at EMGFT (r = 0.823, P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hedonic thresholds methodology was recently proposed which allows for determination of two new sensorial thresholds, the compromised acceptance threshold and the hedonic rejection threshold (HRT). For a new methodology to be accepted by the scientific community, its ability to produce reliable results must be demonstrated. Thus, this study sought to validate this new methodology when used to calculate the HRT. In order to do so, the analytical performance indices of precision (repeatability, intermediate precision, and reproducibility), accuracy and robustness for the results for the HRT calculation were measured. The results of seven experiments demonstrated that the methodology possesses high repeatability, intermediate precision and robustness, and satisfactory accuracy and reproducibility. It was therefore concluded that the HRT determination methodology satisfactorily met the analytical performance criteria evaluated, therefore generating reliable results.

Practical applications

The hedonic thresholds methodology (HTM) has numerous applications, including the application of a more severe thermal treatment to obtain greater microbial or enzymatic inactivation, the determination of food shelf life based on its sensory acceptance, the reduction of specific, expensive ingredients in food formulations, reduction of ingredients that are harmful to health when consumed in excess (e.g., sucrose, sodium, and fat), determination of the maximum “defect” threshold that may be present in food and others. The HTM is a recently proposed methodology; therefore, the reliability of the values of the hedonic rejection threshold must be validated, calculated via the HTM. Reliability of the HRT results was confirmed when HTM validation was performed. Thus, the methodology can undoubtedly be applied for the intended purpose.  相似文献   

A linear inverse relation links the HCl solution molarity to both the absolute HCl solution intake, and the ratio of the HCl solution to the total fluid intake. The last algebraic relation allows the taste threshold to be estimated.  相似文献   

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