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The putative role of phloem amino acids as negative feedback signals for root NO3- uptake was investigated in Ricinus communis L. The NO3--grown plants were subjected to N-deficiency due either to complete N-deprivation, or to localized N-deprivation on one side of a split-root system. In comparison with controls, complete N-deprivation resulted in a transient increase in 15NO3- influx, and in profound changes in downward phloem transport of amino acids. Total amino acid concentration in the phloem sap decreased by 40%, but responses markedly differed between the individual amino acids. Concentrations of Gln and Ser were rapidly lowered by 50%, while those of Val, Phe, Leu, and Ile displayed a marked increase. Localized N-deprivation on one side of the split root system also resulted in the up-regulation of 15NO3- influx in the roots still supplied with NO3-. However, the amino acid composition of the phloem sap directed to these roots was not modified by the treatment, and remained similar to that in N-sufficient control plants. Only amino acid transport to the N-deprived roots was affected as observed in response to complete N-deprivation. The results from split-root plants indicate that the response of root NO3- influx to N-deficiency is controlled by shoot-borne regulatory signals, and provide a case study where these signals are not related to a qualitative change or a significant decrease in downward phloem transport of amino acids.  相似文献   

Nicotianamine: mediator of transport of iron and heavy metals in the phloem?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Recent work has demonstrated that minerals in plants are circulated between root and shoot. This occurs during the whole life time and renders possible response to changing environmental conditions. This mineral circulation occurs through intensive solute exchange between xylem and phloem in roots, stems, and leaves. The transport form of heavy metals such as iron, manganes, zinc and copper in the phloem, whether ionic or chelated, is unclear in most cases.
The unusual amino acid nicotianamine (NA) is ubiquitous throughout the plant kingdom. It is a chelator of several divalent transition metals. Its physiological role was investigated with the tomato mutant chloronerva, the only known NA-free multicellular plant. The mutant also exhibits disturbances of its iron metabolism and that of other heavy metals. This leads, among others, to a typical intercostal chlorosis and progressive iron accumulation in the leaves. From the heavy metal chelating properties of NA and from the phenotype of the mutant chloronerva it is concluded that NA is needed for normal distribution of heavy metals in young growing tissues fed via the phloem. This function could be fulfilled by mediating phloem loading or unloading of heavy metals as well as by preventing their precipitation in the alkaline phloem sap. An attempt is made to explain the chloronerva phenotype in the light of the phloem transport hypothesis of chelated iron.  相似文献   

Hexoses as phloem transport sugars: the end of a dogma?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
According to most textbooks, only non-reducing carbohydrate species such as sucrose, sugar alcohols, and raffinose-family sugars function as phloem translocates. Occasional abundance of reducing sugar species (such as hexoses) in sieve-tube sap has been discarded as an experimental artefact. This study, however, discloses a widespread occurrence of hexoses in the sieve-tube sap. Phloem exudation facilitated by EDTA provided evidence that many of the members of two plant families (Ranunculaceae and Papaveraceae) investigated translocate >80% of carbohydrates in the form of hexoses. Representatives of other families also appear to translocate appreciable amounts of hexoses in the sieve tubes. Promoting effects of EDTA, activities of sucrose-degrading enzymes, and sugar uptake by micro-organisms on hexose contents of phloem exudates were checked. The rate of sucrose degradation is far too low to explain the large proportions of hexoses measured in phloem exudates; nor did other factors tested seem to stimulate the occurrence of hexoses. The validity of the approach is further supported by the virtual absence of hexoses in exudates from species that were known as exclusive sucrose transporters. This study urges a rethink of the existing views on carbohydrate transport species in the phloem stream. Hexose translocation is to be regarded as a normal mode of carbohydrate transfer by the phloem equivalent to that of sucrose, raffinose-family sugars, or sugar alcohols.  相似文献   

In the 1920s,the German forestry scientist Ernst Münch postulated that photo-assimilate transport is a mass flow driven by osmotically induced pressure gradients between source organs(high turgor) and sink organs(lower turgor). Two crucial components of Münch's hypothesis,the translocation by mass flow from sources to sinks and the osmotic mechanism of pressure flow,were established notions at the time,but had been developed by two institutionally separated groups of scholars. A conceptual separation of whole-plant biology from cellular physiology had followed the institutional separation of forestry science from botany in German-speaking central Europe during the so-called Humboldtian reforms,and was reinforced by the delayed institutionalization of plant physiology as an academic discipline. Münch did not invent a novel concept,but accomplished an integration of the organism-focused and the cell-focused research traditions,reducing the polarization that had evolved when research universities emerged in central Europe. Post-Münch debates about the validity of his hypothesis focused increasingly on the suitability of available research methodologies,especially the electron microscope and the proper interpretation of the results it produced. The present work reconstructs the influence of the dynamic scientific and non-scientific context on the history of the Münch hypothesis.  相似文献   

? This paper presents two models of carrier-dependent long-distance auxin transport in stems that represent the process at different scales. ? A simple compartment model using a single constant auxin transfer rate produced similar data to those observed in biological experiments. The effects of different underlying biological assumptions were tested in a more detailed model representing cellular and intracellular processes that enabled discussion of different patterns of carrier-dependent auxin transport and signalling. ? The output that best fits the biological data is produced by a model where polar auxin transport is not limited by the number of transporters/carriers and hence supports biological data showing that stems have considerable excess capacity to transport auxin. ? All results support the conclusion that auxin depletion following apical decapitation in pea (Pisum sativum) occurs too slowly to be the initial cause of bud outgrowth. Consequently, changes in auxin content in the main stem and changes in polar auxin transport/carrier abundance in the main stem are not correlated with axillary bud outgrowth.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in evolutionary immunology: just what is the cost of immunity?   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
It has become increasingly clear that life-history patterns among the vertebrates have been shaped by the plethora and variety of immunological risks associated with parasitic faunas in their environments. Immunological competence could very well be the most important determinant of life-time reproductive success and fitness for many species. It is generally assumed by evolutionary ecologists that providing immunological defences to minimise such risks to the host is costly in terms of necessitating trade-offs with other nutrient-demanding processes such as growth, reproduction, and thermoregulation. Studies devoted to providing assessments of such costs and how they may force evolutionary trade-offs among life-history characters are few, especially for wild vertebrate species, and their results are widely scattered throughout the literature. In this paper we attempt to review this literature to obtain a better understanding of energetic and nutritional costs for maintaining a normal immune system and examine how costly it might be for a host who is forced to up-regulate its immunological defence mechanisms. The significance of these various costs to ecology and life history trade-offs among the vertebrates is explored. It is concluded that sufficient evidence exists to support the primary assumption that immunological defences are costly to the vertebrate host.  相似文献   

For conspecific parasites sharing the same host, kin recognition can be advantageous when the fitness of one individual depends on what another does; yet, evidence of kin recognition among parasites remains limited. Some trematodes, like Coitocaecum parvum, have plastic life cycles including two alternative life‐history strategies. The parasite can wait for its intermediate host to be eaten by a fish definitive host, thus completing the classical three‐host life cycle, or mature precociously and produce eggs while still inside its intermediate host as a facultative shortcut. Two different amphipod species are used as intermediate hosts by C. parvum, one small and highly mobile and the other larger, sedentary, and burrow dwelling. Amphipods often harbour two or more C. parvum individuals, all capable of using one or the other developmental strategy, thus creating potential conflicts or cooperation opportunities over transmission routes. This model was used to test the kin recognition hypothesis according to which cooperation between two conspecific individuals relies on the individuals' ability to evaluate their degree of genetic similarity. First, data showed that levels of intrahost genetic similarity between co‐infecting C. parvum individuals differed between host species. Second, genetic similarity between parasites sharing the same host was strongly linked to their likelihood of adopting identical developmental strategies. Two nonexclusive hypotheses that could explain this pattern are discussed: kin recognition and cooperation between genetically similar parasites and/or matching genotypes involving parasite genotype–host compatibility filters.  相似文献   

Neurons with long axons have a unique problem in generating signaling cascades that are able to reach the nucleus after receptor activation by neurotrophins at the nerve terminal. The straightforward concept of receptor binding and local generation of 2nd second messenger cascades is too simplistic. In this review we will outline a mechanism that would enable the complex signals generated at the nerve terminal to be conveyed intact to the cell body. There are three different sites in the neuron where 2nd messenger proteins can interact with the signaling complex and be activated. Signaling cascades are initiated both at the nerve terminal and at the cell body when 2nd messengers are recruited to the plasma membrane by activated receptors. After receptor-mediated endocytosis, 2nd messenger molecules continue to be recruited to the internalized vesicle; however, the mix of proteins differs in the nerve terminal and in the cell body. At the nerve terminal the activated pathways result in the formation of the neurotrophin signaling endosome, which includes molecules to be retrogradely transported to the cell body. When the retrograde neurotrophin signaling endosome reaches the cell body, it can recruit additional 2nd messenger molecules to finally generate the unique signal derived from the nerve terminal. We propose that the multivesicular body observed in vivo functions as an endosome carrier vehicle or retrosome. This retrosome enables the mix of signaling molecules recruited at the terminal to be transported intact to the cell body. This will allow the cell body to receive a snapshot of the events occurring at the nerve terminal at the time the retrosome is formed.  相似文献   

Neurotransmission requires the proper organization and rapid recycling of synaptic vesicles. Rapid retrieval has been suggested to occur either by kiss-and-stay or kiss-and-run mechanisms, whereas classical recycling is mediated by clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Molecular coats are key components in the selection of cargos, AP-2 (adaptor protein 2) playing a prominent role in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Another coat protein, AP-3, has been implicated in synaptic vesicle biogenesis and in the generation of secretory and lysosomal-related organelles. In the present review, we will particularly focus on the recent data concerning the recycling of synaptic vesicles and the function of AP-3 and the v-SNARE (vesicular soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein-attachment protein receptor) TI-VAMP (tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein) in these processes. We propose that AP-3 plays an important regulatory role in neurons which contributes to the basal and stimulated exocytosis of synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Chemical warfare? Effects of uropygial oil on feather‐degrading bacteria   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Anti-microbial activity is a commonly suggested but rarely tested property of avian uropygial oil. Birds may defend themselves against feather-degrading and other potentially harmful bacteria using this oil. We preliminarily identified 13 bacterial isolates taken from the plumage of wild house finches Carpodacus mexicanus , measured bacterial production of the enzyme keratinase as an index of feather-degrading activity, and used the disc-diffusion method to test bacterial response to uropygial oil of house finches. For comparison, we performed the same tests on a type strain of the known feather-degrading bacterium Bacillus licheniformis . Uropygial oil inhibited the growth of three strongly feather-degrading isolates (including Bacillus licheniformis ), as well as one weakly feather-degrading isolate and one non-feather-degrading isolate. Uropygial oil appeared to enhance the growth of one weakly feather-degrading isolate. Growth of the remaining isolates was unaffected by uropygial oil. These results suggest that birds may defend themselves against some feather-degrading bacteria using uropygial oil.  相似文献   

We have developed a system for long-term continuous monitoring of cardiovascular parameters in rabbits living in their home cage to assess what role renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) has in regulating renal blood flow (RBF) in daily life. Blood pressure, heart rate, locomotor activity, RSNA, and RBF were recorded continuously for 4 wk. Beginning 4-5 days after surgery a circadian rhythm, dependent on feeding time, was observed. When averaged over all days RBF to the innervated and denervated kidneys was not significantly different. However, control of RBF around these mean levels was dependent on the presence of the renal sympathetic nerves. In particular we observed episodic elevations in heart rate and other parameters associated with activity. In the denervated kidney, during these episodic elevations, the increase in renal resistance was closely related to the increase in arterial pressure. In the innervated kidney the renal resistance response was significantly more variable, indicating an interaction of the sympathetic nervous system. These results indicate that whereas overall levels of RSNA do not set the mean level of RBF the renal vasculature is sensitive to episodic increases in sympathetic nerve activity.  相似文献   

The long‐term benefit‐to‐risk ratio of sustained antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia has recently been questioned. In this paper, we critically examine the literature on the long‐term efficacy and effectiveness of this treatment. We also review the evidence on the undesired effects, the impact on physical morbidity and mortality, as well as the neurobiological correlates of chronic exposure to antipsychotics. Finally, we summarize factors that affect the risk‐benefit ratio. There is consistent evidence supporting the efficacy of antipsychotics in the short term and mid term following stabilization of acute psychotic symptoms. There is insufficient evidence supporting the notion that this effect changes in the long term. Most, but not all, of the long‐term cohort studies find a decrease in efficacy during chronic treatment with antipsychotics. However, these results are inconclusive, given the extensive risk of bias, including increasing non‐adherence. On the other hand, long‐term studies based on national registries, which have lower risk of bias, find an advantage in terms of effectiveness during sustained antipsychotic treatment. Sustained antipsychotic treatment has been also consistently associated with lower mortality in people with schizophrenia compared to no antipsychotic treatment. Nevertheless, chronic antipsychotic use is associated with metabolic disturbance and tardive dyskinesia. The latter is the clearest undesired clinical consequence of brain functioning as a potential result of chronic antipsychotic exposure, likely from dopaminergic hypersensitivity, without otherwise clear evidence of other irreversible neurobiological changes. Adjunctive psychosocial interventions seem critical for achieving recovery. However, overall, the current literature does not support the safe reduction of antipsychotic dosages by 50% or more in stabilized individuals receiving adjunctive psychosocial interventions. In conclusion, the critical appraisal of the literature indicates that, although chronic antipsychotic use can be associated with undesirable neurologic and metabolic side effects, the evidence supporting its long‐term efficacy and effectiveness, including impact on life expectancy, outweighs the evidence against this practice, overall indicating a favorable benefit‐to‐risk ratio. However, the finding that a minority of individuals diagnosed initially with schizophrenia appear to be relapse free for long periods, despite absence of sustained antipsychotic treatment, calls for further research on patient‐level predictors of positive outcomes in people with an initial psychotic presentation.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effects of poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase inhibition by 3-aminobenzamide (3-AB) were investigated in testicular ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, using sperm analysis and histopathological and biochemical examinations, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and reduced glutathione (GSH) levels. Male rats were divided into 3 groups: sham (n = 12), I/R (n = 12), and I/R with 3-AB (I/R-3-AB) (n = 12). The left testicular artery was occluded for 1 h, followed by 24 h (for biochemical and histopathological examinations) and 30 days (for sperm analysis) of reperfusion. 3-AB treatment intraperitoneally 10 min prior to and 1 h after reperfusion increased the I/R-induced decrease in sperm motility in both testes and reduced the increased abnormal sperm rates in the ipsilateral testis. However, 3-AB treatment failed to prevent the I/R-induced decrease in sperm concentration in both testes. SOD and CAT activities did not change in any group. GSH-Px activity and GSH levels were increased by I/R. 3-AB treatment reversed the I/R-induced increase in GSH-Px activity, similar to the level in sham rats, but did not alter GSH levels. 3-AB treatment significantly increased the I/R-induced decrease in histopathologic score. In conclusion, 3-AB treatment has potential biochemical and histopathological benefits beyond improving sperm quality and may have the potential to decrease damage from testicular torsion.  相似文献   

1. Community assembly is affected by four processes: dispersal, filtering effects (selection), ecological drift and evolution. The role of filtering relative to dispersal and drift should decline with patch size, hampering possibilities to predict which organisms will be observed within small‐sized patches. However, vegetation structure is known to have a marked impact on species assemblages, and plant quality may act as a biotic filter. This challenges the assumption of unpredictable species assemblages in small‐sized vegetation patches. 2. Using 32 stands of five shrub species in south‐west Finland, this study investigated whether biotic filtering effects caused by patch‐forming plants are strong enough to overcome the mixing of mobile arthropod assemblages across small patches. 3. Stochastic variation did not hide the signals of biotic filtering and dispersal in the small shrub patches. Habitat richness around the patches explained a three times larger share of variation in the species composition than did the identity of the patch‐forming plant, but it had less effect on the abundance of arthropods. A radius of 50–100 m around a patch explained the species composition best. 4. Abundance patterns varied between the feeding guilds; the patch‐forming shrub influenced the abundances of detritivores and leaf‐feeding herbivores, whereas the abundances of flower‐visiting herbivores appeared to track the flowering phenology of the plants. Shrub identity had little effect on omnivores or predators. Predator abundances were correlated with the abundance of potential prey. 5. The results of this study suggest that community composition within a vegetation patch may be predictable even if dispersal overrides local filtering effects, as suggested by the mass‐effects paradigm.  相似文献   

The immune system has high costs of maintenance and production and expression of immune function should be dependent on the condition of the individual. The fitness cost that parasites impose on hosts may then be reflected in the investment that hosts make in immunity. Little is known about sources and consequences of intra- and interspecific variation in the presence and size of organs of the immune system in relation to ectoparasitism. Variation in the presence and size of the bursa of Fabricius and spleen size was measured to assess potential relationships between immune defence, nutritional condition and ectoparasites in the Magpie Pica pica. We found three species of lice (Mallophaga), two species of louse flies (Hippoboscidae), and the larvae of a tick (Ixodidae) infecting magpies. Age explained a significant proportion of variation in prevalence and number of parasite species, first-year birds being more parasitized than adults. Spleen size increased with nutritional condition, and the level of ectoparasitism negatively affected nutritional condition. Only one species of lice (Philopterus picae) was involved; the negative effect of this species on nutritional condition was more pronounced in males than females. These results are consistent with the hypotheses of condition-dependent investment in the immune system and sexual differences in susceptibility to parasite effects. Ectoparasites may thus play a role in modulating the relationship between condition and immune defence. We also found evidence for an interaction between the bursa and the spleen. Magpies with bursa had larger spleens than those where it had atrophied. This interaction did not affect ectoparasitism or nutritional condition.  相似文献   

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