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The phytotoxic effects of aluminum (Al) on root systems of crop plants constitute a major agricultural problem in many areas of the world. Root exudation of Al-chelating molecules such as low-molecular-weight organic acids has been shown to be an important mechanism of plant Al tolerance/resistance. Differences observed in the physiology and electrophysiology of root function for two maize genotypes with contrasting Al tolerance revealed an association between rates of Al-activated root organic acid release and Al tolerance. Using these genotypes, we cloned ZmALMT1 , a maize gene homologous to the wheat ALMT1 and Arabidopsis AtALMT1 genes that have recently been described as encoding functional, Al-activated transporters that play a role in tolerance by mediating Al-activated organic acid exudation in roots. The ZmALMT1 cDNA encodes a 451 amino acid protein containing six transmembrane helices. Transient expression of a ZmALMT1 ::GFP chimera confirmed that the protein is targeted to the plant cell plasma membrane. We addressed whether ZmALMT1 might underlie the Al-resistance response (i.e. Al-activated citrate exudation) observed in the roots of the Al-tolerant genotype. The physiological, gene expression and functional data from this study confirm that ZmALMT1 is a plasma membrane transporter that is capable of mediating elective anion efflux and influx. However, gene expression data as well as biophysical transport characteristics obtained from Xenopus oocytes expressing ZmALMT1 indicate that this transporter is implicated in the selective transport of anions involved in mineral nutrition and ion homeostasis processes, rather than mediating a specific Al-activated citrate exudation response at the rhizosphere of maize roots.  相似文献   

Among cereal crops, rye is one of the most tolerant species to aluminum. A candidate gene approach was used to determine the likely molecular identity of an Al tolerance locus (Alt4). Using PCR primers designed from a wheat aluminum tolerance gene encoding an aluminum-activated malate transporter (TaALMT1), a rye gene (ScALMT1) was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Subsequently, the ScALMT1 gene of rye was found to be located on 7RS by PCR amplification using the wheat–rye addition lines. SNP polymorphisms for this gene were detected among the parents of three F2 populations that segregate for the Alt4 locus. A map of the rye chromosome 7R, including the Alt4 locus ScALMT1 and several molecular markers, was constructed showing a complete co-segregation between Alt4 and ScALMT1. Furthermore, expression experiments were carried out to clarify the function of this candidate gene. Briefly, the ScALMT1 gene was found to be primarily expressed in the root apex and upregulated when aluminum was present in the medium. Five-fold differences in the expression were found between the Al tolerant and the Al non-tolerant genotypes. Additionally, much higher expression was detected in the rye genotypes than the moderately tolerant “Chinese Spring” wheat cultivar. These results suggest that the Alt4 locus encodes an aluminum-activated organic acid transporter gene that could be utilized to increase Al tolerance in Al sensitive plant species. Finally, TaALMT1 homologous sequences were identified in different grasses and in the dicotyledonous plant Phaseolus vulgaris. Our data support the hypothesis of the existence of a common mechanism of Al tolerance encoded by a gene located in the homoeologous group four of cereals. G. Fontecha and J. Silva-Navas contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al)-activated malate transporter (ALMT1) was recently identified from wheat (Triticum aestivum). Heterologous expression of ALMT1 led to higher malate exudation that is associated with enhanced Al tolerance in transgenic plants. Here, we show the first direct evidence that ALMT1 is localized in the plasma membrane of Al-tolerant wheat. Phase partitioning experiments showed that this transporter was associated with the plasma membrane fraction. ALMT1 was detected in an Al-tolerant wheat line even without Al treatments. Analysis of transient expression of ALMT1::green fluorescent protein (GFP) in onion and tobacco cells further confirmed this ALMT1 localization.  相似文献   

The MDR1 multidrug transporter P-gp (P-glycoprotein) is an efflux pump that extrudes diverse hydrophobic drugs and peptides from cells. Since the entry of HIV-1 into cells involves an initial interaction of the viral gp41 hydrophobic peptide with the plasma membrane, a potential effect of P-gp on HIV-1 infectivity was explored. Virus production was greatly decreased when P-gp was overexpressed at the surface of a continuous CD4(+) human T-leukemic cell line (12D7) infected with HIV-1(NL4-3), a T-tropic molecular clone of HIV-1. P-gp overexpression did not significantly alter the surface expression or distribution of either the HIV-1 receptor CD4 or the coreceptor CXCR4. Reduction of HIV-1 infectivity in P-gp-expressing cells occurred both during the fusion of viral and plasma membranes and at subsequent step(s) in the HIV-1 life cycle.  相似文献   

Human organic anion transporter 1 (hOAT1) belongs to a superfamily of organic anion transporters, which play critical roles in the body disposition of clinically important drugs, including anti-human immunodeficiency virus therapeutics, anti-tumor drugs, antibiotics, anti-hypertensives, and anti-inflammatories. Previously we suggested that the predicted transmembrane domain 1 (TM1) of hOAT1 might be important for its function. In the present study, we examined the role of each residue within TM1 of hOAT1 in substrate recognition and transport. Alanine scanning was used to construct mutants of hOAT1, and the uptake of model substrate para-aminohippurate was studied in COS-7 cells expressing the mutant transporters. This approach led to the discovery of two critical amino acid residues, Leu-30 and Thr-36. A substitution of Leu-30 or Thr-36 with alanine resulted in a complete loss of transport activities. We then further characterized Leu-30 and Thr-36 by mutagenizing these residues to amino acids with different physicochemical properties. Leu-30 was replaced with amino acids with varying sizes of side chains, including glycine, valine, and isoleucine. We showed that progressively smaller side chains at position 30 increasingly impaired hOAT1 function mainly because of the impaired surface expression of the transporter. Thr-36, another critical amino acid in TM1, was replaced by serine and cysteine. Similar to the substitution of Thr-36 by alanine, substitution by serine and cysteine at this position abolished transport activity without affecting the surface expression of the transporter. The fact that Thr-36 cannot be substituted with serine and that the side chains of alanine, serine, and cysteine are smaller than that of threonine by a methyl group indicate that both the methyl group and the hydroxyl group of Thr-36 could be critical for hOAT1 activity. Together we conclude that Leu-30 and Thr-36 play distinct roles in hOAT1 function. Leu-30 is important in targeting the transporter to the plasma membrane. In contrast, Thr-36 is critical for substrate recognition. The present study provided the first molecular evidence that transmembrane domain 1 is a critical determinant of hOAT1 function and may provide important insights into the structure-function relationships of the organic anion transporter family.  相似文献   

In animals, organic cation/carnitine transporters (OCTs) are involved in homeostasis and distribution of various small endogenous amines (e.g. carnitine, choline) and detoxification of xenobiotics such as nicotine. Here, we describe the characterization of AtOCT1, an Arabidopsis protein that shares most of the conserved features of mammalian plasma membrane OCTs. Transient expression of an AtOCT1::GFP fusion protein in onion epidermal cells and Arabidopsis protoplasts supported localization in the plasmalemma. AtOCT1 functionally complemented the Deltacit2/Deltaagp2p yeast strain that is defective in plasma membrane carnitine transport. Disruption of AtOCT1 in an Arabidopsis oct1-1 knockout mutant affected both the expression of carnitine-related genes and the developmental defects induced by exogenous carnitine. RT-PCR and promoter-uidA fusion analysis showed that AtOCT1 was expressed in vascular tissues of various organs and at sites of lateral root formation. Correlating with this expression pattern, oct1-1 seedlings grown in vitro exhibited a higher degree of root branching than the wild-type, showing that the disruption of AtOCT1 affected root development under certain conditions.  相似文献   

This study sought to clarify the contributions of organic anion-transporting polypeptide (OATP) 1B1 and 1B3 to the liver uptake of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). We synthesized a fluorescent version of CDCA, chenodeoxychilyl-(Nepsilon-NBD)-lysine (CDCA-NBD), to characterize transporter-mediated uptake. CDCA-NBD is efficiently transported by OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 with high affinities. The Michaelis-Menten constants for CDCA-NBD uptake by OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 were 1.45 +/- 0.39 microM and 0.54 +/- 0.09 microM, respectively. By confocal laser scanning microscopy, CDCA-NBD, which is taken up by OATP1B1 and OATP1B3, was observed to localize to the cytosol. We also examined the transport of newly synthesized fluorescent bile acids. NBD-labeled bile acids, including cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, lithocholic acid, and ursodeoxycholic acid, were all transported by OATP1B1 and OATP1B3. CDCA-NBD exhibited the highest rate of transport of the five NBD-labeled bile acids examined in OATP1B1- and OATP1B3-expressing cells. Our results suggest that OATP1B1 and OATP1B3 play important roles in CDCA uptake into the liver. Fluorescent bile acids are useful tools to characterize the uptake properties of membrane transporters.  相似文献   

The N-terminal portion of parathyroid hormone is critical for PTH-1 receptor (P1R) activation and has been postulated to be alpha-helical when bound to the receptor. We investigated whether substitution of the sterically hindered and helix-promoting amino acid alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) in N-terminal PTH oligopeptides would improve the capacity of the peptide to activate the P1R. Analysis of the effects of individual Aib substitutions at each position in [Ala(3,12),Gln(10),Har(11),Trp(14)]PTH(1-14)NH(2) ([M]PTH(1-14)) on cAMP-stimulating potency in HKRK-B28 cells revealed that Aib at most positions diminished potency; however, Aib at positions 1 and 3 enhanced potency. Thus [Aib(1,3),M]PTH(1-14) was approximately 100-fold more potent than [M]PTH(1-14) (EC(50) = 1.1 +/- 0.1 and 100 +/- 20 nm, respectively), approximately 100,000-fold more potent than native PTH(1-14), and 2-fold more potent than PTH(1-34). The shorter peptide, [Aib(1,3),M]PTH(1-11), was also fully efficacious and 1,000-fold more potent than [M]PTH(1-11) (EC(50) 4 +/- 1 nm versus 3 +/- 1 microm). In cAMP stimulation assays performed in COS-7 cells expressing P1R-delNt, a receptor that lacks most of the N-terminal extracellular domain, [Aib(1,3),M]PTH(1-14) was 50-fold more potent than [M]PTH(1-14) (EC(50) = 0.7 +/- 0.2 versus 40 +/- 2 nm) and 1,000-fold more potent than PTH(1-34) (EC(50) = 700 nm). [Aib(1,3),M]PTH(1-14), but not PTH(1-34), inhibited the binding of (125)I-[Aib(1,3),Nle(8),Gln(10),Har(11),Ala(12),Trp(14),Arg(19),Tyr(21)]PTH(1-21)NH(2) to hP1R-delNt (IC(50) = 1,600 +/- 200 nm). The Aib(1,3) substitutions in otherwise unmodified PTH(1-34) enhanced potency and binding affinity on hP1R-delNt, but they had no effect for this peptide on hP1R-WT. Circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated that the Aib-1,3 substitutions increased helicity in all peptides tested, including PTH(1-34). The overall data thus suggest that the N-terminal residues of PTH are intrinsically disordered but become conformationally constrained, possibly as an alpha-helix, upon interaction with the activation domain of the PTH-1 receptor.  相似文献   

To localize functionally significant domains in the amino acid transporters of mouse brain mEAAC1 and mASCT1, cRNA encoding for wild-type and chimeric transporters was injected into Xenopus oocytes. Activity of expressed transporters was investigated by measurements of uptake of 3H-labeled glutamate and serine and of glutamate- and serine-induced currents under voltage clamp. Though all transporters accept glutamate and serine as substrate, the central part of the protein (Ala94-Met418 of mEAAC1 and Ala119-Ile393 of mASCT1) determines substrate selectivity. The C-terminus rectifies the interaction with the respective substrate. A channel mode of the glutamate transporter can be activated by glutamate and serine, and the N- and C-termini of the mEAAC1 seem to be essential for the channel formation.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters rapidly traffic to and from the cell surface in neurons. This trafficking may be important in regulating neuronal signaling. Such regulation will be subject to the number of trafficking transporters and their trafficking rates. In the present study, we define an acutely recycling pool of endogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid transporters (GAT1) in cortical neurons that comprises approximately one-third of total cellular GAT1. Kinetic analysis of this pool estimates exocytosis and endocytosis time constants of 1.6 and 0.9 min, respectively, and thus approximately one-third of the recycling pool is plasma membrane resident in the basal state. Recent evidence shows that GAT1 substrates, second messengers, and interacting proteins regulate GAT1 trafficking. These triggers could act by altering trafficking rates or by changing the recycling pool size. In the present study we examine three GAT1 modulators. Calcium depletion decreases GAT1 surface expression by diminishing the recycling pool size. Sucrose increases GAT1 surface expression by blocking clathrin- and dynamin-dependent endocytosis, but it does not change the recycling pool size. Protein kinase C decreases surface GAT1 expression by increasing the endocytosis rate, but it does not change the exocytosis rate or the recycling pool size. Based upon estimates of GAT1 molecules in cortical boutons, the present data suggest that approximately 1000 transporters comprise the acutely recycling pool, of which 300 are on the surface in the basal state, and five transporters insert into the plasma membrane every second. This insertion could represent the fusion of one transporter-containing vesicle.  相似文献   

Hagos Y  Bahn A  Asif AR  Krick W  Sendler M  Burckhardt G 《Biochimie》2002,84(12):29-1224
A pig kidney cDNA library was screened for the porcine ortholog of the multispecific organic anion transporter 1 (pOAT1). Several positive clones were isolated resulting in two alternatively spliced cDNA clones of pOAT1 (pOAT1 and pOAT1A). pOAT1-cDNAs consist of 2126 or 1895 base pairs (EMBL Acc. No. AJ308234 and AJ308235) encoding 547 or 533 amino acid residue proteins with 89, 87, 83 and 81% homology to the human, rabbit, rat, and mouse OAT1, respectively. Heterologous expression of pOAT1 in Xenopus laevis oocytes revealed an apparent K(m) for [3H]PAH of 3.75 +/- 1.6 microM. [3H]PAH uptake mediated by pOAT1 was abolished by 0.5 mM glutarate or 1 mM probenecid. Functional characterization of pOAT1A did not show any affinity for [3H]PAH. In summary, we cloned two alternative splice variants of the pig ortholog of organic anion transporter 1. One splice form (pOAT1) showed typical functional characteristics of organic anion transporter 1, whereas the second form appears not to transport PAH.  相似文献   

Summary. The proton coupled amino acid transporter PAT1 expressed in intestine, brain, and other organs accepts L- and D-proline, glycine, and L-alanine but also pharmaceutically active amino acid derivatives such as 3-amino-1-propanesulfonic acid, L-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, and cis-4-hydroxy-D-proline as substrates. We systematically analyzed the structural requirements for PAT1 substrates by testing 87 amino acids, proline homologs, indoles, and derivatives. Affinity data and effects on membrane potential were determined using Caco-2 cells. For aliphatic amino acids, a blocked carboxyl group, the distance between amino and carboxyl group, and the position of the hydroxyl group are affinity limiting factors. Methylation of the amino group enhances substrate affinity. Hetero atoms in the proline template are well tolerated. Aromatic α-amino acids display low affinity. PAT1 interacts strongly with heterocyclic aromatic acids containing an indole scaffold. The structural requirements of PAT1 substrates elucidated in this study will be useful for the development of prodrugs.  相似文献   

Exposure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to sorbic acid strongly induces two plasma membrane proteins, one of which is identified in this study as the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Pdr12. In the absence of weak acid stress, yeast cells grown at pH 7.0 express extremely low Pdr12 levels. However, sorbate treatment causes a dramatic induction of Pdr12 in the plasma membrane. Pdr12 is essential for the adaptation of yeast to growth under weak acid stress, since Deltapdr12 mutants are hypersensitive at low pH to the food preservatives sorbic, benzoic and propionic acids, as well as high acetate levels. Moreover, active benzoate efflux is severely impaired in Deltapdr12 cells. Hence, Pdr12 confers weak acid resistance by mediating energy-dependent extrusion of water-soluble carboxylate anions. The normal physiological function of Pdr12 is perhaps to protect against the potential toxicity of weak organic acids secreted by competitor organisms, acids that will accumulate to inhibitory levels in cells at low pH. This is the first demonstration that regulated expression of a eukaryotic ABC transporter mediates weak organic acid resistance development, the cause of widespread food spoilage by yeasts. The data also have important biotechnological implications, as they suggest that the inhibition of this transporter could be a strategy for preventing food spoilage.  相似文献   

Transport of sialic acid through the lysosomal membrane is defective in the human sialic acid storage disease. The mammalian sialic acid carrier has a wide substrate specificity for acidic monosaccharides. Recently, we showed that also non-sugar monocarboxylates like L-lactate are substrates for the carrier. Here we report that other organic anions, which are substrates for carriers belonging to several anion transporter families, are recognized by the sialic acid transporter. Hence, the mammalian system reveals once more novel aspects of solute transport, including sugars and a wide array of non-sugar compounds, apparently unique to this system. These data suggest that the search for the sialic acid storage disease gene can be initiated by a functional selection of genes from a limited number of anion transporter families. Among these, candidates will be identified by mapping to the known sialic acid storage disease locus.  相似文献   

Organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1) is key for the secretion of organic anions in renal proximal tubules. These organic anions comprise endogenous as well as exogenous compounds including frequently used drugs of various chemical structures. The molecular basis for the polyspecificity of OAT1 is not known. Here we mutated a conserved positively charged arginine residue (Arg(466)) in the 11(th) transmembrane helix of human OAT1. The replacement by the positively charged lysine (R466K) did not impair expression of hOAT1 at the plasma membrane of Xenopus laevis oocytes but decreased the transport of p-aminohippurate (PAH) considerably. Extracellular glutarate inhibited and intracellular glutarate trans-stimulated wild type and mutated OAT1, suggesting for the mutant R466K an unimpaired interaction with dicarboxylates. However, when Arg(466) was replaced by the negatively charged aspartate (R466D), glutarate no longer interacted with the mutant. PAH uptake by wild type hOAT1 was stimulated in the presence of chloride, whereas the R466K mutant was chloride-insensitive. Likewise, the uptake of labeled glutarate or ochratoxin A was chloride-dependent in the wild type but not in R466K. Kinetic experiments revealed that chloride did not alter the apparent K(m) for PAH but influenced V(max) in wild type OAT1-expressing oocytes. In R466K mutants the apparent K(m) for PAH was similar to that of the wild type, but V(max) was not changed by chloride removal. We conclude that Arg(466) influences the binding of glutarate, but not interaction with PAH, and interacts with chloride, which is a major determinant in substrate translocation.  相似文献   

Renal organic anion transporter OAT-K1 was stably transfected in MDCK cells and examined for its transport characteristics and membrane localization. OAT-K1 mediated both uptake and efflux of methotrexate in the apical membranes. Immunoblotting showed that the apparent molecular mass of the expressed OAT-K1 was 50 kDa, which was comparable to that found in the rat renal brush-border membranes. The OAT-K1-mediated methotrexate transport was significantly inhibited in the presence of several organic anions such as folate and sulfobromophthalein. These findings suggest that OAT-K1 mediates bidirectional methotrexate transport across the apical membranes, and may be involved in the renal handling of methotrexate.  相似文献   

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