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Biodegradation of a xanthene dyes was investigated for the first time using anaerobic granular sludge. On a first screening, biomass was able to decolorize, at different extents, six azo dye solutions: acid orange 7, direct black 19, direct blue 71, mordant yellow 10, reactive red 2 and reactive red 120 and two xanthene dyes--Erythrosine B and Eosin Y. Biomass concentration, type of electron donor, induction of biomass with dye and mediation with activated carbon (AC) were variables studied for Erythrosine B (Ery) as model dye. Maximum color removal efficiency was achieved with 4.71 g VSS L?1, while the process rates were independent of the biomass concentration above 1.89 g VSS L?1. No considerable effects were observed when different substrates were used as electron donors (VFA, glucose or lactose). Addition of Ery in the incubation period of biomass led to a fivefold increase of the decolorization rate. The rate of Ery decolorization almost duplicated in the presence of commercial AC (0.1 g L?1 AC?). Using different modified AC samples (from the treatment of AC?), a threefold higher rate was obtained with the most basic one, AC(H?), as compared with non-mediated reaction. Higher rates were obtained at pH 6.0. Chemical reduction using Na?S confirmed the recalcitrant nature of this dye. The results attest that decolorization of Ery is essentially due to enzymatic and adsorption phenomena.  相似文献   

In this study, batch removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by powdered Colocasia esculenta leaves was investigated. Batch experiments were conducted to study the effects of adsorption of Cr(VI) at different pH values, initial concentrations, agitation speeds, temperatures, and contact times. The biosorbent was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectrometer analysis. The biosorptive capacity of the adsorbent was dependent on the pH of the chromium solution in which maximum removal was observed at pH 2. The adsorption equilibrium data were evaluated for various adsorption isotherm models, kinetic models, and thermodynamics. The equilibrium data fitted well with Freundlich and Halsey models. The adsorption capacity calculated was 47.62 mg/g at pH 2. The adsorption kinetic data were best described by pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Thus, Colocasia esculenta leaves can be considered as one of the efficient and cheap biosorbents for hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Environmental contamination by hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI), presents a serious public health problem. This study assessed the reduction of Cr(VI) by intact cells and a cell-free extract (CFE) of an actinomycete, Arthrobacter crystallopoietes (strain ES 32), isolated from soil contaminated with dichromate. Both intact cells and CFE of A. crystallopoietes, displayed substantial reduction of Cr(VI). Intact cells reduced about 90% of the Cr(VI) added within 12 h and Cr(VI) was almost completely reduced after 24 h. The K M and V max of Cr(VI) bioreduction by intact cells were 2.61 μM and 0.0142 μmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Cell-free chromate reductase of the A. crystallopoietes (ES 32) reduced hexavalent chromium at a K M of 1.78 μM and a V max of 0.096 μmol/min/mg protein. The rate constant (k) of chromate reduction was inversely related to Cr(VI) concentration and the half-life (t 1/2) of Cr(VI) reduction increased with increasing concentration. A. crystallopoietes produced a periplasmic chromate reductase that was stimulated by NADH. Results indicate that A. crystallopoietes ES 32 can be used to detoxify Cr(VI) in polluted sites, particularly in stressed environments.  相似文献   

Two chromate-resistant filamentous fungi, strains H13 and Ed8, were selected from seven independent fungal isolates indigenous to Cr(VI)-contaminated soil because of their ability to decrease hexavalent chromium levels in the growth medium. Morphophysiological studies identified strain H13 as a Penicillium sp. isolate and Ed8 as an Aspergillus sp. isolate. When incubated in minimal medium with glucose as a carbon source and in the presence of 50 microg/mL Cr(VI), these strains caused complete disappearance of Cr(VI) in the growth medium after about 72 h of incubation. Total chromium concentration in growth medium was constant during culture growth, and no accumulation of chromium in fungal biomass was observed. Quantitative determinations of oxidized and reduced chromium species during the reduction process revealed stoichiometric conversion of Cr(VI) to Cr(III). A decrease in Cr(VI) levels from industrial wastes was also induced by Ed8 or H13 biomass. These results indicate that chromate-resistant filamentous fungi with Cr(VI)-reducing capability could be useful for the removal of Cr(VI) contamination.  相似文献   

Because benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and ethanol are important contaminants present in Brazilian gasoline, it is essential to develop technology that can be used in the bioremediation of gasoline-contaminated aquifers. This paper evaluates the performance of a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor fed with water containing gasoline constituents under denitrifying conditions. Two HAIB reactors filled with polyurethane foam matrices (5 mm cubes, 23 kg/m3 density and 95 % porosity) for biomass attachment were assayed. The reactor fed with synthetic substrate containing protein, carbohydrates, sodium bicarbonate and BTEX solution in ethanol, at an Hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 13.5 h, presented hydrocarbon removal efficiencies of 99 % at the following initial concentrations: benzene 6.7 mg/L, toluene 4.9 mg/L, m-xylene and p-xylene 7.2 mg/L, ethylbenzene 3.7 mg/L, and nitrate 60 mg N/L. The HAIB reactor fed with gasoline-contaminated water at an HRT of 20 h showed hydrocarbon removal efficiencies of 96 % at the following initial concentrations: benzene, 4.9 mg/L; toluene, 7.2 mg/L; m-xylene, 3.7 mg/L; and nitrate 400 mg N/L. Microbiological observations along the length of the HAIB reactor fed with gasoline-contaminated water confirmed that in the first segment of the reactor, denitrifying metabolism predominated, whereas from the first sampling port on, the metabolism observed was predominantly methanogenic.  相似文献   

Flavinogenic yeast overproduce riboflavin (RF) in iron-deprived media. In optimal growth media supplemented with Fe, hexavalent chromium 'Cr (VI)' treatment led to elevated RF synthesis in all cases of 37 flavinogenic strains studied. The level of RF production exceeded the rate observed at iron-deficient conditions. At sublethal Cr concentrations the RF oversynthesis over time correlated well with the growth-inhibitory adaptational period as manifested by the prolonged lag phase. The consecutive logarithmic biomass growth was accompanied by a drop in RF biosynthesis. Cr (VI)-induced RF overproduction was not a result of cellular iron level decrease. The treatment of yeast with Cr (VI) led to the stimulation of GTP-cyclohydrolase and RF-synthase activities, the key enzymes of the RF biosynthesis pathway.  相似文献   

A gram-positive, chromium (Cr)-resistant bacterial strain (ATCC 700729) was isolated from effluent of tanneries. It was grown in media containing potassium dichromate concentration up to 80 mg ml−1 of the medium. The dichromate reducing capability of the bacterium was checked by estimating the amount of Cr VI in the medium before and after introduction of bacterial culture. The influence of factors like pH of the medium, concentration of Cr, and the amount of the inoculum was studied to determine the ability of the bacterium to reduce Cr VI in the medium under various conditions. In a medium containing dichromate 20 mg ml−1 more than 87% reduction of dichromate ions was achieved within 72 h. The feasibility of the use of this bacterial strain for detoxification of dichromate in the industrial wastewater has been assessed. The isolated strain can be exploited for specific environmental clean-up operations. Received: 7 April 1999 / Accepted: 12 September 1999  相似文献   

采用序批式反应器(SBR),对比厌氧/好氧(A/O)和厌氧/缺氧(A/A)2种运行模式对模拟生活和工业混合污水同时脱氮除磷的效能。结果表明:反硝化聚磷菌完全可以在厌氧/缺氧交替运行条件下得到富集,稳定运行的2种模式对有机物和P的去除率分别保持在90%和85%以上,且A/A SBR具有更强的释磷能力,其释磷量比A/O SBR高出1.2倍。进一步试验表明:磷的释放在有无硝酸盐的情况下效果是不同的。2个系统内污泥均有反硝化除磷能力,A/A SBR中所含反硝化聚磷菌(DPAO)的比例是A/O SBR的4.56倍。2种模式出水水质都能取得较好的效果,且能实现同步除磷脱氮,而反硝化除磷在生物除磷方面更具优势。  相似文献   

Aims: To characterize the bacterial consortia and isolates selected for their role in hexavalent chromium removal by adsorption and reduction. Methods and Results: Bacterial consortia from industrial wastes revealed significant Cr(VI) removal after 15 days when incubated in medium M9 at pH 6·5 and 8·0. The results suggested chromium reduction. The bacterial consortia diversity (T‐RFLP based on 16S rRNA gene) indicated a highest number of operational taxonomic units in an alkaline carbonate medium mimicking in situ conditions. However, incubations under such conditions revealed low Cr(VI) removal. Genomic libraries were obtained for the consortia exhibiting optimal Cr(VI) removal (M9 medium at pH 6·5 and 8·0). They revealed the dominance of 16S rRNA gene sequences related to the genera Pseudomonas/Stenotrophomonas or Enterobacter/Halomonas, respectively. Isolates related to Pseudomonas fluorescens and Enterobacter aerogenes were efficient in Cr(VI) reduction and adsorption to the biomass. Conclusions: Cr(VI) reduction was better at neutral pH rather than under in situ conditions (alkaline pH with carbonate). Isolated strains exhibited significant capacity for Cr(VI) reduction and adsorption. Significance and Impact of Study: Bacterial communities from chromium‐contaminated industrial wastes as well as isolates were able to remove Cr(VI). The results suggest a good potential for bioremediation of industrial wastes when optimal conditions are applied.  相似文献   

Studies of on-line viable yeast biomass with a capacitance biomass monitor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A commercially available biomass monitor has been employed in a number of applications. For capacitance monitors, a relationship between capacitance measurement and cell counts or colony forming units has been reported in the literature. However, for use as an online instrument, a more practical correlation with the biomass concentration is needed. In this study, we followed the batch growth of brewer's yeast and a correlation with viable biomass concentration (g DW/L) was demonstrated. This correlation was utilized with the capacitance biomass monitor in a control loop to maintain setpoint biomass levels in a cyclic reactor under perturbations. Not only did the system demonstrate the capability of the biomass monitor to control biomass in such a system, but it also confirmed the correlation reported in our earlier work. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The preservation characteristics of granular sludges were investigated in terms of storing age and environmental condition. As a preservative index, physicochemical, microbiological, and morphological parameters were measured in order to quantify the change in granular sludge. Results from this research indicated that, as the anaerobic granular sludge had an outstanding preservation characteristic, UASB system could be effectively applied to the industries operating seasonally or intermittently.  相似文献   

 Lipid phosphate, which is a measure of viable biomass, was determined using biofilm samples from three different laboratory-scale reactors. The analysis procedure proposed in the literature was modified and tested for suitability in experiments with biofilm reactors. The microbial contents of the biofilms studied are compared in three types of reactor. Received: 2 November 1994/Accepted: 23 January 1995  相似文献   

Classical enumeration methods for anaerobes are time-consuming and require special conditions. Solid phase cytometry (SPC) is a recent laser scanning technique for the quantitative detection of fluorescently labelled bacteria on a membrane filter that eliminates the need for a growth phase. Fluorescent labelling of cells results from the cleavage by intracellular esterases of a fluorescein type ester to yield a free fluorescein derivative, which is retained only in cells with an intact cytoplasmic membrane. However, as the standard labelling procedure is carried out under the conditions of aerobiosis, labelling of anaerobic bacteria does not appear to be obvious. We have labelled eight strains of vegetative anaerobic bacteria (i.e. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Clostridium bifermentans, C. butyricum, C. perfringens, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas canoris, P. gingivalis, Propionibacterium acnes) and two strains of spores (C. butyricum, C. perfringens,) within 4 h under aerobic conditions. However, anaerobiosis remained necessary for spores of C. sordellii, C. sporogenes, C. tyrobutyricum. For vegetative cells of all strains, plots of SPC versus plate counts were linear with slopes exceeding 1.0, indicating that SPC consistently yielded higher numbers of bacteria.  相似文献   

The effect of yeast extract (YE), iron (Fe) and cobalt (Co) on anaerobic bacterial granules grown in eight laboratory-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors was investigated using a factorial design. The experiment was performed in three periods in which different chemical oxygen demand (COD) loading rates were applied to the reactors. The COD digestion rate and the specific activity of the bacteria were positively affected by supplementation of Fe and Co in the feed under a high COD loading rate. YE had a strong positive effect on the bacterial growth rate, but no significant effect on the specific activity of the bacteria. With Fe supplementation, an excellent COD digestion rate was maintained in the reactors, and addition of YE in the feed was not necessary. Granules with better settling properties were developed under a relatively low bacterial growth rate. With the increase in COD loading rate, the percentage of calcium increased rapidly in the granules from the reactors without YE supplementation. The bacteria grown under high COD loading rate and without an Fe supplement could be Fe-deficient. Methanothrix-like rod-shaped bacteria were dominant in the granules from all reactors.Correspondence to: N. Kosaric  相似文献   

Sulfide removal by moderate oxygenation of anaerobic sludge environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introduction of a limited amount of oxygen to anaerobic bioreactors is proposed as a simple technique to lower the level of sulfide in the biogas. This paper presents the results of a bioreactor study and of batch experiments that were performed to obtain better insight into the fate of sulfur compounds and oxygen during micro-aerobic sulfide oxidation. Introduction of a low airflow (0.7-0.9 m(3)m(-3)d(-1), corresponding to an O(2)/S molar ratio of 8-10) to a fluidized bed reactor fed with low-sulfate vinasse was sufficient to reduce the biogas H(2)S-content to an undetectable level. Sulfide was initially oxidized to elemental sulfur, thiosulfate and - most probably - polysulfide. Significant sulfate production did not occur. Bioreactor sludge sampled from the reactor after three weeks' micro-aerobic operation was much faster in oxidizing sulfur than bioreactor sludge sampled during fully anaerobic reactor operation. The reaction proceeded faster with increasing O(2)/sulfide ratios.  相似文献   

A continuous-feed recycle bioreactor was used to study the kinetics of methanogenic degradation of phenol at 35 degrees C by bacteria supported on a bed of granular activated carbon (GAC). At dilution rates well above the growth rate of the culture, the cells not only populated the GAC, but also formed a layer of granular biomass. This layer was stabilized by the presence of the GAC, and accounted for over half of the phenol-degrading activity in the bioreactor. The specific phenol degradation rates for GAC-attached biomass, suspended biomass, and granular biomass were all in the range 0.15 to 0.22 mg phenol/mg volatile solids per day as measured under pseudo-steady-state conditions. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The bioaccumulation of metals (Cu2+, Cr6+, Cd2+, Ni2+ and Zn2+) from three electroplating effluents by viable Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the effect of glucose treatment on accumulation was determined. Pretreatment of the yeast cells with glucose increased the amount of metal removed, whilst direct addition of glucose to the yeast-effluent solution had no effect on the amount of metal accumulated.  相似文献   

During dual-phase fermentations using Escherichia coli engineered for succinic acid production, the productivity and viable cell concentration decrease as the concentration of succinic acid increases. The effects of succinic acid on the fermentation kinetics, yield, and cell viability were investigated by resuspending cells in fresh media after selected fermentation times. The cellular succinic acid productivity could be restored, but cell viability continuously decreased throughout the fermentations by up to 80% and subsequently the volumetric productivity was reduced. Omitting complex nutrients in the resuspension media had no significant effect on cellular succinate productivity and yield, although the viable cell concentration and thus the volumetric productivity was reduced by approximately 20%. By resuspending the cells, the amount of succinate produced during a 100-h fermentation was increased by more than 60%. The results demonstrate that by product removal succinic acid productivity can be maintained at high levels for extended periods of time.  相似文献   

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