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To identify molecular players implicated in cytokinesis and division plane determination, the Arabidopsis thaliana genome was explored for potential cytokinesis genes. More than 100 open reading frames were selected based on similarity to yeast and animal cytokinesis genes, cytoskeleton and polarity genes, and Nicotiana tabacum genes showing cell cycle-controlled expression. The subcellular localization of these proteins was determined by means of GFP tagging in tobacco Bright Yellow-2 cells and Arabidopsis plants. Detailed confocal microscopy identified 15 proteins targeted to distinct regions of the phragmoplast and the cell plate. EB1- and MAP65-like proteins were associated with the plus-end, the minus-end, or along the entire length of microtubules. The actin-binding protein myosin, the kinase Aurora, and a novel cell cycle protein designated T22, accumulated preferentially at the midline. EB1 and Aurora, in addition to other regulatory proteins (homologs of Mob1, Sid1, and Sid2), were targeted to the nucleus, suggesting that this organelle operates as a coordinating hub for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Mobile stages of meiosis have been analysed by visualizing the spindle in fertile cereal F1 hybrids. We describe four different mechanisms of the formation of restitution nuclei in meiotic division: (1) centripetal migration of telophase chromosome groups from the poles of a curved spindle at early telophase; (2) centripetal migration of the chromosome groups at late telophase when cell plate formation has failed; (3) preferable migration of univalents to one of the poles although spindle appearance is morphologically normal; and (4) in the absence of chromosome segregation where kinetochore fibers have failed to form.  相似文献   

For the majority of dicotyledonous plants, cytokinesis in PMC is staged only once, i.e., after the completion of two cycles of caryokinesis. In the article, a cytological picture and the frequency characteristics of anomalies are shown, in which the cytokinesis in the PMCs of transgenic tobacco plants was already initiated after the first meiotic division. It is shown that, in such cells, the basic processes of cytoskeletal reorganization, which is typical for the simultaneous type of cytokinesis, remained unmodified. However, in most cases, premature division of cytoplasm took place with abnormalities, e.g., with the formation of a membranous “tunnel” or “gash.” It has been detected that the initialization of an additional round of cytokinesis is not an obstacle to the performance of the nuclear cycle or cytokinesis after the second meiotic division. Thus, in the presence of this anomaly, there is a change in the type of cytoplasm division, i.e., of simultaneous to successive.  相似文献   

A key step in pollen formation is the segregation of the products of male meiosis into a tetrad of microspores, each of which develops into a pollen grain. Separation of microspores does not occur in tetraspore (tes) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, owing to the failure of male meiotic cytokinesis. tes mutants thus generate large 'tetraspores' containing all the products of a single meiosis. Here, we report the positional cloning of the TES locus and details of the role played by the TES product in male cytokinesis. The predicted TES protein includes an N-terminal domain homologous to kinesin motors and a C-terminus with little similarity to other proteins except for a small number of plant kinesins. These include the Arabidopsis HINKEL protein and NACK1 and two from tobacco (Nishihama et al., 2002), which are involved in microtubule organization during mitotic cytokinesis. Immunocytochemistry shows that the characteristic radial arrays of microtubules associated with male meiotic cytokinesis fail to form in tes mutants. The TES protein therefore is likely to function as a microtubule-associated motor, playing a part either in the formation of the radial arrays that establish spore domains following meiosis, or in maintaining their stability.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal rearrangements were studied during meiotic telophase in a number of monocotyledonous plant species. Wild type and abnormal meiosis (in wide cereal hybrids, meiotic mutants and allolines) was analyzed. It was found that central spindle fibers that move centrifugally, along with newly-formed MTs, are the basis of phragmoplast formation and function in PMCs of monocotyledonous plant species with successive cytokinesis stages. A model for centrifugal movement of the meiotic phragmoplast is proposed; this model is a modification of the corresponding process during B-anaphase.  相似文献   

Plant cytokinesis involves the formation of a cell plate. This is accomplished with the help of the phragmoplast, a plant-specific cytokinetic apparatus that consists of microtubules and microfilaments. During centrifugal growth of the cell plate, the phragmoplast expands to keep its microtubules at the leading edge of the cell plate. Recent studies have revealed potential regulators of phragmoplast microtubule dynamics and the involvement of a mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade in the control of phragmoplast expansion. These studies provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of plant cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Summary The spontaneous occurrence of chromosome breaks, deletions, and translocations in plant tissue cultures is well documented. This study investigated the usefulness of tissue culture as a method of introgressing alien genes into wheat. Wheat X rye hybrids were regenerated from embryo scutellar calli maintained in culture for 222 days. The regenerated seedlings then were treated with colchicine to produce amphidiploids (AABBDDRR). The karyotypes of ten amphidiploids were analyzed by C-banding to determine chromosome structural changes that occurred during tissue culture. Three wheat/rye and one wheat/wheat chromosome translocations, seven deletions, and five amplifications of heterochromatin bands of rye chromosomes were identified. One amphidiploid contained a reciprocal translocation between wheat chromosome 4D and rye chromosome 1R. Non-reciprocal translocations between 2B and 3R, and between an unidentified wheat chromosome and 2R, were found independently in two amphidiploids. An additional plant had a translocation between wheat chromosomes 6B and 5A. All deletions involving rye chromosomes were noted in all 10 amphidiploids. Twelve of the 13 breakpoints in chromosomes involved in translocations and deletions occurred in heterochromatin. Amplification of heterochromatin bands on 2RL and 7RL chromosome arms also was observed in five plants. These results indicate a high degree of chromosome structural change induced by tissue culture. Therefore, tissue culture may be a useful tool in alien gene introgression and manipulation of heterochromatin in triticale improvement.Contribution No. 84-188-J, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University. Research was supported by the Science and Education Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture under Grant No. 59-2201-1-1-639-0 from Competitive Research Grants Office to R.G.S.  相似文献   

兰州百合小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常现象的观察   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
对兰州百合(Lilium davidii var.unicolor)小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常进行了研究,发现存在不等二价体、同源染色体早分离、染色体桥、不均等分离、滞后染色体、核外染色体、微核等。分析了这些异常形成的可能机制及对正常小孢子形成的影响。人工花粉萌发实验表明:小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常是导致花粉败育的主要原因。认为兰州百合长期行无性繁殖引起染色体结构变异,导致减数分裂异常。  相似文献   

The frequency characteristics and cytological picture of cytomixis in the course of male meiosis are described in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with altered flower morphology and male sterility. Effects of cytomixis on qualitative composition of meiotic products are studied (formation of cytoplasts and polyads). Doubling of the chromosome number was established to increase frequency of cytomixis in the studied plants.  相似文献   

采用扫描电镜与1%醋酸洋红压片的方法,观察山羊豆属两种植物的花粉形态及花粉母细胞减数分裂行为,从而为山羊豆属的遗传学及分类学提供依据。两种山羊豆属植物立体形状为近球形或扁球形,均具三孔沟,穴—网状纹饰,极面观为近三角形,赤道面观为圆形。东方山羊豆的大小为:赤道轴×极轴=14.3(13.5~15.0)×12.6(12.1~13.7)μm,山羊豆的大小为:赤道轴×极轴=13.7(12.3~14.8)×12.4(10.6~13.0)μm.花粉母细胞减数分裂为同时型胞质分裂,终变期染色体构型为8Ⅱ,没有出现落后染色体及微核现象。小孢子四分体为四面体型。减数分裂过程有一定规律,与花蕾大小,颜色有密切关系。减数分裂进程存在一定差异,同一个花蕾中的不同花药花粉母细胞分裂速度基本相同,所处的时期及观察的分裂相一致,在同一个花药中的不同花粉母细胞中,可见各种不同时期的细胞。  相似文献   

Monopolar spindles in pollen mother cells of cereal wide F1 hybrids are described; details of the formation of anastral spindles are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Previous C-banding analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum)X rye (Secale cereale) hybrids regenerated from tissue culture revealed enlarged C-bands in some rye chromosomes, but the molecular nature of the change was not determined. In situ hybridization using two DNA probes containing repeated sequences from rye telomeric heterochromatin was conducted on these wheatX rye hybrids and their progeny to investigate the occurrence of amplification in repeated sequences. Clones pSC 74 and pSC 119, which contain sequences from the 480-bp and 120-bp repeated DNA families of rye, respectively, were used as probes. Amplification of 480-bp repeated sequences in the short arm telomere of chromosome 7R was detected in three wheatxrye hybrids and their progeny. The amplified 480-bp sequences were detected by an enlarged hybridization site for pSC 74 at the 7RS telomere, and by the appearance at this same telomeric site of an unlabeled, blue chromosome segment in an otherwise completely brown chromosome hybridizing entirely to the biotin-labeled pSC 119 probe. This variant form of chromosome 7R was not observed in several Chaupon plants, or in the other hybrids derived from the same embryos, indicating the origin of the change in tissue culture. The amplified sequences were inherited up to at least three generations. Deletions and translocations were also observed.Contribution No. 87-9-J, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University  相似文献   

An essential role for katanin in severing microtubules in the neuron   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Several lines of evidence suggest that microtubules are nucleated at the neuronal centrosome, and then released for transport into axons and dendrites. Here we sought to determine whether the microtubule-severing protein known as katanin mediates microtubule release from the neuronal centrosome. Immunomicroscopic analyses on cultured sympathetic neurons show that katanin is present at the centrosome, but is also widely distributed throughout the neuron. Microinjection of an antibody that inactivates katanin results in a dramatic accumulation of microtubules at the centrosome, indicating that katanin is indeed required for microtubule release from the centrosome. However, the antibody also causes an inhibition of axon outgrowth that is more immediate than expected on this basis alone. It may be that katanin severs microtubules throughout the cell body to keep them sufficiently short to be efficiently transported into developing processes. Consistent with this idea, there were significantly fewer free ends of microtubules in the cell bodies of neurons that had been injected with the katanin antibody compared with controls. These results indicate that microtubule-severing by katanin is essential for releasing microtubules from the neuronal centrosome, and also for regulating the length of the microtubules after their release.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of microtubular cytoskeleton and of callose walls in normal pollen mother cells (PMC) of tobacco N. tabacum L. and in cells with intercellular translocation of nuclear material (cytomictic) was studied in the course of the cell cycle. The microtubular cytoskeleton was established as playing no obvious role in the process of cytomixis. The elevated level of cytomictic seems to be due to disturbances of synthesis of callose walls as a result of their attenuation and perforation. Possible causes of cytomictic in tobacco PMC at the cellular level are discussed.  相似文献   

The microtubule (MT)‐associated putative kinase RUNKEL (RUK) is an important component of the phragmoplast machinery involved in cell plate formation in Arabidopsis somatic cytokinesis. Since loss‐of‐function ruk mutants display seedling lethality, it was previously not known whether RUK functions in mature sporophytes or during gametophyte development. In this study we utilized RUK proteins that lack the N‐terminal kinase domain to further examine biological processes related to RUK function. Truncated RUK proteins when expressed in wild‐type Arabidopsis plants cause cellularization defects not only in seedlings and adult tissues but also during male meiocyte development, resulting in abnormal pollen and reduced fertility. Ultrastructural analysis of male tetrads revealed irregular and incomplete or absent intersporal cell walls, caused by disorganized radial MT arrays. Moreover, in ruk mutants endosperm cellularization defects were also caused by disorganized radial MT arrays. Intriguingly, in seedlings expressing truncated RUK proteins, the kinesin HINKEL, which is required for the activation of a mitogen‐activated protein kinase signaling pathway regulating phragmoplast expansion, was mislocalized. Together, these observations support a common role for RUK in both phragmoplast‐based cytokinesis in somatic cells and syncytial cytokinesis in reproductive cells.  相似文献   

以欧洲黑杨的雄花枝为材料,采用温室切枝水培和醋酸洋红染色制片法,观察花粉母细胞减数分裂进程及其与花芽发育外部形态的关系。结果表明:(1)欧洲黑杨花粉母细胞的减数分裂进程快慢与温度高低关系密切;(2)减数分裂发生时其花芽的外部形态发育没有明显变化;(3)花粉母细胞减数分裂不同步性突出,同一花药内的花粉母细胞处于不同的减数分裂时期,且同一花芽尖端发育明显滞后于中部和基部;(4)减数分裂过程中有少量的核仁异常现象,虽观察到较多平行纺锤体现象,但未发现天然2n花粉。该研究结果揭示了欧洲黑杨减数分裂的遗传变异规律,为诱变育种、倍性育种以及分子水平的进一步研究奠定了细胞学基础。  相似文献   

用DGD包埋去包埋方法,观察了洋葱花粉母细胞中胞间连丝和胞质通道内的胞质骨架分布。结果发现,在花粉母细胞的胞间连丝内有胞质骨加分布,这些骨架纤维集结成束,穿过胞间连丝。在胞质通道内也有胞质骨架分布,但与胸间连丝内的骨困分布有所不同,主要表现为两种形式;骨架纤维致密或稀少。研究讨论了胞质骨架在胞间连丝和胞质通道内的作用。  相似文献   

The in vitro embryo rescue response of hybrid embryos of different ages and sizes of 16 bread wheat x hexaploid triticale crosses was studied. Response was dependent on the parental wheat genotype. However, the triticale genotype did not seem to affect the response of in vitro embryo rescue. Optimum age of the embryo for better recovery of complete plantlets coincided with onset of the drying of hybrid caryopses in the field. Embryo size was positively correlated with embryo germination and recovery of plantlets and negatively correlated with callus development. The best embryo germination (55.55%) and plantlet recovery (50%) were recorded in the hybrid HD 2380 wheat x JNIT 173 triticale.  相似文献   

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