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Stability and apoptotic activity of recombinant human cytochrome c   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An efficient system for producing human cytochrome c variants is important to help us understand the roles of this protein in biological processes relevant to human diseases including apoptosis and oxidative stress. Here, we describe an Escherichia coli expression system for producing recombinant human cytochrome c. We also characterize the structure, stability, and function of the protein and show its utility for studying apoptosis. Yields of greater than 8 mg of pure protein per liter culture were attained. Circular dichroism spectropolarimetry studies show that the secondary and tertiary structures of the human protein are nearly identical to those of the horse protein, but the human protein is more stable than other eukaryotic cytochromes c. Furthermore, recombinant human cytochrome c is capable of inducing caspase-3 activity in a cell-free caspase activation assay. We use data from this assay along with data from the literature to define the apaf-1 binding site on human cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Here, we identified a novel secreted antigen designated as Babesia microti secreted antigen 1 (BmSA1) by immunoscreening a B. microti cDNA expression library using the sera from hamsters immunized with plasma, putatively containing secreted antigens, from B. microti-infected hamsters. Antibodies raised in mice immunized with recombinant BmSA1 (rBmSA1) recognized a native 33-kDa parasite protein. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of rBmSA1 detected specific antibodies as early as 6 and 4 days post-infection in sera from a hamster experimentally infected with B. microti Gray strain (US type) and a mouse experimentally infected with B. microti Munich strain (rodent isolate), respectively. Moreover, a rapid immunochromatographic test (ICT) using rBmSA1 detected specific antibodies in a hamster experimentally infected with B. microti from day 6 to at least day 270 post-infection, which was quite consistent with the results of the ELISA. In addition, analysis of the sera involved in the first case of human babesiosis in Japan (Kobe type) showed that specific antibodies were detectable in the patient and the positive donor by ELISA using rBmSA1, and the ICT result was identical to the ELISA data. Taken together, these results indicated that BmSA1 could be a promising and universal target for developing both ELISA and ICT for the serodiagnosis of human babesiosis and for an epidemiological survey of its rodent reservoir.  相似文献   

Contran N  Cerana R  Crosti P  Malerba M 《Protoplasma》2007,231(3-4):193-199
Summary. Programmed cell death plays a vital role in normal plant development, response to environmental stresses, and defense against pathogen attack. Different types of programmed cell death occur in plants and the involvement of mitochondria is still under investigation. In sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) cultured cells, the phytotoxin fusicoccin induces cell death that shows apoptotic features, including chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, and release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. In this work, we show that cyclosporin A, an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria, inhibits the cell death, DNA fragmentation, and cytochrome c release induced by fusicoccin. In addition, we show that fusicoccin induces a change in the shape of mitochondria which is not prevented by cyclosporin A. These results suggest that the release of cytochrome c induced by fusicoccin occurs through a cyclosporin A-sensitive system that is similar to the permeability transition pore of animal mitochondria and they make it tempting to speculate that this release may be involved in the phytotoxin-induced programmed cell death of sycamore cells. Correspondence and reprints: Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Bioscienze, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 2, 20126 Milano, Italy.  相似文献   

Details of the phylogenetic relationships among tetrahymenine ciliates remain unresolved despite a rich history of investigation with nuclear gene sequences and other characters. We examined all available species of Tetrahymena and three other tetrahymenine ciliates, and inferred their phylogenetic relationships using nearly complete mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences. The inferred phylogenies showed the genus Tetrahymena to be monophyletic. The three “classical” morphology-and-ecology-based groupings are paraphyletic. The SSUrRNA phylogeny confirmed the previously established australis and borealis groupings, and nine ribosets. However, these nine ribosets were not well supported. Using cox1 gene, the deduced phylogenies based on this gene revealed 12 well supported groupings, called coxisets, which mostly corresponded to the nine ribosets. This study demonstrated the utility of cox1 for resolving the recent phylogeny of Tetrahymena, whereas the SSU rRNA gene provided resolution of deeper phylogenetic relationships within the genus.  相似文献   

In order to distinguish between the regulatory effects of oxygen tension and light intensity on cytochrome c oxidase protein and enzymatic activity cells of Rhodobacter capsulatus were shifted from phototrophic (anaerobic, light) growth to aerobic-light, aerobic-dark and to anaerobic-dark conditions, respectively. During shift-experiments the formation of oxidase protein and regulation of oxidase activity was followed by immunological and enzymatic means. The results support the idea, that the formation of oxidase protein is regulated by oxygen tension and light intensity changes, whereas the regulation of oxidase activity seems only to be correlated to the oxygen tension. A DNA sequence involved in the oxygen-dependent regulation of cytochrome oxidase could be identified in the regulation-deficient oxidase mutant H41 of R. capsulatus. Immunological investigations of cytochrome c 2 from mutant H41 demonstrated at the same time the participation of the c 2-polypeptide in the regulation of cytochrome c oxidase.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - CIE crossed immuno-electrophoresis - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   

Bcl-x(S), a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 protein family, is localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane and induces caspase-dependent and nerve growth factor (NGF)-inhibitable apoptosis in PC12 cells. The mechanism of action of Bcl-x(S) and how NGF inhibits this death are not fully understood. It is still unknown whether Bcl-x(S) induces mitochondrial cytochrome c release, and which apoptotic step NGF inhibits. We show that Bcl-x(S) induces cytochrome c release and caspase-3 activation in several cell types, and that in PC12 cells, these events are inhibited by NGF treatment. The survival effect of NGF was inhibited by inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), and the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitors GF109203X, LY294002, and U0126. These findings show that cytochrome c release and caspase-3 activation participate in Bcl-x(S)-induced apoptosis, and that NGF inhibits Bcl-x(S)-induced apoptosis at the mitochondrial level via the PKC, PI 3-kinase, and MEK signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Steady-state kinetics for the reaction of Rhodobacter capsulatus bacterial cytochrome c peroxidase (BCCP) with its substrate cytochrome c(2) were investigated. The Rb. capsulatus BCCP is dependent on calcium for activation as previously shown for the Pseudomonas aeruginosa BCCP and Paracoccus denitrificans enzymes. Furthermore, the activity shows a bell-shaped pH dependence with optimum at pH 7.0. Enzyme activity is greatest at low ionic strength and drops off steeply as ionic strength increases, resulting in an apparent interaction domain charge product of -13. All cytochromes c(2) show an asymmetric distribution of surface charge, with a concentration of 14 positive charges near the exposed heme edge of Rb. capsulatus c(2) which potentially may interact with approximately 6 negative charges, localized near the edge of the high-potential heme of the Rb. capsulatus BCCP. To test this proposal, we constructed charge reversal mutants of the 14 positively charged residues located on the front face of Rb. capsulatus cytochrome c(2) and examined their effect on steady-state kinetics with BCCP. Mutated residues in Rb. capsulatus cytochrome c(2) that showed the greatest effects on binding and enzyme activity are K12E, K14E, K54E, K84E, K93E, and K99E, which is consistent with the site of electron transfer being located at the heme edge. We conclude that a combination of long-range, nonspecific electrostatic interactions as well as localized salt bridges between, e.g., cytochrome c(2) K12, K14, K54, and K99 with BCCP D194, D241, and D6, account for the observed kinetics.  相似文献   

Cytochrome a 1 c 1 was highly purified from Nitrobacter agilis. The cytochrome contained heme a and heme c of equimolar amount, and its reduced form showed absorption peaks at 587, 550, 521, 434 and 416 nm. Molecular weight per heme a of the cytochrome was estimated to be approx. 100,000–130,000 from the amino acid composition. A similar value was obtained by determining the protein content per heme a. The cytochrome molecule was composed of three subunits with molecular weights of 55,000, 29,000 and 19,000, respectively. The 29 kd subunit had heme c.Hemes a and c of cytochrome a 1 c 1 were reduced on addition of nitrite, and the reduced cytochrome was hardly autoxidizable. Exogenously added horse heart cytochrome c was reduced by nitrite in the presence of cytochrome a 1 c 1; K m values of cytochrome a 1 c 1 for nitrite and N. agilis cytochrome c were 0.5 mM and and 6 M, respectively. V max was 1.7 mol ferricytochrome c reduced/min·mol of cytochrome a 1 c 1 The pH optimum of the reaction was about 8. The nitrite-cytochrome c reduction catalyzed by cytochrome a 1 c 1 was 61% and 88% inhibited by 44M azide and cyanide, respectively. In the presence of 4.4 mM nitrate, the reaction was 89% inhibited. The nitrite-cytochrome c reduction catalysed by cytochrome a 1 c 1 was 2.5-fold stimulated by 4.5 mM manganous chloride. An activating factor which was present in the crude enzyme preparation stimulated the reaction by 2.8-fold, and presence of both the factor and manganous ion activated the reaction by 7-fold.Cytochrome a 1 c 1 showed also cytochrome c-nitrate reductase activity. The pH optimum of the reaction was about 6. The nitrate reductase activity was also stimulated by manganous ions and the activating factor.  相似文献   

Two synthetic genes coding for human and Arabidopsis cytochrome c, respectively, have been designed and constructed, and the recombinant proteins have been over-expressed in Escherichia coli cells. Thus a comparative analysis of the two heme proteins, including horse cytochrome c as a reference, has been performed. In addition to their physico-chemical properties, the redox behavior of the three proteins has been analyzed by following the kinetics of both their reduction by flavin semiquinones (lumiflavin, riboflavin, and FMN) and oxidation by cytochrome c oxidase. The resulting data indicate that the accessibility and electrostatic charge of the active site do not differ in a significant way among the three proteins, but human cytochrome c exhibits some intriguing differences when interacting with cytochrome c oxidase that could be related to the amino acid changes underwent by the latter along evolution.  相似文献   

【目的】在人的鼻腔中鉴定出一种源自α-2-巨球蛋白的抗菌肽(命名为A2M3),并探究其对金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)的抑菌作用和机制。【方法】结合生物信息学技术对人类鼻液的质谱结果进行分析,并筛选潜在抗菌肽;通过微量稀释法和平板涂布法分别分析A2M3对金黄色葡萄球菌最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)和时间杀伤曲线(time-kill curve);采用透射电镜、碘化丙锭(propidium iodide, PI)摄取实验、流式细胞术和核酸蛋白质泄露实验分析A2M3对金黄色葡萄球菌膜完整性、膜通透性的影响;通过凝胶阻滞实验和荧光光谱实验探究A2M3对金黄色葡萄球菌基因组DNA的影响。【结果】利用生物信息学技术筛选出源自α-2-巨球蛋白的潜在抗菌肽A2M3,其对金黄色葡萄球菌的MIC为125.0 μg/mL,且能在3 h内完全杀灭细菌。A2M3通过增加细胞膜的通透性,促使核酸和蛋白质泄漏,继而穿过细胞膜嵌入DNA的碱基对,影响细菌的基因功能,从而导致菌体死亡。【结论】A2M3对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑菌机制涉及多靶点协同作用,能够改变细菌细胞膜的通透性,影响细菌的基因功能。这一发现揭示了从人体体液中筛选和分离抗菌功能肽的潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

It has recently been proposed that the role of neuroglobin in the protection of neurons from ischaemia induced cell death requires the formation of a transient complex with cytochrome c. No such complex has yet been isolated. Here, we present the results of soft docking calculations, which indicate one major binding site for cytochrome c to neuroglobin. The results yield a plausible structure for the most likely complex structure in which the hemes of each protein are in close contact. NMR analysis identifies the formation of a weak complex in which the heme group of cytochrome c is involved. surface plasmon resonance studies provide a value of 45muM for the equilibrium constant for cytochrome c binding to neuroglobin, which increases significantly as the ionic strength of the solution increases. The temperature dependence of the binding constant indicates that the complex formation is associated with a small unfavourable enthalpy change (1.9kcalmol(-1)) and a moderately large, favourable entropy change (14.8calmol(-1)deg(-1)). The sensitivity of the binding constant to the presence of salt suggests that the complex formation involves electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Expression of HSV-1 genes leads to the induction of apoptosis in human epithelial HEp-2 cells but the subsequent synthesis of infected cell protein prevents the process from killing the cells. Thus, viruses unable to produce appropriate prevention factors are apoptotic. We now report that the addition of either a pancaspase inhibitor or caspase-9-specific inhibitor prevented cells infected with an apoptotic HSV-1 virus from undergoing cell death. This result indicated that HSV-1-dependent apoptosis proceeds through the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. However, the pancaspase inhibitor did not prevent the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, implying that caspase activation is not required for this induction of cytochrome c release by HSV-1. The release of cytochrome c was first detected at 9 hpi while caspase-9, caspase-3 and PARP processing were detected at 12 hpi. Finally, Bax accumulated at mitochondria during apoptotic, but not wild type HSV-1 infection. Together, these findings indicate that HSV-1 blocks apoptosis by precluding mitochondrial cytochrome c release in a caspase-independent manner and suggest Bax as a target in infected human epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Thermotropic properties of purified cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry under various conditions. Both cytochromes exhibit a single endothermodenaturation peak in the differential scanning calorimetric thermogram. Thermodenaturation temperatures are ionic strength, pH, and redox state dependent. The ferrocytochromes are more stable toward thermodenaturation than the ferricytochromes. The enthalpy changes of thermodenaturation of ferro- and ferricytochrome c1 are markedly dependent on the ionic strength of the solution. The effect of the ionic strength of solution on the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation of cytochrome c is rather insignificant. The formation of a complex between cytochromes c and c1 at lower ionic strength causes a significant destabilization of the former and a slight stabilization of the latter. The destabilization of cytochrome c upon mixing with cytochrome c1 was also observed at high ionic strength, under which conditions no stable complex was detected by physical separation. This suggests formation of a transient complex between these two cytochromes. When cytochrome c was complexed with phospholipids, no change in the thermodenaturation temperature was observed, but a great increase in the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation resulted.  相似文献   

Among the previously established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), an ELISA using the full length of a recombinant thrombospondin-related adhesive protein of Babesia gibsoni (rBgTRAPf) is considered as the most sensitive diagnostic method for the detection of an antibody to B. gibsoni in dogs. However, the expression of rBgTRAPf in high concentration is poor and, thus, limits its usefulness as a diagnostic antigen. To improve its expression level, we have truncated BgTRAPf into two fragments having either an N- or a C-terminus (BgTRAPn or BgTRAPc, respectively). The expression of BgTRAPc protein in Escherichia coli yielded adequate recombinant protein. The specificity and sensitivity of ELISAs with the truncated proteins were determined using dog sera experimentally infected with B. gibsoni and specific pathogen-free (SPF) dog sera. A total of 254 field dog sera were examined by the ELISA with rBgTRAPn, rBgTRAPc, and rBgTRAPf as well as by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The specificity of rBgTRAPc was the highest (97.15%), and its kappa value was more (0.8003) than rBgTRAPn (0.7083). With a sufficient level of expression as well as higher specificity and reliable sensitivity, rBgTRAPc appears to be a potential candidate antigen for the serodiagnosis of B. gibsoni infection in dogs.  相似文献   

We have established a sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of the activator protein which stimulates the enzymic hydrolysis of GM1 (GM1-activator) in human urine. The level of GM1-activator in 19 normal, adult urine samples was estimated to be 370.7±33.2 ng/ml. The amounts of GM1-activator excreted in 24 h were estimated to be between 0.28 and 1.1 mg. The coefficient of variation for this method is 4.3% for the intra-assay and 14.4% for the inter-assay. Urine samples, without purification, can be used directly for the ELISA.  相似文献   

The moth Omphisa fuscidentalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) is a univoltine insect with a larval diapause period lasting up to 9 months. We studied changes in O(2) consumption in conjunction with cytochrome c oxidase activity and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene expression. O(2) consumption changed within a day, showing a supradian rhythm with a ca.12-h cycle at 25 degrees C. During the first two-thirds of the diapause period, from October to March, O(2) consumption was constant until January and then increased by March. Topical application of methoprene, a juvenile hormone analog (JHA), to diapausing larvae terminated the diapause and was associated with an increase in O(2) consumption rate at diapause termination. In JHA-treated larvae, cytochrome c oxidase activity in fat bodies was high at the beginning of the prepupal period and highest at pupation. cox1 expression in fat bodies displayed a transient peak 8 days after JHA application and peaked in the prepupal period. Taken together, our results show that the break of diapause by JHA is associated with the activation of cox1, bringing about an increase in cytochrome c oxidase activity, followed by an increase in O(2) consumption rate.  相似文献   

Cellular stress may stimulate cell survival pathways or cell death depending on its severity. 6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is a neurotoxin that targets dopaminergic neurons that is often used to induce neuronal cell death in models of Parkinson's disease. Here we present evidence that 6-OHDA induces apoptosis in rat PC12 cells that involves release of cytochrome c and Smac/Diablo from mitochondria, caspase-3 activation, cleavage of PARP, and nuclear condensation. 6-OHDA also induced the heat shock response, leading to increased levels of Hsp25 and Hsp70. Increased Hsp25 expression was associated with cell survival. Prior heat shock or overexpression of Hsp27 (human homologue of Hsp25) delayed cytochrome c release, caspase activation, and reduced the level of apoptosis caused by 6-OHDA. We conclude that 6-OHDA induces a variety of responses in cultured PC12 cells ranging from cell survival to apoptosis, and that induction of stress proteins such as Hsp25 may protect cells from undergoing 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Enhanced antioxidant status in polar fishes may occur due to high dissolved oxygen levels and membranes rich in peroxidation-sensitive polyunsaturated fatty acids. To evaluate the importance of antioxidant enzymes in polar fishes, activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the aerobic enzyme cytochrome c oxidase (CCO), were measured at 6 degrees C and 1 degrees C in livers of confamilial Arctic and temperate teleosts: the Arctic fourhorn sculpin Triglopsis quadricornis (Cottidae) and saddled eelpout Lycodes mucosus (Zoarcidae) vs. the temperate longhorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus) (Cottidae) and ocean pout (Zoarces americanus) (Zoarcidae), respectively. At both assay temperatures, CAT activities were substantially lower in both Arctic species, SOD was similar in the cottids but lower in the Arctic zoarcid, and GR was similar in temperate and Arctic fishes. Activities at respective habitat temperatures were always significantly lower in the Arctic fishes. The lower antioxidant enzyme activities in the Arctic fishes cannot be attributed to lower aerobic status because CCO activity was similar or higher in the Arctic fishes; significant negative relationships were found between CCO and CAT and GR (but not SOD) when all species were combined, indicating that a higher apparent aerobic status does not necessarily coincide with higher antioxidant enzyme activities. Antioxidant enzyme activities may not be enhanced as part of cold adaptation in Arctic fishes, at least in the liver.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to detect remains of Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) immature stages in the guts of field collected arthropod predators. The assay can be used to help ascertain the relative importance of arthropod predator species in suppressing P. rapae in cabbage, Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. The ELISA is sensitive to all immature stages of P. rapae, although first and fifth instars can be detected more readily than eggs or pupae and third instars showed intermediate detectability. Assays on whole body homogenates of predators readily detected predation on P. rapae first instars by all seven of the predator species tested, although response generally declined with increasing predator size. Together the results show that the P. rapae ELISA possesses a sufficiently high level of sensitivity and specificity to be a useful tool in helping to elucidate the roles of arthropod predator species in reducing populations of P. rapae in cabbage.  相似文献   

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