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Lalić J  Elena SF 《Heredity》2012,109(2):71-77
How epistatic interactions between mutations determine the genetic architecture of fitness is of central importance in evolution. The study of epistasis is particularly interesting for RNA viruses because of their genomic compactness, lack of genetic redundancy, and apparent low complexity. Moreover, interactions between mutations in viral genomes determine traits such as resistance to antiviral drugs, virulence and host range. In this study we generated 53 Tobacco etch potyvirus genotypes carrying pairs of single-nucleotide substitutions and measured their separated and combined deleterious fitness effects. We found that up to 38% of pairs had significant epistasis for fitness, including both positive and negative deviations from the null hypothesis of multiplicative effects. Interestingly, the sign of epistasis was correlated with viral protein-protein interactions in a model network, being predominantly positive between linked pairs of proteins and negative between unlinked ones. Furthermore, 55% of significant interactions were cases of reciprocal sign epistasis (RSE), indicating that adaptive landscapes for RNA viruses maybe highly rugged. Finally, we found that the magnitude of epistasis correlated negatively with the average effect of mutations. Overall, our results are in good agreement to those previously reported for other viruses and further consolidate the view that positive epistasis is the norm for small and compact genomes that lack genetic robustness.  相似文献   

Abstract.— RNA viruses show the highest mutation rate in nautre. It has been extensively demonstrated that, in the absence of purifying selection, RNA viruses accumulate deleterious mutations at a high rate. However, the parameters describing this accumulation are, in general, poorly understood. The present study reports evidences for fitness declines by the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the bacteriophage MS2. We estimated the rate of fitness decline to be as high as 16% per bottleneck transfer. In addition, our results agree with an additive model of fitness effects.  相似文献   

The existence of genetic variation for resistance in host populations is assumed to be essential to the spread of an emerging virus. Models predict that the rate of spread slows down with the increasing frequency and higher diversity of resistance alleles in the host population. We have been using the experimental pathosystem Arabidopsis thaliana—tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) to explore the interplay between genetic variation in host''s susceptibility and virus diversity. We have recently shown that TEV populations evolving in A. thaliana ecotypes that differ in susceptibility to infection gained within-host fitness, virulence and infectivity in a manner compatible with a gene-for-gene model of host–parasite interactions: hard-to-infect ecotypes were infected by generalist viruses, whereas easy-to-infect ecotypes were infected by every virus. We characterized the genomes of the evolved viruses and found cases of host-driven convergent mutations. To gain further insights in the mechanistic basis of this gene-for-gene model, we have generated all viral mutations individually as well as in specific combinations and tested their within-host fitness effects across ecotypes. Most of these mutations were deleterious or neutral in their local ecotype and only a very reduced number had a host-specific beneficial effect. We conclude that most of the mutations fixed during the evolution experiment were so by drift or by selective sweeps along with the selected driver mutation. In addition, we evaluated the ruggedness of the underlying adaptive fitness landscape and found that mutational effects were mostly multiplicative, with few cases of significant epistasis.  相似文献   

Double infections of related or unrelated viruses frequently occur in single plants, the viral agents being inoculated into the host plant simultaneously (co‐infection) or sequentially (super‐infection). Plants attacked by viruses activate sophisticated defence pathways which operate at different levels, often at significant fitness costs, resulting in yield reduction in crop plants. The occurrence and severity of the negative effects depend on the type of within‐host interaction between the infecting viruses. Unrelated viruses generally interact with each other in a synergistic manner, whereas interactions between related viruses are mostly antagonistic. These can incur substantial fitness costs to one or both of the competitors. A relatively well‐known antagonistic interaction is cross‐protection, also referred to as super‐infection exclusion. This type of interaction occurs when a previous infection with one virus prevents or interferes with subsequent infection by a homologous second virus. The current knowledge on why and how one virus variant excludes or restricts another is scant. Super‐infection exclusion between viruses has predominantly been attributed to the induction of RNA silencing, which is a major antiviral defence mechanism in plants. There are, however, presumptions that various mechanisms are involved in this phenomenon. This review outlines the current state of knowledge concerning the molecular mechanisms behind antagonistic interactions between plant viruses. Harmful or beneficial effects of these interactions on viral and host plant fitness are also characterized. Moreover, the review briefly outlines the past and present attempts to utilize antagonistic interactions among viruses to protect crop plants against destructive diseases.  相似文献   

Although differing rates of environmental turnover should be consequential for the dynamics of adaptive change, this idea has been rarely examined outside of theory. In particular, the importance of RNA viruses in disease emergence warrants experiments testing how differing rates of novel host invasion may impact the ability of viruses to adaptively shift onto a novel host. To test whether the rate of environmental turnover influences adaptation, we experimentally evolved 144 Sindbis virus lineages in replicated tissue-culture environments, which transitioned from being dominated by a permissive host cell type to a novel host cell type. The rate at which the novel host ‘invaded’ the environment varied by treatment. The fitness (growth rate) of evolved virus populations was measured on each host type, and molecular substitutions were mapped via whole genome consensus sequencing. Results showed that virus populations more consistently reached high fitness levels on the novel host when the novel host ‘invaded’ the environment more gradually, and gradual invasion resulted in less variable genomic outcomes. Moreover, virus populations that experienced a rapid shift onto the novel host converged upon different genotypes than populations that experienced a gradual shift onto the novel host, suggesting a strong effect of historical contingency.  相似文献   

Despite their importance, the parameters describing the spontaneous deleterious mutation process have not been well described in many organisms. If mutations are important for the evolution of every living organism, their importance becomes critical in the case of RNA-based viruses, in which the frequency of mutation is orders of magnitude larger than in DNA-based organisms. The present work reports minimum estimates of the deleterious mutation rate, as well as the characterization of the distribution of deleterious mutational effects on the total fitness of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). The estimates are based on mutation-accumulation experiments in which selection against deleterious mutations was minimized by recurrently imposing genetic bottlenecks of size one. The estimated deleterious mutation rate was 1.2 mutations per genome and generation, with a mean fitness effect of –0.39% per generation. At the end of the mutation-accumulation experiment, the average reduction in fitness was 38% and the distribution of accumulated deleterious effects was, on average, left-skewed. The magnitude of the skewness depends on the initial fitness of the clone analysed. The implications of our findings for the evolutionary biology of RNA viruses are discussed.  相似文献   

Epistasis results when the fitness effects of a mutation change depending on the presence or absence of other mutations in the genome. The predictions of many influential evolutionary hypotheses are determined by the existence and form of epistasis. One rich source of data on the interactions among deleterious mutations that has gone untapped by evolutionary biologists is the literature on the design of live, attenuated vaccine viruses. Rational vaccine design depends upon the measurement of individual and combined effects of deleterious mutations. In the current study, we have reviewed data from 29 vaccine-oriented studies using 14 different RNA viruses. Our analyses indicate that (1) no consistent tendency towards a particular form of epistasis exists across RNA viruses and (2) significant interactions among groups of mutations within individual viruses occur but are not common. RNA viruses are significant pathogens of human disease, and are tractable model systems for evolutionary studies--we discuss the relevance of our findings in both contexts.  相似文献   

‘Gene‐for‐gene’ theory predicts that gain of virulence by an avirulent pathogen on plants expressing resistance (R) genes is associated with fitness loss in susceptible hosts. However, the validity of this prediction has been studied in only a few plant viral pathosystems. In this study, the Soybean mosaic virus (SMV)–Rsv4 pathosystem was exploited to test this prediction. In Rsv4‐genotype soybeans, P3 of avirulent SMV strains provokes an as yet uncharacterized resistance mechanism that restricts the invading virus to the inoculated leaves. A single amino acid substitution in P3 functionally converts an avirulent to a virulent strain, suggesting that the genetic composition of P3 plays a crucial role in virulence on Rsv4‐genotype soybeans. In this study, we examined the impact of gain of virulence mutation(s) on the fitness of virulent variants derived from three avirulent SMV strains in a soybean genotype lacking the Rsv4 gene. Our data demonstrate that gain of virulence mutation(s) by all avirulent viruses on Rsv4‐genotype soybean is associated with a relative fitness loss in a susceptible host. The implications of this finding on the durable deployment of the Rsv4 gene in soybean are discussed.  相似文献   

Several factors play a role during the replication and transmission of RNA viruses. First, as a consequence of their enormous mutation rate, complex mixtures of genomes are generated immediately after infection of a new host. Secondly, differences in growth and competition rates drive the selection of certain genetic variants within an infected host. Thirdly, but not less important, a random sampling occurs at the moment of viral infectious passage from an infected to a healthy host. In addition, the availability of hosts also influences the fate of a given viral genotype. When new hosts are scarce, different viral genotypes might infect the same host, adding an extra complexity to the competition among genetic variants. We have employed a two‐fold approach to analyse the role played by each of these factors in the evolution of RNA viruses. First, we have derived a model that takes into account all the preceding factors. This model employs the classic Lotka‐Volterra competition equations but it also incorporates the effect of mutation during RNA replication, the effect of the stochastic sampling at the moment of infectious passage among hosts and, the effect of the type of infection (single, coinfection or superinfection). Secondly, the predictions of the model have been tested in an in vitro evolution experiment. Both theoretical and experimental results show that in infection passages with coinfection viral fitness increased more than in single infections. In contrast, infection passages with superinfection did not differ from the single infection. The coinfection frequency also affected the outcome: the larger the proportion of viruses coinfecting a host, the larger increase in fitness observed.  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of molecular adaptation is a fundamental goal of evolutionary biology. While adaptation to constant environments has been well characterized, the effects of environmental complexity remain seldom studied. One simple but understudied factor is the rate of environmental change. Here we used experimental evolution with RNA viruses to investigate whether evolutionary dynamics varied based on the rate of environmental turnover. We used whole‐genome next‐generation sequencing to characterize evolutionary dynamics in virus populations adapting to a sudden versus gradual shift onto a novel host cell type. In support of theoretical models, we found that when populations evolved in response to a sudden environmental change, mutations of large beneficial effect tended to fix early, followed by mutations of smaller beneficial effect; as predicted, this pattern broke down in response to a gradual environmental change. Early mutational steps were highly parallel across replicate populations in both treatments. The fixation of single mutations was less common than sweeps of associated “cohorts” of mutations, and this pattern intensified when the environment changed gradually. Additionally, clonal interference appeared stronger in response to a gradual change. Our results suggest that the rate of environmental change is an important determinant of evolutionary dynamics in asexual populations.  相似文献   

The fitness of populations adapting to new environments is expected to decline in different environments, but empirical studies often do not lend support for such adaptation costs. We test the idea that the initial fitness of the selected populations in the environment where the cost is estimated is key for interpreting tests of ecological trade‐offs. We isolated single clones of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae every ~250 generations from replicate experimental lineages that had been selected during 5000 generations in a glucose‐limited environment. We then selected these clones in a galactose‐limited environment for ~120 generations. Finally, we estimated single‐clone fitness in both environments, before and after selection on galactose. The pleiotropic effects on glucose of selection on galactose evolved from positive to negative as fitness in glucose increased, providing strong support for the importance of initial fitness for determining the sign and magnitude of pleiotropic effects. This demonstrates that the sign of pleiotropic effects for fitness following adaptation to a new environment can change during long‐term adaptation to an original environment. We also found no relationship between the size of the fitness changes in galactose and glucose, such that pleiotropic effects in glucose became relatively smaller as the sizes of direct effects on galactose increased.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) facilitates the evolutionary accumulation of mutations with sex‐biased fitness effects. Whereas maternal inheritance closely aligns mtDNA evolution with natural selection in females, it makes it indifferent to evolutionary changes that exclusively benefit males. The constrained response of mtDNA to selection in males can lead to asymmetries in the relative contributions of mitochondrial genes to female versus male fitness variation. Here, we examine the impact of genetic drift and the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) among mutations—including the correlation of mutant fitness effects between the sexes—on mitochondrial genetic variation for fitness. We show how drift, genetic correlations, and skewness of the DFE determine the relative contributions of mitochondrial genes to male versus female fitness variance. When mutant fitness effects are weakly correlated between the sexes, and the effective population size is large, mitochondrial genes should contribute much more to male than to female fitness variance. In contrast, high fitness correlations and small population sizes tend to equalize the contributions of mitochondrial genes to female versus male variance. We discuss implications of these results for the evolution of mitochondrial genome diversity and the genetic architecture of female and male fitness.  相似文献   

Variation in baseline ploidy is seen throughout the tree of life, yet the factors that determine why one ploidy level is maintained over another remain poorly understood. Experimental evolution studies using asexual fungal microbes with manipulated ploidy levels intriguingly reveals a propensity to return to the historical baseline ploidy, a phenomenon that we term “ploidy drive.” We evolved haploid, diploid, and polyploid strains of the human fungal pathogen Candida albicans under three different nutrient limitation environments to test whether these conditions, hypothesized to select for low ploidy levels, could counteract ploidy drive. Strains generally maintained or acquired smaller genome sizes (measured as total nuclear DNA through flow cytometry) in minimal medium and under phosphorus depletion compared to in a complete medium, while mostly maintained or acquired increased genome sizes under nitrogen depletion. Improvements in fitness often ran counter to changes in genome size; in a number of scenarios lines that maintained their original genome size often increased in fitness more than lines that converged toward diploidy (the baseline ploidy of C. albicans). Combined, this work demonstrates a role for both the environment and genotype in determination of the rate of ploidy drive, and highlights questions that remain about the force(s) that cause genome size variation.  相似文献   

Although mutational robustness is central to many evolutionary processes, its relationship to evolvability remains poorly understood and has been very rarely tested experimentally. Here, we measure the evolvability of Vesicular stomatitis virus in two genetic backgrounds with different levels of mutational robustness. We passaged the viruses into a novel cell type to model a host‐jump episode, quantified changes in infectivity and fitness in the new host, evaluated the cost of adaptation in the original host and analyzed the genetic basis of this adaptation. Lineages evolved from the less robust genetic background demonstrated increased adaptability, paid similar costs of adaptation to the new host and fixed approximately the same number of mutations as their more robust counterparts. Theory predicts that robustness can promote evolvability only in systems where large sets of genotypes are connected by effectively neutral mutations. We argue that this condition might not be fulfilled generally in RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Two different isolates of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV: UK 1 and JPN 1) belonging to different virus strains were tested on three different Brassica species, namely turnip (Brassica rapa L.), Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) and Ethiopian mustard (Brassica carinata A. Braun). Although all three hosts were readily infected by isolate UK 1, isolate JPN 1 was able to establish a visible systemic infection only in the first two. Ethiopian mustard plants showed no local or systemic symptoms, and no virus antigens could be detected by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Thus, this species looks like a non‐host for JPN 1, an apparent situation of non‐host resistance (NHR). Through an experimental approach involving chimeric viruses made by gene interchange between two infectious clones of both virus isolates, the genomic region encoding the C‐terminal domain of viral protein P3 was found to bear the resistance determinant, excluding any involvement of the viral fusion proteins P3N‐PIPO and P3N‐ALT in the resistance. A further determinant refinement identified two adjacent positions (1099 and 1100 of the viral polyprotein) as the main determinants of resistance. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐tagged viruses showed that the resistance of Ethiopian mustard to isolate JPN 1 is only apparent, as virus‐induced fluorescence could be found in discrete areas of both inoculated and non‐inoculated leaves. In comparison with other plant–virus combinations of extreme resistance, we propose that Ethiopian mustard shows an apparent NHR to TuMV JPN 1, but not complete immunity or extreme resistance.  相似文献   

Cacao swollen shoot virus (CSSV) is a major pathogen of cacao (Theobroma cacao) in Africa, and long‐standing efforts to limit its spread by the culling of infected trees have had very limited success. CSSV is a particularly difficult virus to study, as it has a very narrow host range, limited to several tropical tree species. Furthermore, the virus is not mechanically transmissible, and its insect vector can only be used with difficulty. Thus, the only efficient means to infect cacao plants that have been experimentally described so far are by particle bombardment or the agroinoculation of cacao plants with an infectious clone. We have genetically transformed three non‐host species with an infectious form of the CSSV genome: two experimental hosts widely used in plant virology (Nicotiana tabacum and N. benthamiana) and the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. In transformed plants of all three species, the CSSV genome was able to replicate, and, in tobacco, CSSV particles could be observed by immunosorbent electron microscopy, demonstrating that the complete virus cycle could be completed in a non‐host plant. These results will greatly facilitate the preliminary testing of CSSV control strategies using plants that are easy to raise and to transform genetically.  相似文献   

The trade‐off between within‐host infection rate and transmission to new hosts is predicted to constrain pathogen evolution, and to maintain polymorphism in pathogen populations. Pathogen life‐history stages and their correlations that underpin infection development may change under coinfection with other parasites as they compete for the same limited host resources. Cross‐kingdom interactions are common among pathogens in both natural and cultivated systems, yet their impacts on disease ecology and evolution are rarely studied. The host plant Plantago lanceolata is naturally infected by both Phomopsis subordinaria, a seed killing fungus, as well as Plantago lanceolata latent virus (PlLV) in the Åland Islands, SW Finland. We performed an inoculation assay to test whether coinfection with PlLV affects performance of two P. subordinaria strains, and the correlation between within‐host infection rate and transmission potential. The strains differed in the measured life‐history traits and their correlations. Moreover, we found that under virus coinfection, within‐host infection rate of P. subordinaria was smaller but transmission potential was higher compared to strains under single infection. The negative correlation between within‐host infection rate and transmission potential detected under single infection became positive under coinfection with PlLV. To understand whether within‐host and between‐host dynamics are correlated in wild populations, we surveyed 260 natural populations of P. lanceolata for P. subordinaria infection occurrence. When infections were found, we estimated between‐hosts dynamics by determining pathogen population size as the proportion of infected individuals, and within‐host dynamics by counting the proportion of infected flower stalks in 10 infected plants. In wild populations, the proportion of infected flower stalks was positively associated with pathogen population size. Jointly, our results suggest that the trade‐off between within‐host infection load and transmission may be strain specific, and that the pathogen life‐history that underpin epidemics may change depending on the diversity of infection, generating variation in disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Mutations beneficial in one environment may cause costs in different environments, resulting in antagonistic pleiotropy. Here, we describe a novel form of antagonistic pleiotropy that operates even within the same environment, where benefits and deleterious effects exhibit themselves at different growth rates. The fitness of hfq mutations in Escherichia coli affecting the RNA chaperone involved in small-RNA regulation is remarkably sensitive to growth rate. E. coli populations evolving in chemostats under nutrient limitation acquired beneficial mutations in hfq during slow growth (0.1 h−1) but not in populations growing sixfold faster. Four identified hfq alleles from parallel populations were beneficial at 0.1 h−1 and deleterious at 0.6 h−1. The hfq mutations were beneficial, deleterious or neutral at an intermediate growth rate (0.5 h−1) and one changed from beneficial to deleterious within a 36 min difference in doubling time. The benefit of hfq mutations was due to the greater transport of limiting nutrient, which diminished at higher growth rates. The deleterious effects of hfq mutations at 0.6 h−1 were less clear, with decreased viability a contributing factor. The results demonstrate distinct pleiotropy characteristics in the alleles of the same gene, probably because the altered residues in Hfq affected the regulation of expression of different genes in distinct ways. In addition, these results point to a source of variation in experimental measurement of the selective advantage of a mutation; estimates of fitness need to consider variation in growth rate impacting on the magnitude of the benefit of mutations and on their fitness distributions.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of host changes and multiple passages on Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) evolution was analysed. A population of a mild isolate of PepMV was used to generate five independent evolution lineages on three tomato cultivars, which differ in rate of appearance of symptoms and their severity during viral infection (Beta Lux, Moneymaker and Malinowy O?arowski) and on Datura inoxia. Twenty serial passages were performed over a period of 217–220 days. Symptom severity was monitored along the entire experiment. After the last series of passages total RNAs from each lineage and host were isolated and the triple gene block 3 (TGB3) and coat protein (CP) were amplified, cloned and 10 clones for each gene sequenced. Among the 400 clones for both genes, 143 individual mutations (61 synonymous and 82 nonsynonymous) were identified, with the largest number of nonsynonymous mutations being observed for the tomato cultivars Malinowy O?arowski and Beta Lux. In two of the lineages evolving in the most susceptible variety of tomato (Beta Lux) necrotic changes in leaf blades appeared after 17 passages, leading to death of the plants. In these two lineages the mutation responsible for necrotic symptoms was K67E in TGB3. The appearance of this convergent mutation in independently evolving lineages may suggest that selection in this experimental set up favours more aggressive PepMV variants. We found a positive association between the severity of symptoms and the amount of genetic variability contained on viral populations. Indeed, the severity of symptoms turned out to be a good predictor for several indices of molecular variability. In addition, mapping all observed mutations in CP and TGB3 protein structures revealed that most were located on the surface, indicating a possible implication in viral–viral or viral–host interactions.  相似文献   

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