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Visual orientation in the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is the result of “wavelength‐specific behaviours.” Green–yellow elicits “settling behaviour” while ultraviolet (UV) radiation initiates “migratory behaviour.” The only available physiological study of the photoreceptors' spectral efficiency showed peaks in the green and the UV range and whitefly vision was said to be dichromatic so far. In order to study the visual behaviour of T. vaporariorum, 19 narrow‐bandwidth light emitting diodes (LEDs) covering the UV‐A and visible range were used in combination with light scattering acrylic glass screens in a small‐scale choice arena under greenhouse conditions. Multiple‐choice and dual‐choice assays were performed, resulting in LED‐based behavioural action spectra of settling (green) and migratory behaviour (UV). A potential inhibitory blue–green chromatic mechanism was studied by combining yellow with different bluish LEDs. Intensity dependencies were illustrated by changing LED intensities. Regarding the “settling response,” highest attraction was achieved by a green LED with a centroid wavelength of 550 nm, while a blue LED with 469 nm proved to be most inhibitory. Besides this inhibitory interaction, an intensity dependence was observed within the action spectrum in the green–yellow range. “Migratory behaviour” was elicited the most by the UV LED with the shortest available wavelength of 373 nm. The results provide compelling behavioural evidence for the presence of a green and a yet undescribed blue sensitive photoreceptor and a blue–green opponent mechanism. Furthermore, empirical colour choice models were built and receptor peaks were estimated around 510–520 nm (green), 480–490 nm (blue) and 340–370 nm (UV). Consequently, a trichromatic receptor setup is suggested for T. vaporariorum.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behaviour of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae) in violet and green light (400 and 550 nm) was examined using several responses. Under 400 nm the whiteflies took-off more readily and walked faster than under 500 nm. In flight, they oriented towards 400 nm when simultaneously illuminated with equal quanta of 550 and 400 nm light. The ecological significance of this behaviour is discussed, and it is concluded that in nature flying adults would orient towards the sky (i.e. c. 400 nm) but would tend to land on a green plant because plants reflect maximally at 550 nm. Once landed on a suitable food-plant the position on that plant where the insect finally feeds and reproduces is probably also determined by visual stimuli, since whiteflies will walk to the shaded side of a leaf regardless of whether that is below or above.  相似文献   

温室白粉虱对几种园艺植物的偏好性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
温室白粉虱Trialeurodesvaporariorum是世界性害虫,每年都造成巨大的经济损失。研究了温室白粉虱在多种园艺植物混栽温室内对不同植物的选择性,结果表明在2 0种常见蔬菜和花卉中,可危害其中1 3种;温室白粉虱对其中6种寄主植物(旱金莲、一品红、菊花、番茄、小白菜和羽叶甘蓝)的选择性有显著差异,其种群数量为旱金莲和番茄显著多于小白菜、一品红和菊花,羽叶甘蓝显著少于其它5种植物;不同的虫态之间排序有小变动;温室白粉虱在番茄植株上部的垂直分布表现为卵和成虫在第3叶居多,若虫在第5叶居多,伪蛹在第9叶居多。  相似文献   

The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, is an agricultural pest of global importance. Here we report a 787‐Mb high‐quality draft genome sequence of T. vaporariorum assembled from PacBio long reads and Hi‐C chromatin interaction maps, which has scaffold and contig N50 lengths of 70 Mb and 500 kb, respectively, and contains 18,275 protein‐coding genes. About 98.8% of the assembled contigs were placed onto the 11 T. vaporariorum chromosomes. Comparative genomic analysis reveals significantly expanded gene families such as aspartyl proteases in T. vaporariorum compared to Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (MED) and Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1). Furthermore, the cytochrome CYP6 subfamily shows significant expansion in T. vaporariorum and several genes in this subfamily display developmental stage‐specific expression patterns. The high‐quality T. vaporariorum genome provides a valuable resource for research in a broad range of areas such as fundamental molecular ecology, insect–plant/insect–microorganism or virus interactions and pest resistance management.  相似文献   

Light is an indispensable part of routine laboratory work in which conventional light is generally used. Light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) have come to replace conventional light, and thus could be a potent target in biomedical studies. Since blue light is a major component of visible light wavelength, in this study, using a somatic cell from the African green monkey kidney, we assessed the possible consequences of the blue spectra of LED light in future animal experiments and proposed a potent mitigation against light‐induced damage. COS‐7 cells were exposed to blue LED light (450 nm) and the growth and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage were assessed at different exposure times. A higher suppression in cell growth and viability was observed under a longer period of blue LED light exposure. The number of apoptotic cells increased as the light exposure time was prolonged. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was also elevated in accordance to the extension of light exposure time. A comparison with dark‐maintained cells revealed that the upregulation of ROS by blue LED light plays a significant role in causing cellular dysfunction in DNA in a time‐dependent manner. In turn, antioxidant treatment has been shown to improve cell growth and viability under blue LED light conditions. This indicates that antioxidants have potential against blue LED light‐induced somatic cell damage. It is expected that this study will contribute to the understanding of the basic mechanism of somatic cell death under visible light and maximize the beneficial use of LED light in future animal experiments.  相似文献   

Ageing and alteration of the functions of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are at the origin of lost of vision seen in age‐related macular degeneration (AMD). The RPE is known to be vulnerable to high‐energy blue light. The white light‐emitting diodes (LED) commercially available have relatively high content of blue light, a feature that suggest that they could be deleterious for this retinal cell layer. The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of “white LED” exposure on RPE. For this, commercially available white LEDs were used for exposure experiments on Wistar rats. Immunohistochemical stain on RPE flat mount, transmission electron microscopy and Western blot were used to exam the RPE. LED‐induced RPE damage was evaluated by studying oxidative stress, stress response pathways and cell death pathways as well as the integrity of the outer blood–retinal barrier (BRB). We show that white LED light caused structural alterations leading to the disruption of the outer blood–retinal barrier. We observed an increase in oxidized molecules, disturbance of basal autophagy and cell death by necrosis. We conclude that white LEDs induced strong damages in rat RPE characterized by the breakdown of the BRB and the induction of necrotic cell death.  相似文献   


Four types of light emitting diodes (LEDs) were used in three combinations (all blue [BBB], red: blue: far-red [RBFr]=4:1:1 and red: green: blue [RGB]=4:1:1) and seven irradiation cycles (12 h/12 h photoperiod, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 KHz, 10 KHz and 100 KHz) were applied to examine their effect on growth, stem color and phenolic compounds (homoorientin, orientin, rutin, vitexin and isovitexin) in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum cv. Great Ruby) sprouts. With a few exceptions, among all the combinations and irradiation cycles of LEDs, the Great Ruby cultivar showed significant differences in total height and dry weight of sprouts. The study revealed that there was a direct effect of different combination and irradiation cycles of LEDs on sprout height and dry weight; and among the combinations, RBFr and BBB had more positive effect than RGB. Increasing irradiation cycles markedly decreased the red color of stalks of F. esculentum cv. Great Ruby sprouts, with no significant effect on leaf color. In sprouts, the rutin content of leaves and stalks was higher at 12 h photoperiod and the amount in leaves was 5–7% higher than that of stalks in all combinations and irradiation cycles of LEDs. Among polyphenols, the rutin content in stalks was 1.45–2.97 mg g?1 dry weight and the maximum amount of rutin was obtained from RGB combination of LEDs. In leaves, higher amounts of homoorientin, orientin and vitexin+isovitexin were obtained from the RGB combination and there were significant differences between RGB and other two combinations of LEDs. On the other hand, in between the irradiation cycles used in the study, there were no significant differences for other polyphenols in leaves and stalks of buckwheat sprouts.  相似文献   

In order to identify the whitefly molting hormone, whole body extracts of mature 4th instar and newly formed pharate adult Bemisia tabaci (Biotype B) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum were prepared and subjected to reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RPHPLC). Ecdysteroid content of fractions was determined by enzymeimmunoassay (EIA). The only detectable ecdysteroids that were present in significant amounts in whitefly extracts were ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone. The concentrations of 20-hydroxyecdysone in B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum extracts, respectively, were 40 and 15 times greater than the concentrations of ecdysone. The identity of the two ecdysteroids was confirmed by normal phase high performance liquid chromatography (NPHPLC). When ecdysteroid content of RPHPLC fractions was assayed by radioimmunoassay (RIA), small amounts of polar ecdysteroids were also detected indicating that these ecdysteroids have a very low affinity for the antiserum used in the EIA. Ecdysteroid at 10.4 mM administered by feeding stimulated 2nd instar whitefly nymphs to molt. Based on our results, it appears that 20-hydroxyecdysone is the whitefly molting hormone.  相似文献   

The performance of two light‐emitting diode traps with white and black light for capturing phlebotomine sand flies, developed by the Argentinean Leishmaniasis Research Network (REDILA‐WL and REDILA‐BL traps), were compared with the traditional CDC incandescent light trap. Entomological data were obtained from six sand fly surveys conducted in Argentina in different environments. Data analyses were conducted for the presence and the abundance of Lutzomyia longipalpis, Migonemyia migonei, and Nyssomyia whitmani (106 sites). No differences were found in presence/absence among the three types of traps for all sand fly species (p>0.05). The collection mean of Lu. longipalpis from the REDILA‐BL didn´t differ from the CDC trap means, nor were differences seen between the REDILA‐WL and the CDC trap collection means (p>0.05), but collections were larger from the REDILA‐BL trap compared to the REDILA‐WL trap (p<0.05). For Mg. migonei and Ny. whitmani, no differences were found among the three types of traps in the number of individuals captured (p>0.05). These results suggest that both REDILA traps could be used as an alternative capture tool to the original CDC trap for surveillance of these species, and that the REDILA‐BL will also allow a comparable estimation of the abundance of these flies to the CDC light trap captures. In addition, the REDILA‐BL has better performance than the REDILA‐WL, at least for Lu. longipalpis.  相似文献   

用于细胞及组织培养的高强度LED生物光源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研制出可用于细胞及组织培养的高强度发光二极管光源,介绍了此光源的光路原理和简要结构,测试了该光源的辐射照度及其强度分布,使用统计分析软件SPSS拟合得到该光源的辐射照度经验公式。  相似文献   

Fungus gnats occur worldwide with more than 1 700 described species. They can cause serious damages on ornamentals, crop plants, and edible mushrooms, and are considered to be a serious pest in the last years. Bradysia difformisFrey (Diptera: Sciaridae) represents a common species in Europe. Usually, yellow sticky traps are used for monitoring and control in greenhouses and fluorescent tube‐based light traps are additionally applied for control in mushroom cultivation. The importance of such visual trapping measures for efficient monitoring or alternative control increases in biological and integrated plant protection. However, detailed color preferences of fungus gnats are mostly unknown. We studied the visual orientation of B. difformis with light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) in a broad range of peak wavelengths from 371 nm (ultraviolet, UV) to 619 nm (amber). We determined attractive wavelengths in consecutive choice experiments in daylight and darkness. Highest numbers of adult B. difformis were attracted to UV radiation (382 nm) followed by green‐yellow light (532–592 nm). The responses to UV and the green‐yellow range were relatively unspecific and mostly independent from intensity. Combination of UV and yellow LEDs improved trapping efficacy compared to a single UV or yellow LED trap, as well as compared to a common yellow sticky trap. When both wavelengths were compared to a black surface to increase contrasts, the black surface was preferred over yellow, but was less attractive than UV. Thus, B. difformis displays two, probably wavelength‐specific, behaviors to UV radiation and green‐yellow light, with UV being the most attractive stimulus. These behaviors might be directly related to underlying photoreceptors, suggesting dichromatic vision in B. difformis.  相似文献   

The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) was found to disperse the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Heterostigmata: Tarsonemidae). Mite presence on whiteflies was highly aggregated. This is the second whitefly species reported to disperse the broad mite, suggesting some recognition of the insects by P. latus.  相似文献   

The tiny parasitoid wasp, Encarsia formosa, has been used successfully to control greenhouse whiteflies (GHWFs) in greenhouses in many countries throughout the world. Therefore, there has been considerable interest in developing methods for artificially rearing this wasp. However, little information is available concerning the regulation of its development including the host-parasitoid interactions that are required for the parasitoid to complete its life cycle. Here we confirm that parasitoid developmental rates differ significantly based upon the host instar parasitized. Development was faster when 3rd and 4th instar GHWFs were offered for parasitization than when 1st or 2nd instars were used. Our results show that it is primarily the embryo and the first two parasitoid instars that exhibit prolonged developmental times when 1st and 2nd instar whiteflies are parasitized. Although percent emergence was not affected by host age at the time of parasitization, adult longevity as well as adult emergence pattern varied greatly depending upon the instar parasitized. When 3rd and 4th instar GHWFs were selected for oviposition, adult wasps lived significantly longer than when 1st or 2nd instars were used; also, there was a sharp emergence peak on the 2nd day after emergence was first observed (reduced or absent when 1st or 2nd instar GHWFs were parasitized) and the emergence period was reduced from between 8 and 11 days to 5 days. In general, the younger the host instar parasitized, the less synchronous was parasitoid development. Previous reports that E. formosa will not molt to the 2nd instar until the host has reached its 4th instar were not confirmed. When 1st instar host nymphs were parasitized, 2nd instar parasitoids were detected in 3rd instar hosts. Importantly, however, no matter which instar was parasitized, the parasitoid never molted to its last instar until the host had reached Stage 5 of its last instar, a stage in which host pharate adult formation has been initiated. It appears, then, that a condition(s) associated with host pharate adult formation is required for the parasitoid's final larval molt. Results reported here should facilitate the development of in vitro rearing systems for E. formosa.  相似文献   

The predator Tupiocoris cucurbitaceus is frequently found attacking Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouses without pesticide applications in Argentina. The objective of these studies was to evaluate some biological characteristics of this species fed on three types of diet (whitefly nymphs, Sitotroga cerealella eggs and a mix of both) and on two host plants (tomato and tobacco), under controlled experimental conditions. Preimaginal developmental time for female and male bugs was shorter in the presence of whiteflies than with only moth eggs. Females lived longer when they ate only whitefly nymphs compared to a mixed diet or only moth eggs. The amount of adult descendants was greater when bugs could eat whiteflies, regardless of the presence of S. cerealella. Embryonic development time, male longevity and sex proportion were not affected by the diet or the host plant. Prey consumption was evaluated for three T. cucurbitaceus life history stages (fourth/fifth instar nymphs, female and male adults) on two types of prey (whitefly nymphs and S. cerealella eggs). On tomato, females were more voracious than males and nymphs. On tobacco, adults and nymphs consumed more S. cerealella than T.vaporariorum nymphs, but again, bug females preyed more than males and nymphs. Results demonstrate that T. cucurbitaceus can survive, develop and reproduce normally using both T. vaporariorum and S. cerealella eggs as prey on tobacco or tomato plants. This information can be useful for managing this predator against T. vaporariorum through conservative or augmentative biological control strategies.  相似文献   

Eu3+‐activated MAl(SO4)2Br phosphors (where M = Mg or Sr) are successfully prepared using a wet chemical reaction technique. The samples are characterized by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies. The XRD pattern revealed that both the samples are microcrystalline in nature. PL of Eu3+‐doped SrAl(SO4)2Br and MgAl(SO4)2Br phosphors exhibited characteristic red emission coming from the 5D07F2 (616 nm) electron transition, when excited by 396 nm wavelength of light. The maximum intensity of luminescence was observed at a concentration of 1 mol% Eu3+. The intensity of the electric dipole transition at 616 nm is greater than that of the magnetic dipole transition at 594 nm. The results showed that MAl(SO4)2Br:Eu3+, (M = Mg, Sr) phosphors have potential application in near‐UV light‐emitting diodes as efficient red‐emitting phosphor. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adult mosquito surveillance was conducted from 2013 through 2014 at four cattle sheds, a wild bird refuge, and two residential areas located in Gyeongnam Province in the Republic of Korea. Adult mosquitoes were collected in black light traps from April 1, through November 30. Mosquito surveillance was conducted to figure out population densities of vector mosquitoes, possibly invaded mosquitoes and identify various virus infections at the selected sites. A total of 107,466 females comprising 14 species and 7 genera were collected from 2013 to 2014. The most common species collected were Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles (63.8%), Anopheles sinensis s.l. (18.9%), Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald) (7.7%), and Culex pipiens Coquillett (5.1%). Trap indices (TIs) varied widely for species over their range, due to geographical distribution and degree of association with rural and urban communities . The most collected An. sinensis s.l. and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus appeared at a cow shed in Hapcheon (TI 347.5) and a pigsty in Daejeo‐1‐dong, Busan (TI 1,040.8), respectively, due in part to their situation near breeding sites such as rice paddies. The bi‐weekly population densities for mosquito species were variable for each of the years, apparently as a result of variable annual weather conditions. None of the mosquito species collected tested for the flavivirus including Japanese Encephalitis Virus, West Nile Virus, Dengue Virus, and Zika Virus infections by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay were positive.  相似文献   

Triple whitlockite‐type structure‐based red phosphors Ca8MgBi1?x(PO4)7:xEu3+ (x = 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.80 and 1.00) were synthesized by a conventional solid‐state reaction route and characterized by their X‐ray crystal structures. The X‐ray diffraction (XRD) patterns, Fourier transform infrared spectra, morphologies, photoluminescence spectra, UV/Vis reflectance spectra, decay times and the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) chromaticity coordinates of Ca8MgBi1?x(PO4)7:xEu3+ were analyzed. Eu‐doped Ca8MgBi(PO4)7 phosphors exhibited strong red luminescence with peaks at 616 nm due to the 5D07 F2 electric dipole transition of Eu3+ ions after excitation at 396 nm. The UV/Vis spectra indicated that the band gap of Ca8MgBi0.30(PO4)7:0.70Eu3+ is larger than that of Ca8MgBi(PO4)7. The phosphor developed in this study has great potential as a red‐light‐emitting phosphor for UV light‐emitting diodes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The suction light trap (LT) is a standard tool used to capture Culicoides biting midges, when estimating abundances, and mapping species ranges. The exact range of attraction of the LT is in dispute, however, with several studies indicating the range to vary widely, between 4 and 50 m. In this study, the attractant range of a LT, set at various distances (0, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 8 m) from a cow tethered at pasture, is assessed in two trials conducted on a dairy farm in the Netherlands in 2013 and 2014. In the first trial, sweep‐netting and light‐trapping was performed concurrently. Although a Spearman Rank correlation of 0.89 (P = 0.03) showed the two sets of abundance results to be highly correlated, species prevalence differed significantly according to the method used: the Culicoides obsoletus complex dominated the LT observations, whereas Culicoides chiopterus and Culicoides dewulfi were more abundant in those obtained by sweep‐net, due to the former taxon being largely nocturnal, the latter diurnal. There is a distinct negative logarithmic relationship between Culicoides abundance and distance from the vertebrate host, with midge abundance, in the LT, increasing significantly only when it is placed very close to the bait animal, at a distance of 0–1 m. The sharp decay function in the number of Culicoides caught with increasing distance from the LT, limits the comparison of LT surveillance data obtained under various settings, even from within a climatically homogeneous geographical region such as north‐western Europe.  相似文献   

Accurate and timely surveillance of bed bug infestations is critical for the development of effective control strategies. Although the bed bug‐produced volatiles (E)‐2‐hexenal and (E)‐2‐octenal are considered as defensive secretions, the present study demonstrates, using ethovision® video‐tracking software (Noldus Information Technology Inc., Leesburg, Virginia), that low amounts of these commercially‐obtained aldehydes function as attractants, and high amounts function as local repellents, against the common bed bug Cimex lectularius L. In behavioural assays, both males and female C. lectularius are attracted to 0.04 µg of an aldehyde blend (1 : 1) for up to 1 h after initial treatment of filter paper disks. Males differ from females in their response to higher amounts of aldehydes, with females and males exhibiting maximum local repellency at 40 µg and 400 µg, respectively. The results suggest that these bed bug secretions may be candidates for lures and monitors.  相似文献   

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