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Antagonistic co‐evolution between hosts and parasites (reciprocal selection for resistance and infectivity) is hypothesized to play an important role in host range expansion by selecting for novel infectivity alleles, but tests are lacking. Here, we determine whether experimental co‐evolution between a bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25) and a phage (SBW25Φ2) affects interstrain host range: the ability to infect different strains of P. fluorescens other than SBW25. We identified and tested a genetically and phenotypically diverse suite of co‐evolved phage variants of SBW25Φ2 against both sympatric and allopatric co‐evolving hosts (P. fluorescens SBW25) and a large set of other P. fluorescens strains. Although all co‐evolved phage had a greater host range than the ancestral phage and could differentially infect co‐evolved variants of P. fluorescens SBW25, none could infect any of the alternative P. fluorescens strains. Thus, parasite generalism at one genetic scale does not appear to affect generalism at other scales, suggesting fundamental genetic constraints on parasite adaptation for this virus.  相似文献   

Co‐evolving parasites may play a key role in host migration and population structure. Using co‐evolving bacteria and viruses, we test general hypotheses as to how co‐evolving parasites affect the success of passive host migration between habitats that can support different intensities of host–parasite interactions. First, we show that parasites aid migration from areas of intense to weak co‐evolutionary interactions and impede migration in the opposite direction, as a result of intraspecific apparent competition mediated via parasites. Second, when habitats show qualitative difference such that some environments support parasite persistence while others do not, different population regulation forces (either parasitism or competitive exclusion) will reduce the success of migration in both directions. Our study shows that co‐evolution with parasites can predictably homogenises or isolates host populations, depending on heterogeneity of abiotic conditions, with the second scenario constituting a novel type of ‘isolation by adaptation’.  相似文献   

It was suggested that parasite infections become more severe with rising temperature, as expected during global warming. In ectothermic systems, the growth of a parasite and therefore its reproductive capacity is expected to increase with temperature. However, the outcome of the interaction depends on the temperature optima of both host and parasite. Here we used experimental infections of three‐spined stickleback fish Gasterosteus aculeatus with its specific tapeworm parasite Schistocephalus solidus to investigate in detail the temperature optima for both host and parasite. We analyzed the fitness consequences thereof, focusing on growth and immunity of the host, and growth and offspring production of the parasite as fitness correlates. We checked for potential differences among populations, using the offspring of hosts and parasites derived from four study sites in Iceland, Germany and Spain that differ in average annual temperature ranging between 4.8°C and 18.4°C. We found differences in temperature optima of host and parasites that were quite consistent across the populations: while sticklebacks grew faster and had higher immune activity at low temperatures, the parasites did not even grow fast enough to reach sexual maturity in these conditions. By contrast, with increasing temperatures, parasite growth, egg production and offspring hatching increased strongly while host immunity and growth were impaired. Our results show that divergent temperature optima of hosts and parasites can have drastic fitness consequences and support the expectation that some parasites will benefit from global warming.  相似文献   

Understanding fluctuating selection is important for our understanding of patterns of spatial and temporal diversity in nature. Host–parasite theory has classically assumed fluctuations either occur between highly specific genotypes (matching allele: MA) or from specialism to generalism (gene‐for‐gene: GFG). However, while MA can only generate one mode of fluctuating selection, we show that GFG can in fact produce both rapid ‘within‐range’ fluctuations (among genotypes with identical levels of investment but which specialise on different subsets of the population) and slower cycling ‘between ranges’ (different levels of investment), emphasising that MA is a subset of GFG. Our findings closely match empirical observations, although sampling rates need to be high to detect these novel dynamics empirically. Within‐range cycling is an overlooked process by which fluctuating selection can occur in nature, suggesting that fluctuating selection may be a more common and important process than previously thought in generating and maintaining diversity.  相似文献   

Why don’t asexual females replace sexual females in most natural populations of eukaryotes? One promising explanation is that parasites could counter the reproductive advantages of asexual reproduction by exerting frequency‐dependent selection against common clones (the Red Queen hypothesis). One apparent limitation of the Red Queen theory, however, is that parasites would seem to be required by theory to be highly virulent. In the present study, I present a population‐dynamic view of competition between sexual females and asexual females that interact with co‐evolving parasites. The results show that asexual populations have higher carrying capacities, and more unstable population dynamics, than sexual populations. The results also suggest that the spread of a clone into a sexual population could increase the effective parasite virulence as population density increases. This combination of parasite‐mediated frequency‐dependent selection, and density‐dependent virulence, could lead to the coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies and the long‐term persistence of sex.  相似文献   

The RQH (Red Queen hypothesis), which argues that hosts need to be continuously finding new ways to avoid parasites that are able to infect common host genotypes, has been at the center of discussions on the maintenance of sex. This is because diversity is favored under the host–parasite coevolution based on negative frequency‐dependent selection, and sexual reproduction is a mechanism that generates genetic diversity in the host population. Together with parasite infections, sexual organisms are usually under sexual selection, which leads to mating skew or mating success biased toward males with a particular phenotype. Thus, strong mating skew would affect genetic variance in a population and should affect the benefit of the RQH. However, most models have investigated the RQH under a random mating system and not under mating skew. In this study, I show that sexual selection and the resultant mating skew may increase parasite load in the hosts. An IBM (individual‐based model), which included host–parasite interactions and sexual selection among hosts, demonstrates that mating skew influenced parasite infection in the hosts under various conditions. Moreover, the IBM showed that the mating skew evolves easily in cases of male–male competition and female mate choice, even though it imposes an increased risk of parasite infection on the hosts. These findings indicated that whether the RQH favored sexual reproduction depended on the condition of mating skew. That is, consideration of the host mating system would provide further understanding of conditions in which the RQH favors sexual reproduction in real organisms.  相似文献   

The Red Queen hypothesis posits a promising way to explain the widespread existence of sexual reproduction despite the cost of producing males. The essence of the hypothesis is that coevolutionary interactions between hosts and parasites select for the genetic diversification of offspring via cross‐fertilization. Here, I relax a common assumption of many Red Queen models that each host is exposed to one parasite. Instead, I assume that the number of propagules encountered by each host depends on the number of infected hosts in the previous generation, which leads to additional complexities. The results suggest that epidemiological feedbacks, combined with frequency‐dependent selection, could lead to the long‐term persistence of sex under biologically reasonable conditions.  相似文献   

Long‐term data on host and parasite fitness are important for predicting how host–parasite interactions will be altered in an era of global change. Here, we use data collected from 1997 to 2013 to explore effects of changing environmental conditions on bird–blowfly interactions in northern New Mexico. The objectives of this study were to examine what climate variables influence blowfly prevalence and intensity and to determine whether blowflies and climate variables affect bird fledging success. We examined how temperature, precipitation, and drought affect two parasitic blowflies and their hosts, Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) and Ash‐throated Flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens). We found that blowfly prevalence did not change over time. Blowfly intensity increased over time in bluebird nests, but not in flycatcher nests. More blowflies result in slightly higher fledging success in bluebirds, but not flycatchers. There was a significant interaction between blowflies and precipitation on bluebird fledging success. For flycatchers, there was a significant interaction between blowflies and temperature and between blowflies and drought severity on fledging success. Given that the southwest is projected to be hotter and have more frequent and prolonged droughts, we predict that flycatchers may be negatively impacted by blowflies if these trends continue. Future work should focus on investigating the role of both blowflies and climate on fledging success. Climate patterns may negatively impact host fitness through altered parasite pressure.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for growth in consumers. P‐limitation and parasite infection comprise one of the most common stressor pairs consumers confront in nature. We conducted a life‐table study using a Daphnia–microsporidian parasite model, feeding uninfected or infected Daphnia with either P‐sufficient or P‐limited algae, and assessed the impact of the two stressors on life‐history traits of the host. Both infection and P‐limitation negatively affected some life‐history traits tested. However, under P‐limitation, infected animals had higher juvenile growth rate as compared with uninfected animals. All P‐limited individuals died before maturation, regardless of infection. The numbers of spore clusters of the microsporidian parasite did not differ in P‐limited or P‐sufficient hosts. P‐limitation, but not infection, decreased body phosphorus content and ingestion rates of Daphnia tested in separate experiments. As parasite spore production did not suffer even under extreme P‐limitation, our results suggest that parasite was less limited by P than the host. We discuss possible interpretations concerning the stoichiometrical demands of parasite and suggest that our results are explained by parasite‐driven changes in carbon (C) allocation of the hosts. We conclude that the impact of nutrient starvation and parasite infection on consumers depends not only on the stoichiometric demands of host but also those of the parasite.  相似文献   

Biotic invasions provide a natural experiment in evolution: when invasive species colonize new ranges, they may evolve new clines in traits in response to environmental gradients. Yet it is not clear how rapidly such patterns can evolve and whether they are consistent between regions. We compare four populations of the invasive cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) from North America and Japan, independently colonized by P. rapae 150 years ago and 300 years ago, respectively. On each continent, we employed a northern and southern population to compare the effects of latitude on body mass, development rate and immune function. For each population, we used a split‐sibling family design in which siblings were reared at either warm (26.7 °C) or cool (20 °C) temperatures to determine reaction norms for each trait. Latitudinal patterns in development time were similar between the two continents. In contrast, there were strong geographical differences in reaction norms for body size, but no consistent effects of latitude; there were no detectable effects of latitude or continent on immune function. These results imply that some life history traits respond consistently to selection along climatic gradients, whereas other traits may respond to local environmental factors, or not at all.  相似文献   

We consider an explicit mutation–selection process to investigate the dynamics underlying the coevolution of parasite’s virulence and host’s prereproductive life span in a system with discrete generations. Conforming with earlier models, our model predicts that virulence generally increases with natural mortality of the host, and that a moderate increase in virulence selects for lower ages at reproduction. However, the epidemiological feedback in our model also gives rise to unusual and unexpected patterns. In particular, if virulence is sufficiently high the model can lead to a bifurcation pattern, where two strategies coexist in the host population. The first is to develop rapidly to reproduce before being infected. Individuals following this strategy suffer, however, from reduced fecundity. The second strategy is to develop much more slowly. Because of the high virulence, the effective period of transmission is short, so that a few slowly developing individuals escape infection. These individuals, although choosing a risky strategy, benefit from high fecundity.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary processes that drive the patterns of host–parasite associations can be deduced through congruence analysis of their phylogenies. Feather lice and their avian hosts have previously been used as typical model systems for congruence analysis; however, such analyses are strongly biased toward nonpasserine hosts in the temperate zone. Further, in the Afrotropical region especially, cospeciation studies of lice and birds are entirely missing. This work supplements knowledge of host–parasite associations in lice using cospeciation analysis of feather lice (genus Myrsidea and the Brueelia complex) and their avian hosts in the tropical rainforests of Cameroon. Our analysis revealed a limited number of cospeciation events in both parasite groups. The parasite–host associations in both louse groups were predominantly shaped by host switching. Despite a general dissimilarity in phylogeny for the parasites and hosts, we found significant congruence in host–parasite distance matrices, mainly driven by associations between Brueelia lice and passerine species of the Waxbill (Estrildidae) family, and Myrsidea lice and their Bulbul (Pycnonotidae) host species. As such, our study supports the importance of complex biotic interactions in tropical environments.  相似文献   

Seed (egg) banking is a common bet‐hedging strategy maximizing the fitness of organisms facing environmental unpredictability by the delayed emergence of offspring. Yet, this condition often requires fast and drastic stochastic shifts between good and bad years. We hypothesize that the host seed banking strategy can evolve in response to coevolution with parasites because the coevolutionary cycles promote a gradually changing environment over longer times than seed persistence. We study the evolution of host germination fraction as a quantitative trait using both pairwise competition and multiple mutant competition methods, while the germination locus can be genetically linked or unlinked with the host locus under coevolution. In a gene‐for‐gene model of coevolution, hosts evolve a seed bank strategy under unstable coevolutionary cycles promoted by moderate to high costs of resistance or strong disease severity. Moreover, when assuming genetic linkage between coevolving and germination loci, the resistant genotype always evolves seed banking in contrast to susceptible hosts. Under a matching‐allele interaction, both hosts’ genotypes exhibit the same seed banking strategy irrespective of the genetic linkage between loci. We suggest host–parasite coevolution as an additional hypothesis for the evolution of seed banking as a temporal bet‐hedging strategy.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in evolutionary biology is to unravel the genetic basis of adaptation. This issue has been gaining momentum in recent years with the accelerated development of novel genetic and genomic techniques and resources. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Cogni et al. (2016) address the genetic basis of resistance to two viruses in Drosophila melanogaster using a panel of recombinant inbred lines with unprecedented resolution allowing detection of rare alleles and/or alleles of small effect. The study confirms the role of previously identified genes of major effect and adds novel regions with minor effect to the genetic basis of Drosophila resistance to the Drosophila C virus or the sigma virus. Additional analyses reveal the absence of cross‐resistance and of epistasis between the various genomic regions. This detailed information on the genetic architecture of host resistance constitutes an important step towards the understanding of both the physiology of antiviral immunity and the evolution of host–parasite interactions.  相似文献   

In spatially structured populations, host–parasite coevolutionary potential depends on the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations. Inoculation experiments using the plant, Silene latifolia, and its fungal pathogen, Microbotryum violaceum, revealed little overall differentiation in infectivity/resistance, latency or spore production among host or pathogen populations. Within populations, fungal strains had similar means, but varied in performance across plant populations. Variation in resistance among seed families indicates the potential for parasite‐mediated selection, whereas there was little evidence for local pathogen genotype × plant genotype interactions assumed by most theoretical coevolution models. Lower spore production on sympatric than allopatric hosts confirmed local fungal maladaptation already observed for infectivity. Correlations between infectivity and latency or spore production suggest a common mechanism for variation in these traits. Our results suggest low variation available to this pathogen for tracking its coevolving host. This may be caused by random drift, breeding system or migration characteristic of metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Knowledge on how landscape heterogeneity shapes host–parasite interactions is central to understand the emergence, dynamics and evolution of infectious diseases. However, this is an underexplored subject, particularly for plant–virus systems. Here, we analyse how landscape heterogeneity influences the prevalence, spatial genetic structure, and temporal dynamics of Pepper golden mosaic and Pepper huasteco yellow vein begomoviruses infecting populations of the wild pepper Capsicum annuum glabriusculum (chiltepin) in Mexico. Environmental heterogeneity occurred at different nested spatial scales (host populations within biogeographical provinces), with levels of human management varying among host population within a province. Results indicate that landscape heterogeneity affects the epidemiology and genetic structure of chiltepin‐infecting begomoviruses in a scale‐specific manner, probably related to conditions favouring the viruses' whitefly vector and its dispersion. Increased levels of human management of the host populations were associated with higher virus prevalence and erased the spatial genetic structure of the virus populations. Also, environmental heterogeneity similarly shaped the spatial genetic structures of host and viruses. This resulted in the congruence between host and virus phylogenies, which does not seem to be due to host‐virus co‐evolution. Thus, results provide evidence of the key role of landscape heterogeneity in determining plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

1. In natural communities, multiple host and parasitoid species are linked to form complex networks of trophic and non‐trophic interactions. Understanding how these networks will respond to global warming is of wide relevance for agriculture and conservation. 2. This study synthesises the emerging evidence surrounding host–parasitoid networks in the context of global warming. The suite of direct and indirect interaction types within host–parasitoid networks is summarised, as well as their sensitivity to temperature changes. The study also compiles and reviews studies investigating the responses of whole host–parasitoid networks to increasing temperatures or proxy variables. The findings reveal there is limited evidence overall for the prediction that parasitism will be reduced under global warming: approximately equal numbers of studies show elevated and reduced parasitism. 3. Increasingly, endosymbiotic bacteria are recognised as influential mediators of host–parasitoid interactions. These endosymbionts can change how individual species respond to global warming, and their effects can cascade to affect whole host–parasitoid networks. The evidence that symbiotic bacteria are likely to affect the response of host–parasitoid networks to global warming is reviewed. Symbionts can protect hosts from their parasitoids or influence thermal tolerance of their host species. Furthermore, the symbionts themselves can be impacted by global warming. 4. Finally, the study considers the most promising avenues for future research into the mechanisms structuring host–parasitoid networks in the context of global warming. Alongside the increasing availability of modern molecular methods to document the structure of real, species‐rich host–parasitoid networks, the study highlights the utility of manipulative experiments and mathematical models.  相似文献   

Pomphorhynchus laevis, a fish acanthocephalan parasite, manipulates the behaviour of its gammarid intermediate host to increase its trophic transmission to the definitive host. However, the intensity of behavioural manipulation is variable between individual gammarids and between parasite populations. To elucidate causes of this variability, we compared the level of phototaxis alteration induced by different parasite sibships from one population, using experimental infections of Gammarus pulex by P. laevis. We used a naive gammarid population, and we carried out our experiments in two steps, during spring and winter. Moreover, we also investigated co‐variation between phototaxis (at different stages of infection, ‘young’ and ‘old cystacanth stage’) and two other fitness‐related traits, infectivity and development time. Three main parameters could explain the parasite intra‐population variation in behavioural manipulation. The genetic variation, suggested by the differences between parasite families, was lower than the variation owing to an (unidentified) environmental factor. Moreover, a correlation was found between development rate and the intensity of behavioural change, the fastest growing parasites being unable to induce rapid phototaxis reversal. This suggests that parasites cannot optimize at the same time these two important parameters of their fitness, and this could explain a part of the variation observed in the wild.  相似文献   

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