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Most bird studies of female signalling have been confined to species in which females display a male‐ornament in a vestigial form. However, a great deal of benefit may be gained from considering phenotypic traits that are specific to females. This is because (1) sex‐specific traits may signal sex‐specific qualities and (2) females may develop a male‐ornament not because they are selected to do so, but because fathers transmit to daughters the underlying genes for its expression (genetic correlation between the sexes). We investigated these two propositions in the barn owl Tyto alba, a species in which male plumage is lighter in colour and less marked with black spots than that of females. Firstly, we present published evidence that female plumage spottiness reflects parasite resistance ability. We also show that male plumage coloration is correlated with reproductive success, male feeding rate and heart mass. Secondly, cross‐fostering experiments demonstrate that plumage coloration and spottiness are genetically correlated between the sexes. This implies that if a given trait value is selected in one sex, the other sex will indirectly evolve towards a similar value. This prediction is supported by the observation that female plumage coloration and spottiness resembled that of males, in comparisons at the level of Tyto alba alba populations, Tyto alba subspecies and Tyto species. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that sex‐specific traits signal sex‐specific qualities and that a gene for a sex‐specific trait can be expressed in the other sex as the consequence of a genetic correlation between the sexes.  相似文献   

Abstract Avian blue‐green eggshell coloration has been proposed as a female signal of genetic or phenotypic quality to males. However, little is known about the relative importance of additive genetic and environmental effects as sources of eggshell colour variation in natural populations. Using 5 years of data and animal models, we explored these effects in a free‐living population of pied flycatchers. Permanent environmental and year effects were negligible, although year environmental variance (VYear) was significant for all but one of the traits. However, we found high–moderate narrow‐sense heritabilities for some colour parameters. Within‐clutch colour variability showed the highest coefficient of additive genetic variation (i.e. evolvability). Previous evidence suggests that eggshell colour is sexually selected in this species, males enhancing parental effort in clutches with higher colour variability and peak values. Eggshell colour could be driven by good‐genes selection in pied flycatchers although further genetic studies should confirm this possibility.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution and maintenance of female mate choice requires information on both the benefits (the sum of direct and indirect benefits) and costs of selective mating. In this study, I assessed the fitness consequences of female mate choice in a freshwater crustacean. In Hyalella amphipods, males attempt to form precopulatory pairs with females. Large males, bearing large posterior gnathopods, tend to be over-represented in precopulatory pairs. I show that females receive both direct (reduced risk of predation while paired) and indirect (sexy sons) benefits from mating with these males. Furthermore, the behavioral mechanisms used to filter male phenotypes carry no detectable energetic cost for females. Thus, females that choose males with successful phenotypes are expected to have higher Darwinian fitness than females that mate at random. This study shows that direct and indirect selection act together to favor large male size, which explains the sexual size dimorphism and size-based mating biases observed in this species.  相似文献   

Female preferences for males producing their calls just ahead of their neighbours, leader preferences, are common in acoustically communicating insects and anurans. While these preferences have been well studied, their evolutionary origins remain unclear. We tested whether females gain a fitness benefit by mating with leading males in Neoconocephalus ensiger katydids. We mated leading and following males with random females and measured the number and quality of F1, the number of F2 and the heritability of the preferred male trait. We found that females mating with leaders and followers did not differ in the number of F1 or F2 offspring. Females mating with leading males had offspring that were in better condition than those mating with following males suggesting a benefit in the form of higher quality offspring. We found no evidence that the male trait, the production of leading calls, was heritable. This suggests that there is no genetic correlate for the production of leading calls and that the fitness benefit gained by females must be a direct benefit, potentially mediated by seminal proteins. The presence of benefits indicates that leader preference is adaptive in N. ensiger, which may explain the evolutionary origin of leader preference; further tests are required to determine whether fitness benefits can explain the phylogenetic distribution of leader preference in Neoconocephalus. The absence of heritability will prevent leader preference from becoming coupled with or exaggerating the male trait and prevent females from gaining a ‘sexy‐sons’ benefit, weakening the overall selection for leader preference.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors that contribute to the adaptive significance of mating preferences is one major goal of evolutionary research and is largely unresolved. Both direct and indirect benefits can contribute to mate choice evolution. Failure to consider the interaction between individual consequences of mate choice may obscure the opposing effects of individual costs and benefits. We investigate direct and indirect fitness effects of female choice in a desert fly (Drosophila mojavensis), a species where mating confers resistance to desiccation stress. Females prefer males that provide a direct benefit: greater resistance to desiccation stress. Mating preferences also appear to have indirect consequences: daughters of preferred males have lower reproductive success than daughters of unpreferred males, although additional experimentation will be needed to determine if the indirect consequences of female preferences actually arise from 'sexually antagonistic' variation. Nevertheless, the results are intriguing and are consistent with the hypothesis that an interaction between direct and indirect benefits maintains sexually antagonistic variation in these desert flies: increased desiccation resistance conferred by mating might offset the cost of producing low-fecundity daughters.  相似文献   

Females often possess ornaments that appear smaller and duller than homologous traits in males. These ornaments may arise as nonfunctional by‐products of sexual selection in males and cause negative viability or fecundity selection in females in proportion to the cost of their production and maintenance. Alternatively, female ornaments may function as signals of quality that are maintained by sexual or social selection. In a 4‐year study of 83 female common yellowthroats (Geothlypis trichas) and their 222 young, we found strong viability and fecundity selection on the yellow bib, a carotenoid‐based plumage ornament that is a target of sexual selection in males. Females with larger bibs were older, larger and more fecund than females with smaller bibs. However, bib size positively covaried with bib total brightness and carotenoid chroma, aspects of bib coloration that were under negative viability and fecundity selection. Females with more colourful bibs laid fewer eggs in their first clutch, were more likely to suffer total brood loss due to predation and were less likely to return to the study area. Selection against bib coloration limits the value of bib size as a quality indicator in females and may constrain the elaboration of bib attributes in males.  相似文献   

Melanin‐based plumage ornaments have been shown to play an important role in male–male competition, but also influence inter‐sexual communication. Consequently, ornaments may be associated with reproductive effort of both males and females. Females mated to males with larger melanin ornaments may acquire access to better territories or benefit from increased paternal care. Here we investigated whether the melanin‐based breast‐band of male and female Bar‐throated Apalis Apalis thoracica is a signal of information about its bearer and is associated with male and female reproductive effort. Breast‐band size was a highly variable morphometric trait in both sexes, but only in males was it associated with body mass. We then assessed whether male and female breast‐band size predicted maternal and paternal investment. Egg mass increased with male breast‐band size, but decreased with female breast‐band size. Whether females adjust maternal hormone allocation in response to their partner's ornamentation remains a contentious issue. We found that yolk testosterone and androstenedione concentrations were not predicted by male ornamentation or body mass. Finally, males with larger breast‐bands provided their mates with more food, allowing those females to spend more time incubating. Reproductive effort of both parents is therefore predicted by their own and their mate's ornamentation in Bar‐throated Apalis, and thus breast‐band size potentially acts as a signal of reproductive performance in both sexes. These results highlight the need for more comprehensive analyses of a relationship between melanin‐based ornaments and fitness, incorporating multiple behavioural variables associated with reproductive effort.  相似文献   

The forces driving the evolution of extra-pair reproduction in socially monogamous animals remain widely debated and unresolved. One key hypothesis is that female extra-pair reproduction evolves through indirect genetic benefits, reflecting increased additive genetic value of extra-pair offspring. Such evolution requires that a female's propensity to produce offspring that are sired by an extra-pair male is heritable. However, additive genetic variance and heritability in female extra-pair paternity (EPP) rate have not been quantified, precluding accurate estimation of the force of indirect selection. Sixteen years of comprehensive paternity and pedigree data from socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) showed significant additive genetic variance and heritability in the proportion of a female's offspring that was sired by an extra-pair male, constituting major components of the genetic architecture required for extra-pair reproduction to evolve through indirect additive genetic benefits. However, estimated heritabilities were moderately small (0.12 and 0.18 on the observed and underlying latent scales, respectively). The force of selection on extra-pair reproduction through indirect additive genetic benefits may consequently be relatively weak. However, the additive genetic variance and non-zero heritability observed in female EPP rate allow for multiple further genetic mechanisms to drive and constrain mating system evolution.  相似文献   

To inquire how male size interacts with alloparental behaviour and mating success in the tessellated darter Etheostoma olmstedi, males were given a choice of nests with or without eggs; subsequent nest occupancy, takeovers and egg deposits were monitored. Subordinate males readily occupied available nests with eggs but were often evicted by dominant males, suggesting that males of all sizes compete for the opportunity to provide allopaternal care in this species.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness is a key life history trait in temperate and polar ectothermic species, as it affects survival during overwintering, but its evolution is poorly understood. While many studies of cold hardiness in insects have shown differences between species, populations or developmental stages, data on the relative contribution of individual genotypes to cold hardiness are scarce and mainly limited to drosophilid fly species. We used a sib‐analysis (paternal half‐sib/full‐sib breeding design) to estimate the relative contributions of parental generation to the supercooling point (SCP) of the offspring of a heteropteran non‐model insect species, Microvelia reticulata (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae). We found that parent identity affected significantly SCP values of their offspring. Magnitudes of estimated sire and dam variance components were similar but the distributions of individual contributions to SCP differed between sires and dams, which points to sex‐specific genetic or parental effects on SCP in this species. The animal model failed to find a realistic estimate of heritability (h2) of SCP, suggesting that the underlying genetics of SCP in M. reticulata can not be characterized by purely additive effects.  相似文献   

One hundred men, living in three villages in a remote region of the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea were asked to judge the attractiveness of photographs of women who had undergone micrograft surgery to reduce their waist‐to‐hip ratios (WHRs). Micrograft surgery involves harvesting adipose tissue from the waist and reshaping the buttocks to produce a low WHR and an “hourglass” female figure. Men consistently chose postoperative photographs as being more attractive than preoperative photographs of the same women. Some women gained, and some lost weight, postoperatively, with resultant changes in body mass index (BMI). However, changes in BMI were not related to men's judgments of attractiveness. These results show that the hourglass female figure is rated as attractive by men living in a remote, indigenous community, and that when controlling for BMI, WHR plays a crucial role in their attractiveness judgments. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Male traits that signal health and vigour are used by females to choose better quality mates, but in some cases the male trait selected by females differs among populations. Multiple male traits can be maintained through female mate choice if both traits are equally honest indicators of male quality, but tests of this prediction are rare. By choosing males based on such traits, females could gain direct benefits from males (assistance with parental care), but when females choose extra‐pair mates based on these traits, females gain only male sperm, and potentially indirect genetic benefits for their offspring. In common yellowthroats (Geothylpis trichas), female choice of extra‐pair mates targets two different plumage ornaments: the black mask in a Wisconsin population and the yellow bib in a New York population. Previously, we found that the black mask in Wisconsin is related to greater major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II variation, which in turn signals better survival and disease resistance. In this study, we examined the signalling function of the yellow bib in New York to test whether it signals the same aspects of male quality as the black mask in Wisconsin. As predicted, we found that the yellow bib in New York is most closely associated with MHC variation, which also signals survival and resistance to blood parasites. Thus, the ornament preferred by females differs between the two populations, but the different ornaments signal similar aspects of male health and genetic quality, specifically information regarding MHC variation and potential indirect genetic benefits to females.  相似文献   

The ‘good genes’ hypothesis of sexual selection predicts that male ornaments are favoured by female mate choice because male ornament reveals genetic quality. In species with different male reproductive tactics, variation in genetic quality among ‘sneaking’ males has rarely been investigated, as usually ‘sneakers’ are thought not to be chosen by females. Here we focused on the alternative reproductive tactic in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758) to test whether the skin colour of sneakers may reveal the performance traits of their offspring. A fully factorial breeding design was realized between 20 sneakers and two females using in vitro fertilization. We quantified the red and dark colorations of males and measured the survival of their progeny under semi‐natural conditions. In addition, the size of offspring and their emergence timing from the gravel nest were monitored in the laboratory. We found that darker males sired more viable offspring, whereas red coloration was negatively correlated with offspring survival. Nevertheless, darker and redder male pigmentations were linked to a delay in offspring emergence. These results demonstrate that colours can reveal individual genetic quality in an alternative male reproductive tactic, with male melanin‐based coloration being linked to both beneficial and detrimental effects for the offspring. Our results imply that sneaker ornaments may potentially play a role in both intra‐ and intersexual selection. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 126–135.  相似文献   

Although heritability estimates for traits potentially under natural selection are increasingly being reported, their estimation remains a challenge if we are to understand the patterns of adaptive phenotypic change in nature. Given the potentially important role of selection on the early life phenotype, and thereby on future life history events in many fish species, we conducted a common garden experiment, using the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), with two major aims. The first objective is to determine how the site of origin, the paternal sexual tactic and additive genetic effects influence phenotypic variation of several morphological traits at hatching and emergence. The second aim is to test whether a link exists between phenotypic characteristics early in life and the incidence of male alternative tactics later in life. We found no evidence of a site or paternal effect on any morphological trait at hatching or emergence, suggesting that the spatial phenotypic differences observed in the natural river system from which these fish originated are mainly environmentally driven. However, we do find significant heritabilities and maternal effects for several traits, including body size. No direct evidence was found correlating the incidence of precocious maturation with early life characteristics. We suggest that under good growing conditions, body size and other traits at early developmental stages are not reliable cues for the surpassing of the threshold values associated with male sexual development.  相似文献   

Inter‐ and intraspecific variation in eggshell colouration has long fascinated evolutionary biologists. Among species, such variation may accomplish different functions, the most obvious of which is camouflage and background matching. Within species, it has been proposed that inter‐female variation in eggshell pigmentation patterns can reflect egg, maternal or paternal traits and hence may provide cues to conspecifics about egg, maternal or paternal phenotypic quality. However, the relationship between protoporphyrin‐based eggshell pigmentation and egg or maternal/paternal traits appears to be highly variable among species. We investigated patterns of intraspecific variation in Eurasian barn swallow Hirundo r. rustica protoporphyrin‐based eggshell pigmentation, and analysed its association with egg and clutch characteristics, maternal/paternal phenotypic traits and parental feeding effort. Eggshell pigmentation pattern significantly varied between breeding colonies, was significantly repeatable in first clutches laid by the same females in different years (intraclass correlation coefficient ranging between 0.56 and 0.63), but it was not significantly associated with egg traits, such as position in the laying sequence, egg mass, yolk testosterone concentration and antioxidant capacity. It was weakly or non‐significantly associated with female and male traits (sexual ornaments), but females laying darker (higher pigment intensity) first clutches had higher hatching success, suggesting that eggshell pigment intensity may predict fitness. Male nestling feeding effort was not predicted by eggshell pigmentation. In addition, females with darker breast plumage colouration (a melanin‐based trait related to fitness) laid highly protoporphyrin‐covered eggs, suggesting the presence of a previously unappreciated link between protoporphyrin biosynthesis and plumage melanisation. Moreover, the proportion of male offspring increased in clutches originating from highly protoporphyrin‐covered eggs, suggesting that parents could acquire visual cues about their future brood sex composition before egg hatching. Our results support the idea that intraspecific signalling via eggshell pigmentation is a species‐specific rather than a general feature of avian taxa.  相似文献   

Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in vertebrates are integral for effective adaptive immune response and are associated with sexual selection. Evidence from a range of vertebrates supports MHC‐based preference for diverse and dissimilar mating partners, but evidence from human mate choice studies has been disparate and controversial. Methodologies and sampling peculiarities specific to human studies make it difficult to know whether wide discrepancies in results among human populations are real or artefact. To better understand what processes may affect MHC‐mediated mate choice across humans and nonhuman primates, we performed phylogenetically controlled meta‐analyses using 58 effect sizes from 30 studies across seven primate species. Primates showed a general trend favouring more MHC‐diverse mates, which was statistically significant for humans. In contrast, there was no tendency for MHC‐dissimilar mate choice, and for humans, we observed effect sizes indicating selection of both MHC‐dissimilar and MHC‐similar mates. Focusing on MHC‐similar effect sizes only, we found evidence that preference for MHC similarity was an artefact of population ethnic heterogeneity in observational studies but not among experimental studies with more control over sociocultural biases. This suggests that human assortative mating biases may be responsible for some patterns of MHC‐based mate choice. Additionally, the overall effect sizes of primate MHC‐based mating preferences are relatively weak (Fisher's Z correlation coefficient for dissimilarity Zr = 0.044, diversity Zr = 0.153), calling for careful sampling design in future studies. Overall, our results indicate that preference for more MHC‐diverse mates is significant for humans and likely conserved across primates.  相似文献   

Abstract Testosterone underlies the expression of most secondary sexual traits, playing a key role in sexual selection. However, high levels might be associated with physiological costs, such as immunosuppression. Immunostimulant carotenoids underpin the expression of many red‐yellow ornaments, but are regulated by testosterone and constrained by parasites. We manipulated testosterone and nematode burdens in red grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in two populations to tease apart their effects on carotenoid levels, ornament size and colouration in three time‐step periods. We found no evidence for interactive effects of testosterone and parasites on ornament size and colouration. We showed that ornament colouration was testosterone‐driven. However, parasites decreased comb size with a time delay and testosterone increased carotenoid levels in one of the populations. This suggests that environmental context plays a key role in determining how individuals resolve the trade‐off between allocating carotenoids for ornamental coloration or for self‐maintenance needs. Our study advocates that adequately testing the mechanisms behind the production or maintenance of secondary sexual characters has to take into account the dynamics of sexual trait expression and their environmental context.  相似文献   

Signalling theory predicts that signals should fulfil three fundamental requirements: high detectability, discriminability and, most importantly, reliability. Melanins are the most common pigments in animals. Correlations between genotypic and phenotypic qualities of the sender and size and morph of melanin‐based traits are known, but it is contentious whether melanin‐based colouration may signal any quality. We examined the effect of supplementing blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) with flavonoids, potent plant antioxidants, on plumage colouration. We demonstrate that melanin‐based colour can fulfil all requirements of signals of phenotypic condition. As predicted by sexual selection theory, flavonoid supplementation influenced only the sexually dichromatic black cap of males, whereas the female homologous trait and the sexually monochromatic back colouration remained unaffected. Using avian vision models we show that birds can estimate male flavonoid intake from colouration of males’ black cap. Because flavonoid ingestion can increase immune responsiveness in blackcaps, melanin head colouration may signal environmentally determined immune condition.  相似文献   

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