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In an attempt to elucidate the origin of an isolated peripheral Highland, Papua New Guinea population (the Karimui), HLA, blood group and serum protein markers were investigated. Due to the paucity of published HLA marker data, genetic distances using non-HLA markers were constructed between populations surrounding the Karimui and compared in 3-dimensions by multidimensional scaling analysis. Genetically, the Karimui is most closely associated with Highland populations to the east and northeast. In a attempt to develop a more global view of relationships, distances constructed from HLA marker data between 2 close Highland populations, 2 Coastal Papua New Guinea populations and 4 Australian aborigine populations were compared. The Karimui associated most closely with the Highland populations and equidistantly and at opposite poles from both the Coastal Papuan and aborigine populations. A paradigm of the composition of the founder group and the early population dynamics is developed from genetic, linguistic and anthropologic data.  相似文献   

Comparative study of character evolution in the shorebirds is presently limited because the phylogenetic placement of some enigmatic genera remains unclear. We therefore used Bayesian methods to obtain a well-supported phylogeny of 90 recognized genera using 5 kb of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. The tree comprised three major clades: Lari (gulls, auks and allies plus buttonquails) as sister to Scolopaci (sandpipers, jacanas and allies), and in turn sister to Charadrii (plovers, oystercatchers and allies), as in previous molecular studies. Plovers and noddies were not recovered as monophyletic assemblages, and the Egyptian plover Pluvianus is apparently not a plover. Molecular dating using multiple fossil constraints suggests that the three suborders originated in the late Cretaceous between 79 and 102 Mya, and at least 14 lineages of modern shorebirds survived the mass extinction at the K/T boundary. Previous difficulties in determining the phylogenetic relationships of enigmatic taxa reflect the fact that they are well-differentiated relicts of old, genus-poor lineages. We refrain from suggesting systematic revisions for shorebirds at this time because gene trees may fail to recover the species tree when long branches are connected to deep, shorter branches, as is the case for some of the enigmatic taxa.  相似文献   

Apterosperma and Euryodendron, monotypic genera in Theaceae (sensu lato), are endemic and restrictedly distributed in south China. The two genera are not included in the major classification systems. However, their systematic position and origin have been subject to intense debate in the last decade. In this study, the phylogeny and divergence times of both Apterosperma and Euryodendron were inferred using combined dataset of chloroplast DNA trnL-F and atpB-rbcL non-coding sequences and nrDNA ITS sequences. The results from Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood consistently showed that (i) Euryodendron is a valid genus, which is closer to Eurya than to Cleyera and (ii) Apterosperma is a genus of the tribe Theeae along with Tutcheria and Camellia. It was first reported that the divergence time of Apterosperma was 61.98 million years ago (mya), whereas that of Euryodendron 20.51 mya, indicating Tertiary origins in south China. The divergence of Apterosperma appears to be the result of increased ecological opportunity after Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction events and related with high temperatures and high humidity environments. By contrast, the origin of Euryodendron may be associated with historical mountain building events as well as the significant climate changes that established cooler temperatures prevailing until today.  相似文献   

We investigate the geographical and historical context of diversification in a complex of mutualistic Crematogaster ants living in Macaranga trees in the equatorial rain forests of Southeast Asia. Using mitochondrial DNA from 433 ant colonies collected from 32 locations spanning Borneo, Malaya and Sumatra, we infer branching relationships, patterns of genetic diversity and population history. We reconstruct a time frame for the ants' diversification and demographic expansions, and identify areas that might have been refugia or centres of diversification. Seventeen operational lineages are identified, most of which can be distinguished by host preference and geographical range. The ants first diversified 16-20 Ma, not long after the onset of the everwet forests in Sundaland, and achieved most of their taxonomic diversity during the Pliocene. Pleistocene demographic expansions are inferred for several of the younger lineages. Phylogenetic relationships suggest a Bornean cradle and major axis of diversification. Taxonomic diversity tends to be associated with mountain ranges; in Borneo, it is greatest in the Crocker Range of Sabah and concentrated also in other parts of the northern northwest coast. Within-lineage genetic diversity in Malaya and Sumatra tends to also coincide with mountain ranges. A series of disjunct and restricted distributions spanning northern northwest Borneo and the major mountain ranges of Malaya and Sumatra, seen in three pairs of sister lineages, further suggests that these regions were rain-forest refuges during drier climatic phases of the Pleistocene. Results are discussed in the context of the history of Sundaland's rain forests.  相似文献   

Eocene to middle Miocene stratigraphic changes in species richness, abundance and valve size of Chaetoceros resting spores in the Norwegian Sea (DSDP Site 338) were investigated in order to understand past productivity and paleoenvironmental changes in upwelling regions. As a result, drastic resting spore events were recognized in a 6 myr interval across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary (EO Event), the Oligocene/Miocene boundary (OM Event) and in the early middle Miocene (emM Event). The EO Event was characterized by explosive diversification at both the morpho-generic and specific levels, an increase in abundance, and a decrease in valve size from the upper Eocene through the lowest Oligocene. The OM Event was defined by a two-fold increase in species richness. During the emM Event spore abundance decreased rapidly, and species richness and valve size decreased gradually. These changes may indicate changes in the nutrient supply, especially in upwelling regions. The increased species richness suggests a change from a stable water column with a constant nutrient supply in the Eocene to an unstable one with a sporadic nutrient supply by increased vertical mixing in the Oligocene, based on evaluation of the ecologic differences between dinoflagellate cysts and Chaetoceros resting spores. The role of main primary producer might have switched from dinoflagellates and/or nannoplankton in the Eocene to diatoms, especially Chaetoceros, in the Oligocene in the Norwegian Sea. Increased resting spore species richness during the OM Event may show that environmental changes such as global cooling and nutrient mixing led to a diversification of the spore producing genus Chaetoceros. The emM Event might have been affected by changes in paleoceanographic conditions, perhaps a decrease in nutrient supply. This study presents the first paleoceanographic analysis using not only the total resting spore abundance but also the abundances of individual species, and establishes the value of spore taxonomy and diatom analysis including spores.  相似文献   

We focus on reconstructing a spatiotemporal scenario of diversification of a widespread South American species, the Pectoral Sparrow Arremon taciturnus (Aves: Passerellidae). This species is widely distributed in both the humid and the dry forests of South America and therefore provides an interesting model for understanding the connection between different biomes of South America. We examined nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genes Cytochrome b (cyt-b) and NADH subunit 2 (ND2) from 107 specimens, and one nuclear marker (intron 7 of the β-fibrinogen gene) from a subset of samples collected across the distribution ranges of A. t. taciturnus and A. t. nigrirostris. Six major lineages were recovered in the phylogenies that displayed high levels of variance of allele frequencies and corresponded to distinct geographical locations. The estimation of divergence times provided evidence that diversification of the six lineages of the Pectoral Sparrow occurred throughout the Late Pleistocene across major cis-Andean biomes and Amazonian interfluves. Our dataset for A. taciturnus provides further evidence that rivers in Amazonia constitute barriers promoting allopatric speciation, with occasional sharing of alleles among lineages, particularly those with adjacent distributions.  相似文献   

A molecular clock based on ITS sequence data from the lichen genera Biatora and Phyllopsora is calibrated with the help of paleoclimatic data and evidence of forest history. The clock indicates that diversification within Biatora started as early as in the Late Cretaceous and took place during periods of climatic cooling, when new types of forest evolved and spread in the Northern Hemisphere. Arctic-alpine species of the genus appear to be of considerable age, dating back to the Late Eocene-Oligocene climatic cooling. By using calibrated phylogenies of epiphytic lichens it may become possible to date many paleoenvironmental events, for which little fossil evidence exists.  相似文献   

Caprines include all bovids related to sheep and goat. The composition of the group is controversial and inter-generic relationships have been widely debated. Here, we analysed 2469 characters draw from three distinct molecular markers, i.e. two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA) and one nuclear fragment (exon 4 of the κ -casein gene). The taxonomic sampling includes all genera putatively described as caprines, as well as several other bovid genera in order to elucidate the position of caprines within the family Bovidae, and to determine the exact composition of the group. Phylogenetic analyses confirm firstly that Pseudoryx and Saiga do not belong to caprines, and secondly, that all tribes classically defined in the literature are not monophyletic, supporting the inclusion of all caprine species into a unique enlarged tribe Caprini sensu lato . Our results are in contradiction with previous investigations suggesting a sister-group relationship between Ovis (sheep and mouflons) and Budorcas (takins). By using a molecular calibration point at 18.5 Mya for the first appearance of bovids, we estimated divergence times with our molecular data. We also performed biogeographic inferences to better understand the origin and diversification of caprines during the Neogene. Our analyses suggest that caprines shared a common ancestor with Alcelaphini and Hippotragini in the middle-late Miocene (13.37 ± 0.70 Mya). Our results also indicate that the extant generic diversity of caprines resulted from a rapid adaptive radiation during the late Miocene, at 10.96 ± 0.73 Mya. We propose that this adaptive radiation resulted from the acquisition of reduced metacarpals, a key innovation which occurred during the late Miocene as a consequence of insularity isolation in the mountainous mega-archipelago between Mediterranean and Paratethys Seas.  相似文献   

The African colobines represent a neglected area of cercopithecid systematics. Resolving the phylogenetic relationships and estimating divergence dates among the living forms will provide insight into the evolution of this group and may shed light upon the evolution of other African primates as well. This is the first molecular assessment of the evolutionary relationships among the modern colobus monkeys, which are comprised of the black-and-white, olive, and red colobus groups. Over 4,000 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA were amplified and sequenced in over 40 colobus monkey individuals incorporating representatives from all commonly recognized species. Gene trees were inferred using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference, and penalized likelihood was employed to estimate mitochondrial divergence dates among the sampled taxa. The results are congruent with some aspects of previous phylogenetic hypotheses based on morphology and vocalizations, although the relationships among several West and Central African taxa differ to some degree. The divergence date analysis suggests that the black-and-white, olive, and red colobus had diverged from one another by the end of the Miocene, and that by the Plio-Pleistocene many of the species lineages were already present. This demonstrates that the initial extant colobus monkey diversification occurred much earlier than previously thought and was likely part of the same adaptive radiation that produced the diverse colobine taxa seen in the African Plio-Pleistocene fossil record. The lack of early members from the modern lineages in fossiliferous deposits suggests that they resided in part in the forests of Central and West Africa, which also currently harbor the highest levels of colobus monkey diversity. These forests should not be ignored in models of Plio-Pleistocene human and nonhuman primate evolution.  相似文献   

Attempts to solve the fundamental questions regarding the descent of man are dogged by superstitions and unexamined orthodoxies. The origin of humans, established a decade ago based upon cytological analysis of ape chromosomes, continues to be called into question. Although molecular methods have provided a framework for tracing the paths of human evolution, conclusive evidence remains elusive. We have used a single ABL gene probe derived from human chromosome 9 to assess the direction of change in the equivalent ape chromosomes. This approach has resulted in a few surprises which again challenge the prevailing view of early primate evolution based solely on chromosome banding patterns. The ABL protooncogene is present on human chromosome 9 at band q34. Similar DNA sequences presumed to represent an ABL gene, are present on chromosome 11 in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) but at a different relative location, indicating that the mechanism of the origin of human chromosome 9 is far more complex than has previously been suggested. Nevertheless, in gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), the equivalent to human chromosome band 9 q34 is apparently located on chromosome 13 at a putative telomeric position and no discernible differences could be established. Despite the presence of the ABL protooncogene on human equivalent ape chromosomes, molecular systematics will continue to generate enigmas in the evolutionary context until the entire genome is sequenced.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the conserved regions of the gene coding for the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) in 12 species of Plasmodium, the malaria parasite. The closest evolutionary relative of P. falciparum, the agent of malignant human malaria, is P. reichenowi, a chimpanzee parasite. This is consistent with the hypothesis that P. falciparum is an ancient human parasite, associated with humans since the divergence of the hominids from their closest hominoid relatives. Three other human Plasmodium species are each genetically indistinguishable from species parasitic to nonhuman primates; that is, for the DNA sequences included in our analysis, the differences between species are not greater than the differences between strains of the human species. The human P. malariae is indistinguishable from P. brasilianum, and P. vivax is indistinguishable from P. simium; P. brasilianum and P. simium are parasitic to New World monkeys. The human P. vivax-like is indistinguishable from P. simiovale, a parasite of Old World macaques. We conjecture that P. malariae, P. vivax, and P. vivax-like are evolutionarily recent human parasites, the first two at least acquired only within the last several thousand years, and perhaps within the last few hundred years, after the expansion of human populations in South America following the European colonizations. We estimate the rate of evolution of the conserved regions of the CSP gene as 2.46 x 10(-9) per site per year. The divergence between the P. falciparum and P. reichenowi lineages is accordingly dated 8.9 Myr ago. The divergence between the three lineages leading to the human parasites is very ancient, about 100 Myr old between P. malariae and P. vivax (and P. vivax-like) and about 165 Myr old between P. falciparum and the other two.   相似文献   

Summary We report and compare the DNA sequences of 14 silkmoth (Antheraea polyphemus) chorion genes, derived from either cDNA or chromosomal DNA clones. Seven of these genes are members of the A multigene family, and seven are members of the B family. Where available, the previously reported (Jones and Kafatos 1980) intronic and extragenic flanking DNA sequences are also considered. Closely related sequences are compared, revealing the types of spontaneous mutations that were fixed during paralogous evolution. Segmental mutations (i.e. mutations other than substitutions) are nearly always interpretable as small duplications or deletions. related to small direct repeats. Segmental mutations are strongly constrained in the coding regions, although they do occur. Nucleotide substitutions also appear to be under selective constraints: relatively few substitutions leading to amino acid replacements are accepted, silent substitutions leading to some codons (especially purine-terminated ones) are disfavored, and different compositional biases are maintained in different parts of the sequences. Other sequence differences can be interpreted as indicative of neutral drift, including most differences in non-coding regions and most T/C transitions in third-base positions. In the non-coding regions, which are thought to be only loosely constrained by selection, transitions are observed more frequently than might be expected: they account for 52% of all substitutions, and they appear to be favored two to threefold over transversions when allowance is made for the skewed base composition of these regions.  相似文献   

番荔枝科(Annonaceae)是基部被子植物木兰目(Magnoliales)中较进化且物种数最多的科。目前的系统发育研究将番荔枝科划分为4个亚科,即蒙蒿子亚科(Anaxagoreoideae)、澄光木亚科(Ambavioideae)、番荔枝亚科(Annonoideae)和排石木亚科(Malmeoideae),有107属,2 400多种,中国原产21 属约110 种。番荔枝科泛热带分布,是热带植物区系的优势类群,中国云南盈江位于云南省最西部边境,与缅甸东北部接壤,并与印度的东阿萨姆较近,植物区系处于东南亚(印度—马来西亚)热带生物区系向东亚亚热带-温带生物区系的过渡地带,属典型热带北缘性质,在植被地理和生物地理上十分重要,成为生物多样性保护的关键和热点地区。该区的热带雨林是印度阿萨姆和缅甸北部的热带雨林向东和向北扩散分布的边缘类型,是东南亚热带雨林在纬度和海拔分布上的极限类型。该文报道了采自中国云南省盈江县,引种保存于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的番荔枝科哥纳香属2个中国新记录种,即皱叶哥纳香 [Goniothalamus sesquipedalis(Colebr. ex Wall.)Hook. f. & Thomson]和长梗哥纳香(G. peduncularis King & Prain)。Flora of China将盈江哥纳香(G. lii X. L. Hou & Y. M. Shui)处理为云南哥纳香(G. yunnanensis W. T. Wang)的异名,基于活植物观察、馆藏标本和文献研究,该文对盈江哥纳香的分类地位进行了澄清,将其处理为长梗哥纳香的异名。皱叶哥纳香原记载产于印度、孟加拉国和缅甸等地,长梗哥纳香仅产于缅甸,该文对它们进行了补充描述,并提供彩色图版以便于鉴别。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。哥纳香属2个新记录的发现,丰富了中国番荔枝科植物多样性的认识,为中国云南热带植物区系属于热带亚洲(印度—马来西亚)植物区系,以及与缅甸北部、印度东北部植物区系的关系增加了例证。  相似文献   

Many living vertebrates exhibit complex social structures, evidence for the antiquity of which is limited to rare and exceptional fossil finds. Living elephants possess a characteristic social structure that is sex-segregated and multi-tiered, centred around a matriarchal family and solitary or loosely associated groups of adult males. Although the fossil record of Proboscidea is extensive, the origin and evolution of social structure in this clade is virtually unknown. Here, we present imagery and analyses of an extensive late Miocene fossil trackway site from the United Arab Emirates. The site of Mleisa 1 preserves exceptionally long trackways of a herd of at least 13 individuals of varying size transected by that of a single large individual, indicating the presence of both herding and solitary social modes. Trackway stride lengths and resulting body mass estimates indicate that the solitary individual was also the largest and therefore most likely a male. Sexual determination for the herd is equivocal, but the body size profile and number of individuals are commensurate with those of a modern elephant family unit. The Mleisa 1 trackways provide direct evidence for the antiquity of characteristic and complex social structure in Proboscidea.  相似文献   

Recently, we used the 5'-trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA) region of the chloroplast DNA for phylogeographic reconstructions and phylogenetic analysis among the genera Arabidopsis, Boechera, Rorippa, Nasturtium, and Cardamine. Despite the fact that extensive gene duplications are rare among the chloroplast genome of higher plants, within these taxa the anticodon domain of the trnF(GAA) gene exhibit extensive gene duplications with one to eight tandemly repeated copies in close 5' proximity of the functional gene. Interestingly, even in Arabidopsis thaliana we found six putative pseudogenic copies of the functional trnF gene within the 5'-intergenic trnL-trnF spacer. A reexamination of trnL(UAA)-trnF(GAA) regions from numerous published phylogenetic studies among halimolobine, cardaminoid, and other cruciferous taxa revealed not only extensive trnF gene duplications but also favor the hypothesis about a single origin of trnF pseudogene formation during evolution of the Brassicaceae family 16-21 MYA. Conserved sequence motifs from this tandemly repeated region are codistributed nonrandomly throughout the plastome, and we found some similarities with a DNA sequence duplication in the rps7 gene and its adjacent spacer. Our results demonstrate the potential evolutionary dynamics of a plastidic region generally regarded as highly conserved and probably cotranscribed and, as shown here for several genera among cruciferous plants, greatly characterized by parallel gains and losses of duplicated trnF copies.  相似文献   

Thielaviopsis basicola is a soil-borne fungal pathogen with a wide host range and a cosmopolitan distribution. It causes disease on many agricultural crops, and in South Africa is the causal agent of black pod rot of groundnuts and black root rot on chicory. Knowledge of the population diversity of T. basicola could provide valuable information regarding management strategies, the possible movement, origin, and reproductive strategies of the fungus. The objective of this study was to determine the population diversity of T. basicola isolates from groundnuts and chicory in South Africa using co-dominant polymorphic markers. These markers were also used to compare isolates from South Africa with those from other hosts and geographic regions. Seven loci revealed nine alleles and two genotypes, one on groundnut and one on chicory, differing at only two loci. T. basicola isolates from eight different countries and ten different hosts revealed 17 genotypes across the seven loci with 39 different alleles. The lack of diversity for the two South African host-related populations of isolates suggests that T. basicola was introduced into South Africa. Some evidence is provided for a European origin of the pathogen, possibly linked to trade in root crops.  相似文献   

The origins and times of divergence of the speciose Hawaiian Drosophilidae are examined using mtDNA sequences. The Hawaiian Drosophilidae are resolved as the sister group to the subgenus Drosophila. No one member of the subgenus Drosophila could be determined to be more closely related to the Hawaiian Drosophilidae than could any other. This result suggests that the Hawaiian Drosophilidae arose before the diversification of the subgenus Drosophila and after the divergence of the subgenus Sophophora. In light of fossil evidence, this phylogenetic scenario suggests that the Hawaiian Drosophilidae lineages are no younger than 30 Myr.  相似文献   

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