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Gram-negative bacteria are capable of expelling diverse xenobiotic substances from within the cell by use of three-component efflux pumps in which the energy-activated inner membrane transporter is connected to the outer membrane channel protein via the membrane fusion protein. In this work, we describe the crystal structure of the membrane fusion protein MexA from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa MexAB-OprM pump in the hexameric ring arrangement. Electron microscopy study on the chimeric complex of MexA and the outer membrane protein OprM reveals that MexA makes a tip-to-tip interaction with OprM, which suggests a docking model for MexA and OprM. This docking model agrees well with genetic results and depicts detailed interactions. Opening of the OprM channel is accompanied by the simultaneous exposure of a protein structure resembling a six-bladed cogwheel, which intermeshes with the complementary cogwheel structure in the MexA hexamer. Taken together, we suggest an assembly and channel opening model for the MexAB-OprM pump. This study provides a better understanding of multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria expel diverse toxic chemicals through the tripartite efflux pumps spanning both the inner and outer membranes. The Escherichia coli AcrAB-TolC pump is the principal multidrug exporter that confers intrinsic drug tolerance to the bacteria. The inner membrane transporter AcrB requires the outer membrane factor TolC and the periplasmic adapter protein AcrA. However, it remains ambiguous how the three proteins are assembled. In this study, a hexameric model of the adapter protein was generated based on the propensity for trimerization of a dimeric unit, and this model was further validated by presenting its channel-forming property that determines the substrate specificity. Genetic, in vitro complementation, and electron microscopic studies provided evidence for the binding of the hexameric adapter protein to the outer membrane factor in an intermeshing cogwheel manner. Structural analyses suggested that the adapter covers the periplasmic region of the inner membrane transporter. Taken together, we propose an adapter bridging model for the assembly of the tripartite pump, where the adapter protein provides a bridging channel and induces the channel opening of the outer membrane factor in the intermeshing tip-to-tip manner.  相似文献   

The multiple transferable resistance (mTR) pump from Neisseria gonorrhoeae MtrCDE multidrug pump is assembled from the inner and outer membrane proteins MtrD and MtrE and the periplasmic membrane fusion protein MtrC. Previously we established that while there is a weak interaction of MtrD and MtrE, MtrC binds with relatively high affinity to both MtrD and MtrE. MtrD conferred antibiotic resistance only when it was expressed with MtrE and MtrC, suggesting that these proteins form a functional tripartite complex in which MtrC bridges MtrD and MtrE. Furthermore, we demonstrated that MtrC interacts with an intraprotomer groove on the surface of MtrE, inducing channel opening. However, a second groove is apparent at the interface of the MtrE subunits, which might also be capable of engaging MtrC. We have now established that MtrC can be cross-linked to cysteines placed in this interprotomer groove and that mutation of residues in the groove impair the ability of the pump to confer antibiotic resistance by locking MtrE in the closed channel conformation. Moreover, MtrE K390C forms an intermolecular disulfide bond with MtrC E149C locking MtrE in the open channel conformation, suggesting that a functional salt bridge forms between these residues during the transition from closed to open channel conformations. MtrC forms dimers that assemble into hexamers, and electron microscopy studies of single particles revealed that these hexamers are arranged into ring-like structures with an internal aperture sufficiently large to accommodate the MtrE trimer. Cross-linking of single cysteine mutants of MtrC to stabilize the dimer interface in the presence of MtrE, trapped an MtrC-MtrE complex with a molecular mass consistent with a stoichiometry of 3:6 (MtrE(3)MtrC(6)), suggesting that dimers of MtrC interact with MtrE, presumably by binding to the two grooves. As both MtrE and MtrD are trimeric, our studies suggest that the functional pump is assembled with a stoichiometry of 3:6:3.  相似文献   

Tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporters are widespread in bacteria but poorly characterized. They contain three subunits, a small membrane protein, a large membrane protein, and a substrate-binding protein (SBP). Although the function of the SBP is well established, the membrane components have only been studied in detail for the sialic acid TRAP transporter SiaPQM from Haemophilus influenzae, where the membrane proteins are genetically fused. Herein, we report the first in vitro characterization of a truly tripartite TRAP transporter, the SiaPQM system (VC1777-1779) from the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae. The active reconstituted transporter catalyzes unidirectional Na(+)-dependent sialic acid uptake having similar biochemical features to the orthologous system in H. influenzae. However, using this tripartite transporter, we demonstrate the tight association of the small, SiaQ, and large, SiaM, membrane proteins that form a 1:1 complex. Using reconstituted proteoliposomes containing particular combinations of the three subunits, we demonstrate biochemically that all three subunits are likely to be essential to form a functional TRAP transporter.  相似文献   

The bacterial multidrug transporter EmrE is a dual-topology membrane protein and as such is able to insert into the membrane in two opposite orientations. The functional form of EmrE is a homodimer; however, the relative orientation of the subunits in the dimer is under debate. Using EmrE variants with fixed, opposite orientations in the membrane, we now show that, although the proteins are able to form parallel dimers, an antiparallel organization of the subunits in the dimer is preferred. Blue-native PAGE analyses of intact oligomers and disulfide cross-linking demonstrate that in membranes, the proteins form parallel dimers only if no oppositely orientated partner is present. Co-expression of oppositely orientated proteins almost exclusively yields antiparallel dimers. Finally, parallel dimers can be disrupted and converted into antiparallel dimers by heating of detergent-solubilized protein. Importantly, in vivo function is correlated clearly to the presence of antiparallel dimers. Our results suggest that an antiparallel arrangement of the subunits in the dimer is more stable than a parallel organization and likely corresponds to the functional form of the protein.  相似文献   

EmrE, a member of the small multidrug transporters superfamily, extrudes positively charged hydrophobic compounds out of Escherichia coli cytoplasm in exchange for inward movement of protons down their electrochemical gradient. Although its transport mechanism has been thoroughly characterized, the structural basis of energy coupling and the conformational cycle mediating transport have yet to be elucidated. In this study, EmrE structure in liposomes and the substrate-induced conformational changes were investigated by systematic spin labeling and EPR analysis. Spin label mobilities and accessibilities describe a highly dynamic ligand-free (apo) conformation. Dipolar coupling between spin labels across the dimer reveals at least two spin label populations arising from different packing interfaces of the EmrE dimer. One population is consistent with antiparallel arrangement of the monomers, although the EPR parameters suggest deviations from the crystal structure of substrate-bound EmrE. Resolving these discrepancies requires an unusual disposition of TM3 relative to the membrane-water interface and a kink in its backbone that enables bending of its C-terminal part. Binding of the substrate tetraphenylphosphonium changes the environment of spin labels and their proximity in three transmembrane helices. The underlying conformational transition involves repacking of TM1, tilting of TM2, and changes in the backbone configurations of TM3 and the adjacent loop connecting it to TM4. A dynamic apo conformation is necessary for the polyspecificity of EmrE allowing the binding of structurally diverse substrates. The flexibility of TM3 may play a critical role in movement of substrates across the membrane.  相似文献   

Su CC  Nikaido H  Yu EW 《FEBS letters》2007,581(25):4972-4976
The AcrB of Escherichia coli pumps out a wide range of compounds, including most of the currently available antibiotics, and contributes significantly to the serious problem of multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria. Quantitative analysis of drug efflux by this pump requires the measurement of the affinity of ligands. Yet there has been no success in determining these values. We introduce here an approach of steady-state fluorescence polarization to study the interactions between four different ligands and the purified AcrB transporter in a detergent environment. Our assays indicate that the transporter binds these drugs with K(D) values ranging from 5.5 to 74.1microM.  相似文献   

The tripartite xenobiotic-antibiotic transporter of Pseudomonas aeruginosa consists of the inner membrane transporter (e.g., MexB, MexY), the periplasmic membrane-fusion-protein (e.g., MexA, MexX), and the outer membrane channel protein (e.g., OprM). These subunits were assumed to assemble into a transporter unit during export of the substrates. However, subunit interaction and their specificity in native form remained to be elucidated. To address these important questions, we analyzed the role of the individual subunits for the assembly of MexAB-OprM by pull-down assay tagging only one of the subunits. We found stable MexA-MexB-OprM complex without chemical cross-linking that withstand all purification procedures. Results of bi-partite interactions analysis showed tight association between MexA and OprM in the absence of MexB, whereas the expression systems lacking MexA failed to co-purify MexB or OprM. None of the heterologous subunit combinations such as MexA+MexY(his)+OprM and MexX+MexB(his)+OprM showed interaction. These results implied that the membrane fusion protein is central to the tripartite xenobiotic transporter assembly.  相似文献   

Macrolide-specific efflux pump MacAB-TolC has been identified in diverse gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli. The inner membrane transporter MacB requires the outer membrane factor TolC and the periplasmic adaptor protein MacA to form a functional tripartite complex. In this study, we used a chimeric protein containing the tip region of the TolC α-barrel to investigate the role of the TolC α-barrel tip region with regard to its interaction with MacA. The chimeric protein formed a stable complex with MacA, and the complex formation was abolished by substitution at the functionally essential residues located at the MacA α-helical tip region. Electron microscopic study delineated that this complex was made by tip-to-tip interaction between the tip regions of the α-barrels of TolC and MacA, which correlated well with the TolC and MacA complex calculated by molecular dynamics. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the MacA hexamer interacts with TolC in a tip-to-tip manner, and implies the manner by which MacA induces opening of the TolC channel.  相似文献   

The fungal ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter Cdr1 protein (Cdr1p), responsible for clinically significant drug resistance, is composed of two transmembrane domains (TMDs) and two nucleotide binding domains (NBDs). We have probed the nature of the drug binding pocket by performing systematic mutagenesis of the primary sequences of the 12 transmembrane segments (TMSs) found in the TMDs. All mutated proteins were expressed equally well and localized properly at the plasma membrane in the heterologous host Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but some variants differed significantly in efflux activity, substrate specificity, and coupled ATPase activity. Replacement of the majority of the amino acid residues with alanine or glycine yielded neutral mutations, but about 42% of the variants lost resistance to drug efflux substrates completely or selectively. A predicted three-dimensional homology model shows that all the TMSs, apart from TMS4 and TMS10, interact directly with the drug-binding cavity in both the open and closed Cdr1p conformations. However, TMS4 and TMS10 mutations can also induce total or selective drug susceptibility. Functional data and homology modeling assisted identification of critical amino acids within a drug-binding cavity that, upon mutation, abolished resistance to all drugs tested singly or in combinations. The open and closed Cdr1p models enabled the identification of amino acid residues that bordered a drug-binding cavity dominated by hydrophobic residues. The disposition of TMD residues with differential effects on drug binding and transport are consistent with a large polyspecific drug binding pocket in this yeast multidrug transporter.  相似文献   

The genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa encodes tripartite efflux pumps that extrude functionally and structurally dissimilar antibiotics from the bacterial cell. MexAB‐OprM, MexCD‐OprJ, MexEF‐OprN, and MexXY‐OprM are the main tripartite efflux pumps responsible for multidrug resistance in P. aeruginosa. The outer membrane factors OprN, OprJ, and OprM are essential components of functional tripartite efflux pumps. To elucidate the structural basis of multidrug resistance, we determined the crystal structures of OprN and OprJ. These structures revealed several features, including tri‐acylation of the N‐terminal cysteine, a small pore in the β‐barrel domain, and a tightly sealed gate in the α‐barrel domain. Despite the overall similarity of OprN, OprJ, and OprM, a comparison of their structures and electrostatic distributions revealed subtle differences at the periplasmic end of the α‐barrel domain. These results suggested that the overall structures of these outer membrane factors are specifically optimized for particular tripartite efflux pumps. Proteins 2016; 84:759–769. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In parasites, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters represent an important family of proteins related to drug resistance and other biological activities. Resistance of leishmanial parasites to therapeutic drugs continues to escalate in developing countries, and in many instances, it is due to overexpressed ABC efflux pumps. Progressively adapted baicalein (BLN)-resistant parasites (pB25R) show overexpression of a novel ABC transporter, which was classified as ABCC2 or Leishmania donovani multidrug resistance protein 2 (LdMRP2). The protein is primarily localized in the flagellar pocket region and in internal vesicles. Overexpressed LdABCC2 confers substantial BLN resistance to the parasites by rapid drug efflux. The BLN-resistant promastigotes when transformed into amastigotes in macrophage cells cannot be cured by treatment of macrophages with BLN. Amastigote resistance is concomitant with the overexpression of macrophage MRP2 transporter. Reporter analysis and site-directed mutagenesis assays demonstrated that antioxidant response element 1 is activated upon infection. The expression of this phase II detoxifying gene is regulated by NFE2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)-mediated antioxidant response element activation. In view of the fact that the signaling pathway of phosphoinositol 3-kinase controls microfilament rearrangement and translocation of actin-associated proteins, the current study correlates with the intricate pathway of phosphoinositol 3-kinase-mediated nuclear translocation of Nrf2, which activates MRP2 expression in macrophages upon infection by the parasites. In contrast, phalloidin, an agent that prevents depolymerization of actin filaments, inhibits Nrf2 translocation and Mrp2 gene activation by pB25R infection. Taken together, these results provide insight into the mechanisms by which resistant clinical isolates of L. donovani induce intracellular events relevant to drug resistance.  相似文献   

Pdr5 is the founding member of a large subfamily of evolutionarily distinct, clinically important fungal ABC transporters containing a characteristic, deviant ATP-binding site with altered Walker A, Walker B, Signature (C-loop), and Q-loop residues. In contrast to these motifs, the D-loops of the two ATP-binding sites have similar sequences, including a completely conserved aspartate residue. Alanine substitution mutants in the deviant Walker A and Signature motifs retain significant, albeit reduced, ATPase activity and drug resistance. The D-loop residue mutants D340A and D1042A showed a striking reduction in plasma membrane transporter levels. The D1042N mutation localized properly had nearly WT ATPase activity but was defective in transport and was profoundly hypersensitive to Pdr5 substrates. Therefore, there was a strong uncoupling of ATPase activity and drug efflux. Taken together, the properties of the mutants suggest an additional, critical intradomain signaling role for deviant ATP-binding sites.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli chromosome encodes several multidrug transporters. Despite their protective function against antibacterial agents, the specific physiological actions of these transporters are not fully understood. E. coli produces indole, a metabolite of tryptophan, under physiological conditions. Defined inactivation of the acrEF gene, the product of which is known as an energy-dependent multiple drug efflux pump, decreased indole excretion while reintroduction of the acrEF gene restored it. A DeltaacrEF mutant accumulated more intracellular indole than the parent. This mutant was more susceptible to the growth-inhibitory effect of indole than the parent. These results indicate that the AcrEF system plays a significant role in indole efflux.  相似文献   

The distribution of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin among coliform in the Gomti river water samples was investigated. The coliform populations were isolated on Mac Conky and eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar plates supplemented with antibiotics. The incidence of resistance among the coliform population varied considerably in different drug and water sampling sites. Coliform bacteria showed lower drug resistant viable count in sampling site-III (receiving treated wastewater) as compared to more polluted site-I and site-II. Viable count of coliform population obtained on both medium was recorded higher against erythromycin from sampling site-III. Lower viable count of coliforms was recorded against tetracycline in site-II and III. Similar resistance pattern was obtained in the frequency of E. coli and Enterobacter species from all the three sampling sites. Percentage of antibiotic resistant E. coli was observed higher than Enterobacter spp among the total coliforms against all antibiotics tested without Erythromycin and penicillin in site-I and II respectively. Isolates of E. coli and Enterobacter spp. showed their tolerance level (MIC) in the range of 2-100 against the antibiotics tested. Maximum number of isolates of both genus exhibited their MICs at lower concentration range 2-5µg/ml against ciprofloxacin, tetracyclin and amoxycillin.


EMB - Eosin methylene blue, IMViC tests - Indole, Methyl Red, Voges Proskauer and Citrate Utilization Tests, MIC - Minimum inhibitory concentration.  相似文献   

EmrE, a small multidrug resistance transporter, serves as an ideal model to study coupling between multidrug recognition and protein function. EmrE has a single small binding pocket that must accommodate the full range of diverse substrates recognized by this transporter. We have studied a series of tetrahedral compounds, as well as several planar substrates, to examine multidrug recognition and transport by EmrE. Here we show that even within this limited series, the rate of interconversion between the inward- and outward-facing states of EmrE varies over 3 orders of magnitude. Thus, the identity of the bound substrate controls the rate of this critical step in the transport process. The binding affinity also varies over a similar range and is correlated with substrate hydrophobicity within the tetrahedral substrate series. Substrate identity influences both the ground-state and transition-state energies for the conformational exchange process, highlighting the coupling between substrate binding and transport required for alternating access antiport.  相似文献   

The soil bacterium Streptomyces peucetius produces two widely used anticancer antibiotics, doxorubicin and daunorubicin. Present within the biosynthesis gene cluster in S. peucetius is the drrAB operon, which codes for a dedicated ABC (ATP binding cassette)-type transporter for the export of these two closely related antibiotics. Because of its dedicated nature, the DrrAB system is believed to belong to the category of single-drug transporters. However, whether it also contains specificity for other known substrates of multidrug transporters has never been tested. In this study we demonstrate under both in vivo and in vitro conditions that the DrrAB system can transport not only doxorubicin but is also able to export two most commonly studied MDR substrates, Hoechst 33342 and ethidium bromide. Moreover, we demonstrate that many other substrates (including verapamil, vinblastine, and rifampicin) of the well studied multidrug transporters inhibit DrrAB-mediated Dox transport with high efficiency, indicating that they are also substrates of the DrrAB pump. Kinetic studies show that inhibition of doxorubicin transport by Hoechst 33342 and rifampicin occurs by a competitive mechanism, whereas verapamil inhibits transport by a non-competitive mechanism, thus suggesting the possibility of more than one drug binding site in the DrrAB system. This is the first in-depth study of a drug resistance system from a producer organism, and it shows that a dedicated efflux system like DrrAB contains specificity for multiple drugs. The significance of these findings in evolution of poly-specificity in drug resistance systems is discussed.  相似文献   

Complexes of OprM and MexA, two proteins of the MexA-MexB-OprM multidrug efflux pump from Pseudomonasaeruginosa, an opportunistic Gram-negative bacterium, were reconstituted into proteoliposomes by detergent removal. Stacks of protein layers with a constant height of 21 nm, separated by lipid bilayers, were obtained at stoichiometry of 1:1 (w/w). Using cryo-electron microscopy and tomography, we showed that these protein layers were composed of MexA-OprM complexes self-assembled into regular arrays. Image processing of extracted sub-tomograms depicted the architecture of the bipartite complex sandwiched between two lipid bilayers, representing an environment close to that of the native whole pump (i.e. anchored between outer and inner membranes of P. aeruginosa). The MexA-OprM complex appeared as a cylindrical structure in which we were able to identify the OprM molecule and the MexA moiety. MexA molecules have a cylindrical shape prolonging the periplasmic helices of OprM, and widening near the lipid bilayer. The flared part is likely composed of two MexA domains adjacent to the lipid bilayer, although their precise organization was not reachable mainly due to their flexibility. Moreover, the intermembrane distance of 21 nm indicated that the height of the bipartite complex is larger than that of the tripartite AcrA-AcrB-TolC built-up model in which TolC and AcrB are docked into contact. We proposed a model of MexA-OprM taking into account features of previous models based on AcrA-AcrB-TolC and our structural results providing clues to a possible mechanism of tripartite system assembly.  相似文献   

As a consequence of their bacterial origin, mitochondria contain β-barrel proteins in their outer membrane (OMM). These proteins require the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) complex and the conserved sorting and assembly machinery (SAM) complex for transport and integration into the OMM. The SAM complex and the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) required for biogenesis of β-barrel proteins in bacteria are evolutionarily related. Despite this homology, we show that bacterial β-barrel proteins are not universally recognized and integrated into the OMM of human mitochondria. Selectivity exists both at the level of the TOM and the SAM complex. Of all of the proteins we tested, human mitochondria imported only β-barrel proteins originating from Neisseria sp., and only Omp85, the central component of the neisserial BAM complex, integrated into the OMM. PorB proteins from different Neisseria, although imported by the TOM, were not recognized by the SAM complex and formed membrane complexes only when functional Omp85 was present at the same time in mitochondria. Omp85 alone was capable of integrating other bacterial β-barrel proteins in human mitochondria, but could not substitute for the function of its mitochondrial homolog Sam50. Thus, signals and machineries for transport and assembly of β-barrel proteins in bacteria and human mitochondria differ enough to allow only a certain type of β-barrel proteins to be targeted and integrated in mitochondrial membranes in human cells.  相似文献   

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