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The interaction between histone H1 and non-histones HMG14 and HMG17 has been studied by chemical cross-linking. Cross-linking kinetics show the appearance of discrete bands which correspond to the interaction between H1 and HMG14. Interaction between H1 and HMG17 has not been detected.  相似文献   

Interaction of calf thymus non-histone chromosomal protein HMG2 with H1,H5-depleted nucleosomes from chicken erythrocytes was studied by means of thermal denaturation and an N-(3-pyrene)maleimide fluorescence probe. Under low ionic conditions (2 mM Tris buffer plus EDTA) addition of 1-2 molecules of HMG2 per nucleosome markedly stabilized the segment of the linker DNA against thermal denaturation. Under approximately physiological ionic conditions (0.1 M NaCl) addition of two HMG2 molecules per nucleosome, labeled by N-(3-pyrene)maleimide at the sulfhydryl groups of Cys-110 of histones H3, resulted in a decrease of the pyrene excimer fluorescence corresponding to the slight movement of the sulfhydryl groups of the two histone H3 molecules apart.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking was used to study the interaction of the non-histone chromosomal proteins HMG1 and HMG2 with core histones in H1,H5-depleted nucleosomes or core particles. Cross-linking with a 'zero-length' cross-linker 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide and with a longer (cleavable) cross-linker dimethyl-3,3'-dithiobispropionimidate revealed an interaction of HMG1 and HMG2 with (or proximity to) core histones in both types of particles. These results indicated that the presence of the 40-50-base-pairs-long segment of the 'linker' DNA in nucleosomes was not necessary for the establishment of mutual contacts of HMG1 and HMG2 proteins with core histones. Possible implications of the interaction of HMG1 and HMG2 proteins with histones for the structure and functioning of chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

Circular dichroic spectra revealed that the previously known regular, asymmetric condensation of DNA by H1 histone was modulated by HMG1, a nonhistone chromosomal protein. Under approximately physiological salt and pH conditions (150 mM NaCl, pH 7), ellipticities at 270 nm were observed as follows: DNA, 9 X 10(3) degree, cm2/dmol nucleotide; DNA X H1 histone complex (1:0.4, w/w), -37 X 10(3) degree, cm2/dmol nucleotide, and DNA X H1 X HMG1 complex (1:0.4:0.4 w/w/w), -52 X 10(3) degree, cm2/dmol. HMG1 by itself did not distort the spectrum of DNA, showing that the effect of HMG1 on the DNA X H1 complex was not simply the summation of individual effects of HMG1 and H1 on the DNA spectrum. The effect of added HMG1 on the spectrum of the preformed DNA X H1 complex depended on the amount of HMG1 added and developed slowly (a day) as if a structure required annealing. The ternary complex, DNA X HMG1 X 1, seemed to represent a specific structure, since its formation depeNded on the reduced sulfhydryl state of HMG1; the disulfide form of HMG1, which was shown by circular dichroism to contain more random coil than did the reduced form, had no effect on the circular dichroic spectrum of the DNA X H1 complex.  相似文献   

The interaction between calf thymus HMG14 and rat liver chromatin components has been studied via reconstitution and chemical cross-linking. Selective labeling of HMG14 with photoactivable reversible heterobifunctional reagents has allowed a clear identification of the histones interacting with it (histones H2A, H2B and H1). These results are not dependent on whether the chromatin samples used were bulk chromatin, mononucleosomes, or core particles (for H2A and H2B). In addition to histone proteins, DNA also seems to be involved in HMG14 attachment to nucleosome.  相似文献   

In this study we attempt to differentiate between the effects of the non-histone chromosomal proteins and histone H1 on the structure of the nucleosomes and the chromatin fibre in solution. The properties of chromatin preparations with different histone H1 and non-histone protein compositions were compared using circular dichroism and flow linear dichroism and the following conclusions were drawn. When histone H1 is absent the non-histone proteins partially prevent the unfolding of the nucleosomes at low ionic strength. The complete blocking of this unfolding, however, is accomplished only in the presence of histone H1. The non-histone proteins do not affect the orientation of the nucleosomes along the fibre axis. Only histone H1 can maintain the positive anisotropy of the chromatin fibre.  相似文献   

We have used affinity chromatography to study the effects of phosphorylation of calf thymus high-mobility-group proteins HMG 14 and HMG 17 on their binding properties towards calf thymus single- and double-stranded DNA and histone H1. Without in vitro phosphorylation, HMG 14 and HMG17 eluted from doble-stranded DNA-columns at 200 mM NaCl. HMG 14 was released from single-stranded DNA-column at 300 mM NaCl and from H1-column at 130 mM NaCl, whereas the corresponding values for HMG 17 were 230 mM and 20 mM, respectively. Phosphorylation of HMG 14 and HMG 17 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (A-kinase) decreased markedly their affinity (270 mM and 200 mM NaCl, respectively) for single-stranded DNA, whereas HMG 14 phosphorylated by nuclear protein kinase II (NII-kinase) eluted only slightly (290 mM NaCl) ahead of the unphosphorylated protein. HMG 14 phosphorylated by both A-kinase and NII-kinase eluted from double-stranded DNA-columns almost identically (190 mM NaCl) with the unphosphorylated protein. Interestingly, phosphorylation of HMG 14 by NII-kinase increased considerably its affinity for histone H1 and the phosphorylated protein eluted at 200 mM NaCl. Phosphorylation of HMG 14 by A-kinase did not alter its interaction towards histone H1. These results indicate that modification of HMG 14 by phosphorylation at specific sites may have profound effects on its binding properties towards DNA and histone H1, and that HMG 17 has much weaker affinity for single-stranded DNA and histone H1 than HMG 14.  相似文献   

H Shirakawa  K Tsuda  M Yoshida 《Biochemistry》1990,29(18):4419-4423
The isolation and sequencing of a cDNA clone for the entire sequence of pig thymus non-histone protein HMG2 are described. cDNA the size of 1153 nucleotides contains an open reading frame of 627 nucleotides. The 5'-untranslated region of 146 nucleotides is extremely rich in GC residues whereas the 3'-untranslated region of 380 nucleotides is rich in AT residues. The open reading frame encodes 209 amino acids, which contain a unique continuous run of 23 acidic amino acids at the C-terminal. The deduced amino acid sequence is 79% homologous to that of HMG1 protein from the same source which we reported [Tsuda, K., Kikuchi, M., Mori, K., Waga, S., & Yoshida, M. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 6159-6163]. In addition, the hydropathy index profiles of both proteins are very similar, supporting that they have similar structural features. Northern analysis of poly(A+) RNA reveals that a single-sized mRNA codes for HMG2 protein. Southern analysis suggests that the HMG2 coding gene is homogeneous within the pig thymus genome.  相似文献   

We have determined the distribution of the nucleosomal bound nonhistone chromosomal protein, H2A-specific protease, in calf thymus and liver chromatin. The protease was unevenly distributed in chromatin with domains containing histone H1 being selectively complexed with the enzyme. Moreover, the protease had a preference for the less compact chromatin domains enriched in the H1 subtypes H1a and -c. We have demonstrated that ubiquitinated H2A is a substrate of the H2A-specific protease and that the enzyme is a serine protease which can be inactivated with protease inhibitors only after it is released from the nucleosome. Possible functions of the protease in modulating chromatin structure are discussed.  相似文献   

The fundamental possibility of interaction between non-histone chromatin protein HMGB1 and linker histone H1 was studied in the solutions with different ionic strength by intrinsic UV-fluorescence, far and near-UV CD and spectrophotometry. The obtained data allow us to assume that the increase of histone H1 content in the HMGB1 solutions in a low ionic strength is accompanied by the destruction of HMGB1 associates. The interaction between proteins of HMGB1 and H1 causes the increase in the number of ordered regions in the protein molecules and the minor changes in their tertiary structure.  相似文献   

The fundamental possibility of interactions between non-histone chromatin protein HMGB1 and linker histone H1 in solutions with different ionic strengths was studied by intrinsic UV fluorescence, far and near UV CD, and spectrophotometry. The data we obtained allow us to assume that the increase in the histone H1 content in HMGB1 solutions with low ionic strengths is accompanied by the destruction of HMGB1 associates. The interactions between HMGB1 and H1 proteins increase the number of ordered regions in the protein molecules and causes slight changes in the tertiary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

K Tsuda  M Kikuchi  K Mori  S Waga  M Yoshida 《Biochemistry》1988,27(16):6159-6163
The isolation and sequencing of a cDNA clone coding for the entire sequence of pig thymus non-histone protein HMG1 are described. The sequence analysis reveals a complete 2192-nucleotide sequence with a 5'-terminal untranslated region of 11 nucleotides, 642 nucleotides of an open reading frame that encoded 214 amino acids, and a 3'-terminal untranslated region of 1539 nucleotides. The HMG1 protein, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, has a molecular weight of 24,785 and a C-terminal of a continuous run of 30 acidic amino acids, encoded by a simple repeating sequence of (GAN)30. The predicted amino acid sequence is homologous to HMG1, HMG2, and HMG-T sequences from several sources, suggesting that the protein conformation is under evolutionary constraints. Northern blot analysis reveals that another hybridizable RNA species of smaller size is present. Southern blot analyses suggest that pig genome contains several HMG1 gene equivalents.  相似文献   

Reassociation of histone H1 with nucleosomes.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The role of histone H1 in nucleosome heterogeneity and structure has been studied using a reconstitution procedure. Histone H1 and non-histone proteins are removed selectively from enzymatically fragmented chromatin by Dowex 50W-X2 treatment. The resulting "stripped" chromatin then is reassociated with purified histone H1 using step gradient dialysis. Material reconstituted in this manner was examined by gel electrophoresis, protein cross-linking, and chromatin fingerprinting. The results demonstrate that the histone H1 molecule efficiently binds to nucleosomes with fidelity in an apparent noncooperative manner. Polynucleosomes possess two specific binding sites for histone H1 per histone octamer; the first binding site is of higher affinity than the second. The 160-base pair nuclease digestion barrier and nucleosome electrophoretic class (MIII)n are established upon binding the 1st histone H1 molecule. Upon binding the 2nd histone H1 molecule, polynucleosomes assume a highly compact conformation. The experimental approach introduced here should permit determining whether nucleosomes possess independent specific binding sites for other chromosomal proteins, and should allow reconstitution of the other electrophoretic forms of nucleosomes which we have described previously.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking was used to study the interaction between non-histone high-mobility-group (HMG)1 and histone H5 in free solution. The presence of acidic C-terminal domain in HMG1 was shown to be a prerequisite for HMG1 binding to histone H5. The objective of this communication is to ascertain whether HMG1 could affect the conformation of DNA associated with a linker histone H5. Complexes of histone H5 with chicken erythrocyte DNA or an alternating purine-pyrimidine polynucleotide poly[d(A-T)] were prepared at different molar ratios H5/DNA. Changes in DNA conformation in the complexes with histone H5 or H5/HMG1 were monitored by circular dichroism (c.d.). Depending on the molar ratio H5/poly[d(A-T)], under conditions limiting the complex aggregation, three distinct types of c.d. spectra were observed. The addition of HMG1 to H5-DNA complexes reduced in all cases the histone H5-induced conformational changes in poly[d(A-T)]. The sensitivity of H5-poly[d(A-T)] complexes to HMG1 was inversely proportional to the amount of H5 in the complex. The effect of HMG1 was not observed upon removal of the acidic C-terminal domain of HMG1.  相似文献   

Effects of non-histone components and histone H1 on the morphology of nucleosomes and chromatin were studied by electron microscopy. Soluble rat liver ehromatin was depleted of non-histone components [NH]or non-histone components and H1 [NH and H1] by dissociation and subsequent fractionation in sucrose gradients in the presence of 300 to 350 mm or 500 mm-NaCl, respectively. In reconstitution experiments the depleted samples were mixed either with [NH] or with [NH and H1] or with purified H1. The morphology of the ionic strength-dependent condensation of the samples was monitored by electron microscopy using 0 mm to 100 mm-NaCl. Based on the appearance of the different types of fibres in very low salt (0 mm up to 10 mm-NaCl), namely the zigzag-shaped, the beads-on-a-string or the DNA-like filaments, it is possible to distinguish between nucleosomes, partially unravelled nucleosomes and unravelled nucleosomes, respectively. Only those fibres which were zigzag-shaped at low ionic strength condense at increasing ionic strength into higher order structures of compact fibres. We demonstrate the dependence of the appearance of nucleosomes and chromatin upon its composition and upon the ionic strength of the solvent.[NH] have no detectable influence upon the formation of higher order chromatin structures, but they can prevent the unravelling of nucleosomes at very low ionic strength, presumably by charge shielding.For the appearance of zigzag-shaped fibres and for the condensation into compact fibres with increasing ionic strength, H1 must be present in about native amounts. Partial removal of H1 (about 10%) promotes a change from fibres into tangles. This supports the model that an H1 polymer is stabilizing the higher order chromatin structures.Reconstitution experiments with purified H1 regenerated fibres containing all the features of [NH]-depleted chromatin. Reconstitution experiments with [NH and H1] promoted fibres compatible with control chromatin. Overloading of chromatin with H1 led to additional condensation. The detailed morphology of the reconstituted fibres showed local distortions. One possibility explaining these local distortions would be competition between “main” and “additional” binding sites for histone H1.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is critical for maintaining genome integrity. How chromatin dynamics are regulated to facilitate this process in chromatin is still under exploration. We show here that a histone H2A variant, Htz1 (H2A.Z), in nucleosomes has a positive function in promoting efficient NER in yeast. Htz1 inherently enhances the occupancy of the histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 on chromatin to promote histone H3 acetylation after UV irradiation. Consequently, this results in an increased binding of a NER protein, Rad14, to damaged DNA. Cells without Htz1 show increased UV sensitivity and defective removal of UV-induced DNA damage in the Htz1-bearing nucleosomes at the repressed MFA2 promoter, but not in the HMRa locus where Htz1 is normally absent. Thus, the effect of Htz1 on NER is specifically relevant to its presence in chromatin within a damaged region. The chromatin accessibility to micrococcal nuclease in the MFA2 promoter is unaffected by HTZ1 deletion. Acetylation on previously identified lysines of Htz1 plays little role in NER or cell survival after UV. In summary, we have identified a novel aspect of chromatin that regulates efficient NER, and we provide a model for how Htz1 influences NER in Htz1 nucleosomes.  相似文献   

A chromatin associated protein kinase was used to add 3 moles of phosphate to seryl side chains of 1 mole of histone H1. The DNA binding properties of this in vitro phosphorylated H1 were compared with those of unmodified H1. Considerably more radioactive superhelical DNA was retained on nitrocellulose filters at 20mM-40mM NaCl by phosphorylated H1 than by unmodified H1. However, zone velocity sedimentation analysis of histone-DNA complexes indicated that similar amounts of phosphorylated and unmodified H1 are bound to DNA. It is therefore concluded that phosphorylated H1 binds distributively to many or all DNA molecules available (depending on the histone/DNA ratio) while unmodified H1 binds cooperatively to a fraction of the DNA molecules in the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

The sequence of the 224 residues of HMG 1 suggests it consists of three domains. We have previously proposed [Cary et al. (1980 Eur. J. Biochem. 131, 367-374] that the A and B domains can fold autonomously and that there is also a small N domain. Several proteases are now found to cut at the end of the B domain (at or close to residue 184). It is shown that the A + B-domain fragment also folds and probably contains all the helix of intact HMG 1. The stability of the B domain is enhanced by the presence of the A domain. The acidic C domain undergoes a coil----helix transition on lowering the pH. Several peptides have been prepared by cleavage at tryptophan. Peptide 57--C-terminus contains complete B and C domains but does not fold. In the absence of the A domain the C domain is thus able to destabilise the B domain. It is concluded that the stability of the B domain in HMG 1 is due to interaction with the A domain and the C domain has a separate function from the other domains.  相似文献   

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