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Mitogenomic analyses of caniform relationships   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Extant members of the order Carnivora split into two basal groups, Caniformia (dog-like carnivorans) and Feliformia (cat-like carnivorans). In this study we address phylogenetic relationships within Caniformia applying various methodological approaches to analyses of complete mitochondrial genomes. Pinnipeds are currently well represented with respect to mitogenomic data and here we add seven mt genomes to the non-pinniped caniform collection. The analyses identified a basal caniform divergence between Cynoidea and Arctoidea. Arctoidea split into three primary groups, Ursidae (including the giant panda), Pinnipedia, and a branch, Musteloidea, which encompassed Ailuridae (red panda), Mephitidae (skunks), Procyonidae (raccoons) and Mustelidae (mustelids). The analyses favored a basal arctoid split between Ursidae and a branch containing Pinnipedia and Musteloidea. Within the Musteloidea there was a preference for a basal divergence between Ailuridae and remaining families. Among the latter, the analyses identified a sister group relationship between Mephitidae and a branch that contained Procyonidae and Mustelidae. The mitogenomic distance between the wolf and the dog was shown to be at the same level as that of basal human divergences. The wolf and the dog are commonly considered as separate species in the popular literature. The mitogenomic result is inconsistent with that understanding at the same time as it provides insight into the time of the domestication of the dog relative to basal human mitogenomic divergences.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships among the Carnivora were studied in a phylogenetic analysis based on the complete mitochondrial cytochromeb gene. The study, which addressed primarily the relationships among the Caniformia, included 4 feliform and 26 caniform species, with 9 pinnipeds. The analysis identified five caniform clades: Canidae, Ailuridae (with the monotypic lesser panda), Musteloidea (Mustelidae+Procyonidae), Ursidae (including the giant panda), and Pinnipedia. The closest relatives of the Pinnipedia among terrestrial caniforms were not identified conclusively. Our analysis shows that the skunks are only distantly related to remaining mustelids (Mustelidae sensu stricto) and that the family Mustelidae, including the skunks, is paraphyletic. The relationship among the five caniform clades was unresolved, suggesting an evolutionary separation within a relatively short period of time. Based on distance values, we propose that this primary diversification took place 45 million years ago.  相似文献   

This study analyzed 76 species of Carnivora using a concatenated sequence of 6243 bp from six genes (nuclear TR-i-I, TBG, and IRBP; mitochondrial ND2, CYTB, and 12S rRNA), representing the most comprehensive sampling yet undertaken for reconstructing the phylogeny of this clade. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods were remarkably congruent in topologies observed and in nodal support measures. We recovered all of the higher level carnivoran clades that had been robustly supported in previous analyses (by analyses of morphological and molecular data), including the monophyly of Caniformia, Feliformia, Arctoidea, Pinnipedia, Musteloidea, Procyonidae + Mustelidae sensu stricto, and a clade of (Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)). All of the traditional "families," with the exception of Viverridae and Mustelidae, were robustly supported as monophyletic groups. We further have determined the relative positions of the major lineages within the Caniformia, which previous studies could not resolve, including the first robust support for the phylogenetic position of marine carnivorans (Pinnipedia) within the Arctoidea (as the sister-group to musteloids [sensu lato], with ursids as their sister group). Within the pinnipeds, Odobenidae (walrus) was more closely allied with otariids (sea lions/fur seals) than with phocids ("true" seals). In addition, we recovered a monophyletic clade of skunks and stink badgers (Mephitidae) and resolved the topology of musteloid interrelationships as: Ailurus (Mephitidae (Procyonidae, Mustelidae [sensu stricto])). This pattern of interrelationships of living caniforms suggests a novel inference that large body size may have been the primitive condition for Arctoidea, with secondary size reduction evolving later in some musteloids. Within Mustelidae, Bayesian analyses are unambiguous in supporting otter monophyly (Lutrinae), and in both MP and Bayesian analyses Martes is paraphyletic with respect to Gulo and Eira, as has been observed in some previous molecular studies. Within Feliformia, we have confirmed that Nandinia is the outgroup to all other extant feliforms, and that the Malagasy Carnivora are a monophyletic clade closely allied with the mongooses (Herpestidae [sensu stricto]). Although the monophyly of each of the three major feliform clades (Viverridae sensu stricto, Felidae, and the clade of Hyaenidae + (Herpestidae + Malagasy carnivorans)) is robust in all of our analyses, the relative phylogenetic positions of these three lineages is not resolvable at present. Our analyses document the monophyly of the "social mongooses," strengthening evidence for a single origin of eusociality within the Herpestidae. For a single caniform node, the position of pinnipeds relative to Ursidae and Musteloidea, parsimony analyses of data for the entire Carnivora did not replicate the robust support observed for both parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the caniform ingroup alone. More detailed analyses and these results demonstrate that outgroup choice can have a considerable effect on the strength of support for a particular topology. Therefore, the use of exemplar taxa as proxies for entire clades with diverse evolutionary histories should be approached with caution.The Bayesian analysis likelihood functions generally were better able to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships (increased resolution and more robust support for various nodes) than parsimony analyses when incompletely sampled taxa were included. Bayesian analyses were not immune, however, to the effects of missing data; lower resolution and support in those analyses likely arise from non-overlap of gene sequence data among less well-sampled taxa. These issues are a concern for similar studies, in which different gene sequences are concatenated in an effort to increase resolving power.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 79 caniform carnivores were addressed based on four nuclear sequence-tagged sites (STS) and one nuclear exon, IRBP, using both supertree and supermatrix analyses. We recovered the three major arctoid lineages, Ursidae, Pinnipedia, and Musteloidea, as monophyletic, with Ursidae (bears) strongly supported as the basal arctoid lineage. Within Pinnipedia, Phocidae (true seals) were sister to the Otaroidea [Otariidae (fur seals and sea lions) and Odobenidae (walrus)]. Phocid subfamily and tribal designations were supported, but the otariid subfamily split between fur seals and sea lions was not. All family designations within Musteloidea were strongly supported: Mephitidae (skunks), Ailuridae (monotypic red panda), Mustelidae (weasels, badgers, otters), and Procyonidae (raccoons). A novel hypothesis for the position of the red panda was recovered, placing it as branching after Mephitidae and before Mustelidae+Procyonidae. Within Mustelidae, subfamily taxonomic changes are considered. This study represents the most comprehensive sampling to date of the Caniformia in a molecular study and contains the most complete molecular phylogeny for the Procyonidae. Our data set was also used in an empirical examination of the effect of missing data on both supertree and supermatrix analyses. Sequence for all genes in all taxa could not be obtained, so two variants of the data set with differing amounts of missing data were examined. The amount of missing data did not have a strong effect; instead, phylogenetic resolution was more dependent on the presence of sufficient informative characters. Supertree and supermatrix methods performed equivalently with incomplete data and were highly congruent; conflicts arose only in weakly supported areas, indicating that more informative characters are required to confidently resolve close species relationships.  相似文献   

Whence the red panda?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The evolutionary history of the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) plays a pivotal role in the higher-level phylogeny of the "bear-like" arctoid carnivoran mammals. Characters from morphology and molecules have provided inconsistent evidence for placement of the red panda. Whereas it certainly is an arctoid, there has been major controversy about whether it should be placed with the bears (ursids), ursids plus pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, walrus), raccoons (procyonids), musteloids (raccoons plus weasels, skunks, otters, and badgers [mustelids]), or as a monotypic lineage of uncertain phylogenetic affinities. Nucleotide sequence data from three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear intron were analyzed, with more complete taxonomic sampling of relevant taxa (arctoids) than previously available in analyses of primary molecular data, to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the red panda to other arctoid carnivorans. This study provides detailed phylogenetic analyses (both parsimony and maximum-likelihood) of primary character data for arctoid carnivorans, including bootstrap and decay indices for all arctoid nodes, and three statistical tests of alternative phylogenetic hypotheses for the placement of the red panda. Combined phylogenetic analyses reject the hypotheses that the red panda is most closely related to the bears (ursids) or to the raccoons (procyonids). Rather, evidence from nucleotide sequences strongly support placement of the red panda within a broad Musteloidea (sensu lato) clade, including three major lineages (the red panda, the skunks [mephitids], and a clearly monophyletic clade of procyonids plus mustelids [sensu stricto, excluding skunks]). Within the Musteloidea, interrelationships of the three major lineages are unclear and probably are best considered an unresolved trichotomy. These data provide compelling evidence for the relationships of the red panda and demonstrate that small taxonomic sample sizes can result in misleading or possibly erroneous (based on prior modeling, as well as conflict between the results of our analyses of less and more complete data sets) conclusions about phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy.  相似文献   

Insertion and deletion events (indels) provide a suite of markers with enormous potential for molecular phylogenetics. Using many more indel characters than those in previous studies, we here for the first time address the impact of indel inclusion on the phylogenetic inferences of Arctoidea (Mammalia: Carnivora). Based on 6843 indel characters from 22 nuclear intron loci of 16 species of Arctoidea, our analyses demonstrate that when the indels were not taken into consideration, the monophyly of Ursidae and Pinnipedia tree and the monophyly of Pinnipedia and Musteloidea tree were both recovered, whereas inclusion of indels by using three different indel coding schemes give identical phylogenetic tree topologies supporting the monophyly of Ursidae and Pinnipedia. Our work brings new perspectives on the previously controversial placements among Arctoidea families, and provides another example demonstrating the importance of identifying and incorporating indels in the phylogenetic analyses of introns. In addition, comparison of indel incorporation methods revealed that the three indel coding methods are all advantageous over treating indels as missing data, given that incorporating indels produces consistent results across methods. This is the first report of the impact of different indel coding schemes on phylogenetic reconstruction at the family level in Carnivora, which indicates that indels should be taken into account in the future phylogenetic analyses.  相似文献   

Considerable long-standing controversy and confusion surround the phylogenetic affinities of pinnipeds, the largely marine group of "fin-footed" members of the placental mammalian order Carnivora. Until most recently, the two major competing hypotheses were that the pinnipeds have a single (monophyletic) origin from a bear-like ancestor, or that they have a dual (diphyletic) origin, with sea lions (Otariidae) derived from a bear-like ancestor, and seals (Phocidae) derived from an otter-, mustelid-, or musteloid-like ancestor. We examined phylogenetic relationships among 29 species of arctoid carnivorans using a concatenated sequence of 3228 bp from three nuclear loci (apolipoprotein B, APOB; interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein, IRBP; recombination-activating gene 1, RAG1). The species represented Pinnipedia (Otariidae: Callorhinus, Eumetopias; Phocidae: Phoca), bears (Ursidae: Ursus, Melursus), and Musteloidea (Mustelidae: Mustela, Enhydra, Melogale, Martes, Gulo, Meles; Procyonidae: Procyon; Ailuridae: Ailurus; Mephitidae: Mephitis). Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference phylogenetic analyses of separate and combined datasets produced trees with largely congruent topologies. The analyses of the combined dataset resulted in well-resolved and well-supported phylogeny reconstructions. Evidence from nuclear DNA evolution presented here contradicts the two major hypotheses of pinniped relationships and strongly suggests a single origin of the pinnipeds from an arctoid ancestor shared with Musteloidea to the exclusion of Ursidae.  相似文献   

Despite extensive interest in the systematics of Pinnipedia, questions remain concerning phylogenetic relationships within the Phocidae or "true" seals. Relationships within the phocids and their placement relative to the remaining pinnipeds and major lineages of arctoid carnivores were examined using a large molecular data set consisting of 12 mitochondrial protein coding genes. Phylogenetic analysis including 15 extant species of the Phocidae, and representatives of the Otariidae, Odobenidae, Ursidae, Mustelidae, Canidae, and Felidae confirmed the monophyletic origins of the Pinnipedia within the Arctoidea. Slightly more support was found for an ursid affinity of the pinnipeds, however, this relationship remains contentious. The Phocidae were placed as the sister group to a common odobenid-otariid clade. Within the family Phocidae, strong support for the traditionally accepted subfamilies Phocinae (northern seals), and Monachinae (southern seals plus monk seals) was found. In contrast to recent suggestions, a monophyletic Monachus was strongly supported and was placed in a deep branching position within the Monachinae. Evidence from sequence divergence under a maximum likelihood model illustrated that the rarely used tribal distinction within the Monachinae are comparable, in terms of evolutionary distance, to accepted tribal distinctions within the Phocinae. In addition, results suggest that Pagophilus should be accepted as a genus within the Phocini. Sequence divergence between Phoca, Pusa, and Halichoerus is minimal, supporting a taxonomic reclassification of the three genera into an emended genus Phoca, without subgeneric distinctions.  相似文献   

Investigating the dog genome we found 178 965 introns with a moderate length of 200–1000 bp. A screening of these sequences against 23 different repeat libraries to find insertions of short interspersed elements (SINEs) detected 45 276 SINEs. Virtually all of these SINEs (98%) belong to the tRNA-derived Can-SINE family. Can-SINEs arose about 55 million years ago before Carnivora split into two basal groups, the Caniformia (dog-like carnivores) and the Feliformia (cat-like carnivores). Genome comparisons of dog and cat recovered 506 putatively informative SINE loci for caniformian phylogeny. In this study we show how to use such genome information of model organisms to research the phylogeny of related non-model species of interest. Investigating a dataset including representatives of all major caniformian lineages, we analysed 24 randomly chosen loci for 22 taxa. All loci were amplifiable and revealed 17 parsimony-informative SINE insertions. The screening for informative SINE insertions yields a large amount of sequence information, in particular of introns, which contain reliable phylogenetic information as well. A phylogenetic analysis of intron- and SINE sequence data provided a statistically robust phylogeny which is congruent with the absence/presence pattern of our SINE markers. This phylogeny strongly supports a sistergroup relationship of Musteloidea and Pinnipedia. Within Pinnipedia, we see strong support from bootstrapping and the presence of a SINE insertion for a sistergroup relationship of the walrus with the Otariidae.  相似文献   

The complete 12S rRNA gene of 32 carnivore species, including four feliforms and 28 caniforms, was sequenced. The sequences were aligned on the basis of their secondary structures and used in phylogenetic analyses that addressed several evolutionary relationships within the Caniformia. The analyses showed an unresolved polytomy of the basic caniform clades; pinnipeds, mustelids, procyonids, skunks,Ailurus (lesser panda), ursids, and canids. The polytomy indicates a major diversification of caniforms during a relatively short period of time. The lesser panda was distinct from other caniforms, suggesting its inclusion in a monotypic family, Ailuridae. The giant panda and the bears were joined on the same branch. The skunks are traditionally included in the family Mustelidae. The present analysis, however, showed a less close molecular relationship between the skunks and the remaining Mustelidae (sensu stricto) than between Mustelidae (sensu stricto) and Procyonidae, making Mustelidae (sensu lato) paraphyletic. The results suggest that the skunks should be included in a separate family, Mephitidae. Within the Pinnipedia, the grouping of walrus, sea lions, and fur seals was strongly supported. Analyses of a combined set of 12S rRNA and cytochromeb data were generally consistent with the findings based on each gene.  相似文献   

The remarkable antiquity, diversity, and significance in the ecology and evolution of Cetartiodactyla have inspired numerous attempts to resolve their phylogenetic relationships. However, previous analyses based on limited samples of nuclear genes or mitochondrial DNA sequences have generated results that were either inconsistent with one another, weakly supported, or highly sensitive to analytical conditions. Here, we present strongly supported results based upon over 1.4 Mb of an aligned DNA sequence matrix from 110 single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes of 21 Cetartiodactyla species, which represent major Cetartiodactyla lineages, and three species of Perissodactyla and Carnivora as outgroups. Phylogenetic analysis of this newly developed genomic sequence data using a codon-based model and recently developed models of the rate autocorrelation resolved the phylogenetic relationships of the major cetartiodactylan lineages and of those lineages with a high degree of confidence. Cetacea was found to nest within Artiodactyla as the sister group of Hippopotamidae, and Tylopoda was corroborated as the sole base clade of Cetartiodactyla. Within Cetacea, the monophyletic status of Odontoceti relative to Mysticeti, the basal position of Physeteroidea in Odontoceti, the non-monophyly of the river dolphins, and the sister relationship between Delphinidae and Monodontidae + Phocoenidae were strongly supported. In particular, the groups of Tursiops (bottlenose dolphins) and Stenella (spotted dolphins) were validated as unnatural groups. Additionally, a very narrow time frame of ∼3 My (million years) was found for the rapid diversification of delphinids in the late Miocene, which made it difficult to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within the Delphinidae, especially for previous studies with limited data sets. The present study provides a statistically well-supported phylogenetic framework of Cetartiodactyla, which represents an important step toward ending some of the often-heated, century-long debate on their evolution.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 37 living species of order Carnivora spanning a relatively broad range of divergence times and taxonomic levels were examined using nuclear sequence data from exon 1 of the IRBP gene (approximately 1.3 kb) and first intron of the TTR gene (approximately 1 kb). These data were used to analyze carnivoran phylogeny at the family and generic level as well as the interspecific relationships within recently derived Felidae. Phylogenetic results using a combined IRBP+TTR dataset strongly supported within the superfamily Califormia, the red panda as the closest lineage to procyonid-mustelid (i.e., Musteloidea) clade followed by pinnipeds (Otariidae and Phocidae), Ursidae (including the giant panda), and Canidae. Four feliform families, namely the monophyletic Herpestidae, Hyaenidae, and Felidae, as well as the paraphyletic Viverridae were consistently recovered convincingly. The utilities of these two gene segments for the phylogenetic analyses were extensively explored and both were found to be fairly informative for higher-group associations within the order Carnivora, but not for those of low level divergence at the species level. Therefore, there is a need to find additional genetic markers with more rapid mutation rates that would be diagnostic at deciphering relatively recent relationships within the Carnivora.  相似文献   

Cheirogaleidae currently comprises five genera whose relationships remain contentious. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of both Mirza coquereli and Allocebus trichotis are still unclear. The taxonomic status of the recently discovered Microcebus ravelobensis (a sympatric sibling species of Microcebus murinus) and its phylogenetic position also require further examination. A approximately 2.4-kb mitochondrial DNA sequence including part of the COIII gene, complete ND3, ND4L, and ND4 genes, and 5 tRNAs was used to clarify relationships among cheirogaleids. Mirza and Microcebus form a clade representing the sister group of Allocebus, with a clade containing Cheirogaleus major and Cheirogaleus medius diverging first. M. ravelobensis and Microcebus rufus form a subclade within Microcebus, with M. murinus as its sister group. The molecular data support the generic status of Mirza coquereli and species-level divergence of M. ravelobensis. Furthermore, "M. rufus" may well represent more than one species.  相似文献   

The four extant species of hyenas (Hyaenidae; Carnivora) form a morphologically and ecologically heterogeneous group of feliform carnivorans that are remnants of a formerly diverse group of mammalian predators. They include the aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a termite-feeding specialist, and three species with a craniodental morphology adapted to cracking the bones of prey and/or carcasses, the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea), and striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena). Hyenas have been the subject of a number of systematic studies during the last two centuries, due in large part to the extensive fossil record of the group, with nearly 70 described fossil species. Morphological studies incorporating both fossil and living taxa have yielded different conclusions regarding the evolutionary relationships among living hyenas. We used a molecular supermatrix comprised of seven nuclear gene segments and the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to evaluate phylogenetic relationships among the four extant hyaenid species. We also obtained sequence data from representative species of all the main families of the Feliformia (Felidae, Herpestidae, and Viverridae) to estimate the sister group of the Hyaenidae. Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of the supermatrix recovered identical topologies. Furthermore, Bayesian phylogenetic analyses of the supermatrix, with among-site rate variation among data partitions parameterized in three different ways, also yielded the same topology. For each phylogeny reconstruction method, all but two nodes received 100% bootstrap or 1.00 posterior probability nodal support. Within the monophyletic Hyaenidae, Parahyaena and Hyaena were joined together, with Crocuta as the sister to this clade, and Proteles forming the most basal lineage. A clade containing two species of mongoose (core Herpestidae) plus Cryptoprocta ferox (currently classified in Viverridae) was resolved as the sister group of Hyaenidae. The pattern of relationships among the three bone-cracking hyaenids (Crocuta, Hyaena, and Parahyaena) is incongruent with recent cladistic assessments based on morphology and suggests the need to reevaluate some of the morphological characters that have been traditionally used to evaluate relationships among hyenas. Divergence time estimates based on a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock indicates that hyaenids diverged from their feliform sister group 29.2 MYA, in the Middle Oligocene. Molecular clock estimates also suggest that the origin of the aardwolf is much more recent (10.6 MYA) than that implied by a cladistic analysis of morphology ( approximately 20 MYA) and suggests that the aardwolf is possibly derived from a bone and meat eating lineage of hyaenids that were present in the Late Miocene. [Hyaenidae; phylogeny; cytochrome b; nuclear gene segments; Proteles; Crocuta; Hyaena; Parahyaena.].  相似文献   

Yu L  Zhang YP 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):65-79
The monophyletic group Caniformia in the order Carnivora currently comprises seven families whose relationships remain contentious. The phylogenetic positions of the two panda species within the Caniformia have also been evolutionary puzzles over the past decades, especially for Ailurus fulgens (the red panda). Here, new nuclear sequences from two introns of the β-fibrinogen gene (β-fibrinogen introns 4 and 7) and a complete mitochondrial (mt) gene (ND2) from 17 caniform representatives were explored for their utilities in resolving higher-level relationships in the Caniformia. In addition, two previously available nuclear (IRBP exon 1 and TTR intron 1) data sets were also combined and analyzed simultaneously with the newly obtained sequence data in this study. Combined analyses of four nuclear and one mt genes (4417 bp) recover a branching order in which almost all nodes were strongly supported. The present analyses provide evidence in favor of Ailurus fulgens as the closest taxon to the procyonid-mustelid (i.e., Musteloidea sensu stricto) clade, followed by pinnipeds (i.e., Otariidae and Phocidae), Ursidae (including Ailuropoda melanoleuca), and Canidae, the most basal lineage in the Caniformia. The potential utilities of different genes in the context of caniform phylogeny were also evaluated, with special attention to the previously unexplored β-fibrinogen intron 4 and 7 genes.  相似文献   

菝葜科基于形态学证据的系统发育分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对全世界范围分布的菝葜科Smilacaceae的79个代表种(包括了全部的属和组), 以分布于南美洲的Philesia Comm. ex Juss.和Lapageria Ruiz &; Pav.属为外类群, 选取包括花粉和染色体性状在内的47个广义的形态学性状进行了分支分类系统发育分析, 同时以表征分类的方法构建了距离树(NJ)辅助分析, 首次对世界分布的菝葜科各属间及属内的系统发育关系作了探讨。(1)Ripogonum与菝葜属Smilax +肖菝葜属Heterosmilax互为姐妹群, 但是距离较远, 支持将类菝葜属(新拟中文名)Ripogonum独立为科的观点; (2)肖菝葜属在菝葜科内处于较为进化的分支上, 并与菝葜属土茯苓组sect. Coilanthus的部分种组成一个具较高支持率(88%)的单系分支, 分析表明肖菝葜属并非是一个好属, 应归入菝葜属; (3)菝葜属6个组的划分大都没有得到支持, 只有东亚北美间断分布的草本菝葜组sect. Nemexia的单系得到很好的支持(93%); (4)分布于南美洲巴西的种类聚为一个单系类群, 表明它们可能有共同的起源, 但由于取样局限, 南美洲种类的系统地位有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

In order to test hypotheses about the phylogenetic relationships among living genera of New World monkeys, 1.3 kb of DNA sequence information was collected for two introns of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) locus, encoded on the X chromosome, for 24 species of New World monkeys. These data were analyzed using a maximum parsimony algorithm. The strict consensus of the three most-parsimonious gene trees that result shows support for the following clades: a pitheciine clade including Callicebus within which Chiropotes and Cacajao are sister taxa, an Alouatta-atelin clade within which Brachyteles is the sister taxon of Lagothrix and which is sister to another clade containing the callitrichines, and a callitrichine/Aotus/Cebus/Saimiri clade. Within the callitrichines, Callimico is the sister taxon of Callithrix. Cebus and Saimiri form a clade. These results are broadly consistent with previously published DNA sequence analyses of platyrrhine phylogeny and provide additional support for groupings provisionally proposed in those earlier studies. Nevertheless, questions remain as to the relative phylogenetic placement of Leontopithecus and Saguinus, the branching order within the Aotus/Cebus/Saimiri/callitrichine clade, and the placement of the pitheciine clade relative to the atelines and the callitrichines.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of the mole Talpa europaea was sequenced and included in phylogenetic analyses together with another lipotyphlan (insectivore) species, the hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus, and 22 other eutherian species plus three outgroup taxa (two marsupials and a monotreme). The phylogenetic analyses reconstructed a sister group relationship between the mole and fruit bat Artibeus jamaicensis (order Chiroptera). The Talpa/Artibeus clade constitutes a sister clade of the cetferungulates, a clade including Cetacea, Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla, and Carnivora. A monophyletic relationship between the hedgehog and the mole was significantly rejected by maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. Consistent with current systematic schemes, analyses of complete cytochrome b genes including the shrew Sorex araneus (family Soricidae) revealed a close relationship between Talpidae and Soricidae. The analyses of complete mtDNAs, along with the findings of other insectivore studies, challenge the maintenance of the order Lipotyphla as a taxonomic unit and support the elevation of the Soricomorpha (with the families Talpidae and Soricidae and possibly also the Solenodontidae and Tenrecidae) to the level of an order, as previously proposed in some morphological studies.  相似文献   

Karyotype evolution in Carnivora is thoroughly studied by classical and molecular cytogenetics and supplemented by reconstructions of Ancestral Carnivora Karyotype (ACK). However chromosome painting information from two pinniped families (Odobenidae and Otariidae) is noticeably missing. We report on the construction of the comparative chromosome map for species from each of the three pinniped families: the walrus (Odobenus rosmarus, Odobenidae–monotypic family), near threatened Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus, Otariidae) and the endemic Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica, Phocidae) using combination of human, domestic dog and stone marten whole-chromosome painting probes. The earliest karyological studies of Pinnipedia showed that pinnipeds were characterized by a pronounced karyological conservatism that is confirmed here with species from Phocidae, Otariidae and Odobenidae sharing same low number of conserved human autosomal segments (32). Chromosome painting in Pinnipedia and comparison with non-pinniped carnivore karyotypes provide strong support for refined structure of ACK with 2n = 38. Constructed comparative chromosome maps show that pinniped karyotype evolution was characterized by few tandem fusions, seemingly absent inversions and slow rate of genome rearrangements (less then one rearrangement per 10 million years). Integrative comparative analyses with published chromosome painting of Phoca vitulina revealed common cytogenetic signature for Phoca/Pusa branch and supports Phocidae and Otaroidea (Otariidae/Odobenidae) as sister groups. We revealed rearrangements specific for walrus karyotype and found the chromosomal signature linking together families Otariidae and Odobenidae. The Steller sea lion karyotype is the most conserved among three studied species and differs from the ACK by single fusion. The study underlined the strikingly slow karyotype evolution of the Pinnipedia in general and the Otariidae in particular.  相似文献   

Vitis L. (the grape genus) is the economically most important fruit crop, as the source of grapes and wine. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus have been highly controversial. Herein, we employ sequence data from whole plastomes to attempt to enhance Vitis phylogenetic resolution. The results support the New World Vitis subgenus Vitis as monophyletic. Within the clade, V. californica is sister to the remaining New World Vitis subgenus Vitis. Furthermore, within subgenus Vitis, a Eurasian clade is robustly supported and is sister to the New World clade. The clade of Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera and V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris is sister to the core Asian clade of Vitis. Several widespread species in North America are found to be non‐monophyletic in the plastome tree, for example, the broadly defined Vitis cinerea and V. aestivalis each needs to be split into several species. The non‐monophyly of some species may also be due to common occurrences of hybridizations in North American Vitis. The classification of North American Vitis by Munson into nine series is discussed based on the phylogenetic results. Analyses of divergence times and lineage diversification support a rapid radiation of Vitis in North America beginning in the Neogene.  相似文献   

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