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Plant interphase cortical microtubules (cMTs) mediate anisotropic cell expansion in response to environmental and developmental cues. In Arabidopsis thaliana, KATANIN 1 (KTN1), the p60 catalytic subunit of the conserved MT‐severing enzyme katanin, is essential for cMT ordering and anisotropic cell expansion. However, the regulation of KTN1‐mediated cMT severing and ordering remains unclear. In this work, we report that the Arabidopsis IQ67 DOMAIN (IQD) family gene ABNORMAL SHOOT 6 (ABS6) encodes a MT‐associated protein. Overexpression of ABS6 leads to elongated cotyledons, directional pavement cell expansion, and highly ordered transverse cMT arrays. Genetic suppressor analysis revealed that ABS6‐mediated cMT ordering is dependent on KTN1 and SHADE AVOIDANCE 4 (SAV4). Live imaging of cMT dynamics showed that both ABS6 and SAV4 function as positive regulators of cMT severing. Furthermore, ABS6 directly interacts with KTN1 and SAV4 and promotes their recruitment to the cMTs. Finally, analysis of loss‐of‐function mutant combinations showed that ABS6, SAV4, and KTN1 work together to ensure the robust ethylene response in the apical hook of dark‐grown seedlings. Together, our findings establish ABS6 and SAV4 as positive regulators of cMT severing and ordering, and highlight the role of cMT dynamics in fine‐tuning differential growth in plants.  相似文献   

The plant cortical microtubule array is a unique acentrosomal array that is essential for plant morphogenesis. To understand how this array is organized, we exploited the microtubule (+)-end tracking activity of two Arabidopsis EB1 proteins in combination with FRAP (fluorescence recovery after photobleaching) experiments of GFP-tubulin to examine the relationship between cortical microtubule array organization and polarity. Significantly, our observations show that the majority of cortical microtubules in ordered arrays, within a particular cell, face the same direction in both Arabidopsis plants and cultured tobacco cells. We determined that this polar microtubule coalignment is at least partially due to a selective stabilization of microtubules, and not due to a change in microtubule polymerization rates. Finally, we show that polar microtubule coalignment occurs in conjunction with parallel grouping of cortical microtubules and that cortical array polarity is progressively enhanced during array organization. These observations reveal a novel aspect of plant cortical microtubule array organization and suggest that selective stabilization of dynamic cortical microtubules plays a predominant role in the self-organization of cortical arrays.  相似文献   

Positioning of a radial array of microtubules (MTs) in the cell centre is crucial for cytoplasmic organization, but the mechanisms of such centering are difficult to study in intact cells that have pre-formed radial arrays. Here, we use cytoplasmic fragments of melanophores, and cytoplasts of BS-C-1 cells to study MT centering mechanisms. Using live imaging and computer modelling, we show that the MT aster finds a central location in the cytoplasm by moving along spontaneously nucleated non-astral MTs towards a point at which MT nucleation events occur equally on all sides. We hypothesize that similar mechanisms, in the presence of the centrosome, contribute to this centering mechanism and ensure the robustness of cytoplasmic organization.  相似文献   

Gap junction formation depends on the proper transport of connexin hemichannels to sites of cell-cell contact. Recently in Cell, Shaw et al. implicate microtubule tip tracking proteins in the trafficking of connexin43 to adherens junctions (Shaw et al., 2007). This finding suggests a mechanism for targeted delivery of membrane proteins by microtubule capture at the cortex.  相似文献   

Microtubule nucleation in interphase plant cells primarily occurs through branching from pre-existing microtubules at dispersed sites in the cell cortex. The minus ends of new microtubules are often released from the sites of nucleation, and the free microtubules are then transported to new locations by polymer treadmilling. These nucleation-and-release events are characteristic features of plant arrays in interphase cells, but little is known about the spatiotemporal control of these events by nucleating protein complexes. We visualized the dynamics of two fluorescently-tagged γ-tubulin complex proteins, GCP2 and GCP3, in Arabidopsis thaliana. These probes labelled motile complexes in the cytosol that transiently stabilized at fixed locations in the cell cortex. Recruitment of labelled complexes occurred preferentially along existing cortical microtubules, from which new microtubule was synthesized in a branching manner, or in parallel to the existing microtubule. Complexes localized to microtubules were approximately 10-fold more likely to display nucleation than were complexes recruited to other locations. Nucleating complexes remained stable until daughter microtubules were either completely depolymerized from their plus ends or released by katanin-dependent severing activity. These observations suggest that the nucleation complexes are primarily activated on association with microtubule lattices, and that nucleation complex stability depends on association with daughter microtubules and is regulated in part by katanin activity.  相似文献   

Plant morphogenesis depends on an array of microtubules in the cell cortex, the cortical array. Although the cortical array is known to be essential for morphogenesis, it is not known how the array becomes organized or how it functions mechanistically. Here, we report the development of an in vitro model that provides good access to the cortical array while preserving the array's organization and, importantly, its association with the cell wall. Primary roots of maize (Zea mays) are sectioned, without fixation, in a drop of buffer and then incubated as desired before eventual fixation. Sectioning removes cytoplasm except for a residuum comprising cortical microtubules, vesicles, and fragments of plasma membrane underlying the microtubules. The majority of the cortical microtubules remain in the cut-open cells for more than 1 h, fully accessible to the incubation solution. The growth zone or more mature tissue can be sectioned, providing access to cortical arrays that are oriented either transversely or obliquely to the long axis of the root. Using this assay, we report, first, that cortical microtubule stability is regulated by protein phosphorylation; second, that cortical microtubule stability is a function of orientation, with divergent microtubules within the array depolymerizing within minutes of sectioning; and third, that the polarity of microtubules in the cortical array is not uniform. These results suggest that the organization of the cortical array involves random nucleation followed by selective stabilization of microtubules formed at the appropriate orientation, and that the signal specifying alignment must treat orientations of +/- 180 degrees as equivalent.  相似文献   

The development of stomatal guard cells is known to require cortical microtubules; however, it is not known if microtubules are also required by mature guard cells for stomatal function. To study the role of microtubules in guard cell function, epidermal peels of Vicia faba were subjected to conditions known to open or close stomata in the presence or absence of microtubule inhibitors. To verify the action of the inhibitors, microtubules in appropriately treated epidermal peels were localized by cryofixation followed by freeze substitution and embedding in butyl-methyl methacrylate. Mature guard cells had a radial array of microtubules, focused toward the thick cell wall of the pore, and the appearance of this array was the same for stomata remaining closed in darkness or induced to open by light. Treatment of epidermal peels with 1 mM colchicine for 1 h depolymerized nearly all cortical microtubules. Measurements of stomatal aperture showed that neither 1 mM colchicine nor 20 M taxol affected any of the responses tested: remaining closed in the dark, opening in response to light or fusicoccin, and closing in response to calcium and darkness. We conclude that intact microtubule arrays are not invariably required for guard cell function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In migrating cells, the retrograde flow of filamentous actin (f-actin) from the leading edge toward the cell body is accompanied by the synchronous motion of microtubules (MTs, ), whose plus ends undergo net growth. Thus, MTs must depolymerize elsewhere in the cell to maintain polymer mass over time. The source and location of depolymerized MTs is unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that MT polymer loss occurs in central cell regions and is induced by the convergence of actin retrograde and anterograde flow, which buckles and breaks associated MTs and promotes minus-end depolymerization. RESULTS: We characterized the effects of calyculin A and ML-7 on the movement of f-actin and MTs by multi-spectral fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) and fluorescent speckle microscopy (FSM). Our studies show that these drugs affect the rate of f-actin and MT convergence and MT buckling in a central cell region we call the "convergence zone." Increases in f-actin convergence are associated with faster MT turnover and an increase in both MT breakage and minus-end depolymerization, but they have no effect on MT plus end dynamic instability. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that f-actin movement into the convergence zone plays a major role in spatially modulating MT turnover during cell migration by regulating MT breakage, and thus minus-end dynamics, in central cell regions.  相似文献   

Comment on: Mukherjee S, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:2359-66.  相似文献   

Comment on: Mukherjee S, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:2359-66.Typical cells contain a dense array of microtubules that serves as a structural backbone and also provides a substrate against which molecular motor proteins generate force. Cells transitioning through the cell cycle or undergoing significant morphological changes must be able to tear apart the microtubule array and reconstruct it into new configurations, either partially or completely. The microtubule field was revolutionized in the 1980s with the introduction of the dynamic instability model,1 now broadly recognized as a fundamental mechanism by which microtubule populations are reconfigured.2 Dynamic instability involves the catastrophic disassembly of microtubules, generally from their plus ends, as well as the rapid reassembly of microtubules and selective stabilization of particular ones. Microtubules can be stabilized along their length by binding to various proteins and can be attached at their minus ends to structures such as the centrosome and “captured” at their plus ends by proteins in the cell’s cortex.2 Given the contribution of these stabilizing and anchoring factors, additional mechanisms beyond dynamic instability are required to tear down previous microtubule structures so that new ones can be constructed. Borrowing from the field of economics, we refer to this as creative destruction.Various proteins such as stathmin3 and kinesin-134 contribute to creative destruction by promoting loss of tubulin subunits from the ends of the microtubules. We find especially interesting a category of AAA enzymes called microtubule-severing proteins that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to yank at tubulin subunits within the microtubule, thereby causing the lattice to break.5 If this occurs along the length of the microtubule, the microtubule will be severed into pieces. If this occurs at either of the two ends of the microtubule, the microtubule will lose subunits from that end. The first discovered and best-studied microtubule-severing proteins are katanin and spastin.Thanks to David Sharp and his colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, as well as other workers in the field, we now know that cells express at least five other AAA proteins with potential microtubule-severing properties, on the basis of sequence similarity to katanin and spastin in the AAA region.5 Two of these, called katanin-like-1 and katanin-like-2, are very similar to katanin. The three others are similar to one another, collectively termed fidgetins (fidgetin, fidgetin-like-1 and fidgetin-like-2). One possibility is that all seven of the microtubule-severing proteins are regulated similarly and are functionally redundant with one another. A more compelling possibility is that, while there is some functional redundancy, there is also a division of labor, with each severing protein displaying distinct properties and carrying out its own duties. Thus far, Sharp’s studies on mitosis support the latter scenario, with katanin, fidgetin and spastin having characteristic distributions within the spindle, resulting in unique phenotypes when depleted.6In a new article, Sharp’s group has confirmed that fidgetin has microtubule-severing properties. Interestingly, fidgetin depolymerizes microtubules preferentially from the minus end.7 In addition, the new work shows that in human U2OS cells, fidgetin targets to the centrosome, where most minus ends of microtubules are clustered, suggesting a scenario by which fidgetin suppresses microtubule growth from the centrosome as well as attachment to it. Consistent with this scenario, the authors show that experimental depletion of fidgetin reduces that speed of poleward tubulin flux as well as the speed of anaphase A chromatid-to-pole motion and also results in an increase in both the number and length of astral microtubules. Notably, this contrasts with katanin, which favors the plus ends of microtubules, for example, at the chromosome during cell division6 and at the leading edge of motile cells.8The authors close their article by pointing out that microtubule-severing is important beyond mitosis, for example, in the restructuring of the microtubule array in neurons and migrating cells, and we would point to plants as well.9 We previously described a mechanism called “cut and run,” wherein the severing of microtubules is important for motility within the microtubule array, as short microtubules are more mobile than long ones.9 Now, inspired by the work of Sharp and colleagues, we envision “creative destruction” as another way of understanding the crucial roles played by a diversity of microtubule-severing proteins in cells.  相似文献   

Actin filament arrays are constantly remodeled as the needs of cells change as well as during responses to biotic and abiotic stimuli. Previous studies demonstrate that many single actin filaments in the cortical array of living Arabidopsis thaliana epidermal cells undergo stochastic dynamics, a combination of rapid growth balanced by disassembly from prolific severing activity. Filament turnover and dynamics are well understood from in vitro biochemical analyses and simple reconstituted systems. However, the identification in living cells of the molecular players involved in controlling actin dynamics awaits the use of model systems, especially ones where the power of genetics can be combined with imaging of individual actin filaments at high spatial and temporal resolution. Here, we test the hypothesis that actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin contributes to stochastic filament severing and facilitates actin turnover. A knockout mutant for Arabidopsis ADF4 has longer hypocotyls and epidermal cells when compared with wild-type seedlings. This correlates with a change in actin filament architecture; cytoskeletal arrays in adf4 cells are significantly more bundled and less dense than in wild-type cells. Several parameters of single actin filament turnover are also altered. Notably, adf4 mutant cells have a 2.5-fold reduced severing frequency as well as significantly increased actin filament lengths and lifetimes. Thus, we provide evidence that ADF4 contributes to the stochastic dynamic turnover of actin filaments in plant cells.  相似文献   

By microinjecting rhodamine-labelled tubulin into living plant cells, it is possible to observe microtubules (MTs) directly and to see how the cortical array reorganizes itself. The validity of the conclusions drawn from such observations depends upon the assumption that most, if not all, of the native MTs are dynamic and incorporate labelled tubulin. However, if arrays also contain MTs that are not exchanging tubulin subunits, such MTs will remain unlabelled, and the labelled MT population will be under-representative of the whole array. To address this potential problem, we microinjected pea epidermal cells with rhodamine-labelled tubulin, then fixed the cells and used fluorescein-conjugated antibodies against tubulin to detect the entire MT array. The two fluorescent patterns corresponded well, confirming that the MTs labelled with exogenous tubulin were evenly distributed throughout the entire array. Also, by comparing the MT image before and after aldehyde fixation, we observed that, although some of the MTs were lost in the procedure, the fixation was able to preserve the arrangement of MTs seen in the living cell. We conclude that fluorescence analogue cytochemistry provides a valid representation of the entire cortical MT array.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of microtubule dynamic instability is controversial, but is thought to be related to a "GTP cap." A key prediction of the GTP cap model is that the proposed labile GDP-tubulin core will rapidly dissociate if the GTP-tubulin cap is lost. We have tested this prediction by using a UV microbeam to cut the ends from elongating microtubules. Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin was assembled onto the plus and minus ends of sea urchin flagellar axoneme fragments at 21-22 degrees C. The assembly dynamics of individual microtubules were recorded in real time using video microscopy. When the tip of an elongating plus end microtubule was cut off, the severed plus end microtubule always rapidly shortened back to the axoneme at the normal plus end rate. However, when the distal tip of an elongating minus end microtubule was cut off, no rapid shortening occurred. Instead, the severed minus end resumed elongation at the normal minus end rate. Our results show that some form of "stabilizing cap," possibly a GTP cap, governs the transition (catastrophe) from elongation to rapid shortening at the plus end. At the minus end, a simple GTP cap is not sufficient to explain the observed behavior unless UV induces immediate recapping of minus, but not plus, ends. Another possibility is that a second step, perhaps a structural transformation, is required in addition to GTP cap loss for rapid shortening to occur. This transformation would be favored at plus, but not minus ends, to account for the asymmetric behavior of the ends.  相似文献   

Tau protein plays a role in the extension and maintenance of neuronal processes through a direct association with microtubules. To characterize the nature of this association, we have synthesized a collection of tau protein fragments and studied their binding properties. The relatively weak affinity of tau protein for microtubules (approximately 10(-7) M) is concentrated in a large region containing three or four 18 amino acid repeated binding elements. These are separated by apparently flexible but less conserved linker sequences of 13-14 amino acids that do not bind. Within the repeats, the binding energy for microtubules is delocalized and derives from a series of weak interactions contributed by small groups of amino acids. These unusual characteristics suggest tau protein can assume multiple conformations and can pivot and perhaps migrate on the surface of the microtubule. The flexible structure of the tau protein binding interaction may allow it to be easily displaced from the microtubule lattice and may have important consequences for its function.  相似文献   

Kirik A  Ehrhardt DW  Kirik V 《The Plant cell》2012,24(3):1158-1170
Organization of microtubules into ordered arrays involves spatial and temporal regulation of microtubule nucleation. Here, we show that acentrosomal microtubule nucleation in plant cells involves a previously unknown regulatory step that determines the geometry of microtubule nucleation. Dynamic imaging of interphase cortical microtubules revealed that the ratio of branching to in-bundle microtubule nucleation on cortical microtubules is regulated by the Arabidopsis thaliana B' subunit of protein phosphatase 2A, which is encoded by the TONNEAU2/FASS (TON2) gene. The probability of nucleation from γ-tubulin complexes localized at the cell cortex was not affected by a loss of TON2 function, suggesting a specific role of TON2 in regulating the nucleation geometry. Both loss of TON2 function and ectopic targeting of TON2 to the plasma membrane resulted in defects in cell shape, suggesting the importance of TON2-mediated regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in cell morphogenesis. Loss of TON2 function also resulted in an inability for cortical arrays to reorient in response to light stimulus, suggesting an essential role for TON2 and microtubule branching nucleation in reorganization of microtubule arrays. Our data establish TON2 as a regulator of interphase microtubule nucleation and provide experimental evidence for a novel regulatory step in the process of microtubule-dependent nucleation.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli protein (APC) is a well-characterized tumor suppressor protein [1] [2] [3]. We previously showed that APC tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP) in Xenopus A6 epithelial cells moves along a subset of microtubules and accumulates at their growing plus ends in cell extensions [4]. EB1, which was identified as an APC-binding protein by yeast two-hybrid analysis [5], was also reported to be associated with microtubules [6] [7] [8]. To examine the interaction between APC and EB1 within cells, we compared the dynamic behavior of EB1-GFP with that of APC-GFP in A6 transfectants. Time-lapse microscopy of live cells at interphase revealed that EB1-GFP was concentrated at all of the growing microtubule ends throughout the cytoplasm and abruptly disappeared from the ends when microtubules began to shorten. Therefore, EB1 appeared to be co-localized and interact with APC on the growing ends of a subset of microtubules. When APC-GFP was overexpressed, endogenous EB1 was recruited to APC-GFP, which accumulated in large amounts on microtubules. On the other hand, when microtubules were disassembled by nocodazole, EB1 was not co-localized with APC-GFP, which was concentrated along the basal plasma membrane. During mitosis, APC appeared to be dissociated from microtubules, whereas EB1-GFP continued to concentrate at microtubule growing ends. These findings showed that the APC-EB1 interaction is regulated within cells and is allowed near the ends of microtubules only under restricted conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The cytoskeletal function of cortical microtubular structures is explored by high-pressure treatment of the ciliated protozoonColpoda cucullus. This ciliate has two regions of form asymmetry which are apparently maintained by microtubules, namely the somatic groove and the right oral lip. Pressure induced changes in cellular morphology and motility were found to be a function of the magnitude of pressure and duration of compression. Cells exposed to 5,000 psi for 25 minutes, 7,500 psi for 12 minutes, and 10,000 psi for 3 minutes are quiescent and acquire a rounded shape. Observation by electron microscopy of cells exposed to 5,000 psi for 25 minutes indicates that the disappearance of the somatic groove and eversion of the oral apparatus are coincident with the disassembly of the microtubular rootlets in the groove and the supraepiplasmic microtubules in the right oral lip. Other changes accompanying the pressure-induced disassemblies include the reduction in numbers of overlapping microtubular ribbons in the cortical ridges and the appearance of cortical granular accumulations. The essential role in form-maintenance played by microtubular components is discussed.Financial support provided by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Grant A6544 awarded to DHL and Natural Science and Engineering Research Council Grant A2404 awarded to AMZ.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic microtubules (MTs) continuously grow and shorten at their free plus ends, a behavior that allows them to capture membrane organelles destined for MT minus end-directed transport. In Xenopus melanophores, the capture of pigment granules (melanosomes) involves the +TIP CLIP-170, which is enriched at growing MT plus ends. Here we used Xenopus melanophores to test whether signals that stimulate minus end MT transport also enhance CLIP-170-dependent binding of melanosomes to MT tips. We found that these signals significantly (>twofold) increased the number of growing MT plus ends and their density at the cell periphery, thereby enhancing the likelihood of interaction with dispersed melanosomes. Computational simulations showed that local and global increases in the density of CLIP-170-decorated MT plus ends could reduce the half-time of melanosome aggregation by ~50%. We conclude that pigment granule aggregation signals in melanophores stimulate MT minus end-directed transport by the increasing number of growing MT plus ends decorated with CLIP-170 and redistributing these ends to more efficiently capture melanosomes throughout the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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