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The peptide hormone adropin, encoded by the energy homeostasis-associated (Enho) gene, plays a role in energy homeostasis and the control of vascular function. The aim of this study was to examine the role of adropin in growth hormone (GH) gene expression at the pituitary level in tilapia. As a first step, the antiserum for the tilapia adropin was produced, and its specificity was confirmed by antiserum preabsorption and immunohistochemical staining in the tilapia pituitary. Adropin could be detected immunocytochemically in the proximal pars distalis (PPD) of the tilapia pituitary. In primary cultures of tilapia pituitary cells, tilapia adropin was effective in increasing GH mRNA levels. However, removal of endogenous adropin by immunoneutralization using adropin antiserum inhibited GH gene expression. In parallel experiments, pituitary cells co-treated with ovine pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 38 (oPACAP38) and adropin showed a similar increase level compared to those treated with oPACAP38 alone, whereas insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) not only had an inhibitory effect on basal GH mRNA levels, but also could abolish adropin stimulation of GH gene expression. In pituitary cells pretreated with actinomycin D, the half-life of GH mRNA was enhanced by adropin. Taken together, these findings suggest that adropin may serve as a novel local stimulator for GH gene expression in tilapia pituitary.  相似文献   

To investigate the embryonic development of the central nervous system of the lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis, we have isolated and analysed the expression patterns of members of the LIM-homeodomain, Pax, Hedgehog and Nkx2.1 families. Using degenerate RT-PCR, single representatives of Lhx1/Lhx5, Lhx2/Lhx9, Pax3/Pax7 and Hedgehog families could be isolated in L. fluviatilis. Expression analysis revealed that the lamprey forebrain presents a clear neuromeric pattern. We describe the existence of 4 embryonic diencephalic prosomeres whose boundaries can be identified by the combined and relative expressions of LfPax37, LfLhx15 and LfLhx29. This suggests that the embryonic lamprey and gnathostome forebrain are patterned in a highly similar manner. Moreover, analysis of the LfHh gene, which is expressed in the hypothalamus, zona limitans intrathalamica and floor plate, reveals the possible molecular origin of this neuromeric brain pattern. By contrast, LfHh and LfNkx2.1 expressions suggest major differences in patterning mechanisms of the ventral telencephalon when compared to gnathostomes. In summary, our findings highlight a neuromeric organisation of the embryonic agnathan forebrain and point to the possible origin of this organisation, which is thus a truly vertebrate character. They also suggest that Hh/Shh midline signalling might act as a driving force for forebrain evolution.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cells are involved in immune responses against tumors and microbes. NK‐cell activation is regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that ensure NK tolerance and efficacy. Here, we show that the cytoplasmic signaling molecules Dok1 and Dok2 are tyrosine phosphorylated upon NK‐cell activation. Overexpression of Dok proteins in human NK cells reduces cell activation induced by NK‐cell‐activating receptors. Dok1 and Dok2 gene ablation in mice induces an NK‐cell maturation defect and leads to increased IFN‐γ production induced by activating receptors. Taken together, these results reveal that Dok1 and Dok2 proteins are involved in an intrinsic negative feedback loop downstream of NK‐cell‐activating receptors in mouse and human.  相似文献   

A pathogen- and salicylic acid (SA)-induced DNA-binding activity has been recently identified in tobacco that is related to a previously identified class of WRKY DNA-binding proteins. To identify members of the WRKY gene family associated with this DNA-binding activity, we have attempted to isolate those WRKY genes that are induced by pathogen infection. Using a domain-specific differential display procedure, we have isolated two tobacco WRKY genes, tWRKY3 and tWRKY4, that are rapidly induced in resistant tobacco plants after infection by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Both tWRK3 and tWRKY4 encode proteins with a single WRKY domain that contain the conserved WRKYGQK sequence. Unlike other isolated WRKY proteins that contain the Cys2His2 zinc motif, tWRKY3 and tWRKY4 appear to contain the Cys2HisCys zinc motif. Nonetheless, both tWRKY3 and tWRKY4 are capable of binding DNA molecules with the W-box (TTGAC) element recognized by other WRKY proteins. Expression of the tWRKY3 and tWRKY4 genes could be rapidly induced not only by TMV infection but also by SA or its biologically active analogues that are capable of inducing pathogenesis-related genes and enhanced resistance. Interestingly, induction of both genes by TMV infection was still observed in resistant tobacco plants expressing the bacterial salicylate hydroxylase gene (nahG), although the levels of induction appeared to be reduced. Identification of pathogen- and SA-induced genes encoding WRKY DNA-binding proteins should facilitate future studies on the regulation and functions of this novel group of DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The proteins belonging to the Dps (DNA-binding proteins from starved cells) family play an important role within the bacterial defence system against oxidative stress. They act on Fe(II) and hydrogen peroxide that are potentially toxic in the presence of air. Fe(II) forms spontaneously insoluble Fe(III) and reacts with molecular oxygen or its reduced forms to yield the highly damaging hydroxyl radicals. All Dps proteins have the distinctive capacity to annul the toxic combination of iron and hydrogen peroxide as they use the latter compound to oxidise Fe(II). In addition to this intrinsic DNA protection capacity, several members of the family, including the archetypical Escherichia coli Dps, protect DNA physically by shielding it in large Dps-DNA complexes. The structural and functional characteristics that endow Dps proteins with the chemical and physical protection mechanism are presented and discussed also in the framework of the varied situations that may be encountered in different bacterial species.   相似文献   

The F344 rat rapidly forms large prolactinomas in response to chronic estrogen treatment. To identify genes expressed in the course of this estrogen induced pituitary tumor growth, we performed microarray analysis on the F344 rat pituitary after chronic estrogen treatment and on untreated controls. At a significance level set to minimize type I error, some 72 genes were found to be differentially expressed between estrogen treated and untreated. Of those genes, 70 have not been reported previously as being affected by estrogen in the F344 rat pituitary. Since many other investigators have studied the effect of estrogen on specific gene expression in rat pituitary, we also examined the mRNA expression of the 36 genes that have been previously reported as having their expression affected by estrogen in the rat pituitary. Of these, 13 were found to have their expression affected by estrogen treatment in the same direction as had been reported by others.  相似文献   

The HOP2 protein is required for efficient double-strand break repair which ensures the proper synapsis of homologous chromosomes and normal meiotic progression. We previously showed that in vitro HOP2 shows two distinctive activities: when it is incorporated into a HOP2-MND1 heterodimer, it stimulates DMC1 and RAD51 recombination activities, and the purified HOP2 alone is proficient in promoting strand invasion. The structural and biochemical basis of HOP2 action in recombination are poorly understood; therefore, they are the focus of this work. Herein, we present the solution structure of the amino-terminal portion of mouse HOP2, which contains a typical winged helix DNA-binding domain. Together with NMR spectral changes in the presence of double-stranded DNA, protein docking on DNA, and mutation analysis to identify the amino acids involved in DNA coordination, our results on the three-dimensional structure of HOP2 provide key information on the fundamental structural and biochemical requirements directing the interaction of HOP2 with DNA. These results, in combination with mutational experiments showing the role of a coiled-coil structural feature involved in HOP2 self-association, allow us to explain important aspects of the function of HOP2 in recombination.  相似文献   

Methodology to rapidly express milligram quantities of recombinant proteins through the Lipofectin-mediated transfection of insect cells in small-scale, protein-free suspension culture is presented. The transfection phase in suspension culture was first optimized using the green fluorescence protein coupled with FACs analysis to examine the effect of variables such as the transfection media, duration, and cell density on transfection efficiency and expression level. The recombinant protein production phase was optimized using secreted alkaline phosphatase (SEAP) as a reporter protein to evaluate the cell seeding density and harvest time. Using this method, 5 secreted, 2 intracellular, and 1 chimeric protein were expressed at levels ranging from 6 to 50 mg/L. Furthermore, the ability to purify over 2 mg of His(6)-tagged SEAP by immobilized metal affinity chromatography from 50 mL insect cell culture medium to greater than 95% purity was also demonstrated. This method is suitable for scale-up and high-throughput applications.  相似文献   

Expression of the Panx1 and Panx2 members of the pannexin family of gap junction proteins was studied in the retina by in situ hybridization and qRT-PCR. Both pannexins showed robust expression across the retina with predominant accumulation in the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). In concordance, immunohistochemical analysis showed accumulation of the Panx1 protein in RGCs, amacrine, horizontal cells and their processes. Two Panx1 isoforms were detected: a ubiquitously expressed 58 kDa protein, and a 43 kDa isoform that specifically accumulated in the retina and brain. Our results indicated that Panx1 and Panx2 are abundantly expressed in the retina, and may therefore contribute to the electrical and metabolic coupling, or to signaling between retinal neurons via the secondary messengers.  相似文献   

目的探讨GnRH-A激动剂(阿拉瑞林)主动免疫对垂体GnRHR基因表达的影响和生物信息学特性。方法 30只日本大耳白兔(Oryctolagus cuniculus)随机均分为三组,在EG-Ⅰ和EG-Ⅱ皮下注射1.0 mL(100μg/mL)阿拉瑞林抗原,EG-Ⅱ于20 d以原剂量加强免疫1次;从兔垂体中提取总RNA,PCR扩增GnRHR基因,进行反转录、克隆和测序;实时荧光定量PCR分析垂体中GnRHR、FSH-β和LH-βmRNA的表达,用DNAman、Tm-pred、Signal P 3.0、Target P 1.1、Expasy、PSORT II prediction等生物信息学分析软件和在线工具,对GnRHR序列及其蛋白的理化特性、跨膜结构、信号肽和二级结构等进行分析与预测。结果①雄兔GnRHR的核苷酸为1179 bp,同源性达96%。ssDNA分子量362.66×103,dsDNA 726.78×103。②GnRHR二级结构中151(40.27%)个氨基酸组成α-螺旋,15(4.00%)个氨基酸组成β-折叠。③GnRHR由389个氨基酸组成,蛋白质的序列长度为375;理论等电点(pI)5.02,不稳定指数58.08,脂肪指数28.67,疏水性平均值(GRAVY)0.869,表明该蛋白为不稳定的疏水性蛋白。④GnRHR蛋白TM螺旋长度为17~23,有34个强跨膜螺旋区,从内到外有35个螺旋。⑤GnRHR信号肽的概率0.999,最可能的酶切部位在17和18位点。结论阿拉瑞林免疫可以明显降低垂体GnRHR、FSH-β和LH-β基因表达,加强免疫效果更佳。GnRHR是一种含有信号肽序列的不稳定的疏水性跨膜蛋白,具有明显的生物信息学特征。  相似文献   

Breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) are competent to initiate tumor formation and growth and refractory to conventional therapies. Consequently BCSCs are implicated in tumor recurrence. Many signaling cascades associated with BCSCs are critical for epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). We developed a model system to mechanistically examine BCSCs in basal-like breast cancer using MCF10AT1 FACS sorted for CD24 (negative/low in BCSCs) and CD44 (positive/high in BCSCs). Ingenuity Pathway Analysis comparing RNA-seq on the CD24−/low versus CD24+/high MCF10AT1 indicates that the top activated upstream regulators include TWIST1, TGFβ1, OCT4, and other factors known to be increased in BCSCs and during EMT. The top inhibited upstream regulators include ESR1, TP63, and FAS. Consistent with our results, many genes previously demonstrated to be regulated by RUNX factors are altered in BCSCs. The RUNX2 interaction network is the top significant pathway altered between CD24−/low and CD24+/high MCF10AT1. RUNX1 is higher in expression at the RNA level than RUNX2. RUNX3 is not expressed. While, human-specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction primers demonstrate that RUNX1 and CDH1 decrease in human MCF10CA1a cells that have grown tumors within the murine mammary fat pad microenvironment, RUNX2 and VIM increase. Treatment with an inhibitor of RUNX binding to CBFβ for 5 days followed by a 7-day recovery period results in EMT suggesting that loss of RUNX1, rather than increase in RUNX2, is a driver of EMT in early stage breast cancer. Increased understanding of RUNX regulation on BCSCs and EMT will provide novel insight into therapeutic strategies to prevent recurrence.  相似文献   

【目的】黄色粘球菌是研究原核发育的一种模式生物,对其膜蛋白的研究仍然十分缺乏。【方法】利用6种预测软件,在黄色粘球菌的基因组中筛选编码外膜蛋白(OMP)的基因。根据报告基因lacZ,检测这些基因在营养性生长和发育阶段的表达。【结果】基于生物信息学分析,筛选出11个编码外膜蛋白的基因。其中2个基因(MXAN3106和MXAN3883)在发育阶段表达量上升,它们分别编码Secretin家族和Fimbrial usher protein (FUP)家族转运蛋白。其余9个基因在发育起始阶段表达量降低或保持较低水平,它们均编码TonB依赖型受体或外排蛋白。【结论】这些数据提示,黄色粘球菌由生长到发育的转换过程,伴随着膜蛋白表达的显著变化。  相似文献   

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