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Structure determination of G protein-coupled receptors is still in its infancy and many factors affect whether crystals are obtained and whether the diffraction is of sufficient quality for structure determination. We recently solved the structure of a thermostabilised turkey β1-adrenergic receptor by crystallization in the presence of the detergent octylthioglucoside. Three factors were essential for this success. Firstly, truncations were required at the N-terminus to give optimal expression. Secondly, 6 thermostabilising point mutations were incorporated to make the receptor sufficiently stable in short-chain detergents to allow crystallization. Thirdly, truncations at the C-terminus and within cytoplasmic loop 3, in combination with the removal of the palmitoylation site, were required to obtain well-diffracting crystals in octylthioglucoside. Here, we describe the strategy employed and the utility of thermostability assays in assessing how point mutations, truncations, detergents and ligands combine to develop a construct that forms diffraction-grade crystals.  相似文献   

The GnRH receptor is coupled to G proteins of the families Gq and G11. Gq and G11 coupling leads to intracellular signaling through the phospholipase C pathway. GnRHR coupling to other G proteins is controversial. This study provides evidence that G protein families Gs, Gi, Gq and G11 complete for binding with the GnRHR. We quantified interactions of over-expressed G proteins with GnRHR by a competitive binding approach, using measurements of second messengers, IP and cAMP. Transient co-transfection of HEK293 cells with human WT GnRHR and with stimulatory and inhibitory G proteins (Gq, G11 and Gs, Gi) led to either production or inhibition of total inositol phosphate (IP) production, depending on the G protein that was over-expressed. Studies were conducted in different human (COS7, HeLa) and rodent-derived (CHO-K1, GH3) cell lines in order to confirm that G protein promiscuity observed with the GnRHR was not limited to a particular cell type.  相似文献   

Expression of human muscarinic cholinergic receptors in tobacco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We expressed human m1, m2 and chimeric muscarinic cholinergic receptors (MAChR) in tobacco plants and in cultured BY2 tobacco cells using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The membranes of most transgenic plants and calli bound muscarinic ligands with appropriate affinities, kinetics and pharmacologic specificity, as determined by direct and competitive binding measurements using the muscarinic ligand [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate (QNB). Membranes of untransformed plants and calli or those transformed with vector alone did not bind [3H]QNB. Preliminary experiments did not suggest regulation of endogenous plant G protein signalling pathways by the recombinant receptors. Membranes from one callus clone expressed m1 MAChR at the level of 2.0–2.5 pmol [3H]QNB bound per mg membrane protein, more than the number of m1 MAChR in mammalian brain and comparable to that expressed in Sf9 insect cells using baculovirus vectors. This work demonstrates high level expression of active G protein-coupled receptors in plants, such that signaling might be genetically reconstituted by co-expression of appropriate G proteins and effectors.  相似文献   

The distribution and down-regulation of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) were studied in dissociated cells from right (RCC) and left (LCC) cerebral cortex. For this purpose [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) and [3H]pirenzepine (Pz), two muscarinic antagonists, were used. The mAChR binding sites detected with [3H]QNB were asymmetrically distributed between the two hemispheres, the majority being found in the RCC. Asymmetry was also evident in the distribution of the mAChR subtypes (M1 and M2) detected with [3H]Pz. Under basal conditions the RCC had roughly 50% more M1 subtype than the LCC. The pharmacological and kinetic parameters were similar for both antagonists in RCC and LCC, indicating that the observed lateralization was due to a different density of the receptor rather than to different kinetics of binding of the two radioligands. After sustained stimulation with the agonist carbamoylcholine, the receptor sites detected with [3H]Pz, i.e. the M1 subtype of mAChR, decreased at a higher rate in the RCC (44%) than in the LCC (25% of controls), demonstrating that the down-regulation process is more active in the right than in the left cortex, and thus implying that there is better coupling between the stimulated mAChR and its effector system in the former.  相似文献   

During the past few years several new interacting partners for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been discovered, suggesting that the activity of these receptors is more complex than previously anticipated. Recently, candidate G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein (GASP-1) has been identified as a novel interacting partner for the delta opioid receptor and has been proposed to determine the degradative fate of this receptor. We show here that GASP-1 associates in vitro with other opioid receptors and that the interaction domain in these receptors is restricted to a small portion of the carboxyl-terminal tail, corresponding to helix 8 in the three-dimensional structure of rhodopsin. In addition, we show that GASP-1 interacts with COOH-terminus of several other GPCRs from subfamilies A and B and that two conserved residues within the putative helix 8 of these receptors are critical for the interaction with GASP-1. In situ hybridization and northern blot analysis indicate that GASP-1 mRNA is mainly distributed throughout the central nervous system, consistent with a potential interaction with numerous GPCRs in vivo. Finally, we show that GASP-1 is a member of a novel family comprising at least 10 members, whose genes are clustered on chromosome X. Another member of the family, GASP-2, also interacts with the carboxyl-terminal tail of several GPCRs. Therefore, GASP proteins may represent an important protein family regulating GPCR physiology.  相似文献   

Adrenal medullary chromaffin cells secrete catecholamines (CA) in response to cholinergic receptor activation by acetylcholine (ACh) released from splacnic nerve terminals. In cultured bovine chromaffin cells nicotinic receptors play a preponderant (> 90%) role in the control of CA release. By contrast, we found and report here that up to 40% of the ACh-evoked CA secretion from cultured porcine chromaffin cells can be associated with muscarinic receptor activation. The following results support our belief that in porcine adrenal medullary cells ACh (100 M) evoked CA secretion is mediated by both nicotinic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors. 1) Hexamethonium (100 M), a nicotinic receptor antagonist, inhibited ACh-induced CA secretion to ca. 40% of the control release and atropine (1 M), a muscarinic receptor antagonist, inhibited to ca. 60% of the control value. 2) We also found that ACh (100 M) evoked intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) rise was inhibited by these receptor antagonists to a different extent, and reversibly reduced by lowering the concentration of Ca2+ in the external medium ([Ca2+]o). This last maneuver ([Ca2+]o < 0.1 M) per se caused a marked reduction in the peak phase of the [Ca2+]i rise evoked by ACh (40% of the control response). Switching the external medium back to physiologic [Ca2+]o in the continued presence of ACh caused a partial recovery of the elevated [Ca2+]i. This [Ca2+]o-dependent [Ca2+]i rise was blocked by hexamethonium (100 M) but not by atropine (1 M). Conversely, the ACh-evoked [Ca2+]i rise in low external [Ca2+]o was blocked by atropine but not by hexamethonium. From these data we conclude that in porcine adrenal medullary cells an important fraction (ca. 0.4) of both ACh-induced CA secretion and peak [Ca2+]i rise is due to muscarinic receptor activation.  相似文献   

We have identified novel G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) with no introns in the coding region from the human genome sequence: 322 olfactory receptors; 22 taste receptors; 128 registered GPCRs for endogenous ligands; 50 novel GPCR candidates homologous to registered GPCRs for endogenous ligands; and 59 novel GPCR candidates not homologous to registered GPCRs. The total number of GPCRs with and without introns in the human genome was estimated to be approximately 950, of which 500 are odorant or taste receptors and 450 are receptors for endogenous ligands.  相似文献   

Oligomeric potential of the M2 muscarinic cholinergic receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G protein-coupled receptors are known to exist as oligomers. Although such aggregates often are referred to as dimers, there is little direct evidence regarding their oligomeric size. In the present investigation, c-Myc-, FLAG-, and influenza hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged forms of the M2 muscarinic receptor have been coexpressed in Sf9 cells to probe for aggregates larger than a dimer. Immunochromatography, immunoprecipitation, and immunoblotting were carried out with various combinations of antibodies directed against the different epitopes to demonstrate that all three tagged forms of the receptor can be immunopurified within a single complex. Extracts of the M2 muscarinic receptor from Sf9 cells therefore contain aggregates that are at least trimeric, and the levels detected point to the existence of larger complexes. The data also suggest that the oligomers coexist with a sizeable population of monomers.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are the largest class of eukaryotic cell-surface receptors and, over the last decade, it has become clear that they are capable of dimerisation. Whilst many biochemical and biophysical approaches have been used to study dimerisation, fluorescence techniques, including Förster resonance energy transfer and single molecule fluorescence, have been key players. Here we review recent contributions of fluorescence techniques to investigate GPCR dimers, including dimerisation in cell membranes and native tissues, the effect of ligand binding on dimerisation and the kinetics of dimer formation and dissociation. The challenges of studying multicomponent membrane protein systems have led to the development and refinement of many fluorescence assays, allowing the functional consequences of receptor dimerisation to be investigated and individual protein molecules to be imaged in the membranes of living cells. It is likely that the fluorescence techniques described here will be of use for investigating many other multicomponent membrane protein systems.  相似文献   

Cells, tissues and organs undergo phenotypic changes and deteriorate as they age. Cell growth arrest and hyporesponsiveness to extrinsic stimuli are all hallmarks of senescent cells. Most such external stimuli received by a cell are processed by two different cell membrane systems: receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs form the largest gene family in the human genome and they are involved in most relevant physiological functions. Given the changes observed in the expression and activity of GPCRs during aging, it is possible that these receptors are directly involved in aging and certain age-related pathologies. On the other hand, both GPCRs and G proteins are associated with the plasma membrane and since lipid-protein interactions regulate their activity, they can both be considered to be sensitive to the lipid environment. Changes in membrane lipid composition and structure have been described in aged cells and furthermore, these membrane changes have been associated with alterations in GPCR mediated signaling in some of the main health disorders in elderly subjects. Although senescence could be considered a physiologic process, not all aging humans develop the same health disorders. Here, we review the involvement of GPCRs and their lipid environment in the development of the major human pathologies associated with aging such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and cardiovascular pathologies.  相似文献   

G(q), a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein, plays important roles such as the regulation of calcium mobilization and cell proliferation. This protein is considered as a promising drug target for the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy. Selective activation of G(q) would be quite useful for analyzing the role of G(q) in signaling pathways. We synthesized m3i3c-a peptide with 16 amino acid residues that corresponds to the junction between the C-terminus of the third intracellular loop and the sixth transmembrane helix (TM-VI) of human m3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, which couples to G(q) but not G(i2). At micromolar concentrations, this peptide was found to activate G(q) but not G(i2). This peptide is the first small compound that selectively activates G(q) but not G(i2). Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors are classified into several families on the basis of their amino acid sequences and the members of the same family exhibit sequence similarity but those of different families do not. In family 1 GPCRs such as rhodopsin and adrenergic receptor, extensive studies have revealed the stimulus-dependent conformational change of the receptor: the rearrangement of transmembrane helices III and VI is essential for G protein activation. In contrast, in family 3 GPCRs such as metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR), the inter-protomer relocation upon ligand binding has been observed but there is much less information about the structural changes of the transmsmbrane helices and the cytoplasmic domains. Here we identified constitutively active mutation sites at the cytoplasmic borders of helices II and IV of mGluR8 and successfully inhibited the G protein activation ability by engineering disulfide cross-linking between these cytoplasmic regions. The analysis of all possible single substitution mutants of these residues revealed that some steric interactions around these sites would be important to keep the receptor protein inactive. These results provided the model that the conformational changes at the cytoplasmic ends of helices II and IV of mGluR are involved in the efficient G protein coupling.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor 30 is an estrogen receptor in the plasma membrane   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Recently, GPR30 was reported to be a novel estrogen receptor; however, its intracellular localization has remained controversial. To investigate the intracellular localization of GPR30 in vivo, we produced four kinds of polyclonal antibodies for distinct epitopes on GPR30. Immunocytochemical observations using anti-GPR30 antibody and anti-FLAG antibody show that FLAG-GPR30 localizes to the plasma membrane 24 h after transfection. Treatment with estrogen (17beta-estradiol or E2) causes an elevation in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) within 10 s in HeLa cells expressing FLAG-GPR30. In addition, E2 induces the translocation of GPR30 from the plasma membrane to the cytoplasm by 1 h after stimulation. Immunohistochemical analysis shows that GPR30 exists on the cell surface of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells. The images on transmission electron microscopy show that GPR30 is localized to a particular region associated with the plasma membranes of the pyramidal cells. These data indicate that GPR30, a transmembrane receptor for estrogen, is localized to the plasma membrane of CA2 pyramidal neuronal cells of the hippocampus in rat brain.  相似文献   

P2Y receptors are G protein coupled receptors that respond to extracellular nucleotides to promote a multitude of signaling events. Our laboratory has purified several P2Y receptors with the goal of providing molecular insight into their: (1) ligand binding properties, (2) G protein signaling selectivities, and (3) regulation by RGS proteins and other signaling cohorts. The human P2Y1 receptor and the human P2Y12 receptor, both of which are intimately involved in ADP-mediated platelet aggregation, were purified to near homogeneity and studied in detail. After high-level expression from recombinant baculovirus infection of Sf9 insect cells, approximately 50% of the receptors were successfully extracted with digitonin. Purification of nearly homogeneous epitope-tagged P2Y receptor was achieved using metal-affinity chromatography followed by other traditional chromatographic steps. Yields of purified P2Y receptors range from 10 to 100 g/l of infected cells. Once purified, the receptors were reconstituted in model lipid vesicles along with their cognate G proteins to assess receptor function. Agonist-promoted increases in steady-state GTPase assays demonstrated the functional activity of the reconstituted purified receptor. We have utilized this reconstitution system to assess the action of various nucleotide agonists and antagonists, the relative G protein selectivity, and the influence of other proteins, such as phospholipase C, on P2Y receptor-promoted signaling. Furthermore, we have identified the RGS expression profile of platelets and have begun to assess the action of these RGS proteins in a reconstituted P2Y receptor/G protein platelet model.  相似文献   

C Cremo  M I Schimerlik 《Biochemistry》1984,23(15):3494-3501
The synthesis of a tritiated photoaffinity analogue of the muscarinic antagonist atropine, [3H]-p-azidoatropine methyl iodide is described. The compound appeared to bind to a single class of sites in membrane-bound, solubilized, and partially purified preparations of muscarinic receptor from porcine atria with a dissociation constant (determined by competition vs. [3H]-L-quinuclidinyl benzilate) of about 1.0 X 10(-7) M. This value was in agreement with the apparent dissociation constant (8.5 X 10(-8)M) determined by measuring the concentration dependence of covalent incorporation into a partially purified receptor preparation. Competition experiments indicated that the specific covalent labeling could be blocked by the muscarinic agonist carbamylcholine and the antagonists L-quinuclidinyl benzilate and atropine. An apparent molecular weight of 75 000 +/- 5000 was found for specifically labeled peptide(s) in a solubilized, partially purified receptor preparation by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The belief that G protein-coupled receptors exist and function as monomeric, non-interacting species has been largely supplanted in recent years by evidence, derived from a range of approaches, that indicate they can form dimers and/or higher-order oligomeric complexes. Key roles for receptor homo-dimerisation include effective quality control of protein folding prior to plasma membrane delivery and interactions with hetero-trimeric G proteins. Growing evidence has also indicated the potential for many co-expressed G protein-coupled receptors to form hetero-dimers/oligomers. The relevance of this to physiology and function is only beginning to be unravelled but may offer great potential for more selective therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors, whose topology shows seven transmembrane domains, form the largest known family of receptors involved in higher organism signal transduction. These receptors are generally of low natural abundance and overexpression is usually a prerequisite to their structural or functional characterisation. The baculovirus-insect cell system constitutes a versatile tool for the maximal production of receptors. This heterologous expression system also provides interesting alternatives for receptor functional studies in a well-controlled cellular context.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) is a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the nematode nervous system and induces its effects through interaction with both ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The structure, pharmacology and physiological importance of LGICs have been appreciably elucidated in model nematodes, including parasitic species where they are targets for anthelmintic drugs. Significantly less, however, is understood about nematode ACh GPCRs, termed GARs (G protein-linked ACh receptors). What is known comes from the free-living Caenorhabditis elegans as no GARs have been characterized from parasitic species. Here we clone a putative GAR from the pig gastrointestinal nematode Ascaris suum with high structural homology to the C. elegans receptor GAR-1. Our GPCR, dubbed AsGAR-1, is alternatively spliced and expressed in the head and tail of adult worms but not in dorsal or ventral body wall muscle, or the ovijector. ACh activated AsGAR-1 in a concentration-dependent manner but the receptor was not activated by other small neurotransmitters. The classical muscarinic agonists carbachol, arecoline, oxotremorine M and bethanechol were also AsGAR-1 agonists but pilocarpine was ineffective. AsGAR-1 activation by ACh was partially antagonized by the muscarinic blocker atropine but pirenzepine and scopolamine were largely ineffective. Certain biogenic amine GPCR antagonists were also found to block AsGAR-1. Our conclusion is that Ascaris possesses G protein-coupled ACh receptors that are homologous in structure to those present in C. elegans, and that although they have some sequence homology to vertebrate muscarinic receptors, their pharmacology is atypically muscarinic.  相似文献   

Beta-amyloid peptides play a major role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, preventing beta-amyloid formation by inhibition of the beta site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme (BACE) 1 is considered as a potential strategy to treat AD. Cholinergic mechanisms have been shown to control amyloid precursor protein processing and the number of muscarinic M2-acetylcholine receptors is decreased in brain regions of patients with AD enriched with senile plaques. Therefore, the present study investigates the effect of this M2 muscarinic receptor down-regulation by siRNA on total gene expression and on regulation of BACE1 in particular in SK-SH-SY5Y cells. This model system was used for microarray analysis after carbachol stimulation of siRNA-treated cells compared with carbachol stimulated, non-siRNA-treated cells. The same model system was used to elucidate changes at the protein level by using two-dimensional gels followed by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) analysis. Taken together, the results indicate that the M2 acetylcholine receptor down-regulation in brains of patients with AD has important effects on the expression of several genes and proteins with major functions in the pathology of AD. This includes beta-secretase BACE1 as well as several modulators of the tau protein and other AD-relevant genes and proteins. Moreover, most of these genes and proteins are adversely affected against the background of AD.  相似文献   

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