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Terf/TRIM17 is a member of the TRIM family of proteins, which is characterized by the RING finger, B-box, and coiled-coil domains. In the present study, we found that terf interacts with TRIM44. Terf underwent ubiquitination in vitro in the presence of the E2 enzyme UbcH6; this suggests that terf exhibits E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. It was also found that terf was conjugated with polyubiquitin chains and stabilized by the proteasome inhibitor in mammalian cells; this suggested that terf rendered itself susceptible to proteasomal degradation through polyubiquitination. We also found that TRIM44 inhibited ubiquitination of terf, and thus stabilized the protein. The N-terminal region of TRIM44 contains a zinc-finger domain found in ubiquitin hydrolases (ZF UBP) and ubiquitin specific proteases (USPs). Thus, we proposed that TRIM44 may function as a new class of the “USP-like-TRIM” which regulates the activity of associated TRIM proteins.  相似文献   

Mulibrey nanism is an autosomal recessive prenatal-onset growth disorder characterized by dysmorphic features, cardiomyopathy, and hepatomegaly. Mutations in TRIM37 encoding a tripartite motif (TRIM, RING-B-box-coiled-coil)-family protein underlie mulibrey nanism. We investigated the ubiquitin ligase activity predicted for the RING domain of TRIM37 by analyzing its autoubiquitination. Full-length TRIM37 and its TRIM domain were highly polyubiquitinated when co-expressed with ubiquitin. Polyubiquitination was decreased in a mutant protein with disrupted RING domain (Cys35Ser;Cys36Ser) and in the Leu76Pro mutant protein, a disease-associated missense mutation affecting the TRIM domain of TRIM37. Bacterially produced GST-TRIM domain fusion protein, but not its Cys35Ser;Cys36Ser or Leu76Pro mutants, were polyubiquitinated in cell-free conditions, implying RING-dependent modification. Ubiquitin was also identified as an interaction partner for TRIM37 in a yeast two-hybrid screen. Ectopically expressed TRIM37 rapidly formed aggregates that were ubiquitin-, proteasome subunit-, and chaperone-positive in immunofluorescence analysis, defining them as aggresomes. The Cys35Ser;Cys36Ser mutant and the Leu76Pro and Gly322Val patient mutant proteins were markedly less prone to aggregation, implying that aggresomal targeting reflects a physiological function of TRIM37. These findings suggest that TRIM37 acts as a TRIM domain-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligase and imply defective ubiquitin-dependent degradation of an as-yet-unidentified target protein in the pathogenesis of mulibrey nanism.  相似文献   

TRIM家族是一个结构保守、进化快速的蛋白家族,它参与了细胞凋亡、周期调控、细胞对病毒的应答等重要的生命过程。结构上的保守预示着TRIM家族可能是以一种共同的机制参与各种生命过程的。最近的一些研究显示TRIM家族可能是一类新的RING指泛素连接酶。  相似文献   

RNF43 is a recently discovered RING finger protein that is implicated in colon cancer pathogenesis. This protein possesses growth-promoting activity but its mechanism remains unknown. In this study, to gain insight into the biological action of RNF43 we characterized it biochemically and intracellularly. A combination of indirect immunofluorescence analysis and biochemical fractionation experiments suggests that RNF43 resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as well as in the nuclear envelope. Sucrose density gradient fractionation demonstrates that RNF43 co-exists with emerin, a representative inner nuclear membrane protein in the nuclear subcompartment. The cell-free system with pure components reveals that recombinant RNF43 fused with maltose-binding protein has autoubiquitylation activity. By the yeast two-hybrid screening we identified HAP95, a chromatin-associated protein interfacing the nuclear envelope, as an RNF43-interacting protein and substantiated this interaction in intact cells by the co-immunoprecipitation experiments. HAP95 is ubiquitylated and subjected to a proteasome-dependent degradation pathway, however, the experiments in which 293 cells expressing both RNF43 and HAP95 were treated with a proteasome inhibitor, MG132, show that HAP95 is unlikely to serve as a substrate of RNF43 ubiquitin ligase. These results infer that RNF43 is a resident protein of the ER and, at least partially, the nuclear membrane, with ubiquitin ligase activity and may be involved in cell growth control potentially through the interaction with HAP95.  相似文献   

The tumor‐suppressor protein BRCA1 works with BARD1 to catalyze the transfer of ubiquitin onto protein substrates. The N‐terminal regions of BRCA1 and BARD1 that contain their RING domains are responsible for dimerization and ubiquitin ligase activity. This activity is a common feature among hundreds of human RING domain‐containing proteins. RING domains bind and activate E2 ubiquitin‐conjugating enzymes to promote ubiquitin transfer to substrates. We show that the identity of residues at specific positions in the RING domain can tune activity levels up or down. We report substitutions that create a structurally intact BRCA1/BARD1 heterodimer that is inactive in vitro with all E2 enzymes. Other substitutions in BRCA1 or BARD1 RING domains result in hyperactivity, revealing that both proteins have evolved attenuated activity. Loss of attenuation results in decreased product specificity, providing a rationale for why nature has tuned BRCA1 activity. The ability to tune BRCA1 provides powerful tools for understanding its biological functions and provides a basis to assess mechanisms for rescuing the activity of cancer‐associated variations. Beyond the applicability to BRCA1, we show the identity of residues at tuning positions that can be used to predict and modulate the activity of an unrelated RING E3 ligase. These findings provide valuable insights into understanding the mechanism and function of RING E3 ligases like BRCA1.  相似文献   

TRIM E3 ubiquitin ligases regulate a wide variety of cellular processes and are particularly important during innate immune signalling events. They are characterized by a conserved tripartite motif in their N‐terminal portion which comprises a canonical RING domain, one or two B‐box domains and a coiled‐coil region that mediates ligase dimerization. Self‐association via the coiled‐coil has been suggested to be crucial for catalytic activity of TRIMs; however, the precise molecular mechanism underlying this observation remains elusive. Here, we provide a detailed characterization of the TRIM ligases TRIM25 and TRIM32 and show how their oligomeric state is linked to catalytic activity. The crystal structure of a complex between the TRIM25 RING domain and an ubiquitin‐loaded E2 identifies the structural and mechanistic features that promote a closed E2~Ub conformation to activate the thioester for ubiquitin transfer allowing us to propose a model for the regulation of activity in the full‐length protein. Our data reveal an unexpected diversity in the self‐association mechanism of TRIMs that might be crucial for their biological function.  相似文献   

Tripartite motif (TRIM) proteins comprise a large family of RING‐type ubiquitin E3 ligases that regulate important biological processes. An emerging general model is that TRIMs form elongated antiparallel coiled‐coil dimers that prevent interaction of the two attendant RING domains. The RING domains themselves bind E2 conjugating enzymes as dimers, implying that an active TRIM ligase requires higher‐order oligomerization of the basal coiled‐coil dimers. Here, we report crystal structures of the TRIM23 RING domain in isolation and in complex with an E2–ubiquitin conjugate. Our results indicate that TRIM23 enzymatic activity requires RING dimerization, consistent with the general model of TRIM activation.  相似文献   

Autoantigen Ro52 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anti-Ro/SSA antibodies are classic autoantibodies commonly found in patients with Sj?gren's syndrome, a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by dryness of the eyes and mouth. The autoantibodies recognize a RING-finger protein, Ro52, whose function is still unknown. Since many RING-finger proteins have been identified as E3 ubiquitin ligases, this study was designed to determine whether Ro52 functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase. For this purpose, recombinant Ro52 was purified from bacterial lysate and used to investigate its activity of E3 ubiquitin ligase in vitro. Its enzymatic activity was also tested in HEK293T cells using wild-type Ro52 and its RING-finger mutant. Our results indicated that Ro52 ubiquitinates itself in cooperation with E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UbcH5B, thereby validating that Ro52 is a RING-finger-type E3 ubiquitin ligase. Importantly, this ubiquitin modification is predominantly monoubiquitination, which does not target Ro52 to the proteasome for degradation.  相似文献   

We have identified a family of RING finger proteins that are orthologous to Drosophila Goliath (G1, Gol). One of the members, GREUL1 (Goliath Related E3 Ubiquitin Ligase 1), can convert Xenopus ectoderm into XAG-1- and Otx2-expressing cells in the absence of both neural tissue and muscle. This activity, combined with the finding that XGREUL1 is expressed within the cement gland, suggests a role for GREUL1 in the generation of anterior ectoderm. Although GREUL1 is not a direct inducer of neural tissue, it can activate the formation of ectopic neural cells within the epidermis of intact embryos. This suggests that GREUL1 can sensitize ectoderm to neuralizing signals. In this paper, we provide evidence that GREUL1 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Using a biochemical assay, we show that GREUL1 catalyzes the addition of polyubiquitin chains. These events are mediated by the RING domain since a mutation in two of the cysteines abolishes ligase activity. Mutation of these cysteines also compromises GREUL1's ability to induce cement gland. Thus, GREUL1's RING domain is necessary for both the ubiquitination of substrates and for the conversion of ectoderm to an anterior fate.  相似文献   

The C4 protein from Curtovirus is known as a major symptom determinant, but the mode of action of the C4 protein remains unclear. To understand the mechanism of involvement of C4 protein in virus–plant interactions, we introduced the C4 gene from Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV) into Arabidopsis under a conditional expression promoter; the resulting overexpression of BSCTV C4 led to abnormal host cell division. RKP, a RING finger protein, which is a homolog of the human cell cycle regulator KPC1, was discovered to be induced by BSCTV C4 protein. Mutation of RKP reduced the susceptibility to BSCTV in Arabidopsis and impaired BSCTV replication in plant cells. Callus formation is impaired in rkp mutants, indicating a role of RKP in the plant cell cycle. RKP was demonstrated to be a functional ubiquitin E3 ligase and is able to interact with cell-cycle inhibitor ICK/KRP proteins in vitro . Accumulation of the protein ICK2/KRP2 was found increased in the rkp mutant. The above results strengthen the possibility that RKP might regulate the degradation of ICK/KRP proteins. In addition, the protein level of ICK2/KRP2 was decreased upon BSCTV infection. Overexpression of ICK1/KRP1 in Arabidopsis could reduce the susceptibility to BSCTV. In conclusion, we found that RKP is induced by BSCTV C4 and may affect BSCTV infection by regulating the host cell cycle.  相似文献   

Recognition of the substrates by ubiquitin ligases is crucial for substrate specificity in the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. In the present study, we designed a double RING finger ubiquitin ligase to direct the ubiquitin machinery to a specific substrate. The engineered ligase contains the RING finger domains of both BRCA1 and BARD1 linked to a substrate recognition site PCNA, which is known to interact with cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57. The double RING finger ubiquitin ligase formed a homo-oligomer complex and exhibited significant ligase activity. Co-transfection of the ligase reduced the expression of transfected p57 to the background level in a proteasome-dependent manner and restored the colony formation ability of U2OS cells that is otherwise inhibited by overexpressed p57. The results indicate the ability of the engineered double RING ubiquitin ligase to target the intended substrate. By redesigning the substrate recognition site, expression of engineered double RING ubiquitin ligases may provide a useful tool for removing many different gene products at the protein level.  相似文献   

During leaf senescence, resources are recycled by redistribution to younger leaves and reproductive organs. Candidate pathways for the regulation of onset and progression of leaf senescence include ubiquitin‐dependent turnover of key proteins. Here, we identified a novel plant U‐box E3 ubiquitin ligase that prevents premature senescence in Arabidopsis plants, and named it SENESCENCE‐ASSOCIATED E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1 (SAUL1). Using in vitro ubiquitination assays, we show that SAUL1 has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. We isolated two alleles of saul1 mutants that show premature senescence under low light conditions. The visible yellowing of leaves is accompanied by reduced chlorophyll content, decreased photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and increased expression of senescence genes. In addition, saul1 mutants exhibit enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. We show that application of ABA to Arabidopsis is sufficient to trigger leaf senescence, and that this response is abolished in the ABA‐insensitive mutants abi1‐1 and abi2‐1, but enhanced in the ABA‐hypersensitive mutant era1‐3. We found that increased ABA levels coincide with enhanced activity of Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) and accumulation of AAO3 protein in saul1 mutants. Using label transfer experiments, we showed that interactions between SAUL1 and AAO3 occur. This suggests that SAUL1 participates in targeting AAO3 for ubiquitin‐dependent degradation via the 26S proteasome to prevent premature senescence.  相似文献   

The really interesting new gene (RING) family of proteins contains over 400 members with diverse physiological functions. A subset of these domains is found in the context of the RING-IBR-RING/TRIAD motifs which function as E3 ubiquitin ligases. Our sequence analysis of the C-terminal RING (RING2) from this motif show that several metal ligating and hydrophobic residues critical for the formation of a classical RING cross-brace structure are not present. Thus, we determined the structure of the RING2 from the RING-IBR-RING motif of HHARI and showed that RING2 has a completely distinct topology from classical RINGs. Notably, RING2 binds only one zinc atom per monomer rather than two and uses a different hydrophobic network to that of classical RINGs. Additionally, this RING2 topology is novel, bearing slight resemblance to zinc-ribbon motifs around the zinc site and is different from the topologies of the zinc binding sites found in RING and PHDs. We demonstrate that RING2 acts as an E3 ligase in vitro and using mutational analysis deduce the structural features required for this activity. Further, mutations in the RING-IBR-RING of Parkin cause a rare form of Parkinsonism and these studies provide an explanation for those mutations that occur in its RING2. From a comparison of the RING2 structure with those reported for RINGs, we infer sequence determinants that allow discrimination between RING2 and RING domains at the sequence analysis level.  相似文献   

Regulation of the root growth pattern is an important control mechanism during plant growth and propagation. To better understand alterations in root growth direction in response to environmental stimuli, we have characterized an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, wavy growth 3 (wav3), whose roots show a short‐pitch pattern of wavy growth on inclined agar medium. The wav3 mutant shows a greater curvature of root bending in response to gravity, but a smaller curvature in response to light, suggesting that it is a root gravitropism‐enhancing mutation. This wav3 phenotype also suggests that enhancement of the gravitropic response in roots strengthens root tip impedance after contact with the agar surface and/or causes an increase in subsequent root bending in response to obstacle‐touching stimulus in these mutants. WAV3 encodes a protein with a RING finger domain, and is mainly expressed in root tips. RING‐containing proteins often function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase, and the WAV3 protein shows such activity in vitro. There are three genes homologous to WAV3 in the Arabidopsis genome [EMBRYO SAC DEVELOPMENT ARREST 40 (EDA40), WAVH1 and WAVH2 ], and wav3 wavh1 wavh2 triple mutants show marked root gravitropism abnormalities. This genetic study indicates that WAV3 functions positively rather than negatively in root gravitropism, and that enhancement of the gravitropic response in wav3 roots is dependent upon the function of WAVH2 in the absence of WAV3. Hence, our results demonstrate that the WAV3 family of proteins are E3 ligases that are required for root gravitropism in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

RING‐in‐between‐RING (RBR) ubiquitin (Ub) ligases are a distinct class of E3s, defined by a RING1 domain that binds E2 Ub‐conjugating enzyme and a RING2 domain that contains an active site cysteine similar to HECT‐type E3s. Proposed to function as RING/HECT hybrids, details regarding the Ub transfer mechanism used by RBRs have yet to be defined. When paired with RING‐type E3s, E2s perform the final step of Ub ligation to a substrate. In contrast, when paired with RBR E3s, E2s must transfer Ub onto the E3 to generate a E3~Ub intermediate. We show that RBRs utilize two strategies to ensure transfer of Ub from the E2 onto the E3 active site. First, RING1 domains of HHARI and RNF144 promote open E2~Ubs. Second, we identify a Ub‐binding site on HHARI RING2 important for its recruitment to RING1‐bound E2~Ub. Mutations that ablate Ub binding to HHARI RING2 also decrease RBR ligase activity, consistent with RING2 recruitment being a critical step for the RBR Ub transfer mechanism. Finally, we demonstrate that the mechanism defined here is utilized by a variety of RBRs.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (E2) UBC13-UEV mediates polyubiquitylation through lysine 63 of ubiquitin (K63), rather than lysine 48 (K48). This modification does not target proteins for proteasome-dependent degradation. Searching for potential regulators of this variant polyubiquitylation we have identified four proteins, namely RNF8, KIA00675, KF1, and ZNRF2, that interact with UBC13 through their RING finger domains. These domains can recruit, in addition to UBC13, other E2s that mediate canonical (K48) polyubiquitylation. None of these RING finger proteins were known previously to recruit UBC13. For one of these proteins, RNF8, we show its activity as a ubiquitin ligase that elongates chains through either K48 or K63 of ubiquitin, and its nuclear co-localization with UBC13. Thus, our screening reveals new potential regulators of non-canonical polyubiquitylation.  相似文献   

RING proteins constitute the largest class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Unlike most RINGs, AO7 (RNF25) binds the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcH5B (UBE2D2), with strikingly high affinity. We have defined, by co-crystallization, the distinctive means by which AO7 binds UbcH5B. AO7 contains a structurally unique UbcH5B binding region (U5BR) that is connected by an 11-amino acid linker to its RING domain, forming a clamp surrounding the E2. The U5BR interacts extensively with a region of UbcH5B that is distinct from both the active site and the RING-interacting region, referred to as the backside of the E2. An apparent paradox is that the high-affinity binding of the AO7 clamp to UbcH5B, which is dependent on the U5BR, decreases the rate of ubiquitination. We establish that this is a consequence of blocking the stimulatory, non-covalent, binding of ubiquitin to the backside of UbcH5B. Interestingly, when non-covalent backside ubiquitin binding cannot occur, the AO7 clamp now enhances the rate of ubiquitination. The high-affinity binding of the AO7 clamp to UbcH5B has also allowed for the co-crystallization of previously described and functionally important RING mutants at the RING-E2 interface. We show that mutations having marked effects on function only minimally affect the intermolecular interactions between the AO7 RING and UbcH5B, establishing a high degree of complexity in activation through the RING-E2 interface.  相似文献   

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