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We investigated the effects of photoperiod on testicular activity in wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) captured on Zembra Island (North Tunisia) and maintained in experimental photoperiodic conditions. Sexually inactive animals were subjected to alternate 3-mo periods of short days (8L:16D) and long days (16L:8D) for 1 yr. Testicular activity increased significantly and then decreased to levels equivalent to or lower than those measured during sexual quiescence after 1 mo of 8L:16D or 16L:8D, respectively. Eight groups of sexually active animals were also exposed to 8L:16D for 60 days. The light phase was divided into two photofractions (7.5 and 0.5 h). The short photofraction interrupted the dark phase 9.5-18.5 h after the beginning of the main photofraction. Testicular activity was inhibited if the short photofraction interrupted the dark phase 12.5 h or more after the beginning of the main photofraction. These results clearly confirm that photoperiod affects reproduction in this species: Short days stimulate reproduction, whereas long days inhibit it. The asymmetric pattern of skeleton photoperiods used demonstrated the existence of a circadian rhythm for photogonadosensitivity, with the photosensitive phase beginning 12.5 h after dawn. In this species, photoperiod length controls both the beginning and the end of the reproductive period. These results differ from those obtained with continental populations of wild rabbits, in which reproduction is inhibited by short day length. This difference may reflect genetic drift linked to the geographic isolation of this population, which is known to have been present on this small island for more than 2000 yr.  相似文献   

Testis size in male wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) kept in an enclosure in Cambridgeshire, U.K. was maximal during May and June and minimal between October and December. Regression occurred after the summer solstice and recrudescence occurred after the winter solstice. Rabbits kept in long days for 25 wk showed no sign of spontaneous testis regression. Hence, testis regression during the summer is probably not due to development of refractoriness to long days. Testis regression occurred in rabbits transferred from long (16L:8D) to short (8L:16D) days. Within 8 wk of the transfer spontaneous regrowth of the testes occurred and the rabbits moulted, and after 16 wk the testes had recovered to their size before the transfer. Subcutaneous implants of melatonin given to rabbits in long days mimicked the effect of a transfer to short days by causing testis regression followed by recrudescence. Moult occurred in rabbits immediately after short day- or melatonin-induced testis regression. The study demonstrates that seasonal reproduction in male wild rabbits in Britain is largely controlled by changes in photoperiod and that this is probably mediated via the pineal gland.  相似文献   

R. M. Sibly    K. A. Monk    I. K. Johnson    R. C. Trout 《Journal of Zoology》1990,221(4):605-619
It is shown experimentally that diet composition affected the sizes of several digestive organs in juvenile rabbits collected from the wild. Stomach weight, small intestine volume and colon length were larger in rabbits reared on diets higher in fibre. Small intestine weight, however, was lower.
Analysis of natural variation in wild adult rabbits showed that all digestive organs (except for the appendix) were larger in rabbits living on chalk soils than in those living on sand or clay. Seasonal variation was more marked in males than in females, probably because of the sexes' different breeding requirements. Thus most male digestive organs were smaller between December and June than at other times of year. Female digestive organs did not show this pattern, and were largest in May/June, when the demands of pregnancy and lactation are highest. However, food quality may have been important too. Food quality is probably highest in April, and most digestive organs were then smallest (both sexes). The dry weights of stomach and small intestine did not fit these patterns. Stomach weight increased with the presence of the nematode parasite Graphidium strigosum and small intestine and caecal volumes with the presence of cestodes. Numbers of nematodes (Trichostrongylus retortaeformis and Passalurus ambiguus) in the caecum or colon, however, had no effects on organ sizes.
Data are presented on variation in intensity and prevalence of these helminth parasites with season and soil type.  相似文献   

Annual variations in plasma testosterone and cortisol levels were determined in male wild rabbits caught monthly in their natural biotope (Zembra island). For comparison, a group of warrens was hold in semi-captivity close to Tunis. In both conditions plasma testosterone concentrations were low from January to September and peak values were observed in October. Captive warrens exhibited a clear cut annual rhythm in plasma cortisol levels also and ether stress resulted in a very large increase of cortisolemia. In rabbits caught in ther habitat however, cortisol concentrations were always extremely high throughout the year, probably due to stressing conditions. Interestingly, wild rabbits of Zembra island appear to subsist from a very remote past without any contact with other strains. As to Zembra, it is a hardly get-at-able, uninhabited island which is a part of a strictly protected natural reserve and constitutes a fairly useful and valuable ecosystem.  相似文献   

Evidence for two new alleles (TfC and TfD) at the transferrin locus (Tf) in wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, is presented. Blood samples were collected in Continental Portugal (178 individuals), and in the Azores Islands of Terceira (52) and S. Miguel (59). The frequency of TfA, which is the only allele detected up to now in domestic rabbits, varied from 0.20 +/- 0.13 to 0.95 +/- 0.05 in the populations sampled in Continental Portugal. In the island populations sampled the frequency of TfA was greater than 0.8.  相似文献   

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a widely distributed mammal with an often contradictory ecological role, imposing the need for population management. Sound management requires an in-depth understanding of the complex species–habitat relationships. In this study, CART analysis was employed to identify the most important environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the spatial distribution of wild rabbit on Lemnos Island, northeastern Aegean Sea in Greece. On Lemnos, this species is considered an agricultural pest due to its overabundance resulting from the long-term absence of viral diseases, limited predation pressure, and lack of effective management. The study was carried out during the summer of 2008 by surveying rabbit densities in 181 2 × 2-km squares. Seven environmental and 14 anthropogenic variables, measured at two spatial scales, were used as explanatory variables. Soil hardness was the most influential variable, dividing the island into two distinct areas, namely the rabbit-poor areas with hard rocky soils and the rabbit-rich areas where soft soils prevail. In the former, the presence of a sharp relief can lead to complete absence of the species, while a combination of gentle relief, low altitudes, and low presence of arable land can lead to moderate rabbit density. In the latter, human-caused disturbance can reduce the number of rabbits, while a high density of ecotones and streams and a high presence of riparian vegetation can increase population densities to its highest levels observed. Our findings can formulate a scientific basis for the development of an effective management strategy for its population control.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of a free-living tagged population of European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was investigated for two consecutive years (1990 and 1991) using 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. A specific social behaviour, the formation of stable breeding groups, influenced the genetic structure of the population. These breeding groups were shown to constitute genetically differentiated units with low levels of gene flow between them. The average relatedness among members of a social group was higher than within the population as a whole. As a result of female philopatry coupled with male-biased natal dispersal, the relatedness of females was higher than that of males, both within social groups and in the whole population. Furthermore, the average relatedness of females within groups was twice the relatedness of females between groups. This study reveals marked fine-scale, intrapopulation genetic structure, which is attributable to the social behaviour of the European wild rabbit.  相似文献   

Assessment of grazing damage to five varieties of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) by wild rabbits in an enclosed site revealed varietal differences. The variety Atem was consistently least grazed and Triumph most grazed by rabbits. When variety effects were removed from the analysis significant negative correlations were observed between plant height and stem damage. Differences in sugar content of varieties did not fully explain varietal selection by grazing rabbits.  相似文献   

Cheyletiella parasitovorax, Haemodipsus sp. and Listrophorus sp. are described in 137 rabbits from Juan Fernández Islands examined during 1989. The occurrence of Haemodipsus sp. and Listrophorus sp. represents two new parasite records for Chile.  相似文献   

An extensive collection of blood samples from adult wild rabbits, from areas where Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) had not been recorded, was obtained from sites across the U.K. and parts of Eire over the winter of 1994/95. Sera from 946 animals were examined for antibodies to RHD. Antibody was found in all populations, varying between 20 and 100% depending on locality, and overall 64% of rabbits were seropositive in midwinter, supporting the view that non-pathogenic RHD or RHD-like caliciviruses, which are not producing clinical disease, circulate within rabbit populations. The serological response to these agents appears to confer significant immunity on rabbits subsequently exposed to the virulent RHD virus, so the disease will not be as devastating as myxomatosis was in the early 1950s (99% mortality) but at least one-third of the c. 40 million rabbits in the U.K. are susceptible.  相似文献   

In 1998-1999 a survey of coccidiosis in wild rabbits was carried out in six different localities in France. About five individuals were caught monthly in each locality and a total of 254 wild rabbits was examined. Ten species of Coccidio were identified: Eimeria perforans, E. flavescens, E. piriformis, E. exigua, E. media, E. magna, E. coecicola, E. stiedai, E. roobroucki, E. intestinalis. Intensity of infection in young individuals was higher than in adults. Intensity was highest in winter but, as there are no young rabbits in winter, in young individuals it was higher in spring and autumn than in summer. Intensities were higher in the northern rather than in southern localities. Ranking of prevalence was remarkably stable, in contrast to the variability of the parasitic load. The equilibrium between congeneric species of rabbit coccidia (stable prevalence rank, variable parasitic load) is thought to be probably the consequence of the opportunistic feeding habits of rabbits.  相似文献   

Two hundred and four rabbits from 8 Macaronesian islands (Pico, San Jorge, San Miguel, Terceira, and Flores from Azores Archipelago; Tenerife and Alegranza from Canary Islands; and Madeira from Madeira Archipelago) were examined for helminth parasites between 1995 and 2000. Three species of cestodes, Taenia pisiformis (larvae), Andrya cuniculi, and Mosgovoyia ctenoides, and 5 species of nematodes, Trichuris leporis, Graphidium strigosum, Trichostrongylus retortaeformis, Passalurus ambiguus, and Dermatoxys hispaniensis, were identified. Only 3 species (M. ctenoides, T. retortaeformis, and P. ambiguus) were regularly distributed over the 3 archipelagos. Taenia pisiformis was not collected in Madeira, nor was A. cuniculi in the Azores and G. strigosum in the Canary Islands. Trichuris leporis and D. hispaniensis were only found in Madeira. Significant differences in the general prevalence of the nematodes G. strigosum and T. retortaeformis were detected between Azores and Madeira. The prevalence of T. retortaeformis differs significantly between the Azores and the Canaries and that of P. ambiguus was higher in Madeira than in Azores and Canaries. The helminth richness found in the wild rabbit in these Macaronesian archipelagos was very low compared with the Palearctic helminth fauna of this host. The wild rabbit was introduced from the Iberian Peninsula into different Macaronesian islands. Helminths introduced with Oryctolagus cuniculus into these islands also are commonly found in Iberian wild rabbits, which are excellent colonizers, as demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

Oral infection with Salmonella ochiogu resulted in the manifestation of clinical salmonellosis in laboratory rabbits. Infection was associated with septicaemia, anaemia and terminal pneumonia. Organisms were excreted in the faeces on the first day post-inoculation, and cultures of most visceral organs revealed widespread dissemination. This serotype appears to be highly pathogenic for rabbits.  相似文献   

Summary. Genetic polymorphism of serum albumin was demonstrated by isoelectric focusing in wild rabbit populations from Portugal and England. Gene frequencies were estimated to be (1) ALB*1 = 0.47, ALB*2 = 0.49, ALB *3 = 0.04, in Portugal, and (2) ALB*1 = 0.60 and ALB*2 = 0.40, in England. One hundred Portuguese domestic rabbits of mixed breeds were all of ALB 1 type.  相似文献   

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