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GABAB receptors assemble from principle and auxiliary subunits. The principle subunits GABAB1 and GABAB2 form functional heteromeric GABAB(1,2) receptors that associate with homotetramers of auxiliary KCTD8, -12, -12b, or -16 (named after their K+ channel tetramerization domain) subunits. These auxiliary subunits constitute receptor subtypes with distinct functional properties. KCTD12 and -12b generate desensitizing receptor responses while KCTD8 and -16 generate largely non-desensitizing receptor responses. The structural elements of the KCTDs underlying these differences in desensitization are unknown. KCTDs are modular proteins comprising a T1 tetramerization domain, which binds to GABAB2, and a H1 homology domain. KCTD8 and -16 contain an additional C-terminal H2 homology domain that is not sequence-related to the H1 domains. No functions are known for the H1 and H2 domains. Here we addressed which domains and sequence motifs in KCTD proteins regulate desensitization of the receptor response. We found that the H1 domains in KCTD12 and -12b mediate desensitization through a particular sequence motif, T/NFLEQ, which is not present in the H1 domains of KCTD8 and -16. In addition, the H2 domains in KCTD8 and -16 inhibit desensitization when expressed C-terminal to the H1 domains but not when expressed as a separate protein in trans. Intriguingly, the inhibitory effect of the H2 domain is sequence-independent, suggesting that the H2 domain sterically hinders desensitization by the H1 domain. Evolutionary analysis supports that KCTD12 and -12b evolved desensitizing properties by liberating their H1 domains from antagonistic H2 domains and acquisition of the T/NFLEQ motif.  相似文献   

Marlin-1 is a GABA(B) receptor and Jak tyrosine kinase-binding protein that also associates with RNA and microtubules. In humans and rodents, expression of Marlin-1 is predominantly restricted to the brain, but expression in lymphoid cells has also been reported. Here, we have studied the distribution of Marlin-1 in testis and spermatozoa. Our results indicate that Marlin-1 is highly expressed in testis. The protein is abundant in spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatozoa, and Sertoli cells. We also have studied the subcellular distribution in spermatozoa. Marlin-1 is present in the tail and to a lesser degree in the head of the sperm cell. Finally, we have explored two protein interactions. Our findings demonstrate that Marlin-1 associates with a microtubule fraction and with GABA(B) receptors in testis suggesting that the set of protein interactions of Marlin-1 are conserved in different tissues.  相似文献   

Inhibitory GABAB receptors (GABABRs) can down-regulate most excitatory synapses in the CNS by reducing postsynaptic excitability. Functional GABABRs are heterodimers of GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits and here we show that the trafficking and surface expression of GABABRs is differentially regulated by synaptic or pathophysiological activation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs). Activation of synaptic NMDARs using a chemLTP protocol increases GABABR recycling and surface expression. In contrast, excitotoxic global activation of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs by bath application of NMDA causes the loss of surface GABABRs. Intriguingly, exposing neurons to extreme metabolic stress using oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD) increases GABAB1 but decreases GABAB2 surface expression. The increase in surface GABAB1 involves enhanced recycling and is blocked by the NMDAR antagonist AP5. The decrease in surface GABAB2 is also blocked by AP5 and by inhibiting degradation pathways. These results indicate that NMDAR activity is critical in GABABR trafficking and function and that the individual subunits can be separately controlled to regulate neuronal responsiveness and survival.  相似文献   

Wnt signal transduction controls tissue morphogenesis, maintenance and regeneration in all multicellular animals. In mammals, the WNT/CTNNB1 (Wnt/β‐catenin) pathway controls cell proliferation and cell fate decisions before and after birth. It plays a critical role at multiple stages of embryonic development, but also governs stem cell maintenance and homeostasis in adult tissues. However, it remains challenging to monitor endogenous WNT/CTNNB1 signaling dynamics in vivo. Here, we report the generation and characterization of a new knock‐in mouse strain that doubles as a fluorescent reporter and lineage tracing driver for WNT/CTNNB1 responsive cells. We introduced a multi‐cistronic targeting cassette at the 3′ end of the universal WNT/CTNNB1 target gene Axin2. The resulting knock‐in allele expresses a bright fluorescent reporter (3xNLS‐SGFP2) and a doxycycline‐inducible driver for lineage tracing (rtTA3). We show that the Axin2P2A‐rtTA3‐T2A‐3xNLS‐SGFP2 strain labels WNT/CTNNB1 responsive cells at multiple anatomical sites during different stages of embryonic and postnatal development. It faithfully reports the subtle and dynamic changes in physiological WNT/CTNNB1 signaling activity that occur in vivo. We expect this mouse strain to be a useful resource for biologists who want to track and trace the location and developmental fate of WNT/CTNNB1 responsive stem cells in different contexts.  相似文献   

Floxed allele for conditional inactivation of the GABAB(1) gene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
GABA(B) receptors are the G-protein-coupled receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA. GABA(B) receptors are broadly expressed in the nervous system. Their complete absence in mice causes premature lethality or--when mice are viable--epilepsy, impaired memory, hyperalgesia, hypothermia, and hyperactivity. A spatially and temporally restricted loss of GABA(B) function would allow addressing how the absence of GABA(B) receptors leads to these diverse phenotypes. To permit a conditional gene inactivation, we flanked critical exons of the GABA(B(1)) gene with lox511 sites. GABA(B(1)) (lox511/lox511) mice exhibit normal levels of GABA(B(1)) protein, are fertile, and do not display any behavioral phenotype. We crossed GABA(B(1)) (lox511/lox511) with Cre-deleter mice to produce mice with an unrestricted GABA(B) receptor elimination. These GABA(B(1)) (-/-) mice no longer synthesize GABA(B(1)) protein and exhibit the expected behavioral abnormalities. The conditional GABA(B(1)) allele described here is therefore suitable for generating mice with a site- and time-specific loss of GABA(B) function.  相似文献   

目的:探讨四逆散对疲劳大鼠学习记忆及脑内GABA_B1受体的影响。方法:应用游泳训练和睡眠剥夺方法复制疲劳动物模型,运用Y-迷宫检测各组大鼠的学习记忆能力,采用免疫组化方法检测大鼠脑内GABA_B1受体阳性反应物的变化。结果:模型组与正常组相比,大鼠Y-迷宫正确反应率明显下降,错误反应率明显升高,大鼠脑内GABA_B1的阳性反应物数目明显增多;中药治疗组与模型组相比,正确反应率明显升高,错误反应次数明显下降,脑内GABA_B1受体的阳性反应物数目明显减少。结论:四逆散对疲劳大鼠学习记忆能力的下降具有改善作用。  相似文献   

Metabotropic GABAB receptors are abundantly expressed at glutamatergic synapses where they control excitability of the synapse. Here, we tested the hypothesis that glutamatergic neurotransmission may regulate GABAB receptors. We found that application of glutamate to cultured cortical neurons led to rapid down-regulation of GABAB receptors via lysosomal degradation. This effect was mimicked by selective activation of AMPA receptors and further accelerated by coactivation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Inhibition of NMDA receptors, blockade of L-type Ca2+ channels, and removal of extracellular Ca2+ prevented glutamate-induced down-regulation of GABAB receptors, indicating that Ca2+ influx plays a critical role. We further established that glutamate-induced down-regulation depends on the internalization of GABAB receptors. Glutamate did not affect the rate of GABAB receptor endocytosis but led to reduced recycling of the receptors back to the plasma membrane. Blockade of lysosomal activity rescued receptor recycling, indicating that glutamate redirects GABAB receptors from the recycling to the degradation pathway. In conclusion, the data indicate that sustained activation of AMPA receptors down-regulates GABAB receptors by sorting endocytosed GABAB receptors preferentially to lysosomes for degradation on the expense of recycling. This mechanism may relieve glutamatergic synapses from GABAB receptor-mediated inhibition resulting in increased synaptic excitability.  相似文献   

GABAB receptors are the G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) for GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Native GABAB receptors comprise principle and auxiliary subunits that regulate receptor properties in distinct ways. The principle subunits GABAB1a, GABAB1b, and GABAB2 form fully functional heteromeric GABAB(1a,2) and GABAB(1b,2) receptors. Principal subunits regulate forward trafficking of the receptors from the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane and control receptor distribution to axons and dendrites. The auxiliary subunits KCTD8, -12, -12b, and -16 are cytosolic proteins that influence agonist potency and G-protein signaling of GABAB(1a,2) and GABAB(1b,2) receptors. Here, we used transfected cells to study assembly, surface trafficking, and internalization of GABAB receptors in the presence of the KCTD12 subunit. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation and metabolic labeling, we show that GABAB receptors associate with KCTD12 while they reside in the endoplasmic reticulum. Glycosylation experiments support that association with KCTD12 does not influence maturation of the receptor complex. Immunoprecipitation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer experiments demonstrate that KCTD12 remains associated with the receptor during receptor activity and receptor internalization from the cell surface. We further show that KCTD12 reduces constitutive receptor internalization and thereby increases the magnitude of receptor signaling at the cell surface. Accordingly, knock-out or knockdown of KCTD12 in cultured hippocampal neurons reduces the magnitude of the GABAB receptor-mediated K+ current response. In summary, our experiments support that the up-regulation of functional GABAB receptors at the neuronal plasma membrane is an additional physiological role of the auxiliary subunit KCTD12.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that (R)-5-amino-4-hydroxyvaleric acid [(R)-4-OH-DAVA] and (S)-2-OH-DAVA bind to GABAB receptor sites and antagonize GABAB receptor-mediated function in a stereoselective manner. Furthermore, we have identified energy-minimized superimposable conformations of (R)-4-OH- and (S)-2-OH-DAVA which are assumed to reflect the receptor-active conformations of these compounds. This paper describes the in vitro enantiopharmacology of 5-amino-4-hydroxy-2-methylvaleric acid (2-Me-4-OH-DAVA). Whereas none of the four stereoisomers showed significant affinity for GABAA receptor sites or GABA uptake mechanisms in rat brain synaptic membranes, (2R,4R)-2-Me-4-OH-DAVA was shown to inhibit stereoselectively the binding of [3H]GABA to rat brain GABAB receptor sites (IC50 = 14 ± 4 μM). (2R,4R)-2-Me-4-OH-DAVA (Ki = 36 μM) and, with much lower potency, (2S,4R)-2-Me-4-OH-DAVA (Ki = 370 μM) stereoselectively antagonized GABAB receptor-mediated function in the isolated guinea pig ileum. The structure of the eutomer, (2R,4R)-2-Me-4-OH-DAVA, was established by an X-ray crystallographic analysis, and the solid-state conformation of (2R,4R)-2-Me-4-OH-DAVA was compared with the proposed receptor-active conformations of (R)-4-OH-DAVA and (S)-2-OH-DAVA. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a large variety of physiological disorders, and are thus important pharmaceutical drug targets. Here, we describe the development and characterization of a beta-lactamase reporter gene assay as a functional readout for the ligand-induced activation of the human bradykinin B1 receptor, expressed recombinantly in CHO cells. The beta-lactamase reporter gene assay provides high sensitivity due to the absence of endogenous beta-lactamase activity in mammalian cells. The cell-permeable fluorogenic substrate allows single-cell cloning of cells expressing functional BK1 receptors. Pharmacological characterization reveals comparable sensitivity and potency of known BK1 receptor agonists and antagonists between the beta-lactamase assay, competition-binding assay, and other direct measurements of second messengers. The beta-lactamase assay has been optimized for cell density, time of agonist stimulation, and DMSO sensitivity. This CHO-hBK1-beta-lactamase assay is well suited to automation and miniaturization required for high-throughput screening.  相似文献   

Using a Rosa26 gene targeting strategy in mouse embryonic stem cells, we have generated a new transgenic mouse (Pgr‐B LSL), which is designed to conditionally express the epitope‐tagged mouse progesterone receptor‐B (PGR‐B) isoform when crossed with a specific cre driver mouse. To functionally validate this transgenic mouse, we crossed the Pgr‐B LSL mouse with the MMTV‐CREA transgenic mouse to create the MMTV‐CREA/Pgr‐B LSL bigenic (termed PR‐B:OE to denote PGR‐B o vere xpressor). As expected, transgene‐derived PGR‐B protein was specifically targeted to the virgin mammary gland epithelium. At a functional level, the PR‐B:OE bigenic exhibited abnormal mammary morphogenesis—dilated epithelial ducts, precocious alveologenesis and lateral side‐branching, along with a prominent proliferative signature—that resulted in pregnant PR‐B:OE mice unable to exhibit mammary gland terminal differentiation at parturition. Because of this developmental failure, the PR‐B:OE mammary gland was incapable of producing milk resulting in early neonatal death of otherwise healthy litters. This first line of analysis demonstrates the utility of the Pgr‐B LSL mouse to examine the role of the PGR‐B isoform in different physiologic and pathophysiologic systems that are responsive to progesterone.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5‐HT)2C receptors play a role in psychoaffective disorders and often contribute to the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of psychotropic drugs. During stress, activation of these receptors exerts a negative feedback on 5‐HT release, probably by increasing the activity of GABAergic interneurons. However, to date, the GABA receptor types that mediate the 5‐HT2C receptor‐induced feedback inhibition are still unknown. To address this question, we assessed the inhibition of 5‐HT turnover by a 5‐HT2C receptor agonist (RO 60‐0175) at the hippocampal level and under conditions of stress, after pharmacological or genetic inactivation of either GABA‐A or GABA‐B receptors in mice. Neither the GABA‐B receptor antagonist phaclofen nor the specific genetic ablation of either GABA‐B1a or GABA‐B1b subunits altered the inhibitory effect of RO 60‐0175, although 5‐HT turnover was markedly decreased in GABA‐B1a knock‐out mice in both basal and stress conditions. In contrast, the 5‐HT2C receptor‐mediated inhibition of 5‐HT turnover was reduced by the GABA‐A receptor antagonist bicuculline. However, a significant effect of 5‐HT2C receptor activation persisted in mutant mice deficient in the α3 subunit of GABA‐A receptors. It can be inferred that non‐α3 subunit‐containing GABA‐A receptors, but not GABA‐B receptors, mediate the 5‐HT2C‐induced inhibition of stress‐induced increase in hippocampal 5‐HT turnover in mice.


The extracellular isoform of superoxide dismutase (EC‐SOD, Sod3) plays a protective role against various diseases and injuries mediated by oxidative stress. To investigate the pathophysiological roles of EC‐SOD, we generated tetracycline‐inducible Sod3 transgenic mice and directed the tissue‐specific expression of transgenes by crossing Sod3 transgenic mice with tissue‐specific transactivator transgenics. Double transgenic mice with liver‐specific expression of Sod3 showed increased EC‐SOD levels predominantly in the plasma as the circulating form, whereas double transgenic mice with neuronal‐specific expression expressed higher levels of EC‐SOD in hippocampus and cortex with intact EC‐SOD as the dominant form. EC‐SOD protein levels also correlated well with increased SOD activities in double transgenic mice. In addition to enabling tissue‐specific expression, the transgene expression can be quickly turned on and off by doxycycline supplementation in the mouse chow. This mouse model, thus, provides the flexibility for on–off control of transgene expression in multiple target tissues. genesis 47:142–154, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The (lyso)phospholipid mediators sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), and phosphatidic acid (PA) regulate diverse cellular responses such as proliferation, survival and death, cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, and differentiation among many others. Signaling is complex and many signaling events are mediated through the activation of cell surface seven transmembrane (7TM) G protein coupled receptors. Five high affinity receptors for S1P have been identified so far and named S1P(1, 2,3,4,5) (formerly referred to as endothelial differentiation gene (edg)1, 5, 3, 6, 8). Recently, the orphan receptor GPR63 was identified a low affinity S1P receptor structurally distant from the S1P(1-5) family. The orphan GPR3, 6, 12 cluster, phylogenetically related to the edg and melanocortin receptors appears to be subject to modulation by S1P and SPC although all three receptors are strong constitutive stimulators of the Galphas-adenylyl cyclase (AC) pathway and would not require additional ligand stimulation but rather inverse agonism to control activity. Ovarian cancer G protein coupled receptor 1 (OGR1) and GPR4, two structurally closely related receptors were assigned in functional and binding studies as high affinity molecular targets for SPC. Very recently, however, both OGR1 and GPR4 were described as receptors endowed with the ability to signal cells in response to protons. LPA exerts its biological effects through the activation of G protein coupled LPA(1-3) receptors (formerly referred to as edg2, 4, 7). A fourth high affinity LPA receptor has been identified: P2Y9 (GPR23) structurally related to nucleotide receptors and phylogenetically quite distant from the high affinity LPA(1-3) cluster. This review attempts to give an overview about the existing families of lysophosholipid receptors and the spectrum of lipid agonists they use as high or low affinity ligands to relay extracellular signals into intracellular responses. Recently deorphaned lipid receptors, within and outside the known lipid receptor clusters will receive particular attention.  相似文献   

Background information. The Plasmodium parasite, during its life cycle, undergoes three phases of asexual reproduction, these being repeated rounds of erythrocytic schizogony, sporogony within oocysts on the mosquito midgut wall and exo‐erythrocytic schizogony within the hepatocyte. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the parasite must ensure that every new daughter cell contains an apicoplast, as this organelle cannot be formed de novo and is essential for parasite survival. To date, studies visualizing the apicoplast in live Plasmodium parasites have been restricted to the blood stages of Plasmodium falciparum. Results. In the present study, we have generated Plasmodium berghei parasites in which GFP (green fluorescent protein) is targeted to the apicoplast using the specific targeting sequence of ACP (acyl carrier protein), which has allowed us to visualize this organelle in live Plasmodium parasites. During each phase of asexual reproduction, the apicoplast becomes highly branched, but remains as a single organelle until the completion of nuclear division, whereupon it divides and is rapidly segregated into newly forming daughter cells. We have shown that the antimicrobial agents azithromycin, clindamycin and doxycycline block development of the apicoplast during exo‐erythrocytic schizogony in vitro, leading to impaired parasite maturation. Conclusions. Using a range of powerful live microscopy techniques, we show for the first time the development of a Plasmodium organelle through the entire life cycle of the parasite. Evidence is provided that interference with the development of the Plasmodium apicoplast results in the failure to produce red‐blood‐cell‐infective merozoites.  相似文献   

Senescence drives the onset and severity of multiple ageing-associated diseases and frailty. As a result, there has been an increased interest in mechanistic studies and in the search for compounds targeting senescent cells, known as senolytics. Mammalian models are commonly used to test senolytics and generate functional and toxicity data at the level of organs and systems, yet this is expensive and time consuming. Zebrafish share high homology in genes associated with human ageing and disease. They can be genetically modified relatively easily. In larvae, most organs develop within 5 days of fertilisation and are transparent, which allows tracking of fluorescent cells in vivo in real time, testing drug off-target toxicity and assessment of cellular and phenotypic changes. Here, we have generated a transgenic zebrafish line that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the promoter of a key senescence marker, p21. We show an increase in p21:GFP+ cells in larvae following exposure to ionising radiation and with natural ageing. p21:GFP+ cells display other markers of senescence, including senescence-associated β-galactosidase and IL6. The observed increase in senescent cells following irradiation is associated with a reduction in the thickness of muscle fibres and mobility, two important ageing phenotypes. We also show that quercetin and dasatinib, two senolytics currently in clinical trials, reduce the number of p21:GFP+ cells, in a rapid 5-day assay. This model provides an important tool to study senescence in a living organism, allowing the rapid selection of senolytics before moving to more expensive and time-consuming mammalian systems.  相似文献   

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